Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 27, 1939, Image 8
THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. Thursday, July 27th, 1939. C—— GRAND THEATRE PATTON, PENNA. Friday, One Night Only Sunday and Monday RIE AANA IRIT PAGE EIGHT — FOUR THOUSAND ARE UR THOLSA a IN JUDICIAL RACE OU TING OF SPORTSMEN | | More than fou Ir thai 1sana people at- | | tended the firs wal field day of the Cambria C Sportsmen's Asso- | ciation held la on the Ebens burg Fair Grounds. C t interest was manifested in the various events. John U. McFadden, president of the associa- tion, expressed himself as being well pleased with the interest shown in the event and declared that the sportsmen would repeat the outing next year. One of the features was an exhibi- | tion of trick shooting by Fred Soisson | of Hastings. The dog show, held in the | arena, probably attracted the largest crowd of the day | Soisson, with a perfect score of 100 | won the Cambria county skeet shoot- | ing contest. C. Albert Evans of Ebens- | burg was the runner up with a score | of 97. Tony Zugates of Indiana was | second high in the open shoot, Sois- | | son’s 100 beating him by one point. Randolph Myers Dr. H. B.' Anderson of Johnstown | | was high man in Class B, having a| Attorney Randolph Myers of Ebens- | high score of 93. John U. McFadden of | burg, has filed petitions at Harrisburg, | Shans sburg, Wes ruIner ID In Mh aan as a candidate for Judge of the Court | The ry OE oF Lope 2 [of Common Pleas in the Democratic | itd y primaries on September 12th. ry De wey. Pensa Well known to thousands of folks | H ie fen: carte - A a [over the county, Attorney Myers has, | gone Shuey BS ha. Masin | in the past, shown his regard fo el - “| common man anfl woman, and has ta- do, Moss Creek, 65; Duke Rosensteel, | fons Te a 3 in the campaigns | Evenshure 56; and Melvin Edwards, of | | in which organized labor was interest- | hendourg: 0. satel, Jim Heiman of | fea, particularly that of Se Kennedy- | | for-Governor campaign of last year, Indiana won Class A with a score ot | wh h i; n f the principal | 25; George Brown of Barnesboro won | jit on 2 Pia bi NS Co > a Class B with a score of 21. Dr. Harry | ey : vig ors th — dy | J. Bennett, Ebensburb, captured top! iiss fnlereste in : guns Y honors in Class C with a score of 15. | . f During the contests the regular mat- Numerous labor groups are interest- | ch of the Allegheny Mountain Skeet ed in Attorney Myers candidacy, and League between indian 2nd Ebens- his past successful experience as a law- | burg was run off, with Ebensburg win- | yer has veer Soh & to Soman the! ning by a score of 237 to 234. Ira A. | Fespect of all who know han Bloom, of Ebensburg, was high in the | rest shoot. 22 calibre rifle at 100 yards! while Oswald of Conemaugh was second and B. W. Caldwell of Johns- town, third. | The off-hand shoot contests were won by V. D. Smith, Fred Soisson, Leo . Oswald, H. Shankle and Carl Broad. | With new RI Virgil Richard, Pittsburgh, arms ex-' to do all kinds of particular printing. | | : So long as a single outlaw roams the wiids, a Mountie would rather face disgrace than fail to ‘get his man’! MELON | JOAN DOUGLAS BLOXDELL WALTER CONNOLLY « ALAN CURTIS « JOAN PERRY Screen play by Gladys Lehman and Ken Englund Directed by Alexander Hall + A COLUMBIA PICTURE Matinee Sunday at 2:30 Tuesday, Bargain Night pert, was an interested spectator at the contests and declared they were | among the best he has witnessed. LINDA WINTERS and the SONS OF THE PIONEERS 5%... A COLUMBIA PICTURE The Press-Courier is now equipped | type and modern machinery FRANKIE THOMAS, HARRY CAREY and “THE LITTLE TOUGH GUYS” in ‘CODE OF THE STREETS SCOFFERS AT THE LAW! 2 eA New Kind of Adventure Drama . . , in the city of se- crets and shadows! HIGH QUALITY USED CARS THE KIND AND THE PRICE ARE BOTH FACTORS WHEN YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING DANNY AND HIS SLUM HOODLUMS BECOME IT’S OUTRIGHT ENEMIES WHEN BROTHER “TOMMY” IS FRAMED INTO THE DEATH HOUSE. At the Main Street Garage, Carrolltown, you have a wide range of values and a wide range of choice, and a really excellent value for whatever price your purse will stand. You can be assured, too, that regardless of what price you pay, you receive the most value that the investment commands. Before making any purchase, be sure to see our cars. It will pay you to do so. WALTER WANGER presen. LGIERS starring CHARLES BOYER with Wednesday and Thursday Released thru United Artists SIGRID Hepy GURIE * LAMARR GEORGE RAFT, CLAIRE TREPOR, HENRY ARMETTA AND DICK FORAN in “I STOLE A MILLION” GEO. RAFT—THE HARD GUY! HIGH QUALITY USED CARS. 1939 CHEVROLET Master DeLuxe Town Sedan 1939 CHEVROLET Mast. Del. Four Pass. Coupe $795 1938 FORD Town Sedan . - - $535 1937 CHEVROLET Deluxe Town ‘Sedan, Green $465 1937 CHEVROLET Master Green Town Sedan $395 1936 PONTIAC Six-Cyl. COUPE .. ere $365 1935 PLYMOUTH Four door Sport Sedan wir $325 1935 PONTIAC Town Sedan 8-Cyl. ..............$285 1934 OLDSMOBILE 4 door Sedan, 6-Cyl. ..._. $265 1934 CHEVROLET Master Coach ............... $235 1934 PLYMOUTH Coach comp $338 1935 FORD Coupe .......... - $230 He had a swell start. Born in the gutter, graduated to be a city savage! Life wore thin the way he lived it—his s that reached for love embraced sudden death instead! LOWER PRICED USED CARS arms that reac or sudden death instead 1934 STUDEBAKER Dictator Coach ...._.._.. 1932 FORD Coach 1930 CHEVROLET Sedan ...... 1931 CHEVROLET Coach coo... . 1934 PLYMOUTH Sedan... iii) 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe .. 1930 CHEVROLET Coupe... 19381 CHEVROLET COUPe com iiiiipiiiin: 1929 CHEVROLET Coach... isl oe 1929 CHEVROLET Landau . 1929 CHEVROLET Coupe -..... He had to be hard! Added Attraction! Popeye The Sailor, in § | ALLADIN wo tis WONDERFUL LAMP All in Technicolor! $165 . $95 FANNABELLA «YOUNG BRIDAL SUITE Bob's an altar- dodger! Butleave it to this cutie to make him mad about matri- mony! You can't beat it for howl. ing heart-throbs! with Walter CONNOLLY - Reginald OWEN Gene LOCKHART - Arthur TREACHER - Billie BURKE Screen Play by Samuel Hoffenstein Directed by William Thiele Produced ” Edgar Selwyn « A Metro-Goldwyn-¥ er Pictu . $35 USED TRUCKS — . A —— m_— m— : 1938 Chevrolet Dump Truck, U Plate 157” $795 CR ICHTON BUYS LOGAN a first mortgage, held by the Wilmore- | | merty grieved in the Berverdule op- | NOTICE. 1937 Chevrolet Half Ton Panel, < Lie, “Bargain jo COAL COMPANY’S MINES | South Fork Coal Company amounting | erations of the coal company will re- | The School Board desires to receive : " : 9 ON A BID OF $10,500. 00 to $27,252.91 on property of the coal | celve from the $10,000 fund, will have | at once, applications for a collector of 1936 Chevrolet Light Sedan Delivery, R. Lic.. Bargain Bind 1 0 And B. Crich. | Company in Croyle and Summerhill | to be decided by the Cambria County Jeifquent school taxes of Patten Bor- 1935 Chevrolet U Plate Dump Truck ............... $345 ane S108 TW es SHieh | Townships. The property also carries | Court. They have filed wage claims | Patton Borough School Board, 1936 Chevrolet U Plate Cr.and Cab. $345 delinquent taxes due the county am- | amounting to $57,779.77. The cost of | Ellen C. Deitrick, Secretary. | purchased the properties of the Logan 1934 Chevrolet Stake Truck ... Li, Fimiriinn SOB | Coal Company in Summerhill, Croyle, | wr. $250 $225 - $20 1936 Dodge Truck ...... 1934 Dodge Truck, Ch. and Cab. .. 1929 Ford Pick-Up .... MAIN ST. GARAGE CARROLLTOWN A ————— ounting to $19,901.57. A claim for tax- | the sale will also have to be paid out Adams and Richland townships at a es was also entered by John L. Wiss- | of the successful bid. Dubie sale red i Be gona? Boss oo inger collector in Croyle township, who | The sale was held to satisfy the orney rank J. Hartmann, acling | tatement for the current year’s | on behalf of the Pennsylva-| [Heres Ror 96. The ins as $378,000 in bonds outstanding of an is nia Companies for Insurances on Lives | ;nont of revenue also claimed $2,277.28 | sue of $1,000,000, which was protected and Granting Annuities, trustees for | | for corporation tax. | by a mortgage of equal amount. the bondholders of the coal company.| Attorney Peter J. Little, represent-| It is not believed likely that the op- The tour will be asked on’August 31 | ing the county, was first doubtful as | erations of the coal company will be to confirm the sale. whether the county would be protect- a d i. A eriat: deat will de Two other bidders ed in its rights to collect taxes due if esamen S00 & as buy the property. They were the property were sold to Mr, Crichton pend, Mr. Crichton indicated, on the Kovalchick of Sagamore, Armstrong | at the bid price. However, it was later | condition of the coal industry. It was County, who offered $9,500 and Frank | decided that the taxes follow the pro- | stated that expenditures of at least Callandra, Cresson junk dealer, offer- | | perty and that the purchaser is liable | $100,000 would be necessary to replace endeavored to | Nick | ing $10,000. | for their payment. worn machinery before work could be The sale, however, is subject to be Just what share 606 coal miners for- resumed. Bids Wanted. The Secretary of Patton Borough School Board will receive, until Au- gust 2, 1939, at 7:00 P. M, at the of- fice in the high school building, bids to install lavatory equipment in the grade school located on the corner of Beech and Fifth avenues, Patton, Pa. All plans and specifications subject to the approval of the School Board ana the Department of Public Instruction. A certified check for 2 per cent of the amount of the bid to accompany each bid. or to reject any or all bids. Patton Borough School Board. Ellen C. Dietrick, Secretary.