The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 20, 1929, Image 7

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wy Sar Mason vem on to explain, | PLANK STEAK FOR STUFFING AND ROLLING | Laymen Not Doing Their Full Duty i in the Work
‘. VN of the Church 'y
Little ors in i
sounded rather as if you weren't well,
so I came straight home,”
Lillian was a little at loss to know
Just what to do next, so Frank helped 8
. .
By LEON C. PALMER, Secretary Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Americana 5
»] &
cut the situation by asking Mason & oO &
- about some stock, They discussed it HE 1 : 2 x
; Vv (WIS LS , 7 laymen of the church today constitute our greatest undevel- | % he
for a few minutes and Lillian sat » y tute our greates ulice 3 By LESTER B. COLBY @
down on the divan, her hat and coat re 0 a eaitedii ei odSedtaieity aided iete
111 Episcopalians a whole year to bring one person into the . xe
What Came of Whittling
EY TERRY was considered worth-
less—utterly. Some of neigh-
| oped resources, They are not working as they should. It takes
(¢ IGHT the place up, Annabell,” still on,
¢ er, “We certainl ad ¢ < Oscs 1 i isti i :
said Mrs, Tucker, as the e certainly had a joke on Oscar church if latest statistics are correct. Ninety per cent of the
maid let her into the apart- | this afternoon at the office,” Mason
ment. “And take this,” Mrs, | remarked.
church work is done as a rule by 10 per cent of the members. Our real
Tucker handing the maid one small “You have a lot of jokes on Oscar, | problem is employing the unemployed, getting idle Christians and nom- | bors intimated that he was daft. A
packag Fults a ‘ter ’ don’t you?” Frank asked. : , ya: . ' ois ge sw advised his o wife 5g
package, the frults of an afternoons t You?® Frank asled { inal members to accept personal responsibility for definite Christian | feW advised his young wife to leave
shopping. “But this one was rich. He seems
“I must be very tiresome shopping | to have received a rather incriminat-
in the rain,” Annabell ventured ing note and his wife got hold of it.”
Fe “But I love shopping! Was there “What was it?” from Frank and Lil-
2 oC any mail?” lian together.
“Yes, ma'am, a catalogue and some- “Some darn show on at the Circle. A flank steak is one of the best fla-
Urs thing that looks like an invitation,” | They have taken a rather unique but | YOred pieces of beef, but it requires |
y Annabell answered, handing over the | dangerous way of advertising it. They | S10W, car Bl eating: aud 718 dong
him, and she finally came ¢° a mind
to do'so. She went home on ong vis-
| service,
One of the Best Flavored Pieces of Beef.
Thousands of Christians today have a merely negative rel | its to her people, bec: there was
or food in Eli Terry's house.
‘reparec b the nite State « r BT > Oo D f on » i 3 | 3 3 y m ~ , hi m
(Prepared by tI Jnited stares Department Sa fhe geal i Bo sie | futile piety. They are good, but good for nothing. They are noner
meat will be cut across the grain, |
Sear in a small quantity of fat in a
heavy skillet or baking on top of
the stove, and turn the meat frequent-
ly until it is browned on all sides.
Slip a rack under the meat in the | & few overworked nurses. Many rectors are kept so busy nursing the
pan, cover closely, and cook in a mod- | gick Christians that they
erate oven (3350 degrees Fahrenheit) |
for one and one-half hours, or until
Folk who lived in Waterbury, Conn.,
considered Eli Terry
account because he spent all his time
ties so far as definite service to the church is concerned. We join in
s and no-
the great martial hymns, “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” “Ye
: . N sy “jis . hittling, Id 16 A
Soldiers of the Cross,” etc., but too often it is not a church army going | Whittling, All day he whi
| of working, He got old, dri
| and planed it down to
{ Then he would take a c«
| make drawings on it.
Peculiar wheels and levers with
| { [ notches came out of the wood. But
esis | tender. When the meat is done re- | Our churchmen are inclined to say, “Let George do it,” George be- |
| |
muscle fibers should be carved across
catalogue and a square white en- | Wrote a lot of notes about ‘*Meet me : : . imber
velope. at Main and Garden,” and signed | the grain. It is an economical cut,
“I wonder who can be giving a “Del.” That's the Circle address, | for there is no bone or other waste
party?’ Mrs. Tucker mused as sho though there's a drug store right on | material. Flank steak is especially
opened the envelope. She read the | the corner, which helped out the a to stufling and rolling. Any
note, looked surprised and puzzled and | Story.” preferred stufiing may be used. The
who think they hava forth to battle but like a hospital with a I:
e only an acid condi-
be corrected in five
An effective anti-acid
k of Magnesia soon
» number of patients and
ass and
ve no time left for going out into the high-
: . ¢ :
ways and hedges to constrain others to come in.
n to normal. : : : re fo] > SPOT fog ;
way with all that then grabbed for the envelope. She “What a stupid way to advertise!” bureay or hom: SonnomIcY Su there was no money in all this and
away itn ai ¢ % id ras Trank’s one made in this way: Hal qupful . : > ; ;
as , saw { ras « POSSE “ was Frank’s comment. . uf cuptu ove fron ire | sonnve: a.) r . rs. Terrv soured : OTS >
right after meals It that it was addressed to *Mr. Dencenls er it,” M of chopped celery and a medium-sized | CoC from the fite and prepare a | ing the rector. We have looked upon ours clergy as men whom we have | Mrs. Terry soured. Nei PS. wele
Mason Tucker.” Then she read the Deucedly clever, 1 call it,” Mason ¥ : Iles | ! critical and the gossip grew. TI
ress so apt to occur
{ gravy. Drain off the fat, and for each |
d and
eating. What |
pay to do our rel
the | onion, minced, are cooked in two ta-
note ay | cupful of
avy desired, measure two
in. Yes, it said plainly, | replied. “Oscar's wife gave him day Eli Terry put all his
¢ : +i rl1O8 ARN: SON} ’ blespoonful f butter or of ‘in- : . T .
to Lake! “Meet me at Main and Garden, Tues- | devil, I guess. But any sensible wom- Hin I - fil ot ie r beef ap tablesoonfuls of fat and return to the | 1 apher or file clerk, a policem in Or jani gether and he had wi
ahi nt = , Tn + ‘ , ave re a Q NZS ang en combined wit > § | | : . i 1
day at 8:15, Del.” Seeing the strained | an would have known there was a dnotalt cunial i : K . ’ ) one ny | pan. Add one and one to two ta- | urch is not growing as it should. TI s to practically | It was a good working clocl
x y . rateh int x > Ap r ’ } me-he cuptuls of stale brea 1rumbs i } A bo Le dll Fs : .
look on Mrs. Tucker's face, Annabell catch in it, some place. Wouldn't she, hein Pp 13 o he ) : dor ! a blespoonfuls of flour to s fat and | a Latest statleli . ; : : as { impressive—and it kept go “
y : : Pe ww 2? i113 | one teaspoont oT sal a 2-0 : ' { 11'1 ¢ bodies, Atest statistics show that nearly ne-third of ne : } 3
f ventured to inquire if it were bad [ honey? to Lillian, te: rie f : + 200 one-eighth | oir until well blended 1 slightly : ue : : | bor, who had wealth, bought
i a hats ili aq fl sro 1 T- 3 1 0 epper. | . : $ x 3 41 yy ronct Pre tant had HAY 2 : .
ia neutralizes news, but Mrs. Tucker merely stared Lillian was fluste red, due to sur- | Wine the « Dl Tits ot i browned. Then add or ipful of cold ( the four Il: st Prol bodies reported r or Uiirts ws. That
reid into space and then commanded An- | Prise, happiness and some remorse, | "i vi e meat with a damp cloth, watolr oc mk ands re the last Lav et 4 | » was plenty « / n Eli
( . ‘ “\o . Ine 1 y ¢ wp» the fen Bo ate "milk and nt smooth. 1 ne St y I¢ n { Ko is
bv 3001 nabell to get the directory and see if | but she manag ed to answer, “Yes, any | Spread the stuffing over the steak. Be- | 7 I 3 . | and his wife
rty meal, : ig ginning on one side of it, roll the steak | Season with salt and pper. Serve | the greatest need of th hurch as a solutio or this s ( | Bh :
on the least dis- there were not another Mr. Mason | Sensible woman.” ii oh Ye Lh i Bt > BY = - : : : { him. All of the thirty do
or ie least di Th cke “By the way,” Mason wanted to | up like a jelly roll, and tie securely in | the stuffed steak with browned pota- Sm ———————————————————— | did not go for fo
™ Y ts t y NEV olin at several places with clean string. Be | toes ibd Bd Ph
The result of Anaabell’s search | Know, “were you going out. Hat and | 2. 3 1 . \ NX 13a ) Wit] nt a part of it for tools. He
fd al ses | 3 xr Q dA 3 0 one Of nt a par £1] { . He |
showed only one Mason Tucker. Ap- | €0at and everything? ——e —— er ii — County y AUS t Be Ar oused to C MC With the tools and he had work for tools to do.
parently it was true that note was Frank again came to the rescue . { 3 0 Oe 70 a] 3 | The next time he made a wheel he
Written to. Tuck, er Tuck, Tt made | Bobly. “We were going out to get a | AIRY SUN SUITS | FRUIT PUNCH IS Menace of Organized Crime | wots? tater werteve. wiedls fist
her just sick, but not too sick to think. | Pite, since you had phoned that you FOR YOUNG GIRLS | ALWAYS DE LICI ous -—— : |
“Annabell,” she asked casually, “do | Would not be here. But I guess you a By JUDGE GILBERT, Geor; I \
you happen to remember what build- | two have a little party of your own - tn ty
ings on the corner of Main and | On tonight a 3 poor ams like me | Cpetonne or Print Will Have | Appropriate for Community Oreanized crime is the bicwest business in America. a 5 s te
arden?” must seek the lonely club . 7 2 : By : :
“Well, there's the hank and the post While she called goodby to Frank, All Health Essentials. Party of Any Kind. country annually $16,000,000,000—more than enough to j
t 's two corners. Then that Lillian hurriedly tucked the crumpled x . re Pret een nol America lent European nations during t World war [he
store and a drug store, . . ,» | pote in her desk ont of ¢ ght at | (Prspares > irs . ti Ta y on Pry * m f ins 3 of « i \ 1-
Mason shu 'd. Her hus- turned to fairly beam upon her Tuck. Ready for a morning on the heach A good s S ent +i 1 : i nd Ds
Tuck, meet a woman at — —or at the sand pile in the back yard | for serving be | © ’ iy oL 2 3 8 : : h
. of all places! And they | Cachalot Only Whale tle girls, dressed in | made in the ) ns, a 1 ( and embezzlement, ¢ t ( 1d
six months! It was just . . tl uits of cretonne and which are u of an y nal ¢ larces Te
100 much. She buried her face id That Yields Ambergris ] all Td hence oy of i} home econo kK or h : : clock parts by machinery.
pillows on the divan and began to The greatest of the toothed whales | health-g -violet rays of sun- | punch of some sort is eded at em y.1 3 ; 2 inent citi
cry. She was so overwhelmed by her is the sperm whale or cachalot, w : | sl ine on a portion of “the ir skin the “strawberry festiv ( sociable a means of gi nn S ( L S mod nn. reed to
own misery that she did not hear the | attains a length of more than 60 feet, | surface. | given by « ch or cor organi- | ern Amel ; to wrified bv public' opinion enlichtened by was formed.
doorbell or hear the maid announce | OT according to some statements, a8 | gun paths should be given to all well | zations at this time « r. Straw- . arted to make clocks
he Resort . Mr. Tison. Buen Be Rk a and strafeht blunt | children to keep them well and to berry punch would al ropri- | RH 1 bel is ¢ ; ; dai ta | This was the largest b
ein. td treat the pols Frank Tison, an old friend of both or a ny this Shale aig ant | many sick children to help malke the m | ate for a wedding or ai t of party. : feds a A Of 1 0 al 9 a 1 ne and 1n ceurts, | that up ad eve
oe Rete Tie the Tuckers, breezed into the room ee > % 3S ihe x et bots Seal | well. When the weather permits and Some time before m e punch | and the automobile, a necessity in modern lif | at one the 1
cow nn. Sle? with his usual enthusiasm, but stopped ic De DS o foe ER slice | the sun is not too hot, arrange for the | the ingredients should e thorough- | 4, 1g os. sifice ib aftords the world. : ;
oo to lenve the pool: abruptly when he saw ian in tears. . : on DY oe. TE i SS och youngster to be out doors in the sun- | Jy chilled. The sweetening should al- 0 at Voie nas Improvem nts followed,
Yortharbier (Bering. “Stormy weather we're having to- a ty : Bostane : . bh i en bm | shine as much as possible. Most mod- | ways be in the form « sirup made hon ea system Ww drivers maj | production was undertaker
day,” was his greeting. Che Jaw 8 so overhung by the great | ,., children who are well can take | from the sugar and pa the water | trolled. were speeded up and Eli
i > Lillian made a desperate effort to | head that, like a shark, it has to t ; their sun baths as part of their called for. It is bett ) keep the | Some of the efforts necessary to check came the H ; Ford of
DISCOVERY hide her tears and appear casual but | OVer on its back to bite, . Its food, like | 1oviime. Of course, these little punch cold in a pan racked ice Se mr oe ne ee maki 0 overnight. Wealth
wo it was no use. She was so miserable | Several of the other toothed whales, | ,ve been accustomed very gradually | than to put a large lump of ice in it, | WOU methods of prevention by rer poured But bis period as an active
S AX MICE and Frank was such a good friend. consists mainly of cuttlefish, and sev- | as that gradually dil the punch apprehension of criminals, especially clock mak er
3 “Frank,” she began, “You've been my eral gigantic species of the latter are | and spoils the flavor. reau of criminal identific on: practical application of doctrine of Chor Hoadley,
workers trained in his plant, pur-
in 1810 and Ter-
ih L F friend since I can remember and | OblY known from their half-digested | Fruit Punct 1 ial x 111 : 1 : Y vol :
itd oh | pe os nl remains found within the stomach of | | Pui unch, speedy trials; co-operation with agencies for reclamation and reform of | chased the
youre. a friend of Tucks. . . : Yo os 8% tops
vestock, Pouitry, “J. Franklin Tison, man about town, the whale. he oil (PLIERS : | [11 y Yicuns ex-convicts; aid through laymen, in the church and ou giving the | ry retired. lth was mostly
- : ari Pil sal hg Jesides the ‘hich is *h more i 6 ot i . es . sstad in n 1 oF
even Baby Chicks at your service,” Frank said, bowing 1 exis the oil (which is much mor { er] ¢ veneral. public realization of the terrible: menace Tow reinvested in clock-making its and
ceremoniously. valuable than that of any other y 2 ded pineapp : a 5 : . : plant : kind sprang up
“I need it, Frank. Look at this.” | Whales) and spermaceti, the sperm $ ATS oly TIS or Dore = thick in ticut.
She hi : ie hot. address whale yields the very curious product made strong tea of Y a ane rventua e wood elk craze
| She handed him the note addressed to > a Es | Font ire ¥ Si tho Stres sing * Need of Eternal Things Draw S Soul E nt e wooden ck « >
{ Tuck and signed Del. “Oh, Frank, | Known as ambergris. lis is a con- | | Joi] .the sugar water gether | i died out. ] made of
s which insures r > : y os wreti » intestines, is ally | to make : i <i nd chill Y ¢ + 1
filled 578 rats at Arkansas I'm so miserable, what'll I ever do?” cretion of the intestines, is usually 0 make a he: J sirup, and chil, Lut Near 10 Dang er Line al possible.
eds of other testimonials, “You might give Tuck a chance to | intermixed with cuttlefish beaks, and the large berries in thirds or halves { down. The wooden
ey-Back he orga explain,” Frank suggested. is probably a product of the digested | and crush the remainder. Scrub the 3y DR. HALVORD E. LUCCOCK, Yale Divinity School But not the clock
1s t! rigin 3 te ANCOR] & lomo: a tom 7 . AL 4. LU K, Yale Divinity School. { wn 4 3 :
as “How can he explain? It's as clear | cuttlefish. | oranges and lemons, and after the Yo : Heo : Perry had fathered in
Large size (four "times ag as day to me!” It is one of the most costly articles | juice is extracted, cover the skins with | Connecticut
Co, Springfield, “well, he'll be here in a little while | in commerce. It has but little per- | water, let them n hour or 1 ie chiel with America today i ot so much cc rcial- | por more than a hundred years Con-
= z TYRE P ito y iQ onetiti- oor an , x hic liaui See a, 1 : 1 1 : | : 1 Ya # :
k Ct and you can find out something, per- | fume of its own, but it is a constitu- | longer, and then | this liquid | jsm and mat > remarks of foreign lecturers and writers, | necticut has made more clocks in
n i » QCe 3, for it seems | ‘ ‘ it 1 nice Or in 0 . 1 : ATA
2s a nance haps,” was Frank’s next suggestion. ent of all the finer scents, for it seems | and add it to the Juice. Combine but externalism—the habit of thinking too much of the outside world and | more factories than were made in any
ke no chane “Ive planned a special dinner. It’s | to have some curious property of | all the ingredients and add chopped | ~~ ~~ UT a * os i rE NE lar spot anywhere on the face of
e what's let our anniversary nicht. We've been | blending and improving the perfumes | ice until thoroug d. Just before not enough American feeling of reverenc he earth. There must have beer some
Boston Tran married just six months. But you'll | With whieh it is mixed. Now and then serving add the A aris, and if the | {for ] ¢ | pride, too, in the hearts of old Eli
re Lak. see he won't come.” large masses of it have been found ast punch is too stro 1d ice water in The first lesson of Jesus in the curriculum of life is to keep f | Terry and old Seth Tho Eli
: You can take a As if to bear out her words, the | ashore or floating in the ocean.—From | small quantities it is the flavor 1 , Sh p : 1 : { founded a city which he called Ter-
ch girden weeds 19 phone rang just then, and when Lil- | “Science of the Sea,” by D'Arcy Went | | desired. This n about five gal- g smothered in a multitude of external things. Do not let the | ryville and Seth founded another
lian turned from answering it she was | worth Thompson. lons of punch. be crowded out by over-emphasis on the life about us. | which he named Thomaston
— ‘ an ro ince et cern. op ys | [ 3 i \ hiten
pale and trembling. | Life seems, has become a parade down a vast street of br intly | Ell died in 1852, his whitened
Ri 1 : a %3 : . S . | by his eighty His fam Jor
Peanut Butter Biscuit { lighted show-windows filled with thousands of articles, each crying out BF is 3 Bi )
Le | the next half century, thrived on the
Delicious at Any Meal | their necessit y to our happiness, and ready to spring at us. How can we
gags “Just as I thought,” she explained Rattler’s Deadly Enemy
a ranle. ve AR + iBoaR .
Ti to Pronk, “he sass he has a business In the snake country of the southern
gold that old Eli had laid away. When
Whether you ser: hem for break- | even aj proximate what used to be called the simple life wher nparently he died, Eli Terry and his sons con-
engagement, to meet several men at part of the United States, the king
fast, luncheon, aft on tea, or eve- : trolled about all the wealth Ter
| § : the club. I suppose he thinks I'll sit | snake is given some degree of protec- oo Foi ] | even approximate what usc e cal ie simpl vhen apparent]
! here and sew a fine seam while he i quse it is ature y as . afte : ; i Fl .
{ ion, because it is the natural enemy § , a { { 50 : A . 1: ; :
i Seth is afocnd With sme “Dl per) Hom Jom t ER Play i i ine refresher rvbodv will be | there is such an increase in the number of things we must have to get
i as ¢ some I of the rattler. The rattlesnake is ex- Ready to Play in the Sunshine. ning refreshments, everybody will be ? t
ville. "But latterly, the Terrys have
son, Well, I guess hot, Frank, will | tremely poisonous, but the king snake 16 vlavine in the direct sunshine. Shave | oC 10 like these peanut butter bis- | along? How can we maintain an inner light in this constant parade? | gone—like their wooden clocks. Van-
ine Lvdla E. Pink. you call a cab for me? oF has no poison fangs. Yet this does | ' P Baym 36 dirout sang ne, ; Jor cuits, provided you have “it"—which, { We are not only urged to buy, but our pride and vanity | ished. There are no more rrys in
ng Ly Not until you tell me where you | not seem to be any handicap, for a | periods of sunning were given at first, | jy pigcuit mak means a light touch | or in 3 : | Terryville.
table Compound are going.” king snake has only to see a rattler | AP the garments worn exposed a less | 4ng op instinct for managing the oven | to and our.enyy Is aroused in the modern advertisements which (©. 1929, Lester B. Colby.)
re “Going? Home to mother, of course. | 1 at once attack. Its quickness is | oor y 5 cf the bods, Pog the just right. The bureau of home econ- | to get ahead of our fellows, to own something better than our neighbors. = em
Sa or cil] 1 hope 1 never see Mason Tucker | gych that it almost invariably avoids | firs on fhe amonnt gn oe - omics says to bake in 2 “quick oven,” | Pride and envy and all things that are in deadly opposition to it | Stoves Brought Here
Ly a B In {he again. : the deadly fangs of its prey, then, | A meaning at an oven nperature from | it Tokts Soo be ihe Bas 0 al There is a dane NLT nlc 3 | b h E 1 D t h
Vegetable Cc Frank ordered the cab but it was | wrapping its coils around the other | quired. 450 degrees Fahrenlicit to 500 degrees | of Jesus seem to be the basis of it all. There is a danger to our souls in | y the karly Dulc!
poand dia I plain he did not approve of giving just behind the head, slowly squeezes | Almost any well Sing Copier Fahrenheit. | putting too much stress on 1 the clutter of outside things. Fortify your- : Stoves are supposed to have been
could o walk Tuck no chance to explain. But he It to death, and afterward swallows it. | Tomper pattern can be moc ited for | fits pentat butter tsp. salt | self against an inner emptiness with an outer fullness. Have something | introduced into Colonic a by
a kept this to himself and after helping | use in cutting sun suits, says the bu- | 5 40 “soy ups flour | 1 p I 21 the Pennsyl Dut earli-
tin ’ Lillian into her coat, the two of them | reau of home economics of the United | 4 tsp. baking pow- 1k { inside yours If to show to God. | est were of 18
wel A friend in- waited in silence for the cab. Rapidity of Dreams | States Department of Agriculture. der | | ticularly odd one used [
duced me to take Aillia vas sick and angry. She Scientists have conducted various | (The bureau does not distribute pat- Sift the dry ingre ts and rub the | i . SL, 3 . o | was of si metal, It 3
the Vegetable Com- Ha ok i hi ys Ra experiments to demonstrate the rapid- | terns.) As a beginning it is well to | fat and peanut bu into the flour | Fads mn Medicin > and Billboard Adver tising Ce ¢ 111 like.a b hree sides wi v
pound. Since that seemed to love her. She had thought | ity with which a dream takes place. | select a pattern conforming as closely | with the tips of the fingers. Make a for Conde ation | the church; the fourth with the stove
fine rr “E she was the only woman in his life, [In one particular instance the |as possible to the sun suit desired. | well in this dry mi e and, stirring | 01 ~ondemnation | door was outside, which made it pos-
Pinkh am’s Herb as he was the only man ir hers. Mey | sprinkling of a few drops of water on | In the picture one little girl is wear- | from the center, ad! slowly enough | —_—_—— {
Medicine and the had lived here so happily. She looked | @ man's face caused a dream in which | ing a sun suit made to match romper, | milk to make a soft dough. On a | By DR. RIDGE, President Missouri State Medical Society
ation, is have used around at all the little things they | the events of a whole lifetime passed | pattern, fastened at the shoulders in- | lightly floured bo pat out the ——
m’s Sanative Wash. had bought together and had loved | before him. The whole process took | stead of down the back. The front | dough to a layer a 14 inch thick | Dhus A Att BIRRE oot A pT ; Re {
per and I am still tak- and prized so much. And now she | but a second or two of time. The lis cut in one piece. The crotch is | and cut in small r s. Bake in a | . 3 us preset 2 patted lronvuagamst lass an sr |
ble on ound a8 a “as feaving it all! In the few min- | great rapidity of dreams is due to | slightly shaped, and the drop seat is | quick oven from 1: 15 minutes or | entation In the press of stories of incomplete and un led n al |
a En My utes that she sat there, she went over | the fact that in the unconscious all | as flat as pos ble with a deep plait | until light brown. § » at once. discoveries.
to herself all the little kindnesses ard | the Judlyidanls life SYD rieuces are | on each side. The back is cut away | re es { Mo, I okn oJ Snenid. two. summers. during E hand
we : ere Joughtful things Mason had done for | on view as if in one flash, | under this piece except for sufficient : ry | Lil hhh anes b Mer® iV
3 : : Rap x was hard to believe that he r————— | material to keep it from pulling out. | Blame Mexica Cookery WOIrK assist ra ners Non 1 wag W( ( e i
vi f was unfaithful. But there was the Habits and Environment | The other little suit of durable cot- for Savory dney Bean | students, S t, the equivalent of that giver 1 a |
1e reduces thickened, evidence, right there in her hand on Habits, say specialists in child | ton print is cut from a pattern that | Mexican cookery \doubtedly the | ’S We 1 a hospital, would be oranted
ey Sais, siied tet | the white crumpled note! health, are the result of enviropment | had a crotch cut on the fold of the | inspiration of this g dish for which | . San te aan : oy on i Lo
Stops Shon Be Frank tried once to argue with her; | and training and pienis should Arst | material so as to give as much free- | the bureau of hor conomics fur- | NT ad pe 8 1s anxious to prin RE OL a 8 atl LIE,
blister, remove hair or he tried patiently to point out to her | look to themselves if Johnny seems to dom and protection as possible, As | nishes the recipe. u can not get | Ch in ything to their own ends | X
rse. $2.50 at druggists, that there might be a mistake, He | inherit some of the bad habits of his the front of the suit and the back of | chili peppers, use 1 peppers and | pooister uplift movements, that trv to eain indorsemen 1 s0- |
1. Valuable horse book i begeed her to give Tuck a chance to | father or mother when it comes to| the waist are in one piece, only four | flavor well with t: 0 or cayenne, | : Be an : '
Vrite for it today. i explain, but to all this Lillian was | sleeping irregularly or eating pecull- | puttons are necessary. However, in | for the characteris f all Mexican | © . J 1 10 1s given a heavy expense Org i
“Horse had large 4 deaf. No evidence could be more com- | arly. To blame bad habits on the fam- | order to make buttoning a little | dishes is their hig 1soning. | foisted on the pubKe. {
| plete or convincing than the note she | ily tree is only to admit that one has | easier than in the overall type of gar- | 1 pint kidney bean hili peppers { In spite of the man spent bv the Society for the Con- | I
held and she was going to leave. not given serious attention to training | ment, the back of the waist is ex- | 4 tbs. nay oil or 1art tomatoes | "rn od bE ’ See iF Tog s
She was beginning to wonder why | a child properly, according to Doctor | tended at each side so that it may car- | butter t | trol of Tuberculosis in p billboards all over the con try, warning | and £1
the taxi did not come when the bell | Max and Doctor Grete Sehan. ry all four buttons. Both the front | 1 Pound lean beef | against the disease, in making Ssaninastons, and in giving talks, the | from the I .
i rang and she started up, hastily pow- a and the drop seat fasten onto the bui- Wash the beans, r with water, ! last report showed no decrease in the death rate, but rather an increase. [ into ice drops.
dered her nose, looked as bright as Baby's Handicap ton directly under the arm, The result | and soak overnigh 1 the morning | 1 Ge: ay ha , ¢ a py po . : Seldom were the bedrooms warmed
she could, when the door opened and Generally the “only child” might be | is a garment very easy to make and | bring them to the | g point, drain, | If all this money had been put into a fund for treatment and care Deep feather beds and bed
i Mason walked in. called the “too much” child; the child | to launder. The fabric in this sun suit | and discard the w Cut the beef | of tubercular patients, many would have been saved and the death rate | curtains were the onlv t & xt
i Hello, Frank, eld man. Hello, | who has to endure too much train | has a conventional design of tiny or- | into small pieces, brown it in | would have been lowered. [ made these sleeping apartments en
Lil,” he said as he started to kiss her. | ing, who Is subject to too much anxi | anges and lemons among green leaves, | the olive oil. The Id the beans, > Mero shold be : aR dows’ thnd Th . { durable, Warming pans, ar ter
“1 thought you had a business en- | ety, too much interference and toc | The edges of the garment and of the | chili peppers, toma nd salt. Cover | There puoY uld be a gooperiiive hd ows’ fund among organized med- | soapstones and hot bricks were em
DAISY FLY KILLER gagement,” was Lillian'’g return to his much observation. — W oman’s Home { Jarge pockets are bound with orange | and simmer for « hour, or unit | ical men. The average doctor’s widow does not know where to get the | ployed to mitigate the first gid en-
RS. Belo your desler greeting, rire Companion. bands the beans and meat ure tender, money to pay his funeral expenses. trance to bed.
. roo yo . . .
BURGH, NO. 25--1929,