The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 30, 1930, Image 7

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. Augustine was
wn Saturday.
been appointed
f Ashville Bor-
xpired term of
s Gibbons.
led the Masque-
1d in the town
f Altoona was
n Sunday.
rday night or
one stole A. F.
king into his
later recovered
nsored by the
e A. O. H. was
Lumber Dealer,
fing of the St.
h at this place.
ded the football
hen the Moun-
cated the Kern-
town by a score
stalled a new
ating system at
¢ church here.
ted business in
, business caller
1 business caller
e Ashville Rod
ed the meeting
nty Sportsman
rg Tuesday eve-
was a business
nday afternoon.
Jysart transact-
day evening.
/hite Township,
ion of perjury.
Reade Town-
rjury, appeared
Peace James T.
Saturday after-
the sum of $1,-
earances at the
nade by R. C.
llege that Rick-
davit as to the
rsonal property
nduced to make
instigation of
aughter of Mr.
of Carrolltown,
yd of New York
jarriage in Our
‘mel’s Catholic
st week aecord-
OFFICERS CHOSEN "oy kee vou Ty rue 7 BOND
BY PATTON CLUB | “It has been but recently that nearly
| everyone was complaining about the
. . y | torrid weather, and with good reason.
Junior Music Group Hears Pro-| With the driest and hottest summer
rs F Folk Sonos: Plan | and warmest early autumn experienced
gram of Folk Songs; Plans | for many years, real suffering was gen-
Future Events | eral. However, because of the attitude
—— | ow being assumed by many of these
The initial meeting of inp | PEYSONS who bewailed the excess in
Music Club of Srey of pe JURIOr 4 perature, it is hard to believe that :
n for the year was | they were sincere about it,” said Doctor | missioners, in session Friday after-
held n the I. O. O. F. Hall recently. | Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of Health.
Mrs. R. E. Good gave a most interesting| “The fact is that thousands of house-
talk on the folk songs of our own and! Dolders are now, by means of the fur-
of other countries. The fololwing offi-
cer have been elected to serve for the i
: ! res r i 20.
ensuing year: President, Betty Somer- Yesented JUS% a faW Weeks 5g0
ville; Vice President, Miriam White- : : ;
head; Secretary, Anne Pearson: Treas-| Were the only element in the situation
urer, Margaret Albert. The Program the matter might cause a smile. But
| .
Amount Is Necessary for | Upward of 135 letter
Various Purposes
noon, passed a resolution authorizing the last year.
Somerville; Rebecca Kinkead, Alwilda|!0 it than that. Countless persons, November of each year.
; —
ISSUE IN COUNT ! H. P. Moore of Clearfield was named
president of the Mountain distr
Pennsylvania Letter Carriers’ associs
i | 3 :
Jenkins and Eleanor Pearson. The fol-| OWing to a super-heated indoor tome The purpose of the issue, as stated in | the national president, the di
lowing program has been announced py | Perature, are lowering their physical | 10 resolution, is to provide funds for
Mrs. John Barnard and the Misses | resistance and will catch colds. Another |
Cornelia Rumberger and Sue Giil,|8Toup Will not stop with colds but}
senior sponsors for the Junior Club: Will get pneumonia, a number of whom
October, folk songs; November, the art Will die as a consequence.
songs; December, Christmas music; | “Of course, there is a decided tem- ng, injuring -and destroying property |
| trict organization selected Hollidays-
] ; {burg as the scene of their next meet
| the improvement and reconstruction of | ing, which probably will be held
ir vice
When Prisoners Enter
Guilty Pleas.
The following defendants appeare
to stop and render assistance after
an accident and aggravated assault and
January, opera and Oratorio; Ferbuary, | Ptation to step up the furnace when in the improvement, construction and | In the principal address of the eye- battery.
Piano music; March, chamber music; | the cool winds of late autumn or the | reconstruction of State Highways; the |. 8 Edward J. Gainer of Muncie, Ina,
Robert Johns of Altoona, charged
April, orchestral music: May, concert | chill blasts of real winter are attempt- | alteration and further equipping of the | President of the National Association | with taking journals from hox cars
music. The following program ~ was ing to invade one’s domain. And €spe- | present county home, and the con-|
(Scotch), “Believe Me If All Those | tively poor protection to lower tempera- eounty heme; and for funding purposes,
of Letter Carriers, outlined the national
work of every branch of the organiza- months to three
of the Pennsylvania railroad, was sen-
years in the county
rendered: “Comin’ Through the Rye” | cially is this true, when the compara- | struction of & new building at the | Program and urged cooperation in the tenced to pay the costs and serve six
Endearing Young Gharms” (Irish). | ture afforded by the present styles in|to approve the form of bonds and to lon. Other speakers on be pram jal.
interest to the letter carriers, inclyqd-
“Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” | feminine attire, is considered. How- | provide for the assessment, levy and) ich brought messages
(English), “Santa Lucia” (Neapolitan) ever, be that as it may, no one should | collection of a tax to pay the interest |
Stiney Swotek of Scalp Level charg-
ed with defrauding a boardinghouse
“Old Black Joe” (American), music | be guilty of overlooking the well ‘esta-| and taxes covenanted to be paid there- = Tome Ol Rensburg 2 ne kesper, Was sentenced to pay the costs
club chorus, violin solo, Eleanor Pear-|blished fact that 68 or 72 degrees is the | on and the principal thereof a ma-|; yas. = Pres-fand given seven months to pay the
son, accompanist, Betty Wilkins; | health range for artificial hea. Any- | turity,
“Juniata” (Spanish), solo by Naomi thing warmer is likely to injure health
Somerville. | and may even terminate life.
| “Therefore, keep the home fires burn-
| ing, but keep them burning on a health
Vacancies on Election
| basis rather than on the summer heat | -—
Miss Anne O'Neill, aged 34, formerly | standard of the recent unlameted sea-| Two election officials were appoint-| The Johnstown Letter C:
of Ebensburg, dipd Monday morning! son,”
at her home, in Pittsburg. She was]
born at Ebensburg May 27, 1846, a
daughter of the late Matthew M. and
Margaret O'Neill, For some time, Miss
O'Neill conducted a millinery store has been a prisoner in the county jail |cany caused by the removal of the | :
at Ebensburg geing to Pittsburgh a awaiting grand jury action on nine [present judge from the district and | of Cresson.
number of years ago. Miss ONeill is| informations charging him with lar-| Oscar Conway was named majority |
survived by two sister, Miss Ellenfceny by clerk, servant or employe, was inspector for the Second precinct of |
O'Neill, Ebensburg and Miss Isabella | released on bail in the sum of $500, Gallitzin borough to fill a vacany |
O'Neill, Pittsburgh. | following a hearing on a writ of habeas | caused by the resignation of Bernard
The body arifved in Ebensburg Wed- | carpus Monday. Snyder is a brother
EE — {in orders handed down by the eeupt|ProXimately 50 members,
| judge of elections for the Second pre- dinner. Other musical
idents of the Pennsylvania Letter Car- | board bill.
| riers’ association; Congressman J. Rus-
|sell Leech and Postmasters W. E. Shis- Was sentenced to pay the costs an
|ler of Johnstown, Jahn F, Parrish of ] 1 8
Boards Filled by Court a and J. Rosenberry of Cleay-
y | lela.
‘riers’ band,
|ed and a polling place was established | Which arrived with a delegation of ap-
presented a
| Monday, Maggie Wilson was appointed | Pleasing musical program during the [Pay the costs and serve three months
features in-
, : y wn, who |cinct of Croyle township to fill a va- cluded solo and uet selections by Her-
George B. Snyder of Johnstown), Who etnet of ve p bert J. Mower and Bartley Smith, both
Grace West 14-month-old daughter
Schrader. Both appointments are to of Mr. and Mrs. Deuben West of Baker-
nescday afternoon. Funeral services| of Daniel Snyder, also of Johnstown, |continue until the nex} municipal leec- ton, died at 3:15 o'clock Saturday mor-
will be conducted this morning in the who was sentenced to life imprison- | tion. The building of Howard Wingard ning at the Spangler hospital. She
Holy Name Catholic church. Interment | ment for the murder of his estranged | was designated as the polling place for | was admitted to the Institution one
will be in the church cemetery. | wife, Mrs, Pearl Miller Sayder,
| the First precinct of Adams township. week agg for medical attention.
Most motor oils are like runners
that just breast the tape... then fall . . . played out.
They merely get by from one oil change to another. They look and
feel like dirty water when they are drained from the crankcase.
They are refined to “just meet” the requirements of a motor...
that’s all, ; ;
But Sterling . . . in adding its new “Safety Reserve” (made possible
by the addition of new intricate refining equipment and the se ecter
grades of famous Pennsylvania Crude) has exceeded the Fequive.
ments of the average motor so far that dirt, dilution and cil loss
will demand an oil change long before its complete resistance to
heat and friction has been tapped or called upon.
| per quart
iE of MOTORDOM + + + * « «
George Oravec of “Jehns-
town, charged with the same offense
given two months to pay his bill.
Harry Allen Johnstown negro, charg-
ed with the lareeny of ten chickens and
receiving stolen goods and who has
been tn jail at least five times on
charges of larceny was sentenced to
in the county jail.
The case of Peter Radicanin of
Johnstown, charged with making a
false statement in writing to obtain
credit was withheld for further in-
Hilena Ciscato, a widow residing at
Twin Rocks, charged with violating
the liquor laws, was sentenced to pay
the costs and further sentence sus-
Harry McRoberts of Pittsburgh, and
who came to Johnstown three days be-
fore his arrest, charged with defraud-
ing a boardinghouse keeper and fraud-
ulent conversion, was sentenced to pay
the costs and serve 30 days on the
of defrauding a boardinghouse
keeper and 30 days to one year on the
conversion charge and advised to get
ont of the county when he is released
from jail.
James Dully of Tunnehill, charged
with an offense against morality was
given the usual sentence.
G. G. Hill of Johnstown, charged
with fraudulently uttering a check in
the sum of $5, was sentenced to pay
the costs and serve 30 days to six
months in the county jail,
Rachael Seabolt, of Cresson, charged
with the abandonment of her three
children aged three, six and eight
years, was sentenced to pay the costs
and further sentence suspended.
John McGinnie of Gtallitzin, charged
with larceny and receiving stolen goods,
was sentenced to pay the costs and
further sentence susvended. The de-
feindant has been in jail almost two
Kostak Rucensko of Adams town-
ship, charged with the larcenv of a
grease gun, was sentenced to pay the
costs and furthe entence suspended.
The monthly session of domestic re-
lations court was held Monday and
tae following sentences were imposed:
Daniel Earl Gray of Johnstown was
ordered tc pay $25 a month for the
support of his wife and two children.
George Gutteridge of Johnstown
was ordered to pay the sum of $25
a month for the support of his wife
and children, and the county to pay
the vosts,
John C, Price of Ebensburg was recent
ordered to pay the costs and the case
continued for a month.
Nick Ivanic of West Taylor town-
ship, charged with surety of the peace,
was ordered to pay the costs and enter
into his own recognizance in the sum
of $1,000 to keep the peace.
William Mitchell of Johnstown was
ordered to pay $25 a month and the
costs for the support of his wife and
William L. Davis was ordered to pay
the costs and no further order was
made for support.
Charles Howe was ordered to pay
the costs and given six months to
make up his payments of $400 and
furnish bond.
Peter Hoffman of Johnstown was
ordered to pay the costs and the sum
of $25 a month for the support of
his wife and children.
Leonard Shomckey of Beaverdale was
ordered to pay the costs and no fur-
ther order made.
John Fleck of Brownstown was
ordered to pay the costs, but no fur-
ther order was made on account of
his physical disability.
John Karchar of Johnstown, charg-
ed was surety of the peace, was sen-
)tenced to pay the costs and further
sentence suspended.
Harry Updyke of Johnstown, held on
a charge of non-support was granted
continuance to fourth Monday of Nov.
as was Chester Blough.
Edward Evans of Johnstown, who
was brought in on a attachment for
failure to support his wife and chil-
ses with which they were charged and
George [were sentenced as. follows:
T. Guy Marsh and Fred Rodgers,
both of Ebensburg, were sentenced
to pay the costs jointly and each serve
18 months to three years in the county
Marsh was named in two bills
of indictment charging violating the
liquor laws and permitting a person
under the influence of liquor to operate
his motor vehicle; and he and Rodgers
| State and State-aid highways and the April. A memorial service also es roy indicted for apersling.
payment of Public Service Commission {held in tribute to the late George Easly.
| orders for damages on account of tak- retired Johnstown postal employe.
motor vehicle while intoxicated. failure
Commissioners Decide $600,000 tion at Cresson Saturday evening as| Busy Day for Judges Monda
carriers from
Cambria, Blair, Bedford, Huntingdon,
Clearfield and Fulton counties assem-
bled for their semi-annual dinner meet-
The Board of Cambria County Com-|ing. The new president succeeds Wil-
liam J. Davies of Johnstown,
headed the district organization during before the court Monday afternoon,
waived the findings of true bills by the
the incurring by the county of a debt| The postal employes re-elected A. |8rand jury, pleaded guilty to the offen
nace, maintaining an indoor tempera- [in the sum of $600,000 and directed| Grant Stains of Cresson as the
| ture which they highly and vociferously | the issuing of coupon bonds to raise the | President for another term,
5 Schultzabarger of Altoona was named
2 ! | fund. These bonds will be dated Nov. secretary, succeeding M. S. Keller, also
If the perversity of human nature |; ang pear interest at the rate of 4% of Altoona, and Chester England
per cent per annum, payable semi-| Everett was elected treasurer,
; A ief business session preced- |i. i
Committee includes: Chairman, Naomi Unfortunately there is very much more | 3nnually on the first days of May apd tial busines Sesion Pa Jail,
5 U OD
pC .
rd, [11a ]
le hs airs a
(UI @]1] memories, that they will
bring to mind through the
years. Genuine VIRGIN
DIAMONDS, at standard
prices, backed bya Certif-
icate of Title and a Guar-
antee of Quality, may
be secured only through
is the first to own this
beautiful gem. Untouch-
ed by past associations,
free from ill repute, VIR-
you right from Mother
Earth, worthy of the
sweet memories, your
re —————————.
Authorized Virgin Diamond Dealers
Tozer Jewelry Co, JM 0rsmew.
ou 2%
Bring Your Car Here For Expert
Mechanical Service.
We pride ourselves on the production
of prompt and satisfactory work.
Try A Tankful of SUNOCO
The motor Gas with all the
advantages of Ethyl Gas.
Patton Auto Co.
Patton, Pa.
The Path to Plenty
Is Via This Bank
HE S O Sa---
The trail was blazed countless years ago and it is still
the most traveled path in the world. The going is easy,
there are no pitalls, the goal is bright and with in reach
of all. Follow the leader by making a deposit today.
dren was sentenced pay the costs
and serve four months in the county
Thre opinions in divorce were hand-
ed down by the court Monday, as
Nick Dudukovich of Johnstown
against Cathe Dudukovich of
Uniontown, on grounds of deser-
Edgar O. Messenger of Johnstown
against Irene Renois Messenger, of
Los Angeles, Cal, on the grounds of
Jacob Suorsa of Nanty-Glo against
Anne Suorsa of New York city, on the
grounds of desertion and adultery.
CAPITAL $200,000.00
SURPLUS .. ..$200,000.60
TOTAL RESOURCES OVER... $3,240,000.00
Gee. E. Prindib]e, President; F. E. Farabaugh, Reuel Semer-
ville, James Westrick, P. J. Kelly, Vice Presidents, Frank L.
Brown, Cashier; Francis X. Young, Assistant Cashier.