The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 26, 1930, Image 13

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    RE ——
rs. M. 8S. Yerger,
3t pd. :
: J
re Second :
ea Section u r'1c Ur Se cond Section
VTS—PLANTS 7 FV FT —_— — —
abage 40c per 100,
ery Tc per 100. — i
ER P ennsylvania Motorist Max HORSE SHOE PITCHING Lights Wink Away Gloom of Aeons; Yi ‘¢ - “ys
TL $ ay ’ A O0p¢ QQ 7, )Q 7 .
Mystery of Howe Caverns Lifted Suggests Ways to ‘Be Yourself
ruth, Bor, Have Nickel-Plated Tags on | AT EXPOSITION, " When Contemplating Suicide
¢ each and up. |
Their Cars for Next Year ™ Tournament, ent. Starting July
Familiarty with motor cars and ex-| “Do not be careful at street or
cellent highways is breeding a danger-| road intersections. Let George do it.
| “At all times conduct yourself and
skets at special
4 at 9 A. M. First Prize
wrniture for sale
oving a short dis-
ach av | 7 PD it
Te Honey 5 by Experiments by Wighway Bureau SHOW on the tamilier: "Benrin.” are plated | Will be $20, second $15 ous contempt for the first principles
rd os. Sungs Chromium Covering on Plates Makes | smooth with the nickel. | —— of safety, according to Benjamin G Jom i Shogh you Wn one
0. adle) - " ri : : perati or ennsylvania
ated 2 miles west Numerials Stand Out in Bold Relief] Lhe Plates have been sent out to} W. W. Conley will be superintedent | Eynon, ‘Commissioner of Motor Ve-| highways Disrecard the golden rule
_ ays. ga eg \
Loreilo 1t : —Greatly Increased Visibility Sees police department of several cities and | of the horse shoe pitching tourna | hicles Dice. cont nd Be %
i thie , End of 1 highway patrol stations for testing | ment, starting July 4 at 9 A. M. at i voGe post ~ iy Bh. ome fom
RE as End of Hit-and-Run Drivers. [ and upon the results of the experi-|the ‘Cambria County Industrial Ex-| There is work for the Fool Killer|Y0W DUNC, be yoursed
wis | ments, together with approval of Com- | position. The holiday will give all| on every Pennsylvania road — and 'CUSE YOUTHS » THE
FE. The end of the hit-and-run driver missioner Eynon’s superiors, will rest | the contests will be singles and the particularly in the mountain regions AO 8 EP ISITOR
may be in sight in Pennsylvania. |the decision as to whether they will [entries must be in the hands of Sec-| id Eynon. “Perhaps tt isd ——— :
To that end, Benjamin G — used in Pennsylvania. retary H. Frank Dorr of the Cam-| [SHG Synon er aps the misdeeds of Cotiblets. Tarren Gatlin a heirite
oe i : y | Eynon is enthusiastic about them,|bria County Fair Association by Tucs- | i'the careless portion of the population Bet ger” ash ; gall vin 2 “Rearing
commissioner of motor vehicles, is! having seen their visibility demon-|day, July 1. The open contest in which | is prompted by a desire to leave this RI 2 ; a. o Ine ¥ ea 2 last
conducting experiments with a high-|started and believes the hit-and-run|shoe tossers from anywhere can take | lvale of tears in abrupt fashion. For i a ES A afies
1 ly luminous plating of the numer. | driver will have a difficult time in| part, the entrance fee is $2.00. Each] those who wish t it suici Jan Eg wed Tne oi 11i wr
als of automobile license plates. The making a getaway after an accident| contestant wil pitch against another, | s ish 0 coms suicide I ames 1 a % aved 3. of Gallis
without having his number detected.| thes total points in all the contests | offer the following suggestions: ore a Mande fg the conty jall
I numerals stand out in bold relief on)The nickel is especially helpful at | participated in to decide the winners. | “When passing another car wait au ig a na 8. de Sep-
| the test plates with a minimum am-| night when the present tags escape| The prizes will be: first prize $20.00, | Lunt the. wiitis trafSic-dividing Ting te I lerm. ob cour! ;
. U ui IL U c LO=CLiVal le 2 tw 7( o 3) are *hareec
ount of light turned on them. notations unless there is a strong light | second, $15.00; and third $5.00. is var oa ,A5e Wo yong en, an charged
: Fitted onion: ab art it : : oo | is reached, and then swing far to the| with having entered the home of Mrs.
28 Chromium nickel, taken up by auto- at a shor istance. There will be another contest re- | 1eft A while line means dan Adelaide Grace last week and relieving
; : : 3 : % : + 1ieft. £ il ine means anger, | ook = lt SSI i
mobile manufacturers recently for Color Complication Seen. | stricted to pitchers from Cambria | a : oe . '|Ray Wiley of Bellwood, who had bee
a : : Several complicati ould County for which the entry will be whereever found, and if the practice| vicitine the Grace fs wv Oo =
plating of radiators, wire wheels and | plications wou arise| visiting the Grace family, of .
/ other rts of : is th through adoption of the plates, one| one dollar. This is to decide the best | to the left of it, is continued long They were arested a short time after-
L LOVE! pa of cars, Is the material of which is color. At present and for | horseshoe picher in the county and | {enough disaster will surely happen. after the act was supposed to have
under consideration for use. The state,| the last several years blue and gold, f the prizes will be: first, $10.00; Sec- “Park just bey e. if pos-| been committed and are reported to
il Eynon says, has been offered permis-| the official state colors, have been used | ond Five Dollars; third, a pair of | tid ark Jus beyond a elivve, ¥ POS. yr. confessed to the crime, In search
sion to use the mew type nickel by on tags, the colors of the background Yegulation horseshoes. The contests will | sible—and at night, in this position.|in, the pair, it was said that the
i the patent holders, a Detroit concern. and numerals being alternated each | continue until the final decisions are jextinguish all lights. The result will officer: secured $74 of the missing $75.
i ight Increase in Cost . year to prevent use of previous year's | made. All pitching will be governed by | {be a surprise. i ir ret
| i There will be an added expense to | plates. the rules and regulations of the Na-| “Whenever possible pass other cars| FUNERAL OF AUSTIN McCULLA
the manufacture of the plates by add-| The nickel shows white and it would! tional Horse Pitchers Association. | ; . X : at the crest of a hill. Persistence in —
ing the nickel through a royalty that not be posible to alternate it on the | The Waite starting gate has arrived | ; this practice will bring the funeral| Funeral services for Austin McCulla
mush be paid the company, but the | backgrounds and numerials. The ex-|at the race track. It is one of six, | wagon or ambulance. who dropped dead Thursday ever t
i inerease wil amount to no more than perimental plates have a dark blue| which are now in use on the big cir-| v THE Poor OF SILOAM e “Drive with blinding lights, if hu-|his boardinghouse in Cookport, after
§ ih lglg Al per S90 OF tags, Eynon background and some dark scheme of | cuits and will be the first ever used COBLESKILL, N. Y.—If Rip Vaa|gineering feat recently completed for | manly possible. The ‘other fellow, lan attack of indigestion, were cond
3 . 28 . 0 . | colors would have to be found to show fon a half mile track. Already year | Winkle had taken his little snooze in | the pleasure of motor-tourists at unable to see you, wil either ted Sunday afternoon at 2:30
i | everal sets, of tags have been plated, a change in the background every | olds from among the 150 horses now | the Hudson highlands lately, instead | Howe Caverns here. It is not incon- into you or ki 11 or maim pedes terians at the McCulla home in Westover. The
a Pe gh material being year. {in the track stables are being schooled | of during the Revolution, he would |ceivable that the lovatia hero 6 or occupants of horse arawn vehicles. | deceased is survived by his
placed on tha ygbnse numerials in All of them can be overcome, how- in starting from it. These horses are | have had real occasion to rub his eyes | Washington Irving's le d may ha “In a purely rural country, between| Susan MecClla and these
on awakening. scrambled over the cavern’s rocky re the hours of 5 and 6 p. m, drive as|B. McCulla, of Westover;
rouck chips giving it the appearance |ever, in Eynon’s opinion and he says new to the starting game and will be | : : >
For Rip, it will be recalled, at least |in his eagerness to get ou: of corshot though you had the entire highway Culla, of Silvis,
of hammered silver: to ad to the re-|it may be possible to make the new lucky to be broken in at the beginning | Tacs 2
flecting quality of the metal. The year | plates in time for next year. | of their careers to the new gate which Found the mountain! sears Tamil of Dame Van Winkle’s tongus. Put ex- to yourself. A drove of cows being Saut of Uni
” een {is rapidly being taken up on all tracks. | 12 When Ne ey Stes Ils anes of the cavern, rem taken to the barn at milking time son, of Indiana,
PRIMARY EXPENDITURES | Mr. Waite, the inventor, came with | Ea P Bat oy i: oy ; y geo ogists as a twin-wonder to Nis gar may interfere with your progress, but|mar, of Clearfield.
| y 1 i Eb- | been pro g n Mpynherr | Falls, dil not become known tc the cars with a rubber chassis can weave
AERIAL TELEPHONE AMOUNT TO Yon! the appartus and wil remain in Van Winkle's old neighborhood, un-| white man in his lifetime. back saa es 51 Weave re > —
| ensburg until the finish of the races | earthing secrets at which Rip could| Howe Caverns remained unexplored back and forth, between them. | Subscribe for the Courier, $2 a year.
The campaign expenditures in Penn-| | July 5. | only make superstitious guesses, uniil recently, because of its extreme p—
I sylvania hard fought Republican pri- | | What would Rip think, for instance, | inaccessibility. Increase of motor=
| FARM WOMEN SESSIONS of electric elevators, descending|travel In the neighborhood has led
y of a month ago amounted to through a concrete shaft, 156 feet into [to the construction of roads which
nearly $1,500,000 and fell short of the| AT COUNTY SEAT JULY 9 the earth, into under
ind chambers | place the entrance to the caverns on
y ooo expenditure or more than $2,-| iis | where a myriad of ele > lights play | the main highway (Schohanna Trail,
for lo the famed factional contest] In anticipation of the Cambria on the traceries and queries of | New York State Route 7), forty miles
i : Qariptv . wiles of stalactites ar talagmites? west of Albany and thirt il ta-
y Nn th ociety of y y miles souta
The two largest dispensers of cam- j County open 9 De ce on] This is the hydroelectric and en-|west of Schenectady.
which Rea re Ein
paign funds, the Davis-Brown cam- | Farm Women
paign committee Ww. day, July 9, at thel ; Ag rt arg | er : i
g and the Republican nounced for Wednesday, Y s( HWAB RECEIVES LETTER ¢COD ADVICE IN THE
committee for Joseph R. Grundy, filed { Ebensburg fairgrounds, the county LUUYU
I statement revealing expenditures of | executive committee met recently to! FROM VICE i PRESIDENT! WEEKLY HEALTH TALK
| $314,348 and $422,577, respectively, lay its convention plans on a com- | | : rs
. | with the state elections bureau Sat-| prehensive scale. | Expresses Pleasure in (oming Visit to| “The spirt of the brotherhood of
| urday, the last day provided by law| The executive session was called at| Ebensburg: Leaves Washington man is more and more occupying a;
: for receipt of account. in the lecture room of Cambria library | This Conia: sundzy | prominent place in modern life. The
3 ET Captain A. R. Brooks, chief pilot f With the filing of those two reports, | hall, with Mrs. Ambrose Stiffler of]! i's Coming Sunday {heartless rule of the individual first
- P - R. Brooks, chief pilot for | the aggregate spent by the state cam-|South Fork, the county president, in oo : land always, has given way to the more
According to a letter received bY|y,,,nitarian principle of the gC 1 to
I Be Telephone Laboratories Inc., | paign committees, committees in the|the chair. Matters of entertaining the
vw ork, is shown Wearing a newly larger centers of population and the 400 women who are expected for the
devised helmet for aviators for use in | principal candidates for nomination |1930 convention will be completed
- ~ Srhwa Dv
| Snasies M. Schwab, President of the po group, Welfare societies, D
Cambria County Fair Association, from tropies which aim to improve
Dancing- i i : Vice Drasiiont. Char stis of the
5 two way radio telephone communica- Xo raised to $1,326,062. An additional} Farm women's organizations of Bi Presilent Charles Curtis of the |. 4 acientific mass administra
dway Me- tion between airplanes in flight and 000 or more is represented in!Richland, Adams, Croyle, Summerhill hited States, the latter states that preventive medicine eloquently
IN telephones on the ground. Through 'amounts distributed by other county and Cambria townships were repo ted { he is looking forward with great plea- *t this statement,” - said Doctor
KING hi f th i ommittees ; !sure to his visit to the Cambria Coun- Po TB : a ;
the use of the most modern type air- © ees in exces of the grants of recently in the midst of mobilizing Sad Sel lula 1a YOUN" Theodore B. Appel, Secretary ol
1d agreat planes, the Bell Laboratories continue the state committees. | large convention delegates. An all day i yo i Bxposly on en Mongar. Health.
| program for July 9 is being considered “une 30. Fice ESI ent urtis stated =p, detail the advance in general
to make pioneer studies in all phases : :
in the letter that he and his sister,
It pays to advertise in The Patton |with one or two outstanding club-
Courier. sanitation and medicine would almost
k , women of the state for speakers. =
require an account of the am
progress that civilization has made
Sfaerqugtion) semmunlistion Mrs. Edward E. Gann and Mr. Gann
_— and party would leave Washington, D.
— > CA SRT : C., Sunday evening, in a private car. wii
He said he had heard so much favor-| the past fifty years or mot :
it to say, that never in its history
——— ———— ——_—— Jaman i | able comment about previous exposi- 1 et 4 St boon ich IN YOUR ADs |
i | tions at Ebensburg that he was eager| as the nite ales heen suc v
{ to attend one and assured Mr. Schwab wonderful and beautiful place in whi HIS SERVICE IS
tte and as: \ 0 > oe ar so tre
| that he regards it a pleasant duty to| [to live as it is today. Ew > T
declare the exposition open to the pu-| | mendous progress could be q Reg TO ALL OUR
oun . realized if a more general use of pre-
blic on Monday rnoon, June 30.
The United Marine Corps | Ventive features would be displayed
1 ie : | bv a ,
[Band of 70 pie under the lpader-|Py, the individual. tart
ship of Capt. Taylor G. Branson, will For example, toxin.antitoxni or
children immunizes against diphtheria.
| leave Washington in their special train
i ame miohit ac the|But it cannot accomplish this mission ' rr 0 . aioe a.
{of Pullmans the same night as the "oy remaining in its original package
e President and will 1 at the ex-|°¥ remaining Jn | ginal parkag -@ -
Je meio me vi et ep mt eames ihe | Claire Sani-White
| position in time t i : Ie :
| honors due the Vice a #1 should see that this prevention $
A Tunch Lor of the Vi {afforded their children.
[president and AE I EER Mg Seats on Display!
President and rty sponsored by | | cond well develop a keener realization ®
JUNE BO JU the Johnstown Chamber of Commerce, | {of the power of disease prevention.
9 1-2-3-4-§ Ya i held in the dance pavilion at|with health officials and doctors es- You, no doubt are making plans to add bright, decorative touches
he Exposit : is : y
here and there to freshen and beautify each room in your home for
the summer. HOW ABOUT THE BATHROOM? What can be done to
tion grounds prior to thep,ecially interested in preven
formal opening of the exposition at|asce and with a whole hea
vhic ime Vice Presi > |
which time Vice Pr nt Curtis, MI.|4ailv interest in this matter : i : ¥
improve its appearanceto give it a more pleasing tone?
land Mrs. Gan and party will be the | exhibited by everyone, the Gis. 1 f
enna. Siesta ot bon. ings of present-day existence _could be Let us venture a suggestion that has been welcomed in many of
| in 'made surprisingly greater. To this end the homes. Replace the old, and quite probably out-of-date, toilet
CRMAL APE The Sno lane BF Ferad : : ; “prop
HERMAL APEL the following suggestions are offered: seat with a new, sparkling Church Sani-White Seat. Or, if your
{ — “1. An annual physical examina
taste runs to color, let us install a Church Colored Seat which you can
burg, aged 66, «2 Twice a year visits to the dentist.|
Herman Apel of
| well-known coal operator and business|' «3, Sufficient sleep, proper types and select from a complete range of pastel shades and lovely sea pearl
man, died at 3 o'clock Thursday mor-'amounts of food, adequate daily exer- tints. Either colored or white it will work a wonderful transformation
Monda O enin |ning at Memorial hospital, where he|cise. : oi Coat HEthr relive is a ffivie bls Pe
Y, Pp g Day |had been a patient - mimuamber of “1. Care.and caution i ai of Mics in your bathroom. Our service is e Helens, business-like and up-to
date. Whether you want a Church Seat or help on some other plumb-
| weeks. He was w known as a|activities.
lealer in coal!’ “5. Elimination of excesses. ing problem, no matter how
ADDRESS BY | wholesale and ret
sand, lime and brick { “6. And all else, an every day de- you promptly. Just phone us and we will call at once.
CHAS. A. GURTIS, VIGE- PRESIDENT Mr. Apel was born in Carroll town-| termination to attain and maintain a
E U. S. |ship, June 29, 1864, a son of Justus|one hundred percent mental ad phy-
I land Catherine Raemer Apel. After|sical efficiecy. ® ® ée ty 0.
ntroduced by Charles M. Schwab completing a course in the old Ebens-| “Science has done much and will
burg Normal schoo], he taught In{undoubtedly do more to add to hap- PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTING
before going into piness and health. However, it is now
Ave. Phone 26-R. PATTON, PA.
y large or small we are equipped to serve
{the county schools
United States Marine Band. Other Features |business. Mr. Apel served for more/more than time for a whole hearted Filth
shurg’s borough | cooperation on the part of the indi-
vidual in health interest. Those who
SPECIAL ATTR ACTIONS oh girvines ware conducted st Bre =
than 30 years on Ebe
council being president for a period]
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at
Apel home in Ebensburg. Interment D ‘
Display of Jadastih) Mining, Commercial, Electrical, f was in the Lioyd cemet vy Last Saturday, a half-mile section of K lorenti ne
| tnCrrss a the Willi B, Highway in Loretto
Fi gre hued Machinery and Equipment. SoSEPH P. CAUARAN Borough,” Gambri ry mime Beauty-Shoppe
Joseph P. (Callahan, aged « ied | pleted d oned t 0-W3 raffic, oe x
rst 1 ontest for S wtlate Championship. oe hi at his home in Summerhill, CR. No ka oe 710 South Fifth Avenue
Mr. Callahan- had ben employed for| neer with headquarters at Hollidays- PATTY )N. PENNA.
A. K. c. Licensed Dog Show. Dancing Eve ery Night the last 12 years , mine foreman | burg Saturday announced.
at Fhrenfeld for the Pennsylvania| Work. was started on this
Horseshoe Pitching Contest. Midway Attractions Coal and Coke Corp. He is survived| April 21, under a contract M ar celling, Facials,
by his widow. iW. B. RH illiams of Patton,
Amateur Boxing Bouts. Boy Scout First Aid Contest rant Dy ices Wi onducted Ai 5p Mg Of Manicuring and
ng in St.|amount the State pays 80 per c nt
umerhill. In-| Cambria County 20 per cent. Jcalp Treatment
Bartholomew's ‘The improvement replaces a worn.
30-foot Call 189 for
9 o'colck Saturday
terment was in
GENERAL ADMISSIO cemtery at Wilmore out macadam section with a
N 50 CENTS | —,,, _— concrete surface and improved
FOR SALE: —White Leghorn Broliers|age. It was constructed in half-y
—Inquire D. F. Horne, Phone 175R11,| to permit constant flow of
3] 'st. Augustine. without a detour,
J —————— —————————
a {ua—— A BASS,