The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 16, 1930, Image 11

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[ips —
have gained
ner in mind.
y fat person
If even this
ce you this
urest way to
el a superb
o gloriously
bO-GuS O SnanO--O W-O
k, N. J, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvi
Schroth and two children, of E
Orange, N. J, have returned to their
homes after a week's visit among their
relatives in Carrolltown,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pagnacle left
England States and points of
t en route to their destination
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGonegal
and Mrs. Rose Farabaugh were
ists over the new highway to Coalport,
then continued their trip to point:
Clearfield and Blair counties, Saku -
After a visit of four or five days with
Miss Matlida Stevens, Mrs. E. A. Wise
has returned to her home in Philad
phia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Steven:
report an enjoyable vacation being
spent Rome City, Ind.
Dr. and Mrs: Isadore Strittmatter
and William Strittmatter left Thurs-
day morning for their homes in Phila-
delphia after spending nearly a week
in Cambria County.
Mrs. Catherine Alberter has gone to
Washington, D. C., to spent the winter,
having gone there last week overland
with Geo. Bender, and his mother, Mrs
Catherine Bender, who returned home
Frank Thomas, of Green Castle, Ind.,
was here to visit with his sister, Mrs.
H. M. Blum, after being in the East
for a number of weeks visiting with
a daughter and her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bender and
family, of East Carroll township, were
recent motorists to Pittsburgh.
Cards sent from Dr. and Mrs. V, J.
Mulvehill to friends in Carrolltown, in-
form them they were in Venice, Italy.
while traveling in Europe. According
to reports the tourists are now on their
return voyage to the United States.
The Rev. Father William, O. S. B,,
assistant pastor of the local Catholic
Church, spent Thursday at St. Vincent
Archabbey, Latrobe.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sharbaugh and
family and Miss Hattie Sharbaugh, of
Carrolltown; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Fritz and daughter Mae; Mr. and VN
A. J. Houck, of Hastings, and Mr
Minnie Lute, of Derry, made up a
party of motorists to Cook State Forest
Park Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens and
family and Miss Fannie Wetzel were
motorists to Indiana, Pa., to which
place they acompanied Mr. and Mrs.
John McGonegal and family, of Du-
quesne, who had visited relatives in
Carrolltown over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sharbaugh and
son Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Barnard
Dillion and daughter Bertha motored
to Penn State College Saturday to visit
Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shar-
baugh, a student of the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Bearer and twin
boys, of Ebensburg, were guests of Mrs.
Bearer’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aman-
dus Buck, over Sunday.
P. J. Huber, C. C. Adams, A. P.
and Mrs. William Schroth, of
Saturday morning for a motor trip to
> motor-
MORE WATER TESTS ~¥ iticise D elay
rs In Vaccination
) officials to-day
) have young
Owing to the c«
the Pennsylvania
ment's mobile laboratori¢ ®
ordered to remain in the Do nu
{ mn yainst both small-
I'h ny d study of re-
y¢ of the health
n personnel
: ch each sum-
at 1 al di S
In of 8189 iren examined,
i n ¢ rth to school
; 17 d been vac-
for sm
y I Ma Ri chief of the
) section of the department,
1 minations alawsy
2y for parents to de-
1 1 ition until a child has
—— ls )0 Qe.
Mr. William Lam 1 I Nol ecause of
business ec : n )| X between
or 1 beyond,
A eon 1 dur-
at lich
Mrs. Richard hn was a ler i 1 ;
Johns on Thursday aft i fe
last week. ( d
Mr. and Mrs. Politi anounce the wstered
birth of a daughter. Of ith
Rev. Father McCarthy was
in Altoona ,on Wednesda f last w
Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Knapper we ria
Johnstown visitors on Saturday ve- | Dr =
ning. : ed, wuld be
Mr. Thomas Weaver of Johnstown, 5°03 as they ha
spent the week end at the home of > i
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McCoy. 2! na
Mrs. Thomas McCoy has returned to. es
her home in Johnstown, after :
Ing some time visiting among
tives here. nO QI YR ros TIT f
Miss Leah Weaver was a visitor af| SYER WIDER FIELD
the home of her aunt, M 'OR EMPLOYMENT AID
Berkey in Johnstown re -
Mr .and Mrs. Miles Ra I ¥
of Marion Center, were > Lab
in town. 3 £ a
celia Hecker has reiurned to| 10riUes n } '
New Y after spending several days |’ © 3 ompo rx
at the home of her parents, Mr. and clation
Mrs. Thomas Hecker. to } cohieren
Mr. William Lamont and son 3 1 \ :
and Paul attended the foothe will at
between St. Francis College H iow
and Rider College of N. J. :
town, on Saturday evening. >
Mr. Aruthur McCoy and Miss Ruth
McCoy were Johnstown 'S
Monday eveni
Mr .and WN George Fitch
Family were visitors at hon
Mr. and Mrs. Jan ¥ n Bec-
caria, on Sunday
Mr. F E
Fitch nn
Johnstov V
Miss Li tea
Bal 1
VE at her | 1e in Jot 1
Mr. Ord Weaver and son b )
Richard of Johnstown, spent Sunday |! id
visit \ n town col
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Strong of B
neshoro, visited re
Myers and son Fred and Amandus
Eck were motorists to Pittsburgh, Sun-
day, attending the Holy Name
y exercises held at Forbes Field,
burgh, Sunday evening.
Edward Farabaugh, of Pittsburg,
ited with his mother, Mrs. Rose F
bau and family, Sunday. The f
mer has been employed in the Steel
City for several years.
Dr. J. V. Maucher and son, Joseph
Maucher, motored to Indiana on Sun-
M Thos. A. Owens
rs of her bridge club
>d the
evening. t
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Voelker
and Mrs. Edward Lange and At
Hoffman, of Pittsburgh, were gue
Boniface Stich and family,
week end.
A. P. Myers visited at St. Vincent's
Coll , Latrobe, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGonegal,
Mr and Mrs. James E. McGonegal and
daughter and Miss Kathleen Eck were
guests at a dinner served by Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Grieff, of Altoona, Sun-
day. The feasting was in observance
of the 10th wedding anniversary of th
host and hostess.
»s Louis and I
ay for DuBois
their sister, Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and 1 Harrigan and son
Joseph, Mrs. Catherine Severin and
Mi Cecelia Severin motored to St
Mary's and Emporium on Sunday to
spend the day with relatives. The
date was the 15th wedding anniversary
of Harrigan couple
Sisters Modestus Hecker and Rita
Yahner of Jeannette spent the week-
end at the local convent. The for-|
mer a daughter of Mr. and Mus. |
Geor 3 place.
N ar) ner of Altoona
was a week-end at the home |
of Mrs. Regina Sloan home.
Among the recent visitors at the
Philip Kirk home were Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Commons and daughter Len-
ora and Miss Ethel Delozier of Nanty-
Mrs. Mary Reivel of Johnstown
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hecke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eckenrode and
daughter of Altoona spent the week-
end at the home of Mrs. Ec
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Westz
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Huber and
family of Ebensbt and Mr. and Mux
Ambrose Huber and family of Loretto
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G
L. Luther.
Blair Delozier of Trenton, N. J., re-
cently visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Kirk.
Mrs. John Hayes has returned fron
Sunbury where she 1d been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ri rd Wolfe.
Mrs. Frank Donahue er ned the
members of her Bridge 3
home Monday eveni
Rose, the six ye old daughter of
over the
the Common
i ——————— EE
Mr. and Mrs. Josepl napper a idered.
5 Jenr eels re Barnesl y TI )
's on Tuesday evenin f determining how
VET 1d emplo I
Perfect condition—one year old.
once at sacrifice.
n—either cash, or will
party on easy
onfidential infor-
mation apply, Box No. E.
A) AD SE) I-TECH) > cm On
Editor and Mrs. G. E. Hipps, suffered
a broken nose and severe bruises of |
the face, when she fell from a ng
at the parental home on Tuesday.
The Patton Courier
Patton A, C. Wins Over
Coalport Independents
In their opening gam 1 Son
on the local field Sw ifternoon
the Patton A. C. gridd led the
Coalport Independents y
able ease, 58 to 0. Lins
LE. Grozanics BE Flani an |
LT...Swab ..... .- Capito
LG......Buck . |
RT... Yahner .
winlSelly :
HB.......Christoff ........
HB......Maykovich .....
FB... Farabaugh
Coalport petey
Touchdowns—Carrett Kelly 6,
Maykovich. Points after t hdowns
—Carretti, Kelly. Subs
ton—Witherow, Semelsberger, So
Hetsko, Petronjak, J. C
—T. Quinn, Umpire—Ag)
rr Na —————-
Shop at Your Home Stores
First. Come to Booster Stores
for The Thing Your liome Stores
Cannot Supply.
Right Now
A Good
[ime to buy
In Altoona
Stocks of Late Fall and Winter
Goods were never more complete
than now!
Prices were never more attractive
that now preve in
And what is even
more important,
that Booster Stores »
il use or for
home, is of a Quality and Style
d upon to be en-
whether for pers
that can be depe:
tirely satisfactor
Thousands of milies throughout
Central Pennsyl
Booster Stores t
that cannot; bet ecured at their
lia depend upon
upply the needs
local Stores.
10W is deal time to do
and early Winter Shop-
your Fall
ping and take
vantage of the
low prices!
...There are aly s worth while
attractions for suburban Day
Look for the
piay Suburban D
stores that Dis-
Streamers in
Their Windows
And The Stores Members of The
Altoona Booster
Warner Theatre
Week Starting day, October 17
Eddie Cantor in
“W ) pee’
gfield Beauties
Featuring 100
100 Percent Natural Color
You’ll Marvel At The Values
We Are Offering in
New Fall Dresses
There is a dress here for you for every occasion
and every dress is priced at a figure that repre-
sents a real saving. We want to show them to
you. We feel that when you see them you'll more
fully appreciate our claims.
Travel Print Dresses & Flat
Crepe Print Dresses, at
$5.95, $6.75, $9.95, $14.95
Ladies’ Chic Fur Trimmed
In blachs, browns
and greens, em-
bodying all the
. chic and charm of
garments usually
sold ata very much
higher figure.
$16.75 to $49.75
they must set back on the head, and
Hats Must Flatter
The Woman of Today
They must have the new double brim:
) $9 and $5
they must fit into
the ensemble. Qur
hats do all of this.
Come In and See.
Carrolltown, Pa.