The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 19, 1930, Image 1

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Five Weeks Old Pigs.
Adams, R. D. 1 Patton
— Tomatoes, Cabbage,
and all kinds of
Mrs. A. J. Yahner, 14
mon the Hastings—St.
kinds of flowers and
. Tomatoes, 15 cents,
nted 25c¢ doz. Potted,
age, 10c doz, or T5c a
10c to 50c. Iris, Peren-
y Hocks, Golden Glow,
y flowers plants 50c a
ansies and dozens of
ints, 25¢ a doz. and up.
$1.00 per 100. Dahlia
. and up. Cannas, 75¢
each and up. Fuschia,
egonias, Cactus, Ferns
t any kind of a flower
ant you might want.
atisfaction guaranteed.
all occasion. HONEY
00 or 6 lb. can at $1.50
er at our store. Cata-
and look things over,
welcome, Strittmatter
Co., Bradley Junction,
four Rooms for House.
¢ Mrs. M. S. Yerger,
nue. 3t pd.
oung man for Catholic
W. F. Frey at 8S. A
ce Fourth and Magee
he Fuller Brush Com-
y two men with cars
t 430 Central Trust
1. June 16, or write.
White Leghorn Broliers
Horne, Phone 175R11,
i ny i YT Wis WINE ene
ell- Known Steward of Moose]
| Bloomberg, of South Fork, Mercanti
ne a) ts = -
NEWS OF INTEREST |, zioounere in i se of vc courier
— le
— |
Condensed Items Gathered from | Appraiser of Cambria County for the | Packed Houses Greet Production |
| year of 1930. The List appears on|
PROVES A SUCCESS ser. vee ts 3am agen wes OF THE KIWANIANS
Half-Holiday During b : JL feng
Summer Months [Cambria County Suggested for
i e Various Sources for the of “Aunt Lucia” on Monday | re State-Wide Bituminous
| i | Page Four, Eleven and Fourteen. The | z : | : | Ld §
iftv resentative 1 io. | August Urbain, aged 54, steward oh Busy Reader. I St dav of Mav and Tuesday Nights. A meeting of members of the North- | oal Parlev
Fifty Representative Men Dis. the Moose Lodge here for several| iy = | license is due on the first day of May, | y g lern Cambria Business Men's Associa- Coal Parley
cuss Welfare of The Ebens- | years, died Monday morning at 6
burg Fair Association (o'clock at his home, after a long ill- | py, and Mrs. C. J. Hogue, of Cresson, | dealers in Foreign and Domest
ness of a complication of diseases. He ang Cletus Melvin, son of Mrs John chandise, Brokers and K«
was born August 15, 1875, in Belgium | Melvin, of Johnstown, were married | Eating Houses, Billiard
Street il fair was the| *03 came to this country 40 yearsil,st Thursday morning at a solemn | i 1 Ten Pir
county exposition and fair was the ago. He had been a resident of Patton high ey H Ee nD AE Sig nd ir
topic of discussion at a luncheon for the last 30 years. He is i ign :
meeting held at the New Ebensburg by his mother dy Sudora Si nvived| viers Catholic church Cresson. The
Inn Tuesday, when some 50 represen-| patton: his widow, Mrs. J in onic | Rev. Father James Melvin, of Altoona, |
tative citizens of Cambria and Bll | Uppain’and these nem 10) brother of the bridegroom, was the LEO K. COOPER I$
ee on G Tos celebrant of the mass; the Rev. Father|
county were the guests of Charles M. of Patton; Mrs. Isadore Lenglet, ofl Tornes Craven, of Crear, ooaoon endl
hw snd the management of Help atton; Henry and Julia, both at| the Rev. Father Innocent Strittmatter, |
fair association. Lr | home. He was a brother of Frank Ur-| of Cresson, sub-deacom. #
i Many Siagepons Sepang Bw oon and Mrs. William Gregory, both! Miss Verna E Coy, daughter of Mr
icles of the associatio S Olof this place and Mrs. John Bailent, e : 4
arousing greater interest in the enter- > lent, and Mrs. E. J. Coy, of Van Ormer,|
lof New Castle. and Robert C. Troxell
prise in the two counties were offered,| The deceased was @ member of Pat-| Mrs. C. 7 ell, anf
with the general belief that, despite ton Lodge of Moose and the Independ- married recently at the parsonage of |
generally poor business conditions ent Order of Red Men of this place ; ] { {
throughout this section at the present D/&C€| of the Congregational church in Eb-| at the Northwestern Uni:
Fun i q |
time, the enterprise can weather Polya Hrs ne Mae | Sastre ye Bev Join 3 Tnomas) Chicago, Ill, Leo K.
current financial storm and emerge] inholic Church here. In | . er SS
upon a more substantial basis.
One suggestion upon which later Mi
action may be taken was to increase lc Ae Snag a
the attendance at both the exposition, TWO GOOD SHOWS { or : ’
which opens June 30, and the county |Sieliten Duman So ot ee ng i
fair in Se r, by ranting a half | ! C ,» were unit- |
air in September, by granting a | COMING TO GRAND = in marriage in St. Ann's Catholic
church in Youngstown Ohio, recently. |
day leave of absence to employes in|
the various operations of the Bethle-| : >
hem Steel Corp. in the county. The . % i . Mordica Massey Henry, of Portage,
plan does not cal Ifor a general shut-| Bebe Daniels Scores With Finejhas besn Soponied 5 Second Lisute:
down of the various operations, but| Dramatic Performance In [ny in e icers’ Reserve Corps,
Drovides for groups of smplages to id “Alias French Gertie” I Mi : Genevieve Semelsburger and |
absent from duty throughout the | | 3
weeks in which the events are being est ahi .| John E. Johnston, both of East Ridge, |
To © | RADIO PICTURES newest vehicle for | were married recently by Justice of the |
ay Mr | Bebe Daniels, “Alias French Gertie,” Peace E. W. Walsh, at Barnesboro.
It Was Doinied ows by Mr. Sohwal which WHI be at the Orand Heatte onl ros Sin oer dd. aon of)
who presided, that the programs of-| gm. d Saturd Is 45 4 |
or ie ad ant Friday an aturday, reveals an-|Mr, and Mrs. John Brink, of Glen
fered each year are increasingly €X-| other amazing triumph for that al-| bell. is i tical condit
pensive and that patronage must in- ampbell, is in a critical condition at
The future welfare of the Cambria
Medical School at North-
western University,
in the church cemetery. | brother of the bridegroom.
Agnes Phalen, daughter of J.|
graduated from the School of Medicine
! i |
Dr. Leo K a oper
oR audmiel ; /
crease correspondingly in order to meet dua I, A en igs he Spe Bosonal, Suffering fron
the expense bill. Improvements are De Hninely illustrious performance as he Tun down br as Yeo pen e
ing made to the plant each year and | singing sensation in Radio Pictures’ | the highw om Yo au ome ye on
wil continue to be made, but some| «gi, Rita” Miss Daniels displays new | He saa il e Daa . oe
stable method of financing the DIo-| and astonishing power as an actress a ciure o e skull.
ject is necessary to assure continu-! Jo dramatic forcefulness in her role |
ance, it was generally agreed. { of a clever female “racketeer.” TED WEEMS COMES |
——— | “Alias French Gertie” may be con-
ATT | sidered Miss Daniels’ most serious cha-
PATTON RAILROAD MAN |racterization in the talkies. Concern- TOMORROW NIGHT
MARKS ANNIVERSARY eq with an expose of the smooth me- |
REI | thods of high society crooks, the story . |
Constans C. Holter Served New York | thrilling and vividly enacted, allows|Outstanding Dance Band Will!
| 3 s Engi Miss Daniels broad scope for her lat- A Rnaat i
Central 30 Years as Engineer ott talents a5 GamSote Draenor Boer tain at Sunset in Much
y—— i a : : : |
Constans C. Holter, a retired New[Aon Te uneiwee smmespherte nticipated Engagement.
York Central engineer, is quietly ob- | 5 it is due to the splendid playing of | y |
serving the 77th anniversary of his|y Rulie Pot a oa Tomorrow, Friday, mght, Ted Weems| Dr. Cooper is very well known to
birth today at the home of his| Bet Lyon. ThE = Hen vos In persons, and his Victor Recording our readers. He was born and rear-
daughter, Mrs. H. M. Rumberger of | first appearance opposite the glaior- Orchestra wil play an engagement ated in Patton, and received education
600 Palmer avenue. Mr. Holter was | oo Bote and the Trion and Som. Sunset Park. This will be the only in St. Mary's Parochial Schoo! here.
born June 19, 1853, at Curtin, Centre| : ’ e Sp: Y Weems engagement between Cincin-| Later he was a graduate of the Patton
county. a s p , | pathic performances given by the two | natti and Atlantic City this season. Hig ] receiv S
3 y, a son of the late John and| oo than confirm Hollywood reports) v (High School. He received his pre-
Jane (Antes) Holter. He sucured his that they are engaged in real life | Ted Weems alweys proves a good card | medical training at St. Francis’ Col-
early education in the schools at Cur-| 5 ’ 12 Janie vey and fadw gg legs at Loretto.
tin and later engaged in the fruit|mpyg,., Y hncts | 5 5 Sect 1e state r. Cooper, on July 1st, wil enter
growing business. He entered the em- | Blaze O Glory
" : , {can feel exceedingly fortunate that|the Mercy Hospital at Pittsburch to
ploy of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.| Something New Manager Fred Luther, who is always| serve his internship.
as a brakeman on the Tyrone division | ee on the look out for nationally famous!
September 21, 1876, and served in that| After three years of the tyranny of orchestra, has been lucky enough to)
capacity until the spring of 1880. At, the strident melodrama, and the back-{book him for his only Pennsylvania |
that time he was promoted to fire-|stage story, motion picture producers engagement tomorrow. od
man on the same road and three years appear about to give us something new|{ Incidentally, Sunset’s dance pavilion |
later he was advanced to engineer. He!if we are to take for a crierion “Blase/ ls SonuNY being Mons beau. | :
held this rating at the time he lef: O’ Glory,” introducing the star, Eddie|tified, and the management is spar-|, astoiv. 7 ake
the “Pennsy” service Jan. 31, 1893. |Dowling, which will be at the Grand|ing no labor and expense in making| Ne" Moms, i Made
Mr. Holter assumed a similar po-| Theatre on Monday and Tuesday. it pleasig to its patrons. The claims “Nears Completion ?
sition with the New York Central Rail-| Here is a play in which the charac- oJ being Pontietoania 3 Jub beau- bid
road Company, Feb. 1, 1893, his “run” ters are not setwed in corruption and | tif allroom, wi e all the more, sible by ated 25
being or, Jersey Shore and) although it has a stage and war touch, | evident at the engagemen tof Ted pide Dosis by a 3s SL y3mogn
Patton. He served continually in this|it is only reminiscent of melodrama| Weems on Friday night 3 aT :
capacity until his retirement July 1,/and the stage show-off, while melody |
1923, after 30 years and five months prodominates through a story that is| ISSUES LICENSES
of service. He has been on the New at all times dramatic if not actually
York Central pension list for almost (melo. | a state of completion at Letette
seven years. In fact it is entertainment. And in| Twenty thousand dogs were licensed The edifice, when completed is wi
Mr. Holter and Miss Martha Has-| order to make it wholly entertain- |, Poy Saous Fi April, bringing pected to be one of the most beautiful
son of Philipsburg were married Aug.|ing, the producers have thrown inp total licensed d: opulation in| of its kind in the State. The construc
8, 1878, in Clearfield county by the late |about everything there is to cause the| the State up to a PopEaan - tion of the bulltines is inf charge of
Rev. Scott Wilson, then pastor of the spectator to sit up and take notice, | 1 © latest report font he Seen of William Diamond. Johnstown cance.
West Clearfield Methodist church.|or to nod a head in tuneful apprecia-|
$250,000.00 Gift By
Charles M. Schwab
To Carmelite Nuns
| Corporation, a new monastery for the
nuns of the Carmelite Order, formerly
+ | 43 “ is . | ani i ; ani rt-| tor, a e achitect is A. M. Tade-|
They made their home in Philipsburg, | tion “Blaze O’ Glory” is both mnsic| 2iMal industry, Pennsylvania Depart r, and the achitect is |
Tyrone, Clearfield Rossiter, Cherry. and drama and has a big kick. ment of Agriculture. Jeske, also of Johnstown.
tree and Patton prior to Mrs. Holter’s
death July 31, 1918. Since then Mr.| FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE |
Holter has been making his home with | CLOSE TO CARROLLTOWN | secuted and damage claims amounting ment is expected soon on the date of
his daughter, Mrs. H. M. Rumberger. | to $19,386.15 were recorved, dodioatiog
He is the father of Mrs. George E.
1, a total of 9173 uncontrolled dogs ign used by the Carmelite nuns, it is
i i 7 has 10,109 indivi A sister of Charles M. Schwab, whose |
Crise, Mrs. Raymond M. Campbell and| Fire completely destroyed the home| Cambria county has 10,109 individual sister of Charles M. Schwal ose
iss Cart ; ; irs- | Of the Edward Trexler family, adjacent | Licenses Issued for dogs; the number gift of $250,00 made possible the erec-
Me Curls 1 ae i of Bay to Carrolltown, near the yo "Black | of Uncontrolled Dogs that were killed | tion of the beautiful new structure, is
Cookport and Mrs. Rumberger, assist- Diamond mine, Sunday evening. Neigh- | in this county was 81. {tioned re he is Sis
ant postmistress of the Patton post | bors of the Trexlers noticed the roof | {ooned 3% Lorsuo. Sueils Suter M.
office. | was burning while Mr. Trexler and| PRETTY WEDDING | Cecelia. 2 r
Mrs. Thomasine Potter (Holter) Other members of the family were sit- | HELD ON THURSDAY| The Carmelite nuns announce that a
Walker of Drevel Hill, who celebrated | 8 On a porch of the home between | SE
her golden wedding anniversary Sunday || 20d 8 o'clock Sunday evening. The| A very pretty wedding was
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. McNamara 12Mmes spread quickly. An alarm was|Church by the Rev. R, D. Hinkleman P€ made by the sisters according to
Walker In Cresson. 15 a sister of Elo sent to the fire department of Carroll. |last Thursday evening when Miss petitions received. The prayers, seek- |
Amo 2a -| town, but their services were of no|Naomi Blake became the bride of Ted|iNg intercession of the sacred heart,
Joey Tey an fle Suyiving Dem | anl because of the advanced work of | McMurray, of Hasting. Miss Blake was a pms uh June 30 :
enjoying excellent health. He is a|1¢ fire and the lack of sufficient, prettily attired in a gown of pink Ai ie Dunlic opening of the how
member of the Brotherhood of Loco. WALEr near the home. Very few things | georgette, with hat and slippers to one, ovens Pe Rous ire Ye-
motive Engineers of Ch fied nd he) fom fe home were saved. Aceoring neh, Te bole Wienjsd by Mr, guesteq to sent by mail,
Fo 2 ol et - OSL 'eports, some insurance was carried | an rs. John Gregoery of this place.| sve.
New York Cemtral Veterans associa {on the property. The Trexler lost a | Mrs. Gregory wore a gown of Biege County Authorizes Bids
|barn and contents, also lives stock, in |flat crepe with hat and slippers to for Road Materials and
j2 fire a few years ago. | match. Mr. and Mrs. McMurray willl Railing at Courthouse
| reside in Williamsburg. { —
| JOHNSTON-SEMELSBERGER A shower was held recently at the
Miss Genevieve Semelsberger and home of Mr. and Mrs. James Blake, tr
John E. Johnston, both of East Ridge, | Sr., and the bride received many pretty
near Barnesboro, were married at that| and useful gifts.
place last week by a justice of the
Motions requesting the county con-
oller to advertise for bids on 100 tons
of No. 2 commercial stone, 60 tons of
sand and 150 tons of 3% to 0 stone
Searching for stolen goods in two
dwellings near Flinton Tuesday, Coun-
ty Detectives Whited and Huether
reported the discovery of stills and al
quantity of liquor in each place and | peace. The bridegroom is a teacher!
arersted Wayne Hockenberry and Lu-|in the Emeigh school. Mr. and Mrs. |
ther Boring. Arraigned before Justice | Johnson will make their
of the Peace Michael Niedmyer of | neshoro.
1 | Dr. M. S. Bentz, county superintend-| entrance to the court house were
home in Bar- ent of schools, will leave shortly for adopted at a meeting of the board of
; vas Gr ai ’ | Columbus, O., where he will attend| county commissioners at Ebensburg
Witte ym 25 Shutges Bi) bri] Tr | the annual meeting of the National mil :
i, gine litior a s = B Pe Bel . ROSS-GESSLER. | Educational association as a delegate] The stone, sand and screenings is
bai in 1 1 on of 3 00 gach or t oi) Miss Agnes Gessler, daughter of Wil-| from the Pennsylvania State Educa-| to be used for county roads and bridges
appearance before the September te m | liam Gessler, of Hastings and William | tional association. Dr. Bentz received! and must pass state specifications.
of criminal court. : | Ross, of Detroit, Mich. were married | his appointment as a delegate to the mm -
_ The information upon which thef recently in St. Ambrose’s Catholic | national meeting at the meeting of MRS. JOHY MARGOSIAK
search for the alleged stolen goods Church at Detroit, according to word| the state association held last Decem- Mrs. Bessie Margosiak, aged 17, wife
was instituted came to the county de-| received at Barneshoro by relatives.! ber, {of John Margosiak, died Monday mor-
tectives from Chief of Police Pat Nel-| Mr. and Mrs. Ross will make their | ; = . |ning at her home at Nanty-Glo after
Subscribe for the Courier, $2 a year. an illnes of typhoid -pneumonia,
son of Coalport. home in Detroit.
: | and must be paid to the County Trea-| mon © ion | Hon ‘Was hed oo Fiidmar's Hal Th ul
Miss Mary Eien Bogue, dmiglier Of] svrer belore Septembes 1st. I iin FO Brodin ts ny evening, last, with President E.| A state-wide bituminous conference
ic der the directorship of Miss Evelyn Ff: Routch, of Hastings, presiding at | Cambria county as its seat, for the
Poo] ¢ Purcell, of the Universal Producting| the session. One of the matters dis-| purpose of restoring the Pennsy
" Alleys [Co., in the Grand Theatre on Mon- cussed and approved was the weekly coal fields and gaining a lo:
| while was the “Flapper Chorus,” in 0, the stores of Northern Cambria|in the coal strife in western
Patton Young Man Finishes |paraded before the audience. In this| Summer months was started years ago! Favoring the setting aside .
On Monday of this week, June 16th, | the evening was that of little Miss| Eoensburg June 30 when the reception | pack the movement to
; the | McNamara, of Ft. Wayne, Ind, who| Will be held at the fair groans. A | ployment and revive the ¢
i | youngest son of Mr. and Ms. Stephen |83Ve an exhibition of dancing and | Yeport 9% he ogress of ‘ ae ordin- He urged the calling 1
terment will be| Carmen Stine and Russell Troxeil,| A Cooper, of this place, was num- | athletic dancing. Miss McNamara is a| Foss 0 ne Sore are of heads of all Pen
| bered among the one hundred and |Sranddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles| WOrKIng Wi m a © Next roads, all congressmen
| thirty young men and women who
of the Board of the Bethlehem Stes: |
FOR 439,983 DOGS | located in Altoona, is now approaching |
During the five months ending June| Although the monastery is now be- |
were killed, 2305 dog owners were pro-| not yet open to visitors. An announce-|
| a member of the Carmelite Order sta-|
private novena in honor of St. Theresa |
r.| de Lisieux, the “Little Flower of Jesus,” |
: ildi wil open on Sunday. The novena will!
at the home of her son and daughter building was a wooden one and the | formed at the parsonage of the M. E.
screenings and for the construction of |
an iron or brass railing for the main |
; ® | half-holiday for merchants between | for schedule of freight rates was
day and Tuesday Nights, was an un-| 3 ’
| qualified Shoimion Sin ens in full por. | the dates of July 10 and September| posed at Spangler Monday n )
| trayed well their parts ? | tember 15, which means that tll Thu-|Irving L. Camp of Johnstown, .an
| An innovation that ade a hit worth rsday afternoons, beginning with July| operator who has taken a leading part
which a number of local business men | will be closed. The custom of observ-| sylvania, in an address to
| portraying different feminine types, ing a helf-holiday for a number of|clubs from all of the districts.
outstanding event, Mr. Harry Stoltz 30d has been followed each year. huge Bbensburg fair grounds
| of the Stoltz Motor Co., as “A Perfect| Tickets for the reception to Vice Presi- purpose, “that we might red
56,” seemed to have been acorded first| dent Curtis were distributed to mem-|the spot to labor,” Mr. C
| honors. [bers of the association and the organ upon the business leader
Perhaps one of the biggest surprises | zation will be well represented U ty and the service clubs
| McNamara of this place, and is visit-| [0€eting of the association in July. the secretary of commerce
ing here. Her ability is of such an|Real headway is being made toward |secretary of labor. Honoring t
|outstanding nature that she is con-|raming the ordinances, believed to be|der of the Ebensburg fair
|stantly being called upon in the vici- of Interest to all citizens of this sec-|mr, Camp recommended:
[nity of her home to display her talents, HOD Important among the new rul-| “In my opinion, Camb
|at various home talent and other pro- ings will be traffic laws different from | could do nothing wiser the
ductions. the present ones. {the chairman or honorary c
An added attraction no doubt help-| { this all-important conference
led swell the attendance on Tuesday \ | outstanding man it ha
{night, when Bill Lamont portrayed i ‘known the world over
“Cleopatra,” Mel Gardner posed as | pears to be the greate:
| “Baby Face,” and “Butch” Litzinger DRIVE FOR HOSPITAL the present and past dec
gracefully swung into the role of “Ma- M. Schwab of Loretto.
{dam Butterfly.” These three gentlemen ts The first of advan
| went the “limit” in their endeavor to Campaign to Wipe Out $20,820 the many bituminou:
{correctly portray the parts in the Debt Will Get Under Way been felt in west
| Flapper Chorus,~and they did it well. in Near Fut Mr. Camp, the imme
| The Patton Fire Company desires In INear ure dent of the Lions’ c
to thank all those who helped in any aE was given a tremen
{way to make their show the success, A second meeting of the Spangler|the united Kiwar
118 Speecn
{it was, whether they were part of the flospital Board of Trustees, the Hos-| quickly arosed their and ap-
[talent or were in attendance at the|Pital Merical Staff and the Northern porval and the sympathetic manner
| production. |Cambria Kiwanis Club was held Fri- | which his suggestions were met poin
day evening in the Spangler Highled in the direction of an immediate
| School auditorium, when the drive for attempt to carry out such a Pros n.
| the hospital was the matter for discus-| pyr. Camp reminded the 111 Kiwan-
CHARITY BALL FOR sion during the session. Jonathan R.|ians asembled in the Brandon
| Nicholson of Spangler, served as Chair- that the struggle to overt
HOSP TAL BENEFIT ze of the meeting. Treasurer Louis criminating freight charges
|Luxenberg, of the Board of Trustees, of West Virginia field,
read a summary of the financial stand. | of Pennsylvania industry, has } \ g0-
Will Be Held at Sunset on|ing of the hospital, its activities, its| ing on for many months. “Legislative
| Wednesday Evening, needs, etc. the report being concise, | authorities have tried to solve the coal
|yet thorough. The purpose of the get-| problem and have accomplished little.”
June 25th. ting together of prominent men of the he said. “Even the operators them.
ns [north of the county during the series/selves have failed to find relief. It is
| A gala charity ball for the benefit of meetings is to devise ways and|time that the people of Pennsylvant
lof the Miner's Hospital at Spangler| means of cancelling the debt of $20,-| business men, merchants and labore
will be held at Sunset Park on the 820.25 against the hospital. alike, the suffering rank and file, take
[evening of Wednesday, June 25th, and, Chairman Nicholson called upon a, the matter to heart and offer their
(all plans of the committee in charge number of the men to express their | services to boost the program and i
promise to make the affair one of the views on the prospective hospital drive, | terest of the coal operator,” Mr. Ca
outstanding social events of the sea- these answering the invitations. J. B.|charged the clubmen with
son. Holsopple, of Spangler; Dr. E. F. Arble| spensibilities as such. He pointed out
Joe Nesbit and His Pennsylvania, of and J. Edward Stevens, of Carolltown; | their obligation to the commun
which Eli Blake of this place, is a Attorney R. Somerville, of Patton; particularly at such a time as mi
member, will furnish the music. This| Patrick McDermott, of St. Boniface; find the economic and
orchestra is well known to Patton folks George Clark, Henry Easly, William security of the commonwe:
and they likewise gained fame as radio| Allport and S. A. Kuhn, of Hastings, ger.
| entertainers. and Attorney William Dill, of Barnes-| Mr. Camp spoke at what
The admission to the Charity Ball boro. of a series of inter-club
will be $1.00 each and with each| After hearing from the speakers a meetings, this particular one bei
admission ticket a chance on the Ford motion was made and carried that| sponsored by the Northern Cambri:
car to be raffled off by the Hospital Chairman Nicholson appoint a special organization. Representative
wil -lbe given. The general public is|committee to meet at the Nurses’ Home sent from the Johnstown.
not only cordially invited, but is urged| this Thursday evening, June 19, when Altoona and Indiana clubs. Fred Mau-
to attend. tentative plans for the drive will be rer of Patton, chairman of tl 3
worked out. These were requested to|club relations committee
appear at the home: Attorney Somer-|Bert Holsopple of Spangler,
ard Style of of the entertaining club, del
oltz, of Hastings;| address of welcome. The
—_ —,——— Martin Kirsch, of Spangler; George|wanis oe ar 3 e
Alice Senior Sustains Skull Fracture \etzoar of St. Benedict: / ttorney N.|tained and the Misses Coletta
in Automobile Accident A. Malloy, of Carrolltown; N. F. Lam-|and Hattie Sharbaugh, both «
Near Spangler bour, of Nicktown; Fred B. Buck, of|town, offered a violin duet.
RR Bakerton; Peter Kritzer, of Emeigh;) Ho SLOWT). DAVe. 5
Mrs. Alice Senior, aged 17, of Bar-'H ¢. Hannah, of Cherrytree, and Guy | I Loaiown gu e
|nesboro, is in a critical condition at Rankin, of Westover. Attorney Somer-| boys from Altoona was anot
the Spangler Hospital, suffering from 1 t as Chairman for the } program features. and he
ville will act
Injuries sustained Sunday in an auto- special committee. {Robert M. Campbell of Joh
rs {heard in a number of Sco
alth in dan-
SERIOUSLY HURT ville ,of a
Barneshoro; P.
mobile accident. She suffered a frac-
ture of Me Siull and minor bruises’ Avupd Contracts For Addition |Liswt, Gov. Toor 2 wee :
NC 0 Yon 2 & dongher of To The County Home; Total | town, was one of the speakers.
Mr. and Mrs. Olive Senior, of Bar- Cost Is About $115,027] ———
| neshoro, was a passenger in a machine — =r |EMEIGH MOTORIST IS
operated by Clarence Cockraft, of Hollidaysburg Firm Obtains General KILLED IN CAR WRECK
Leechburg. The car was struck by! Contract; Windber Firm
another machine, driven by a Barnes- Gets Plumbing o
Yala: rt] ric ty| James Stewart, aged 2
boro man. Both cars were badly da.| Members of the Cambria County | ee aly
maged. The two drivers escaped with Poor Board, after completing their|Was fatally injured M
minor lacerations and bruises, but Miss, investigation Wednesday morning, let|four other persons esc 1 wi
| Senior was thrown against the side of the contract, subject ‘to approval of bruises when Wo automobile
the machine, her head striking the|the Court, for the general construc-|Dead-on along the
window casing. tion of the new building at the Coun- Garmantown and
id ty Home, and for thé plumbing and Both machines were said t
J 1 0 slectrical work, the contract , | traveling at a high speed at
EAST CARROLL GIRL electrical w ork, ihe contract for the of fe Retr ae ee ; z
~ rT ITEC ,| heating not yet having been awarded. | acCla ar both ca W
MARRIED ON TUESDAY | "r. general contract of the new Completely demolished.
sti building was awarded to Joseph F.| Stewart was uncons
Mis Elmira Bender, daughter of Mr. prass of Hollidaysburg, on a bid of | tricated from the wreckage
and Mrs. A. A. Bender of East Carroll-| ¢95750. The plumbing contract was|Tushed to the Spangler
township, and Victor Schrift, of Sum-| warded to the Windber Plumbing and|Dis death occurred t
merhill, were united in mari in St. Supply Company, of Windber, on a|from a fracture of the skull
Benedict's Church at Carrolltown, piq of $12,300, and the contract for|the other occupants l
preceding a nuptial mas at which the the electrical work was let to Reese! escaped with minor
Rev, Father Wililam, officiated, at & Bernard, of Johnstown, on a bid of| George Berringer
nine o'clock on Tuesday morning. They | $6977. making a grand total for these Was a passenger
[were attended by Miss Marie Schrift, three items of $115,027. Stewart was d g
a brother of the bridegroom, and Wil-| work on the new unit wil Inot begin| is said to have beer
liam Bender, a brother of the bride. until after the execution and approval and was occupied by
—-— _—_ f formal contracts and the furnishing| Mr. Berriger suffer
of proper bonds by the contractors. | and the three occu
Ee York machine were
McCOY-McKIWIGAN treatment at the Ha
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McN. Walker,| Holy Cross Church at Spangler, was Garman, of Emeig
of Cresson, entertained at their the scene of a pretty wedding Monday | Mr. Steward left his h meigh
Sunday in honor of the former's par- morning, when Mrs. Mary McKivigan, last night about 9:3 g0 to
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Waker.| daughter of Mrs. ©. Griffin, became Barnesboro and the acciden
|of Philadelphia, who observed their! the bride of Francis McCoy, son of & short. time later. ce
50th wedding anniversary. A turkey| Mrs na McCoy, of Dubois. The| The deceased is snrvived by his wi-
{dinner was served Sunday at noon at|Rev. her Alponse Farley, O. S. B., 9oW and a smal child.
| the Humphreys Hotel and Mr. and! pastor of Holy Cross Church, perform- —_-_——
{ Mrs. Walker were presented a number|ed the marriage ceremony and cele- John Novak, aged 54, died Monday
| of gifts, including a purse of gold from brated the mass that followed the rite. morning near Ebensbur y
{ their children. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mrs. Cornelius McCarthy was mairon!illness of several mon wsthm
IM. Wilker formerly resided in Cresson, | of honor and her husband the best!He is survived by his M
leaving in 1923 for Philadelphia msn Novak,
of Barnesboro