The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1929, Image 8

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1 ann visiting her Mother, Mrs. Mary Fisher W i | stivusion is as essential to the man or
PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWS a OF of Fifth Avenue. : eek y Health woman as is preparedness in terms of
) have possess and enjoy all the rights, EVERYBODY INVITED
Ta | enefits and privileges of said Act of The Duclas & Huber Flour and S—
od Weakland and John Flood ol | armies and battleships to nations. ! Assembly and its supplements. a | . TI
PATTON D THE I AR} iE UNIFY Mansfield, Ohio, and Mrs. Cullen Letter of State Therefore, sign the Armistice today | Reuel Somerville, Solicitor. Feed Store QU!
LY i IA L Rhodes of Baltimore, Md. visited the j with your bad habits. Thus gain and | Announces JOB
Weakland fami ar of Patton last week. |, /pop gave 200 othe nation for the |Keep strength and exemplify peace in ST. MARY'S L C. B. U. that on SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd SOL
SEND US ALL THE NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP FILL THIS DEPART Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Thompson 5p eleventh time celebrated Armistice Day. | tS most personal, happy and sensible | Resolutions. mis) at 4 P. M. they are going to | THE
MENT. EVERY LITTLE ITEM HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JUST A [ent Sunday in Clearfield. .. mo. | Reports indicate that the main subject | WaY. Proclaim a real victory. And live | Tw jjeteas, it has Dleased Goa nm 1S/ Chance off the Ko Ko Clock, if Lo
LITTLE BETTER FOR ALL. SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM | HOUSE COAL FOR SALE: —From| qiscussed at that time involved peace. | Many years to celebrate it. | Goodness and Mercy to remove from i t a have 4 chane
4 4 ‘R v ALL. SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM, St. Boniface 50 Per ton, delive Nationally and internationally, the |“ ——=———==— ——————— | our ranks by death our sister member, | YOU (0 not a have a chance on . —
ardner. Notary Buble. x os Sn : P K 1 t. Boniface, Pt spirit of settling disputes with govern- CHARTER NOTICE | Mary Campbell. : _ | the clock. Buy a 100 1b. Bag of :
Tr Ton gos Cy Public st fe) earlier or 0, nigh ge Massillon, Ohio, | ments through arbitration rather than | Notice is hereby given that an ap- | Whereas, highest tribute we can pay | the Ko Ko Mash and receive free VOL. XX
. we respectiully request ail £ 1
at the home of his|by the sword, is constantly gaining in | plication willbe made to the Governor | Der is to lead a pure, Christian life and | = 5 is g ‘e in-
general popularity ‘and AB States. of the State of Penusylvania on the | departed from this would like a Child |@ chance on this clock all are in
” : rdacetor | othe | she faithfully ser-|vited to be present, at the
27th., day of November, 1929, under the | of God, Whom she so faithfully ] : g
Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth | ved. Chancing of the clock, this same
A bazaar and cafeteria supper will be | and contributors to have z : ol
held in the Social Hall of the M. E.|1 €arly . . | The Con i tion of Mr. S. L. Weak men and people appear to be develop-
Decem- itzinger at vaeping peace-mindedness, with war and
Church on Thursday evenil we land, ; ; : | solve he 7 her death this i i
ber 5th, starting at five o'clock. The their home | Clea three | resort to arms losing much of its pop- | of Pennsylvania, entitled “An Act to! Sesolved, pass by is Bogen i us day we are having a special and ;
mer jill include ham loaf, Roas r of ular glamour in the vrocess,” said Dr.| brovide for the Incoipgration and Re- [Society has lost a good member and | : CBr eof rips
etm San ny isi : pot a i ha Mrs. | Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of Health | gulation of Certain ng ap- | her family, a kind and loving mother. and Some yery an Active priced |
sauer ut, baked beans, peas, car the home of Mr. an » Fish- | recently. proved April 29, 1874, and the supple- | Resolved, that in respect to her me- | Will be given on Ilour and kee
and “It indeed would be a happy con- | ments thereto, for the charter of an | MOY, our charter be drapped in mour-
to | dition if individuals would also gene- |intended corporation to be . called | Ning for a period of thirty days.
the | rate a peaceful spirit against the ene- | "HOME SERVICE STORE INC.”, the | These resolutions entered on the min-
rots, sal bread, rolls, pie, cal of C
coffee. The general public is cordially
invited. | cccasion.
From Now (
Next Thursday being Thankseivine | Maloy an d mies of health that are represented by | character and object of which is buy- |utes of our society and published in [
Day. the Courier will be Tiel 2 dus Nic: ; ; n- | unwise living habits now so prevalent.|ing, selling, trading and dealing in [the local paper and a copy furnished
ay, € 0¢ printed a day Miss 3 to Philadelphia. | Belching cannon, rasping machine guns | groceries, dry goods, notions, wearing | to the family of our deceased sister, Silent pictures
and chemical attacks are spectacular | apparel, - household supp green | Mrs. Mary Campbell. ;
o-|and stark realities, as every veteran | goods, meats and such other articles | Committee—Mrs. Edith Thomas Miss
Airhart of Pi
John and Cz
pent Monday in Clear- (knows. But unfortunately, habits | Of goods, wares anc merchandise as|Anne McCormick and Mrs. Mary Dona-
which undermine health and often de- | are usually dealth in by a general | hue. !
FOR RENT— econd av- oy life do not present the ugly and | Store, and for such purposes to own and - S i chroniz
bye HOUSE Wow — v errifying aspects Hy do the instruments | | lease such real and personal property | EXECUTORS’ NOTICE I } ity of t I
pi " Fr enue. Inquire of MIs. . / hats ware |of Dat | as may be necessary for these purposes | In the Estate of John Ott, late of i in their sound »
dB gx { i 0 q and June Rhody were “The overloaded table. habitually | | East Carroll Township, County of Cam- EASY WAY TO Thos. Meigha
K BRA% Oi LA last Monday. ‘attacked’ by the overeating hordes, ST. FRANCIS’ ‘FULLBACK |bria, State of Pennsylvania, deceased. STOP A COLD! 100 per cent tal
a has all the ear-marks of a friend. Ne- | Notice is hereby given that Letters on Thursday (1
BERLE le AN SRE SB SE EE aia { are VISIUNg 1 . ald
| Testamentary in the Estate of the
above named decedent have been
| granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted vo the said estate
are requested to make payment and
these having claims or demands again-
| st the same will make them known
| without delay to
vertheless, it represents one of the ef- |
fective methods of developing disease |
and prematurely terminating the lives |
of many of its victims.
“Excessive and habitual use of sti- |
mulants to prod an already tired body
on its way also is one of mankind's |
most formidable enemies. Easy and |
painless to take ‘tis true, but power-
: ful to kill just the same.
toena. he “Again, a deep-cushioned chair re-
Frank of Punisuaw gularly and exclusively employed as |
at the M. B. Cowher|, cunstitute for daily exercise and |
Friday, as a mas
constructed dra
uations of pect
abound and the:
ment of surpris
tery not SO1vVe
out. “Cohen on
ing) and a tw
completes the pr
| own, & y On Saturday
John 8. Springer | ST talking feature,
|X. A. Malloy Ebensburg, R. D. 1, Pa. | Vapure court room mel
with of Mellon avenue.
s. Russell Little of Eliza-
guests of Mr.
Tonight, Thurs., “Stairs of Sand”
and “Strange Cargo.” 2 Features
Ya I STR NO RO Aa en ees EN ST TSS AR i Poly
Friday and Saturday
Corrine Gritfith’s Beauty Plus the g
Mis ss Jean Cami bell spent Saturday,
Johnstown .
Mrs. Henry Donahue was a recent
Edward C. Strittmatter,
Carrolltown, Pa.
Ebensburg, Pa. 11-21-29-6¢. | 50 cents i Brockwell, Robe
. a1 7 Ay and Mrs. John Metzgar of Bene- | [eSB air literally welcomes one with | 3 : Just a few drops of ; Stanley. Pathe st
Master Mind of Molnar! Mr. and B TS, Joni; rors in Patton. |oPen arms—and then having succumb- | EXECUTORS NOTICE. | Vapure on your hand- : edy and Univers
Be an ed to its wiles it frequently makes | In the Estate of Philip J. Bender, | kerchief! Then inhale Monday and T
Ri Ie finots so tral dave last week. casualties of those whose affection | late of the Borough of Patton, Cam- | it. Te iy prio mantic singing
CL. Weakland. ‘Mrs. George | [°F it has been too sincere. oo] | bria county, Pennsylvania, deceased. of balmy oil compounds The Show Boa
Hie * Carolyn Weakland. |. It must be appreciated that life | [ Notice is hereby given that Letters | lodge in the linging of down the river
et and John Weaklend itself Is a war—a daily battle against | | Testamentary on the above estate have | the nose and throat; tragedy! A show
i 4 Olearfiold. gormilife and the devitalizing influence | | been granted to the undersigned. All | soothe the membrane; que M it
1 , Co. and Fogerty's | °F today’s mode of existence. When the | | persons indebeted to the said estate clear up a cold in no for the gre:
Sligo Ia LS aire ae individual seriously realizes this fact. | {are requested to make prompt pay- time. Sold only at Re- ten. Edna Ferber
i 3 a phing Saturs and then follows it up with the re- | | ment and those having claims or de-| xall Stores. ed to the scree
: , 2 moval of those enervating influences | mands against the same will make | treat of your lift
night r 2 . that are bent on wcunding or Killing |
ra Ditts rely 1s. . oe . % .
Grant of Pittsburgh | 5 the spirit of peace will indeed
parents Mr. and Mrs.
[them known without delay to |
’ ing comdy and
| CHAS. BENDER, Fogerty S toon. Owing to t
a: Te A have taken proper hold and a real Ar- | i Dysart, R. D. Pa. | duction only one
EH u f Primal Avene: Grand | mistic will have been signed. | MRS. LUCY COOPER, | H rt each evening, be
1 ee M OBrion. 705 “Do not forget that preparedness in' Rede Patton, Pa. THE RE STORE inee on Monday
nquire A. OBrien, 191 the form of a healthy and vital con- ART WHITE 3tpd. Executors. | HI Wednesday, K
' West 5
a Seen = = first talk
Wagon Master.”
Covered Wagon”
dialogue: Also “1
episode No. 9.
the Tuesday ght Bridge
r home this week. Prizes
rded to Margaret Fogerty
George C. Hoppel and Mrs. F.
Ceremony Is Per
Church; G
A very pretty
in St. Mary's
Teresa Pay
i ar of C olltown
itor in town on Tuesday af-
i Miss
A Fint S and William F. : onf Mr. and Mrs.
Es f A -world fliers r d near town, becamr
National / B/N m. Tuesday were Fagan, son of
tored mono-
Fagan of Carrol
was performed b
Henry, O. 8. B,
President t
ration and Clar-
bride, ‘and
dahlia georgette
5 Molnar’s world-famous novel to vivid life.
I A Rd me OC ss WRLC LL ed NEE iT E 2 3 to match, and ca
Tr y Ni hi ry
3 iae s atenaant
Mo nday and Tuesda ights DE
cessories, and ca
A wedding din:
immediate famili
gan left
or 2 2 S fermv casoune] Ver 0.
1007 i YOU’LL FIND in this one red fuel all the live | Senn My,
Talki all 1 Bn prongs
Si ing ii energy that forms the pep and power of “high a a
ging / i test” gasolines combined with a finer guality of Quite a number o
Dancing jl ! F 2 unit Dn nuerqasily 0 Carrolltown, as
J imi i ih iq forma in Lo were present. Th
knock elimination than is found in special knock- Thai a I
it 3 S Be oe Ree i 1 RES Es the former St. Augus
i less fuels—plus an ori i evenness of combustion TALI. Sas
1 LJ ie
$ tH °3 B ced.
and a uniformity of mileage, power and aceelera- Sign that ”
§ u . [rE ope GOV. FISHER P]
| tion that is GUARANTEED, Identifies Ie ms
o¥ ? MM ! re : A telegram sen
GUARANTEED? Many posh have asked, Wherever you see this ems fn
i: : : ns ens . blem — the symbol of the pres ° day night promis
fiow can a gasoline be guaranteed?” Ethyl is the mium fuel that gives the driver will do all in his
1 . 2.7. sq Te. corvili : with the presiden
or’ ;asoline that reaches you with iis qualiiy abso- of today everything that he de ing conditions of
3 . . sires in a gasoline — drive up ment in this cou
ORIGINAL PLAY lui :iy certified. Here is why: and fill up. AU state cover
gs = ? % grams by Mr. Hoc
Hl stagger Q . : 3 1 ing for their co-¢
you with its tenseness; with songs Sterling Ethyl is tested and approved by the Ethyl It is the logical The Governor
i T Ck propriations at t
you'll never forget; with a dra- Co “poration before it is dispensed to the publie, fo ° gasoline for sum= | legislature which
mafic sweep and an emotional i 5 | struction progran
fepth thet will hold you spell i de ermine that the rigid specifications required of mer-—-innumerable DabiG Dues
, ame xe f i apout $199 \
ound THERE'S NOTHING ELSE the basic fuel in this premium gasoline are present. * tests have proven A sum i
LIKE IT IN THE WORLD! | also appropriatec
Lo . . ) y I state welfare der
with As a result every user of ethyl gasoline—as in thatduetoitsgreat= | | | of $2,500,000 was
>lenn Tryor : er ev » ] construction at Pe
Sonn rye; &/ no other fuel — possess the assurance that every evenness of com- | lege and $1,000,000
Evelyn Brent f . ea 3 : ° armories.
na Kennedy b ga lon contains all the qualities of engine perform- bustion the engine | a
: : : : 3 . a : THREE PERS(
ance that can be refined into gasoline with the knowl- runs cooler—an im- | Carl Ragen of
i § tenced to three n
edge that its uniform standard never lowers. portantfactorinhot i when he pled g!
i ensburg to opera
weather. Use Ster= ] iy
(*) It is a matter of official record that when Sterling Gasoline was origi- - . - ¥ Jills a ih
mall: analyzed to meet the standards required of an ethyl gasoline, it was Ii i g liquor. is Wo
four to far exceed every specification — showing cenclus sively that Ster- ng Ethyl? : the costs Of Dros
fing Gasoline in its content is a real quality fucl. That gasoline is the body Sam Selfx idge
of the famous Sterling Ethyl. aded guilty to ch
§ liquor laws, was
and sentenced to
& H i BE B BE Rs 3 Bi 4 é@p ths to three yea:
a and Ed Reynolds,
2 . ship, convicted a
of criminal court
tuatory rape, was
costs and serve |
= years in jail.
% .
ow i Tr ” BS f