| E [ election, which favored retention of the ¢ Bighteenth amendment and the Vol-|iIowever, stead act; Published Every Thursday. T hos, A. Ow en E. F. Bradley, Associate Editor Si he Republican platform is expected to | Entered in the Post Office at Patton, Pa., as Second Class Mail Matter. Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents. RATE per inch, or fraction thereof, for 3 in- pected sertions Card of Thanks, 50c; Business Locals 10¢ per line; Business Cards, $10.00 per year; per inch; Full position, 26 pct. extra; Minimum cha company all orders for foreign adver- t y. All Advertising copy must reach this office by noon Wednesday to in- sure insertion, dence will be ignored at all times. vania. PROHIBITION IS NOW A STATE ISSUE, IT SEEMS. Whether we like it or not, the Pro-|was bigger hibition issue has injected itself in the party harmony. The Repub issue of state politics—and that very strongly. We have nothing more than the facts [Let us to state: Former Attorney General Francis Shunk Brown, of Philadelphia, candi- date for the gubernatorial nomination, has announced himself as favoring a His stand, however, failed to sat- and are xd no chance a deciding issue or may not be 1 the two major candi- | th > OULC( hibition question as follows: Governor—Francis committed in favor of a referendum on | term as a congressman— former Governor | the district deserves added recognition and Thomas W. { which Russell Leech alone can give us | —and no other, Several other eph R. Grundy, committed to the Re-|somed out at the last moment as Con- yublican National platform in the 1928 | gressional aspirants. the Prohibition issue; Gifford Pinchot, dry, Phillips, wet. United States Senator—Senator Jo- | A few have a more pronounced effect on the gubernatorial race for United States Senator. A declaration CARD—Legal Notices, $1.50 candidacy by Governor Fisher is eX-| yarn momentarily. ernor named Grundy Lewis, the Grundy choice for the gu- Unsigned correspon- | bernatorial nomination withdrew, ndum on the wet and dry ques-|We Support ran a story Francis H. situation ican primary battle in the state bids fair to be a bitter contest. | hope a united party develops from the strife. ABOUT THE C ONGR RESSIONAL OUTLOOK IN THE COUNTY. weeks back the Courier, and Russell Leech, in support of Mr Leech's the wets who announced they candidacy for Congress, which was la- uld fight out the issue to a finish |ter copied by the Cambria Freeman of back of Thomas W. Phillips, | Ebenshurg, out wet candidate, who will | the Johnstown Democrat, who censured of election, but who |the Freeman far will corrall a mighty big vote that may | Leech, but hadnt a word to say regard- as to|ing the article itself. The sum and substance of the orig- d s after the votes are count- | inal article appearing in the Courier ed. |was to the As the situation now stands the ead- | should be .andidates for governor and United | cause of the good he has done our dis- States Senator are listed on the Pro-|trict in the past asa Congressman—he- | cause of the added prestige he will have Shunk Brown, | if he is returned by virtue of his longer and later republished by effect that Russell Leech returned to Congress—be- yd men—and they J. Dayis, secretary ol Bohlen, wet. | a public office. We c sell Leet Congressicnal job. in favor of the Grundy | ——— I* When the Gov- to the vacancy in | { elect. Swan, of Glasgow, good roads, Cambria county. of course, erwise—have been a state highway is boodting anything the Courier has stood squacely | and vainly, | behind Russell Leech since the first —= | labor in the Hoover cabinet, not com | i inute he came before the people for | Editor & Prop. | mited so far; The injection of the wet question in | peas son to regret that stand. We are ting Republican support for J. Rus- not be producitve of good. 1 again because we again feel | resentative form this particular sec- than on the | that he is the logical man for the tion of Cambria county can surely be relied upon to do his utmost to be of good to the community from which he Swan is the congenial station agent of the P. R. R. at Glas- gow. In his home section he needs no introduction. But in our section and in the communities that the Courier reaching week by week he is deserving of the vote and support of Republican voters at the May primaries. Remember you have three candidates to vote for— and you should by all means make Mr. Reade Township, one of the three for whom | GENERAL ASSEMBLY, A host of candidates have been an- Display advertising, 30c | the U. S. Senate caused by the rejection | | coq by the Republican party for of William S. Vare, he hailed Grundy | rge, $1.00, Cash must ac-| 55 the Republican leader in Pennsyl- the General Assembly of Pennsylvania from Cambria county in the second dis- trict, which includes all of the county outside of the city of Johnstown, and but of which we have three to nominate and he is popular among the people, and | will likely be a candidate who can be nominated four years hence. Sam Lewis bria county, of which Patton is basically withdrew because he thought the party [a part, only one candidate has announ. than the man, and desired ced himself, and that man is James B. Reade township. Mr. Swan is a man in every way capa- ble of filling the position, and if there is any section of Cambria county that|ental home at Carrolltown, needs have its neglect brought before: the state, especially in the matter of thers and sisters. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday morning at nine o'clock in St. Benedict's church, Carr- In the northeastern section of Cam- it surely is ncntheastern Patton, of course, is blessed with good highways, but our nearby neighbors— geographically, fundamentally and oth- neglected. THE PATTON COURIER | doubt are fed roads—and they have | ships. never had resides. Mr. James B. Swan of Glasgow, you mark your ballot. ALFRED R. SMITH, Alfred R. Smith, the one year olltown, and interment was in church cemetery. True, Frank Anicoskey, aged 60, of Gallit- waited long too—and that is sections of White, Reade, Dean and Chest town- A representative in the general as- sembly from this district may or may But a rep- is old son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Smith, died on Sunday morning at the par- following a brief illness of pneumonia. He is sur- vived by his parents and several bro- the John Hotyak aged Ge, died on Sunday : at the County home at Ebensburg. being constucted | js survived by his widow residing in Eu- from Ashville to the Fallen Timber | rope. Funeral took place on Tuesday. concrete road connection, but there is 13 an important population, and an qn zin, died on Thursday night last nea portant community that seems destin- | Ehensburg after a brief illness of pneu- ed to wait awhile for their much need-' monia. Funeral was held at Gallitzin. He —and because candidates have blos- a A Nt 3 Packages NOODLES for KRAFT K CHEESE .. SANDWICH SPREAD . PLAIN BUCK CHEESE . 6 Boxes of MATCHES for... 20c 2 Cans of PEAS for ........c.. 20¢ BUY 2 lbs. of WEINERS and Get Economy Meat Market HASTINGS, PA. JOHN DVORCHAK, PROP. 2 cans of CORN for ............ 25¢ STAR BACON, piece, | ROUND STEAK, 1b .. . 28¢ 3 Cans VEGETABLES for . SMOKED HAMS fors as low w22¢ 1b. 2 Ibs. of KRAUT FREE! They may all be Big Clearance Sale FOGERTY’S DRUG STOR PATTON PENNA. Starts Monday, April 11th, Lasts One Week ALCO WASH—Real rubbing Alcohol to relieve sore muscles, pint size, rguelar price 59¢ for use after the bath, I5C, SOF eins NEW GILLETTE BLADES 5’s—>50c package for .“ WADE AND BUTCHER BLADES—12’s (Fits Gillette RAZOT) ..cococrrvvinsnnensiensiniinns 69¢ KONJOLA $1.09 $1.19 PINKHAM'S . MILES NERVINE, Reg. $1.00 at BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 25c¢ grade PHILLIPS MILK MAGNESIA, 50c SLOAN’S LINAMENT, 35¢ kind .... a: HYPO-COD, in tablet form, Tonic and builder, convenient to take, Reg. $1.00 size, at SAL HEPATICA, 60c kind .. WHITE PINE COUGH SYRUP, 50c FOGERTY'S COLD CAPSULES, 50c FOGERTY’'S LIVER PILLS, 25C.......ccccuuues ASPIRIN TABLETS, reg. 20c doz ........ ACETIDINE TABLETS for headache and pain, reg. 25¢ at UNGUENTINE 75¢ kind DeWITT'S HYGIENE POWD: FOGERTY'S EMULSION Cod Liver Oil, 60C Find at .....crcincinnicninmnummnisinig DeWITT'S KIDNEY PILLS, $1 size . DeWITT'S KIDNEY PILLS, 50¢ siz DeWITT'S WORM TABLETS, 35c size SHILOH’'S COUGH MEDICINE, 60c siz CARTER'S K. and B. TEA, 30c size .. FOGERTY’'S CORN SOLVENT. 3 DR. SCHOLL’'S CORN PADS, 35¢ RAMON’'S COLD TABLETS, 30c size PIERCE’S MEDICINES, $1.25 size at DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS, 75¢ size at |. ...... USOLINE MINERAL OIL, Heavy Rus- sian, $1.00 grade at USOLINE TOOTH PASTE VICK’'S SALVE,.35¢c size ... HORLICK'S MALTED MILK, $1 size... FEENAMINT, 25C SiZ8 .......ccoosnrerissnrssarns KLENZO MOUTH WASH, 50c REXALL LIVER PILLS, reg. 35¢ SACCHARIN TABLETS, 25¢ size : ALL OTHER PATENTS REDUCED. ODDS AND ENDS OF FACE POWDERS, COMPACTS AND PERFUMES at ........ ALL REXALL GOODS REDUCED. WHITTEMOORE'S SHOE POLISHES, Black, Brown, White, Neutral and Nu- AR Ab... an amnn . IN OUR STORE IS THIS SALE TO EVERYTHING REDUCED FOR MAKE ROOM FOR. NEW MER- CHANDISE. THIS SALE INCLU- DES REDUCED PRICES ON ALL LINES OF MERCHANDISE, INCLU- DING: PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, CIGARS, GIGARETTES, CANDY, CHINA WARE, POLSON GIFTS, GREETING CARDS, DYES, CREPE PAPER, KODAKS, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES. ERT RPE RE aR RR SPECIAL! JELLY EGGS, Special at 1b .............. 1c SMALL CHOCOLATE EGGS, with Cream Centers, 1b ow 29¢ MILKY WAYS, at 3 for . « 10e EASTER EGGS, Fruit and Nut or Cocoanut, at 3 for CHEWING GUM, 3 packages RARER, ASTRINGSOL MOUTH WASH, Reg. 60c, and ASTRINGSOL TOOTH PASTE, Beg 50ec, at both for... - a i500 ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL GREETING CARDS Now is the time to lay in a supply of cards —Birthday, Convalescent, Wedding, Friend. ships, and all kinds of Congratulation Cards. I'r. IODINE, 1 oz. size, regularly 25¢, in this sale at ; 15¢ All HERBS, including Catnip, Sage, Boneset, Horehound, Tansy, ete, at Se package. All POLSON GIFTS ONE-THIRD Off $6.75 Electric Water Heaters at $4.98 Electrex Irions $2.98 Waffle Irons at $6.98 DIAMOND DYES, PUTNAM DYES, or DYOLA, at 3 for SUNSET DYE OR RIT at 3 for . DY-TINT, Regularly 10¢, this sale for ....... Te EPSOM SALT—Regularly 25c, 115.8 ver a 15 CIGARETTES Jrands at 2kosfor oie... 2BC LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE .. PEPSODENT, 50c size for DeWITT'S EYE WASH ..... AMOLIN Deodorant Powder 30¢ Size . DeWITT'S TOILET CREAM, 25¢ size ILASOL, Hand Lotion, 25¢ si TALCUMS, 25¢ kind .. i CARA NOME TALCUM $1 size .. FACE CREAM, 50c size .. FACE CREAM, 60c size ... FACE CREAM, $1.00 size ..... ; CHAMBERLIN’S HAND LOTION, 50c SIZ Ol iin Gap 39¢ 5c size 53¢; and BEN HUR PERFUME, 50c size at JONTEEL SOAP, 25c kind, at 2 for PEROXIDE SOAP, 25¢ kind, at —.39¢ 25¢ . 19¢ COD LIVER OIL, Pint size, reg. $1 ............ 9c PURE Norwegian CITRAT OF MAG- NESIA, 25¢ kind ... 19¢ SODIUM PHOSPHATE Effervense, reg. BOE, Ab roeriirreinmninniiinn PEROXI 25¢ grave : MERCURECHROME, 25c reg. CREAM OF TARTAR, 1-2 - OLIVE OIL, qaurt size, reg. $1.50 ... OLIVE OIL, pint size, reg. $1.00 GLYCERIN and ROSE % ATER, 25¢ at... 17¢ CASTOR OIL, 25 © AROMATIC CASC!/ AR A YS 0Z. PETROLEUM JELLY, 15c¢ size ... ZINC OINTMENT, 25¢ kind at ... UNCLE HIRAM'S FURNITURE POLISH AND CLEANER, 75¢ value at ............... 59¢ PUTNAM DRY CLEANER 40c value ........ dle RKOTEX of .....ecies KOTEX BELTS, 60c¢ val ALL LOOSE PERFUMES REDUCED TO ONE-HALF PRICE, CANTRELL and CULRANE GINGER ALE, 25¢ size at ........... SAGERTOWN, 15¢ size at ... BIG REDUCTION ON ALL CANDLES, IVORY, STATIONERY, COMPACTS, PER- FUMES, TOILET AR PAINT SETS. TICLES, MOTTOS AND DENNISON’S CREPE PAPER, 3 rolls for 35¢ Walter Stein of Emmons, who suff- ered a crushed left foot last Thursday in a mine accident, was reported rest- ing well, Mrs. Ruth McGonigal of Carrollltown underwent an operation Friday for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Leo. Semelsberger, is a surgical patient, at the Spangler Institution. Miss Margaret Kline, and Mrs, Al Kline of Nicktown, was reported resting, following an ap- pendicitis operation. Leonard Symber of Bakerton was ad- mitted for surgical treatment. Albert and Virginia Cappelenti, son and daughter of Mr. Cappelenti of operations for the removal of tonsils | and adenoids. Ernest Rudy of Patton was admitted | for sugical treatment. Mildred Steir, of Patton was | admitted to the hospital for medical treatment. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. The Courier—$2 by mail. Subscribe. | NEWS OF PATIENTS AT prem THE SPANGLER HOSPITAL at the Spangler hospital, of Patton daughter of and Mrs. Tony | Bakerton, underwent | | | | | | | Ride in the beautiful new Ford oh COME in and arrange for a .demon- stration ride in the new Ford. You will know then, from your own personal experience, why it is such a good car to own and drive. Here, at an unusually low price, is everything you want or need in a motor car, — $435 up, f. o. b. Detroit. CaO a0 Stoltz Motor Co. PATTON, PA For Palm Sunday and Laster BOY'S NEW 4-PIECE SUI OF THE DICK MANLEY CLOTHES FOR BOYS FINE SUITS FOR PALM SUNDAY, AND THE WHOLE SUMMER COLORS. FOR BOYS OF PRICED FROM 7.50 10 $15.00 ! NEW STYLES AND FROM 6 TO 18 YEARS. EASTER MUNSINGWEAR HOSIERY 1.15 NO. 1475—Light Service weight—Square heel. ioned, 30 inches long; silk to narrow lisle hem ; all silk heel splicing; extra wear lisle foot: block toe. Full fash- heel and toe. fine stocking. 1.50 NO. 1615—Light Service Weight—French heel. Full fashion- ed; 30 inches long; silk to narrow lisle hem. All silk heel splicing. Blue tipping at top, “Modish” style lisle foot. A 1.50 style. NO. 1625—Semi Service Weight—Sylphline heel. Full fashion- ed, 30 inches long; silk to narrow lisle hem; heel and toe; all silk heel splicing; lisle foot; block toe; a popular blue tipping at top, 1.95 erfine. NO. 1745—All-Silk Chiffon—French Heel—Picot top; full fashioned: 30 inches long; reinforced all silk hem; picot and blue tipped ; all silk heel; silk foot reinforced with lisle; block toe. Sup- OS TED TIONAL / a IF YOU CAN GET BETTER FOR YOUR MONEY BY ALL MEANS DO SO. $25 to $50 PIERS” sr=zaSH New smartly styled and attractively priced FOR LADIES at . $3.00 to $6.00 FOR CHILDREN . $1.50 to $4.00 FOR MEN $4.50 to $8.50 Always W.L. Thompson Patton, Pa. Reliable TRAVE COU Sessions Next Mo Monday Mor Seven Wi The following jurors for the M: which convenes a day morning, Ma H sal Burch, Nick, Bayha, George L., barbs Burtnett, E. Beam, W. R Brown, Mae, hous Buck, Alban, labo 3asil, Frank, insu Culp, A. L,, clerk, Courtwir: Colbert, Harr} & rbin, Harry, cle Costlow, Lawrence ty-Glo. Critchon, A. B., Connor, Chas. D., r Jacob, cary a John M., Chaplin, I. M, mont. Crax David J., Davis,"A. B., auto ( Dumm, Rupert, 1 Dishong, Esthe Dobson, EZ. L., clerk attend Davis, John Denlinger Dunmire, Ams Evans, Benjamin, 1 Foy, Adam J., draft Jas. H,, Tr i Tou , miner 1 John, forema Hoon, | Jc )s. H., barbe Horner, R. W., fore Johnston, A. E., for Keith, Harry, engin Katznstein, > Kuhn, S. 2 Kline, Victor, farme Litzinzer, A. L., lab Lane, Newton C., la Luther, C. L., farm Lantzy, Hermz: an, laj Laemer, « Adams J. D. cle rlander, Edwan Hi te, fo repair h, firem Plummer, L. A., ca James H., f: ( , Russell, cl Roth, Russell, st ( town W. ministe here, H. 1. oth, Augt 1st, millh ybinson, Helen, hot Reyn( Snow, Nora, Stutzms , T.. mal Scanlan, Arthur L., BE —————————— FRANCE ® AT HARV IF YOU HAV CROPS O BIGGER RICHER Fak XBR Ai TR H MORE M Bl ism : BB 1he cost is sy eg | kA ET 31 ; FUN Pho=z Office a C—O