vestigation of one only what n would have ve endeavored . It was only t has twenty- mbria county lly successful 1g resident of and will bear yy the jurist’s om the ballot. regardless of » chances are, been for the ical effect the Barnhart now mbria County, that dignifies been made by » bench, to all ld rally them ,” He states | principles of United States ans obedience rmance of the alliance with ffice and per- to the strict u'll find that nt ———— directory Ce) RA RS VEAKNESS less, Getting Up irning or Itching n pains make you 5s, and worn out stex 48 hour test? stex today at any ) a 48 hour test. n't soon feel like ) well, with pains . today. Only 60c. eee HIN NT ture’s Great * lime, High OKE, VA. ELH HTHTH THT SHERIFF TE ————nw=—n_n Republican HH Homer C. George Merits the conndence of the voters of Cam= bria County. He has always done and will continue to do his duty. VOTE FOR HIM. HTH Primary Election Tuesday, September 17th, 1929 Se Ha 4 | oa THE PATTON COURIER EDWARD FLANAGAN Tdward James Flanagan, sr., aged 73 years, died of a complication of dis- eases at his residence at Hastings last midnight. His health had been impair- ed for the past several years. The deceased is survived by his wid- ow, Mrs. Mary (O'Day) Flanagan and one son, Edward J., jr., residing in Ak- ron, O. Mr. Flanagan was born in England and had lived in Hastings for the last seven years. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose at this place. Funeral services were held at 9 o'- clock Saturday morning in St. Ber- nard’s Catholic Church, with burial in belt | the church cemetery. £4 | LAST FEW YEARS SHOW UNUSUAL PROGRESS IN ROOFING Great strives forward in solution of the roofing problem have been made in | the last few years. No longer does the house owner have to roof with old i style inflammable materials, but with asbestos, slate or other fireproof roof- ings. Not only is this possible, but he may thus equip himself at a mod- erate expenditure. From earliest time man has sought for the shelter of a roof over his head From She [hatched roof of the jungle dweller, and the premistoric stone cover Feduction in the amount of rofing mat- | { permanent, and that is fire-safe should to the shingled security of the mod- ernhome represents a long span. Thr-| ough these years man has accumula-| ted a deal expenience by which he is, now beginning to profit. With the passing of the grass roof and the stone cave, man has, by vir-| tue of his experience, devised a num- ber of roofiing materials which give satisfactory service. Slate. tile and as- bestos shingles, are all typical of mod- ern construction. Asbestos, itself a rock, embodies all the permanence of those cave dwellings which still exist today. In the past, a roofing material which T™ a, erial necessary. A roof so covered possesses manifold | advantages quite obscure to the unin- | 'itiated. It is absolutely weather-tight, | | permanently durable, . fire-safe, and | | above all economical to a marked de- gree. It is indeed fortunate that with all these material advantages we have | not only a roof to please the pocket- book, but a roof to delight the eye. The broken line beauty achjeved through the hexagonal method of lay- ing is a pleasant departure from the | stiff, straight lined roof to which we are accustomed. To have a roof that is beautiful, that is durable, Shat Js | satisfy the most ridig requirements, To {have a roof of Hexagonal Asbestos Shingles is to have all of thjs, for- 666 is a Prescriptiou for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known SL a HE TURSDAY- EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17 AT 6 O'CLOCK Meet Me AT ED SOLOMON’S CONFECTIONERY any time, and help enjoy the refreshing flavor of a JUMBO ICE CREAM SODA. “You'll like it.” Tl ll M1 1 AA MA ——— MRE Hin i= Attended the Roxbury Borough Schools. Graduated from Indiana Normal—1895. Frank Barnhart worked in the mines, the farm. From his own earned wages he paid his way through school. Taught in Kernville; principal of Somerset and Horner-Street Schools. Graduated from Princeton—1902. Graduated from Dickinson Law School—1905. Dee of A. M. conferred by Dickinson College— Admitted to Cambria County Bar of Pennsylvania I ——— i —— was really durable, was more often] —— than not completely out of the finan- cial reach of the average home build- er. The Johns-Manville Corporation has developed, in the last few years, an asbestos shingle which is well with- in the possibilities of even the smallest ALTOONA BOOSTER homes. Constructed in a haxagonal shape MERCHANTS SAY: it provides for the elimination of waste . . x in laying. By the old methods, shing- Trade in Your Home Stores First, but Come to Booster les overlapped to such an extent that Stores for the Things Your Home Merchants Cannot Supply. the entire roof was covered with at least a double thickness of shingles. But with the Johns-Manville Hexa- zonal Shingle overlapping has been cut to a minmum, with a cor iSequent gr eat TUNE IN ON STATION W. F. B. G. FOR THE DINNER MUSICAL PROGRAM DEDICATED TO THE ALTOONA BOOSTER STORES’ = FALL STYLE SHOW li Altoona Booster Stores Will Hold Their Greatest FALL STYLE SHOW STARTING WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18 CONTINUING OVER THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY WINDOWS WILL BE UNVEILED TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17 AT 6 O'CLOCK YOU ARE INVITED To Attend this Important Event Which Will Be The Formal Display of New Fall Styles In Apparel and Other Requisites of all kinds for the Entire Family as well as in Funrnishings of all kinds for the Home Stocks in Booster Stores are complete and assortments are at their best, making this an ideal time to make selections of those things that your home merchants cannot supply. Come Tuesday Evening and Inspect the Window Displays. mills and on Come again on Wednesday and arrange to spend the entire day visiting and shopping in Booster Stores and enjoy the new goods that will be on display. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SUBURBAN DAY IN ALTOONA BOOSTER STORES Superior Saka of It will be combined next week with The Fall Style Show, making United States Federal Court ® |a double trade event for patrons of Booster Stores to take ad- i Mel pnifdon as a lawyer extends be- i vantage of. yond IT IS EASY own county; he hes tried oases in Allegheny County ndiana County ‘Westmoreland @learfield County Dauphin County Blair Count Somerset County i Bedford County th Lackawanna County , I! I United States Superior Court of Pennsylvania Supreme Court of Pennsylvania United States Federal Courts. Frank Barnhart is a member of the Cambria County Bar Association Pennsylvania State Bar Association American Bar Association ps He has had three months’ experience on the Common 1 Pleas Bench. fii BARNHART was a good | teacher. ill BARNHART is now a good and just Judge. i “Tominate BARNHART. He deserves your support 4 i | BARNHART CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. | | i li il | He has had an extensive practice in | BARNHART was a good and earnest student, BARNHART was a good and successful school BARNHART was a good and fearless lawyer. io TO PARK YOUR CAR IN ALTOONA Free Parking may be had in all streets in The Business District, with a time limit on some streets. | # |THE MUNICIPAL PARKING SPACE on 10th Avenue, between | 11th and 12th Streets, provides open parking where you may | park your car all day, under police protection, for only 15¢ i |ENCLOSED PARKING may be had at “The William F. Gable Co. Garage Rear of Eleventh Avenue Building. County District Court Fleck’s Penn Alto Garage, 1409 13th Avenue. BOOSTER STORES ARE OPENALLDAY THURSDAY Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. To 5:30 P. M. Saturday To 9 P. M. ALTOONA BOOSTER ASSOCIATION and honest working man. STRAND. THEATRE, Altoona, Pa. Week Starting Saturday, September 14 ‘FAST LIFE” Deaths Fairbanks Jr. 3 VITAPHONE Acts—Pathe Sound News 0 === Ea