939. ve until B39, bids the sch- ashes as 1939-40. ine and furnish- ompani- d. The it to re- 3oard, cretary. DS — enamel- Gill, at 3t aturday and a s-Cour- Thursday, July 20, 1939 THE UNION PRESS-COURIER PAGE FIVE PATTON BRIEFS Elva Bender, the nine year old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bender of East Carroll Township, had the second finger of her right hand dis- located and fractured last Thursday when she caught her hand in the cog wheel of a sulky cultivator. She was arranging cabbage plants after they had been cultivated when she stum- | bled and fell on the cultivator. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Price and dau- o'clock. Matters of interest to all Re- publicans will be on the program. Bring your Republican friends and be there. Dr. C. F. Krug, chiropractor, who or the past two years had discontin- ued his practice because of ill health, will again open his office in Spangler cn August 1st. Miss Louise C. Young of South Fif- th avenue, a teacher in the local sch- ools, spent a few days in Flushing, L. I, and at the New York World's Fair. A good baseball game is scheduled [ for the local athletic field on Sunday ghter, Rose Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. | Miller and son, Thomas, Jr., o Mec- | Keesprot; Mr. and Mrs. Blair Rutlege and Mr. and Mrs. John Shwick of Johnstown, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Squires. Charles | | was Club, at Spangler. Mrs. Cyril Duclos and Mrs. William | | er at next Monday's session. Huber have returned home after spen- ding two weeks in Detroit. Miss Joan Thomas, student nurse of | the Pittsburgh hospital, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Emma Thomas of East Carroll township. Mrs. Harry Lansberry, who suffer- afternoon at 2:30, when the fast Clear- | field team will cross bats with the Patton outfit. Plan to see this game. Miss Betty Sullivan of Johnstown, | field representative in Cambria coun- ty for the State Association for the Blind, was the principal speaker on Monday evening at the dinner and Meeting of the Northern Cambria Ki- A New York business man will be the guest speak- David Evans of Portage has been ap- | pointed senior mine inspector of the state department of mines at an annu- al salary of $1,860. He succeeds Ben | Thomas of Patton. ed a paralytic strike two weeks ago, | is in a critical condition at her home near town. Patricia Overberger, chelle, N. Y,, grandmother, Mrs. Helena Overberger of New Ro- is visiting with her | The marriage of Miss Dorothy New | Holes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Holes of Cherry Tree to Mr. J. S. Sellers, of Virginia, so Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sellers, of Broadway, Va., took place quietly on Saturday noon, | July 15th, at the home of the bride's of Russell avenue, where she expects | to spend several weeks Mrs. Paul Blaum and son, Philip of Wilkes-Barre spent the week end with Mrs. Blaum’s mother, Mrs. Lehman. | performed the ceremony. Cecelia | Charles E. Fullton A wedding breakfast was served at Snyder’s Ho- tel, McGee's Mills. Upon their return from a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Sell- parents. The Rev. | ers will make their home in Broadway, Mrs. Carl Beuker of Detroit, is spen- | ding a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Brigid Callahan of Beech avenue. Mrs. Sebastian Burkey, Dennis Bur- key, Mrs. Charles Squires, Miss Betty Yeager and Paul Long spent a Mw days in Cleveland, Ohio, recently. Father Basil and the I. C. B. U. wish to thank the businessmen and women and all others who donated prizes and bought prizes for their card and bingo party which proved a grand success, both socially and financially. The cash prizes were won by: First, Steve Mas- nica; second, Albert Masnica, and third Mrs. Minnie Smith. A meeting of Republicans of Patton and vicinity will be held in the Odd Fgllows hall in the Good Building on Thursday even evening, July 20th, at 8:00 AFTER RE-ELECTION STEPHENS MAYER. District Attorney Stephens Mayer announced his candidacy for the Re- publican nomination for reelection as District Attorney. He declared he would campaign on the basis of the record he has made during his present term. Mr. Mayer asserted that he has at all times endeavored to administer his office in such a manner as to re- duce crime to a minimum in Cambria County. The energetic District Attor- mey is completing his first term in of- fice. Va. Mrs. Anna Barbara Long of Mel- lon Avenue, Patton, observed her 91st birthday recently at her home. Mrs. Long is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitch and was born near Carr- olltown. Her husband, John Long, passed away March 3, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Long observed their 60th wedding anniversary a short time prior to the former's death. Mrs. Long is the mother of Mrs. A. W. Smithbower, Loretto, R. D.; John W. Long, Dunlo; Mrs. A. D. Gaunt- ner, Patton, R. D.; Joseph Long, Colo- rado; Mrs. Mary Owens, Patton; Mrs. James Linw, Patton, R. D.; and Geo. Long, Patton, R. D. Another son, Al- bert Long, passed away many years ago. Mrs. Long also has 53 grand- children and 78 greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Long is enjoying good health. She is a member of St. George’s Cath- olic church here. PINE TWP. NOTES HEILWOOD, MENTCLE, ALVERDA, | | AND VICINTY, FROM PEN OF MISS MONA FRYE. Members of the Ladies’ Aid assem- bled at the home of Mrs. Pat Henry in Alverda on Thursday. After worship service, refreshments were served. Mrs. Ruth Wilson of Starford is vis- iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wilson in Mentcle Charles and Mike Pecaric of New York City, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Stanick of Mentcle. Mrs. Joseph Pampa of Mentcle was a recent caller in Indiana. TOMATO JUICE, 2 tall cans . 15¢ CORN FLAKES, 2 8oz. pkgs. Qc Mr. and Mrs. Mar Sojack of ~ ; ’ Johnstown visited relatives in Mentcle “ACO” Brand Ww holesome Ann Page ; on Sunday. CORNED BEEF, 12 oz. tin . 15¢ PEANUT BUTTER, lb. jar. 15¢ Miss Angeline Bozzer of Detroit, is Swansdown Sunnyfield Vistag 50 the home of Mr ond Mis CAKE FLOUR, pkg. 25¢ WHEAT OR RICE PUFFS, pkg : .. Be Mrs. James Kerr and son of Glen Popular Brands A & P Brand Campbell are spending a few days at CIGARETTES, plus tax, 2 pkgs. 23c KITCHEN MATCHES, 2 boxes ... : Fonte CL the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Straw. Mr. and Mrs. James Trinkley and family of Mentcle and Miss Ruth Jen- kins of Heilwood, were business call- ers in Heilwood on Saturday. Joe Paretti of Mentcle is visiting at | the home of his uncle, Laurie Troll | in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlakar of Lu- cerne and Miss Elsie Wilson of Indiana | visited relatives in Mentcle over the | WHILE 50 LAST 7s 1s A BARGAIN, a wrens Md] SELF SERVICE 450 Magee Ave.; TONS OF BARGAINS ~- AT AGP MARKETS EVERY DAY Owned LLL Operated by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Patton, Penna. Humko #550 39¢ Corn x 2 N°? 19¢ Flour =" %° 49c Dressing . #5" 23c Butter #%. {, 51c Cheese = 2" 43¢ Pickles .. #: 23c Toasts. . i 18c Money Saving Values on Guaranteed A & P Meats TENDER MEATY FIRST CUTS Chuck Roast, Ib. 13c 4 to 5 LB. PICNICS Pork Shldr. Roast Ib 13c¢ QUALITY HAMBURGER, Ib. .. cnmimmne J FC TENDER NO-JAX WEINERS, 1b. we JOC SPECIAL SLICED BACON, half-1b. pkg... . Oc Sweet SPECIAL JUMBO BOLOGNA, Ib. Leo -. ]5€ POTATOES, 3 Ibs. -22¢ FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS, Ib. dria JC BRANDED STEER BEEF 3 Jumbo 36 : ROUND, SIRLOIN, CANTALOUPES, 2 for .. -23¢ TENDERLOIN, ea S e ee PER POUND C WwW 1 SUNNYFIELD READY TO SERVE a t € r m e oO n S SMALL SIZE, Sweet, 26 to c HAMS . #5: 28¢ | i 43 HALE = = LB. average, each = VOOVVVVVVVOVVIVOVVVVOV Polk's or A & P Ann Page GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, 3 No. 2 cans 17¢ PREPARED SPAGHETTI, 4 cans ..... 25¢ Iona Brand QAOONOOHNNNANNANNNNNNNNANAANNNAANNNNNKAAANNNAINOAAANNNN Savings on A&P Tender Green and Wax BEANS 2s. 9¢ Pascal 30's-36's Sunnyfield CELERY, 2 stalks . ms OC New Triumphant APPLES, Slbs...oiinn,. B50 g 2 R SOOOOOOOOO 3 Garden-Fresh Products Week End Bakery Feature—Family Size . «+ 29¢] CHERRY LAYER CAKE . . . Corn, 4¢..223° Oleo, 3 lbs. 25° HEINZ PICKLES, Fresh Cucumber, Ige jar 18c ’ Soup Milk, =: 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE, 31b. bag... 39c HEINZ MOST WHITE HOUSE SPANISH PEANUTS, 20s... 10C SPICK White Shoe POLISH, 2 5 oz. btls .... 25¢ | PIONEER FIG BARS, N. B. C., pkg. .... 2]¢ LUX FLAKES, 2 small pkgs. .......... 17¢ Buy our Eggs Cc LIFE. 5 With Confi- BUOY Eggs,=F doz. 22° | Soap .. # .. 5¢ DAILY F d 6 pound C SUPER Oil 190 PL run 2 gal. 13° bog (0]0 9 cans MOTOR 1 9 > GAL. CAN can 9 VARIETIES 27% 95¢c 10 =! 55° 'TOMORRO Sl FULL YEAR GUARANTEE The cleaner that * Dests es. Bsit sweeps . it cleans.” Dependable « « » durable . . . sensa- tionally low priced . . . Cleans easily and effi ciently any rug or car. pet. Factory recondi- tioned to newness by Re- New Sweeper Co. and fully guaranteed for one year. 45c DEWN 50c A WEEK veek end, Mrs. James Thornton and son ahd | Mrs. Anita Foressi and children re- turned to their homes in Mentcle on | Sunday after attending a ten day camp | meet in Belsano. Mrs. Max Wilson 1s spending this [ w reek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | | Frank Rager in Cherry Tree. Mrs. Frank Trinkley and sons were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. H. C, Lansberry in Patton. A dance is being sponsored by the Sodality of the St. John the Baptist Church in Heilwood on Thursday, the 20th of July. Henry Buchman’s orches- tra of Heilwood will furnish the mu- | sic. It will be in the pavilion, Heil- | wood. Admission will be 25c. Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Palmer of Hom- er City, and Mrs McNulty and dau- ghter, Rhea, of Indiana, were Sunday | dinner guests at the home of Mr. and | Mrs, Jack Gibson in Griesmore. | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lucas and fam- | ily of Glen Campbell were callers at | the Lucas home here recently. lo Mr. and Mrs. John Mance were bus- iness callers in Altoona Saturday. James Domenick and Russell Fal- cone, Sammy Furgelli, Ledo Corsini, and Sunny Eichensehr of Mentcle mo- tored to Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday to see the ball games on the 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ganoe spent the week end in Ashville. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Buckshaw and daughter, Mr. Mike Kopero and Misg Viola Thomas of Mentcle, motored to Milroy on Saturday and will return home late Monday night. A fire broke out in the barn of Frank Trinkley, between Heilwood and Mentcle at 1:30 on the afternoon of pony. The barn was partly covered by insurance. Miss Rita Fox of Media is spending a two weeks’ vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Carl Frye of Mentcle Mr, and Mrs. Patsy Celenza and family and Joseph Mance of Mentcle spent a very enjoyable day at Ivyside Park, Altoona, Sunday. The Griesmore Grange is sponsoring a program at the Indiana Grange next week. Mrs. William Benson and children left Saturday morning for City, N. J. “TARZAN FINDS A SON” the 6th. The fire companies of Barnes- | answering the call. Before they could | boro and Spangler were prompt in| reach the scene the barn had burned | to the ground. By the splendid efforts of the neighboring boys and men, with | water pails, and fire extinguishers, they were able to save the house | which caught on fire several times. All | "the live stock was saved except one IS ATTRACTION AT THE GRAND S Thrills, drama and tender romance, told amid the jungles of Africa, will enthrall the audiences at the Grand | | Theatre, Patton, on Sunday and Mon- | day next, where “Tarzan Finds a Son” reuniting Johnny Weismuller and Mau- | reen ’Sullivan, will play. A new char- Jersey | INDAY, MONDAY | snes acter comes to the screen in the fourth of the stories based on Edgar Rice rT characters in a “Tarzan Junior,” played by John Sheffield, an amazing five year old athlete who played the boy in “On Borrowed Time” on the New York stage. The story deals with the finding of a plane wreck in the jungle. Tarzan and his mate raise the boy Action and thrills are in every portion of the se- quence, and it is a show you should not miss. | Harrisburg. — Highways Secretary | I. Lamont Hughes appointed 66 per- | sons to his department payroll last | week and dismissed 49 from his staff, Appointees included Alexander GG. | Wilson, Jr., of Johnstown, draftsman, | $1,380; John F. Wilson, Jr., of Johns- | town, draftsman, $1,380; and Leo C. { Nedimyer, of Flinton, clerk, $1,140. | Edward O. Smith, aged 61 years, a | former resident of Gallitzin, died Sun day afternoon at the home of a neice in Newry, Blair county -