Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 11, 1939, Image 8

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Thursday, May 11, 1939.
PbPbb bab bb bib dbbibidid died last Friday night at his home in |
Ebensburg after an illness of a year.
DEATH NOTICES He formerly was employed by the
Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. Davis was
id odoofocfosfe of dodo ofnioofodoefofortonfooofosonfofoofeed | unmarried. He was born in Ebensburg
in 1886, and had spent his entire life
Arthur Sodmont, the three months’ | Surviving are these brothers and
old son of Jule and Helen (Geschini) sisters: Joseph J. and Howard W. Da-
Sodmont of Hastings, died on Sunday | Vis and Mrs. Minnie Anderson, all of
night at the Miners’ hospital, Spang- | Ebensburg, and Mrs. Mary Owens of
ler, where he had been a medical pa- | North Carolina,
tient since March 31st. Funeral ser-| Funeral services were held Monday
vices were conducted on Tuesday mor- A morning in the Ebensburg Baptist
ning at St. Bernard's church, Has- | church and interment was made in
tings, with interment in the church | the Lloyd cemetery.
cemetery. ! st ——
st—— Nummessen " =n
SE ———————————————————————
Insuited and reviled,
she boarded the
stagecoach with eight
the strange hours
ahead that would
Vy)" therm Cambria’s Finest 1 heatre prove her the brav-
est of them all!
MRS. MARY SLATTERY. | Mrs. Cora May (Gearhart) Nichol-
Mrs. Mary Slattery, aged 82 years, Son, 73, wife of George Nicholson of |
died last Friday morning at her home | Barnesboro, died on Monday at the
in Cresson following an extended 1l1- Pome of her daughter, Mrs. Annie Cal-
ness. Mrs. Slattery was a daughter of houn of Saltsburg, Indiana county,
James and Sarah (Eckenrode) McVey, | where she had been visiting. Mrs. Ni-
and was born in 1857. She had been a | cholson had been in poor health for a
resident of Cresson for many years. | number of months. She was the dau-
Her husband, Thomas Slattery passed | 8hter of J. B. and Mary Hall Gear-
away about 20 years ago. Funeral ser- hart, and was born in 1886. Surviving
vices were conducted on Monday mor-, are her husband and these children;
ning in St. Aloysius’ Church at 'th Mrs. Mary Morton and Mrs. Grace Ril- |
Summit, and interment was in the €Y both of Blairsville; Mrs. Annie Cal- (
church cemetery. | houn, mentioned above; David Nichol-
i son, Pittsburgh, and Harmon Nicholsin
MRS. THERESA TOTH. of Canton, Ohio.
" ota i Funeral services will be held at two
ws, Therese Oy Sternony) oi 80, o'clock on Thursday afternoon at Bar- |
died last Friday morning in the Min- heshozo snd inistment will be made in I
ers’ hospital at Spangler where she y:
had been a medical patient since the
Friday One Day Only
18th of April. Mrs. Toth was born in WALTER WILLS. :
Hungary on March 1, 1879. : Walter Wills, aged 2 years, died at A WALTER WANGER production * directed by JOHN FORD d
Surviving are her husband and the | six o'clock last Friday morning at his with CLAIRE TREVOR + JOHN WAYNE + Andy Devine + John Carradine N
following children: Joseph, Jr. of home at Chest Springs after a lengthy Thomas Mitchell + Louise Platt + George Bancroft + Donald Meek P
South Amboy, N. J., John, Louis and | illness. He was a son of Michael and Berton Churchill + Tim Holt + + + +. Released thru United Artists
Alex, all at home. She was a sister of | Anna (McDermott) Wills and was born
James Masterhozy, Marstellar, and of | on November 22, 1867. He leaves his a
Joseph Masterhozy, New Brunswick, | widow, Mrs. Ada (Farley) Wills, and - a
N. J ‘ | one son, Roy Wills, of Macon, Geor- Matinee Sunday at 2:30 #i
tay | gia. Also surviving are four sisters and Laas
MRS. ANNA BAKAJA. | one brother, as follows: Mrs. Marie — ~ SE N
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie | Haley, Mrs. Eva Rich, Mrs. Stella Lit- Y < - A
(Plutko) Bakajza, aged 49 years, who tle and Miss Nettie Wills, all of Chest Tuesday Rargain Night te
died on’ Tuesday of last week at her | Sprins, and Hubert Wills of Los An- =
home in Hastings, were held on Fri- ' geles, Cal. : pr Je
day morning in St. Bernard's Catholic | " The funeral services Vere helg = MUTINY! TYPHOON! TERROR! (4 a
shurch with interment in the church | Monday morning at nine o'clock wit] : be
cemetery. The deceased had been ill a high mass of requiem in St. Moni- Baw drama in the roaring stoke : F to
for some time. Surviving are her hus- ca’s Catholic church at Chest Springs, hold of a crippled ship! ... A ou Fe
band, George Bakajza, and these chil- | and interment followed in the church “Folks are like mules... | desperate doctor and a roar- th
dren: John, of Whiting, Indiana; Anna, | cemetery. | ing giant = hating each gf
an ounce of kindness is
worth a pound of spite.”
Gertrude and Agnes and Mrs. Daniel ——
Williams, all of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and ' MICHAEL SCIRANKO.
Stephen and Bernice, both at home. Al Funeral services for Michael Scir-
number of brothers and sisters likewise anko, who was found dead on Satu-
survive her. day morning at his home in Elder
— township, near Patton, were con-
MRS. JULIA FETSKO. | ducted on Monday morning in SS. Pe-
Mrs. Julia Fetsko, aged 76 years, a ter and Paul's Greek Catholic church
other—fighting a strange
red d (%
oo 0
widow of Hastipgs, died last Sunday with a requiem high mass by the Rev. " 3 CHESTER © or
morning at the Miners hospital, in Father Stephen Loya ,and interment : ISSOUR na
Spangler where she had been a pa- was made in the church cemetery. Mr. wo 0H
tient for some time. Mrs. Fetsko was Sciranko, who lived alone for a num- wn e Lockhart i m:
born in Austria in 1863. Her husband ber of years was found dead by two DYS GEORGE + Gen Theodore Reed Wi
died 24 years ago. Surviving are these , friends, James Tinnick and Charles GLA! nt Picture © Directed bY th
children: Stephen and Michael Fetsko Bubyak, who went to the man’s home pL Sl A Porome in
both at home; Mrs. James Riordan, of ' when they noticed his absence. Coro- a i tio
Hastings; and Mrs. Thomas Donahue, ner Patrick McDermott attributed his eo hi cal
of Patton. She was a member of St! death to a heart attack. His wife, Mrs. Added Attraction, Saturd’y 113) 27:34:41 3 be
Bernard's Catholic church, Hastings, | Rose Sciranko, died six years ago. Sur- ] rE ALAN HALE to
and of the Jednota Society. The fun- | viving are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Julia Beautiful gi i : | nig
eral services were conducted on Wed- | Vogel, Johnstown ,and a grand-daugh- h " ghils.. , + gaint @ world who 2 BARRY Abii
nesday morning in St. Bernard's Ca- | ter, Mary Grace Vogel, Johnstown. A as taken everything from them! oil a 8 i Su
thollc church acd tteriment wos macs brother, Alex Sciranko, of Patton also | irected by LEW IDERS. Produced by ROBERT SISK. Screen play by John Twist. the
in the church cemetery. survives. | te to
—— = : nel
Benjamin F. Davis, aged 53 years, Mrs. Mary Jane (Walker) Merry- CORINNE LUCHAIRE = 3 y T ursday mil
—t il IN ge til
in san
| the
7 | . pra
TT Fg bo
.” tior
( er” of
bc Seer sec
Yr” wy
i ST
————— me Fed
- - — - wee
- Co ee _— —_— i i Jan
° weather, 74, widow of Robert Merry- | churches with resident priests 22 ted from the Barnesboro high ® i i
: s gh school | in 1938 and has been associated with to ¢
way weather, died Saturd af is5ions . : y
In Hats We have friends 2 ior home Tr Naey rreTon missions pu mehed, 10 SHurenes, hiss in 1930 and from St. Francis College | Attorney C. Randolph Myers. While pen
5 b h Pl ter an illness of two months. She was Dn i oT Urches and! 1, 1935. He was graduated from the | at St. Francis College, Mr. Smorto was >
in ot aces bene born in England in 1865 and came to cin th t Cambri tC head University of Pennsylvania law school | president of the debate team. hs
this country when a small girl. Mrs As in the pas Samba county heads fo
Merryweather had been a resident of | (R€ eight counties of the diocese in ee occ
If your new hat is to be a Straw . . . fine «so Wel Barnesboro for the past forty-three the number of Driests and churches fais
3 : years. Her husband died fourteen years 2nd in Catholie population, mos
be delighted to see you, but if you wouldnt wear a ago. ee : : lead
. : Surviving are thess children: Mrs. DO YOU ENOW? THE TOMS RIVER 100,000 MILE TEST B
Straw to a dog fight ... don’t worry, for we're just Stephen Meir, of Lancaster, Pa.; Mrs. - Hos
Robert McKee of Barnesboro; Mrs. Ed- Th ‘hi ; LJ a >
< : to. : J re ah ’ e extent to which compulsory rece
as strong in light weight felts. Yours of Wimingen, Dal; i health insurance will promote mal- tirel
bert Meriyweather of Barnesboro; Mos ingering is shown in recent figures Cou
g €sboro; MISs | from England. On the re-examination He
In other words no matter which way the hat Margaret Merryweather, at home, and of 468,000 persons who reported them- | hy
3 0s y Sas Oe Ramo sees ator, | eves, 00 were setuay ou ne
jumps . .. we're still your friends with a stock that’s on Tuesday afternoon at the St. Thom- , 1 be Fion=gnd 220000 were found to . it is,
as’ Episcopal church in Barnesboro and | S well. is 3 WILL BE AT MAIN STREET GARAGE ON P
B(0 percent Straw . . . B(0 percent Felt . .. and 100 interment was in the North Barnes-| 10 the state of Travancore, India, it ocra
boro cemetery. is a popular beiief that ,if the person ’ erno
percent Hat—isfaction. _— | Who i bitish by ¢ poisonous snake at D Y TUESDAY WEDNESD Y ii
once seizes it and bites it back, he 9 cour
DIOCESE OF ALTOONA CON- will escape death, and the snake will ’
May 15. 16 and 17 :
TINUES TO GROW, OFFICIAL die instead. It is said that very few
Good word ... Hat—isfaction. You can have it to- CATHOLIC DIRECTORY SAYS | victims of the snake bite have the |
. : presence of mind to do this. h
day by the mere mention of your head size. Steady growth of the Catholic dio- | a THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TC GET YOUR CAR |
end Richard T. Guilfoyle, is bishop, is ADMITTED TO CAMBRIA BAR SUMMER DRIVIN BY TH r ; muni
The 1939 Straws — $1.00 to $5.00 shown by figures in the 1939 Official > G E TOMS RIVER TEST St. I
Sailiclic Drretiory which has just been oe Soro 4 LUBRICATION EXPERT. pries
’ i — published. Attorney Arno morto, son o T. Su
The World's Fairest Felts $2.00 to $6.50 The 1939 Catholic population of the | and Mrs. Peter Smorto of Barnesboro, THE BEST LUBRICATION JOB onli
Altoona diocese is 117,020 .A year ago | was admitted to practice before the $1 00 Bish
v the number was given as 108,795 for | courts of Cambria county last week THAT CAN BE HAD... tea raserseene . ashe
ssValue First Clothes’? the area embraced by Bedford, Blair, | by President Judge John H. McCann a
Cambria ,Centre, Clinton, Fulton Hun- | and Judges Ivan McKenrick and Chas.
- tingdon and Somerset counties. C. Greer. Attorney Frank B. Barn- 1 TOR
Sharbau h &3 Lieb Total number of pupils in parochial | hart, chairman of the examining com- om
schools this year is listed as 13,192, as | mittee of the Cambria County Bar as- \ TOR.
compared to 12,644 a year ago. sociation, made the motion for admis-
Barnesboro, Pa.
Directory statistics show that there | sion of Mr. Smorto to the bar associa-
are 218 priests in the diocese, the lar- | tion. Mr. Smorto also was admitted to O
gest number in its 38 year history. No | practice before the Orphans’ Court by CARROLLT WN 9 P A. next
change is listed in the number of! Judge Arthur A. Nelson. |
+ churches in the diocese. There are 111 The Barnesboro young man gradua- “NEE”