The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 06, 1929, Image 7

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——— — , ! ’ ‘ - ——. wm— : . - - RE - — . ————— _- . _ _— er —
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3 | . . .
JEGRAY TWEED ] IMPORTANT HINT ABOUT BROILING STEAK (Atheist Today Merely a Survival of Rebellion
| | Against a Theology Now Gone
| .
| By REV. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES, New York Community Church,
| \
N THIS modern world, dominated by science, there is as little room :
for the atheist as for the fundamentalist. Witness Einstein, wl.» has
Just confessed his belief in God. I am not an atheist for three rea- +
sons: First, because the atheist in his attitude toward life is utterly CREEN RID
| dogmatic; second, because athewm is u tterly negative in its approach
to life, and last, because atheism explains nothing and this universe de-
mands an explanation,
in Bhai] s I am as much opposed as anybody to the Christian myth, which ex-
n Broiling a Steak Sear Outside Well. . . d : : : . ‘ TP hi \
g plains the origin of the world and man in Genesis. But if this myth is
Prepared by Hie oie) Ss Department | Best results are usually obtained by | not true, what is true? This world is a living world. What is life, and
of Agriculture. . . Yess ie od : : aan : : : |
No definite time can be given for | '€4VIDE the door open, Sear on One | where does it come from? This world is an ordered world. What is this
cooking stouk. Borause nein | Side and then turn, being eareful not | ; a PE A y 7
Bicknc : 1 aun Of Vill Ie pierce the brown crust, When both | order, and who established it? This world is a purposeful world—the @®
thickness, degree of heat appiied, and | . i i i ] 7 ! ea er
ides are seare ro ) > hey and | ev ar "O0COS 3 takine us s wher 7 phy? 4 ~
personal preference. A steak one and | Sides He Searen reduce the ik ik | evolutionary process is taking us somewhere, Where? And w ) And : eq Fo ynam:e
i ; : » steak ‘Cas ally 1 | 2
one-half inches thick will probably re- n : he a : . ao on yun! how? {
in ‘ ¢ . § rte Cooker 0 1e desired stage, mn . . .
ure 20 to 25 minutes, however, to | These are questions which have to be asked—and therefore have to *
Cook medium rare under the flame of To pan-broil a steak, sear it on both | . Bu 3 : |
oa hs gh eH : oy Sots { be answered. And the atheist savs nothing. Which makes him just a little
& gas oven. The most important point | sides in a lightly greased, sizzline hot . t 0 er rom
about broiling a steak, according to | skillet, then reduce the temperature | more contemptible than any other man of whom I can think, for I had ¢ A
the bureau of home economics, is to and cook to the desired stage, turning | rather have a man try to explain the world, however feebly or foolishly,
sear the outside well at a high temper- | the heat to insure even cooking. Do p Yosh
ature so as to retain all the | not add water and do not cover. Flom than to refuse to explain it at all. @
and then to reduce the heat and fin- | time to time pour off accumulated fat | The fact is, the atheist is a vestigial survival of earlier and much
ish cooking at lower temperature. | so that the steak will not fry. A thick | more primitive periods of human thought. He made his appearance when 1
Select one of the tender steaks from | steak after searing may be successfully | . . ge
one and one-half to two inches thick. | finished in a hot oven (430 degrees | the hire and immoral character of orthodox Christian the logy was
blue gruy creates an ig Trim the steak of excess fat and wipe Fahrenheit). Slip a rack under the | first discovered. He represents the historical rebellion against this the-
ture for this tweed suit. A R off with 2 damp loth, A steak may | steak in the ink and the wel, wii | ology. But this theology is now gone and atheism should go with it. The z
use is worn tuck-in styles | ve broiled by direct heat or it may be | cook evenly without being turned. This | atheist in our days lags superflous upon the scene | —— een —e re rer———— - rt—
printed scarf repeats the pan-broiled in a skillet. To broil by | is a convenient arrangement, for full | : ® I I nn Sympathy | Resented Uncalled-for | = Youk Name Prom Locality
ition. The youthful beret’ direct heat, grease the rounds of a | attention may then be given to other | “What? Is that you, Jones! I was SI D d B th | The woman's garment known as a
ue. rack, lay the steak on it, and place | last-minute preparations for the meal. | . " . « - told you were dead.” am at ea ro €r | “hasque” derived its style as well as
.— . over live coals, or under an electric Place the stedk, when done, on a | Desire to Get Rich Quick W ithout Work Root of “No, it is my brother who is dead.” Ralph W. Smith of the bureau of |its name from a similar garment worn
: i grill, or the flame of a gas oven. | hot platter and season with salt, pep- | . “Oh, I am sorry to hear that.” standards is conducting for the gov-|by the peasants of the Basque coun-
eading on and furnishe If a gas oven ir used, have the steak | per and melted butter. Garnish with Increase of Crime Le i ee — | ernment a nation-wide investigation | try in France and Spain.
de during the hot sum- two or three inches below the flame. | parsley and serve at once. of taximeters, and he said in Wash- | m————
i rei en > > ington the other day: {
So A a Se rd Bf RARE: SIN TE Tis investigation doesnt mean | HAMPION
‘sry » aske 3 u a. s 3 : : Yin
or ns iy i” " i HAVE ANGEL FOOD USE EGGS FREELY | that taxicabs, like taxidermists, skin
of the tree. would mn . iy : feo \
ol Ww | I'he stock speculation craze of the American people leads one to you, and the men who take offense
og Io i = HEN Fowis lay IN FavnLY MENU { wonder why the Ie is not more crime than there is. You can’t expect a at us fail to understand. In rect,
d had / een growing in —_—— . $ crime ‘ id 1 : they're like Smith.
beauty for so many years. { nation to be without crime which has a desire to get rich quick without “A man came back to the home!
question that we have Good Many Whites and No | Makes for Good Nutrition as : ; : ! A nan came Wack of e Home|
en ve so , y work, without effort. I think this wretched, vulgar, gambling « makes town after thirty years in New York |
e have = ma DY : ees Yolks Needed for Dish. Well as Economy. | genuine legitimate business impossible. Nine-tenths of the men and wom- and, of course, he inquired affect on- |
Bi. Yo hve Rovers, for TTT i g : piyimay qusnes © i : Ay am ately about this old friend and that. |
on sunshine. But I think (Prepared by the United States Department | (Prepared by the states Department | ¢n who have been sucked into this hellish eraze have no more rioht to “we 3ill Smith? he said. ‘How
| i 1 hall be' fA ture.) And Bill Smith? |
stand and we sha ef Agriculture. | of ture.) i . Ie il imi c ine or |
grass. The hi seem The time to indulge a taste for an- With the hens of the United States the money they made last year than would a man who jumped up here is dear old Bill Smith getting alon: {
SEE § see TT eh fo : na : oe \ | “Bill; said John Smith, a brother |
friends whom we cannet gel food is ef course in the spring | laying at the rate of 45.600 eggs a | and held a gun to my head for my purse, Those profits put a burden on Bk Jena. iy
heh the hens begin fo By Seneropiy I fre Tu ition specialists in fe dustry that created injustices to the workers. We should have nothing | “What? Bill dead? sighed the vie- |
stern Newspaper Unlo lecause a god any w Sar 1 xd States Departme Ff Ag - ’ s . i 0 % : » |
stern New. Paps: Uni on.) | Because a g ‘od m my w lites 1d no nite ate ep art ment of A ricu Bi ontempl and’ loathe: £ hit cheap Wloav Snnnls | itor, “An: me. pence to his ashes, |
— v Yolks are used in making angel cake | ture say it makes for good nutrition ut contempt a oathing for that cheap, vulgar mania. H i Peace to otic Sontth |
. . : tee r dare 17 said John I
ebrew Alphabet or “food,” most thrifty housekeepers | as well as good economy to use eggs | he home has lost its authoritativeness. schools have be o voca- | i ow oe you i 5 cap
"Mie 2 3 . Fai STREG SL otnaaic: 3 Seid ; 1. : 5 3 | hotly. 3il as as good a chap as |
fh etter bt i on make soft custard sauce from the | freely in the family menu. Nature one factories in which teachers are expected to he mental robots, and | ever breathed.”
Jim e 1 In the | yolks and either serve this on fruit, | has provided an unusually valuable :
§ with the cake, or reserve it for an- | combination of food elements within | the church and synagogue ar permitted to exist only as they nem 3 uot
re ! other dessert. If one happens to be | the shell of an eggs. Because of the | selves remote from every problem of real life. The church in America i" Half ny ™ im i 14
i : : : : i 1 i : draggs, Okla. is to be sold
} having simmered fish for dinner a | protein, minerals, and vitamines that does not really care. except for a few shining examples. It does not will Half of Bra ! Kia, 1 i ¢ a
B zood use for the yolks would be to | eggs contain, they hold an especially . a tis : DOZEN (different things may auction because ive wolnen colle
§ make Hollandaise sauce. This sauce | high place in children’s meals but they to relate itself to real life. cause 8 headache, but therch not agree on the division of an He
i : i * is also good with asparagus, which be- | are equally good food for everybody, The trouble is that » criminal class is just taken for granted. The just one thing you need ever do to | Forty town lots were left by. J. we
pr Love iy Sling; comes available just about when eggs | these workers in the bureau of home olice don’t catch criminals. They catch physicians in birth-control get relief. Bayer pirin is an Pairick phen he died two years Apo
Fhat’s why a man % po: Aon a ? HHS, : physician CONIC : His will provided that his estate be |
: may be served
are abundant also. The bureau of | economics advise, E : absolute antidote for such pain.
home economics gives these directions | not only as eggs, they say, but in so | Keep it at the office. Have ith andy |
clinics. 1 venture to sucoest to the police department that there are divided equally among five daughters, |
in love is unable te
| distinguish between
~'. an angel and a
Biter a farm had been bequeathed to |
many other appetizing ways that no- | more dangerous eriminals footloose todav than Mrs. Margaret Sanger. in the home. Those subject to fre-
: his only son. The daughters disagreed |
s exhibited the other day when a quent or sudden headaches should
carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket-
body need tire of them even in the | The whole majesty of the police w
season of greatest plenty. : 2 :
on an “equal division.” In that case,
; i “Eggs At Any Meal,” is the title of a | 1€W fine women were a d doing a great, serviceable rk. tin. Until you have used it for head- atrick's will provided, his wate
? leaflet by Lucy Alexander and Fanny ain eae aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., vou've should be sold at auction. More than |
ry ; I : . os : he te business buildings are
W. Yeatman recently issued by the noidea how Bayer Aspirin can help, | half the town’s business buildings are
Yepartme sricultare. ‘This out- ® rp brine That a "ro I: aan] § ick. © » relief involved. |
Lepartment of Agriculture. This out- | Religion a Stream That Gathers Force With the | It means quick, complete relief 2 = |
CO | lines the principles of egg cookery and | : | millions of men and women who 5 2 i
{ illustrates them with typical recipes. Progr ASS of Humani J use it every year. And it does not Little Richard Helps !
| I = y.) |
Slow cooking at moderate, even heat is eda depress the heart, | Little Richard's mother was show
? the secret of success in cooking eces ing a prospective tenant some rooms |
and driven all makes of : Z 5 s 5 "MER: Kino's Calloc Adin g 4 pros 2
| the leaflet says. For the familiar By DR. PERCY DEARMER, King’s College, London. she had for rent. The season being
han keeps a stable of | ways it gives times and temperatures Sr. summer, she emphasized the cool Ss |
i DS a st aire + best resnlis. sSeribos “ : wis : t fe the {
nners on her estate at required for best results. It describes The world is not vet good enough for Christ. It r has been: of the basement where the kitchen
a | favorite combinations with other foods | : 5 : and dining room were located Rich- |
kes them [ast each sea- | WwW haus wasl elinvad heuol nv have hall ayer | and dining room w i 1. l
tition in show | and flavors, and gives exact directions few have really believed Him, though many have beli Him. None : { ard, thinking to help his mother,
ere for making flat or fluffy omelets and | has carried on His messace untainted. ( omplete Christ ty has seldom [ opened a hot-water faucet and said: |
bus Turkey en | Sweet or savory souffies. Recipes for | hoop taught and never tried: it has been like a slender stream, trickling | | “see. even the bot water is cold.”
\ id Vin | fruit whips illustrate the leavening El © , 1: . 3 1.1 | Boston Herald. | - me —
. ild turkey hen | power of egz whites, and directions | through a vast river bed, sometimes disappearing underground, but some- Health Giving
ing on 28S turkey egzgzs,
for making custards, sauces, and salad | times rising and spreading to fertilize the country, as the waters gather Instead of habit-forming physics
: Si . . or strong. irritating purges
in the hills, take— NATURE'S REMEDY
| Of Greater Feminine Interest Eis Erign
The professor was showing a young All Winter Long
ing to local ranchers,
dressings show how to get the benefit
of the thickening properties of yolks MR —thesafe, dependable, all-
, * Yoild i > 4 0 iY ii sp 3a ; Sale, depencaple, al yman the heavens through h le
TT — Whether alone or mixed with other Could it have been otherwise . I'he greatness of ( His unap- vegetabl Bate Mild, TO-NIGHT woman i Sea ye 3 4 Y ough 1 3K ¢ | Marvelous Climate — Good Hotels — Touriss
Yo eRe / 5 errs lose bone of bs te sohed rerio : Ls a ploavle : 2 Tho or Hts gentle, pleasant—NR — to- scope, e directed her gaze 10 a | Camps—Splendid Roads—Gorgeous Mountain
Ke Ke 6 ee Ke Xe foods, lose none 0 ho a proached perfection, is but more clearly shown by the ast between night—tomorrow alright. 3 YO MORROW | 00 which he told her was Venus, | Views. The wonderfu desert resort of the Wess
| nutritive alue if properly cooked an . ig 1 ret a 25¢ box J | s . : , "
PING INTO ! | served Th y: fog ane ourselves and Him. oe 1 All D . | “Oh, isn’t it perfectly lovely! she | Write Cree & Chaffey
CIENCE { Preparing Eggs for Angel Food. | po; 4 free copy of this Leaflet 39-L But the church is very young. Tt has lived a mere rineteen hundred | oroa’e at ruggists exclaimed—and then, “Now please | aa lmen spring
| ok ’ : ’ ; . : ype : = z = | show me Adonis.”
"ose RK i ‘ . Foot tavt 0° giving over twenty egg recipes, send | years of human history; and the human race is a million 's old, with Yiberal Dozen y me : CALIFORNIA
aE NAR RER i or making angel food, laying consider- sy. YTRite tates Denar oF ri TE, : Y : 3 : + ; - rr e— : Ty o est ™
FW S t | able emphasis on cooking it in a cool | o the l hited Bite Popariment ot | many millions yet before it. We are only beginning: we still are the A “publisher's dozen” is 13 copies, Sol Deion Boston’s Newest Residence Club for Women
o ater Spou = skis ae Agriculture, Wash om, D.C, 1 1 1 : ) 3; : from the old baker's custom of al-| Sr ovention :
: | { oven, rimitive church. And our hope is that we mav now be growing ( tne a. has HB Rit “The world is fairly | wt,” said Th cp
al disturbance of the i Andel Food AE Ce f Yr 3 LT ) : : : : © [lowing 13 rods for each dozen sold. | ihe at d Tan > Jon t, “, 3 € toneer
hich antes the cur. a . Preserve Gonibination cut of our petulant childhood ei gi Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, “and 410 STUART ST., BOSTON
m a whirling motion | Sa Sofe. wien xi a The religion of Christ is becoming more possible in t world be- egotism is what we have most to fear. Permanent or ganidens Jooms with or
: ; . our 5p. flavoring 1 2 a i : : No other deceives us so much as we without bat
eaves all miner por 1 cup ege whites (8 1 tsp. cream of Has Delicious Flavor cause the veils that have hidden Him are melting away before the clean | deceive ourselves.”— Washington Star Write or telephone KENmore 7940 for reservation
void of air. The fairly ze) tartar One of the best combination pre- y Eve : = ital Dining room and cafeteria
serves is made from strawberries ht of the knowledge which mankind has so laboriously acquired. From
with fresh pineapple. It is casy to | guesses and assumptions we have passed to an age of exact observation
1 to 1% cups sugar
Need a Moses —
What this country really needs is Great Flower Sale
| some one to really tell what it really
act of this hollow,
‘uum with the water
the water to be
to fill the empty
Membership not required
Although angel food is one of the
sponge cakes, as differentiated from | make and has a fine and unnsval | ang intense devotion to truth. It mav well be that the waters of that
cakes containing butter, it is mixed | flavor. Directions for making i* are
Geraniums. 2 Colens, 1
Lis : ir y 00 e course so divinely planned t hec Q y Piv bs : oi San hem qd ( Berblooming
s forms the water in a slightly different way than plain | given by the bureau of home econon- truth will flood the cou 0. 1 ley 1 lanned, till it be the river needs.—Boston Transcript. Snapdes
Zhtl) ) . y ;
sponge cake. The sugar, flour, and | ics. | of life for all humanity, . ¥
vp 1 St
tern Newspaper Union.) half the salt are sifted together sev- | Suntan — “ Mrs. Blackstone 1
| 1 large fresh pine- 2 quarts straw- B
eral times. The egg whites are beaten “She is positively like a lawyer in
er drang an v
: pia ANTS ATe roc t like. The @
for & bi Add Ue to pay po stage and packing
| Mullin, Florist, Dept. F, Box 218; “Corinth, Miss,
= {
Portian, you might say.” |
apple berries i .
with the other half of the salt uati Sugar | Small Town to Play Large Part in the Develop-
ney are rothy ; le, 1e crea ) 2)
tartar is added and they are beaten Remove the skin and “eyes” from | ment of American Industry
until stiff. The dry ingredients are | the pineapple and cut it into oblong
then folded carefully into the beaten | pieces, and then into inch cubes. Dis- |
egg whites, and when the mixture is | card the core. Measure or weigh the | By ROBERT 8. BINKERD, New York Stock Excha:
partly blended the flavoring is added. ; Pineapple, add equal measure or fry—
Only the folding motion should be | Weight of sugar, put the mixture into
used in mixing, for stirring tends to | 8 large pan over low heat, stir until . . } <. ith
release the air depending on for leav- | the sugar is melted, bring to a brisk | in development of industry in the United States. The a intages of
boil, and cook for 10 minutes stirring |
tne way she convinces people of any
The small town is destined to play an increasingly important part
bacres June, July delivery Copenha
£1.00; 1000
a 20, 65¢; B00,
ening, A smooth tube pan is best for concentration in many cit are far outweighed by the ec of conge WAS RIGHT | GREATEST ENEMY | W.J. MYERS - A Cured:
070) Ow 0 a0 wv"
aking s » . a foiriv iano coustantly. Divide the smaller ber-| .. . . . . |
baking angel food, and a falrly large Si he larger ones and wach | ton. Anyone who looks with unprejudiced eves at the couniry’s largest 2 | : —
cake will require about sn hour fin | lies from the larger ones and to each | . 3 ; ant : . i : ” Look for these symptoms in | MONEY SECRETS! HEALTH SECRETS!
an oven at a temperature of 325 de- | lot add three-quarters of their meas- | cities must realize that they contain thousands of businesses which could The basis of treating sickness has not | your child—gritting the teeth, | Tout py life “Send ar,
grees I". It may be tested in the same | Ure or weight of sugar. Add the small | he conducted with more profit in smaller communities. changed 5 Dr. Calivel} Jeft Not Picking the pestis, disor. | Denys Kohn, Bos 1D. Station 0, 4 3
, y : rries sugar » ( ie ine- | 2 In 75, nor since he placed on | ere stomach. ese signs = r :
Wav as anv sr eake 1 lear berries and sugar to the cooked pine y 5: . gs . wr a ollege IABY © "KS (Smith Hatoho Roc: Re
Ca ? Ser un alil ! XJ apple and cook for 10 minutes: then | You can ship a piano from ( Hiesge to New York for a t $14, but $he maThet hie laxative prescription he { may mean worms. And worms | RADY CHICKS (Smith Hatched R sks, Hods.
by San oy a » ; he Inrcer berries : aaah , an hardlv ha 9 Q : 3 iad used in his practice. : | left in the body mean broken | guaranteed: prices reasonable, con quality
needle, put in the larger berri and sugar. | you can hardly haul it 20 blocks through New York city for tliat amount. He treated constipation, biliousnoss, | ein | Giron ar FREE. Brookville Hatehery Pa
—————— = Cook this whole mixture for 30 to 85 | It costs nearly twice as much to transport fresh fruite and veectables | headaches, mental de yression, indigestion, Don't delay one hour. Frey's Ver. | IRIS. Best new rieties, | ; a
: : : . I gctables I : 4 delay on ys \ : y
Mock Turk Di minytes or until: the Jelly test is | tl | th 1 itself 34 ] ] | h scur stomach and other indispositions | mifuge rids a child of worms quickly. | Will send $4.10 va or $3.50,
3 g ITY se as *OSLS I 4 ‘man I't por i - i 1 | For 7 § | eer n a’
ock Turkey Dinner reached. Allow the jam to stand rough the city itself as 1t costs to produce them and t ort them | entirely by means of simple vegetable | For 75 arg it Hes been fAtnesics'y 4, 8e Wisk
Equal weight of fresh pork and beef. overnight im the saucepan in which | ne arly halfway across the continent. | laxatives, herbs and roots. These are | all druggists!
Roast brown in covered roaster. Make
a dry dressing of onion, boiled potato,
raised bread, chopped together with
chopping knife (wot run through
a meat grinder). Place dressing
in pan about the meat one hour
before serving. Have mashed Irish
potatoes, baked sweet potatoes or
Hubbard squash, baked apples, cab-
bage salad, cranberry sauce. Scald
cranberries, ¢rain, add one cupful of
cooked. In the morning reheat to
the boiling point and pour into steril-
ized glasses. When cold cover the
tops with paraftin, seal, label, and
store in a cool, dry place,
Most tn put the cart before the horse in attempting to
attract industries. They frequently strive with concessions to lure new
1 for House
still the basis of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup ! ’ y . | 1 yh BRET Gt Dene oo
| Pepsin, a combination of senna and | Frey S V ermifuge | plete urse vo p $10 mot rdcr. Case
| Sche rand River )e t .
. m . : : The simpler the remedy for constipa- .
industry to the town. The right way to start is for the c munity to | tion, the safer for the child and for you. i od : oca
ront town. Se
I poaltt Box a1 ; X
y ‘ and safe way by using Dr. Caldwell’s :
The defects of many small-town businesses are obvi —lack of | Syrup Pepsin, why take chances with Kill All Flies HOY Sroeap Bladder Weakness, Getting Up Nights. back
op il for Pam Diureti b 5 Pri os
Of all the people sampling two ice oe il A bottle will last several months, and | kills sll flies, Neat, clean, Tad Cheng: Lustsalise: | Anne Mfg. Co. Box 693, Balto, Md
creams, according to a display by the | chandising skill and failure to keep up with the times are mong the [all can use it. 1t¢ is pleasant to the on: metal, | CT OUR AGENCY
b/g will not soil or injure | Dresses materials
| LEARN SHORTHAND in five easy lessons
| other mild herbs, with pepsin. Expels Worms
For Sale, Billiard anc
A Fou
take what it has ard try to make it more DTOSperous, And as you can get results in a mild
Blindfold Test ; va ate ity ex
knowledge of costs, lack of knowledee of possible markets, lack of mer. | ®trong drugs? Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and
son ade of metal,
United States Department of Agricul- | chief of them. But if those problems are intelligently met it will be the | taste, gentle in action, and free from
i i i narcotics, Elderly people find it ideal. §f aoything. Guaranteed. | 1,0w 1 Mit
sugar to two of berries. Cover with | ture at the national dairy show at Cra: . . 5 1. : H ; p | y J oe Sune Low Nt Pra
; ic 0 reatest selling argument for the inducement ¢ he ustri | All drug stores have the generous bottles, :
boiling water, cook rapidly five min- | Memphis, 64.9 per cent preferred the | © grole nt of other ind es to lo- g g ) DAISY FLY KILLER
; 1 | or write “Syrup Pepsin,” Dept. BB, Som Your Dele E
one made with dry skim milk. cate there, Monticello, Tiling, for free trial bottle. | HAROLD SOMERS, Brooklyn N. | W+N.U, PITTSBURGH, NO. 23..1923.
utes witheut stirring.