The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 18, 1929, Image 1

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    ts —————————
funeral of their THE PATTON COURIER. IF YOU
1 Kenneth Bender
in Patton.
; has returned to
n in Patton for
nsacted business VOL. XXXXV. NO. 15 PATTON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1929. (5¢) $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.
has gone to Nan-
se Weakland of
ed the dance here. y tod 1 ., | “Interference” Will be at T h e Prominent Physician and Banker | lc shier of Carrollt Bank | Failure to Obey Results in Man
£ nip] : Conden s Ga . vn | | | Cashier o rrolitown Ban $ y y . a Poise,
A Vaio Soe or tha Gran Petre est Hon." © "fr amy Vers Foner | TRIE PLANT] “ot Sous sopra" ne ae | Summary of Wht 1 tran.
Yeter inlaw Mr. tc or Aas day and Tuesda Services Today | p i stv | Carlessness ‘ing Among the Students,
d sister inlaw Ms Busy Reader. | y y | | Funeral Tuesday Serious and Otherwise.
Interference,” a Paramaunot picture| Dr. T. Orlando Helfrick, aged sl / ra 330 ye ranci A ol One of the curious things about
p | rlando Helfric aged 6 Mothers Highway Is Francis J. Brophy, aged 59 years,
os The Court Monday morning appoint- | . i , : i ’ : tor : ;
AY QING ANDO | featuring four popular film favorites, | years, one of the modt prominent | |one of the best-known residents of | 0.0" 1aW enforcement is that before| The Sophomore basket-ball squad is
ed Michael Repp, jr., Supervisor for at the Grand Theatre next Monday. | ni ais ie . | ] ‘ Obosed. Tou; i is ; < ;
dicts ue { Io | physicians of Northern Cambria Coun- | m Northern Ca ashier | & Proposed regulation is enacted into|now the proud posoessors of their
ERE Oho, Town, jn I ths Anthony | 31d Tuesday will witness a remark-|ty, and prominently identified with | Again Theme of lof the First oy a law, there are always hundreds of | letters. The letters were purchased by
Sosa >S1g | able screen performance. It is the|Miners' Hospital, Spangler, died at | town, died of acute nephritis at 3.35 People clamoring for its adoption and [the Sophomore class and presented
> i = {the kind of a picture that lovers of | the Helfrick home at Spangler at 6:45 | Interest | o'clock Sunday morning in Miners | ediately it becomes a statute, they | to the members of the team.
Clem Sanker aged 25 years, of Cres- | sheer drama fairly revel in. | o'clock Monday morning. Death was | ad | Hospital "land everyone else interested with the| Ruth Reunie of Benedict and a stu-
son, who is employed by the Gallitzin| The four charcters who handle the | caused by a complication of diseases | Bi Fal o Spangler, Jie na om possible exception of the enforcemnt|dent in the Junior class visited at the
$n 3 ef
Light Company as a lineman, was| interesting situations are William Po- | he had been in ill health for the last| 2 A TT QQ ; : | authorities, forget all about it. home of Martha and Cornelia Rum-
painful injured Saturday when he fell | well, Evelyn Brent, Clive Brook and |several years. xr AT 1 ON S NAMES. i not become serious until! prior to the enactment in 1927 of berger over the week-end.
2 .
from a pole in Gallitzin. He suffered Doris Kenyon. It would be impossible | pr. Helfrick was born at Hastings, | Francis J. Brophy was born in Al- the Pennsylvania vehicle code, there | Jim Shannon was a visitor in Al-
@ sprain of the left wrist and was to single out any player for all four |this county, on August 17, 1872. Ho| At least 200 additional trees will be | toong January 29, 1870, a son of the | > considered agitation, newspaper | toona and Hollidaysburg last Sunday.
bruised somewhat. give a convincing performance and |jegves his widow, Mrs. Rose (Bearer) | Planted on the orginal Mothers’ High- 1 ; y | comment and comparison of our so-{ Walter Jenkins and were
@ Li ba , | S Ss s S. S ar be aS ate Timonth, y ane | ~ “pvrhi oP 4 : :
The regular weekly session of Motion | have been admirably cast for the | Helrrick, and six children. Thelmu E.| way of the World this Spring in me- | Brophy. As iy Conmrine 5508 oslisy antiquated methods” with thos“ | Hastings callers Monday evening.
and Petition Court was held at Eb- story. [M. Verelda, Rembrant, Melville, Darel | mory of God's supreme gift to man, y. a8 of other states, all bearing upon the| Ethel Boyer visited at her home in
MOTHER. Have you planted a tree for banking business, starting as a mes- | question of establishing “Thru Traf- | Johnstown over the week-end.
dent Judge John E. Evans and Judge | sented on the English stage where it | Dr. Helfrick was a graduate of the |YOur Mother? If not will you per- | Senger boy under John Lloyd in the |flc” highways, or as they are com-| Myrtle Way is reported to be con-
Samuel Lemmon Reed on the bench, | enjoyed a healthy run for two years. | University of Cincinnati He nad prac. | petuat the great love you have or her | First National Bank of Altoona. He monly called “Boulevard Stops.’ valescing at her home after an attack
Judge John H. McCann being in Phil- | Next it was brought to these shores |. as tk 1 : 5 o “| by planting a tree this Spring. You worked himself to higher positions in| This was hailed as a modern ne- | of rheumatism.
adelphia where he is assiting in the|anq given a showing in New York | iced medicine for the ast 35 years) a hand your name and address, |the Altoona bank until 21 years ago, | cessity in highway traffic regulation| Betty Greene was a Johnstown
trial of cases in the Philadelphia | where it ran for nine months and was | 2 Spangler and vicinity. He was chief | your Mothers name and $2.00 to any| when he was chosen cashier of the | and the proponents of the measure theatre goer last Monday evening.
courts. | acclaimed throughout its run. Its | Of the Miners’ Hospital staff and also | member o the Northern Cambria Ki-| First National Bank of Carrolltown. |R0t only claimed that it would speed Dorcas Cherdon has returned to
3 3 nfl | “a ffip - . ie 3 » ra
The Rt. Rev. Dr. John Joseph Mec- | transition to the screen was logical, | President of the Hospital Board of| s Club. Your $2.00 will cover the| Mr. Brophy’s death occured on his| UP traffic on our arterial highways |school after several days absence due
ensburg Monday morning with Presi-| «Interference” orginally was pre-| and Walberg Helfrick, all at home.
5 3 § 5 £5 § $i 63 € $e §
1 12 Cort, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese| and no finer group of players could | Managers. HS as Sis Presiueal of of tree, making it and other in-|26th wedding anniversary. He ana | and. Siises but reduce accidents at|to an attack of tonsilitis. :
- of Altoona, with the Rev. Father Jose-| pe found to give it its screen treat- | ic a > 2a ot £ 3 cidental expenses. T Forestry Sec- | Miss Stella Quinn were married April intersection to an appreciable degree. Morris Aaronson has been sailing
State Highway Department |14, 1903, by the Rev. Father Morgan Therefore, the Pennsylvania vehicle | around town in a new Peerless sedan
t the tree and see that it|M. Sheedy in Altoona. Mrs. Brophy | ¢0de, when presented to the Legisla- the past few days.
red for prope: The Kiwanis|survives her husband. with the follow- | tWre, carried a provision of this kind, | Eva Reed is on the sick list this
wy will send you a proper ack-|ing children: Mary and Milburg Bro- | Permitting the Department of High- | week, suffering from a sore throat.
dgment and record of your tree.|phy. both of Philadelphia; Francis J.| Ways to designate certain routes as| Mabel Fitzpatrick and John Lowes
sheir 11ip to Rome, The DIShOP'S Party | o, wi and’ when he is found $0 be | Crihiolic Church. Soateler. ie following are members of the| Brophy, jr, Washington, D. C., and | Thru Troitic highways and delegated were visitors in Pitsburgh last Sun-
will be gone about two months. | idlive. the Wife it Blackmudied ov 2 » Shang ; Club in your town: M. B.|David, John, Timonthy and Richard | le same power to local authorities |day.
County Treasurer George W. Reese | alive, y e ite = ae ene 1 | Funeral services were held at 9 o’- sli ” au. ow. +. | Brophy, all at home. A brother, B. A, | iD cities of the first, second and third Bill Ratowsky visited friends in Al-
at thec lose of business Saturday noon | Lome! love of hp as Dus 2 "the | clock this morning in St. Patrick's Cowher, H. O. wi ow, E. W. Win- Brophy, of Philadelphia, also surivves, | Class. toona last Sunday.
/ had issued a total of 2,759 fishing li- | MOSt unusual ey sd coer to | Catholic Church, with a solemn high | Slow, Frec Maurer, George Hopple, Francis Brophy was a member of Al-| The Highway Department has| Work was started on the annual
censces for the year of 1929. This ju] Pig of nis boi > ue TT | mass of requiem. Burial was in St. on Thom; S01, Reuel Somerville, Bar- toona Council, No. 5gl, Knights of | done this, and many cities have taken [senior class play this ‘week. As usual
an increase of 419 fishing permits for | RASC amends for his dissolu ’ | Benedict Catholic Cemetery, at Car- | DEY BA hon =: HL. Columbus; Fourth Degree Assembly, | advantage of the provision, and un-|Mrs, Reilly of Philadelphia, will coach
the same period of time last year. The| nd xills the Jevengeful one. The ger, C. A. Snyder, A. O. Somer-|" C.; the U. C. T. and St. Bene- | d0ubtly the measure has, to some ex-|the play with the asstance of Miss
dict’s Catholic Church of Carrolltown. | tent, accomplished what was claimed | Loretto Prindible and Miss Helen
ph H. Farren, pastor of Our Lady of|ment,
Lourdes Church, Altoona and the Rev. |
Father Hugh M. O'Neil, pastor of the]
; ; | Bank of Barnesboro; a Director of the |
“Interference” has to do with a mar | pipst National Bank of Bakerton and
3 ry 1 who cared for his wifes caresses too | . i ty Med-
; Church of the Holy Name. Ebensburg, Be illed | member of the Cambria County Med
t sailed Saturday from New York on| te. When he is reported killed) ical Society, Barnesboro Council,
2 {in the war, she remarries, unknown gnights of Columbus and St. Patrick's |
obtains the damaging evidence—letters | .. o |
trout season opened Monday, accaunt- Toric — il : :
; / : | second husband becomes involved and 1017 n the years to come when you drive ] 1 . :
ing for a last minute rush. It suspected of the murder MRS. SARAH BUCK | x 3 i rl Yocall to! Funeral services were held at 9 ga{torit oh Krumbine,
i Lia) . LS iL 1 : : | 0 es 3 are Pr, + :
vs was appointe 15D . 5 : : ] < ; : 5 hat the results are not more no- Joe D rea, wishes
C. W. C. Stephens was appointed Williain Powell is his suave, dis-| in case Solihave rorenttern that | clock Tuesday morning in St. Bene-| andrea wishes to known if
dict's Catholic Church, with a solemn | ceable, is due primarily to two causes. |the 440 yd. dash is the same as the
high mass of requiem. Burial was in | First, there seems to be little or no | half mile.
by the Court Friday to serve as Consta-| +o Soli as: the waged husband Mrs. Sarah O'Neil Glass Buck, aced
; : on that suffered and strived r
) ble of Spangler Borough. He was named 64, of Cresson, died Monday mort on tha iffe 1 st ad fo
: Lvelyn Brent is the revengin cast’ : i vou th your lens and hardships fein SYED ad , ie | :
to fill a vecancy caused by the resign- | =" Ci ik, ree Ene har- | in the Mercy hospital, Johnstown, | YOu ts Jour Tapes Sa hardships | yy, 0" onureh cemetery. | disposition on the part of the motor-| Very little track work can be done
ation of Albert Ott, the duly elected | assed ‘wife. and Clive Brook is the | where she had been a patient since|Mug0t or intended that when vou [ing public to observe the “Stop” singns | at present because of the cold spell
Constable. | Second husband. Lothar Mendes di-|Fcb. 20. suffering from a complication | vo “ianted the tree you have paid| CHARLES LANCE LOSES {and to come to a full stop before at- and of the muddy condition of the
y | tempting to enter or cross a “Thur |athletic field
sour . she LI 1 20C Frys B® 5 2 a { ic lield.
? 0 Fon Moe wut she FE UNDER KOCK FALL mighyay: It is a curious trait that| Mary Stoltz was a caller in Altoona
: 2 Siote .) | will ever be recalled to you when you ——TT Is chibit its AW] | Nr
hicles laid down in the State motor | Dearden. many years ago. Her second husband. | qrive along this tree lined Mothers'| Charles A. Lance aged 33, a veteran | on 1 Soni Lash oy ii some (last Saturday. at
code, 117 persons were forced to sur-| Undertaker James Buck, died at his |g : of the world War, was instantly kil-| Persons get behind the wheel of a) The name of the senior play this
year has not been announced as yet
For offenses against the rules re rected the picture from the original|Of diseases. She was twice married ot
gulating the operation of motor ve-| , 5 “pong pertwee and Harold | her first husband having passed away|Y
Highway. {motor car—they feel that nothing
i render their drivers’ licenses by the] > ‘ “DQ 1 | 1 in Cri D 20. 1927 | 4 4 SIE a led Saturd ft Ih h ed |
St ne thel . S S BRING lome 1h Cresson Deo, 20, 1097. You will picture yourself as a babe urday afternoon when he was| =. © ir : Sen
WwW State Highway Dejartment during the | APRIL SHOWERS B | "The deceased was a daughter of the |; per No when she cared for you|Caught under a fall of rock in the should impede their progress, even | but no doubt it will be announced
a a i...
week ended April 11, it was announced | SNOW, BLOCKED ROADS |1ate Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Neill and | and fed you that you might live, You| Hassenflug Coal mine at the Foot of | though it may be something designed | within the week.
this week. | ee p—— | was born May 26, 186i in Munster. | y you in sick-|Five. He was a resident of Cresson | [OF thelr own safely. Second, 2 Simi-| Each senior must read a novel sof
Peter A. Bertram, of Fast Carroll| April showers, running true to form |Her second husband was engaged in| pegs and in health. The pleasure she |township. He was a son of the Tate] 12" 12510) on ihe part of local authori-|some proniment English author and
Township, Tuesday of last week cele-| the Jast few days, developed into some- | the undertaking business in Cresson | pad in the first tooth, your learning| Thomas and Nancy Lance. He was| eS to Sniores the regulation rigidly. | make a book report on it before May
brated his 91st birthday anniversary |what of a blizzard on the mountain | for 28 years and after his death the | to nn “Dadd Your first step alone. | born Jan. 13, 1816 at Nicktown, Mr, | These sizfements are not. made in a jst
at the home of his son, Frank Ber-|tops and in neighboring counties last | establishmen was conducted by Ms. | Then no doubt when a little older |Lance and Matilda Kaylor of Loretto | Critical spirit, but simply to point out| Mr. Forseythe was handicaped by a
tram. The celebrant is one of the few Tyesday, covering those sections with | Buck. She is survived by two sc voit Wil FOICHbEE hor a Kissing away | Were married at the Summit by the | What might be done in the way of ac- | stiff neck Monday.
Civil War veterans in this section of | from one to eight inches of snow. the Rev. Father Maurice Buck, Pastor | {po vain from your injured finger,| Rev. Father James Dwire. He is sur- | cident prevention and reduction if ev-| Senior Glee Club practice is now be-
vived by his widow and two children | €IYone was seriously interested in el- | ing held regularly and the Glee Club
11 vision her nurs
L OF THE | the county. The ex-soldier was ser-| Highways were reported dangerous- of St.Peter’s Catholic chiurch at Som- sacrificing her time and pleasures so Tr inaling . do ds : : 3 :
lously Hl for several wesks the Dasilly obscured under sleet and snow, and | erset, and Eugene Glass of Ore 0. | hat you might have happiness. If a!Hilda and Andrew. i om BP eposnt Lou SSE ie di
winter, but at present he is in pretty | winds of winter-like intensity struck | Nine grandchildren and these sisters | boy, the tears-thatist-eamed down her| These brothers and sisters also sur A% analysis of Dy ut FeO sub. |TCton of Miss Krumbine, 4
fair health. [ hard and long on higher elevations. | ang prother also survive: Mrs. Ange-| Tne wir Son put on your first trou- |vive. Mrs. Rose Lance and Lucy. wife am gi Ea = rm
Dr. and Mrs. John Murphy, well-|gswollen rivers in Johnstown mount- line Glass, Hazelwood; Mrs. Ellen Ryar | "0. ha did not want you to grow|of Irwin Leap, both of Lilly, Mars Su gi are Ag isd Se ST. AUGUSTINE NEWS
a ros ; ietly -his i i . i 3 SEES th pln ha a > ? : s for the S | pi bert Die
known Loreito residents, quieily cele (ing toward the nine-foot stage and in| ang Mrs. Margaret Crist, both of Al- | "5 thood knowing at that|Jane, wife of Edward Gibbons, South | pepruary show a total of 236 automo. |. MT- and Mrs. Herbert Diehl of Johns-
brated their golden wedding anniver- | ype vicinity of Johnstown the Kern- | toona and Joseph O'Neill, Cresson; | jb) dships you must endure|Fork: Henry Lance, Chest Sings: | oor aaty 0) A [town spent Sunday here with fri-
sary on Monday, with their children |yije bridge, where the Stonycreek was |nrs. Buck was a life-long member of | the problems you must work out |Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Ryan, Al- | 2 e ; oo ik ab sire ein Hn At | €nds
\ and grandlchildren present. ; | wending upward, some fear was felt|st Francis Xavier's Catholic church | 3 Toons Cath. Wits of Gortas Yui JO deh | 4 pans gi By 2 a John and Rea Krise were recent
ie modern a { Miss Angeline Constanzo, of Roches | for perishable good: stored away inf and also’ was a member of the Catholic she finally accepted the inevit- | Cresson, and Joeph Lance, Gallitzin. | 2un ene i nb i a or | callers in’ Frugality.
lapper who | ter, N. ¥., eldest daughter of Mr. and pasements. However, it developed that | Daughters of America of Cresson. : nd assisted you through the dif-| Funeral service were conducted Tues- | course not all of the intersections | Michael Noel who suffered a broken
| Mrs. Philp Constanzo, of Hasting and, | there was no immediate danger. | Funeral services were conducted Thu- | ; wes of growth, shilding you, |day morning at 10 o'clock in the ae | Sous ! oA 9 4 = % ‘he ons leg while working at his home here
Frank Wilson, of Washington, D. OC. Snow that had fallen all day of | rsday morning at 10 o'clock in St. and above all loving you| Aloysius Catholic church at the Sim. | Jere Fiomctec tir : those sings | '2t Week is reported resting well.
WS were married recently at Rochester.| cresson mountain was reported to a | prancis Xavier's Catholic church at love that only a Mother can | mit. The Francis L. McCool post of the | vo he ee | ose SS ome snes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nagle and
WW The newlyweds will reside in Akron, | depth of eight inches Tuesday night. | cresson. Interment was in St. Michaels g All I have or ever expect| American Legion was in charge. Inter- {23 BL Pe lorie Si this does | Family of Altoona spent the week end
A ————— O., where Mr. Wilson is assistant dis-| snow wet and heavy was reported all [cemetery at Loretto. to have I owe to my Mother”. ment was in the church cemeery. | fumnish a striking example of the| ere With relatives.
: trict manager of the B. F. Goodrich|glong the Pennsylvania railroad be- | — Some who have lost their Mothers —_— re | . ib Bn he care i the are] Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plunket and dau-
i5-1 6 Rubber Company. L Arig | Leen Patton, Aftoong, Darrellioys aa TWO KILLED, 21 HURT by death 11 too late that saired | AGED SUMMERHILL WOMAN pags Doce y OR gl in. | ghter of Chest Springs spent Sunday
The Weakland home at Lantzy Mill, pastings, and state highway depart- > TT TARR i d wis} anv ti 5 | Se ore. ¥ ie ji i y i
; the i or diotant fo Hastings | Fladings . nsburg district BY HIT-RUN DRIVERS | obli 1d wish many times that | po. Susan Jane (Rager) Rorabaugs, | tersections. here with relatives.
PENEDR ON which i5 not far distant from Hastings, | ment crews of the Ebensburg dis Be | ve that they could in 2] oradl 08 Ves FE Cohn A Rora Durie the sate’ two meets. ithe Geo. McDermott of the Penn Cress
i Mt ; sletelv destrovec 7 fire re-|reported all main roads open to traffic | : ae I > hee: their sralitude. Plan. | 25ec years, . a- J g > same , Ic 3 ras 5 Dusit
was completely destroyed by Jie re. seporied all main lows had been busy | Two were killed and 21 injured by i show their gratitude. Plan- 0p “gieq at her home at Summer-| State Highway Patrol reports a total|.c6 Cream Company, was a business
cently. The origin of the blaze is un- fat 11 p. m., after plows had = Ini ; rivers during the seven-| ting a tree will not overcome this | i. : : 4 oe) WS C4 caller here recently.
nm i ed at ab all day. Road conditions between Pat- [hit and run drivers during the seven-| ting a tree W [hill Monday morning. Death was cau-|of 60 arrest and convictions for fail- i 3 San
known. The loss is estamated at about all day. Roa late vicinity were day period ending last Thursday, Ben- | feeling but will help. |sed by a complication of diseases. Her | ure to observe the “Stop” signs on 0s. Sheehan of Chest Springs has
12,500 with some insurrance carried |ton in this immediate vicinity ore [samin G. Evnon, State Registrar of I aps, who knows, some man or | | oalth Rad Best HIRITed Tor the Tt lire He a on 1 io State concluded a visit here.
| treacherous Wednesday morning as the | J nT ? z RS ? pe e a X Satay ib fie | Mrs. Jos. McGough has concluded
on the property.
Earle, small son of Mr. and M
Rudy Bush, of St. Boniface, was badly
: x roman, who has wandered away from |. : : a |
Gf TW. 16 a [1 y 3 »d Saturday. woman, who ha . 13 years. | It is not usual for the careful moto- a. bat
snow was drifted, many feet deep on Motor Vehicles announced i sands .»| Mothers influence and advice as | 2x : i a on ot POL Une : ; a visit in Patton with friends.
the Carrolltown-Patton road. | The fatalities were in Greensburg | VC y hie BiehWay. may ldorn | Mrs. Rorabaugh was born in Jack- | rist, who has come to a stop, and who Mrs. Mary Ryan is visiting her son
: and Sunbury. drive along this highway may learn) ,, poengnin She was a daughter of |is gauging his opportunity of either = Ty hy: S visimg 8
cut on his right arm by a fall on glass | A { Yt ts ; amt. [LE of their ways and then and | > sii) an BY) Errata beni Tal Tw | and daughter in-law Mr. and Mrs. B.
while Whe Younaster was playing about| SCOUT EXECUTIVE, BLAIR TO | There were nine hit and run acci- : 5 be oa Mother planned Devi Ay Margaret osu) | oning or ning oh hy = Tunis Ryan of this place
= ie = | § i i " itts- | : > : ager. She was married to Joh .| Highways,” to be startled by another “" : :
his home recently. : VISIT PATTON TROOP TONIGHT | dents in Philadelphia, two in Pils fos them in their. youth. Do oy Taprie a H i a en Mrs. Irene Horne and children Bet-
Corporal Morton and Private Wil-| — {puren 200 one each i Hnasdon, Below is a list of the Mothers re- and her husband celebrated their 50th | out and SODRTEnt regard for his own |W and Earl and Clair Warner of Al-
liams, Carson and Hoover, connected| scout Executive, Blair of the Blair- Beaver Falls, McKees Rocks, Avex 2, presented on the Mothers Highway, edt anniversary last month. Mrs Stole or une es | toona spent a few days here with re-
with the Altoona detail of the State peqford Council is scheduled to visit | Wilkes-Barre, Chester, Tower City, | {1e highway of love, honor and respect Rorabaugh is survived by her husband | ‘Need Co-operation | 1atives last week.
Motor Highway Patrol, Friday con- ihe patton Scout Troop Tonight, but | Lancaster, Pittston, Franklin and Du- As we do all the addresses and. these children: Waldon E. and | It is thi careless which breeds ac- |
® ducted examination at _Ebensburg of | owning to the late edition of the | Bois. oo of the Mothe are using the ad- Se TO a a Tobi IRIE Lia Zeal 5 Sh Sree ae | FINISH COAL TESTS
applicants for automobile drivers’ li-| courier, the facts of the visit cannot | ee dress of the honor to make up our Miller, Mrs. May Chars nd re A yaaa oe iOeihce Tos an ei] IN NORTH OF COUTY
censes. Of a total of 62 applicants 41/y,, given, ETHEL Evi for your town: C. Dyer, all of Johnstown, and Mrs. | responsibility, although it would seem | One Chinese and three Japanese mi-
were sucessful in passing the tests, 20) ny Blair will talk on the Scout show | ; Mrs. Geo. W. Brown. A Specht of Windber. Sic also] that the aor DUCA lies with the | neralogists, who were in the Spangler
of the applicants failing to measure | which the Boy Scouts of Patton will| Funeral services for Ethel Evans, Mrs. Venetta Blankenhorn. in Ths oes Fort D Rea I ET | district for inspection of the pneumo-
up to the standard required by the yg1q at Altoona. He will explain the | 17-year-old daughter of the late Sam- Mrs. Jane Bruneau. or nailicliiely D ai wn Coser) Toes oifice hich fave sdopred a | ETaVity test plant at the Peal, Pea-
ag ions ails of 5 r rive us Ss | ild yaines Evans, who died rs. Annie Cowher. ~ oe SN : ' BE RAVI a . { - ines at
regulations. oe oo | details of the show, and give us some | vel Matilda Gaines Ev ang, w : ed Mrs. An lie Cow! or, : Mrs. W. Heineman, of Pittsburgh. Ele- | plan of rigid enforcement have ex- | €ock and Kerr, Inc, m nes at St.
Charles A. Cunningham, president of | ya1yable hints. Mr. Blair is also ex-|Sundy in Cresson, was held at 1:3 Leonora T. Frank. ven grandchildren and 10 great-grand- |perienced a gratifying reduction in ac- | Benedict, departed on Saturday. They
irs [atione ank of Cressor sted ring wi im, a ma in- | 0 sday afternoo from the | Zatherine T. Cowher. ; : ® {I NCS : { ¢ roug p ir ow
the First National Bank of Cresson pected to bring with him, a man train- | o'clock Tuesday afternoon f . Katherine Cowher children also survive. | cidents, and the Department of High- tested coal brought from their own
| countries and it is said the mineral
‘has g iloxi ss, where helgq j » differ 5 5 of oree | hor sister 's. Howard Paul aut) : + » !
has gone to Biloxi, Ma Sy led in the different styles of Jamb e¢ (home of a sister, Mrs jorg Pot Rut} Funeral services were held at 2 0'-|ways so far as State highways are | CO 5 Bal 2]
is attending the executive council meet- | camping. The Paton Scouts are plan- of Lilly, Burial was in the Lioyd cem D. clock Wednesday afternoon at the late | concerned, will continue its efforts TOM Japan was rich in amber. The
ing of the American Bankers’ associa-| ning to enter the local Jamboree pro- etery at Ebensburg. : Ell: , Y aon oe hroich Whi State Hichvay “Patrol to| four men will visit England, France
irvelous, in- tion, which i in session there Monday, | haply held near Altoona. Ethel Evans, victim of a complica- 's. W H Denglinger. : : Cle Soren ea of the “Stop” signs, | 0d Switzerland after leaving the Unit-
dno . 7 a o sday. Sessions were ne ular i y held on | tj i Ss Wi rn Feb. 6, 1912, s. Laura Eltringham. 1 r 0 SEYRT | . alle : 5 Sie Lo, t v S c t o-
1 stage o1 Tuesday and Wednesday S: The Regular meeting was | tion of diseases was bo: . Laura F am MRS MARY C. GREENE | The threat of a fine is sometimes ed States The test Plant at S - Bene
| dict has brought men from many parts
held in the Edgewater Gulf hotel. The | weqnesday evening. A few important in Cambria township. She is survived
council is somposed of representatives matter of business were discussed. The [by these brothers and sisters: Samuel,
from all of the states in the union |geouts made plans to take a hike on |Sonman; Louise, U. S. Navy; Mrs. Os-
Mr. Cunningham is one of seven re-| wednesday afternoon, April 17, but|car Durbin, Wehrum; Mrs. Howard
G. P. Guyer.*
mip | ral servi r v ary Ca-| t as efficacious an an appeal to :
s. L. A. Gardner. | Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Ca |no as ertice ous a ; a Dl 8 2 of the United States and other codne
Adah A. Kirk therine Greene, 71, who died at her |reason, but it will be well to remember tries to inspect the machinery, but
2. gg | a arnesbor : ! k at the yhless rist, who fails i ee a
A. Gooderham. home in Barnesboro at 6:25 o'clock |that the thoughless MoLorisT wm. | the four mentioned are the last from
Monday morning of a complication of | to stop at an interesction wih a Thru | oo di
n—the fam
le Eva and
bhelia cvnie presentatives from the state of Penn-|gwing to the late snowfall, the hike |Paul, of Lilly; Harry, Williamport; F. Hopple. [roonaay ” > Ohman & Pleat: Ioneolt Trails stant places. While making tests
De brourhi sylvania. was Taian | Dan, John, Thomas, Alma, and Charles sa Honple. {dimen will be held at 1 Faock igh je: i » Dostile the Chinese and Japanese mineralo-
3 5 James Maxwell, aged 75 years, for-| mnhe pird-houses which the scauts|all of Altoona; Matilda and Ida, South Elsie Johnson. | this after noon from the Methodist pena 5 2 2 ben « ollar 1 he 0p 2 Sve | gists were registered at the Hotel
possible the merly a resident of Johnstown, died|aye building are due to-might it seems |Fork; Olive Grace, Pitsburg, and Mich- s. Rebecca M. Kinkead. [church Barnesboro. Interment was in|day jail sentence, to say nothing | Brandon,
old Planta- J t M. Francis Williams. | the cemetry at Brisbin. ithe dire and tragic results if he is
at Ebensburg of blood posining at that they are just in time. The birds |ael, an adopted brother, Cambria town-
: s . itt . involved 3 ‘ accide —y >
mor and ro- 10:45 o'clock Sunday night. can be seen seeking protection from ship, Mrs. Anna Burkett, a sister, died | Mary Litzinger. la In Bion Jo he husband, 8. 2 |mvoived i} an accident HENRY J. HOOVER
onflict—the Using a piece of electric light cord, | the cold, and it is up to scouts to}in Altoona almost one year ago. Mrs. Elizabeth Murray. igh Li Greg is SI oATION Max GE MAN GEDS Henry Joseph Hoover, two-months-
Thomas Moody, sr., aged 59 years, a place their bird-houses in a suitable | S——————————————reeet Mrs. Joseph Maguire. [by Six ehildron= he Toone A Mis [2 A ey __ |old son of Herman and Elizabeth Hoo-
well-known resident of Nanty-Glo,| place, Ga MRS. THOMAS PALMER Mrs. F. T. Maurer. | ipsbure, Ta Sreene a ! SY astle, | PENSION FROM U. S.|yer residing near Colver, died of pneu-
committed suicide at his home Friday. A few games were played after which | rs. Catherine Nehrig. | Ms. = ! Map o 5 Bryie and | Ferm monia at the parental home Sunday.
> M His lifeless body was found dangling|the meeting was adjourned with | The body of Mrs. Nancy (Sleigh) Julia Prindible. | Mrs. in = = gi BI%s ang) Fred Mitchell, of Patton, has been | He is survived by his parents, a twin
° ° in the atic stairway by his hols gang “Paps.” { Palmer, aged 38 years, wife of Tho- . Sara M. Rumbsugh |S R. Greens, Jr, all of Bamesoom, fh pension of Ju per: Teh; sister, Harriet Elizabeth, and a sister,
15 : daughter, Ethel Moody, aged eight {mas Palmer, of Detroit, Mich., former Martha A. Delancey. Ltt oto dating back to Januar 22, 928, | Dolores Mary.
15 ADMIS years, when she returned home from | GEORGE BERRINGER residents of Barnesboro, who died of . Philomenia Rhody. HOSPITAL SERVICE through the efforts of Congressman J.| Fynem] services were held Monday
and 40c. school. The Moody child summoned |a complication of diseases on Thursday Joseph Riner Jr. |More than 9000 patients in State- | Russell Leech. - : afternoon at Nicktown, with interment
— help and the body was cut down, but George Berringer, aged 79, died of [in the Grosse Hospital, at Detroit, was Mary Somerville. | aided hospitals throughout the Com- | ‘Mr. Mitchell, a well-known resident |i St. Nicholas’ Catholic Cemetery.
life was extinct ‘hronic nephritis Thursday at the |r hE Friday to the he of the do Jane Harris Sommerville. monwealth received 156,269 free or|of Patton and who for many years has
: ALi : ron epty B. N. Berringer of | Ooi Tioay Y 310 homo Of he Mary D. Simpson. part free days of treatment during|been prominent in lodge circles, is the HARRY COLTON
3 INC Rome of his son 3 N. ceased’s father, Samuel Sleigh. Funeral satherine L. Thompson | Maret rding to the report of the jatiher of the George Mitchell, who rTY : fous :
MILDRED LYNCH | Uniontown. near Barnesboro. He was | ices were held ab 2:30 o'clock Sat Catherine IL. iorapson. March, according to BS Topo! of the jal : € : g be W 1d Harry Colton of Emeigs Run, age
ak Nob id ; services wer “n bi Da rs. Martha Grove Winslow. Bureau of Assistance of the Depart-|served overseas during the orld | 53 died at 4:35 o'clock Tuesday afte
widower and is survived by the fol- |” ' “* ; rch. Burial] : x Nm : ae Dolor : , die : C uesday afte
Mildred, one-year-old daughter of||swine children: Mrs. Bert McAnulty, Li 1s Eiscops) Song) Bul Mrs. Louise Grose Wise. | ment of Welfare. [War eon 1 tubercuulosis and died poo in Je Spangler hospital, where
Nizabe mo ie Ie . ing, | Vee ? es oy Margot Snyder "ger. some ye: ne had been a medical patient since
John and Elizabeth Lynoh, died of a Barnesboro; Mrs. W. R. Grumbling, "oy, pier is survived by her hus- application of a few subscri- | ed and marked. Many problems con- | rere r——— Apri x
complication of diseases at the paren-|Dunlo; Mrs. J. E. Watkins, Pittsburgh; | and two children: Nency. Jane wg J $1ast year znd the Feniad the Kiwais Chib ulti first CARD OF THANKS oh 5 Ms. Coon B® Survived bs
Fed 9.0 1 c Ha i m* | Pe Ey Br eu” re misplacec year ¢@ font SU | 4 a widow IS. nna olton, anc the
tal home Ashville at 12:30 o'clock Mon- | B. N. Berringer, Uniontown; M. oad Ruth: also Her falar ahd these € ly ic ron 8 1 ) tL ;
: v : is SUrvi ori ¢ idav. : - ’ Si : Club asks that if you have year of this undertaking and many ——— follow en: Catherine se
day i Spseaned a Berringer, mE J. and | brothers and sisters: Mrs. David Clark d and find your Mother's minor details had to be worked out.| We wish through the columns ot I Rose:
y par S 8 se br rs a : - 3 8 A Tvs he os ; Sten) . 1 he nor. ge 4 ; x 1 vish througl I ) S ' ) : ilac la, and
ved by hat pares ST i Garman. Ningare Sa wai | Mus. Christ Entwisle and Josep Slew o from this list that you | This year the Mothers Highway Pro- |the Courier to express our sincere ap- | Mary, Julia, Harry ‘and John, all of
he rel William and Marie tf Llody Beringer, ho ® . nducted of | 311 of Barneshoro; Sart Sie , ox at once communicate this information gram should be carried through with prec on to all those who assisted us | Enegin Run.
ae y oe y : Funeral Services yes co : | Pittsburgh; John Sleigh, of Detroit; to any member of your local com- a minimum of error. The Kiwanis!in our recent bereavement, the illness Funeral services were conducted at
ral services were held at 9 o’- |g. ri mi e oe hp icolv ; v ] 3
Funeral service 9:30 o'clock Friday morning at the nr. Hurbert Nisely, of Cleveland, O., who will see that a proper ac- | Club asks you to bear with them in and death of our father. John Somics, | 8 o'clock Friday morning in the Church
g sday morning with burial resi - Ss i he " " zg ; , | mit : on. : :
oe i ; ote ih i Wn hs 4 and Mrs. George Woothead, of Ds knowledgment is mailed you at once.|case of mistake and to assist them In [for the floral offering and for the (of the Most Precious Blood, Emeign
: : pia pl CooishorM. B- Chirg : troit. The trees in question have been plant- corrections. use of cars at the funeral—The family. Run. Burial was in Barnesboro.