Published Every Thursday. 1 ———————————————— p—— p—— — I] Thos. A. Owens, Editor & Prop. ° E. F. Bradley, Associate Editor i Entered in the Post Office Pa., as Second Class Mail Matter. per year in Subscription Rates $2.00 5 Cents. Advance. Single. gta at 10c RATE CARD—Legal Notices per insertion; per line. Business Cards, Locals 10c per $10.00 wr year; D per inch; Full posi Minimum charge, $1.00. : company all orders for foreign adver- tising. All Advertising copy must reac h this office by noon Wednesday to in- sure insertion. Unsigned corresporn- dence will be ignored at all times. The Patton Courier Has the Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper in Cambria County—Covers the Home Community like a blanket, and circulates far more extensively in| north-eastern Cambria County than does any other newspaper. Observations from the Sidelines. pre. indeed, are the aye mn many deer county, but their pride is but a drop in the bucket as compared with the men who bagged the two bears in the county's confines last week. Cambria - . » “ ARMERS will probably for their harvests in 1930 than in Secretary Hyde any year since 1921, report to Congress. Seems as though of us as a year of far from plenty. - - - - OST of us send presents through the mails to absent friends at Christmas time. Don’t wait until the Christmas rush begins before mailing your packages, as at that time they are liable to become lost or crushed in the mails. Do your buying and mail- ing early and avoid the rush. - - -. - RE you ready to attend the Legion Show next Monday and Tuesday evening? have that serene peace of mind that | goes with the giving to charity. Every cent of the proceeds of the play will { kiddies happy at Christmas time. ELL, are the folks in Patton going to let the Barnesboro and Susque- go ahead hanna township folks ment to take over the road between Hastings and Barnesboro, highway between Carrolltown and Pat- movement is all that is needed. Who'll do the leading? * = % * WELL known Judge once said: one thousand persons, to find one real criminal who doors. to row a boat, to swim, camp in the open, and W hen he comes to manhood he will be found on the jury, not before it.” * ¥ + = A Nye and his thoroughly last week when Nye wante the Senate to stand James J. mittee was ready to new rumors brought to its recently. Pennsylvania, the same a every other state in the entitled to two representatives in th Upper House report a attentior Bill Vare Senators, chosen. rightly his. becoming disgusted with Nye. generally, are Edgar E. ereal disease section, of partment, increasing number among the young people the state de- th monwealth. “Undoubtedly lax parenta control and the excessive mingling of irresponsible youth, coupl- ed with the oportunities afforded by the automobile, roadhouses and the use of bootleg liquor, have been partly re- sponsible for the present serious condi- tion,” said Dr. Everhart 10 ——— CHRISTMAS SEALS. HE Annual Sale of Christmas Seal is off to an ausj t n day season these gaily plems will be familiar sig matter. The brightness is emblematic of the cl hope the money they those who are battling culosis. All of the funds raised in Cambria county will go to the assistance of against tuber- THE PATTON COURIER : buy the but its at Patton, ¢ducation in Weekly | years. receive less estimated the other day in his annual 1930 will be remembered by the most | You can rest assured of hav-| ing a good time, and you will also] g own need local | go foward making our ow y | Bave only complicated the problem in and influence the state highway depart- MESSAGE. and let the| ton remain as it is? Leadership in this la yoga fo be found. have sentenced to prison more than | but I have yet was | Just now is unemployment and recom- taught in his youth to love the out- Teach the boy to hunt, to fish, to hike and fully made, “neb-nose” committee was set upon hard and senator-elect Davis aside until the Com- lation of inter-state buses, the Muscle lot of Union, is at Washington. It 1s Pennsylvania's business how they are was denied a seal REPORT submitted to Secretary of imental economy. A Health Dr. Theo. B. Appel, by Dr. Everhart, chief of the ven- indicates that there is an ures will be introduced and common | friend to to you.’ of disease spreaders in both the rural and urban sections of the com- ly free inter-| concentration of requiring help in JAM AT END OF Those who MONTH EXPECTED. assured that the to needs here A oman registrations for 1931 are far behind those for 1930 filed this time last year, reason to believe, Eynon, Com-~ that there equal county » in th yeating back to health. eals are money will be devoted it home. at Harrisburg at releived through | and there is every to according to Benjamin G. nissioner of Motor Vehicles, will be an eleventh hour Tuberculosis still is a feared plague, dread is being the measures necessary its defeat. Playing an important part rush in this progress have been the Christ- mas seals, small bits of paper, which! the big jams of previous years. | the agaregate have become large| There are approximately 1,700,000 | automobiles in Pennsylvania | about 61,000 fewer car own- RE THERE ers have applied for the new license plates than last year. At the beginning DN Y DOES? {of the week the applications were com- | CCORDING to figures presented at Ine in at Be ie oF S00 3 Say, snd A ® ” at lshould this rate continue until the end the Seventeenth Annual Game Con- | of the year nearly 1,000,000 would be | in| unlicensed for 1931. The rate is now picking up slowly and it is expected to pagation has given way to the problem increase by leans ahd bounds during | ~ | the last two weeks of December. With| ppe fault will not be that of the | adequate protection most game thrives Bureau of Motor Vehicles if motorisis | The forest service count | are without license tags when the new | recently showed that in the national | vear arrives. It mailed out its applica- | forests the natural increase of ante-|tion blanks in October, and some car | lope, elk, mountain goats, deer and |OWwners who have made application | even black and brown bears has been have had their new blue tags for a thirty per cent in recent | month. Their use will be valid next | Monday, December 15th. | The slow registration this year 1S attributed to business conditions and | the tendency of a large body of ret ists to put off making application until | the last minute. weapons in their massed helpfulness. passenger and so far TOO New York last week, many states the problem of game pro- ference in of controlling the game supply. and increases. as high as Hunting of many species, however, is limited to the males. This raises a| problem, especially acute in Pennsyl- | vania, where the female deer, because | |of this system, now are said to out- | number the males about five to one. To solve this problem the game con- MAKE KE OLD MAN ference had but one suggestion, and | that not completely worked out, in-| WINTER A FRIEND telligent revision of the hunting regu- | ! lations. E Cold | 3 \ : ; : | Everyone One Can Enjoy Coit ric ra v , ne sv]- J J) The logical way to reduce Pennsyl [ Weather, Go For A Walk vania’s female deer population seems | ater, Lr * € to be in allowing hunters to take full | Every Day grown does as well as bucks for a I 1 Jislik : 1 are many people who dislike time. While certain sportsmen refuse | “There ate INany hot tata ; : DoTismen h | cold we ater. With their vitality under to shoot does, there are many Who,|,.; and natural bodily resistance con- judging from he recent fiasco called | | sequentl y low, such persons shiver, a doe season, cannot tell a buck from | complain and loudly praise the sub-tro- a doe at forty yards. Those nears | 1 nical sunshine. And, as if that were sighted h tors oir I t g100! enough, they attempt to beat the unters, eager for any Sort Ol} ,;iside chill by habitually forcing up vension, would soon reduce the nmm-|the inside temperature way beyond the | | ber of does in an open season on bot! n | safety mark,” said Doctor Theodore B. | sexes, particularly if the does are so | | Appel, Secretary of Health. : Le nen felt tentiral tf Bick al “Cold cowards, barring actual ill-| re plentiful than bucks. Alpes 1argely have themselves to blame. season or two and the balance would | Instead of pushing the indoor heat up be restored. {to an unhealthy degree, they should assume a more friendly attitude to- Witk kK th the buck season ward themselves and thus develop more about over, |it is not too early to begin to plan|heat within their own bodies. Having Fumbling and experimenting |done so, Old Man Winter, instead of {for 1931. being viewed as an enemy to comfort, will be considered in his true light; | ther past. A few months of thought|,s one capable of being immensely en- | surely could eliminate both hekt year.|joyed and as a: real boon to health 10%- and life. “The method to follow in order to "THE PRESIDENTS | ‘cash in’ on winter is by no means a [ cor mplicated one. The rules indeed are quite simple. But this fact alone is ye the message of President | perhaps more responsible for a lack of NC Zev. $23 es. re Vm followers than is any other element. Hoover made to Congress last week | Tre whole matter merely resolves it- upon the economic situa-|self into abiding conscientously and sober in | daily bythe following basic rules: 1. Exercise in the open—a four mile walk in the snappy, zippy air is one of the finest methods to carry out this in- junction; 2. Sleep eight hours each welt chiefly tion and is consequently thought, there is also much of encour- THE PATTON COURIER Easy as Possible « Lubricating Ability in Order to Do So oo ols oe A Winter Qil, therefore, Should Make Starting as + but You Cannot Sacrifice any they should succeed starting would be a problem. But Sterling Oil . . . in its winter grade . . . has been reduced in its cold test so that it is im- mune to the stiffening effects of low tempera- ture. A few turns of the motor and this winter grade will circulate freely. This has been done to take care of those few seconds of starting. After that the same pure lubrication ...the same piston seal, the same heat and friction resistance are as strong in this winter grade as in the regular Sterling Motor Oil you have been using. STERLING NY CK TERLING Winter Grade Motor Oil is the W same, full bodied 100% Pure Pennsylvania lubricant that you found so kind to your motor during the summer months just passed. Bui the weather has changed. Cold mornings will try to turn it into slow motion molasses. If GASOLINES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN WINTER GRADE | | The President is frank in admitting that the chief night in a well ventilated room with enough but not too much bed cloth- ing; 3. Eat what you like, but in mo- mends immediate action for relief. It Serie quentides; 4. Abandon the ox i ale n for relief. It|cessive use of stimulant and avoid de- | problem of the nation is essential that plans must be care-|vitalizing habits of all types; 5. Keep| but it is likewise esser n-| the eliminative processes of nature in s | tial that there will be no time to be | 80108 order; and finally, strictly main- | | tain the indoor temperature between | msn —— —— | —c—— —— — ee »| wasted in bickering. Congress must | the health limits of 68-72 degrees. ‘Those who possess the gumption to| = out these rules daily will in a| realize that winter's . sylvania State College regardless of par-| the benefit of the | c arry lact in co- operation, | tisan politics, for nation. {very short time ed bo ; blasts, instead of being painfully cruel, |courese are designe There are other matters which Mr.| re as a matter of fact friendly and cannot spend a longer 1 Hoover hopes will be settled at the | pleasant. Red-blood corpuscles and liar with the very information and the Dean of the well-being react matters such as the regu- | the surging joy of | marvelously to the cold, crisp atmos- NaF : Lr | Phere. relief of congestion | “Howeve short session, Shoals r, aside from the enjoyment | 1lin the courts, and reorganization of | ele ment, one must also border control for prevention of smug- | ques stion of safety. well as additional projects | and other maladies dig in believes should at least pe | thin veneer of a devitalized | quickly, often with sad results. But there is no question |;qopting the hot-housing principle in |in relation to the sconomic situation is para-| l homes is an excellent, easy and entire- | are important in achieves any | Iv too comfortable a way of develop- | work. it will 1 these consequences. “It follows, that over-heating the | home and under-heating the body is an unsafe and frequently a devastat- firm hand and | ing rule to follow. Meet Old Man Win- | wise leadership is needed to keep con- | | ter, therefore, with shoulders squared, chest out, chin up. And thus play gress from running wild. It is a fore- | with, rather than against him. Make {gone conclusion that a host of meas-| him your friend and he will be a great controversy, in under the! autify the home system | of unsightly obpec And | planting materials, gling, as which he considered. that the mount and, if congress tangible relief along that line, {have justified the entire session. There is also a need for govern- sence will be needed to distinguish the. | 96 “needed Io dis} hthe: p ARM CALENDAR useful from the useless. There should, united effort for elimination of | unnecessary expenditures and for the power behind those | bring immediate | | Timely Reminders from The Pennsylvania State College School of Agriculture, be a measures which will and beneficial results. HAUL AND SPREAD LIME—Late| | fall and early winter are good times | It is encouraging to note that the|in which to haul lime and spread it on President has found that “we are hold- |fields. Bad roads and spring work do ling from 80 to 85 per cent of our nor- not interfere with this soil improve- es 7 Bi ment work at this time of year, Penn- mal activities and incomes,” that the|gyiyania State College specialists point major financial and nidustrial institu- out. tions of the nation have come through| PLAN GARDEN PROGRAM—Penn- | the depression with unimpaired effici- | Sylvania vegetable growers have pre- | ency, that many industries are showing | bared 2 fine program on production, ency, ihe ay mous > Hat { marketing, and consumption for their s of increasing demand, and that|gnnual meeting at Harrisburg January are sound indications that the 21 and 22. Prominent growers and itself to a new | scientists will speak. | | FEED PULLETS PLENTY—Pullets must be kept in good flesh if their All egg production is to be maintained at one that reflects confi-|a high level. Feeding a fleshing mash even while it re-|in addition to the laying ration will all. the help. all, the|""rpyp WINTER COURSES—| | Short courses in agriculture and dairy | | manfacturing will begin at the Penn- WORK BY ONLY. CESS REQUIRES, LESS HEAT, OVER STEAMING read justing rid is tuation. All in all, the message is an instruc- ive document, dence in the future, people that, after recovery de- minds the economic hastening of pends upon themselves. prac tate College, Pa., for consider the | PLAN IMPROVEMEN Colds, pneumonia, | definite plan before atte g rounds, PHONE NO. 115 South Fifth Ave., PATTON | January 5. These | pruning el who | for those period at the college but who desire to become fam- ; latest agricultural Write to; school of Agriculture, tices. a catalog. mpting to be- START PRUNING NOW—Apple tree | EDMOND PROCESS Of Permanent Waving ‘THE SURE WAY’ APPOINTMENT OUR PERFECT PRO- LESS TIME, AND ABSOLUTE- LY PROTECTS HAIR FROM INJURY BY CHEMICALS AND $7.50 HAs... SGOT 127-J. NTS—Prepare a Elimination | use of color and br - proper locatoin house and grounds | putting the plan to weather is favorable. Some pruning| IN MM : : 5 THE COURT Oi N each year is better than heavy cut-|ppEAS OF OY an b can be done now when the MASTER'S NOTICE, Jennie PATTON DRUG CO., INC. 666 is a doctor’s Prescription for COLDS AND HEADACHES It is the most speedy remedy known. 666 also in Tablets. No. 232 September Term, 1929. Libel 15th., day of December, 1930, my report ATE THEM as Master, Recommending that the said Carmelo Scaramuzzino be divorced in Divorce. Notice is hereby given that I, the from the said Jennie Scaramuzzino a | vinculo matrimonii. ing at longer intervals. | PENNSYLVANIA | Carmelo Scaramuzzino Vs. | Scaramuzzino. undersigned Master in the above stated BUT SUFFERED case, will file with the Prothonotary of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, on the | “I like lobsters better than most any food, but I used lo suffer when I ate Reuel Somerville, them,” says Edward J. Owens, well- Master. Patton, Pa., November 28, 130. 12-4-30 known salesman of 85 Falmouth St., Boston, Mass. “I would have sick headaches; would belch, leaving a sour taste in my mouth; suffered a lot with gas on my stomach. “I tried many things before my druggist persuaded me to take some Pape’s Diapepsin. “It took me right out of my trouble. I have a better appetite, eat lobsters, pork or anything I want and have no after-effects. I believe in Pape’s Diapepsin and recommend it to everyone I know.” If you suffer from indigestion, often or just occasionally, get a package of these candy-like tablets from your druggist. They stop heartburn, gas on stomach, belching, nausea, head- aches or any other symptom of indigestion soon as the trouble starts, They are harmless; form no habit; can be taken as often as needed. If you wish to try them before buy- ing, write “Pape’s Diapepsin,” Wheeling, W. Va., for a FREE J. Edward Stevens FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER sample box. CARREOLLTOWN, PENNA Reuel Somerville ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Good Bldg. Patton, Pa. Parnell, Cowher & Co. Edward's Hardware Co. FURNITURE MAJESTIC RADIO & RANGES Phone 4 Ebensburg, Pa. \ PAPE’S | dl Quick Relief for Stomach liis Phone Office and Residence 2 FR SOE 3 TO REBUIL AND Surveys Being That Based upon the district e state highway daysburg is p relocation anc highway betw Ashville, a dist together with county bridge and Ashville. While there the constructio lieved that it tion in the pr for 1932, parti fact that the bh have detailed done when th being considere Reconstructic minate the tw dam, replacing way which wi easier grade el curves which greater radius. When the r will complete connecting witl opened betwee county and | county. AER Sta Mak 1-: Re Statler Co., Makes a I of ONE-F HALF on C! Below is a I Men’s Suits Men's Over Men’s Hats Ladies’ Coa No Fur . Ladies’ Coa at eens Ladies’ Dre: Ladies "Dre: Ladies’ Half You may I the holiday vantag BRING YO | OUR AGE! | OPPOSITE | STORE Send or br mounting or and Best E in Pennsyl CLE. TA) CO 11-15 Nich Taxidermi Manufactur Write for | anc Open eveni Noven REMEMB heads free The 3 larg and one o regardless “Known th Lee m= “If you wisl trophies at | store and ot for them; or service truck