Em Thursday, March 9, 1939. ttn M——————— A NEW Banking SERVICE! Bank Money Orders! A MODERN NEW SERVICE FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS. RATES ARE LOW. SERVICE IS QUICK. Less Inconvenience and Red Tape in Handling. The Ideal Method for Handling Your Payments If You Don’t Carry A Checking Account. COME IN — WE'LL GLADLY EXPLAIN THE LOW RATES AND SERVICE. First National Bank at Patton Z0000QOQONKOONOE 1000000000 CARS All Reconditioned, Officially Inspected, and Guaranteed! YOU CAN BUY GOOD USED CARS FOR LESS MONEY NOW THAN YOU POSSIBLY CAN IN THE SPRING. FOLLOWING ARE SOME FROM OUR FINE SE- LECTION: 1937 STUDEBAKER ... Dictator 4 Door Touring Sedan 1937 CHEVROLET .... 4 Door Touring Sedan 1937 PLYMOUTH . Two Deor Trunk Sedan 1937 PONTIAC .. rm Coupe 1936 CHEVROLET .......—. Four Door Touring Sedan 1935 CHEVROLET ener . Two Door Sedan wren. Four Door Touring Sedan 1935 PONTIAC ................ i Two Door Touring Sedan 1936 PONTIAC ......... oe 1936 LAFAYETTE .. Coupe 1934 PONTIAC comin Four Door Solas 1933 FORD oupe 1931 PONTIAC... nis smsisimsimpin Four Door Sedan 1936 FORD .. Coupe 1930 PONTIAC ....... —ernrmsriiii Four Door Sedan 1031 MARMON ...... mmm . Four Door Sedan 1030 PONTIAC ........cncmrimiriarnsinsssis Two Doer Sedan Every Car Is Guaranteed by Our Cooperative Parts and Service Agreement. COME IN PLEASE — GO OUT PLEASED! Westrick Motor Co Phone 2101 Carrolltown, Penna. You May Any Car on the GMAC Time Payment Plan. THE UNION PRESS-COURIER, “YOUR HEALTH” “Yes I had a touch of ptomaine poi- soning.” How often is this remark heard. Yet it is doubtful if there is such a substnce as a ptomaine, A ptomaine is described as an al- kaloid fromed by the action of put- refactive bacteria on nitrogenous mat- ter. In other words, it is supposed to be: a poison arising from dead or putre- factive material. Many authorities insist that the so- calied ptomaine poisoning cases are acute digestive upsets caused, almost always, by living bacteria. Food poisoning is usually due to contamination of food by certain bac- teria or bacterial toxins. Food may cause illness either be- cause it contains living bacteria, which —after entering the human system grow in the intestine or blood and pro- duce poisons. Butolism is one of the most active of these food poisonings. It is most often found in home pre- served vegetables or home-canned fruits served as salad. Butolism is caused by spore-bearing, gas- forming bacillus, or germ, which is found in the soil. When a housewife puts up certain vegetables, such as string beans, corn, spinach, olives, asparagus, beets or ap- ricots, this germ may be on the pro- duct and may not be killed by the heat of the canning process. Commercial canners have discovered how to kill this germ. Prevention of butolism in home- canned vegetables and fruits may be secured by boiling all home-preserved foods for at least six minutes just be- fcre serving. If the can shows evidence of leak- age around the rubber ring, or the food appears spoiled or contains gas bubbles, or has a cheesy or rancid smell — it is better to destroy the contents than eat them. Countless chickens on farms have died from “limber - neck” because spoiled canned food was thrown into the yard. Be safe — and boil all home-pre- served foods for six minutes before serving. DR. STITES NAMES AIDE AT CRESSON | Cresson—Dr. Thomas H. A. Stites last week assumed his duties as med- ical director of the Cresson State Sanatorium, succeeding Dr. Louis A Wesner of Johnstown. The appointment of W. L. Fry to be superintendent of maintenance in chage of the grounds and buildings at tne Cresson institution was announced by Dr. Stites. Mr. Fry had been the | master mechanic at the Huntingdon State Industrial School. He was for- | merly the master mechanic at the Cresson institution from 1912 until 1922. Mr. Fry succeeds R. G. Callan of Cresson. No other immediate changes in the staff or personell of the institution are contemplated for the immediate pre- sent, Dr. Stites said. A dress worn by a movie star re- | cently was made of 27 quarts of milk, converted into beads. GRANGE MEETING “LIVE AND HELP LIVE” AT BRADLEY JUNCTION By DK. CHARLES STELZLE, Execu | tive Director, Good Neighbor League | —— | Banner Grange, Patrons of Husban- When the average man gets to the | dry, conducted an interesting meeting | point where he boastfully declares that | ‘ast week in its hall at Bradley Junc- he has taken for his motto for life the | tion. A feature of the evening was a | slogan “Live and let live,” he often | discussion by two students of St. Fran- imagines that he is practicing the | Cis College on the current debate ques- height of unselfishness and fairness to | ton of the college forensic department others. “Resolved, that the United States It is quite true that in the world of | Should Ceace to Use Public Funds, In- competition, in which men are ready | ¢iuding oCredit, for the Purpose of to destroy anything or anyone that|Stimulating Business.” stands in their path toward success, | John O'Connor of Loretto presented it is an admirable trait to give the|thc affirmative of the question and other fellow a chance for his life, when | Robert Dietrick of Patton the negative. so many others are ready to “now him | An open forum discussion followed the down,” to quote Charlie McCarthy. addresses, but there was no decision And yet, in a sense, all that is prom-| on the question. Guests at the meeting ised is that he will let the other fellow | were County Agent H. C. McWilliams, alone. He will let him live if he man- | of Ebensburg and Englebert Fara- ages to survive. That is, he won't put|baugh, deputy state master of the anything in this way which will keep | Grange, each of whom spoke briefly. PAGE SEVEN 1939 Wall Paper Sample Book! Contains 60 Different Papers priced from 5c to 25¢ per Single Roll WRITE FOR YOUR FREE BOOK TODAY! We pay the postage on orders. No charge for trimming. BUCK'’S WALL PAPER & PAINT 334 Washington Street PENNA. JOHNSTOWN, all him from living. And this is certainly | Mr. Farabaugh discussed Grange fire an advance on the philisophy of “dug | insurance and the advantages of coop- eat dog.” | erative buying by Grange organiza- But thre’s another consideration! tions. Cecil Springer, master of Ban- which should be kept in mind. Its ba-| ner Grange, preseided. sis is found somewhere in Scripture, | ————————te ee —a— although it has been widely quoted| A new idea in poultry raising is to | with variations, namely, “No man| produce chicks every month in the liveth unto himself.” None of us can| year, rather than during spring and go through life without affecting others | summer only. GREASING SERVICE. Bring your car to us and it will receive a thorough job. Price $1.00. Your satisfaction is our aim. DIETRICK MOTOR CO., 416 Lang Ave. Patton, Pa. — lives for good or ill. The way we live| vitally affects the lives of our associa- | tes, our friends and neighbors. | Booker T. Washington one said that we cannot keep a man in the gutter without getting into the gutter with! him. Ana I think it was George Wash- ington who said that “we had better hang together, or we will all hang separately.” Id’t like, therefore, to suggest a fur- ther consideration of the motto we are discussing. Write it down this way: “Let live, and live.” This means that it is only as we let the other felow live that we ourselves shall live. It's a matter of self-preservation. If the other fellow goes down, we”ll go down with him. | But we can’t stop here. There 1s | still to much selfishness in this ex- | pression of our interest in the other | fellow, if we are to accept it as our life's motto. There's another Serip- | ture verse which should be considered [in our discussion. It is the principle laid down by Jesus. This great Teacher | once declared: “He that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his | ie for my sake —” and that means | for the sake of others — shall find ijt.” | One could write the history of all hu- | man progress around this declaration. | Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt recently | said: “I will do more than live and let [ live’; T will ‘live and help live.” That’s | the idea practically stated. It is the | whole philosophy of being a Good { Neighbor. ’ : ; Vy rey 7 Great Lngincering — : *Delivered at Pontiac, Michi- gan. Prices subject to change without notice. Transporta- tion, state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories—exira. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to thank | the many friends and neighbors who | assisted us in our recent bereavement, | the illness and death of our mother, | Mrs. Julia Bertisin; for the floral of- use of cars at the funeral. i 2 THE MOST TROUBLEFREE CAR IN THE WORLD PRICES $ BELOW REDUCED AS LAST MUCH AS YEAR .® GENERAL MOTORS’ ferings, expressions of sympathy and SECOND LOWES T=PRICED CAR | The Children | A number of American Indian wo- | men are being elected to represent I their pecple on tribal councils. eledrefoofodededunieidesdecdoedioadoofoofoodenisaioids codeuiorfordoodocfofenafooforfosfodonfonfoodecfocenfunfonfoofosfufonfonfoofoeniaufrofoodoefefontorfoofeofoenfonfoofoofocfoconfenfoofor | BARNESBORO, : 2 BOTH 7 DAYS OLD*... but look at the amazing difference in these Baked Beans! *Reproduced from certified, unretouched photographs of identical foods, refrigerated, uncovered, at comparable temperatures. 41939 Frigidaire. World's First Cold-Wall Refrigerator! MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTORS ® Come in. See how the new “Cold-Wall” Prin- ciple preserves even highly perishable foods days longer than ever before. Prolongs their original freshness—retains rich nutritional values—saves peak fresh flavor. Food is not dried out by moisture- robbing air circulation. Only Frigidaire gives you this revolutionary advancement. And puts you years ahead in every way... with elegant new modern styling... new MEAT-TENDER for fresh meats... new SUPER- MOIST HYDRATORS for freshening vegetables... Genuine QUICKUBE TRAYS for releasing cubes instantly . .. Yet it costs no more than ordinary “first line” refrigerators! Convince yourself in 5 by General Motors. Bunir ow aw ENmireLy New PeivcipLe minutes. Don’t buy till you see our Demonstra tion. Come in today. SEE A DEMONSTRATION NOW! ONLY FRIGIDAIRE has the METER -MISER CUTS CURRENT COST TO THE BONE—for it’s the Simplest Refrigera- ting Mechanism Ever Built. ..and when parts aren’t there, they just can’t use current or wear. Unseen, trouble-free, completely sealed in a permanent bath of cil Comes to you with 5-Year Protection Plan backed CONVENIENT TERMS AS LOW AS 25c A DAY WOLF Furniture Co. PENNSYLVANIA WESTRICH MOTOR CO. PA, dpedeeecdedrooodedefodedoddedodd