The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 25, 1928, Image 1

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eo to hold
e sought.
rin” dan-
all dang-
Anna Brubaker
cob and Cath-
tage, who died
ital at Johns-
taken to her
1d funeral ser-
'hursday after-
residence and
spect cemetery.
nth old son of
ender of Carr-
ental home on
y'clock of con-
s held from St,
fonday after-
in the church
overnment Ag-
0 Rico has re-
lvania Depart-
d him a com-
more different
s that during
ie library has
ions, damaged
ough the win-
on claims in
he $100,000,000
it Our New Location in the
Visit Our New Location in the
Condensed items Gathered from
Amendments on Ballot
and Meaning of Them
Various Sources for the
Busy Reader.
—Only a few more
general election, and
the voters to becor
t, in adition the tion districts under certain conditions.
(C voted upon, will{ No. Authorizing Pittsburg to levy
miliar with the fourteen propc ne n proposed con- | spe lal assessments aginst property to
endments to the state cor a 52 ts ach vo-|be bene ted by public improvements.
be voted on. Don’t wait until wion fourteen| No. 8 Prohibiting the increase of the
day to do this. voting | debt of any city of the second class
—Mr. and Mrs. Homer L f
in the [above ten per cent of the assessed val-
uation of taxable property without the
Ebensburg, announce {
—Homer James,
1e amendments | ©©
ent of the electors thereof.
5 ‘tober 1 ) C £ I ‘izing 5( ( i
pital on October 4a 11m nie Clip them and| No. 9 Authorizing 350000000 in
before her marriage : election day as a for rebuilding and improving of
Hodgson of Carrol n vt TC enlint Rr or ny sa ays.
> VIC en 10 thorizine $5 .
—The Rt. Rev. John J VicCort, oy i ting andl, 10. Authorizing $50,000,000 for
bishop of the Altoona diocese, has ap- ig hb RE jp | ‘and, building and construction of pen-
pointed the Rev. Fa ne , din . Tn Hy Sas al, delinquent and mental defective in-
3 vev. Aad TC or by € | of ti
; I Tin : tutions.
of Conemaugh, u ) .
Rev Father Ju Langer, ps r of : e An 11. Providing for changing of the
St Marys Polish Catt 11 a a Suance oi $9! debt limit for Philadelphia from 10 to
a ary « Jo “ll 0) rectior of a : Cid
Gallitzin, who died rday a weel ; Bi honas jor thee gogon o 14 per cent and for changing debt limit
ago. Father Pilz has been pastor of th ana equipment at Pennsyl-|.e ov county from 7 to 10 per cent.
yo yy ‘noe tate ( 1 J ). Providine the c ro »
Church of the Assumption Cone- eo | No. 12. Providing Sin laws may |
maugh, for some time. ( $1120 | ons on x Das jg iio
p 3 1 i € 01 1 | ‘esiaents u pr
—Not all of the spc doe J n :
: ’ 1 y § xemption of rebates
alloted to Oambria. col : rizing $5,000,000 in bonds | states of residents
issued at the County u L110 1 of & tional Guard \
in Ebensbur rE > ' thorizing use of voting ma-
bria County are n I ne assem
to hunt the doe Cs to i
- poor distric cities, borou-
S. ghs and towns 5 of county of Alle-
gheny into ocnsolidated city of Pitts-
—Felix Klenoska, aged 72 y
merly a resident ¢
chronic neuriti
Ebensburg last
deceased has been
institution since Fe
has no surviving rel
was interred in
“9unty home.
—Mary Mary W
died of a complic
her home in Ba
and the body | PICK DELEGATES TO
: last Thursday night,
hours after seven cars
ania freight train were
io She is su b n Pi ’
gl Suk ; \ 1 1 Fork at 4 o'clock last
anc Svan oh ren ( 2, fire which followed
Jere h on viol h heels of the derail-
jie Jos dg pe : . 10S v and it was some
i Gh gy 0 was extinguished.
—Miss Annie Y ye = v
Traits ) Vy due to the block-
Harry Skelly, of ilmore 1 ve + Q
I . e Wwrec the last, of
in the Holy N: Cath 1 2 p a ;
I y= : S was reported in
Ebensburg la Saturda; 1 1 106k. 'Tranciay oy
the Droog au mau Iie En part of o'clock Thursday even-
I toy, & VM ONeill, 1 ih Superinten k was opened three and
ants were Olean Weakland ar 1 ing ident
€ n ervising ai he accident, and
Repoley. . f Spangler in service a few
—Miss Dorothy N. Dawson, iy “E. I 5 oni is
Tv" ; h school i1 1 . ¥. McGuire | hours later, but with only two tracks
Ee 1 1 1 ) ( "S- e traffic
ral pass-
delayed for several
ter of Mr. and
son, and Myers
and Mrs. Ho
Cresson, were
the bride’s home at noo: 1 ]
—Mrs. Christine Craven af sev-
€r's— | open it was ble to mo
at the norn
er trains we
d and se
of the crew of one of
enty-five years, of 1 d although none
found dead St nde v and were sent to
apple tree. She \ : 2 ing treated by a
ples when stricken. g » a Md, of e onemaugh,
—Daniel J. Shield of J lous of the three. He
convicted d se 1 i , 1 on the train and was
in prison for brib 8 L face ond hands, and
tion unit clerk to fur Ant of I ittsburgh, fire-
formation conc ¢ 1, { Pittsburg,
gations, last wee C A 51y burned,
ed States Supreme Court 1 . s His [3 1 d from the fire
—Four dw! i and t i : ptiial memoe z ) arran / men he So 1 Fork Fire
store rooms which ISTO 2 ( wl had responded to a
dwellings were r 1 as mu ni scene of the wreck.
town of Jack 1 ! ) ] nstit ding to 1 ad officials the
miles from Indiana 1 i own Ww caused when a brake rig-
ing. The total loss was al m D npel 5a n aca east bound freight
gnc ) 1 and derailed
A petition for v
tion of the pc ) in. Another train
township from 11 ) bound, was moving
has been denied by th ) 2 track a plowed into the
—Cresson volt L1€ olf the first train, overturn-
hard battle with X locomotive and some cars of
the A. & P. Com;
early last Friday mor G Y : © t roe: y Was two cars of
original blaze wa ¢ i u i 3 GATHERED iL, a carload of carbide, another car
ain broke out about I ¢ \ — loaded veneer and t ree cars of
estimate fixed $1,200 as th am re I wolie and F. E. Fara- | Package frei Fumes from the over-
done the building. h re recent business visitors in | turned ta rs ignited and the blaze
—Frank Montok, aged 48, of Vinton. plac pread to the ot W recked cars, caus-
dale, was painfully ini d la Fri { Mrs. Harry K and fam- | 11 such intense heat that workmen
day morning while ) i H » Spent S ay evening were unable to get near enough to
Vinton Colliery Company. He red vith friends and 1 Ve fight the flames and were obliged to
a fracture of the r 1 1 nd dau r of | delay repair work until the fire died
mine car struck hi He 1 ( of relatives here| down enough to permit the placement
the Memorial hospital. Jo own. tv. ol derricks, which rolled the cars down |
—Fire of an unk n origin ro Marie Link has returned to Al- | the embankment into the river at the
ed the Power House of the Hastin 1 afater v ng her parents, Mr. | foot.
ue y any ) cl t y rat; K nt ere over the pty Tr
in the plant wa 1 1 McConnell of Patton was a Former Governor Martin G. Brum-
will be out of ing ( i V rl baugh has accepted chairmanship for
eral weeks. The loss reported hes: r. and MN Wil lunkett and |the 192 mas Seal Committee for
Prompt response of the -H: 1 Fire | da iter, ol Chest Springs, spent Sun- | Pennsylvania i was announced at Har- |
Company saved the adjoining buil 1 l her th Mrs, Plunkett's father, risburg this we
from destructiory J 1 C1 1 Dr. Brumbaugh, who is president of
—Eating toadstools in 1 1 . ns, of Altoon pent the | Ju a College, in his letter of accept-
mushrooms caused the d here with his pz , ance to the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis
erine Sass, aged 5 J 1 1 \dam said, “The health of our citi-
aged 3, of near Central C n ) I. M. Sheeh m was a busi- our finest asset. It is not my
mother and a brother a h 11 h desire to assume new obligations, but
cally ill at their home. M1 ibaugh and fa- | your request to act as Chairman for
—The fog was so 1 t t \ 1 he last few | Pennsylvania to sell Christmas seals
night at Poplar Grove n Com here am lativ for combatting tuberculosis is a com-
ville, that Samuel Clarl n 1 n of Loretto was a caller |mand I cannot deny.’
to his yard and then couldn ind his | here 1 I : rr —— er
way back to the house. When the hea re will be cinch party in t MRS. HOWARD GREESLEY
vy blanket lifted he found fi 1 1all here on f irday evening. Lunch Mrs. Howard Greesley, aged 48 years
mobiles parked on his lawn. The dr will be served. Proceeds to go for the |of Barnesboro R. D. died suddenly of
vers lost their way and one of them irch ) heart failure at her home on Sunday
said he had been parked f{ everal vir. and Mrs. Joseph Dunegan and | night. The funeral services were held
hours. v 1( Irs. William Bender of Pat-|at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon
—Wholesale thievery was rep l a tended th litical meeting here | in the East Ridge Church, with bur-
Nicktown last Thursday n 1 | on Sunday afternoon. ial in the church cemetery.
three residences were en 1 and sev- \ s M ha Sheel of Loretto, The deceased is survived by her hus-
eral articles of v: tal ) 19 € C with friends. |band and these children: Gladys and
— 1 Mrs. ( 1 | Carl, both home, and Mrs. Cecil
MRS. JOHN EN 1 Cl g | Westover and Mrs. Julian both of Ak-
AWAY AT NILES, OHIO d neral ron, Ohio.
w—— - i 1 ‘celiu — eee — ——
Mrs. John Entler, asc ves f rned to Clear . JOINT KIWANIS MEETING.
Barnesboro, died at the home of a - (number of da ere ives. The Ebensburg and Northern Cam-
ter at Niles, Ohio, Monday V J Shrid as a |bria Kiwanis Club had an interesting
having been a gue ther \ 1 Mon- | inter-club meeting at the Brandon Ho-
gust. ‘She became seriously ill about da tel in Spangler on Monday night, and
two weeks ago, although 1 alth For Sale—Guernsey and Holstein da-|a good attendance was present from
had been impaired for 1 inquire D. F. Horne, St. Au- | both clubs
The body will be brought Ba - Pa. m— rtp mete tn
boro and funeral services will be held — ee Mr. and Mrs. David Lees and chil- |
1s. D. A. Wirt were re- dern have returned from a visit of
several days in Pittsburgh.
in St. Edwards church on Friday morn- V and :
ing. ' cent visitors at State College.
Providing for consolidation |
—_ tr Lorn mmr IR
FOR THE HUNTERS |. ceporce rr wins aps on
Folks By Our Emeigh Run Cor-
A Good Big Healthy Dose of | spondent.
“Dont’s Prescribed by the |
Game Commission.
| Our special correspondent at Emeigh
Run, relates us a hairbreadth story of
|a Patton Motor Party under date of
Don’t forget to place your resident | Tuesday evening, as follows:
hunter’s certificate in your clothes be- A Buick sedan car, said to have been |
fore you leave home. Be sure to coun-;owned by A. O. Somerville of the Penn-
tersign your license certificate. Your li- isylvania Coal and Coke Corporation, of
cense is not good until it is signed. [ Patton, and driven by one Frank L.|
Don’t fail while out hunting to wear | BBrown, prominent cashier of the lar- i
your license tag in the middle of the | gest banking institution in this county
back on the outer garment as pre- | outside of the city of Johnstown, car-
scribed by law. | rving as passengers Mr. Somerville, Mr.
Don’t hunt on some other fellows li- | Wiam L. Thompson, well known Pat-
cense. The fellow who loans you his li | ton clothing ‘merchant, and a popular
cense is, as well as yourself, violating | Patton lady, in passing a Vance Motor
the law and the penalty is $20.00 each. | 'fuck at the intersection of the Eme-
Don't exceed the bag limits on game | igh Run road and Route No. s en-
mammals and game birds. The fellow | foute to the Cheftemon County Club
who exceeds the bag limits is cheating | tonight, iried fo hump le trailer on
| his fellow sportsmen; he is taking an | the ‘ance Jruck ora. Toy ol pins, but
| ungentlemanly advantage of the id PO SI ih
{ who plays fair. |
Is said to have been forced down over |
| an embankment and had all intentions
[of making a nose dive in the Susque-
{hanna river, had it not been for the
| presence of mind of the driver. At any
| Don’t carry off personal Property oun |rate it was stopped before reaching the
| land where you are privileged to hunt. | water. Mr. Thompson it is said made
{ Hunters who fill their coats with tur-|a flying dive through a window, he
| nips, apples, corn and nuts, without | taking no chances on getting wet on a
| Permission, do not help the farmer- | cold evening. The other members of
| hunter problem. | the party. remained with the car.
Don’t forget to secure the license| THE INJURED: Nobody.
number of the hunter who destroys| LOSS: Car bumper, and steering ap-
personal property or one who commits | paratus.
| larceny of the farmer's crops. Turn| Rescue squads were despatched post-
this number in to your nearest game |haste from a service station in Cherry-
protector. Be sure to get the county | tree, and recovered the car before it
| number at the top as well as the li- |slipped into the river.
| cense number at the bottom of the tag. Mr. M. B. Cowher, prominent insur-
If you can’t secure either, then if the|ance broker, of Patton, who had al-
hunter has an automobile get his au-|ready retired, was summoned from his
tomobile license number. | bed, and drove to Emeigh and brought
Don't enter the Primary or Auxiliary | the party home, or took them on to
Game Refuges with dog or gun. These | Chetremon, or both.
sanctuaries belong to the Sportsmen How badly the Vance trailer was
and are used to propagate large and damaged, we have not been able to
small game. Land adjacent to the ref- | ascertain.
uges, however, is open to legalized I
hunters ih season. ’H LIEB, AGED EIGHTY-
Don’t shoot within 150 yards of oc- FOUR, NICKTOWN, EXPIRE
cupied buildings. It’s against the law. | — 5
Don’t hunt in crowds, and thereby Joseph Lieb, aged 84 years, died of a
avoid accidents. More than 70 per cent complication of (diseases Sunday after-
of the fatal and non-fatal accidents|N00n at the Lieb farm near Nicktown.
last year occurred while gunners were The fune al services were held at 9
hunting small game. o'clock on Wednesday morning in St.
Don't take a loaded shot gun into an | Nicholas’ Catholic church. Interment
automobile with you. Remove the shells | Was in the church cemetery.
first. | Mr. Lieb was one of the oldest and
Dont’ climb over a fence with a load- best known Democrats in the north of
ed shot gun; remove the shells from | the county. He had resided in the vi-
the chambers and then get over. or lay | Cinity of Nicktown Ice coming from
the gun on the ground. Never pull z|Armstrong county 68 years ago. His
gun through the fence after you. An|Wife preceded him Io the grave,
ounce of preevntion is worth a pound he following children survive Mr.
of cure. Lieb: Mrs. Brawl of West Carroll
Don’t shoot promiscuously while in |toWnship; Mrs. James Dumm and Mrs.
the fields or woods; and never use a Luke Kirsch, of Spangler; Joseph V,
live tree as a target. Target practice, and Pe Lieb, Barr towns} Pp; and
unless you have a substantial barracks | George Lieb, pangler. Mr. Lieh was 4
constructed, is a menace to human |Prother of Mrs 5% and
life. Mrs. Joseph Ktown
Don’t gun on Mondays, Tuesdays and | He was 8 member : town-~
Wednesdays, beginning October 15th, ship Grange, and had held various of-
until and including November 30th, for | {ices in the township.
woodcock, grouse, ringneck pheasants,
quail, bob-white, black and gray squir-
rels, and wild turkeys.
Don’t forget that the season for rac v y
coon opens October :5th and ends on| Mrs. George C. Hoppel recently en-
November 30th, with hunting six days | tertaine 17 number of guests af bridge |
a week. . at her home on. West Mag ee avenue. |
Don’t forget that the woodcock sea- Prizes were awarded to Mrs. FF. R. Man. |
Son opens October 18th, week end hunt- | '6T; June Rhody and Margaret ( amp- |
Ing only, and that Federal regulations bell. Mrs. Hoppel's guests. Included the
close the season November 14th. Mesdames F. B. Morey, J. Mac Den.
Don't shoot ring neck hens, Look for linger John H. Moren, S. L. Weakland,
long tail, the white collar, or the green | Lv Claire Smale, James Semelsberger, |
head. > B. J. Overberger, Fred L. Maurer, and
Don't shoot ruffed grouse of wild the Misses Margaret Campbell, Mildred |
turkeys before sunrise or after sunset, | Moren, June Shedy ond Margaret Fo.
Other small game aside from woodcock | 86TW- A dainty lunch was served by
and wild water fowl may be shot from | !R€ hostess
one half hour before sunrise to one mE
half hour after sunset. | Y JON 171
Don’t forget that blackbirds are pro- John A. Leap, aged ‘1 years, 2 pro-
tected this season. Protection of black- | Minent Istireq con) ,Zperaar and ons
birds was effected to save the song and of the 0laes! Yesiqents of Lily, dled of
insectivorous birds, because it was a complication of diseases at his resi- |
found that many hunters who went out dence there at 10:20 o'clock on Mon- |
ostensibly to kill blackbirds, killed the 98 morning. ;
protected birds, Funeral se rvices were held at nine |
Don’t shoot a baby bear. They are |2 clock this Thursday morning Ins
proctected. Bear season opens Novem- Brigid's Catholie ehitel ang Tiermen |
ber 1st, with week end hunting to and |Was In the church cemetery, |
including Noevmber 30th. Then 6 days Mr. Leap was born in Lilly gn ane
a week beginning December 1st, end- | ust 22, 1857. He was & 301 of Christian
ing Deecmber 15th. and NV y (Golden) Leap. The decesed !
Don’t shoot a fawn. Get one of the was the owner 92 an suiomobile tire
big, barren does, Antlerless deer, only, Store in Altoona V bod |
are legal this season. When this year's | MI Leap 1s Survived yd iis Widow,
deer season is over the sexes will be Mrs. Ida M (Sanford) I ap, and the
better balanced than they have been |[ollowing children: Oliver F. ,of Johns-
| Don't forget to respect the farmer's
| Fights. Secure permission to hunt. Stay
| off posted land unless you have per-
| mission.
for years. town; Roy J. w Liam 1, ang yn
Don’t forget to look closely before | 211 of Altoona; Orien P., of Lilly; Mrs.
shooting at an antlerless deer. When | F- J. Kelley, of Williamsport; Mrs. C.
a bush cracks be sure your quarry is a |M- Garlinger of Chicago He also leav-
|doe. Unless you're careful you may kil | 8 one brother, Thomas P. Leap, of
a man. : Lilly and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Brad-
Hunters, Be Careful With Fire, ley, and Mrs. Mollie Litzinger, both of
Fire, the merciless, insatiable de- |LilLY-
stroyer, may wipe out in an hour what NIR® CHDTCTINA oer
nature has taken years, perhaps cen- MRS. CHRISTINA ITEL. a
turies, to build. Pennsylvania's hunters Mrs, Christina lel, aged 88 years,
must be careful with fire, , wife of Joseph Itel, died at her home at
The season promises to be a relatively | Munster on Saturday. :
dry one, so the danger from fire is| Funeral services were held on Mon-
fnminent. Fire destroys not only game [93 morning at nine o'clock in St. Mi-
food and cover, but it exterminates the chael’s church at Loretto. Mass was
game itself. Areas which have been celebrated by the Rev. F ather James
laid waste by fire may lie useless for | Sass. Burial was in the church ceme-
years—scarred, ugly, devoid of all life. | tery { Was Bor Ger —
Forest fires can be prevented. Camp The deceased was born in Germany
fires can be thoroughly extinguished, | nd came to this connnry many years
Burning cigarettes can be ground into | 280. She is .survived by her husband
the damp soil or thrown into the wa- |and two daughter Mrs. Henry BeBiter
ter. Only criminal carelessness, as ga | Of Loretto, and M 3arbara Murphy
rule, is responsible for the starting of | at home.
forest fires, .
The greatest single reason for the |long as these mountains can furnish
success of Pennsylvania as a game [food and cover game life will continue
state is that our wooded mountains|to be abundant. Let fire destroy our
I furnish an ideal home for game. So 'woodlands and the game will disappear. '
{not be
Turpeck, a brother scout, was brought
| Ping across the floor on one foot,
VERY NARROW sere Record Vote Likely
~ At General Election
J ements
Y : Politicians of Both Major Par-
OH KAY” COMING T0 : i rvs for ew Os
dential Totals
| Colleen Moore Heads Good Cast In A y IN TIN PEN Tey - id
| Picture You Will All Want to WOMEN VOTERS ACTIVE
Witness for Sure: Politicians of both parties are look-
“Oh Kay,” with Colleen Moore, comes | 1 forward to a record breaking vote
. in the presidential election.
Figures so far indicate heavy regis-
tration all over the nation, with wo-
men voters preparing to exercise their
voling right more extensively than ev-
er before.
Both camps are striving hard to “get
out the vote.” The indications are that
le there may still be an army of
Vv at homes” untold thousands will
< out the polls voluntarily on the
h of Noevmber, out of sheer inter-
in the contest.
From virtually all corners of the land
come reports that registration is un-
parallelled this year. Many experts look
for a total vote of perhaps forty mil-
lion in the country. That Cambria
County will poll it largest vote, is fore-
cast by both parties.
Of course it is the presidential cam-
aign that is behind all this interest,
but we must not overlook the fact that
we have a Congressman, a state sena-
tor and three legislative members to
elect, also. Congressman J. Russell
Leech, of Ebenshurg, is a candidate to
succeed himself as a Republican. He is
Saad sida opposed by Attorney George E. Wolfe,
" 3 1 % ATTY Democrat, of Johnstown. Congressman
HERN AND SHAF FER Leech, we believe, should be given the
ARE SENT TO JAIL opportunity of continuing as our repre-
- en sentative in Congress. He is capable
Waiving preliminary i when | and efficient, and will have consider-
arrainged at sburg la lay be-'able prestige in our national law-mak-
fore Justice he Peace James T.|ing body if returned to it. Congress-
Young, on charges of murdering Toni | man Leech is a Warld War Veteran. He
Antonio in the latter's isolated r ad | was elected the first time on the slogan
house near Ashville on October 7th, | of “All things being equal an ex-service
Edward Hearn, 22, of Toledo, Ohio. and | man deserves your support.” There is
William B. Shaffer, 24, of Altoona. we I'€ | no reason in the world why this should
remanded to the county jail to await not apply this year. Give J. Russell
the action of the December Grand | Leech your vote on election day.
to the Grand theatre, Patton on Tues-
day and Wednesday of next wee
‘Oh Kay,” is frankly a farce, having
been adapted for motion ire p
poses from the musical comedy of
same name. It has been made all
more laughable in the transition.
though Colleen has had more succ
ful comedies than any other star,
picture has topped them all, and
Its place with the best humor the
screen has produced.
“Oh Kay” covers a lot of
opening in England, ending
Island, and including a
portion of intervening sa
leen as “Kay,” an independent
member of the British peerag
sailing to forget her approa
Y to a sour faced
spectacular storm she
rum ship bound fo
taken alor Complic
she becomes involved
of the glers in st
In a suppos
a picture that will ke
roar. You can't afford
Miss Agnes George, aged 18 years,
alleged | daughter of J. W. George, died at the
mitting | George home in Lilly at 5 o'clock on
Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held at nine
) k on Tuesday morning ‘in St.
I's Catholic church. Interment
uor. was in the church cemetery.
ie The deceased is survived by her fa-
According to an announcement
sued Friday by the district attorne;
office, the used youth
to have sig
their guilt alleged
claiming that Antonio was :
nse after he had attac
during the cours 3
the sale of a small
SUCCEED IN CURBING THE ther and these brothers and sisters:
MOTOR BUS DRIVERS | Anna, wife of Leo Miller, of Chicago,
— Il Fletcher George of California;
rs of in- ine, wife of Patrick Robine of
habit | Swissvale, and Guy, Martin, Kenneth
and Irene George, all at home.
The campa
er state busses of the
on Pennsylvania 1
ed in mz
announcement by Capt
1 the State Highway
\rrests of drivers of
dropped off about ten :
1 I
Mrs. Celine Evard, aged 75 years, wi-
1¢ of Charles Evard, died of a com-
‘ation of diseases at her home in
ers of the huge have Ings at three o’clock on Monday
Impressed that the speed laws must |: ‘rnoon.
violated. funeral services will be held at two
I'Ked success
Four driver arrested three es [o'clock this Thursday afternoon at the
within a k for 1 have been | late residence by the Rev. John Stev-
[cited to show why their nse hould | ens, pastor of the Hastings Methodist
not be revoked. church and interment will be in Union
es | cemetery.
( BSERVED BY rs. Evard’s husband preceded her
SCOUTS AT LAST MEETING the grave three years ago. She is
Sa survived by these children: Alex and
A very fine program was pre ted | Victor, both of Hastings; and Geo.,
by the Boy Scouts last Fr evening. | Frank and Charles Evard, and Mrs.
The Girl Scouts were the guests of the | Louis Delaby, all of Marion, Ohio.
boys and they were highly pleased with eee
The meeting opened in the usual TWO DRIVERS’ PERMITS
manner and then Mr. Quinn
short talk. W was tall
ve a
Venty-two persons paid the penal-
of having their drivers’ licenses re-
n. Mr. Quinn stated they would hold |voked for violations of the state motor
court at once. code during the week ending Octo-
Joe was charged with gross intoxica- | ber 18th, the state department of high-
tion brought on by the ¢
soda water. As usual intoxication again was the
George Somerville acted leading cause for license revocation.
xcessive use of | ways has announced.
with Harold Blankfeld and During the same period the depart-
non the defending and prose ment placed the names of 24 drivers
torneys respectively n its blacklist.
After a long period
tion and
nesses, the defendant
sane. When given t
Fifteen of the blacklistings were for
larceny; eight were for intoxication,
and one was for intoxicatior' and fail-
ure to stop.
ing of al
rying a glass of water, he was fc BAPTIST CHURCH.
sane and permitted to go free Fhe Calvary Mission at Reilly will
The meeting was base humor- | have a social on Thursday evening,
ous side, bt 1e scou to gel | November 1 All are invited to share
down to re hard work during the|in a ant ung and to help fin-
winter. 150 baying for the church furnace.
After the court trial the mee was The subject of the morning service at
adjourned. 1:30 will be the “Legend of Jarcass-
? The Ordinance of Life.
Bible School classes at 11:15,
There will be no Young People’s ser-
he evening. The president, Mr.
1 Clark is to take the Young
to Altoona to visit the Young
oclety of the First Baptist
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose M
of Ebensburg, celebrated }
wedding anniversary las
to B Sunday mort
1 mass was celebrated for Church
ple by the Rev Mi Even ervice at 7:30. Subject,
r 1ard’s Catho f Grace.”
1 Schetti — - Ses ——
formerly Miss Ma McC Preced- Next Wednesd afternoon, October
Ing the mass the couple renewed their | 31st, the Parents’ Club will meet at the
marria VOWS fiome of Mrs. Cornelius Sharbaugh in
eae . Carrolltown. The booklet on “What the
DANIEL H. HEPNER. Oper ir Nurse School Is” will be
Attorney Daniel H. Hepner 1 35 | fir { and another article will be
formerly of Portage, died Fri-|read or Example, the Surest Way to
day night at his home in Oo leach—Good Ha as Easy to Form
the result of blood poison had | As Bad ys Psychologist Dr. W. E.
been ill one week 3la rector of St. George's School
Funeral services were held ‘onto, Ontario.
alternoon with burial in Akron — —
Attorney Hepner moved from Por- Mr. and Mrs Cochrane, Mr, and
tage about three years : i - | Mrs. Norman sher, and Mrs. Ar-
vived by his widow and three children |nold Yeske, were recent Altooan viist-
as well as his mother ors.