Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 07, 1939, Image 1
A GENERAL NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF ORGANIZED LABOR IN CENTRAL PENN Recognized and Endors- ed by More Than Fifty Local Unions and Cen- tral Bodies Over Cam- bria County and Ad- jacent Mining Areas. Srmm——————————o. Union VOL. 45. NO. 35 TEAMS WILL PARTICIPATE FIRST-AID MEET unty Fair on Week—Are At the Cambria Co Saturday of This tate's Crack Teams. five crack ‘nnsylvania will meet annual { id j Pen: unction with minous M ? ember 9, at t The the Cambria cn Labor The sored by first feature County Day. Miner’ states of Mine Worke 1d Bureau ited f the National ar Associations. and Coal Many of the 1 the sate, secretary eading mining auth ities in includ John Ira Thomas, of tend and participate meet. The aff: and co meet Ww on will commence at 10 throughout the day. the lar tinue pe held in rge tr 3 1+ as. il t P. Bradley, Cresson 1 ‘hes and Company; Matthev iia, Pa., Vesta Coal Com- McCe Pittsbur John W. and I McKer mpany; ctor; Rochester John Pittsburgh Coal C DuBois, Northwes Exchange Company; Mine 1 John Burl tor; Cecil 1] sylvania Co al a nd Cok William Merrits, Revloc, > inspec- , Penn- > Company, and Monroe Coal Keenan, inspector; rnes Coal nest, 3a C. P. Com- ‘hes. nes Dennis mine , Barnesbaoro A. Galla Roe gh Coal Company; William Monroe Coal Company; Ebensburg Coal Company; y. ancourt, Port: Sonmar Coal Company; Vichols irnesboro, Revloc, Chick T. L last Phi and crack sectione trained ning tion; will winning first place. Richard Ma mine inspector, chairman of Ebensbur state assistant burgh, division yud Other n Recorders mining engine ‘W. Ho spector, mining Examining Pittsburgh, ard E. George, suector, and Dr. burgh, surgecn, Indiana Timekeeper Indiana, state mine ir mas Lowther, Indiana, mine inspector. istribution — H. R. Score card di Burdelsky, Pittsburgh, principal safety instructor, Bureau of Mines. Secretary — C. P. Brinton, Barnes- boro, and treasurer, Bart C. Leonard, South Fork. Committees for the affair have been announced as follows: Finance—Francis Feehan, Pitsburgh, Unitted States C. Leonard, South Fork, Adams Fuel Corporation; P. J. Callaghan, Bridge- ville, state mine inspecior; W. P. Vance, | Wildwood, Butler Consolidated Coal Company; C. E. Wissinger, McClelland- Whiteman & ('o.; John Foreman, 3 1 Compauy; R mine in-| mine rarth, and engineer, judge ate mine Altoona, state A. L. Murray, Department of r; Rich- mine in- Pitts- Mines st William B. Wardrop, spector, and Tho- retired state heiser, In- M.: 1. Bitumi- Stein ctor; Coulter, Indi field ana, Press, Established May, Bureau of Mines; Bart | D | lidated Coal Corporation; | Johnstown, NSYLV 1935. > @ ~ ANIA. “ AN ATTAINMENT OF THE LARGEST GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Patton Courier, WAR MARS U. S. CELEBRATION OF ITS LABOR DAY Both Lewis and Green Express Hope Our Nation (Can Keep Qut of Foreign Conflict. over the bor Day celebrat Apprehension war marred the La Monday of the nation’s toiling In most every city and ham coast to coast, workmen their tools and poined parades, but kept alert war abroad. President William Green and President John L. Lew ClO, devoted much of their broadcast messages to the conflict. Both emphas the who follow not America stay 1 concentrate on solving problems especially the finding of ten million unemployed. speech, delivered at Ogden laid picnics Wi in for 1at1o their leadershiy out o1 jobs for the Lew U Roose velt tah, S a blistering attack anita He upor € declared executed alway e to beguile a suffering people, I “many of our statesmen more concerned and agitated over the p litical I quarrels in Europe” home. d, will not on are continue > device of ng and men.” CIO’s said li n 1940 whe for | members submit the guestioin of peace war t secret vote of the Gern and denou D nd Commun There must be no Europe % giement and no involvement in Euroc- pean wars,” he added. ‘We call on ir government scrupuously to avoid the commission of any overt act, to maintain a strictly neutral attitude and thus avoid the tragic and unhappy ex- periences through which our people r d during the great rld War.” FRANKL IN FIREMEN HAST o NGS WINNERS ople w e company, mpany 1 ) traveling County; w Company, best apparatus other than Portage; best appearing ladies Neptune, Tyrone; ladies aux- longest distance, Sandy S County; best ap- Houtadale; best ladies corps, Neptune, Ty- pumper Ty y cam Township, bearing { Arum on HOM. AS HARRIS, GALLIT- ZIN TOWNSHIP, EXPIRES Thomas H. Harris, 81, of the best kKnewn residents of Northern Cambria county, died on Sunday evening at his home in Gallitzin township of a omplication of diseases in the house where he was born and had spent his entire life. He was born in 1858 He survived by a brother, Joseph Harris, Altoona, Funeral services were held one of | on Wednesday morning in St. Thomas’ Catholic church, Ashville, with inter- ment in the church cemetery. nous Coal Corporation; Frank Dunbar, Mather, Mather Colleries; W. C. Fan- cou Portage, Sonman Shaft Coal Company, and G. A. Shoemaker, Ren- ton, Union Colleries Company. Registration J. V. Berry, Johns- town, Industrial Colleries Corporation; James Gatehouse, Seward Pennsylva- nia Electric Company; B. J. Murphy Scottdale, H. C. Frick Coke Company; an Walker, Wildwood, Butler Conso- Roy Joseph, state mine inspector. Program -— C. E. Wissinger, Indiana Whiteman & Co.; Paul Gill, Indiana Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corpor- ation; H. E. Mason, McClellandtown, H. C. Frick Coal Company; Thomas J South Fork, Pennsylvania Coal Coke Company; James Traux, Springdale, Allegheny-Pittsburgh Coal Company, and Ben Auld, Portage, Johnstown Coal and Coke Corporation CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA ARFA. T! Polish infantry awaiting the attack of German troops on the Polish Corridor border. President Moscicki emphasized the fact that Poland's first battles were purely defensive to many is the aggressor nation. Germany’s initial land attacks were from East Prussia against Dzialdowo and Mlawa; Chojnice at the narrowest part of the disputed Corridor, and from Bres- law against Katowice. GLEN WHITE MINE AGAIN RESUMED WORK TUESDAY Operation Had Been SSince Decembe rof RFC Loan Grant 1097 1Jo 0 ed. Decemp at resum af coal miners of 100 t Closed since large coal mine Kittaning Point and the shipment A total of 42 pits and a total were produ ed proximate } ~ Glen Whilte Ce retary Silliman, ensburg, vice r, Gal- litzin Mean Baltimc STATE TO REFUND CHAIN STORE TAX PAYMENTS arrisburg—=Secr Villiam J. Hamilton, Jr warning persons pai Chain and The to the Department of Revenu the act recently declared uncar tional by the State Supreme Court, ag- ainst entering into a contracts with pers: representing themselves a able to obtain funds. “It has recently been brought my attention,” the secretary said,, certain persons have recently been liciting Pennsylvania business men, 3 presenting that they will obtain funds of store and theatre taxes on those lave Store to stitu- e ms S that SO~ | fee basis. “In order to obtain refunds of the moneys paid into the state treasury | under the provisions of the act of the 5th of June, 1937, all that is necessary is for the petitioner to file a written application with the Board of Finance and revenue, of the State Treas- ury Department, State Capitol, upon request. The petition may be execut- ed by any principal officer of the claimant, if a corporation, or by the cwner or partner, if not. “The Board of Finance will act upon such petitions as soon as possible. Refunds in cash will be made whenever the Legislature makes appropriation the The procedure has been made by the Board in these cases wholly unnecessa to seek outside he care nd Revenue an for purpose. £0 simple that it taxpay for Ip ry Press-Courier ads bring results, the tricts In TUR § K AY Y, SEPTEMBER 7, 1939 Se Our Shop Is Equipped to Do Job Printing of All Kinds, Nothing Too Large or Too Small We Cater Especially to Local Union Printing. Established Oct., 1893. SUBSCRIPTION $2 00 PER yn POLICE CONTINUE THE LABOR DAY ENFORCEMENT OF AUTO SPEED LAW New Motor ( Effect Since Sept. 1st, Not to Affect Limit of Speed. Pennsylvania rigid enfor- speed open tinue 50-mile-an-hour the ext ES on and tationed show Vv licy, Col. of Pennsylv- wil r sole function information which will ne where extra de- required to pro- f the speedi establish beyond all doubt that Ger- : ‘ the enforce- motor police headquarter random Aug by at their “Selecting from Pomerania against at ending report of violation peed NA ois LABOR S PRAISED ROOSEVELT ‘ The average f out of State per hour.” ER SLAIN DURING QUARREL AT MARSTEI LAR AS CHILD LOOES ON igedehis Laboris an a eto er STHE Ameri prenens gram, r movem 150,000 QU OTA IS MINI- MUM GOAL FOR WPA IN STATE THROUGH OCT. f iring seph Ge od a press can’t predict beyond t Asked whether Penns; projects absorb uficient approved a quota of 150,000 September, Hun- ter said he was “not sure they had.” ANTE Employment on WPA pr jjects EN1 ERED BY PAIR Pennsylvan f August 23 was 136 IN POISONING CASE 061, a reduction of 1: one week, — ee Hunter said. Gordon Fultz, 23 year old WPA wor- He added he believed the consolida- | ker, of Cresson township, and his 22 tion of districts in Pennsylvania had year old wife, M Margaret been completed and that sav gs of | Fultz, are being held f al more than $700,000 a month in admin- | December term of court on a charge istration expenses, largely because of | attempting murder their seven- the consolidations, had been indicated. | weeks’ old baby, William Charles The administrative expenses for the | Fultz. The couple were given a pre- state in July was $5,329,010. This was | liminary hearing befo Squire John cut to $5,205,782 in Aug bud- Thompson in ensburg get for September is $4,60¢ | ed pleas of not guilty. The Hunter remarked that one of them, re cha comptroiler general poisonous su rganiz sing bottle who may confere wee! ald, "11 4. r, Josephine Raymo home, A NOT GUILTY PLEAS 215 in S (Bost) for the of to re at least placing child’s the i bstance under which the federal ing ition plans made a part of job printn aequately the cq ng the and equent atu personell am MESSAGE OF CIO LEADER LEWIS Code Regulations in Says Oraaniced Labor Is Most Important Bulwark of Demo- cracy—0Other Features. Following is he Labor Day message of President John L. Lev of the Congress of Industrial Organizations: “With the passing of each year the ificance of Labor Day grows great- Each year it becomes clearer, for this nation and for other nations, that organized labor is the mc important bulkward of democracy. Organized Labor's program tions em- body the faith in a democracy such se- curity and well-being wi to dictatorship. When labor bargaining hours and to better it strengthens at the orderly democratic procedure there plant and company 1ighout the nat practice of peaceful, cratic settlement of ween men. The day is grow hopes not only o all progressive men and w where center more and forward-looking labor exemplified by CIO. growing realiz that the very nature seeks I of the people laboring people, farmers have broad that transcend need for securit] nity, for even 1 f the products join the great m in one common cause The CIO is moving The in- herent rightness of its structure and of its program has carried the CIO thro- ugh unprecedented attacks It has whethered a terrific depression, main- taining as never 1e wage rates of American w It has embr employed work and challen their probl CIO is to more to Inaustr 1S sign er. ana aspira that as the people urs can gain thout resort ough collective se shorten working conditions, the whole process. By this tablished, plant by company, thro- mic life, a d demo- bet- seeks thre to rai wages, roots is € by econc honest an differences n’s ng clo hen the wage earne but of men every- in the n its Iare as con any differen for equal ndu inaus iry people be of un- g them leader- ship solv The offering nation’s unionism program men and to then ready E PEOPLE KNOW! "ALLY ARE INJURED N HEAD-ON COL LISION head-on Sunday morning Penn highway, t three Car were injured, resson, Pearl 3 of 7. Her Z0ns } too- the dition na hospital. n Crooks, rat the severe fracture 25 stained and a condi- the cer of severe ated at mald Gill, itton res- bensburg an autom obile in vestig driven Cl pass gation by 2velanc a truck lided head-on Both drivers tomobil ues w 2 eXxlens was when the ith the G :scaped tomobile, Both aamag- FORMER EDITOR OF TH E PATTON COU RIE R DEAD We f last printer anty- note by the . week In N that A the Journal -Glo Journal McConnell, ior receil d a message death his broth J announcing the Edward McC about 55, a printer cperator, which occ following a nat sided in of also urred Ss