Rev. Chas. W. Wasson a ceremony. ie st week a party of hun- astings and Et. Boniface e black bear two miles , near Thomas’ Mills. 5 is rebuilding his house, lestroyed by fire a few x AIR RADIO JR NEAR CRESSON n of a radio tower near Country Club, along the Gallitzin Highway, is by the Trans-continental Inc., with headquarters , O. The radio station to provide airplane wea- ‘or al lships of the com- om Pittsburgh to eastern plane service will be in- the near future. n Air, Inc., recently ap- ‘ederal Radio Commission n to erect the station at received approval of the weeks ago, work on the started immediately. A + will be employed to take station. Yiu em [) PILI [ d ) yift worthy of g through the a wide range inctive mount- Diamonds, the ir EALER GARDNER, Prop. : $ Penna. g. U. S. Pat. Off. JIAMONDS GLASGOW Mr. Frank Henderson, Foster Tro- xell and Mr. B. F. Troxell with sever friends of Philadelphia went on hunting trip to Clearfield last wee they returned Saturday. Mr. Hende son and Mr. Foster Troxell each sh a nice six point deer Visi the home of Mr .and Mrs. A. 8. Jackson on Sunday were Mrs. Raymond Jackson of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ke and ch lair, Mardell and George of Vah Or mer, Mr. and 'd Jackson an son E M da Noel, and two sons a daughter of Flix , visited at the home Sunday. Miss itor last 11 AX Coalport yalport vis ll and Lemoine Adam ing. Many of the rel and d of James McCartney g ered in of his 15 th Birthday, Friday evening The evening was spent in playin game, at a late hour a delicious lunct was served. Ronald Adams, who is a the Philipsburg Hospital, as improving. The Roseland Ladi Aid Societ; held their regular wee meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mec- Cartney last Thursday. ~ BAKERTON Mr. Albert Freidoff of Johnstown, spent Saturday at the home here. Miss Caroline Dillon of Carrolltown, was among the visitors in town on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. William Lamont caller in South Fork, on Monday afternoon of this week. Mr .and Mrs. Miles Rank of Marion patient of tv Sa was a business Center, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Strong here recent- ly. Miss Hattie Zimmerman was a caller in Hastings, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Strong of Bar- nesboro, were recent callers in town. Miss Theresa Hovan a teacher in the public school of a near by town spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hovan. Miss Louise and Miss of Spangler ,were callers in Monday evening. Father Hckey of Gallitzin, was a visitors in town on Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McCoy were call- ers in Ebensburg, on Sunday evening. Miss Ruby Williams was among re- cent Spangler visitors. Rev. Father Cocheran of Lilly, was among the callers in town on Mecn- day morning. Mr. Norman Casher of Cresson, vis- ited in town on Monday. Miss Veronica Stefanik of Atlantic City, N. J., is spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stefanik, at this place. Mr. Simon Lantzy of Spangler, called in town on Monday evening. Mr. Louise Flora spent Sunday eve- ing in Carorlltown. Miss Rose Marie Hu y of Carroll- town, was among the visitors in town on Sunday. The New School Buil ed on Monday morniz Betty Lantzy town on ing was opern- y FEWER DOE DEER SHOT THIS SEASON THAN OFFICIALS EXPECTED Cold Weather Blamed in This County For Small Number Killed be impossible for rmine the success of the Game Although it sometime to d the deer hunters this year Commission believes the mber of antlerless deer killed during the spe- cial three-day season in November did not come up to expectations. Over 30,000 special licenses were iss it is estima hunted with began with was res small ba the drives as Season er which licenses. 1 le COlc ible to a de Hunters did long, and ry was 5 thorot not covered as week end at the local monastery. have been had the been Mr .and Mrs. Cletus Farabaugh and and Mrs. Ivo Kirkpatrick spent warmer, Mr. . * of pro-|Sunday While there w secutions, of cot conducted ti and there was not which preceded former Most sportsmen visited at showed the right for the purpose I It is doubtful wl as a lve bly the usual criticism SOI. rule were there| remove the ether many li- deer. censes were purchased that were not]of New York city, motored to Pitts- used. burgh, Saturday, where they visited Records of violations occurring dur-|with Mrs. Stolz's sister, Miss Katé ing the special season have not been |Huber. completed. However, tions in ra siuc Cease iertae prosec a few were compara- Huntingdon county, Benson reported all counties but tively light. In Game Protector B. A. the collection of $200 for violation of the board's resolution and in Lycom- ing county, Game Protector W. B. Mc- ng cous = 5. 36 fied purchase price of the Nemo Clarin also collected $2000 1ro1 theatre in Johnstown was granted in a tors killing illegal deer. decree filed by Judge McCann at me y = Ebensburg, Monday, in the case of Autoists Delay In Getting Reports to Motor Vehicle sioner Benjamin G. Eynon show that]s up to Tuesday, Dec. 9, approximately 70,000 fey applications had been re- | ceived from 1931 tags than ceived ‘in the same period last for 1930 plates. Commis- year |e visitors Saturday even- r=) cember 26. it Mr. and daughter, Tuesday ey Banner ning of 1 ville this we S Paul and 1 | Fair birthday dinner in grounds. Mrs. Cede Thelma ening. Grange of ast week, and the ek, CARROLLTOWN The Alumni Association of the Car- all rolltown High School wil lhold its an- A1nual dinner-dance during the coming *K | holidays, the date probably to be De- Miller ser BE St honor of Grace, at the pa- rental home in East Carroll Township ast Carroll - Township met at the Grange Hall for 1d la business session on Wednesday eve- . Grange Master | Englebert Farabaugh presiding. Among te matters discussed were the Pomo- ha meeting of Cambria County Grange ate Grange meeting, the latter to be held at Potts- Richard Farabaugh, The ship former an air pilot, last week had an Xperience while flying over Ebensburg In the “Bird’ plane’, owned by the pilot. While at a height of about 1,800 feet, engine trouble developed and a forced landing was made on the Ebensburg was wisely maneuvered by the airman and came ved a their the reported of friends | ued and|cilara d at least 5000 landowners | pittsburgh. would | the weeks in Pittsburg. amps | spent the week end at the Albert Man- DECISIONS MADE BY which to make payment of the speci- 4 2 Harry L. V. Hager Plates For Coming Year |Hinchman against George Panagotacos all of Johnstown. tor of the estate of the late John Ott were re-|filed by Judge Reed, in which certain is valued at to earth without damage. After care- fully examining the plane, the pilot flew to the Keystone airport, near Eb- ensburg, but his brother did mot ac- company him on the take-ofl for fear of further trouble with the ship. Mr. and Mrs. William Eckenrode and members of their family motored to | vse Springs on Thursday evening to visit with the mother of Mrs. Ecken- rode, Mrs. Martha Meloy. ) Mrs. Vincent Eckenrode, of East j Carroll Township, has been removed from the Spangler Hospital. Her cons dition is unchanged. Sarah Eckenrode fell down the north side stone steps at the main entrance |ie St. Benedict's Church on Thursday and was painfully bruised. Gerald Yeaglin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yeaglin, of Bakerton, is report- ed doing nicely after an operation at the Spangler Hospital a few days ago. The students of the Carrolltown High School, both boys and girls, will organize for basketball games, the practice periods to begin soon. Gilbert Kane and his relative, Miss Jane Farabaugh, of East Carroll Town- ship, have returned from a visit in Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Joathan Hodgson and son Boyd and Miss Hodge, who were guests of Mrs. Wilfred Blum, mothey of Mr. Hodgson, have returned to their homes in Detroit, Mich. after their visit here and at Johnstown, the trip having been made by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray anounce the birth of a daughtef at the Span- gler Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stev- ens, of East Carroll Township, also anounce the birth of a daughter, re- tly at the parental home. Among the out-of-town people, who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Emma Hertzog Miller, wife of Rudolph Miller, were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hert- zog and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weak- land of Johnstown, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller and daughter Diana of North Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Her- tzog of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hertzog of Cresson, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hertzog of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. James Warner of Altoo- na, Mrs. Susie Miller of Tyrone and Mr. and Mrs. John Fongheiser. Ralph Barker of McKeesport is vis- iting at the home of Mrs. Arminta Null, Mrs. Barker has been ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. Null, for the last few months. Miss Stella Schroth has returned to her home, after spending the last two weeks with Irvin Schroth fam- ily in Indiana. Mrs. Clara spent the week-end Mrs. Anna Behe. Joseph Anderson of Juniata college, Huntindon, spent some time at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sharbaugh, recently. Mrs. Mary Weakland and daughter have returned from a visit in Springer of Pittsburgh with her mother, Miss Mary MecAuliff of Johnstown SY the week end with her mother, s. Mary McAuliff. The Rev. Father Bernard, O. S. B,, of St. Vincent's college, Beatty, spent among friends in Pittsburgh. Gilbert Kane has returned to his home, after spending the last few Edward Mangold of Williamsport cold home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stolz with house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Owen their THE COUNTY COURTS An extension until Fed. 1, 1831, in and Auna Hager The amount of the attorney's fees and the commission paid to the exec- f Patton was upheld in an opinion J xeeptions were dismissed. The estate. more than $115,000. “In part,” Eynon said “this may be| Judge Reed also filed an opinion attributed to the inclement weather of [granting a new trial on the petition the last two weeks. Business depres-|{of the plaintiff in an action brotight] sion is responsible for some of the|by Angela O'Hara against the Fry Mills fall-off, of cour And, as usual, pro-|Co. Both parties to the suit are from crastination enters into the propc on. | Cresson. Owners are putting off until the last An opinion modifying a prior de- what they could week of Dec cree of the court in an equity action have done the third week in October.” brought by Edward Hern against Earl Commissioner Eynon said that 1931 registration fees Wonders and others, all of Johnstown, 000—an amount nearly $100,000 than for a similar period last year. are less than $4,000,-]in connection with a real estate tran- 7 less |saction, was handed down by President | ‘Judge John E. Evans. \ IEEE Store Open Evenings until 9 p.m. This Sale. During EE EPL VSL IER RT ER WN RCS Starts SATURDAY, Dec. 13 AARONSON’S ENTIRE WINTER STOCK AND HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE REDUCED. Men! What A Sale This Is Going To Be. Just At The Right Time, When You Need Heavy Clothing In The Cold Winter Season. PRICES SLASHED. BUY THOSE CHRISTMAS THE PATTON COURIER ifts jor 9 % 5 BUY THAT CHRIS TMAS GIFT NOW GIFTS NOW. AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN AFFORD. BUY NOW AND SAVE! Look! Men Real B [n BUITS & Overcoats ONE LOT OF MEN’S SUITS— To be closed out during this tem $912.88 MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS — In snappy Patterns, this as- sortment has just Arived, at a special price of $1 6 50 $19.50 and . = Come, In and See Them. MEN’S OVERCOATS— To be closed out. 8 5 during this sale at = 50 MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS— In a heavy weight, Just the thing for cold weather. Men at prices That Are a knockout. Come in and see them. MEN’S DRESS ARCTICS— $3.25 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS— i nr OBC MEN’S WORK ARCTICS— Heavy Red Bottom Soles, 4 a w- 09.95 MEN’S AND BOYS DRESS RUBBERS— During this sale at 98¢c Goodrich Ball Band, All sizes at only . See Us First For Christmas Gifts ER a DRAWERS— 1 and $3.95 and Most C All Style 312.50, D sale at $8 MEN'S Wi Plain G Khaki, v: during t BOYS’ DR Nice A All sizes, price of argains WE WILL NOT BE CT Hi | MEN’S SHIRTS AND Fleece Lined, Special at 69 MEN’S MINING BOOTS— ie + 62.98 MEN'S HI-TOP SHOES— iplete Line in town. , Values from $6.50 to During this ), $6.95 RK PANTS— , Black, Striped and > $1.95, Sale at SS SHIRTS— rtment of Patterns the low 59¢ 1" li $4.95 $1.29 A PLEASING GIFT MEN’S SCARFS Hand Painted Silks, Plain Colors and fancy. Largest selec- tion in the town, Special during this Christmas Sale at 98¢c $3.95 down to . MEN’S JERSEY HEAVY WORK SHIRTS— All sizes. Special MEN’S SILK DRESS SHIRTS— In the Newest Patterns, nice Selection. All Sizes. Snappy Colors for the well dressed man. Special during this Sale 89 $2.95 down to .. C ONE LOT MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS— In all colors, to be sold during this Decemeber Sale 89¢ ab... MEN’S GOODRICH BALL BAND BOOTS— During this De- cember Sale at ...... $4.89 A SNAPPY LINE OF YOUNG MEN’S OVERCOATS— Regular value. From $28.00 to $32.50. Special at the low prices of $21.50, 5 f $18.50 and . 1 6.50 MEN’S SHEEPSKIN COATS— These are very 94 95 +3 warm coats at . MEN’S LEATHERETTE SHEEPSKIN COATS— During this sale S at. 6.45 MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS— Heavy Khaki, blue or grey shirts at $1.95, $1.49 95¢ and I'S DRESS HOSE Snappy Patterns at 19c MEN’S SILK LINED ROBES A splendid Gift. In three Pretty Shades. All hand tailord. During this Sale at $4 95 $5.95 and . rei = MEN’S WORK SHOES— Double sole and composition sole, during this sale 1 a5 at $2.95, $2.45 and .... " MEN’S NEW CHRISTMAS NECK WEAR— All Hand Tailored—All Silk Lined—Smart Colors and many Paterns 95¢ **” 69c Packed In Nice Gift Boxes MEN’S DRESS OXFORDS— Black and Tan, values from 5.50, during this sale $4.50 to $6 at $4.95, $3.95 $2 95 and aa = MEN’S DRESS CAPS— Snappy Patterns, for $1 Snappy Dressers at BOYS’ UNIONSUITS— Long Sleeves and legs, all sizes. During this sale 69 at 79¢ and : 3 Cc BOYS DRESS OXFORDS— Values $2.45 and $3.45 at $2.69 and $1 95 BOYS’ SPORT SWEATERS— Assorted colors with V Necks. All sizes. During this 98c sale at GIRLS’ AND CHILDREN’S OXFORDS— Special at the low 1 a4 price of .... = UNDERSOLD THIS MONTH. J A Le RONSON’S mtn Don’t Forget Sale Starts Sat. Dec. 13 iB a] gf ey