THE PATTON COURIER EATHERHEADS .. &.0%e...., 7 A Special Treat for F elix pr / b OH THATS SO | MILTON AND I WiLL BE AND IM SURE OH VES 1 POT INMY FEATHERHEAD % is PLEASED To COME FOR SUPPER. WE CAN COUNT ON veeenl i ORDER AT TIE / / LETS SEE IT WILL BE WE NIGHT FISH THEN $22. 1 / St IY AFTER FELIX RETURNS FROM HIS ISHING TRIP, WONT IT 2... Ad OR FISH ARE Lovely!) CALL THE S. P. C. A. { | | ours s who think they have have only an acid ch could be corrected The teacher was teaching his class | about parrot fever, and warned the | pupils never to kiss animals or birds, | especially parrots, canaries, and so on. | “Can you give me an instance, | Jackie?” he asked. “Yes, sir; my Aunt Emily used to kiss her lap-dog!” “Yes, and , . . “And it died, sir!"—Lustige Kolner Zeitung (Cologne). | minutes. An effec~ like Phillips Milk of n restores digestion FINNEY OF THE FORCE * rp em vhs s away with all that gas right after meals, 1e distress so apt to rs after eating. What paration to take! And for the system! Un- PORTABLE TYPEWRITER THE VERY IDEAR oF PASSIN' OFF THIS NO-ACCOUAT THAT REMINDS ME : ID BETTER GO OUT AN J WELL I'M GLAD 1 p> | B : ; —| |) Fancy MEETING YOU oso ie rE ae FIVE DOLLAR BILL ON : Ste ¥ LY SEIRD , ir «/ HERE MADAM! .. ITS A IY ef ae heme | hs ; INNERCENT ME ! --- OF \T WSELF 1 k J SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL, of Magnesia neutral | PIE WoRY es its volume in acid. hearty meal, or too 5 brought on the least a. Amazing discovery. Stops EPILEPTIC at tacks at once.NO BRO- MIDES—NO LIQUID MEDICINE. Results guaranteed or first L treatment costs neth- 15. ing. Write at once. NUMAR COMPANY a ee —— = - LE — : Sh tion, Box 31, New York City i cAlong the Concrete I “He takes his typewriter in his car with him everywhere he goes.” “She's the portable kind, I guess.” Books and Problems We read of problems great and small. No novelist relaxes. | The greatest problems of them all Are payin’ rent and taxes, 1 | | { { ngreve Put It ote glibly and authori- hath no fury like a .” But when William Depot Literature “There's one good thing about your railroad,” said the tourist to the con- | ductor on the Mosquito Bay line “What's that?” was the surprised query. “Your time tables. They don't al- ways get the facts quite right, but | they are never sensational.” RUNNY TARA pL yy ITE es = 3 $5 & Ses 4 4 | £1 2} / ‘7, e it 250 years ago it 5 2% I i —t A r be | ay : are like lova | “nf [F0)) OMAR. SEED 0 hath no rage like love A Ga. nly Is po = ss = FYB | d, nor hell a fury like bh Wl — AS eR : 2 Pe 2 rned.”—Golden Book { — ERE a TE 2 or taf 08h tla K JX 8 tn 4 | | ; | ev : he divine rights of a t one that allows him eases, EE 7] [ | — i Why Wearied? | “I'm very tired,” said the lady at | the head of the supper table one Sun- | day evening. | “You should not be,” said her min- ister, who had been asked in to the | evening meal; “you haven't preached two sermons today.” “No,” said the lady, absent-minded- ly, “but I listened to them.” an excellent negative qa cold in the head, What Will Baconians Say? First Pig—The devil quotes Scrip- ture for his purpose, Second Pig—What did you say? First Pig—Shakespeare never re- peats. Second Pig—But, then, you're not Shakespeare. First Pig—Same thing, I'm Bacon.— Vancouver Province. \_A\\ abinet Bottle INT vaiwe SCF S ASPERGUM asy Way rin Value 25¢ ———————— = Something ) BZ br 4 Lf | “Has your son's college education proved of any real value?” “Yes, indeed. It's entirely cured his mother of bragging about him.” Total Value Ta¢ \merica’smost Popular sant, safe, dependable, ing. Keep it handy in 2conomical bottle, e new and better way 3 Se MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Mead BOVINE OBJECTION ve in smaller doses for e. At your druggist’s or UCTS CORPORATION trect Newark, N. J. By Charles Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union Oh, Lissen to the Whale’s Blubber! IDERFUL = ee pow © Tr #{-WELL, WHAT THE THUNDER T L, 2 § m_. Rote: Lo Se A WONDERFLL SIGHY 0 SEE A GREAT \ WAY | N° | HEAR Hua ~ BLLOBBER Q = P10 ME VIrs. Arnold Says a E. Pinkham'’s e Compound “College boys can’t work their way to Europe on cattle boats any longer?” — “What a wonderful Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been to me. I was so nervous and rundown I could- n’t be up half the, time. When I had taken one bottle of Vegeteble Com-~ pound I could tell I felt better, so I took seven bottles to do my housework little children. I hope ng woman will try it.” L. ARNOLD, 1013 S. St. than, Alabama. i’S ASTHMAREMEDY t relief of Asthma '« Ask your druge= cents and one dol= FREE SAMPLE. Te ‘Ss CIENT Na Oswald Runs the Gauntlet By PEXCY L. CROSBY Copyright, by the McClurg Newspaper Syndicate} WE'LL BREAK EVERY PANE OF GLASS |N YA FACE! VAN PELT COULD TAKE A NOTE To SPIDER * KELLY S FATHER. “No—the cattle kicked.” Guessing A man will struggle hard and long To gain what he esteems success. He wins it; feels that he was wrong. And starts in on another guess His Idea of Consideration | “Is Bliggins a considerate man?" [ “Not exactly, He is one of those people who think it is all right to | tramp on your feet as often as they g ec i | WISH HE WOULONT, - AT WAS A FORLORN {HOPE OF THE TEACHER'S IF SHE | choose, provided they say ‘Excus his. Fholpeg WABBCE So MUCH PRop THAT EVER THOUGHT-FOR ONE MOMENT, THAT 0SWA PD | me!” every time.” di i my nerves and NOTE OR The Sarcastic Lover | “And after we're married, dear, | we'll never quarrel and fight like oth- er people.” { “Y—you mean we'll have an entire- | ly new and original method.” | Oh, You Sheik? “What happened to your new wrist watch, Gladys? It looks like it had been run over by a truck.” { “Not a bit of it, honey; last night Charlie held my wrist while he was kissing me.” | Possibly a Hint | He—There was something IT wanted | to say to you, but I forget what it | was. She — Was it “good-night" ? — The Hamorist. |