tEFUSING TO T FOREST FIRE of Scottdale, fore- Construction Co., highway constru= shville and Dysart, sts on a charge of e wardens, follow- ustice of the Peace at BEbensburg, one Bathurst of Bell- sh of Ashville and ville, fire wardens, ying on the Wope- day last week and to Luther to aid, ten men working ng the blaze. This the fire wardens 5S ON IMER SCHEDULE conference held by ria County Satur- sident Judge John that it was decid- t at 9 a. m, and . Eastern Standard ummer months in mpromise between Eastern Standard Saving Time. oro oro ore ale ide wR wn 189 ver on » - a —.__. Lasting 1 Week, The KUS | Tenth Bir ; LPR Be Sal RT a BE PYF : ; F) UPS PR BCS EP SY amt 0-0 0 0 9-6" 0 8" J * 0%°0%0%0%0%0%¢%0 6%: %. Men sHTRAWY All the latest styles. Spe- cial for Opening Day, at BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES Durable canvas tops with heavy crepe rubber soles. All guar- anteed perfect ........cuuecen 89c MEN’S BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS New novelty patterns, collar attach- ed, and neckband. Sizes 13 1-2 to 17 WOMEN’S DRESSES Women’s $1.98 Pique Broadcloth and Voile Dresses, extra sizes up to $2.00, Newest 1930 summer styles, made to sell for $1.98. Including pique long coat ensembles. Cleverly trimmed with organdy. All colors and patterns $1 Lo aiensnan sty MEN’S FAMOUS “PENN” WORK SHIRTS All perfect. All with the genuine la. bel. Made to sell for $1. Finest quality blue chambray in light and medium shades. In all sizes 14 to 19, BL Li iii tae 69c Men’s Athleti¢ Union Suits, 55¢ FULL FASHIONED HOSE Women’s all perfect Onyx full fashioned Hose. Every pair guaran- teed perfect. Every pair in the newest most wanted summer shades. Semi- service and service weights. Pointed and narrow French $ 1 : 1 5 Men’s Balbriggan Union Suits Mn a Oe GIRLS COATS Our entire stock up to $15.00, 7 to ae en $3.95 Infants’ Flannelette Gowns Ruben’s Infants’ Part Wool Bands at... — 20c and Gertrudes ........... 39¢ WOMEN’S RAYON HOSE Women's Picot Top Rayon Hose. All perfect good heavy quality rayon with narrow French heels. All new a 47c COIOYS, DRIY ..icerrimsrsrssesercsserseronnse WOMEN’S $1.65 CELANESE & RAYON PRINCESS SLIPS New, better grade slips in fine dur- able qualities, fully proportioned, with deep hems, all sizes and colors at .. 98c BOYS’, GIRLS’ SPORT HOSE Sizes 6 to 10 years, fancy sport hose in three-quarter and five-eighth len- gths. Also rayon novelty hose o_o 19¢ fOr ZiTIS, DRIER -.iviuerimesiiseeners STEP-INS, BLOOMERS Women’s Rayon Silk Stripe Muslin Step-Ins and Bloomers 49c¢ WOMEN’S DRESSES Of washable materials, lim- 38¢ ited quantity. come early WOMEN’S GOWNS Women’s Embroidered Porto Rican Gowns and Broadcloth Slips, BE iiss 94c Infants’ New Dresses _.... —.39¢ Tots’ Broadcloth Creepers... 98¢ RUFFLE CURTAINS 2 1-4 yard Ruffle Curtains with val- ance. Every pair in this group made to sell for 8%¢ and $1.00. Newest nov- elty rayon silk valances and ruffles. New colorful inserts and edgings. All fine washable qualities. Full width and full length. 55¢ HEAVY TURKISH TOWELS 18x36inch colored border. Absorbent quality heavy thread towels, regularly sell at 2lc, special at 1 at 1 2.C BOYS‘ SUITS Good quality, well made suits for boys of 8 to 14 years, attractive pat- terns. Each suit consists of knickers, coat and vest. Limited quantity. Come $3.88 | Men’s Rayon Silk Novelty Hose, pair ......... CRISSCROSS CURTAINS $1.49 and $1.98 Ruffled Curtains with deep valances in latest novelty colored effects. Finely made of high quality marquisettes. New crisscrosses in dot. ted and barred patterns. $1 2c Wt BR A rrererse————— early. Priced Men’s Fancy Shorts and Ath- letic Shirts at... 45¢ Girls’ 7 to 14 year Wash Dresses at .............. i . : i TEE a CB ER en & - RA 2 A SAN h MEN’S CLOTHING Right In Every Respect RIGHT IN APPEARANCE, RIGHT IN QUALITY, AND RIGHT IN PRICE. ALL OF THE VEST MATERIALS. THE VEST COLLECTION / WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, IN STYLES I'OR YOUNG MEN, MIDDLE AGED MEN AND OLDER MEN, JUST TWO PRICES | WOMEN’S Regular up to $14.75 Silk Dresses All the season’s latest style | hits at $3.95-$6.95 Regular & Stout Sizes For All! WOMEN'S Regular up to $25.00 COATS All the newest - many with $5 and $10 Regular Sizes & Stout Sizes EO A PPR CS Te ER BLANKFELD CO.’S € By Giving You A Birth- day Party at Which Real Bargains Will Be the Bill of Fare, Only a Few of the Values Are Listed Here. A Visit to the Store Will Prove It. BOYS’ WASH SUITS Regularly made to sell for 79¢c. New- # est spring and summer models of fine % guaranteed quality materials. Att £ tively trimmed, full cut and expertly made. All sizes 2 to 8 47 3 £ C Boys’ up to $1.98 Wash Suits. Extra § fine qualities, broadcloths, linenes, crashes and other guaranteed washa- § ble fabrics. Also cloth pants and wash top suits. All sizes in the lot, 88 3 210 8 years, at ones C 3x6 ft. Oil Opaque Window Shades, all colors 17c § LINOLEUM RUGS Size 9 x 12, in new spring patterns, § in the Birthday s at Joys’ 69¢ Broadcloth Shirts, NEW SHOES Blouses, Waists at He A complete line of the famous “Scientific” Shoes for Women. A buy. In the new Sumner models, in Boys $1 Knickers, 7 to 16 : years at 69c 8 Strapand lace effects. In patent, black d and brown kid leathers. Combin- Ing comiort with style. A treat for your feet. $6.00 values, on sale at ... ek : 5.00 SLIPPERS Ladies’ Boys’ Novelty Sweaters 89¢ vse Boys’ Washable Blouses 19¢ Patent and Kid Leathers Slippers, in one ip and tie styles, Cuban and military heels, $2 9 Reg. $4 val. Special at ... Déus 5 SLIPPERS WOMEN’S RAYON PANTIES, BLOOMERS Women's Panties and Bloom ina 8 large assortment; tailored nd trimmed styles; good quality, all antee wieet: al iraq. anteed perfect; all sizes; on J Ladies’ patent and Brown Kid Slip- pers, all styles in Cuban and Spike heels. Regular $5.00 val- a = % MES, ab only... 3.95 = OXFORDS 36 n. Unbleached Muslin, at 3 10 yards for 98¢c | Men's new spring Oxfords in highest grade calf skin, in black and tan GIRLS’ COATS Just a limited quant of better 8 7 tweed coats, in sizes 2 to $1 ; EE ————————————— Genuine Hope Muslin at 15¢ OXFORDS Men's new spring Oxfords i lar $5.00 value, special $3 95 bie, ve JJ 87 in. Unbleached Sheeting, 49¢ Printed Broadcloths and Voiles 3 Dimities and Batistes, yd. 25¢ § SHEETS SHEETS A 81x90 all rfect Sheet IT ( metal un gun sizes from 5 to $1.75 } Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at colore (all perfect) and washable pastel co Sheets ........ 42x36 inch Pillow Cases Foresman: Kusner Blankfeld Co., Patton, Pa. »