field Tea Was Your mother’s Remedy For every stoms ach and intestinal ill. This good old fashioned herb A home remedy for constipation, ' stomach ills and other derange« ments of the sys- evalent these days is in or favor as a family med- in your grandmother's ibs. delivered $3.60, S.. BROADHURST : lcm ww. Georgia. it grow, 5 Ib Electric Razor; wonderful in- on sight; attractive trial of« tmas profits. Central Trading n St New Rochelle, N. Y, 9c Postpaid--Special il to Get One of These PORTED SELF-FILLING OUNTAIN PENS polished glass point, Writes of writing paper. ul fountain pens, having the a much higher priced pen, ladies’ and men's styles in ors—having blue, brown, red ‘kgrounds, h pen is packed a neat little box. ; please remit by post office or order or by certified check, state style and color desired, OVELTY AND UTILITY MISTRIBUTORS Clearspring Road BALTIMORE, MARYLAND LL. HARD TIMES SELLE Scheme that’s a quart 0. You can’t miss. UNITED X 1, Traver ‘ity. Mich. get. 0 good canvassers to sell minum and silverware at $5 . makes $1.50 on each sale, essary. Write for our prop- 'Y BALL HEADQUARTERS, TERVILLE, OHIO. ED ADVERTISING ESSES FOR SALE ] ITY. Strictly retail Bakery Mrs. T. W. Phillips, 732 Hot Springs, Ark. nity, You can earn $50.00 time distributing catalogues. ite Atlantic Chocolate Prod- dway, Suite 406, New York PPROVAL; all stamps at 14 complete those broken sets ovals. Rockland Stamp Co, rn, N. Y. nities. Why keep money ? America’s largest cor- first mortgage bonds selling vestment counsellors review ggesting changes; informa- $10 deposit. L. Olsen, 108 ¥.-C. ‘ew West Palm Beach gen- vement bonds; give full de- west eash price. P. O. Box m Beach, Fla. ‘anada and Newfoundland copy of Emco Journal. All I. Mention this paper.Marks vy, Torogto 2, Canada. elopes; work at home; sub- pay: experience unneces- mployment for honest, am- Box 57c. Naperville, Til. ed Eyelids, Sties, d Eyes relieved. single application r 372 Pearl St, N. Y. City. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM moves Dandruff-Stops Hair Fallin auty to Gray and Faded Hai; 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. icox Chem. Wks. . Patchogue. N.Y | 1AMPOO = Ideal fo. use in arker’s Hair Balsam. Makes the y. 60 cents by mail or at drug mical Works, Patchogue, N.Y. nswered His Wish ither have died myself lost my good friend,” chaels, seventy-two, at« ineral of Judge David York city. Before the over, Michaels’ son, with him, saw his fa- ward suddenly. Death neous. Michaels had reter in Judge Lourie's he had held 30 years. \ from Russia as a boy -made man, learning to ruages fluently. So Big —1 want a track suit round the gymnasium. ntly)—~Certainly, mad- is your gymnasium ?— s Magazine. it Stenographers of young people sud- horthand, there would ys of business.—Ameri- 80 Years ffective Use ADDER and Y TROUBLE Il drug stores IN & SON, INC et B’klyn, N. GG’S ASTHMAREMEDY pt relief of Asthma ers Ask your druge 5 cents and one dole r FREE SAMPLE, 1an Co.,Inc.,Buifalo,N.Y. THE PATTON COURIER FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander (@ by Western Newspaper Unlond OH cee! « THAT WAS SOME Book 1 NEVER WAS SO THRILLED IN ALL MY THIS HERE NORTHWEST MOUNTED FELLA WALKS IN ON A HERD OF HOODLUMS AN SAYS * THE GAMES UP 4 I KNOW EVERYTHIN' *- AN’ HEY OFFER HIM $10000 TO KEEP HIS FOOL MOUTH SHET { HIS DUTY ¢ © ~ -— ; BUT NO! -~HE SAYS ALL RICHES IN THE WORLD CAN N TURN RANDALL FORMHRIGUT Frat VUH YF I SHOULD JEST WALK | UP TO ENOUGH SUSPICIOUS LOOKIN PEOPLE AN SAY * I KNOW EVERY- THIN, MEBBE ID RUN INTA SOMEONE GUILTY WHO'D OFFER ME A LOT OF MONEY TO KEEP My MOUTH SHET/ od a fi a By Oshorne (® by Western Newspaper Unfon) THE FEATHERHEADS A SPECAL TIS WEEK MR. FEATHERHEAD! - HALF A DOZEN PORTRAIT- SIZE FOR TeN DOLLARS! D6 You THINK THESE ARE GOOD |" WONDERFUL! ~ SAMPLES 7+ AN'DO YOU THINK WELL, WE You CAN GET A GOOD CAN ALLRIGHT LIKENESS OF 1%) (c 5 SIR we BUT WE WANT You To BE PLEASED WITH THE RESULT == J 1 i. ATOM CEE) STA (Copyright, W. N, U.) RT ALL OVER- WIFE SEEKS SEPARATION FROM MATE SPOUSE TELLS COURT HUSBAND MUST stop SMOKING PIPE IN HOME Ws ZA" r 9 @S] C gee & A DIRTY ‘pig! = eAlong the Concrete STARTED - SHE BEGAN TO TING WONT START | CANT GET MV CAR LAST NIGHT BUT | ©0T HER IN THE GARAGE ALRIGHT NOW, THE FOOL KNOCK BE MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL en RE, By Charles Sughroe © Westen Newspaper Union wr It Sounds Reasonable WHERE DID {OL GET KNOW. WHERE LITTLE BONS GO WHO z KEEP “HE COIN THEN SHOWLD PUY ON SURE \ OO! THe GO TO YH MOLE x ~ _x We'll Have Peggy Wihr Us Now IBy PERCY L. CROSBY Copyright, by the Me lurg Newspaper Syndicate} b ov2 {Goon AFTER NOON, TIMMIE $57 5 & Uf sm ie 6000 MORNIN" ER- GOOD EVENIN', PEGGIE WILL You STEPOUER AMINVTE,TIMMIE? | HAVE SOME THING TO GIVE ToYov. HERE'S A DARLING LITTLE MASCOT YOU CAN HAVE FOR: | | | | | | | | | | | | { counters in a department store. CANNY A Scotsman approached an attend- ant of a bowling green and quietly banded him twopence. “What's this for?” asked the attend- ant. “A game o' bowls, laddie,” replied the Scot. “Yes, but the fee is sixpence. that board.” “] hae done, laddie,” nodded the Scot with on wink. “It says fees for the green, sixpence a game, but I'm nae green.” WHAT IT STOOD FOR Read Witie (sight seeing)—What does this monument stand for, dear? Dumb Hubby—Don't you see it’s so strongly built of marble it couldn't possibly fall? Barbaric Gloom The savage said, “lI really find Mine is a gloomy lot; They loot me if I'm good and kind And shoot me if I'm not!” For a Practical Test The PresiMent—You told your class that a family on tour could live well on $718 a year. Are you sure of that? The Professor of Domestic Economy —Absolutely. Reliable statistics prove it. The President—i'm glad to hear it because we are cutting your salary 40 per cent for the coming year. Zip Mistress (interviewing cook)—Sup- posing 1 wanted yeu t6-266%—ai—etib=- orate dinner for about fifteen people, would you be lost? Cook—You bet! That's just ‘ow the last folks lost me.—Humorist, For His Own Good “You must serve on the jury, Mr. 3ig Business.” “But, judge, 1 am rushed to death.” “] know it. You need a rest.’=— Louisville Courier-Journal. WASTING TIME He—Darling, I've been dreaming of this moment for months. She—Then why waste now} more time Check A man worth while Is one who grins When the doc steps out And shouts, “It's twins!” So Sudden! “Dearest, I love you. Since the dawn of creation, since the birth of this world, since the beginning of time, I have known and loved you. Darling, will you be mine?” “Oh, Tom, this is so sudden.”—Path- finder Magazine. Well Trained Coach—You say you can play foot- ball, Have you had any practice? Football Prospect—Yes, sir, I used to be a floorwalker at the bargain sale Sweet Forbearance Sambo—Look heah, woman, you know you’all done marry me jus’ for mah guv’'ment insurance! Lila—Ah knows dat, honey, but ain't 1 been willin’ to let you die a natural death?—San Diege Naval Air Station Trouble Shooter. Page the Math Prof. “How come you're working today? Don't you know what the Fourth of July 1s?” “No. I'm not good at fractions,”— Exchange.