' you must convince yous try some ordinary tobacca~ pipe. Note result in chalk tom of your left shoe. try some ordinary tobacco avorite pipe. Note on other ally, try some Sir Walter noking tobacco in any good , won't have to note it any=' r you'll notice with the very 1ow much cooler and milder tays so, right down to the in the bowl—rich, mellow ant. Your regular tobacco Sir Walter, of course. Try a I: Nk 2 RALEIGH | ada. Sa ge SAH [24 5¢—and milder ve Days Spent n Rock by Fisherman uld you like to spend all of and nights clinging to a en rock in the ocean? the recent experience of arvey, an Alaskan fisher- small boat was wrecked , but he managed to swim the home of sea gulls and jutting out of a storm- . While the rock was some round it was only 8 feet | tide. A menu of raw mus- oa gull eggs kept him from And when the storm had ury at the end of the fifth s made from his clothing a passing ship which res- —Pathfinder Magazine. aby from the ravages of croup use of Hoxsie's Croup Remedy. r Kells Co, Newburgh, N. YX. Not Possible believe in that old saying, haste, repent at leisure’? Louisville lad. “Son,” in- he editor, “that’s just am bare platitude. Who ever a fellow who married in ng any leisure in which to The Ideal ation Land ne All Winter Long oads—towering mountain ighest type hotels—dryin- air—clear starlit nights— Foremost Desert Playground rite Cree & Chaffey mm Spring CALIFORNIA LL EYE BALSAM ntiseptic ointment. dication heals sore lamed eyes by pene- g the tissue ~— i s or 372 Pearl St., N. ¥Y, City. OTICE TO STOMACH SUF- i iffering from Indi- . Sour Stomach ich disorders send Stomach Remedy. 5 5 quick, s al e iV = ccess in his private practice. only. Satisfaction gudranteed. or large box and get vour first ’S PRODUCTS LABORATORY Ave., E. Cleveland, Ohio. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff-Stops Hair Falli: Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. Hiscox Chem. Wks. Patchogue. N.Y. N SHAMPOO == Ideal for use in th Parker's Hair Balsam. Makes the fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at dru Chemical Works, Patchogue, N.¥. THE PATTON COURIER (© by Western Newspaper Union.) FINNEY OF THE FORCE »Fonmme L The Patrol Nabs a Thief . —7 eRe ue NB Ne NOW YOU BOYS 1S. commission Fo TOPE “ME MAN = come INTO THE ® oD SOMTSSON] | DUTCH HERE GITS Y A0VI ET's SEE WHAT ER NEED _|HON FOINE TOGITHER, WE CAN SCRAPE wp! ANY HELP? = EH DUTCH 2m A 1 WANT TO HEAR =~ == ABOUT THIS CLUB / RS weins oN 2 WHATS ALL THIS COMMOTION AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT | .. WHY ARENT YOU YOUNGSTERS HOME IN BED ? .. THE IDEA, RUNNING AROUND DISTURBING PEOPL LIKE THis !.. = J THAT'S RIGHT, BUCK: = 7 HoH ) I AE EN mg 0 . iS HOU - DONT LET "M GET AWAY! A {KF was LOCKED OUT l.- HIS Se ==7YOUR HOUSE BY A WIN- [§ KIND DON'T BELO . ~| DER MISTERY- HE SAID | fl TERE - YOUNG MEN, YOUVE A HE'D BIN LOCKED OUT | BRCAUGHT A BURGLAR! L NAT NA IA Ys )\ THE F EATHERHEADS By Osborne (® by Western Newspaper Union.) » LISTEN TO THIS, FANNY. I THINK I'LL SEND IT IN TO SOME MAGAZINE OR SOME- THIN' IT'S ONE OF THOSE 'HE- SHE™ JOKES HE : "FORGIVE ME,MYRTLE WILLOW? +L PINE FIR YEW IN A LARCH WAY!- ASH LONG AS OLIVE, 1 WALNUT ALDER MY LOVE FOR You! ..Y SHE: IM SORRY,ELMER BUT \ I WOODEN ARBOR THE THOUGHT OF MARRIAGE “HE : “ WELL, THATS OAK WITH ME {YOURE ToO Eh) 200 YES, SEND IT IN TO SOME MAGAZINE BY ALL MEANS, FELIX ! - ANYTHING SO You DON'T MENTION IT AROUND HERE AGAIN! _ ER, YOU WOMEN ’ HAVE NO SENSE | OF HUMOR — ANYWAY .. BUT YoU ARE A BEECH TO PUT UP WITH MY LUMBERING WAYS §" ~ —-_— 3 WHY NOTROUBLE ATALL, TOM |S ONLY, TO GLAD TO DRIVE OVER AND GET YOU. ITS =—— SUCH A MISERABLE NIGHT TO BEOUT IN AND 1 THE STREET (ARS ARE SO UNCERTAIN. WHY NO, LY A OM JUST (OVES To DRIVE, VES, ITS ON Gia HOURS DRIVE, NO, AES JUST TICKLED 0 PO IT, GS) REAP WONT BOTHER HIM cone THROUGH THE RED LIOHTS” | MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL. — ¥ oS A JUST FINISHED MARKING 7 HERE COMES THAT Poor THE STOCK DOWN FELLER WHOSE STORE ABOUT. MER : BR LOSS, Meter! i NEVER MIND! 1FounD '|HIM, FAT. DID You SwALLOW THAT GOLD FISH? "For a Time There Fat . Felt Down in the Mouth 3 ® br the McClure Newspaper Syndicate W. N. U,, Pittsburgh, No. 50--1930, Mother of Four ET he “Although I am only 22 | fyears old, I have four babies to care for. Before my first baby was born my mother urged me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound because I was so terribly weak. I had to lie down four or five times a day. After three bottles I could feel a greatimprovement. I still take the Vegetable Compound whenever I need it for it gives me strength to be a good mother to ty family.”—Mrs. Vern L. Dennings, 510 Johnson Street, Saginaw, Michigan. “Lydia E.: Pinkham's CAGED Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co’, Lynn, Mass. Stubborn paneer nN ere QOghns and colds Nest down 4 t t your strength and (gpwre Syrup soothes instantly — ends coughs quickly. Re- Y lief GUARANTEED. . to Boschee's fra SYRUP GRAY, FADED HAIR restored to natural color by our vegetable hai orer. Composed of herbs. Harm- 1 ney back if not satisfied. Package 5c. Ammor Products Co., Kentland, Ind, Vibro-Shave Electric Razor; wonderful in- vention; sells on sight; attractive trial of- fer; bi Prac ig Christmas profits. ( Main St.,, New Roc FLORIDA'S Choice grapefruit, oranges, $7 box: half box delivered. Christmas seial, mit money order. G. C. Myers, Dundee, Fia. Fav, Wonderful, New, Colorless, Odorless, Harmless Salve for burns, cuts, brui oil for si if not satisfied.Agents wa d selling Fav in your neighborh FAV LABORATORIF 1801 South 65th St., Philadelphia, Penna, Cactus & Rare Plants for Xmas bowls. Illustrated catalog (500 kinds) 25c. Me- Cabe Gardens, Rt San Diego, Calif, GEORGIA SHELL PECANS The finest tha w. § lbs, delivered $3.60, R. ROADHU Americus - If You Have It TRY GAB-AS-TINE FOR : ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER Gib-As-Tine Co., Box 442, Logan, W. Va, That dread- PSORIASIS [het dread: ease many suffer with for years thinking their trouble to be eczema and treating without results. Your name on a post card brings valu- able information. DR: D. R. PARSONS 225 5th Ave., Huntington, W. Va. B( $.4 suide to Stamp Collecting, r 3,600 sta llustrated coin. W, Do You Need Money $40 Weekly ¢ ou? No peddling or ling. Part free. THOMAS CL! {. 505 LINE ELLWOOD CITY, PENNA. HIGHEST CASH PRICE plus stock or entir Stores, shoes, dry you contempla or disposing of and I will have 1 dealings ictly S PAI of s Trademark Reg, U. S. Pat. Off. Over 80 Years of Effective Use for Bladder and Kidney Trouble At all drug stores H.PLANTEN & SON, Inc. 93 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. IVI VV VV | No need to spend restless, sleepless nights. Irritation quickly relieved and rest assured by using the remedy that has helped thousands of sufferers. 25 cents and $1.00 at druggists. If unable to obtain, write direct to: NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., Inc., Buffalo, New York Send for free sample. ==