PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWS NOTES OF PATTON AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY SEND US ALL THE NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP FILL THIS DEPART- MENT. EVERY LITTLE ITEM HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JUST A LITTLE BETTER FOR ALL. SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM. M. H. Gardner, Notary Public, at the Tozer Jewerly Co. A nice line of assorted hats for ladies, misses and children at all prices at Ott’s Millinery. Miss A. M. Bailey was the week end | yor all guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Ather- | tine ton, of Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. B. Blankfeld, were cal- lers in Pittsburgh on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dietrick, of Mellon avenue, announce the birth of | fifty all accounts he a daughter at the Memorial Maternity | °= *~ = ite ine month ol Hopital, Johnstown, on Monday of this By charges will be : ac nts at tho Arubtus and other wild flowers BDCoNS now blooming in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dietrick of Mellon e avenue, announce the birth of a son. 3 caller 1 - i1 he i rest f is Cg lidacy, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Karlheim of |:ast 1 the ir erest of ‘his candida 3 Mr. Mulhollen is a Republican aspirant for the nomination to the General As- sembly from the second District of : | cambria count and is receiving con- siderable encouragement in his travels over the county. He has a large ac- quaintance ship, and was for a num- ber of years an assistant superintend- Meat & ent of the county schools. Str Patrick eet Commissioners , visited at the home of Mr. and Joseph Karlheim, of Mellon ave- » on Sunday. Mrs. James Haley, Mrs. Leroy Luther, Mrs. J y Dugan and Mrs. Gust War- ton, visied in St. Augus- The various banks in the northern part of the county, the First National of Patton included, effective on May 1st, will make monthly service charges ainst the h month. Mulhollen, of Portage, was yn on Friday morning Victor D. Mee- recom i! gave th : I streets their spring bath on Let us fix you up a nice roast, Friday and Saturday of last wee k, by Just enough fat to be tender and § | q,qhing them thoroughly. sweet, Th annual borough audit appears Buy all your meats at our market ? | alsewhere in this issue of the Courier, | It will help make your meal? and will prove of interest to our Pat- | complete, § | ton readers. oo mo Former Governor Gifford Pinchot land party arrive 2 1 promptly Fresh meat, cured meats, hams and j | and party arrive d in Patton brompti at 2:10 o'clock vwurday afternoon, bacon, 3 Butter, ketchup, pickles, and milk, § | Tender pigs that made hogs of themselves. i And everything as fine as silk. candidate’s swing over the Mr. Pinchot spoke for about minutes from the steps of the Pal- House and a fair sized crowd awai- \. Of course, he was limited on of time in making a detailed 'a put he told his hearers that he would be unbossed if elected gover- ng une A first class market you'll find here, We sell the best to felks who care, Price is right, it’s never dear nor, and poin to h yast record. He It’s our aim to treat you square. also touched on the coal and iron ) S——u 0 questi d o pointed to his reccrd Home made Colliasay, best recarding them, while he was governor. quality at a pound ..... 35¢ Street crossings have been marked | places designated by 1es in the borough dur- off and Ci Ham, Sugar Cured at a pound pound ..... 28 to 3c Bacon, Sugar Cured a pound ovina 20 to all Meats pranch of the I. C. B. 1 a series of three cinch | month in the Community of which will be held on Friday May 2nd, detailed announce« ment of which will be made later At the request of several of our citizens, we are asked to suggest that the business places of the town close | tomo ¢ (Good Friday) from 2 to 3 i o'clock, out of respect to the Savior, Lowest prices on CEORGE DLUZANSH! Patton, Pa. lana as an example of Christian belief. of workers gave the |, EASTER Means “Dress-Up” T NO TIME in our merchandis- ing history have we had such great values to offer you in Men's and Boys’ Fine Clothing, Shoes, Etc. As you will find here now. You can “Dress Up” for Easter at a very much smaller cost than you would naturally conceive. Let us prove it to you. Come to our store and see: AARONSON’S, Patton, Pa. THE PATTON COURIER . Spring plowing is now the order of hings all over the farming communi= ties of this section. Trout fishermen have been numerous, inded, all over the ti section of the county and state, since Tuesday. A new pool room is being opened in the Grange Bank Building on Fifth PATTON CHUR Easter at Holy Trin Ralph D. Hinkel 6:30 A. M., Holy Co 10:00 A. M.,, Chu 11:00 A. M., Mon mon by the Pastor. 6:30 P. M,, Epworth avenue, in the room formely occupied | Quentin Rowland, 1 by Halow’s Fruit Stand. who had s. George E. Prindible, 7:30 P : sie ] : | I Ms. Cees in a hospital in Balti |} 7:30 P. M, The Choir will 1 J i rE | Directors, to determine the t ) een « atient In a NOSPitat 4 alll. ithe antata—*T Thor OW NEC tters were giver ( > I'S aE . . is 5 onerty owners locate SCET) 2 Dau » time has returned ie Cantata—*The Thorn Crowned} © 3 iven to the members of | ples and officials for the annual track | thirds of the property owners located more, Md., for some time, has return King” by Fred B. Holton. | the boys and girls squads, and to the | meet this year. ; lon Lang avenue, begining at an alley to her home here. Dr. and Mis. P. J. Kelly returned on Wednesday night from a visit in Schuy- kill county, where they had been since Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tarr, Mrs. Louie Stevens and Kathleen Donahue motor- ed to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the horse races at Bowie, Md. They also visited at Washisgton, D. C. August Urbas of Patton has been removed to the hospital for surgical treatment. Adolph Finney, of Patton, underwent an operation last week for the am- putation -of the small finger on the left hand the result of an infection. Paul Strittmatter, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strittmatter, of Patton, underwent an operation yester- day morning at the hospital for appendicitis. A cinch party will be held in the Community building by the ladies of St. George Church on April 25th, and a food sale will also same ladies in Fogerty’'s Drug store on Saturday of this week. The Patton Music Club at a special meeting held on Monday afternoon de- cided to Sponsor a number of programs in Patton during music week, and a minstrel of varied charm will be pre- sented on May 5th. French McAfee will represent the club at the state convention at Harrisburg next month. and Bible ning in the month. church, whe! Stranger but once. Means to Me.” Baptist Church and Lord’s Day Services. Rev. M. H. Jon At Reilly, 9:00 A following with Sern Patton 10:30 A. M lowed with Sermon 6:30P.M.B.Y.P Mildred Jones. 7:30 P. M. Even Sermon by the past Wednesday evenin Study. The Board of Co- every last Wednes month, after the | Communion, every The Holy Trinity Epis Henry A. I Services fo 1e April 17th, Maun be held by the|{P. M. April 18th, Ge April 20th, E munion at 9:0( LARGEST CREDIT PERIOD DRAWING TO A CLOSE (Continued fr —the REAL FACIE Mrs. Alan Hester and daughter, Joan, | you hear get it from of Pittsburgh, are guests of local rela- tives. Mrs. Edward Boland and son, of Johnstown, were recent guests of re- latives and friends here. Miss Louise Young attended a soro- rity reunion at Lock Haven over the week end. Mrs. Janet Hodge has moved to Vin- tondale and will make her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lowes were recent South Fork visite Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Garrity and Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Mincer, of Mill Hall, are guests at the C. P. Welty home. Miss Leonore Cowher, of the Music department of Juniata College, was home over the week end. Mrs. Harry S. McNamara, who had been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moren, has returned to her home in Philadelphia. Mrs. John Mauk, of Butler, is a gu- est at the Joseph Short home. The Beaverdale High School was completely destroyed by fire Wednesday morning entailing a loss of $100,000. The annual track and field meet of the Cambria county high schools will be held at Ebensburg, on Saturday, May 4th. Patton will enter practically all the contests. Sixteen hundred dollars has been re- ceived to date by the Kiwanis Club for the Tiny Tim Club fund. A ladies’ night at Thensburg will be on the card next Monday evening, the north coun- ty club assembling with the county seat organization. PATTON STAR ROUTE NOTES There will be a cinch party held in the Grange hall at St. Lawrence on Sunday evening, April 20th. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Deitrick of Pat- ton were visitors here over the week end. Miss Madge Cronauer of Altoona, was a recent visitor here among relatives. Frank Warner, who had been ill Tor several days, has recovered. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradford,of St. Benedict, were recent callers here. Mr. and Mrs. William Holt, of Scalp Level, were visitors here over the week end. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and fam- ily, of Hagevo, near Windber, were recent visitors here. MRS. MARY LIPOCKI Mrs. Mary Lipocki, aged 51, wife of Joseph Lipocki, died suddenly las} Monday night at her home in St. Boniface, after a heart attack. She had been a resident of this place for more than 25 years. Surviving her hus- band, a sister, Mrs. Rose Labadosh, of St. Boniface, and a brother and sister, both residing in Europe. Funeral serv- ices will be conducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock, with interment in the Union Cemetery at Hastings. EDMOND PROCESS Of PERMANENT WAVING THE SURE WAY PERFECT PROCESS OUR WORK BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. REQUIRES LESS TIME, LESS HEAT, AND ABSOLUTELY PRO- YECTS HAIR FROM INJURY BY CHEMICALS AND OVERSTEAM- ING. PRICED $7.50. . a Aa MRS. M. M. SCOTT PHONE NO. 127-J. 115 SOUTH FIFTH AVE. PATTON CLASSIFIED ADS SENIOR CAKE AND EGG SALE- Miller Building, Saturday, April 19th at 1 P. M. Cakes, pies, colored eggs, home made candy and cookies will be sold. Funds to be used for the Senior Class play. Patronize the Seniors. NOTICE: TO Al Dog Owners of Patton Borough. The Running at large of all dogs is strickly prehibited and any animal caught running at large after publica- tion of this notice will be dealth with according to law. THOS. A McQuillen, Burgess. FOR SALE:—Modern seven room house. Bath, heat, good cellar and gar- age. Also furniture for sale, all in good condition. Living room suite, two beds, with springs, kitchen cabinet, organ, | will be sold cheap. Inquire 919 Beech | avenue. | | FOR RENT:—Store Room on Magee’ | Avenue. Also house with modern con- | veniences. Inquire of Mrs. S. A. Cooper. WANTED: —Could you be a Fuller man? Our men enjoy good earnings. | We will have a position open in this community. Men 25 to 46 with cars, interested, write H. D. Coulter, 430 Central Trust Bldg., Altoona, for par- | ticulars. { There are always who carry petty je treme and try to u to further their low —If you fail to your outstanding pr —If you fail to h vice of the Travel ( Last Advice — low To date the leading has secured a small 1 compared to a club and other sim opportunity is or refuse. Get ten of members of subscribe for ¢ those kind of s and why the instead of your support ¢ mean 50,000 or NOW—hut they I April 26th. So get ’ in fast. You can write j the outcome by yo urday the 26th—an “It is better to be Nine days more credits—what arc y it? Set a goal f« presen show an the indiv enter n wir plenty of eft. 1 W Get IN ity M. E. Church CH NOTES, i — PATTON | ed something new in the line of foot- | ORDINANCE NO. 174 5 { | ball training. That is Spring Training. | _—t 5 " NOTES 0 any of the schools around Patton AN ORDINANCE OF THE NOTES OF THE WEEK nan, Pastor. have been having Spring training for | pH ROUGH OF PATTON LEVYING A mmunion. a number of years, but now Patton | prey: 1 School. —— | will produce a team which will hold | SEWAGE ASESSMENT UPON ALL ; Worship, Ser-| As Reported to the Couirer by |it's own against the best High School | THE PROPERTY OWNERS ADJA- Jim Shannon of the Stu- | teams. | CENT TO SEWER RECENTLY CON- STRUCTED, AND KNOWN AS LANG 1 | On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Barnard | tor dent Body. le euite atborde eting ; { | and Mr. Forsythe attended a meeting AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION. Sectionl. Where least two League. Lea “What Ea ee — at Ebensburg of the Cambria County | i oon, the basketball | Atpiotic as at On Friday aft and extending west a distance of four hundred feet, petitioned the Burgess and Town Council of Patton borough boys’ class teams. The championship! wiss Walsh, Miss Johnson and Mr nant was giv . srher: sner. | yo : : > pennant was given to Herbert Kusner,|pamarq were visitors in Pittsburgh on the coach of the Senior team which | gaturday Reilly Mission. ie Sor] wor SA Barnard | Miss Margaret Noss of Hollidaysburg to construct a public sewer upon an n by the p {then gave lejiers to ovoly boy Who | visited the Miss Steele over the week | alley north of the lot lines of said Bible School fol. had played in at least ‘half of the high | end. property owners and to levy and assess pastor, hool games. The boys who received Freshman Class Notes | the total cost of construction of said U.. President Miss Clifford Yahner Bob Little, Mary McCann spent Sunday in Car- |SeWwer 10 the property owners adjacent Paul Kane, Morgan | rqjitown. to the same. And whereas, the mun- Worship with rd Senita, Joe Dandrea,| nildred Cochrane was on the sick icipal authorities of said Borough of 4 : h. The coaches of the! jist for several days. | Patton have constructed said sewer in | at 7:30, Prayer + Stoker, Senits a Kus-| Michael Hopkins active as guide for | accordance with the petition heretofore 4 ’ >> | ner received emblems. Mr. FOrsy- | several girls, Sunday afternoon. He |bresented and the ordinance of the ! letters to every Senior|girected them to Westrick's farm. Borough of Patton authorizing the im, and those who par-| The Freshmen have completed their |same. And whereas, the actual cost - Toast hay of os games | pjyics and are now reviewing. | of constructing. said sewer has been - Sr AAT GUA girls who received etters are: oser ave i ick list ascertained to be $507.67. irst Sunday eve-| potty Greene, Mabel Fitzpatrick, | Jota Steves he set Ua, Section 2. It is said therefore en- . Sou dts nes Stok! 1 Mary ’e dy, Henritta | i | acted and ordained that a public se- : Kelsall, Vernetta Jenkins, Ella Lowes, | D HOWS | wage tax be an is hereby assessed Forseberg, Caroline Weakland, | | according to the foot front rule, upon opal Church. n Otto, Miriam Whitehead, Lor- | | the following, being all the property R or, raine Tarr and Isabelle Whiteford. COMING TO GRAND oc adjoining said sewer, to pay ut A meeting of the Senior class was | a { the cost of construction of the same; rh 7:30 | also held on Friday afternoon. Mr. | MYSTERY PICTURE | and that proceedings be taken by lien : ; Bosserman spoke to the Seniors on | THRILL TRIUMPH | or action in assumpsit, against the pro- 7:30 P. M. everal topics, and then permitted them | Grim spectres, uncanny mystery in | perty owners benefitted, to collect the Holy Com- t type of invitation they |the darknes of a London fog, screams | Cost of constructing in ac- d for their graduation exercises|in the night and sinister shadows jn | cordance with the oly in ——— ; for name cards are now being 'an old monor house, all wound un | such case made and provided. The and with the start on the class|in one of the strangest mystery plots several property owners and the amount the Seniors have most of their |of the screen has ever seen mark “The | 85 ssed against each being follows: st minute business fairly well in|Unholy Night,” Ben Hecht's new thril- | Joseph Lilly, 50 feet .. 46 one) |ler, directed by Lionel Barrymore, Now | Wiliam Furnbill, 50 foot 5 63.46. rior. that of the students from the {coming to the Grand Theatre, as an Do Maio 83) Im - ; Club Manas ) ve of the all-talking production. — Ham as 2 Jeet s : wi | them on Sunday| The new picture was adapted from | Doniel wi a> Toon . to to Altoona. They were Hecht's “The Doomed Regiment” and | M15. Augustine CE 3, yortunity Marie Williams, Mabel | tells the story of a body of British | J. G. IISeY 80 » Li : hid John Weakland and Bob | officers purseued by an uncanny ene- | Jos. pak, 50 feet ....... $03.20. h y | my. Anacted and ordained this Tth day Zelsall was a visitor in Twin| This new Metro-Goldwyn.Mayer pro day of April A, D., 1050. Johnstown on Saturday. |duction shows another side of the dir- GEORGE E. PRINDIBLE, surprised that no | ectorial talents of Barrymore, who President of Council. were reported during | after scoring one of the dramatic suc- Attest: a ather. Those absent | cesses of the year in “Madame X”, J. FRED BLANKENHORN, e genuine excuses. | turns his head to the uncanny and Borough Secretary. be dismissed early on| supernatural, evoling the most grip- Approved by the Bur Patton ternoon, and classes will | ping mystery drama in years. Borough this “th day of Ap , 1930. d again until Monday. ; —- THOS. A. McQuillen, cation is allowed over | MARION DAVIES SCORES HIT AS 3t Burgess. is year, so that the school | SINGER IN NEW TALKIE . ~———— ~~ emeestm————— be vill end on~ Friday. | “Just you—just me. . . a’ | 1 evening Dorothy Cart- | You'll be humming that plaintive = SPOT CASH STORE pre ¢ mber of the Sophomore | melody when you walk out of the -— LA re at 1 a number of her|Grand Theatre after beholding Marion | : home on Magee Ave-|Davis in her first feature length talk- | EASTER SPECIALS the amusement fur- | ing picture, “Marianne,” which will ! SUGAR. best granulated, af : _ At a late hour, be showned at the Grand Theatre on|’ UGAR, Les; grnillated, abn. was served to the Monday and Tuesday as a new Metro | pound ne 972 ( Weakland, Grace | Goldwyn-Mayer presentation. jot TTER, very best, a pound ... dic in, Rose Flick, Esther Beck,| The “Just you—just me” number | Swansdown CAKE FLOUR, .... 29 Smith, and the Messers | slips into the picture so unobstrus ve- | COFFEE, for a real good drink ir own story of »k McCann, Dick Shan-|ly that you are not quite sure it is a| i 3 J n returns on Sat- Andrew Senta and | song until it isp icked up by off-stage Bis 3 oun anbed oo C: Yr te don’t forget that Croks. | orchestration. Robert Z. Leonard, who |; ARD. - A apes ii 3 ti » Har Blankfeld and Herb Kusner directed the musical-talkie, dove-tails COCOA Be a i a the BIGGEST | were visitors in Altoona on Monday | his song number right into the dialo- | CRI ERY ri Ds bos g for vey going to do oboug | evening. gre and ackion, | LETTUCE large heads at .... " The work on the Senior class play,| And there are some other sure. 3 - | LE NS, large fancy, 3 fo the songs are progressing very | fire songs, such as “Hang On To Me ~ | LEMO , large fancy, 3 for | APPLES, 3 pounds for self between now and that time and put your extra best dly under the tutorship of Mrs.| “Sugar,” “Blondy,” and, of course, amg,.,.(oes, Green Beans, Peas 1 efforts t y over the top. ly and Miss Krunt 5 ! “Marianne” theme song that is potent | LOI 0 ® Aron peans Pe ns i g A few five r subscriptions by any Track practice for both the boys and | with tuneful dramatics and weeps. { BUS, Cauifeuts, Witer C Tess Mush- club membs ; | girls is coming up to expectations, and| In the picture Miss Davies plays the | To0MS: Cucumbers, Sweet. Potatoes, / { Strawberries, Green Peppers, all at uch as though Patton |part of a French peasant girl who a team to the track | falls in love with an A. E. F. dough- | + which will be as fine | boy but sacrifices her happiness when ' ___ i Q Re, x and seven years ago.|her former soldier-sweetheart returns | SPOT CASH STORE ych Barnard has introduc- blinded from the war. | lowest Prices. BIG! There's 1 IN — TO-DAY! 0) THE MYSTI( ERNEST A M : [Victr0- tingn: [ys LL TALKING, PICTURE A, ST. 0B. 141 mysterious, WARNING! STRAT fascinating! You can’t explain what happen etween ness and dawn! with DOROTHY EBASTIAN, FORRENCE, ROLAND YOUNG Wed. Thurs. Apr. 23-24 GRAND TREAI PATTON, PENNA. TIN & ‘On The | Border Here’s new thrills for the Western fans——with Rinty in his first Vita- phone production. Ro- mance and adventure rides the plains as Rinty follows the danger trail with the border patrol { on the hunt for smug- glers. Breathtaking drama of the South. west packed with thrills and action. MON. TUES., APR. 21-22 SO CUPTIVATING HAS dark- See it! NOTHING COME TO THE TALKING SCREEN! ARMISTICE DAYS IN FANCE! GAYETY! SONGS! MARION DAVIES AT HER COMIC BEST. HER FIRST TALKING FILM IS AN Tonight Apr. 17 fly SECOND WI EVENT IN THE ANNUALS OF THE AEE SA SCREEN! VOL XX BI Oply. Individu and S Credit and Fi Wage Long-] ical C All Ur, PICK YO! Only a few Only a few And— DOWN, D Credits! During thai or lose your automobiles is of the utm get every ava the Travel Cl April 26th, af If to-day, pass without part you may scriptions dec: term subscriy few such ol count the mo factor in the 1 subscriptions cause after DROP. “Who will it after Satu tion that all asking. Patt town, Glasgc other town i for their owl mined to put As the val now and Sat themselves © this period remaining m tage, will, w bered among in the finals V That's a @ answer as th So closely Club Membe divided, up t on what is and Saturda who the ulti Nobody ha the valuable anyone hope could start i few of the place yourse also is appl tenders and subscriptions line-up and Fulf If you han tion to son that promis help and er just the ai tide of defe sweeping Vis Ca Only WHO ITS MRS. F “BUD” MRS. I MRS ] HARR MRS. = T.H.V MISS . MISS J MISS 1 ALEX MISS I JOHN MRS. MRS. MRS. | Fa will br sible & GEST NEVE the be A race V If you before Satur