Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 27, 1939, Image 5
he LT a wd & an es ire en- eer C006 Thursday, July 27th, 1939. THE UNION. PRESS-COURIER PAGE FIVE PATON BRE C. William Mr. and Mrs. Forsberg announce the marriage of their daugh- | ter, Miss Thelma Forsberg to Mr. Lew- is Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Byers of Urbana, Ill, on July 22nd. The former Thelma Forsberg is a grad- uate of the Patton Hogh School and the Mercy (Hospital Training School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Byers is employed by the Holland Furnace Co, of Champaign, Ill. Mr. and rs. Byers will live in Urbana, Ill A birthday party was neia on Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Yeckley in honor of their daughter, Phillis’ nineteenth birthday. Games were played and a lunch was served. Attending were: Burkhart, Betty Dunlap, Vivian Noel, Mary Yeckley, Hazel and Phyllis Yeckley. Extensive improvements are under way at the Grange Bank Building by the new owners, Dr. John A. Murray and Druggist Russell Little. A number of farmers in East Car- roll township are now enjoying Penn Edison power and lighting service. The hook up was made last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Biller of Mel- lon avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on July 20th. Mrs. Biller, be- fore her marriage was Miss Eileen Mc- Namee. Mrs. Gladys Greene and daughter, Betty, visited Mrs. Greene's sons, Bob | Johnstown; and Dick, in New York City last week. Miss Audrey Heist spent some time in Detroit visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Lantzy returned home this week from a two weeks’ camping trip at the New Jersey shore. Mrs. Barth Young was a guest at the business and professional banquet at Indiana recently. Miss Volia Montieth spent las with her sister, Mrs. Robert Graham at Newville, Pa. Mrs. Carl Thomas and children, Lo. uise and Paul, of New York, are spen. ding some time with the lady's parents Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Eckenrode of East Carroll Township. Gene Skurky, John Earl John Senita “Punchey” Laurito and Dr. George Dvorchak are spending the week camping at Black Moshannon Camp near Philipsburg. Miss Betty Grant and Mrs. Joe La- | cue spent several days with relatives in Detroit. Miss Margaret Karabinus of Pitts- burgh, is visiting at the John Dvor- chak home, Billy Hoover and John Earl Calla- han left last Wednesday for the CCC Camps at Edinboro, Va. Misses Vero- | nia and Therese McNamee, Catherine | t week | | St. Monica's PROTHONO TARY John L. Hite. John L. Hite announces his candi- dacy for re-election to the Office of Prothonotary. He served the people of Cambria county in an efficient man- ner, obliging and courteous at all times Mr. Hite just finished serving as President of the State Prothonotaries® and Clerks of Court Association of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hite served overseas during the World War as sargeant in the 80th ana 82nd divisions. He is a member of the American Legion Post, Johnstown, and the Men- oher Post, Veterans’ of Foreign Wars, also a member of the Elks organizations. and Moose c Mr. Hite is a native of County; the son of the late Captain and Mrs. H. J. Hite. He now resides in the Eighth Ward, Johnstown, Pa. Cambria of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McConneli of Clearfield Township, became the | | bride of John Earl Boland, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Henry Boland of Ebensburg | on Saturday morning at :30 o'clock in Catholic church, Chest | Springs. Rev. Father James Padden of- Bearer, | ficiated at the wedding ceremony and Ruth McConnell, sister of the bride was bridesmaid and Adam Boland, bro- ther of the groom was best man. The | bride wore all white with wreath and | BOLOGNA, ring or loose,, Ib. 15¢ veil, and carried a bridal bouquet of white roses; the bridesmaid wore pink and carried mixed flowers. A wedding | dinner was served at the home of the | Springs, (land, son of Mr. and Mrs. bride’s parents. Late in the day the couple left on a honeymoon trip. They will reside at Winterset. Banns of matrimony were announc- ed in St. Monica's Church, last Sunday between Miss Mary Miller, daughter of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Frank Miller and Donald Weak- Clayton Miss Rose Mary McConnell, daughter | Weakland of Hastings. R. F. Burns R. F. Burns, 743, Luzerne Street, Westmont, announces his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer of Cambria County. Burns states that he is fully quali- fied for the office by virtue of his broad experience in the business field and «if nominated and elected will ad- | minister the office he seeks to his fullest ability. He was a candidate in the election four years ago and made a very creditable showing. He has been identified with the Democrat all his life. He is a member of the American Legion, Post 294, town, and also of the Forty Et Eight Voiture 23. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE—#$85 Airway Sweeper, this year’s model, used one m onth, for $30; 1934 Plymouth Two door car in A-1 condition, all new rubber, price $235.—Mrs. Adolph Hofer, 415 Palmer Avenue, Patton. FOR RENT—Four rooms; these rooms have been painted and papered in the new. Call on James A. Link, Blacksmith, 501 Fifth Ave. Patton, Pa. FOR SALE—Westinghouse Electric Range; cheap to quick buyer. Inquire at 121 Linwood avenue, Patton. FOR SALE—Modern white enamel- ed Cook Stove. Inquire of Sue Gill, at | St. Lawrence. FOR RENT—Public address system | to perform the dutfes can be had at any time. Inquire of An- | thony A. Huber, 520 Russell Avenue, Patton. Phone 3001 and 3003 Patton. TREASURER HIS AIM | ley of Turtle mes McQuillan and grandson, Donald | party | Johns- | Miss Jane Anderson of Pittsburgh, a former resident of Patton, is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Little. Misses Helen and Catherine Fors- berg have returned home after spend- ing a week at Bar Harbor, N. J. Orville Young and George Water- ous, of Chicago, were guests last week | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barth Young. Miss Sylvia Breth, art supervisor at | the Clearfield schools, was also a re- cent guest at the Young home. Recent visitors at the McQuillen home wers Mr. Stanley and Richard B. Stanley of Turtle Creek; Mis Trafford City; Miss Evangeline Stan- Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Ja- Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mec- @Quillan all of Johnstown. Dubyak | 12 enemy batters. Potato growers from the Patton sec- tion are expected to accompany a tour on Friday of farms where potatoes are being produced both commercially and CLERK OF COURTS JOHN L. WISSINGER. John L. Wissinger of Sidman, Croyle Township, has announced his candi- dacy for the Republican nomination for Clerk of Courts. Mr. Wissinger is a native of Cambria County and feels that he is qualified of the office which he seeks, having taught IR for seven years. S&Fved six years as | Postmaster at Sidman. At present is | Tax Collector of Croyle Township, and FARM FOR SALE—T0 acres, 5 of | also vice chairman of the Croyle coal; one two-story nine room house | Township Republican Club. If success- and one cottage; new barn and other | ful in his aspiration, Mr. Wissinger outbuildings. If interested write Geo. | promises faithful and honest perform- E. Swartz, Flinton, Pa. 6t / ance of the duties of the office. Chest | and Mrs. David L. | s Grace Marker of | 17.71 A IYI Owned & Operated by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. | Patton, Penna. | CELEBRATING OUR NATION- AL ICED TEA WEEK! Nectar Orange Pekoe TER 55h omg i | SELF SERVICE 450 Magee Ave.; I Every Day Savings at AGP! i FLOUR mrs 4% 49c HUMKOQO;z mm gus pareve 315 3Q 6 il wx DRESSING “3% 23c¢ DELICIUOS BLACK LAYER CAKE: nn29c SAVE ON DEPENDABLE MEATS Mayfair O. P. T EA Dag font ib, 19¢ Our Own O. P. One-half 1h. TEA G0" Il | Pork Shid’r HAMBURGER, Ib, . JUMBO BOLOGNA Ib. STEAKS CHUCK ROAST . .. SMOKED SQUARES, lb. CHICKENS ROAST .. 17¢ SLICED BACON, Half Ib. pkg. 9c HADDOCK FILLETS, 2 Ibs. 23¢ 15¢ CROAKERS Fresh round, 2 Ib. 13¢ Fresh CRAB MEAT, Reg. Ib. 33¢ ais - 11 Round, Sirloin, Tenderloin e Cut from branded steer beef, lb. Fresh, Fully Dressed; Two to ¢ eo Three and one-half 1b. avg. LB. Meaty First Cuts, 4 to 5 Ib. Picnics, 1b. ne 13¢ 12¢ Clapp's Strained BABY FOODS, 3 cans .............. 2b¢ Sno-sheen CAKE FLOUR pkg. ........... 25b¢ Dromedary DATES, 2pkas cc... 250 Dromedary Gingerbread MIX, lloz.pkg... . ... ..10c THRIVO DOG FOOD, 3 Ib. cans . 25¢ 30¢ it ONION LEMONS 7 #5: Texas Yellows CANTALOUPES PEACHES 3=r 15¢ 25¢ 6 19¢ CUCUMBER NEW APPLES Vine Ripened 2 Jumbo 36's GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Standard Pack TOMATOES, 4 No. 2 cans ......... 25¢ SAVE ON GARDEN-FRESH PRODUCE WATERMELON New, 27¢c Daily DOG FOOD, can .. fa DE Polk's or A & P 19¢c | 3 cans 17¢ Pe Each 2c 8 Po 180% 25¢ FOR 19c¢ il | YUKON CLUB BEVERAGES, and D. Burkey combined | | their talents to hold Clearfield to 3 | hits as the Patton baseball team scor- ed an easy triumph here. They fanned | FRENCH DRESSING, 2 %-19¢ {il ANN PAGE MUSTARD 2 °°% 13¢ | PEANUT BUTTER, Sultana Brand 2-Ib. jars ......23¢ CORN FLAKES, Sunnyfield, 3 130z. pkgs ............ 20Q¢ PINEAPPLE, Del Monte Chunklets, 2 large cans ... 35¢ FASTIDIA, Facial Tissue, 3 pkgs... 19¢ JUNKET FREEZING MIX, 3 Pkgs 25¢ Gelatin Desserts, Puddin SPARKLE 2% for seed purposes, County goon H.C. | McWilliams Oh D, , extension pathologist i J. B. announces specialist of agronomy and at seve | Growers are ur SS by Mr. Mewill | iams to take the opportunity to visit some of the outstanding fields of the county and observe how seed from various sources is holding up under Cambria county conditions. Those de- siring to join the tour should com- municate immediately with Mr. Me- Williams at the court house, Ebens- burg. Sandy Cammarata and Charles Vil- lanova, of St. Mary's Parish, Patton, were numbered among 268 boys of the Altoona diocese who attend the re- treat for boys at St. Francis College, Loretto, over the week end. Our Lady of Victory Court, No. 722, Catholic Daughters of America, held their annual outing and card party gs, Ice Cream Powder: rr Pasay 10c Deposit Plus Bottle A Big Bottles 25c¢]| SHREDDED WHEAT &* 27 23¢ BON BON Wortmore Brand CLAPP’S CHOPPED FOODS, 16 PCT. DAIRY FEED, Daily Milk, 100 Ib. bag GROWING MASH, Daily Growth, 100 lb. bag . 2me23¢c 1.23 hat 2s 0 240 3 WOODBURY’S SOAP, 3 cans oo... 23¢ OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 2 cans coer. 13€ FRE SOAP, 10 big bars for . cakes of OCTAGON One cake of OCTAGON TOILET SOAP with 5 37¢ LAUNDRY Wednesday afternoon of this Roselyn Lodge, the st Dr. and Mrs. E. F. a program of ght at the Grotto of d Virgin Mary. Installation ficers for the ensuing year the evening on the lawn of the Moige. Patton Branch, No. 90, Knights of St. George, will hold their regular meeting on Thursday evening of this week, July 27th, in the Community Building. This is one day earlier than the scheduled time. The meeting will start at 7:30 sharp, and will be follow- ed at 8 o’clock by a Northern Cambria District meeting of the Knights of St. George. This meeting is an important one, and election of officers for the district will take place. All members of the organization are urged to attend. wu The annual St. Lawrence pic i 0 tised by the now being adve of St. Lewrentes i It be h eld this year on Sat- atholic Chi h par- meals wil be served, ana be served from 11:30 till + from 5:30 to T:00. There 1 amusements, and 1 be a feature. The mem- general fo ic with them. public Married 50 Years, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eckenrode of Sankertown observed their golden wedding anniversary last Thursday. Mrs. Eckenrode is the former Mary Fry and the couple were married in the St. Boniface Catholic church in 1889. COMMUNITY PARK AT ST. BENEDICT A community park has been estab- lished at St. Benedict, along Upper Jackman street, for the use of young- sters in at district. Swings, slides, benches and tables are included am- ong the park’s equipment, and plans are being made to further improve the recreational center. Robert Illig of St Benedict, is chairman of the Park com- mittee. Bids Wanted. The school board will receive until 8:00 o’clock P. M., August 8, 1939, bids to furnish coal in the bins of the sche 00l building and remove the ashes as they accumulate, for the term 1939-40. Each bid must specify the mine and seam from which coal will be furnish- ed, and each load must be accompani- ed by a weigh bill, as delivered. The School Board reserves the right to re- ject or accept any and all bids. Patton Borough School Board, Ellen C. Dietrick, Secretary,