The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 04, 1930, Image 4

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: y gal
decided again Mr. and M
THE PATTON COURIER W I'H the selection of County Com- yoads, but nothing definite ever came others not in.the service received. lulled to a false bent of safety by the | The same st Solel Sesh
| . 1 r 1 . + : o he ¢ 7 3 ung JOI'. as
missioner 3 rol “Second—The fact that the grealigaet that pheir machines weye inspected that the quality of cloning of Marion (
: mi fact that their ma Ss wer I | absolutely nothing to do with solds. : st we ; at
atton, by y on é
Cowher of |of it.
r Meade B.
: 5 oh H trhrtharn. Co . : : : .| majority of the holders of these cer- rir 4 :
Published Every Thursday. 1 y the Northern Cambria| If both communities band together |; ee 4 oe ew ng 4 and approved during the annual cam- Brunettes generally wear as little as mother and
ois . y . tificate € € ad) orrowing ‘ | 5 ? . hens RT rg
EE ,—e,,—————— l 1b, to serve as their for the sgme goal for both highway them. to their ultimate loss, indicate | Paign. ABOU { blondes, and blondes or brunettes who Strong
" I . uing year, th th communiti ay get somewh Bek . a Lee i Pini : indshi Lover themselves too heavily are more &:
Thos. A. Owens, Editor & Prop. Px ensuing year, the photh communities may get somew that the ex-service men need this) An official sticker on the windshield —— | cover Ihe frselies oo hea ig dost Mr. Albert
iwanial wuld hay 1ade nN ther | 0: yw, inste 4 4: mer . subject to colds é > a3 S1
E. F. Bradley, Associate Editor |KiWanians could have made no bette: rr Ol How. insy 8 of in 1 a \op; does mot now make the owner orlpuionean Doctors Agree Bru Sas S ry spent an ever
. wy ome } ia } \ co Ci. . “Third—Whe » war contractor . h S Jd rately. ase
rt c—————————— >. Meade has always taken Ki- mhey UR DRY otitioned Conuress at the close of the | driver immune from arrest for impro- aétics Are More Inmune The report of the doctors would show of friends.
; . etitioned Congress at the clost 1 : s Ar 1 e repo! yetors would show
: i wanis and its spirit to heart, has been : 5 the’ wav per lizhts brakes. a . oS ag ; : . ave far wo. Drevalent Miss Jane
Entered in the Post Office at Patton, : ; : chair- | READERS war because the ending of the war | per lights, brakes, ¢ te., nor does it les Than Favored Blondes that head colds are far more prevalent a Jans
Pa., as Second Class Mail Matter. in activ ber, has served as vhair- : . caused their profits to cease and Con- | sen his responsibility for accidents that lan ravored bi ¢ in foggy countries than in the lands Gajie: in
Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in man of many of its most importan O Our dry readers, and we have no Font of Se ome, 2 I ’ maz be caused by Mechanica! detest Gentl » prefer blondes, bu! g et hig my blond oy ing da fy
Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents. committees, and as its chief executive, doubt that this newspaper has|'ent of »2000,000,000, it did NOL a5% {4 pave developed in ‘the car since ontlomen may prefer hiondes, DUS JOTRY COUANNES AIS He x Boker is 1
be lpoked upon to keep the North-! ! | the war contractors to take their ad- i t te. In fact the |brunettes are more immune to colds in| while farther south where the sun erkey in Jo
‘an be lpoked upon tv L¢ L l= 1 WO he have y hoping . . 1 » jnspectior /as a y £ 3 al a x rd iy ey 1 PTE are ati i
mat— - can be Ip REC IDO YS P Chis 91 many of them who have been hoping justed pay in 20-year, non-negotable the inspection was made. In fac ee shines more the women are Latin in ition 8;
RATE CARD—Legal Notices, at 10c ern Cambria County Kiwanis Club Welle. <yecess of the prohibition experi-!npotes. but as with the railroads, paid |1930 inspection and all that went with }the head. race and brunette in type, may have Anthony Le
er lin er servion; 3usil to the front 1 , { Ff the Y n es i rivtiiallv PM n » a is » startling decision of a|_ bine Loy t i \ re, > (
Pe Pe: = HOB hy woh the front. Sih. ment, we commend the results of the th m in oath. . ont Sof it virtually terminated on December That 2 he Le a Ye something to do with the r sult. John Spons
1s r line; Business Cards, * 1 Pil te Soy oc “Fourth—The immediate payment ‘of : ta p urope octors Ww ave any are eve re immune to 3 Si
$10.00 wT nt: Disniav § jvertising, 30c results of the American Bar Associa-| aril ne mun dial payment Oy. according to the provisions of the |8rouP of European doctors Ww Bald men are even more immune to Simon Goolis
T1N00 SF Your, Dismay agyerusing sc ITY -TW ION DOLLARS | ti and for their fair con-| these certificates would bring about a ; been counting the sneezes of blondes head colds than me with heavy masses mas and Johr
per inch; 1 position, 25 pet. extra; TY-TWO MILLIOD SLATS tion referendum for their fair C€ON- yoyjyq) of prosperity, as the funds motor code. Only for. thirty days after Cres tes of Eu-|of hair, blonde or brunette. Men who myer and ti
Minimum charge, $1.00. Cash must ac- in the hands of Pennsylvanians sideration. would go into immediate circulation the end of the official inspection period au a oe oe about | are accustomed to go hatless are found man and Fan
ompany all orders » foreign adver- may Son. aad ABS . : Br ie te oy in . rope. \ 2S WC ye t| are a stor ) 8 4 a and E
SamBany iL ony ES Toran iver a w weeks—over and above To begin with, it must be remem-|Iin every village and city in the coun-| gre owners and drivers of motor ve- Some to cae to be practically immune. School boys ton, attended
this office by noon Wednesday to in- wages or ordinary income—must yo ..q that the American Bar Associa- UV: hicles subject to arrest for failure to| The scientists have not been so rash| have far less head colds now iy football team
ed : ni Gy . ; remendous asset : . ; teeta tee eep— 4 ia " Fon tan maney which | scliicolboys he 0 decades ago when al Ns
sure insertion, Unsigned -correspon- b ered a tremendous asset tO, js not constituted of wet fanatics,| TTD VOLT + display the “inspected and approved” |as to say why, but in a paper whic A i Hed wa Secagsy Ba muffs be i H i
3 : : ™ wd : " { . ¢ x itta » Acade 7 7 wore caps, T'S, : 001 <
dence will be ignored at all times. buying power. That amount| oe orofessional propagandists, of| KEEP YOUR CAR stickers. Many car owners, of course, |has been submitted to the Academy ol| they wore tur tl a in wool from chin Hall 0
: being paid out to depositors in aT : . 3 a I . > i Si ckhan a flixed t Medicine they summarize their studies and were swathed 1 ; Mr. Nunc I
5 being pald out to AEPOSIOLS 1H |,aptisan politicians, or of bootleggers. IN GOOD SHAPE. will not disturb the stickers affixed to and their decision. Blondes, they say.|to toes. The doctors believe head colds mello Buccs
x 1 yn a Aree £11v qavines n] S 1 $s e : wed “ > raved” ran afi . alt ey b x te 7 ¥ et
The Patton Courier Has the Largest mas-fund savings clubs. And It ’ section of informed fre Inspected and Approved’ |the windshield, but members of the have less than half the resistance to|can be made obsolete by moderate Monday ation
Paid-U irculati 7 Neekls s Indico to + = : 3 A 1 ¢ . . $ oh 25 rece y &
Faid-Up Citation of Any Yesky ve estimates indicate that uc opinion on national issues, and stickers that motor vehicles regis- patrol and other officers of the 1aw|head colds that brunettes have. dress. Mr. arid Mes
tered in this state have had to carry will not recognize them now as an in- ily and Mr. a
N. QTE PO Y, _r Y relOVOTr i
Newspaper in Cambria County Covers more than half the total will be turn-
the Home Community like a blanket, ™
and circulates far more extensively in
a respected profession.
family a
Spangler last
it repres
Ww 3 webct ring » the {i \ : : : " :
ed directly into retail buying for the So far as the prohibition question|since the close of the annual inspection |dication that the cars bearing them
seriod on October 31st, are virtually |are in perfect condition. The burden
north-eastern Cambria County than Christmas season, only about one-fifth | concerned it represents the one|Peri
s av I CCL C L His + i i : r :
Sorthsasisn Cambie: 1 of it being turned into permanent sav- eroup of men who have the most inti- without authority since December 1st.|of proof now rests with the owner and , Mis Marga
0 her home 1}
veral months |;
mate knowledge and experience in the |Car owners, therefore, should not be driver.
Mr. and Mr.
Johnstown calle
Miss “Lou”
end at the hom
Anthony, Cat
milla, Samuel,
— ings accounts.
* * * - .
Observations from 1g, law and its enforcement. jo .,.. x T
. . HARITY begins at home, is an 0lc ; a ANE .
th ; Sidelines. ( ; - th a In an unhurried and calm referen ec Yh S, N n\
€ saying, { in this CONRESROY you dum the American Bar Association ha am T\a 0S¢S S5CM\ nman
can to the needy OF OW voted 13,779 to 6,340—o0r more]
= two more issues of this r be charitable x i“
in which to advertise Christmas| Patton by patronizing the Home than 2 to 1—in favor of prohibition Ander ne Reapportionment
Talent Musical Comedy, “Good |
goods. The early adver gets the n Ie EH S SP repeal. |
ade Gracious Georgie,” to be staged at tne : 5 ol i ; er : ) ” y =
trade. is win Grand Theatre on December 16th and Most members of the American Bat) Constitutional Provision for Fix-| centre, Clarion Clinton, Columbia, of Clvelane. 0,
‘ 3 } 4 oni imi r > efit rf Christmas ociation are as devoted to the ideal | ing Representation at Harris- | Crawford, Cumberland, EIk, Forest, tome { ere aft
AMBRIA County, the glorious 20th 17th, for the benefit of Chris as fa tnnorate mation and to hatred] DB pres < @ < ! | Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, visibing friends
C District, is one of the districts in|Charity in the Patton section. On top| 2 mn DX has am ar esbiome. ATD| burg by Census | Tuniats Jefferson, Lebanon, McKean, Mr. and Mrs.
the nation that will niot be represented [of the charitable feature of the event Of the 5a.00n as 21% 2/0 25. lo | — | Mifflin, Monroe, Montour, Perry, Pike, returned to their
: leaders. But, on the basis of I COS%| cambria County stands to lose one|Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, after visiting he
Mr. Veto Bong
you will likewise be assured of two
ress con- : : . a rr) In 1 se : Sn : is r
(em5 experience, they have decided that|agcemblyman if the 1931 Legislature | Tioga, Union, Venango, Warren, Wayne
Prohibition has not produced temper-|obeys the mandate of the Constitution'and Wyoming.
; 1 ance but excesses of drunkenness and [and apportions the Senatorial and Re- Nine counties will have two Repre-
spending much time in a voluntary @"™* ° ; ¢ ik | present e districts during the ap-| vee cad boinc:
.|organized wholesale crime. haat § ives each, g
proaching tession, Armstrong, Bucks, Butler, Clearfield,
4 his vo S as an : : tis : :
old high license saloon was 2a The Constitution in Section 18 of|rnqiana. Lawrence, Lycoming, Mercer
by a lame duck when Con
venes at Washington this week.
* * zw
>= the Red Cross. It doesn’t mean
Johnstown, spen
home of friends
Mr. Santo Ant
his home here :
weeks at the ho
Cleveland, O.
s of entertainment. The cast
numbering fifty, ar
to insure the cuccess of the
a great deal to you as an individual : : ; on
rtainment. It's up to the rest Ol The
1 “1 nter
it ut ye vith a couple of : : Paortn DBE A ts ee .
to do it. But you, with a couple is to attend the show, if it is to be|evil—but in the light of facts ri ht| Article 2 provides that: | and Somerset. Not all of these coun-
OY har vic : o yp 5 10 ate 4 . , : ne = : : A d :
million other individuals, as members, the it desefves to be here in Cambria county so also is pro-{ «The General Assembly . . . immedi-|ties have the two ratios, but all have 2M. And Wis I
in i he 2 Tha ul S 10 Qf > ad . 2 > 1 aba ON.) 3 : Ds
means success in the interest of hu- | hibition, with its impossible enforce-|ately after each United States decen-|{more than a ratio and a half ratio. neshoro, were vis
i a eas hs § iis ip zs 1 YRArtic he State - . : ies p s
manity. Tear | ment—even a greater evil. Greater be- {nial census, shall apportion the Da | Six counties will have three: ly.
k bE ED linto Senatorial ¢ enresentative dis- | . : 4 s ;
Pr THERE ARE TWO | cause it is f@st demoralizing our young | 20 Sevatonn 3 Re : Re Beaver, Blair, Chester, Dauphin, ( ? . Miss Mae Bra:
VERY indication points to potatoes le ihe] LLCs agreeably io the provision: “*!York and Northumberland. Dauphin Sk ¢ called in town o
ey rR EE : FCTIONS ROAD men and young women, and making iw, preceding sections.” | S0ApP PRODUCTS
being high priced next spring. The SECTIONS OF RO. : ! > : a ps ie loses a member, as the present delega- : Ra week.
being high priced next spring. 1h | maniacs by inferior liquor out of our! yf this is followed, Governo t tion from Dauphin is four members. ; he Ne. oi Mrs:
erage viele p x “spuds” report- Tread the wspapers 8 at % % nny rnvlearde 10 | (Biff Or, Selvin otifv c = 3 Mr. é@ TS.
a Ix of the 9 Jas Be 3y= r=od in We newEnapen ha "former tipsy but happy drunkards. We) Gifford Pinchot will notify fhe Le Seven counties will have four Re- HIS 4%-quart enamel sauce pan and coveris il tle Creek, spent
ed by the Department of culture, | ¥§ a joint meeting of the members Of | polieve that every open-minded dry|ture to apportion the Senatorial presentatives: ivory color except for green bead edging and . at the home of |
{ Representative districts according handles. This sauce pan has the inset cover that : Miss Edith Str
| Camk
, dropping from five to four, . he 3
Bb NL preventsboiling over. Thehandles are welded. This end at he homo
is the lowest in twenty-nine years and | the Barnesboro Borough Council and | should be moved by the American Bar je 1930 census. The Legislatu
the quality so very low. Corn in of the Supervisors of Susquehanna |acsociation’s referendum (a referendur ll then take up the apportionment task. |and Erie, Fayette, Lancaster, Lehigh, is the triple-coated, heavy enamel ware you would Rank in Marion (
Pennsylvania is the lowest on record, Township on Tuesday evening of 1astioe jawyers and jurists) to reconsider! myo gonstitutional provision Nortaampton i Loe 3 pay a good price for id me stores We present Mr Wililam a
as is 1 SEWheat: eroy : Franti siltine ye ea ies ty > 70D ah gains a member having three in the : it as a special bargain offer. ? . 8 @
25 Is also Whe buckwheas crop, Week in the Municipal Building af | nis or her dry position in the light of State Senate apportionment provid 2 sont delegation = Ww P 8 ER caller in South Fy
i i QP 3 . I frye 3 ~f Qn » 5 hiel | Ah » vp . A 7
v5 a = Hastings, a petition to be presented 19 facts and experience. | for ay] ion of Des1.250 by 50, which | Four coantics Delaware, ‘Berks : . gFULLY dete noon.
& > SO, 26839 as the Senatoria ur ou 3, > re, erks, pi AR : : ;
UTOMOBILE Accidents have been the state highway department was ey leave 192,632 as the Senat { Monteomery and Schuylkill, will have n ith 10 coupons or (( Mr. Arthur Me
: ; : Elites te atio. The Representative ratio wr Montgomery and Schuylkill, ve 3 sisi this certificate With ;° oo will be © home of Mr. and
Bmerotls in {vs Sechion of ae drawn 1p. The WUUOh as Bot | PUBLIC IS VARNED | the Constituti n provides that the 9,- five members, and two, Lackawanna Ce cate D) pi oh named herein o ner in Catt oll W
. a 0 i i i e¢ Constitutio TOV S 1a, e J, > ate : ul er aArTe own
state during the past ten days or so,|small section of improved road between De o {631,350 shall be divided by 200, making and Westmoreland, will have Six. Del- Prodit for XTRA COUPONS Mr. Francis Fit
1 TQ 1G 1S hind hin : LEY RA ? rar rains ¢ 5 . 7 1 - TR DAT. ancis 1
due, principally to the slippery condi- | Barnesboro and Hastings be accepted | AGAINST DRUG USE. | the Representatives ratio 48,156. vare gains a member by the appor 15 E 1s good only if ant town on the after
" 3 £ 3 ! ! : toils = | tionment. te y
tion of the roads from snow and ice. by the state highway department as | ARNING against the use of drugs| The Constitutional provision for t si This certificat m OCTATIN a aay. 3
: ihe Fite of ck o syst is | = tain | APPOTLIC ent of the Representative] BE iss Sandie Don
An automobile at its best is but a |part of the state road system. This W a i as vician | apportionment o I br tite anime as : CL
we = fi . 43 : or : : without proper medical SUPEIVISION | o/cb sot states that every county of the | EBENSBURG WOMAN'S COURING Barnesboro, on M
dumb machine. The manipulation of small section furnishes an important lis contained in a statement issued bY|giate shall have at least one member CONDITION IMPROVED CLIP AND CHIPS. ken from any or Miss Catherine
x * . A a td Ry x y ate sha ave a as e I I 1 I 1 IP CT. tal . Miss i
it by its driver does wonders in mak- | connection to Route 219, the artery to. prominent Philadelphia doctor, who |in the House of Representatives. This —_— SAVE! J named — DO other cov Tharkselving vact
ing it appear intelligent, but nature northern points. The petition was pre [calls attention to the fact that while means that 36 counties will be allowed| The condition of Mrs. Cletus Rosen- ” all of the fot Pach, he gortifente ” South Fork.
still is the boss. pared by Attorney J. Harrison West-| "oi ns are using fewer drugs and | s, regardless of their popula-|steel, of Ebensburg who was seriously Coupon saving pons mnt cerefcate will DLL of our ’ Mr. Carmen Sai
) sicians are sing I rug alll 3 ce BR , i : 5 $ : 3 3 T of {vi aR §
* = 3. over, of Spangler, solicitor for Susque-| ns are boa thi : tion under the 1930 census figures. in jured in an automobile accident last is easy. There poor Redeemable {8 Fry) at th Qetas giving evening in (
: ! ou iho hanna townshin jgreater cave in their a Other counties are apportioned as| Wednesday, is at the somewhat im- are 0 Octagon Stores of S8ERTET ex St. Jersey ~ Mr. Logs Liora
OVERNOR John 8. Fisher urges the hanna townstip. |individuals are consuming larger quan- |g jy... proved at the Spangler Hospital. She : pre fehl . s Morisnen spent
observance next Sunday, December The Courier has long contended that |yiries each year without their knowing than |is suffering from a double fracture of ; ds os Er : Madera.
7th, of Universal Bible Sunday in the this particular strip of improved high- | sefinitely the nature of their ai t. | five the pelvis. : time pon. very 5 ote: Nije for big carslog be —_— Edward Hov:
s vy y g ld i atur f th fi A : Lid : : 3 3 showing hundreds of other fine : Rogerzinsky were c
churches throughout Pennsylvania. The way in Susquehanna township should|.. effect of the a they to | tive i- | Mrs. Rosensteel was injured when an soap of any kind, simply ask Octagon Premiums. Address Octa- Ji cently Ph 2
: ; ha {alsoy a he: ft wal | tional Repr automobile driven by Robert Pruner, your dealer for Octagon. gon Premium Dept., 17 Sussex oe
A an Bible S vy, an organiza-|be taken over by the state. But we it tional repr 9 ) . L , or x
meriea : ou 5 ee 1%, ds ha 1ty | of Ebensburg, skidded and overturned Soon you'll have enough Street, Jersey City, N. J. | s 7 and Mrs Jo
ion which isciies ver eleven !likewise ve contende t m- | 1 used dy 2 : 1 7 1130 ic ” 1 unaay atter:
tion which issues annually over eleven |likewise have contende g that the im Among the used > tative on the William Penn Highway, between coupons. Start today. Road wy afternoon
lA Pine e ion ats nis | Droved our iv Zu D5 % 2 1 % . ve A i i : { Spangler.
million copies of Bibles, Testaments |proved four ip between Patton | s hen )s or | Ebensburg and Munday’s Corner. Mr. This offer expires SAVE THE COUPONS! 4 Miss Filcen. Stols
: 1 r 1 rad Land in ’ fa ha Pv Nee ri . IV11Ss L1lee oC
and Portions in close to two hundred and C nich connects th | ctios r for escaped unhurt. ; Dec 31, 1930 There’s one with every WE gd
alnguages, has been sponsor ighways should also be| “No drug affects only the cc on | ry full rati — @ i Octagon product. The ; Spe ine Bae | ine
sal Bible Sunday over a } into the state highway depart- | : 3 iministorsd 10 1 Constitution further provides | LUTHER-DUMM 8 coupon on Octagon Toilet Mr. Leo Fitch of
Do Difir nts rps ; : 4 {for which it is administered,” he de-| ontalive. district shall re —— 2 Soap has double value! ¢ Sa > i :
nent’s fold. etwee: he two roads,| , 1 aq ih 4. pave ly gla idly oe 6 ’ Sunday a he ho:
é $3 2» ments fold, Beiween ithe two roads)... «prom the stomach it is cay | nave four members. ss Agnes M. Dumm, daughter of 3 y Mr. George Fitcher
IE twentv-fourth annual sale of |in our belief the Patton and Carroll-| 3: rans ‘of the : ro: ws Edwar [ ¢ A 7 - G g i
MHE twenty-fourth annual sale of our belief : ; a ried by the blood to all organs of the Ratio Apportionment. Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard F. Dumm of 8 Mr. Thomas Tam
Christmas Seals and Health Bonds | town ip, has by far the greater|, ~.. no effect upon one organ mav| The Representative ratio for the ap- |Spangler, and Clair W. Luther, son of 8 was a caller in tow
I n Friday. November’ 20th. The |amount of traffic i 2 1 thers it may be harmful BOT ment be 48.156. Allegh Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Luther of BS {ors V
Za friday, INO 10€Y ZSJuil. eC 1“ oT > hare oO" a: Y Ners mae D narmmiul PUL iCL xi , 400. £1105 . : . y ¥ eee ee
dega gad, SUK {be good; on ot b 11a Vill haven? Philadelning Ebensburg, were married at 9 o'clock
atest power to do|County
last Thursday in the Holy Cross Ca- See sh 3 ‘ 39. 4 Gl AS
Tris will Nove nie. Baiting ore. tholic church at a nuptial high mass Take your coupons to any of the following: ”
. alohrateo ; a Avr . x.
e 36 counties which retani ono |celebrated by the Rev. Father Alphonse Miss Viile Haloy
MISS yrie aley
h ; ;
ember under the provision of the O. 8. B., pastor of the Spangler church.
Constitution which allows each county | The attendants were Miss Vera Dumm Teacher’s college s
: . ate ° |sister of the bride, and Anthony Lu- vacation at her hom
to ve one member are: > * : y
) 1 = © ® 9 Mr. Frank Frye a
1er, the bridegroom’s brother.
seals are one cent each and the Bonds| However, if the state is to take any |pyygs with the ¢
to $1,000. Each helps the calse of ar-|action in the matter, that action should | good have also the greatest power to
d curing tuberculosis. It be taken on BOTH roads. If the| 40 harm. Their effect on the vi
tanis of the body must be chec
rom day to day and their use di
ave 40, one less than at present. Lu-
means that any amount you can afford citizens of Barnesboro, Hastings and |
i : is |
to give the cause will be appreciated, , Susquehanna township are ambitious |
The Christmas Seal shows Santa with |€r h to start a movement to have|tinyed as soon as the desired resu Adams, Bedford, Bradford, Cameron, |
a tree on his shoulder bringing |U important link of road come are obtained or undesired effects arise. The bride wore a blue and gold gown, Altoona visitors Sat
: rei 4 . Ny a \ Mr. Orrie Lovell of
“ h to all.” minder state sisdiction, then also ‘ Sn. anv. vomedv von {with hat to match, and carried a cor- r. Orrie Lc C
health to all. u tate Jwsisaiclion, “Before using any remedy you i - sO :
1 } : & oF Dr ; : nr . ’ Red Eo {sage of marguerites. The bridesmaid ar ware Teacher's College vis
* » should the citizens of Patton, of East| = +: 1. much wiser to obtain an ex-| fh i sag arg 5. Ihe 1 a wey
» - ’ would be much wiser to ob t oy iy ri [wore a biege colored frock, with hat on ents over Thanksgiv
: SE Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Carroll township and of Carrolltown | yert opinion about it from your phy-
spent Sunda;
| to match, and carried yellow chrysan-
i G. W. Troxell.
s. Paul Metzgar
Ane Ne TH D | themums. Mrs. Herman Kirkpatrick | 5
= Patton-Carrolltown strip. All of this... eo. most patent medicines ar IAL | of Spangler sang “I Love You Truly.”
Tyrone, Mrs. Han
ally, mentally or morally, to drive 3 Se Te vate hnaalofoe -
? : latter strip lies in Bast Carroll town-| __ iv wenptive. The plain n { The wedding breakfast and recep- - es ei
? excessive and deceptive. h 1 $ :
: tion was held at the Brandon hotel, MONTHLY PA NS ! 4
10 DISAGREE | a I | 3 4 4 daughter of Blandbu:
O LESS than ten per cent Oi
ists are unfit, phy-
rough show a like interest in the]... n or at any hospital clinic. The f
an motc
This estimate is made by insur-| _. 1 township road. The Lown~ .s
i ci- | Ship and is a township road. ‘The 0WD-(¢,,5 apout them are not sufficient tc Upon their return from a wedding and discomforts of menstrustion are
quickly gone with a BEKEQIY Mulhollen spent last
ance companies after a study of acci-| _. heavily in debt. due 10 its con-| : 2
dents last year in the eleven states Ship 15 heavily In debi, due to lis con-/sell them. Hence, other statements) [trip, Mr. and Mrs. Luther will reside : :
which have nearly one-third of the struction some years ago, but they|,q suggestions must be used to at- “For over five years it seemed like | in Ebensburg, where the bridegroom aL huh tae [ is a doctor's Prescription for eons Me Bos
V ICL v 11C 1 =u « : Of \ e Ve oD : ’ 3 nr . - D>
§ ; : would surely be glad to have its main-| _ . _iio6tion” oH Yo oad : is a court stenographer. . Vs \ 1 en.
total automobile registration in tl 4 iT ” tal Ts tract attention. everything I enjoyed eating would aS | COLDS AND HEADACHES Mrs. Grace Pantal
tenance taken off their shoulders. tO is bean oti: A : on [a 2 ;
United States. Commissioner Eynon, » to. | e with me, Say Charles L. YATTON a Sale at | It is the most speedy remedy known. end with her paren
whose department has charge of these| Neither of the above me ntioned roads | gp ANGLER POST n, ! Irving St.,Philadelphia G CO., INC | 666 also in Tablets. Charles Schmittle.
fered from headaches; was ner- Rev. John Hill spf
t 95 create much interest to the general
at Harirsburg, says that
this place.
Reuel Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Henry
the week end visiting
matters ; TAKES INITATIVE. giving vacation visit
nt of the applicants for drive |
public as to whom should maintain
their upkeep until the deep snows Of | pvX_-SERVICE Men generally seem
us; couldn’t sleep right. 2
“I tried a lot of things for indi- 4 EDMOND
Parnell. Cowher & Co.
¢ n Pennsylvania fail in their : : {
t test and three per cent fail onjolt rugged Allegheny winters strike us be of the opinion that they ar gestion, but nothing really helped |g :
cubsequent . In 1929 nearly 9,000 per- | Then, one hears a great deal of talk|ontitieq to cash payments NOW of Dic oo 1 ried Re its ani PRO CESS NJ \ In 2 ATIORNUY-AT LAY Yh “Re ne an
Car vets tu a ray as why they sl » state con- | : ; i tificates. T Diapepsin. I have use > packag fd ~ \ pp3 . Mr. Robert Adams
as to why they should be state cON-|ipeir adjusted service certificates. To| 4 1 ig Office in Good Bldg. Patton, Pa. and Desmond motors
ined five pounds. I eat
sons were found fundamentally incom- : : | ve g
petent to driv car. trolled—principally because the state [the writer's mind, from the ex soldier’ anything—fried things, hot cakes; Of Permanent sme rte —_— Monday again to vi
+s + keeps their roads ashed and the SNOW | yiawpoint, there is no doubt of the need| foods that used to disagree. I seldom a a — ‘Adams who is a patie
removed. {of this. Cash payments of certificates| feel the least discomfort nowadays, Waving Hospital and his c
| serious.
but when I do I just take a tablet
of Pape’s Diapepsin and in a mo-
ment my stomach is all right.”
Edward’s Hardware Co. a Mal on
days visiting with her
Citizens of our community should |will not be made until 1945, and
x-soldier, who is now a
Eon Eldridge of
Journal writes this
make a movement of a like nature AT | the average STHE SURE WAY?
a it ¢ t ur nev rell Si . A | '
ang | ap 03D 1 ONCE for the Patton-Carrolltown an age where he can use the cash best, |
s his: “A newspaper { ; : hirkinwe Nhen thot «Rika , . - v? 5
as A A ; a hway, as our neighbors in Barnes-|to our mind, the following resolutions, Vhen thousands like Mr. Goren WORK BY APPOINTMENT FURNI Mrs. J. T. Glasgow.
ruggle, not « 0 2 - : . 3 i : wher. | are coming ri J rr 4 7 Btorklarer :
struggle, no 0 and Susquehanna township have | passed last week by the Lynn Wether-| [78 CORE, Tint pk ‘fl ONLY. OUR PERFECT PRO- Save ouklager and
mate news : ' a in ¢ Span-| Praise rapes Diapepsin, there se : QQ Cr OTIIR ed to Harisburg over
honestly believe the two | S rican Legion, of Span : JES i is
which some 7 na Ye selieve it hey ) Son Post, Americ lL =a > . 1111. | DO Teason to doubt that it does what CE Ss REQUIRES LESS TIME, MAJESTIC RADIO & RAN visit with his daughti
ales to cit ‘e to band together and boost |gler, although perhaps couched a littl is cl; ied for it to help people who 8 LESS HEAT, AND ABSOLUTE- Mr. Frank Frye anc
8:50.15 cu! ; for th fer of both roads to the|gtrong, hits the nail on the head: suffer from acid-dyspepsia, and the LY PROTECTS HAIR FROM tored to Bellwood Mo.
are always trying t : sart] : nd slehi en fuss
1 e 1lwa ads thai state 1 vay department, quicker| «p, whom it may concern: Hearn , gas, nausea, belc hing, |B INJURY BY CHEMICALS AND Ph 4 Eb b Itives,
IAD % y a5 _'action might be obtained. “This is to certify that the 11 lea Tics, dizziness, etc., caused by OVER STEAMING. one ens urg, a. th F1 ane Hendetso
only to themselves. If 1 8. navy i + | Wetherson Post, 569, does heartily :- | this common ailment. But those who man were Coalport
editor bu in he| And i really might net he Suet 2 ommend and also insists that you use wish further proof before buying |B evening. :
chafi. We rece’ +: (hard matter to accomplish at that. vour welch influence in bringing be-| may ea have it. The makers agree — Mr. and Mrs. Fred F
all. e receive fd V I gnry 1 4 a v . 5 ary anki . :
ig : The state has nothing to construct. fora the U. S. Senate and House of | to send anyone a trial package u a CRC : ; S00 Juni of Bellwooc
ri They have only the maintenance. Both | Representatives the required legislation is lutely FREE, Just write ‘“Pape’s rmiboubouie : J Siges Sf Arama 8
this s i ne | necessary for the immediate cash pay- iapepsin.” Wheeli 7. Va. 8 e g Mr. a
av. directly int roads are far more important in the |necessary Bon Sn Sins fa : : lapepsi Vheeling, W. Va Clellean
way directly into . : . | men before Christms 930, of the ad- SE i
1 . matter of traffic than are hundreds of | Meh : . dward t Miss Pearle Weston
Then we often have t ig ar arch usted service cert te ° E e V ens oh “hy wn
1 1 ' ’ ' ed with her parents,
Westover over the Holi
tual stat roads in the common-|""upi.«t The certificates do not repre-
they represent a debt the
Sunday with his pare
and inquire and telephone
little item o
PHONE NO. 127-J.
115 South Fifth Ave, PATTON Phoss Office and Residemce CAREOLLTOWN, PENNA
g | wealth. sent a bonus;
Government has confessed is due th
ex-soldiers for adjustec
i | pensate them for thei
risburg for the same action on both! a triotism — in proportion to what
correct dope on some
general local interest to our reader A few years back the Northern
g 1 »
That's what editors are here for, how- | Cambria Kiwanis Club petitioned Har-