w A THE PATTON COURIER : . 'S-The Store of a Thousand Gifts| | | Headquarters for Christmas Shoppers. oll} Special LOW PRICES on All Holiday Goods Omid Bu Het a of last week. —The coal in sylvania is now it has been for ings for the we were 15,587 car in any week sin put would have fact that Satur church holiday Christmas Shopping will be a joy here because useful, practical ng Sp and acceptable gifts may be selected quickly, easily and econom- a ee il ically. Come in, folks, and see the beautiful display of Xmas fue em Merchandise. Things to Gladden Every Heart. “Merry Christ- pone ree mas’ for Everyone. Come in, see our gift stocks. Be Convinced. fame, the ro re — Te § TOY Santa Claus knew a thing or two when den 8 he brought the toys here. Bring the Tots. T0YS Th AL ANDLOCALNEWS NOTES OF 1.53 om ™ »* |e hith i? ft Sa” Saris 1 0 bib op PATTON AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY 5s = to 2m oe 8 i Gao moc bu tn i in its annual inspection of vy conditions in hunting camps ated on or near the state’s water sheds. This investigation is under way for the purpose of protecting users of raw water in isolated sections. { ALL THE NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP FILL THIS DEPARTMENT. | Fort Pitt Construction Company, is{store. : hand. been discharged from the h Sa not work. LITTLE YTEMS HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JUST 24 MT1.E spending some time in Patton with| Mr. and Mrs. John Rupert of Burn. | wyrs, Martha Casher of Spangler who j Endler met with an automobile FOR SALE—Firewood. Delivered at —County Cc BETTER FOR ALL. SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM friends and relatives. | side, were recent Patton visitors. on November 28th. He suffered lacer- $4.00 a load. Inquire of J. C McGough Walker and Wil Dr. S. W. Worrell and Walter Camp- | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gill of Altoona | Al = | ations and contusions. Dysart, R. D.. Pa. : 3tnd Wednesday afte [were week end visitor sin town. p er, Notary Public, at the [ proposition. Applicant must be able to bell were callers in Johnstown Wednes- Co. (travel. $50 per week and upward if day. rs. Ralph Dunegan return- [You qualify. See E. L. Shaffer after 7| po. poner Henry has been con- | nesdav nieht of last week |P- M. at 711 Fourth and Magee Aves. middle west and Canada,| The Northern Cambria Business-|an atack of the grippe. in Michigan they were |stores is the north of the county will young man, was completely demolished fined to his home for several days with | Ellen Jonarich, who had been the | guest of relatives at Pallisade Park, N. |J., has returned to her home. Mrs. Bebe Coulter of Punxsutawney home. | AT THE GRAND THEATRE | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19 | ugh its bureau of engine had been on their honey- |men’s association announces that the A Tord car, belonging to a Hastings | 725 a week end guest at the Cowher | thro- Pay your subscription and make it Is now A Merry Xmas for the editor. The state health dep. r EEE EE tract for the co of improved h Route No. 234, north of the De to the present c¢ lage of Fallen be of concrete tarct was award f Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Far- | be open evenings, beginning on Mon. last night in a wreck at the Parochial Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dinsmore and family of Heilwood spent the week end Buffalo, N. Y,, mer residents of Patton. | day next, up until Christmas. School, this place. am Too Se 812.46. Registered guernsey | Mrs. George Hoppel is nursing bru-| wr, Walter Faber of Pittsburgh was [I town with relatives. | A F —Mrs. Brunat ; price $150; Inquire of | ises sustained by a fall from the rear |, pecent Patton visitor. D. W. Wilkie, and son Thomas, were | A ! gler, has receiv wtton R. D. 1, Pa. porch and steps at her home recently.| Jim Mills, of Ashville, was a shopper [Visitors in Patton several days during | [8 i i \ from relatives Standard upright piano, FOR SALE— UPRIGHT PIANO .in|in town on Monday. the week. | s oe death of an unc buyer. C. J. Gibbons, | good condition. Cheap to quick buyer.| mys. Irvin Whitehouse and son, Bob- EWEN PAT ON PA Centreville, Mar | a ’ ° av e. Inquire Courier office. by, of Louisville, Ky., are the guests of SPANGLER HOSPITAL NOTES. D—Single man with light | Miss Thelma Staub of Somerset was |the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo-| Lloyd Albright, of Marstellar has ar ecial sales and advertising [a visitor in Patton last week. nard Lacue. been admitted to the hospital for med- | a - : m——— ical treatment. | = EE 7 i me al Aldo Bonfili aged 9, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Frank Bonfili, of Spangler, re- cently underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils. | John Abrams of Spangler has been | admitted to the hospital for medical | treatment. | Charles Vallalla, son of Mrs. Cath- | erine Valalla, of Spangler, has been | admited to the hospital for medical treatment. Frank Ferguiel of Heilwood was ad- mitted for surgical treatment. | Stephen Egnotowski of Glen Camp tomobile accider —Private fune Mary Witmer, a and Mrs. Josepl occurred of dij Barnesboro, wer death, with int Cross cemetery &@ —Bernard, the son of Mr. and residing near | pneumonia and morning. The d his parents and and sisters. Pr were held at th was made in St. Carrolltown. —David Davis, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 and 14 Richard D Se & bell is suffering of a fractured pelvis, | the result of an accident in Zarnes No. | Dix Continues to bat 1,000. “The Quarterback,” “Spor- 5 1 a resident of 2 mine. | : | ) \ : € ’ h TN icati i | oC “Th av Come Tie 9s ey op complication of Mrs. John Ryan, of Hastings, Mus. | ting 70 Sy wASy Lome, lLasy Go.” he hasn't muffed hour last Sunday Catherine Hicks, of Marstellar and Mr, | pnee, re Vers a last one in this ideal mixture of ro- ty home at Eber Walter Bell of Nicktown, are medical mance and bas patients. Miss Mary Anna of Pittston is get- ting along nicely following an appendi- | citis operation. | Betty Louise Stephens, aged 4, dau- | ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Greer Steph- | ens, of Ebensburg, is a pneumonia pa- | tient at the hospital. | mely paretical. After all, you would buy a gift that you feel sure is going to be appre- _ Earl Meson of Westover is re-| J ing medical treatment. | miated and there are scores of handsome, practical things to buy. Here are a few of them: Robert Zullinger of New Brunswick, CAPT. KID NO. 2 and Cartoon. LADIES’ PRINCESS SLIPS; CHILDREN’S SWEATERS: LADIES’ SILK HOSE; - : rE ——_—eee | WOOL BLANKETS, BED SPREAD SETS; BATH ROBES; MEN'S DRESS GLOVES; N'S SILK SCARFS; MEN'S SWEATERS; SHEEPSKIN COATS; MENS UNION SUITS: BOYS’ PANTS; MEN'S NECKWEAR; BOYS’ CAPS; MEN'S HANDKERCH- [EFS: MEN'S UMBRELLAS; LADIES’ UMBRELLAS; LUMBER _JACKETS; MEN'S ted to that insti 1927. The deceas Relatives claime taken to Glasgo —The Paul Co Cresson was the tion of Route 3: where a stretch paved with conc 083. —John P. Bind of May (Pruner former Ebensbur novo hospital o of a punctured { tained in an au \ Thursday night, they were drivin —Mary Glady: daughter of Mr. of Portage, died diseases at the p COMEDY AND CARTOON. DECEMBER 15th BUSTER KEATON in FATHER, MOTHER, SISTER, SWEETHEART OR FRIEND Rejoice Most When gift is an intimate one. At very little cost you may buy something very useful and ex- SEER SRR Fon ns Enroll wit] er as he starts in “College” Finish in joy knowledge. 8 CAPS: MEN'S SILK SHIRTS; BOYS’ SWEATERS; PAJAMAS; MEN'S HOSIERY; Yo ARE Thy CORES, nesday of last ¥ : YOU TAKE THE L: THS. —Mrs. Sara VELING BAGS; SHOES; SLIPPERS; SAFETY RAZOR SETS; LADIES’ NEW COMEDY, CARTOON AND FOX NEEWS REEL. C. B. Helly, of I on Thursday la by heart disease. held in St. Brigi ment in the cht MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 AND 18. SUE CARROLL, DAVID ROLLINS & ARTHUR LAKE IN ANOTHER OF THE BIG FOX SPECIALS WEAR; SHAVING AND MILITARY SETS; DOLLS; LADIES’ SWEATERS; {GOLEUM RUGS; TURKISH TOWELS; LADIES’ DRESSES, COATS AND HATS; LINGERIE; TABLE LINEN; TOILET SETS; AND A THOUSAND AND ONE OTHER 'HINGS WILL BE FOUND IN THE BIG GIFT STORE. FO Some of tne I CRORE | I ever had. I hay { es Andreasburg, an =i Singing Canarie gi and the Manche i SOMETIMES LOCAL TRADE TAKES ALL THE Te 8 ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF FOODS PRO sheer a DUCTS. THIS TIME WE HAVE TAKEN ALL THE fe ib HONOR IN DRESSED TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS FOX ge it T ie a Order your TURKEY today Ta based on the serial in The Post, will be theatre, tonigl morrow night, ster,” essentia story of the bi tal influence, run wild in F who, naturally road in his af manhood. Moz Gangster” is ¢ as to the train It was directe Don Terry, first motion p revalation. Ju truly inspired supporting ca: assembled for Orders received until Dec. 22 People’s Mea] MARKET COR. MAGEE AND FIFTH PATTON, PA. HERE IS A REAL AVIATION PICTURE N HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAR. pL STORY OF TWO AIR STRUCK YOUTHS WHO GO TO AN AVIATION SCHOOL TO LEARN TO LEARN TO FLY. FULL OF COMEDY AND THRILLS. : NEWS, COMEDY AND NOVELTY REEL. Te ln em OAR SN TAR ERB