THE PATTON COURIER : men in all parts of the state, and | 3 . , | INROTT TH PAT COURIER ELLE | A Bungalow That Offers Every Comfort EO rn ist VT : EA Et I'he enlarged corps of volunteer fox Published Every Thursday. lest fire wardens now includes 4,200 late of the Borough of Patton, Cam- late of the Town bria county, Pennsylvania, deceased. ——— -==| particularly in sections where forest Thos. A Owens, Editor & Prop. | fires are commonest and most destruc- Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary in the Estate of the ab- E. F. Bradley, Associate Editor |tive. “Special credit is due these vol- ove name decedent have been granted —-. | unteer wardens” Chief Warden Wirt to the undersigned. All persons indebt- eke ed to the said estate are requested to & bn make payment, and those having de- dub aims or County, Pennsyl Notice is here Testamentary above named Entered im the Post Office at Patton. Pa. | said, “who, often at personal sacrifice, as Second Class Mail Mutter. | so faithfully perform their duties on Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in Ad-| behalf of the commonwealth more and vance. Single Copies 5 Cents. more citizens to participate in forest i k ; Et SSalres j mands or claims against the same will Phos RATE CARD—Le N - protection measures uo y i c . oe hu ! Xe thom inh, or fraction theca iia bil ; One ponent persia fares! firs # | make then kniown without delay 12 | is a Prescriptiou for ii make them ard o hanks, 50c; Business Locals 100 | fighting tools of the type developer | ¥ I HR , ~ a vu: s Sant pe lind Business Cards, $10.00 per year; | after years of experience in Pennsyl- | { HELEN CHRISTOFTF, Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, GEORGE hin on 95 pe Js ng ae oyl Mon/ Pull vania, and selected as one of the mc 3 i JULIA CHRISTOFTF, Bilious Fever and Malaria. ANSLE $1.00. Cash must accompany all orders for control by the department, are be | Executors. | It is the most speedy remedy a forelgn advertising. All Advertising copy | distributed. Three hundrea :napsack i ' Charles Hasson, Ebensburg, Pa. ROowT: ’ . | Hasti | { | Attorney for Estate must reach this office by noon Wednesday spray tanks have also been ordered y 3 \ Reuel Somerville, 2 insure insertion. Unsigned correspon- tie RPA rine the. SHH he ke! : - nce will be ignored at all times. for active service during the approach iW i E : 5 pre eo———— tinen resem | 103 $011 SER50T. TY Ws west i | : # | ¥ 5 2 Tm a Attorne FORESTRY VORCES PRE. |, 8,507 Sijook tower Will bo arerieet | Hi EE nae wigan ER EON i I IH pI Ebensburg He SEALED BIDS so a. m., Wednesday, = ed bids will r THE NEW FORD. | = PARE FOR FALL SEASON |the dual purpose of providing protec } om — tion to this $650,000 forest and to ad- gd ii Spurred on by an exceptional spring | Jacent regions, as well as affordine A forest fire season just closed, wir tourist and travelers exceptional scenic i ing which previous low records low re- | views of this mountain region. In ad- cords in forest fire damage and ef- dition to the usual closed cabin on top fective fire extinction were broken, the of all towers, the Cook forest tower department of forests and waters is iS equipped with a series of special already laying plans to meet the usual | Observation platforms with ample gu- fall season with greater determination ard rails and protective features. The Ae a mt 4% yr GE nl OM ¢ © me ~ 4 : | = a | J a than ever, Chief Forest Fire Warden COok tower is the eleventh tower add- — ~=Y oLENe = George H. Wirt said recently. ed in the last two years to the state- a BROWN Special attention is being given to|Wide system of 115 eowers. more than 800 miles of telephone lines | ST vihortbaad” = rw A v—tsceecmeant Ee which are an important link in con- Shorthan THE WAWBEEK— efficient instruments in forest fire | The origin of brief writing, or VAWBERK-DESION A628 necting the commonwealth’s system of | “shorthand,” is clouded in mystery. No OMPACTLY arranged this lit- 1 fe == 15 Sowers with headquarters of for- | authentic record exists establishing tle bungalow is unusual both i . esters, rangers and fire wardens. Six-| .o ;etical use much before the first in design and its exceptional ll ty-nine miles of telephone lines in the 3 ne il sanionce ‘hil 1di He. Hsi Delaware state forest, Pike and Monroe | century B. OC. From that period unti convenience, W hile adding attrac- m SLEEPING PORCH: BED-R OM: counties, which have just been entire about 300 A. D. the art flourished tiveness as the final touch to its 1-0'X14-6" 15'-10/'XI0-2 ly rebuilt, connecting four ranger tow-| throughout the Roman empire. The desirability. Features which will Ul L/- ers with Stroudsburg area, are an ex- | secretary and librarian of Cicero. instantly appeal are the oper ; i =m ry co ample of the work that is being done | Marcus Tullius Tiro, was the pioneer grates in both living and dining N I LOS pa in other forest districts. There are 117| of Roman shorthand. The chief use rooms. There are few innovations 0 } 5 closf CLoS: . i wardens in the Delaware district| of shorthand in Roman times was in any home that eventually win oy NEW FORD COUPE—$550. Plus charge for freight anne. ii £ state tofest teloni | made by the leaders in the church and one to the degree that a log fire -BED-RDOM: and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire, extra.) ,Oonnection of state forest telsphone| flicials. Church digni- does in the cool evenings of late fil 10-10"xj1040" lines from remote forest regions, with by Sovernieni 2 s 3 SG { spring or early autumn. In other | | -BED-ROOM- established commercial lines, gives as- | taries w ho made conspicuous use o Sr, cary auwamn. HAL Uf EE, The New Ford is a great car to drive because of the surance of immediate reports to the | shorthand were St. Augustine, Origen respects the plan is most attrac- 10-10°X 12-6 : . gE i nnn | an0 8. Teromo. A the Rowan om tive. The open porch bei become | a AL way it holds the road even at high speeds. of Forest Protection—who are prepared | perors employed shorthand secretaries. a retreat of delightfu privacy A | FarkcLos - y By as, a: . ; inf oravity -| Several emperors attempted to learn it once the foliage of the clambering as = oRESse w Poa This roadability is due to the low center of gravity, | rr vines cover the Taice work an ; f id : the semi-eliptic transverse springs, the Houdaille hydraul- TT its size insures comfort for the 0 — BUFFE i io of WW uae SISSY | i Thaskiyl for That I w= e = ic two-way shock absorbers and the low ratio of unsprung 4 MN ittle girl who disliked milk pud- : 2 lami, “| | poRCH: : ‘ ),~ His eS | dings ot ale 1 Bh her rangement is excellent, all the Ik i weight to sprung weight. AM | 3 . ie . A . is 3 ind v RS PO N | s ie hla sleeping rooms having ample light- LIVING-ROOM DINING ROOM: 4 : . 7... NEW VJ - PAPER 5 { posYon before leaving the table. So ventilation, and the bath 20-0'X 12-10" 13HOPRIZ-10" 9-41-10" . Come in and arrange for a demonstration. You'll > mishes he WNU. Yai | a ay JL 201 down: she asked, being most conveniently placed. : find this readability feature of the New Ford as outstand- Ww 450 Sepvice $B | Wien you've suid your grace” noa- The enclosed sleeping porch in the 7 7 : ing as its beauty, speed, comfort, safety, reliability and A QELS | en ne ts rear is sufficiently large for two es is : | economy. $Cub Cor: yy a 980 Ler pone, to give than beds if desired. The bungalow is =m i ¥ : 3 y g to give thanks built of common brick and it should STOOP: Perfect balance is a great thing in a motor car RIE for,” answered the child. be easily within the reach of the V gre 8 £ Y lh eeinceemermesea———— = average man in any locality. The Common Brick Manufacturers’ Association, Cleveland, Ohio, can furnish complete drawings for this design. Leaflet en brick construction sent upon request. “Then ydu’d better stay there.” This was too much for the little girl, and putting her hands together she murmured: meen 5 TT “For what 1 have received I'm truly “EDUCATION”—BY means can do it, to serve as the abode ( ing, going on from degree of perfection grateful, and I thank heaven I wasn’t ’ ? t and handmaid of a healthy and sound | to another, coming nearer in everything 5 $8.70 ALL ADVERTISERS 2 NEV IMONTH > Releases Has LJ TTT EDSTILTL MOTOR CO. PATTON, PA. i er . dl % sick.”—Weekly Scotsman. JOHN CONNELLY | 1; g i ) i i Ey i ni I : rome mm —— ee en on mind. The food and drink Hat are | at eos ait nentortomm or STI W One of the most important results of | €rcise, the imperative necessity for pure —————————————————————— - —. : air, pure water and pure nourishment, Te HAVE a good education is the fact that it ex-| . «sr 1eanlines in skin and raiment, s a cites in us the desire, and at the same | the value of temperance in all things ), time gives us the power, of instructing |and the folly of overtaxing the animal others. It is only by diligent and care- Jone, Spe by Dag Fil tering Yi modic dashes of wor exercise, ar { ful lewrhing thei a person Becomes a few simple matters that should be Than Ever qualified to teach. He can teach noth- engrained in the mind and practice of - * . An Old Favorite inza SPECIFIC. NEW PIS1 MOTOR W RN ing that he has not mastered himself. | men which are worthy of great and It has been remarked with great truth | continued effort. that a very reliable test of a man’s Good mental habits constitute a knowledge of a subject is his ability | branch of the results of education that to teach it. Still, with all his knowledge | are to often looked upon as an almost he will find himself but an unsuccess- | exclusive aim. Among the chief results ful teacher if he has not specially stu- |to be attained by a general education died the theory and principles upon|are: a general spirit of intelligence; which education must be used. a fair knowledge of God’s works in the For the purpose, then, of discovering | animal, vegetable and mineral worlds the results at which we snou:e aim in|as taught by the leading departments ew 0 rm our efforts to teach others, let us im- | of science and art; a ready and accur- agine a state of things where crime |ate memory, a well baranced judgment intemperence, poverty, disease, selfish-|and some amount of taste, a greater ness, ignorance, and all the evils which | or less degree of development of the afflict mankind, would be reduced to [aesthetic feelings so that the beauti- a minimum; where both divine and hu- | ful in nature, in musie, in painting and man laws would be respected and obey- | elsewhere may obtain appreciation and ed; and where the golden maxim, “Do | impart delight. ye unto others as ye would that they | The notion ,unfortunately very pre- should do unto you,” would be the gen- | yalent, that education extends over on- eral rule of conduct instead of the|ly a very small part of our lives and is rare exception. What knowledge, what | then finished and done with forever, qualities, what habits are requesite in| is a most erroneous and mischievous man, under the blessings of the Divine | one and should be at once discarded. Giver of every good and perfect gift, | Its place should be taken by the cor- PRICF PAT CR [Have you tried the new Penn Cress Ice Cream in the Pint Package? SEER ERE] We fill each Pint Package with just one flavor—fresh, juicy berries; meaty, mel- low nuts; ripe, crushed fruits or pure ‘natural flavors. Now you can buy those vou like best and make your own favor- tite flavor combinations. to the attainment of this state of | rect one, that education begins at our things? | birth and ends only at the grave. May In connection with the bodily frame, | we not venture to believe that it does we should seek to inculcate the laws of not cease even then, but that it will be nature whereby a sound and healthy [carried on in the future state as well; body may be secured, so far as human | that here we shall be continually learn- Just taste the new Penn Cress Ice Cream and see how much richer, cream-' (ier and more luscious it is than ever) before! The youngsters will relish’ ’ this’ . ——— A I new food confection, too.” ' . i i ! Be sure to get the new. Penn: 2, CressiIce ; J Edward ’ Cream today in the Pint Package a at we i : Stevens { neighborhood store. { FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER $ Phoxa Office and Residence CAREOLLTOWN PENNS H { = ; : 3 | 0 | | \ : No other car in the world in the mod- and security. And a host of other fea- | s erate-price class can match such thrill- tures wins your admiration. That d A ing performance —10 to 60 miles per Fisher bodies expressing the best lat de I Bs Cross the street... around Y 6 5 hour in 31 seconds, in high. modern taste. An exclusive non-glare US are neslio windshield. Exclusive new upholstery, TO Buick alone could achieve such ; proof against water, dust and wear. ualities of d d stam- 2 : $1 035 Qualities Speed, Powss and sam : Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock ina in a car so moderate in cost. ; absorbers—and big Duo-Servo All prices {. o.b. In every phase of performance, enclosed brakes. Buick _ Factory, Marquette is entirely unmatched in its Marquette is cor plete with all the fine ory ways within easy reach. oe Tin Ma field! Amarvelousflow of powersends car characteristics. Yet the libera’s Consider the deliv- . : ered price as well as you flying up the steepest grades in G, M. A. C. terms make ownirig high gear. You canride at oor70 a Marquette very convenient and - the list price when eomparing automo- 4 . TES 8 EPHON E le values. with a wonderful feeling of plcc-ure economical. See it. Drive ittc day. ‘ o BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MicHIcAN , for a brill: not think of the corner... or a thousand wth a budge miles away... friends are al- prised how 3 to save more TH CAPITA SURPLU TOTAL Ge-. E. Pri ville, Jame Canadian Factories Division «f Ge niral Moters Euitiais of Mclaughlin-Buick, Oshawa, Ont. Corpoiction Luick anu hciuuciie Hloter Cars PATTON AUTO COMPANY PATTON, PENNA. When Better Automobiles Are Built ... Buick Will Build Them Brown, Ca: A CETERA REALE A EEE AE ER EE A GH EE EE EEE ES En | I eam 7 | ICE-CREAM “me San | Leena | Who’s Who? Look in the Telephone Directory