The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 21, 1929, Image 8

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e- "
P | and Arthur Jenkins of this place. Mr. A SE TR H. Hitchell, of Richmond, Va, was | tion.
J Jenkins wife was Miss Edith Lans- a Patton visitor this week. | Mrs. Joseph Boley was the guest #
| berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry David Luien, of Johnstown was a | of friends in Loretto the Tirst part
recent Patton visitor. | of the week.
[ [ | Dr. and Mrs. V. A. Murray. of North 9 Mrs. James Boyer of South Fifth Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Easter
| Fifth avenue, had as their recent gu- avenue, has returned from Johnstown | comes on the last day of the month.
SEND US ALL THE NEWS YOU ENOW AND HELP FILL THIS DEPARTMENT | esis, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schick of where she was the guest of friends and Miss Ida Bender of Carrolltown, was
EVERY LITTLE ITEMS HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JUST A “Mi | Blairsville. relatives. a visitor in town several days last
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skirkey and | week.
BETTER FOR ALL. BEND, BRING, MAIL THEM | Mrs, Henry Fox has left for Pitts-
burg, where she will spe S ol s yy
burg, where she will spend some time children of South Fifth avenue, have
returned from Cherrytree, where they
M. H. Gardner, Notary Public, at the
C. P. Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Blatt | as the guest of friends and relatives.
Tozer Jewerly Co. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woomer and Mr.| Mt. and Mrs. S. A. Cooper, of Fourth : vere I ACitors Vara oe
Banns of Matrimony have been pub- and Mrs. Fred Davidson of St. Bene- | avenue, have as their guest, Miss Hida 3 I puiissiavnay, waz | SAY — wives SAFETY VOL. XX
lis or the Det time for James|diet. Mrs. Sherry, Mrs. Kulnley, Mr, Troupe, of Pittspurs. ; a Patton visitor on Monday. ee pm
Mayer of Patton, formerly of Altoona | Kuhnley and Mr. Albert were award- Mr, and Mus. Clyde Dow, of Vin- Clark Heist is the guest of friends | ft ry 3 161558 : -
and Alberta Hofer of this place. |ed prizes. tondale, were the recent guests of Mr. and relatives at Spangler. Bd hy Be nlf 00 my
and Mrs. H. O. Winslow, of West 8 G. Gaymen, of Altoona, was a recent | {J == "== BERR 22 PATTO
Mrs. Sallie Woomer, Mrs. Helen | FOR SALE—65 acres, on improved | M
Krumbine, Helen Krumbine and T. T.|road, fair building, water in house and | Magee avenue. : ry
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lees and daugh- Pagion or il of Norristown, visit- NOT - §
« N., ntman, S , Visit- | ’
ed Patton friends recently. TES
Charlion spent Friday evening in Hol- | all kinds of fruit; timber, if worked, | ° Betty 1 Mrs. Maroaret Lees of
lidaysburg. | to almost pay for place. Five minutes | joc 221 Y A Ee A o - .
» ©, 3 5 Rev. A. Broadley-East, of Barnes- A B d F
boro, will preach at the Presbyterian | an age to it A Sum
Mr. and Mis. Jos. Groff and Joe | walk from railroad station. Price $3, Mr and Mrs. David Lees, of this
church in Patton on Sunday evening I . 2
‘the Injury pling A
J oF Duss Ee en | 2 Write Box E. Patton Courier, | place
ing An S J ace.
a sR | Paton, Pa. ; os g 1 1 h 1
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dougles, of Ss one Sa e t a You next, in exchange with the local pas-
tor, The French McAfee. The Rev. Sorio
avenue. |
w | Mrs. Clair Monteith entertained the | Youngstown, O., are the guests of Pat-
oR ovine club at a party at her home on | ton friends and relatives. i f { d McAfee has been preaching each even- Firstaid Readymade
2 y ; ino ha r 1 ; y aT as & g cal. 2
Magee Avenue, Monday evening, Mrs. of Johnstown, were the recent guests canno a O 1 to ing this week at the Barnesboro church. Bandage P45 Plun
The Ladies’ Aid Society of St George Junior
was a v
OWErS i | . {or
flowers, wedding and funeral flOWers.|y; on :eith guests were Mrs. Fred| of Johnstown, were the rectn guesis
Thursday. :
Call Parnell, Cowher office. 3tPl4. | :
¢ i . Blankenhorn, Mrs. Barth Youny, Mrs.| of Mr. and Mrs. Greg, of Palmer ave- .
Mrs. Sallie Woomer entertained &|T WwW. Guyer, Mrs. Sallie Woomer, nue MISS. 1 he values
are truly
number of friends at a cinch party|Miss Anna Moore. Mrs, James Mon-| Robert Nelson, who has spent the ff
Church will hold a food sale at the
Geo. Dluzansky Market store room on
Saturday March 30th. Announcement
in detail next week.
Mis. P. J. Kelly last Sunday enter-
tained at a St. Patrick's day Dinner
last week. They were Mr. ahd Mrs |teith, Mrs. Belle Martin, Mrs. Crone- | last week recuperating from injuries
Edward Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | miller, Mrs. Chas Forsburg and Mrs. | sustained while at work, has resumed
AS: ve Mos Ped Blanks Martha Spangle. his work in one of the mines at Ehren- y
orn, Mr. an rs. Barf oung, .| Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Welty spent Sun- | feld. Rk l 1 ] L at Patrick's day |
and Mrs. Fred Kuhnley, Mr. and Mrs. | day with friends in Momer City. J. B. Barnard recently transacted remar a ec, an 1t at her home, Miss Cora Leiden of Al- |
| : toona, and Mrs. W. A. Blair and daug- | nt
her, Mary, of Spangler. | 5 NOW TI
| Mr and Mrs. Fred Kuhnley enter- business in Altoona. »
tained the following ladies and gentle- Mrs. P. J. Kelley visited in Altoona t d
For men at five tables of Bridge Tuesday | last week. 18 Oo your a V an-
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanken- The Rev. Father Adrian, O. S. B., was ¢ 7
horn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blatt and a recent visitor in Bakerton. 1
Gardens Mr. and Mrs. Bart Young, Mr. and James Carl of Dysart spent the last og€ to come ear Y
Mrs. Edward Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. | week among friends in Patton. |
| io | > P her ; ware the guests of | man ready ii
| po S roe | ’s S 3 Ng NJ, t d h burg, where they ware g special bandage ready for im-
| Frank Young, Mr. and Mrs. George | Mrs. James Cox of Camden J on Sa ur ay t e friends. pesial : 28 | for
9 : : sl ana was thai mediate application. There’s no
Bill. Nelson, of Tibperaly, Was ihe | valuable time lost. Each bandage
| Woomer, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Short, | is spending a few days here with fri-
recent guest of Patton friends. : :
ont gues; of be combination of padded
| Mrs. Sallie Woomer, Misses Lynn and | ends and relatives. ° , i R ]
; Mrs. Joseph McMullen has gone to opening ay. €a Miss Mary Montanaro was a recent | is a
) | gauze and flesh-colored adhe-
Flowers June Rhody. Mrs. Frank Young and |
Mrs. Blatt were winners of the ladies | Jersey Shore to spend a few days : :
Altoona shopper. Sg :
C. C. Peacock, of Saginaw, Mich., | sive plasier. Almost incisible in
5 last Sa
FOR SALE—Furniture. Inquire at |
607, Fourth Avenue. 25¢ cents
George Shunkwiler recently visited :
with Barnesboro friends. | Whether you hurt your finger, rd :
Cverscek have returned from Ebens- | hand, foot or neck, there's a last Sun
yhn Th
1 1101
week of Api
prizes, wihle Mr. Blatt and Mr. Barth | with friends and relatives. 1 , . 1
Stronemere our arge Circu ars. transacted business in Patton this | use. Think of the decided ad- For 1}
| “or the past
| Young carried off the mens prizes. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles
i kwiler was a rece :
| Miss Low Suny Biles Was & recont week. vantage of having one of these Xt
|e Mrs. Ys K. Boyer and | SPOT CASH STORE Misses Janet and Bernice Plack, of boxes around at all times. FL sindents
i - Sifih dvenie : a : Altoona, were the recent guesis of June Sold only at aw ma x
Rowland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | : ging IC I
family of South Fifth avenue are mov- | >
ing to Johnstown this week, mr. Boyer KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS Richard Rowland, of Fourth avenue 9
Ax absolutely ordoless 385 Seen a es Pasion SPACE EVERY WEEK FOR Harry Tanner of Hastings, was a Fogerty S
rr REAL BARGAINS ® ’ business i here 0 Monssy. i
HA SAPP : sends Monday. |
guest of Carrolltown friends Monday DRUG STORE
and clean, complete high-
{= - . igor 4 years.
grade fertilizer and soi : es T : 1
sweetener. Better than manure. Will not Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of near | 5 2st of « fo Jon nday. |
Ney Baste Hit mon Patton announce the birth of a daugh- | Sugar best Granulated a lb. 5% a gg? ne ” gn DS | ¢
recat i) i F g S Y Ps Saturday afier- ]
Concentrated plant food. Formica gi” Bak ©. Ms Nell Bo | Corn Flakes, 4 boxes for .. 25¢ PATTON, - - PENNA. 3. : EI DT
a iittle goes a long way. Easy to use. rs. Patterson and Miss Ne ut- | Dalla ha 3 . diel .. a Sanity dhl 2 IX ALL © li
Wickes towns gre [rrr FS Yelm tue Pollel Quis Lon how a inate: a Hn Barnesh
wa m
flowers grow and bloom like magic. In- | Tuesday evening. at a pound a he Ok Re ee : y
creases yields of vegetables. Fine for Mr. Alvan Dillon of Hastings was Coffee, You can’t beat the qua- meee Sm
who went ou
fens wd pot planes. dikes ‘rose: plant a visitor in Patton Tuesda evening. |lity for the pric at per ...... 39¢ — — r—
ontains ove Pe = evs rite A ye ii ano} . | T LAR ACA .
loo nurs: red und FOR SALE—3f acres, with good | Cpepanut, loose at per 1b. .. 80c | announce the birth of a daughter. : I. A. Lenoson, of Alioona, transact-
food than mn sheep nm | . Fi , a ; : : SOOIY
recommended by foremost greenhouses. building site on improved road, good | py. piphon Malt at per can 59c¢ Miss Anna Grace Smithbauer of|ed business in Patton this week. z : receive leer
Based om actual plant food available, spring, price $1,200, one-half cash bal- role : y ai 2 b ol E : 10 Loretto is spending a few days here| Thomas McCaa, of Spangler, was the Kane, Li
Old Gardener is the cheapest fertilizer ance terms. Write Box E. Patton Cours Ce ery, large unes dor 1 € lwith friends. recent guest of Patton friends. 1 43 tS $3 $e 43 5 $$ 3 S43 year th
: ier, Patton, Pa. Lettuce leaf at perilb. ._... 12%c| Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sheehan and | Mrs. J. Walter Stark, of Kane, has
vou can buy. Furnished in 1-lb. cans Tr etitned Satan
and 5-lb., 10-b., 25-lb., 50-Ib. and 100- a ew R. De atur- | fread Lettuce at per head .. 10c|son of Altoona have concluded a visit | veturned to her home afier having been
Ib. bags. Order from |day from a two week Visit a Oranges, Sweet a doz. ....... 25¢ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan | the recent guest of Patton friends.
Be of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Heist had as
| Springs, Ark. ) /
Mrs. John H. Moren and Miss Mild- Oranges, Sweet Florida, large Miss Clara Anna has returned to |their recent guests Harry Heist and
HUBER HARDWARE red Moren were Saturday visitors in gize at per doz. ................ 40c|her home following a visit in Johns- | Mrs. Hattie Montgomery and son, Wes.
town with friends. | ley, of Kane.
y \ Nad :
Johnsiown. Grape Fruit, large size 3 for 29c : : .
Mrs. Alice Trunk of Cassandra is| William Miner, who is employed
meet will i
5 5 65 § 5 6 § $n §
PATTON, PA. Word has been received in Patton |
of the sudden death in Detroit, Mich. | \ YO RC- | spending a few ds here with fri- | here, spent the week-e ¢ ; . =
Also all other kinds of lime and fer- | Wednesday of Ike Jenkins formerly | ALL BINDS DY SOREN NE fy BE Aaya eee | 4th. The
14 asi 3 EE i | A XK s . 2 A > ay. yeoin
tilizer to suit every purpose. lof Patton, a brother of Edward, Bill| 4 0 g and Mrs. Gust Warner and] Charles Bertisin, who is employed at PHONOTONE MUSI( ) begin pi
= = family visited friends in Ebensburg| Tipperawy, recently visited with his | field d
Co BEEEESE——————————mm - . -—- recently. family here. . oe i Scoc
Mr. and Mrs. Michacl Zwarden and | Jeff Hill of Cherryiree, has return- | J) Perfectly cued with each picture | is
: lidaysburg I
party was he
children of this place have spent sev-| ed home after spending the week-end
eral days with friends at Ebensburg. | with his parents. ry — tr £5 3 $3 $n £3 i $n 3d
William Cook was a recent Barnes~| Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cronemiller had . 2 2 G f
boro visitor. as their recent guests, Harold Crone- Th d d F d M i- 2 Jeens for (
OUR ANNUA Ralph Mitchell, of Tipperary, was the | miller, a student at Juniata College, : urs ay an r ay, ar, Wednesday fo
! : recent guest of his sister, Miss Edith | and Misses Esther Neidigh and Sara + Y av Mot tice? S : the wos the
Mitchell, of South Fifth avenue. Lytle, of Altoona. Does Law Mean Justice’ See and ote in
Misses Anna Homyak and Margaret Among the out of town people who 8 June vas ser
Balong have returned from Mahaffey, | were here to atend the funeral of Mrs. | \ The Mi
where they recently visited with friends. | Ellen Kibler, who died recently at the | regs, My]
Miss Florence Lansbe recently vis- | Spangler Hospital are: Mr. and Mrs. Suis fois.
ited with Spangler friends James Cox, of Camden, N. J.; Mrs, T ol OY Da
he Megst
Heist, Clair I
Frank Maykovich and son, Leo have | Elizabeth Aretta, of Patterson, N. J.
returned from Clearfield, where they | Mrs. Sophie Jack and Mrs. Margaret Wi h E h R ] Go :
ith Esther Ralston “Scoop's. Cor
Sherry, Ted
visited with friends onTuesday. Barlow, of Missiouri.
ward Wea
John Camphb
Saturday, March 23rd =
9 db B BEBE DANIELS in es
WATCH FOR “What A Night” is
ANNOUNCEMENT a 1g het appecred
. TI Las wy a Cann M nd \
A Night of Thrills: Of Fun: 0f Romance And Gayety! Judve Evans
ment ior the
in the Weste
Monday, Mar. 25 Billie Dove in legheny coun
Harry Smit
66 s ””
enshurg v re
oration ne
was brougl ]
Her Beauty Alone Will Thrill You! But what a wonderful 347 204 semen
undergo an 1m
Starts Saturday, Mar.23 || Tne world’s first |
Never before have we been straight -eight
able to offer such a wide and under $1000 I ent TE
Spring Opening
he was captur
Mike Jurik
varied selection of Men's, tas)
Tuesday, March 26th anick, of Pon
Ladies’ and Children’s Fine a charge of dir
Spring Wearing Apparel of Talking Pictures! i
the latest correct modes, at i 1s ; . Jom HL. Mec:
h : ‘ Six high class Vaudeville Acts in ili
such attractive prices. Every Talking Pictures Se
Department of the store is in- ou ae he
cluded. See the circulars,
come and be convinced.
Kusner Blankfeld (
Also A Complete Change of Pic- Bie elht sotts
Department Store PATTON, PA,
ture Program.
O0SC Ve ya Wednesday, March 27th day 2 :
Am “The Great White x
A NEW CAR FOR ALL North” or of th
RODKEY'S GARAGE | IR sss ve seitatgay sins 9 3 ey
Frankstown roa
PHONE 53.) Sang Comedy aiid artuon a
about the sam
been identified
with the advan