The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 30, 1930, Image 9

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- m——— . : T = Se — 1 —— ee — 1 . i [ : . . ’ . vo | eben rinmis ot Sl j
well known hard- AAR ¥* ARM CALENDAR i a ra he lust grain for efits, uh comm 0 | sizavi es ill Wmajerle) tat 1s
Barnesboro. Mr, Ey
i d to make a FOREST RECREATION Timely Reminders from the hen house before winter arrives. [properly balanced with nitrogenous 1 become foul with weeds.
He P LANS F OR THE The Pennsylvania State College | Save Flowers from Disease—Peony feeds, such as linseed oil meal or wheat . Take Care of Sprayer—Drain the
He is well known By School of Agriculture, |tops and leaves may carry disease | bran. Alfalfa and clover hay are rich water out of all parts of the sprayer
» and has always J. M Hoffman—Chie f Bure: f Parks STATE HUNTERS — which will damage bud formation next | in lime, the principal mineral compon- and oil the working parts well before
interest in volun- ke : : nea, 0 apis Improve Farm Woods—Many owners |spring, therefore it is necessary that|ent of the bones. storing the machine for the winter.
hs Seba sion JN AMOAMUMUBMIRIN of one iomoer of Just the righ: age hey be destovea. this fal | Keep Milk Clean—wiping the cons
ot ff ter, Our forefathers were greatly influen-| ih for thinning are planning to do some| Boarders do not Pay—No dairy far-|udders before milking, cool the milk| LOST:—The lad who picked up the
arty oliers voliers Ul Ioreiatners we a] Division Game Supervisors_through- | improvement cutting this winter. Some mer ever makes any money running quickly, and scalding mil pails and string of pearls in front of Aaronson’s
5 i i ced by their intimate associations with I er ; ing |
S their candidates Nature : q ve need influence in out *the State met at the offices of [will cut pulpwood, a few will cut che- a boarding house for unproductive | strainers will reduce milk rejection at store on Magee avenue the other day
in the second dis- Prurgand ye need is Influeie.m tame Ct isi ast week to mical wood, more Will cut mine props, cows say State College dairy specialists. | the plant or factory. is known Kindly return same to the
our lives today. All civilization has the Game Commision last w tb ] t Tifow y } gail i | : i : : ; § y e
n. been greatly influenced by contact with discuss plans for the coming hunting and many will cu rewood. | Feed Colts Well—Oats is considered |. Save Berries from Weeds—Mulch the | Courier office and received reward
flowers and forests. All great leaders season. Reports on game gently — ret — yr ——m—m— - Ee - rm S——————— - ———
of mankind have been men of the great were very good. Feed, too, is fairly Co ine EAA "
YEAR a : plentiful throughout most, of the State EO A HL TCT
t i { articularly is there a good crop
We cannot doubt the trgmendous in- and particularly is there g I
editorial recently fluence that close commanion with of beechnuts reported in northern tier
Courier, in which Nature has on the founders of counties Sportsmen throughout the :
pr | i IT rv oeneration ao State are urged to cooperate in every
proposed constitu- our country. generation ago, ricers of the O
y the last life with its way possible with officers of the Com-
Passed Ly the Jas Dobin, and our s mission, not only during the season .
2 yoted wpon ‘at ests ant but prior thereto Already the vandal
ob © { ( kb : . :
Such is not the ner of 1 afforded er op- is at work, particularly the illegal deer
nties the sheriffs portunity for reflection. g in the hounter During the bast Tow ap 2
i { id : 7 ber suc yiolators 7
ve amendments in forests provides for just type oi number of such violators h 4
nist nee :
Sportsmen should never hestiate to
aa : neYrar ¥ he vac
but this inclusion recreation that the vac
mission can apprehend the vandal.
Sportsmen are urged to exert every
care with firearms while in the woods
ET toda: If we would secure the great-
uthorization from est. enjoyment, we must make a de- report any violation ofthe game laws
t. All five amend- termined effort to stem the tide of cer that come to their attention It is only
nother session of tain phases of modernism in our in t manner that the Came Com-
re they can be Of course, you can attend a baseball
or football game, visit movies, pool
rooms, or any of our many comme
orate. Under the
bent Snug) be ) cialized amusements. Even your w this year. Too many accidents occur
ive year intervals. on the city streets or in the city pa IAGO i HOPPVAN each season.
i i does. nol provide 2 same nearness JACOB M. "FMAN. : : . ; . . ov.» .
year in which does Not, Drovide the same neatna There is no néed to stress the matter Only twice since the Civil War have the people of Pennsylvania turned
oted on the next to Nature that one may receive in oar EDITOR'S NOTE ~Mr. Hoffman is a of guarding against forest fires. As a
itted before 1933 State Forest recreational areas. The | former Cambria County Controller, conoral ti: Luntars dee over cnrelul
plished this special benefit received from recrea-| resigning about four Years ‘ago olor fie while Wn the forests for thoy
TY i his i is wetting our artificial! gee h rae nositic AH al, : : 1 9
re pu lis tion is the forgetting of your artificial acept his present position with the | 101,50 only too well that when the cover
S0 requires. environments and associations, throw-| State. This is the first of a series of |, bes the game goes.
ing off your present lines of thought | articles writte r hi at wi Jo) 2 » 2 c
INS oY your pros ro a Ne tiles Terapben by him thas will Jay If sportsmen will be guided by the
and bringing into play new ones. ft pear in the Courier from time to time. | . oe
is iS Taso ! 5 ‘tificis following rules they are apt to enjoy
is for this reason that most artificial Dh Ln Sn
: | ¢ ’h better i season.
features are debarred from the develop- | shenomena may charm us. In the a much better hu gs
5 + recreational work {D IY 1 Don’t forget, trappers, that the sea-
ments of our recreational work. {spring open the window and the sweet Be, oo : Tis
Man is the only free moral ‘agent plossoms will flood the room and in|SOn for muskrats opens December 5
in all Nature. In this mechanical age |their intimacy warm the heart. instead of November Ist. ou may
hi law of i Seems & st | y trap muskrats from December 1st to
when the law of motion seems almost | T] Salita AP. tnitnsiv Nisa aj *
: he value of an intensive program shruary. 28i Pop k som
to dominate our acts even when at| . . February 28th. For mink, opossom,
: hy i i of recreation will be improved health |. stter. the trapping season
leisure, riding aimlessly on the high-| 3 r . | skunk and otter, the trapping seaso:
? SD a ’ ni infin. | 30d add a more wholesome spirit of ran Tt 1 ends February
ways, we need the restraining influ-| 3 : opens November 1st and ends ruar;
8 SRE NF od | support and love of government asj- 241 In rArnre: T i 2 legally killed
ences and the discipline of Nature. Man | 3 oy . th. Woodcock may. be legally killed
a Em ® : np | Well as result in considerable financial y ctober 15 o November 14th
by contemplating its wonders can feel | The tl : ali that om October 15th to November .
A 5 A T > x oe returns. he three at values tha ee “ 3
himself in proper relation to all crea- | people ot Pennsylvania will Tecolve Don’t forget to cooperate with the
i a i% ertai sarness Lol. o- pre ey YE We ai rotectors elp them perpetuate
fon, Thste 15 a Sg Rn from an intensive program of recrea-|8ame DR Help Lom I are the
* HE that ee mn y a ny tion will be financial return, improved | Your sport. . IAIne a z 2
in ony — 2 a : bd oh oo | health and a more wholesome spirit of | SPOrtsmens best irl ind that ‘the
Unfersiane ine Smal Te Be Fig ion with our government.| Don't forget, sports lie So
ii giesines of : ite. The hi bye a refinement imbibed from | Pre-season gonney 5 2] 2 et?
rece e JETS 5 £ y 5 i DOI ENC i 1 icens: $
orce : Ns Ye “*" Oe. BE ye 1 Nature that impells Tan | Spers Send in t : ce >. San :
wv fe AE viva aitin ATT : = oss wh ; » viol: \
Jay es hel spur 2 actior I im- r and better deeds. To ever] Of those who you Jos viola 2
= ng Yom : Li A > this spark and to awaken |8ame laws; that's what you ca
LUTE. ADE § s worl scipline vate:
1 pS hy = : as Ww y 2 Se it to new zeal and endeavor is the! operation. : ; ver With
if 5 "Ee s fr e shackles 3 . i solea carry rOS FW
Or aves ang joe us dro 1e Shae 5 9 work of recreation—a labor of love Don’t neglect to carry a To ya
2 a gh Mein a) NS 4 that will eventually crown man with a|YoUu when three or gf are oo he
np pate ., raterfal iy py . jor a 0oe a1" his & S
Sanam li Sem an wale al noble and satisfying life. big game together. This applies 0
g nills ri e o0ors S 1 > ¥ CR ters ose " DS S
a 1s, With the go ChE > fraternalizing of humanity with | Gay-hunters. Those in camps ne
7 'S or th ragrant spring ssoms ave T 7 ) d 'S
2 ors. or i i a Nature creates a common bond of | have rosters posted in the buildings. i
> inatvelons coloring t ae win sympathy. This is a spontaneous ex- Day neglect to send in the stul
SKv. if 1 wWereree "e £ ITs . : : 4 attabhe y . recident
shy, or the 9 1 wren pression without human dicbtation. | attached to your resident hunter's
/. 1 5 J > a Rel C V 2] 1 3 . lice 3 "ar Aes riv 10 n
a i Yoon > ani of Nyon does not guide and control this army, | license certificate giving the amount
TREN we love a mening 3 ie arpnen, i it is none the les powerful. All sports-|0f game killed for the season Such
AGE 3 reia ‘ing 7 ‘ms and i 3h he rd Xe -
: Son nerean me on ne oy Os and men lovers of Nature and men of the|data helps the Board of Game Com
NE Sree “s Wi Lyon Yon § he 2 a out-doors are bound by one common | mi loners. i a
: i Bi —_ Tos 9 Sais al-pre-nond of understanding. This is a union Don’t hnioad your firearm: in a build-
vailing orce of Nature. .| more powerful than the commercial or|ing. Go outside and remove the loads.
Let us hie away where the roar of|jahor unions in the World. Always have your guns pointing toward
the car and locomotive, the hum of the | i ——— the grqund when removing the shells.
motor, the rumbling of the street traf-| | | 5 . Don’t get excited if you become lost
fic and all their associations, shall be | CAR CRASH IS BLAMED in the mountains. Three shots in suc-
: ; y : 3
lost in the quiet peace of the forest. ON GIRL JAY-WALKERS | cession from your gun will very often
Here we may hear the indistinct sound | al bring assistance. Following the course
of the stream as it seems to listen to | Gallitzin Postmaster And Banker in|of a stream will most always bring you
ita , . . “hir fF o . = Bh 1 + rivilizat ¢
i I re To ren: pr Automobile Was Forced Off sup 0 oa ig extinguish a bon
rarbler, > whisper > winds; all | C eglect to extinguish 4 -
in Nature is an impressive contrast, if fire before you leave it. If you can
we seek to feel and understand it stand the cold weather, it's better not
Expect great wealth from the dynamo to make a fire in the woods. Put out
of Nature and you will not be disap- cigarettes or cigars before throwing
pointed. You will be recreated, as in them away.
o . 1 de ichwav 'S c yg Sos re Sy
a moment the beauty of all life will Porn highway Sunday atternoon 7 Don't for
reveal itself to you. The cold shafts lamed Inaeey for a crash in Which
: ) » driver sinoer. : is
of love in Nature are tempered by the | the driver, H. G. Wissinger, and his
tender graces of human affection. as and Companions, one of whom Yas
Probably les sthan one person in a the postmaster at _Gallitzin, narrowly
hundred visits the State Forests of Petaned Serons ry. li son
Pennsylvania. Doubtlessly, people will | Peay fruck, traveling east just
continue to spend money and time for 2 1¢ a “ Lex hi ISSinger homme, then
recreation and the great problem is| Pound lor Altoona, Served SNATP:Y
: e left whe e hiking trio failec
only that of intelligent direction. More 0 js ell Whe a the Re a 0 2
3 , 0 ste its way, anc 8 drive
than one-half the mc cars in opera- | "0 Step out of its way, and the drive
: aw . he . Ticsinoer ra Q PU =
tion are used for other than business op oi Jha Mr I I ey and miss ‘him than te kill several birds
Ing tC Jass, cause ne automonllie to
JUrposes. 2 yo : , . with one shot and have to pay
I oe ; : be forced off the left side of the high- You oe Sli ave RET He
orests ave alwavs Yop y C( - : . L € vic L ©
orests have always een COM- | wav by his maneuvering. SHeEbs a C 1 e wild
q ov are oy on - judd : 1 : CY a season.
panion of man. They are the ynson The Wissinger automobile, bearing Dort ome
suous uplifters that inspire the ideals | ng Wwissinger, their daughter Bare ont get behind a blind and use a
anki 3arrenti Facilities need | 1. Scam pe ° Jturkey call. Blinds ¢ alls are for-
of mankind. Recreation fac lities need and Postmaster and Mrs. How- oe : y a 2 Ang galls are for
2 y >, ‘ » poor with 7 v . aaen. ANyl ; E18 a erous
$0 ho Drovided so Was Ue POOT WIL arq Weston, all of Galllitzin, plunged |. 0 1 your If oy 2 - aw 0
ar fi ilip 57 1 the orti- ; ec ursel € nirate RI
large families may have the OPDOrLU-| into 5 telephone pole and was dam- Loses ano muiale the eal]
fity of enjoying a quiet time in the aged badly. The driver, cashier of the of a turkey. Two men were killed last
r00ds. © sc orm he en in - ME a fn Yat tii ySeason i istake for wi rkey.
woods. The school term has been in-| citizens’ Deposit bank at Gallitzin |S = 1 in mistake for wild turkeys. :
creased until now the pupil at tions off the face can Don't hunt in fields where stock is
from the Republican Party in the election of a Governor. The second
experiment of that kind was in 1890 (for the gubernatorial term 1891 to
1895), so that for 35 consecutive years our State has been under Repub-
lican administration.
In this more than third of a century our State Government
has grown from a relatively small enterprise employing
only 169 persons and operating within a very restricted
sphere at an annual expenditure of 12Y/, millions of dol-
lars, to a tremendous institution employing more than
There is
to nobl
26,000 men and women in every conceivable kind of
service to the people, for which our expenditures now
exceed 200 millions of dollars per year. That means some
800 millions during the Administration of the next
During the term of Gifford Pinchot (1923-1927) this State Government
was administered in the interest of all the people of Pennsylvania. The
same principle has been followed throughout the administration of Gov-
ernor Fisher.
William Penn Highway,
Three girls said to have repeatedly
jeopardized themselves and motorists
by walking far out on the William
et to count the number of
deer you see while hunting; then give
information to your nearest Game
Don’t try to kill the limit of game
every time you go hunting. Leave
some for the next day Maybe your
fellow hunter can’t get out the same
day you go afield
Don’t shoot into a flock of wild
turkeys Better to single out your bird
The attack that is being made upon the Republican Party of Pennsyl-
vania 1s an attack upon the Republican Party in the Nation—with a Presi-
dential election only two years away. For in each of the two 4nstances
suffered lace
sc almost twice as many hours as ck Sther BCCUHDE eT: dly | 8¥azing. Better forget that fiel ti 3 1 1 : - -
I Ns a shock. "The other occupants were indy [E50 HI0, Better fox at fold uni since 1860 when Pennsylvania went Democratic, the country went
LY ad Shaul * hee ~>1shaken up. The. mn 1ap occurred at v >
more consideration be given to tM |{1. Summit Hunters who get lost and have no . . . . .
up-building of the health of the chil-| © ~omntt. =~ = = compass can use their watch for this Democratic in the next Presidential election.
purpose very easily. When the sun is
shining turn the face of the watch ta
the sun in such position that the hour
dren during vacation. Ls LOST: —Brown, German Police Dog,
Many people can no- longer afford | answers to name of “Flap,” bears
to spend the money necessary to visit | jicense No. 2912, Reward if returned |. ih 1 :
places of recreation in other states or [to Ww. B. Cornelius, 516 Palmer avenue, [ 120d Will point to the sun. Half way
at a great distance. With the great Ee between the hour and twelve o'clock
demand for recreation of all types, will then be the south point.
the forests provide for the unique phase Oft times hunters have run across
and type of enjoyment. The artificial water which appeared none too clear
condition of recreation supplied by the for drinking purposes. A practical and
dance hall, motion picture, skating rink effective way of clarifying muddy - or
and city park, with all its amusement apparently undrinkble water is to pour
features, is not the type of recreation two tablespoonfuls of condensed milk
which the forests are supplying. For- in a five gallon can of water. This,
est Parks furnish to the public Nature being heavier than the water, will
as near as possible, in the natural state, | sink to the bottom, drawing down,
unspoiled by hand of man. Man's eye | also, all sediment contained in the
is attuned so as to see all things in water. In a few minutes the water
their state as beautiful. Only the per- may be poured off, clear and fit for
drinking and cooking.
version of human nature causes man
to be at odds with the World. The;
ship; Mrs. James Forst of Lilly and
l =
ideal recreation is the communion of ] FOR THE LEROY LAUER =
the unspoiled soul of man with the | THINGS Funeral services for Leroy Lauer, 33, bl
. unspoiled beauty of the i al World. i YOU who died Saturday morning in Cam- =
When we visit th natural beauty Hil NEED bria Township were held in the Holy = TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4
spots we are tuning in and receiving f Name Catholic church at 9 o’clock by 9
‘hest benefits of peace and hap- i any amount Tuesday morning, in charge of the Rt. El
in ex | from $10.0¥300. Rev. Mons. Hugh M. O'Neil. Interment E
There are still many people who do ' was in the Holy Name cemetery. : : ’ .
not enjoy Nature, forgetting that each rai, Mr. Lauer died at the home of his For u. S. Senator For Governor, Gifford Pinchot For Sec y of Internal Affairs
season has its own reward. All crea- SERVICE brother Irvin in Cambria township. Ei James J. Davis ° For Lt. Governor, Edward C. Shannon Philip H. Dewey
tion is beautiful, nothing was made He is survived by his parents, Mr. Ei
that was not designed by the Master. repayments and Mrs. Joseph Lauer of Ebensburg, - For Superior Court
In spring, summer or fall we have to uit your and the following brothers and sisters: For Supreme Court ays r.
the petals of the flower, the heart of : Irvin Lauer, Ralph D. Lauer, Merle E. = Judge G W. Maxe Judge William B. Linn
the rose. In winter the snow flake COME IN, Lauer and Mrs. M. T. Lauer, all of Eb- judge corge »JViaxey Judge James B. Drew
that you examine on your coat sleeve # HONE,OR WRITE ensburg; John Lauer of Cambria town- =
is a crystal that cannot be outdone in
beauty by the summer flower garden. Mrs. Luke Durbin of Cresson. iE
The banner-like stream of snow blown M E R I C A N = .
in the air from the mountain peak, the NOEL-KILEY = ® " . °
mountain streams creeping along its LOAN COMPANY | miss Lillian Kiley, daughter of Mr. = €pu ican a e onmimi ee 0 ennsy vania
channel is happy as is all Nature. The ROOM 308 — GRANT BLDG. [and Mrs. James Kiley of Greenwald, E
functioning of all life is an expression Pa., and Ferdinand W. Noel, son of Mr. =
of joy to the Creator. Since much of 1 41 2 - 1 1 th A V @. jand Mrs. A. A. Noel of Cresson were Ey =H
our plant and tree life lies dormant PHONE; 2.6 9 ¢ 2 |united inmarirage at noon Sunday, E
in sleep in winter our rivers, our’ : Oct. 19, in St. Bartholomew’s Catholic
clouds, snows and many of the natural *X ALTOONA, PA. x church, Greenwald.