The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1930, Image 9

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ypson, aged 176, a
ied at 8:30 o'clock
her home at Llan-
aghter of the late
cLean and was the
were conducted at
afternoon at the
South Fork. Inter-
uth Fork cemetery.
used More or
er. Have all
hly and well.
during the
Miss Mary Alberter, and Mr. Cerrals,
of Washington, D. C., were guests of
the lady’s mother, Mrs. Catherine Al-
berter, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson and
daughter, Esther, of Altoona, were the
guests of Carrolltown relatives on Sun-
day afternoon.
Improvements to the Murphy home
on South Main street included a new
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Auxiliary of the American Legion was
held on Monday evening at which time,
in addition to the routine business, the
following program was presented: Song
“America, by the Auxiliary; Current
Events, Mrs. W. A. Buckius; Reading,
Mrs. L. A. Sharbaugh; piano solo, Mrs.
Paul Kelly; poem, Miss Genevieve
Farabaugh; comic reading, Mrs. Arthur
O'Neill; medley of songs by the Auxili-
ary; travelog, Mrs. B. J. Dillon; talk,
Mrs. P. J. Pees.
Students of the Carrolltown High
School presented an operetta, “The
Nifty Shop”, at the school on Friday
afternoon last. A score or so of the stu-
dents were in the cast, which was un-
der the direction of Miss Bernice
Haines, local teacher. Miss Dorothy
Christoff was at the piano.
Mr. and Mrs. Mornis Prevost of East
Carroll township, announce the birth
of a son.
Drs. E. F. Arble and V. J. Mulvehill,
of this place, and B. F. Bowers, of St.
Benedict, were among the north coun-
ty physicians in attendance at the
County Medical meeing in Johnstown
last Thursday.
The Rev. Father Richard Verecker,
of Cassandre, was a caller in Carroll-
town, on Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Zawasky has returned
to her home in Trenton, N. J. after
spending several weeks with hrm other,
Mrs. Valentine Sholtis, who is now
much improved in health, following an
extended illness. x
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tomlinson, of Al-
toona, were recent guests at the Frank
Bauman home.
The Rev. Father Richard Verecker of
Cassandra, was a caller in Carrroll-
town, on Thursday.
Miss Cecelia Switzler is spending the
weekw ith Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Huber
at Altoona.
Mrs. Anastosia Sullivan underwent
a successful operation for cataracts of
the eyes at the Mercy hospital Pitts-
burgh, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vesnesky, of
West Carroll township, announce the
birth of a son at the Spangler hospi-
tal recently. Mrs. Vesnesky was the
former Miss Helen Farabaugh of Car-
Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Pavlock, is ill at the parent] home,
suffering of pneumonia.
The Rev. Father William, O, S. B,
who had been ill all of last week, is
again able to be at his duties.
Mrs. Clair Bearer and Mrs, J. E,
Harkderode of Ebensomurg, were recent
guests of the former's parents Mr, and
Mrs. Amandus Buck,
Mrs. Justine McMaster, of Carroll-
town, and Miss Martha McMaster,
nurse of the Spangler Hospital, recent-
ly motored to Johnstown.
Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Arble recently vis.
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Luther, of Altoona. Mrs. Luther |
is not enjoying good health at the
present time,
Dr. and Mrs. V. J. Mulvehil and At-
torney and Mrs. Fred J. Fees mo-
tored to Johnstown Sunday afternoon
the ladies entraining for Pittsburgh
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Herald Jepson and two
children, of Pittsburgh, were recent gu-
ests at the home of Mr. and Mrs:
John Hurley, parents of Mrs. Jepson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Stolz and chil-
dren motored to Johnstown recently to
visit with relatives.
Dr. E. C. Flick, of Ashville, was
among friends in Carrolltown recently
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mack and baby
of Springfield, Mass., recently arrived
at home of Mr. Mack's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Mack, of this place, where
they expect to remain for some time.
The Misses Stella, Amelia and Mar-
garet Schroth and Evelyn Thomas, oi
Carrolltown, and Eugene Rock, of Eb-
ensburg, motored in a party to Wil
liamsport, Pa., to spend the week-end
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Miss Evelyn Sharbaugh, a student
nurse of Mercy Hospital, Johnstown,
spent Sunday withh er parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Sharbaugh, of this
Mrs. Wilfred Shaffer and daughter,
Miss Dorothy Shaffer, of Gallitzin, were
recent guests here.
Mrs. Bess Jones and son Dick have
gone to Pittsburgh to spend the week
with relatives and friends.
Miss Mary Maucher is home after a
visit of five weeks in New York City,
Wilkes-Barre and Ithaca, N. Y.
Mrs. Clara Rieg and children Francis
Edgar and Anna Rita Rieg, of New
Castle, motored to Carrolltown to sp-
end Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Rieg
was the former Miss Clara Blum of
Miss Eleanor Thomas was a guest of
her sister, Miss Mary Thomas, of Lilly
over the week-end.
Miss Frances Kane, of Pittsburgh,
spent Sunday with the Herman Kane
and Frank Farabaugh family, of East
Carroll Township.
Mrs. O. S. Reed and son James, of
McKees Rocks, were recent guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGonegal
recently motored to Altoona, where
they were guests of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Farabaugh were
among the recent motorist in Johns-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barker, of
Charleroi, were recent guests of the
latter's mother, Mrs. Arminda Null.
Mrs. Mary Behe has returned from
Johnstown, where she was a guest of
her daughter, Mrs. William White.
F. H. Beers was a business visitor in
Ebensburg last Friday.
ing rapid progress on the road from
Ashville to the Dean—Reade Township
line. He has quite a number of men
at work. Mr. Dick has machinery and
matrials arriving every day.
Mrs. Frank Miller of near Chest
Springs, is at the home of her mother
Mrs. Mary Jane McCoy who is ill at
her home,
tors here and Spindly City last Wed-
Local Fire Warden's, F. H. Beers,
Dewey Beers and Wm. Parrish, re-
quest all persons to be very careful
fire seasons, also to report all fires as
called on the telephone by
Patton 174R5.
Saturday callers in Altoona.
Mrs. Paul Sthromier who has been
out again.
sacted business here last Friday.
F. H. Beers one of the committee
appointed by the Cambria county
siness in Secretary Frank Rorr’s office
in Ebensburg the first of this week in
regards to arranging for the Sports-
man exhibit and tournment at the
September. Mr. Dorr is secretary. of
the Cambria County Fair Association,
he saidthe Sportsman’s Exhibit and
tournament is creating a lot of in-
terest for the coming fair.
T. I. Shirey of Johnstown,
a business caller here Friday.
The ladies of the Alter Society of the
St. Thomas Church are very busy
preparing for a card party to be held
in the St. Thomas hall Easter Monday
H. J. Brubaker of Syberton, Di
Inspector of the Gallitzin District
transacted business in town Saturday.
William Hallern of Johnstown visit-
ed at the home of his brother Thomas
ed a meeting of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians Division No. 7, Sunday Aft-
ernoon. Mr. Hollern is State Secretary
of the A, O. H, he congraulated the
Division here on its active membership
of Division No. 7 .
i burning brush or grass lands during |
soon as possible. These warden maybe |
calling, |
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gibbons were |
sick at her home here is able to be|
| sack motored to Lewistown
Ed. Storm of Chest Springs tran-|
| Miss Mary Cossack.
William Wilt of near St. Augustine |
was a business visitor here Saturday. |
Sportsman Association, transacted bu. |
Cambria county fair, Ebensburg in,
———— - —— " ~
Chas. Basil and Roy Chirdon local | Tyrone: B. S. Troxell, Lew
Contractor Dick of Scottdale is mak- |
C. J. Troxell and son, Harold, Under- |
takers of Glasgow, were business visi- |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Glasgow.
[nesday in Fallen Timber.
District |
Forester of the Gallitzin District was |
Frank Hollern of Johnstown attend- |
nimrods have gone to Potter county to
fish for trout.
Dude Callahan, William and Leo
Mulligan transacted business in town
Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbons of
Dysart visited in town Sunday.
Henry Foster and Roger VanScoyoc
were business visitors , Monday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Douglass who has been
spending some time in Altoona has
returned to her home here.
Mr. and Mrs.Fred Kusterborder and
son Jackie of Bellwood, Miss Nora
Hughes and Guy McClellan of Altoona
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm McClellan.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller are the
proud parents of a big baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Seroy Fry and daugh-
ter, Elsie Mae were Bellwood visitors
Miss Vida Glasgow and Russell Delo-
zier of Altoona spent Sunday with
Miss Dorothy Miller and Frank” Cos-
where they were accompained home by
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Jackson were: Mr.
Frank Loucks, Mrs. Edith Kuhn and
two children of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Benn and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Jackson of Bellwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Keith and children of Van
Ormer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw and |
children of Smoke Run ,and Mr. and |
Mrs. Raymond Jackson of Blanburg. |
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Campbell and |
children of Bellwood were Glasgow cal
lers Sunday. i
Miss Clyota McClellan spent Wed- |
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lovell
a baby girl.
The semi-annual convention of Dis-
trict No. 5, Sunday School Association
will be held on Thursday, April 24th
in the Fallen Timber U. B. Church.
Everybody Welcome.
Samuel Kuhn Troxell, well known
resident of Van Ormer, died of apep-
lexy at his home there on Saturday,
after three weeks’ illness. Mr. Troxell
was a son of Perry and Caroline Tro-
xell, Glasgow, born April 4, 1850. He
was married December 30, 1871, to Miss
Viola Van Ormer.
Surviving are his wife, six daughters |
and three sons: Mrs. A. L. Smith, in |
Florida; Mrs. R. E. Porter, Mrs. L.|
H. Youngkin, Miss Dessie and Joseph |
Troxell, Altoona; P. L. Troxell, Detroi
Mrs. C. J. Myers and R. H. Tro
ment Act-and Budget Act.
banks and offices.
to know what was best.
J.RossHorne |
BANK, Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
TAUGHT in them three years.
Entered State Legislature January, 1917—also 1919-
1921-1923. During Four Sessions served on important
Education, Forestry, Iron and Coal, In-
surance, Fisheries, Municipal Affairs, Library—and
Was third best attendant in the House (207 mem- |
bers) during FOUR SESSIONS of the Legislature.
Some important legislation supported by me: Work-
men’s Compensation Acts
Labor Laws, Pension for Totally Disabled and Incapa-
citated, Highway Bond Issues, Soldiers’ Bonus Acts,
Soldiers’ and Sailors Pension Acts, County and Shade
Tree Memorial Acts, Bill to Repeal Mercantile Tax, Biil
to Repeal Inheritance Tax, Civil Service Act for Fire-
men and Police, Two-Platoon Act for Firemen, Author
of Repeal “Obsolete” Printing Act (saving the State
$25,000 per year), Woman Suffrage, Teachers’ Retire-
Since May, 1917, have been engaged in the sale of
supplies and furniture for schools, churches, theaters
Came to Johnstown in 1903 and have resided at my
present home in the Eight Ward since 1912,
The industrial and political importance of Cambria
County should command a Representative in Congress
whose training and experience fit him to cope with the
problems of legislation, and guarantee to our people
a proper place in Congress,
It has been my life ambition to go to Congress.
Public Office to me has been treated as a trust. I have
been honest and fair insofar as I have been endowed
Have not tried to be elected
to office on false or foolish promises.
This is an appeal to all my friends for your fullest
support and votes for my nomination and election to
J. Ross Horne.
SCHOOL, 131;
and Amendments Child
town; Mus. | Erie, are visiting
the former's parents | COLLEGE ORATORS WILL
B. F. Coy Cresson; one brother, Lem- | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. DeHaven at this
uel Troxell Glasgow.
Funeral services were held at
by interment in Pleasant 11
the week end with her parents, Mr
emetery. | and Mrs. Clark Beatty near Clover
the Miss Beatty, our school teacher, spent |
home Tuesday, at "2 p. m. followed
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Thompson and
o . 0 8 ‘ ior ¢ ; FN Pe
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin | and two | oy ons, Junky RE Baby Saw
sons, Bobby and Hem re recent vy BS A00h SRneL of Naoiaown
sitors with the forme
Walter Bennett at Otter!
John Snider of Boli vi
his sister, Mrs. Mary B at
writ ;
J.-Frank Fry of Maha!
William Kauffman hom
Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Miss Rutz visited the
near Clover Run on W
Mr. and Mrs. Merle I
children of Ostend vis
parents, Mr. and Mrs
Sun 1
Rex Lingenfetter of
ed his grandmother, )
on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Jan
re mc——
or ————
SUNG | My and Mrs.
Byers on
in visit-
ttie Baker
ensembles, frocks—the
even the most exacting
and Grace Bennett of Bethlehem, visit-
on Monday.
Harry Rosboro and
daughter, Mrs. Mabel Sheesley of Val-
ier, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ebert, of Ros-
: | Sunday.
at the home of his brother, Charley.
H. M. Meckley and Louis Kauffman
were business callers at Clearfield on
Tuesday last, an don their return were
supper guests with the former's son.
Ansley, at Curwensville,
{ Marshall home in Cramer, Mrs. Alice
After spending last week at the Earl
Ellis returned to herh ome here on
of | Saturday.
presented by this store
ed at the home of William Kauffmen |
siter, visited Mrs. Rosboro’s brother, on |
Louise Snider of Bethlehem is ill!
The theme of new Easter modes
AS Presented By This Store
Easter and spring styles in a most complete and stupendous array now await your choosing. Coats,
pick of the new spring modes, in such a wide variety of styles and colors that
shopper will find her choice. One of the most attractive showing of style ever
EK to take charge of the contest but de-
REGIONAL HONORS IN PITTSBURG | clined due to the pressof his work at
St. Francis. Mr. Frayne directed the
cessful contest held at that place.
Regional finals in the state-wide
| college oratorical contest will be held
at the Carnegie Institute of Techno-
logy, Pittsburgh Friday April 25, it
learned at Loretto Monday. Joseph
Trexler of Altoona will represent St
{Francis college in the contest, having
won the college championship 1
y Bor
Package (2 to 6 Months’ Supply) $1.00
Anthony J. Frayne, professor of Trial Package 20 Cents
English and French at St. Francis,
was invited by the state committee
Phone — Patton 174R5
Hats = s= faster
1.95 up to 9.50
lere are the hats that will grace the lady in the Easter Parade.
nd feminine chic is evidenced in every hat.
iscinating colors, unusual fabrics possessing that “made to order” apearance.
Wide brimmed hats of straw, supple and dainty as cloth.
hats in fashion’s highlight. Straw creations are the
An entirely new program, tailored of
A message of spring
Drooping brim effects place these
preference among stylish women.