SEND IN ALL NEWS WE WANT EVERY NEWSY NOTE ABOUT TO HELP MAKE THE COURIER BETTER. YOU KNOW ITEMS Courier A BLANKET CIRCULATION NINETY PER CENT OF POPULATION OF PATTON ARE READERS OF THE THE COURIER. VOL. XXXVI. NO. 16. 5 (5¢) 9 2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. W. H. FINK WINS AUTOMOBILE RACE Novice Driver of Patton Is Hail- ed As Hero, Indeed, Among Local Enthusiasts. Thrills and frills aplenty were fur- nished one of the largest crowds ever to witness an automobile race on the Carrolltown track as 8 drivers raced to a new track record in the 50-mile, 100 lap race at the Carolltown Fair Grounds last Friday afternoon. W. H. Fink, the popular Patton barber, and a novice at automobile racing, driving a Model A stock car, owned by Harry Stoltz, of the Stoltz Motor Co. of this place, captured first place, negoti- ating the distance in one hour and five minutes—not bad time at all when one considers the sharp and unsuit- ably banked curves at the Carrolltown track. Chick Farabaugh of this place, also entered in the race with a Dodge Spe- cial crashed the fence and damaged his car somewhat but was lucky enough to escape unhurt. “Bill” Wolfe of Altoona, at the wheel of a Dodge special entered by Monk Fennel of the Mountain City, came in second with Ralph Yon, also of Al- toona, third in a Whippet Special, en. tered by Dewey Crossen of Altoona. Fourth place went to Thomas Mitchell of Altoona driving a Model-A Ford stock car, entered and owned by him- self. | Fink drew third place at the start and in a short time nosed out front and was never headed. He finished al- most a lap ahead of his nearest ri-| val. He completed the entire grind | without a single stop for repairs or refueling. Four mishaps occurred during the race, the most serious of which was a fence-smashing act staged by Oren Vale of Altoona in a Laurel Special entered by Friday Saylor. Vale was removed to the Spangler hospital suf- fered fractures of four ribs. Lynn Smith of DuBois was forced out of the race, after completing laps, when he hit the fence, driving a pole through the radiator of his Rajo spe-| cial. M. M. Neff of Altoona in a Dodge special and Vincent Sarvis of Cumber- land, Md., in a Chevrolet special figur- ed in other minor accidents. In a special speed event. Andy Crunmshaw, Cleveland, won from Wolfe and Smith, although he drove his special built car with stumps of legs, a stump right arm and one good) left arm. { Another race will be held on the Carrolltown dirt track. July 4, and several other drivers from Altoona have planned on entering. Wray Fink is to be congratulated on his success in the event. It was his first experience in an automobile race, and many of his friends were anything but optimistic as to the place he would finish. However, once Wray attained the lead, he kept it. Mr. Fink in the few short weeks in which he has been preparing himself as a driver proved his mettle, and despite all the kidding that he has had to undergo over at the barber shop for two weeks or more prior to the race, he kept a stiff upper lip, and came home with the bacon. Mr. Harry Stoltz, of the Stoltz Motor Company, especially feels elated over the performance of his Model-A Ford stock car. This particular car had been in. three wrecks before it was converted into a racing machine. Perhaps the! most notable of these was the fact | that the car was struck by an electric train at Hastings a few months ago while carrying U. S. Mail, and the body at that time was demolished be- yond repair. The engine and chassis were repaired following this accident | by the mechanics at the Stoltz garage, | and the car, despite all these handi- caps, not only endured the gruelling | fifty-mile grind, but at the hands of Mr. Fink won the event without a single stop. NAMES OMITTED In the Courier's list of Veterans! buried in North Cambria Cemeteries last week, the following names were unintentionally amitted: Arthur Bolette, World War Veteran, buried in Fairview Cemetery, Patton. Samuel Wills, Civil War Veteran, buried in St. Monica's Cemetery at Chest Springs. | picked PATTON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930. ARRIVAL AND PATTON YOUNG MAN [TWO GOOD SHOWS ENTERTAINED BY WEDS CHEST WISS "(OWING TO GRAND. Maik AT Parron PATTON MEMS MAIL AT PATTON | Labertus Long United in Marriage to | ET i Miss Catherine Dietrick at St. | «6 : AR ‘pnd? . Mi Lawrence Church, Devil . May - Care Romantic — Film., Comes to Grand Friday and Saturday | mr —— Mail arrives at Post Office . 8:30 A. M. from East and West (1st | class and papers). | 9:20 A. M. from Barnesboro, Spang- | | ler etc, (Way Pouch). | ns the| 10:15 A. M. from East and West| On Monday night, Court Our Lady | (Cresson and Ida) P. P. | of Victory, No. 722, Catholic Daughters Napoleon Bonaparet, making his es-' 1:15 P.M. from East and West (Way |of America, northern Cambria county, nounced the words uniting in marriage | C8Pe a firing squad; climbing into 2a pouch via Cresson). | was entertained in the Good building] Labertus V. Long, son of Mr. and Mrs, | beautiful young woman's bedroom; 3:33 P. M. from Mahaffey, New by a number of Patton hosteses. The Isidor T. Long, of Linwood avenue, | masquerading as a footman; duelling | York State, Clfd Co. | busines meeting in charge of Miss and Miss Catherine Dietrick, daught- his way to frame and fartune—these | 4:25 P. M. from East and West,| Loretto E. Prindible, grand regent, was | er of Mr. and Mus. Louis Dietrick, of | are some of the sequences of “Devil.| Altoona (Way Pouch). followed by a talk by the Rev. Father Chest township. | May-Care,” Novaro’s al-talking screen Mail departs from Post Office Henry Schwener, pastor of St. Mary's After the mass service which fol. | romance which will be at The Grand| 8:30 A. M. for Barnesboro, Cherry | church Patton. An entertaining inter- | lowed the wedding ceremony, relatives| Theatret on Friday and Saturday. Tree C & Ind. RPO. lude. “A Musical Romance” was pre- | of the contracting parties repaired to| The new picture adapted from the| 9:20 A. M. for East and West via sented by the folowing girls of Patton: -a| French play, “La Bataille des Dames,” | Altoona Way Pouch). Yvonne Yerger, Sue E. Gill, Helen the home of the bride's parents where | F : . a sumptuous wedding dinner was serv-| iS said to be a perfect vehicle for the| 10:15 A, M. Clfd. Anstead, Bertha Christoff, Helen | Brown, Louise Young, Ana Homyak, ed. Mr. and Mrs. Long left later in the|romantic Novarro. The story tells of | Mahaffey, N. Y. State. | Grace Urich and Pauline Dvorchak.| In Session Here Last Mon- day Evening. Preceding a nuptial high mass in St. | Lawrence's Catholic church at St. | | Lawrence at nine o'clock on Wednes- | | day morning of this week the Rev. Fa- | ther Damian, O. S. B., the pastor, pro- Ramon Novarro, dressed in handsome uniform of a lieutenant of Co. Westover, were | | { he Mrs. | ET. paimond a MOEA et 33, 2 “Cohens and Kellys in Scot- 1 ixteen avenue, toona, and ‘ » Pack Yo: 3 his wife, Mrs. Virginia McCann, aged land” Packed Full of Laughs 18, both are in a serious condition at the Altoona hospital, as a result of an automobile accident at the curve above the Paul Hoover fan Delyeen The famous Irish-Jewish comedy here and Carolltown about 8:30 0-| team will be at the Grand Theatre clock last Friday evoning. They were lon Monday and Tuesday. This time injured while returning to Altoona | 5, appear as “The Cohens and Ba I iy hey WEIe| Kellys in Scotland —and what they Li is said that a tire on the Me- | leave undone in the way of n irth- ; - : provocation isn’t worth mentioning. Cann machine blew out, causing the George Sidney, Charle Murray, Vera driver to lose control. The machine qq, and Kate Price are together Jathied 0 0 Tannen io oe again in this latest of Universal's up- : “+ “iroarious “Cohen and Kelly” series. All tree and was very badly demolished.| =~" actors ¢ tage and Both Mr. and Mrs. McCann, when| 2c Sgasoned actors Stage ans aw AREA Ye. “| screen, singularly gifted for cemed up, were unconscious. They | portrayals. They work together like were brought to Patton immediately, Cl ds : RT Yas Eo lockwork. and then. on the advice of local physi- As forthe story suffice to say that cians rushed tothe hospital. | the Cohens and Kellys, unknown to " Ms Sevan eae IE or | each other, start out for Scotland with Sovera ys 2 if ot i the idea of making a fortune off the a Sond still i ge as Cr-| natives. They find that they were join ts ann Toque Iie exceedinly over-optimistic in their in- Rr (ik 9 Rt : aa = 0 tentions. In so tough a spot do they i Tosa, a is su remy a 5 |fnd themselves that they sink their Tra: oones of ihe Nee hoing To €N.| ancient enmity to become partners Mrs. McCann is resting fairly well. od The MecCanns, friends say, were again. : i re hem a bd : | The picture is studded with hilari- marired quite recently. McCann him- self had be tine echania) O05 bits of busines which sound tame > . Scif ha en acting as a mechanic) gypo, jelated, but the treatment of| John C. Barnett Dies the other children outside to play. It at the races at Carrolltown last Fri- . day. Both had been hurled a consi-| “iuch makes for unforg tans coms At Chest Springs Home was her son, Samuel, aged eight, who| dersble distance from the car after] 5) For insiance, the ihefeeinal 2p After Continued Illness |found all doors and windsws bared the impact of the wreck. The car was | EIIPLS of Cohen and Kelly to play when he returned to the house for a ned nico Patton and taken 1o.ihe golf, their antics when they bet onj drink. The father returned about the lg garage : “| the horse races and Cohen trying to same time and upon breaking a cellar 2_garage, | talk Scotch, all are extremely comi- | window, the discovery suicide was | cal. made. MARTIN McDERMOTT IS | It is no exaggreation to say there | Mrs. Morrone was born 28 years ago| ga in Italy, coming to Pittsburgh with her APPOINTED NEW SEALER | is not a dull moment in the entire | picture. The laughs blend into one father at the age of Angeline another so quickly that the mirth may Ambrosi and Nunzio Morrone were fairly be said to be continuous. Given married when the bride was 14 years a funny plot and the finest comedians old, and came to Sankertown to reside |on stage and screen the result was on ae In addition to her husband, Mrs.M or- Nanty-Glo. | the proverbial foregone conclusion. os Vow, Angeine Doms! one is survived by the following chil- last week was appointe Sealer £1 rt tr SXTETTS 1 s yy M 7, es dren: Lena, Vera, iy and po - the North» | € RACKER JACK REVUE M Mary Maloy Ch tl Mary, all at ern District of Cambria County at al PLANS ARE SHAPING, Funeral services were conducted at| funeral serv salary of $140 a month and actual! —_— 9 o'clock Wednesday morning in St.|2 o'clock Tuesday expenses incurred in the performance! From all reports an anxious public| Monica's Catholic church, the solemn | Ment in St, Pra of his duties. Mr. McDermott was ap- | is awaiting the 1930 production of the| requiem high mass was celebrated by| church cemteery pointed to fill the vacancy caused by|Simpson Studios in their annual pro-|the Rev. Father James Padden, pastor. the death of Joseph Evans. | gram. Interment was held in the church Mr. McDermott’s appointment was| Owing to the large cast and the spe-| cemetery. made upon motion of William J. Cava- | cial stage settings, necessary to accom- rn ST. AUGUSTINE NOTES. of Cambria Coun- | Short, Mrs. Matt Dietrick Mrs. George mission being to| Woomer, Mrs. Fred R. Maurer and| conditions before | Mrs. B.J. Overberger. | -— State Health and| The next meeting of Court Our Lady | If there is anything funier will be sent out|of Victory will be held at Roselyn | “Cohen and Kelly” it is another en and Kelly.” return they will reside in Patton. | schemes to bring back his liege to the| (Cress and Ida RPO) The folowing bridge prizes Army, and was stationed at Ft. Sam |complication begin. | Thomas Powell, Postmaster. | boro, second. Mrs. Mary Meehan, Bar- immense | standard for camera excellence. Among MAN AND WIFE ARE VISIT THIS SECTION sStittmatter received the second | | tain road; the historic scene in which —— | George H. Hopple, chairman; Leonie go horseback riding; scenes in — Auto Accident Between Here | gardensat Versailles. | Miller, were in Blandburg and other get in touch with “Coh- | by the State about children accompany the car, the motor vehicle turing the occasion. | of the children brought to them. The day on a honeymoon trip that will in-| the adventures of Armand, the exiled| 1:15 P. M. for Saint Lawrence. clude several eastern cities. Upon their| Napoleon’s trusted lieutenant who| 3:33 P. M. for East and West Mrs. Gladys Greene was accompanist : : | for the group. { Mr. Long, up until some months | throne of France. When he falls in| 5:20 P. M. for East and West vial ago, had been a sergeant in the U. S.|love with Leonie, ardent Royalist,| Cresson. awarded: Miss Yvonne Yerger Patton, 1 3 7 first, and Mrs. Mary Drass, Barnes- Houston, Texas. The Courier extends | Signe Prairie > tne | congratulations. | production 1s sal 0 have sel a new. | nesboro, received the first prize for i STATE HEALTH CAR TO | the cinch contestants, while Mrs. P. C. | the scenes which stand out are “shots” | of a cavary troop riding down a moun- | award. | 3 : : : : { The social committee included Mrs. | INJURED IN WRECK ~apocon bids farewell to his guard; | Nurses in Field Making Preparations BR la forest glade in which Armand and for Tour in July and August | Clarence Albright, Mrs. M. J. Altoona Folks Seriously Hurt ir | linger, and Mrs. Barth Young. : a y Mm prench chateau and a scene filmed| District Nurse Nelle Murphy and] nottesses group included the {in technicolor in a reproduction of the| two nurses of Harrisburg, the Misses| Margot Yerger, chairman; Mrs. and Carrolltown. | centers of that part | ty, Thursday, their | the coming of the than a Hygiene car, which | weeks’ work among ! school age. Dogtors to transport the equipment to be used —— L in examinations of bodies and teeth MOTHER OF FIVE G SEL | |staff of doctors and nurses will not | treat the children, but will give them | certificates to be presented to the fam- | ily physicians, if the children are | found to have the need of medicine or dental care. All children of the north of the county will be eligible for free examinations and parents or guardians are urged to take advantage of the opportunity that will present itself during the peroid the car and the peo- ple attending it are in the district. Enough publicity will be given the] clinic before hand so there will be no excuse for not ximping the little ones | for examinations. The moving clinic will be an innovation of its kind in | this community and no doubt will re- | ceive a welcome by the parents of well | and suffering babies and other chil-| dren. | Mrs. Angeline Morrone Had Been in| Poor Health For a Time | Mrs. Angeline Ambrosi Morrone, aged | | 28, mother of five children, committe suicide Sunday afternoon by hanging herself with a clothes line in the cellar tion can be assigned. Mrs. Morrone attended church Sun- day morning with two of her children. | After the husband left home about) 11 o'clock to visit in Cresson, Mrs. | | Morrone prepared the noon meal for | { herself and her children, the young- est of which is seven months old. Son Finds House Locked Shortly before 2 o'clock, Mrs. Mor- rone put the infant to bed and sent John C. Barnett, aged 67, a native and life-long resident of Chest Springs, died at 10:10 Sunday morning on the where he was born and life. His health has of farm entire red for the last five years. | ohn C. Barnett was born April 10, a son of the late John and Alice nell Barnett, early resident y ria county. He is sur- J 12 ap or 186. Will Succeed Joseph Evans, Deceased; Salary Is Fixed at $140 a Month | of | | no € vived ) Barnett; a sister, Springs. Martin McDermott, of ing, with inter- Xavier's Catholic AT HASTINGS MEETING Anc naugh, seconded by John D. Walker, | modate the requirements for “The and upon being taken both Mr. Cava-| Cracker Jack Revue,” the Smith The- naugh and Mr. Walker favored the ap-|atre at Barnesboro has been engaged pointment, the other Commissioner, opposed it. | Principles of To— the ent Order of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Gai- while Meade B. Cowher, | for Monday and Tuesday evenings,, the | jitzin visited friends here this week. [ings Sunday evening by the Rev. (16th and 17th of June. This the Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beers of Ash- | Father Stephen, O. S. B., pastor of St. {largest theatre in this section and has|yijle were numbered among the re-|Bernard’s Catholic church, who spoke | the finest stage. The talent for this| cent local tors. | at a meeting in the church hall under —— | year’s production comes not only from Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hennessey of |auspices of the Hastings di of | James Johnson of Moss Creek is a|Patton, but from Carolltown, Baker-| jonnstown, are spending several weeks |the A. O. H. The gathering w patient at the Spangler hospital, suf-|ton, St. Benedict, Hastings, Spangler| with relatives and friends in St. Au-|tended by a large number c [fering form an injured leg which he{and Barnesboro. Never before in the | gystine. women of St. Bernard's pe sustained on Monday when he was| history of northern Cambria county Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Davies have re- | Kelly, president of caught under a fall of rock in the|has there been gathered together such|tyrned from a viist with relatives and i Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Corpor-|an assembly. friends Ashville. I | ation mine. | Reserved seats can be secured at The MN s Philomena and Frances! Rev. Father IE——— gone to White Plains, N.| Mash, Nanty-G 1S | ur V1 MINER INJURES LEG. in county HAIL! THE CONQUERING HERO! EE the Simpson Studios, Phone 26-J or by| Davis have | mail. Make your reservations early|y, where they will spend the summer | Patrick M. Kinn |and get the seats that will please you.| months. | county president; | Price 50c. Reserved seats 25c¢ extra. Miss Marie Link of Akron O. re-| Hastings; Thomas Lovers of good music, dancing, fan- | cently visited at the home of her par- | Mrs. P. J. Mash, Nant |cy costumes, gorgeous stage settings,| ents. Goos, Twin Rocks, cour The above photo was taken of W. H. Fink immediately after the Automi-| The ceremony preceded bile Race, in which he was the winner at the Carrolltown Fair Grounds, on | Friday Afternoon last. Mrs. Fink is beside him in the car, and all about can Ferg O. S. B. Witnessing the ceremony | be seen the hosts of youthful “Hero” (etc, can all be satisfied at these two Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mannion of Al-|and Frank P. Hollern, | performances. No time or expense has toona spent the week end at their state historia Jilliam Wels | been spared in working out even the| cottage near St. Augustine. | Glo, entert | minutest details. Mrs. Margaret Brooks has gone to|ber, and Pat The Wedding of the Painted Doll, | Altoona where she will remain a few | James Dunn, as produced this year at the RoXev| days among friends. song dance number. | Theatre New York, will please young Mrs. J. C. McGough was a Plans were drawn and old. You can’t afford to miss it, | visitor in Patton. ation ofc i i but bear in mind that the 1930 produc- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams and! The de {tion of the Cracker Jack Revue willl family of Braddock, spent the week| the cou be shown in Barnesboro only. | end at the home of the former’s par-| officers ss——— ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Adams. ance. £ Jane Horne is spending ing and 1 recent up next Ma to be in ected Miss Mary : m—— ; the week in Cresson with her grand-| women. St. Nicholas’ church at Nicktown 6 mother, Mrs. Mary McDermott. was the scene of a very pretty wed- Rea Krise is spending a few days in {ding last Wednesday morning at eight | Chest Spring: : | o'clock, when Miss Irene Lieb, daught- re {er of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lieb became Misses’ Cla | the bride of James Hoy, son of Mr. son of |and Mrs. Michael Hoy of Conemaugh. | ing a two wee a mass and the Rev. Marinus NICKTOWN WEDDING. OSCAR BINDER WEDS. Oscar Binder, son of Mr. and ” I. L. Binder of Hastings, was 1 Gabrielson and Mabel to Miss Margaret Hayes of v York City, are spend- | Orange, N. J. on May 31st vacation at the home | Orange. A nuptial high mass was cel- of Mrs. Gust Gabrielson. ebrated in Our Lady of Sorrows chur- 3 ne “Servel Io T ch at South Orange, by Rev. Fa- ee the New Servel Iceless riger- edv. They Ww reside ir Worshippers.” Photo by C. A. Snyder.| were Margaret Pfeister and Newt Hoy.| ator at $159.50, at Chas. Pager [st ennedy. Tey MW reside In Mrs at | was performed by n ERS Admit New Members; | Catholic Daughters of America| | purchasing more equipment for the | stitution 3 Little, Mrs. Walter Little, Mrs. Joseph | Republican Nominee for U. | nominee on the Republican ticket | the Hibernians were championed at Hast- | ‘NORTHERN CAMBRIA KIWANIS CLUB MEETS Drive for Funds For Miners’ Hospital at Spangler Soon to Be Made. initiation of four new members the Northern Cambria Kiwanis An into | Club was a feature of the weekly ga- thering of the body at the Brandon hotel in Spangler on Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of Reus2l Somerville of this place. New members were E. F. Dumm of Spangler John Dvorchak of Hastings; W.A. Simler of | of | Barnesboro and J. P. McCurdy Cherrytree. At the meeting the club took action relative to the Spangler hospital drive and a committee was named to for- mulate the plans for the same. The committee will meet with the Trustees of the hospital at a luncheon to be held at the Brandon hotel on Fridav | noon of this week. The drive for fu: | for the hospital is for the purpose 1~ there being : of re ed { a number things | for patients and the Miss Miriam Lilly Christoff of Patton rendered several selections of vocal music and Mrs. Mae Lilly Mitchell of Barnesboro acted as and | accompanist. ben: JAMES J. DAVIS TO VISIT EBENSBURG ON MONDAY 1 S. Senate to Supervise Instal- lation of Lodge Next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock July 28 for four lodge, summer home of Dr. and Mrs, Ebensburg Lodge No. 1671, Loyal Or- under | E, F. Arble, Caroltlown, with a basket|der of Moose v and nurses will picnic and other outdoor sports fea-|Ebensburg Knights | The institution of the lodge | in direct charge of and under | sonal supervision of Director-Genera | James J. Davis, U. S. Secretary t U 11 be instituted at the s of Columbus home vill be 1 per- 1 of Coolidge and the the Harling, adminstrations, Labor under and Hoover at primary election for United States Senator of Pennsylvania. Mr. Davis will be assisted by Supreme Dictator Albert H. Ladner, of Phila- last *d| jelphia, a well-known lawyer and banker. A class of approximately 125 candi- degree team will be acompanied by the| Moose Male Glee Club of 40 voices, which will render selections during the evening. It is expected that practically | | all Moose lodges in this section of the| br State will be represented at the instal-| lation of the Ebensburg lodge. WINFIELD CAPLES NAMED FOREMAN OF GRAND JURY 165 Cases will Be Presented for Con-| sideration During This Week The regular June term of Criminal Court convened at Ebensburg Monday morning with the grand jury i into session to consider and pass upon the cases presented to it by District Attorney D. P. Weimer. The Court appointed Winfield S. Caples, of 327 Carr t, Johnstown, as foreman of ve to the members of 1a] instructions, stating necessary to give them structions, but to briefly nem their duties. The Court e jury could make inquiry of ct Attorney or of the court upon matters which were not clear to them; that they were in no sense of pg 1 jury; and that they igate the testimony offer- whether or not it was a charge and examine more witnesses ary to satisfy them he of the evidence, but before th could ignore any bill y would have to examine all of the tnesses whose names appeared on bill of indictment. There are approximately 165 cases listed for presentation to the grand jury this week. One of the most im- portant the case of the Common- 1th against Tony Palumbo, charged the murder of Lewis Hoffman, occurred at Hoffman's father’s July 14, 1928. Other impor. es involve criminal operations, er, felonious assault and and many other charges. sé 1S lich arm on 1a ca 1 wh nt CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. Mrs. Flem Stevens, who are among the oldest residents ttingly celebrated their C anniversary on Mon- an enjoyable party was held ens residence. Mr. and Mrs septuagenarians, receiv- a number of handsome gifts, am- y a purse of $50 in gold. They Mr. and numbered fi mg in June, 1880, in Dixon dents of Frugal- J years or more € ed ir 11, and have been n £ } the past t or CLARENCE PESKO om Clarence Pesko 14-year-old Mrs. Alma (Pesko) Stewart, di denly Friday afternoon of a heart at- He survived by his : step-f r, Clair 8Ste- wart and two sisters, Marga: and Evelyn Pescko, both of Lilly. Funeral services were conducted Monday. terment was in the St. Brigid's Ca Church Cemetery. i 1Q- t oe } olic of LOCAL AND STATE NEWS OF INTEREST Condensed items Gathered from Various Sources for the Busy Reader. | | in ures Pennsylvania leads all the states the consumption of ice cream. Fig released by the United States Dep: ment of Agriculture it r of the Keystone 498 gallons per Negotiations are under way establishment of an airport on gr owned by » and berger estate lying along the Penn Highway southeast of the mit. This will make an ideal field and will be very automobiles. Barnesboro form shirt factory builc evening of this wee attended. The Spa orchestra under the liam D. Simpson, of the music for the A proposed new U. being considered in it is estimated that 1 land and construction of b plant equipped will cost ap $4,000,000. Cambria county ocupied a prominer place on the program at the nual convention of the County P ficials Association of Penr that organization convened at burg Wednesd E. H. Knee is tion and ¢ Sheriff Homer Cc I state person. the st: conven Patton, furnished occasion. S. Pe Penn the a 1 ho welcon ociation to With 1g an 000 stud summer open June 30 and cor 8 A two weeks inter-s at the college year will be ope 27, all of the to be taken thesummer session v A mile of paving town and Lorain borough, ume 1 une 16 to ae 1 J separat between Johns- and half a i ¢ . 3 nker y J. ive | Ae | i stwee ohnstowr nd Ferndale ope one in Sanson 7, ba Jame | dates will be initiated and the cere- is Dei 3 Johnstown and Ferndale, | other an an illness of a long dura-|, nie will be in charge of the degree] oth state highway projects, have just | team of Johnstown Lodge, No. 48. The/| been completed. The time and place of holding the teachers’ institutes in 66 counties of | the state was announced from Har- sburg, last week. The one in Cam- a county will be held the week be- October 20. The state motor partol warning that motorist 7ill for operating light burnin y inning Winburne, was arrested by J way Patrolmen after the driving crashed head on the State highw five persons Anna In daugh the Bellefo RECEPTION FOR GRADUATES This evening, Patton and Barnesboro and the Indiana State will be guests at a tendered them by Young People’s Society. The Hymn N rece program Rev Mr. Miss Greetings — Response — Solo Mr Reading Mis N Mistress, Duet Ma g Reading — Hymn — “/ Benediction — len. Chairman Piar A ODO) CU 02 ED > OE -E-AEDO-D IF YOU WANT A REBRESHING, ICE-COLD! DRINK—TRY A— “Frosty Boy?’ The Latest Drink Sensation. AT THE GRAND THEATRE CONFECTIONERY 0 mo Oc — C—O — a —