The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 04, 1928, Image 5

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tions he not only developed a very pro-
In the Estate of Vallery Lechene, al-
known as the “Greater Pittsburgh” am-
endment is last.
a normal reading of the examination
No. 9
By Satterfie'd
chart, 32 per cent of that number with
their eyes controlled with ‘drops’ were
definitely discovered to be far sighted.
Such a condition makes it necessary
fitable enterprise by utilizing his spare |
time during the winter months, but in
addition he left his woodlot in a more
thrifty and better growing condiiton
than before he began his improvement
las Vallerie Le Chene, late of Chest
Township, Cambria County, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters
of Administration in the above estate
for the eyes constantly to strain when
they are engaged in close work.
“No child wants to wear glasses, and
no parent wants it to be thus bother-
‘ed. On the other hand, if by a trip to
| the eye specialist, such a report is made
by him after examination, then per-
sonal feelings should be disregarded,
v and the required lenses for use during
the school and study periods should be
promptly obtained.
Profits from timberlands are not al- | operations. have been granted to the undersigned.
one confined to extensive forest areas ES ——— All persons indebted to the said es
but very frequently the returns from EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE. tate are requested to make payment
farmers’ woodlots prove to be such a In the estate of John P. Sheehan, |and those having claims against the
substantial source of income that they |late of the Borough of Patton, County |same to make them known to the un-
far exceed any other product of the|of Cambria and State or Pennsylvania, | dersigned or her attorney.
farm. Such an instance has been re- | deceased. CATHERINE LECHENE,
ported to Forester Leroy Frontz, of the Notice is hereby given that Letters Star Route, Patton, Pa.
Pennsylvania Department of Forests | Testamentary in the estate of the ab- |F. J. Hartmann, Attorney,
and Waters, while making special for- | ove deecdent have been granted to the Ebensburg, Pa. 6t.
se its “Conservation of child sight should [est research studies in Mifflin county. | undersigned. All persons indebted to |we—
be a major concern of all parents. Far | W. F. Yeater purchased a farm near | said estate are requested to make pay- ADMINISTRATRIX’'S NOTICE.
most better the use of glasses, if required, | Painterville containing 205 acres, 130 | ment, and those having claims or de- In the Estate of John Gagliardi, late
during a few years of school life, than | acres of which were in a farm woodlot. | mands against the same will make of the Borough of Patton, County of
day the starining of the eyes to the point |The forested area was cut over in 1900 | them known without delay to Cambria and State of Pennsylvania,
’ where they are irremediably damaged. | and all the sound, merchantable timber DAN V. SHEEHAN, Executor, deceased.
F ca Is Glasses for a little while when young |removed. Only the deformed and un- | 6tpd Patton, R. D., Pa. Notice is hereby given that Letters
is much more sensible than glasses|sound trees were left in the area. Testamentary, d. b. n. ¢. t. a., in the
estate of said decedent have been
granted to the undersigned. All per-
sons indebted to said estate are reques-
ted to make payment, and those hav-
ing claims or demands against the
same will make them known without
delay to
Administratrix d. b. n. c. t. a.
Patton, Pa.
Of the Ownership, Management, Cir-
culation, Etc., Required by the Act of
Congress of August 24, 1912, of the Pat-
ton Courier, published weekly at Pat-
ton, Pa., for October 1, 1928.
State of Pennsylvania, County of
Cambria, ss:
Before me, a notary public, in and
for all the time a little later on. It is The return from agricultural crops
entirely porbable that many older peo- | was not very promising. Five years ago
ple wearing lenses today would not be | Yeater began to study the possibilities
compelled to do so had proper adjust-|of determining what returns could be
ments been made to their eyes in early [had from his woodlot. Being interest-
life. ed in forestry he communicated with
“There are sufficient handicaps for [the Pennsylvania Department of For-1
every child. Do not asa the frequently | ests and Waters, with the result that
unneccessary one of defective wision.|he came to the ocnclusion that thin-
1. Rumors of discontent spread through North-
biliti * 1. En route to China, Hoover married his college Ne peace : y
he Hea Js» sweetheart and took her honeymooning to Manchuria. ern China. Violence threatened all foreigners. esp your eyes on your child's eyes. ng ang eng al be for the state and county aforesaid, per- IFRED J. FEES
: tt— : : sonally appeared Thos. A. Owens, who | $ ni
TS in an en- COPIES OF BALLOTS FOR nancial return as well as improve the having been duly sworn according to |Attorney for Administratrix d.b.n.c.t.a,
fascinating NOVEMBER ELECTIONS LARGE natural regeneration of the area. joy qenoses and says that he is the | Ebensburg, Pa.
live beayty : ims His chief problem was to find a suit- publisher of the Patton Courier, and | me
Copies of the offical ballot to be used | able market for his product. He found | t,t the following is to the best of his '
a at the election November 6th, now in| that there existed a good market in|y, 10400 and belief, a true statement BLADDER WEAKNESS
ica looked the hands of all county commissioners, | that locality for firewood. He purchas- [ +" ownership and management of
sip” in are the largest in the history of the ed a gasoline engine and wood saw, and | ie “aforesaid publication for the date 1 Bladder Weakness, Getting Up
Buick! an- State Bureau of Elections, George D.|With the aid of a hired man set to shown in the above caption, required Nights, Backache, Burning or Itching
r. And the Thorn, chief of the bureau, stated the | Work to remove only the poorest spec- by the Act of August 24, 1912 embodied Sensation, leg or groin pains make you
with over other day. A copy of the ballot may be [imens of the undesirable trees. The |r goction 411, Postal Laws and regula- | 1€¢l old, tired, pepless, and worn out
‘mand, that seen in the Courier office window. The | first winter he sold 200 loads of wood at tions. to wt: ? why not make the Cystex 48 hour test?
ick factory ballots which voters will receive next |$4 per load. During the last four win- That the name and address of the POn't get up. Get Cystex today at any
recedented November are 22 x 38 inches. ters he sold 800 loads of wood, for | isher, editor, managing editor and | rug store. Put it to a 48 hour test.
The ballot carries eight party squares | Which he received a total of $3200. business manager is: Thos. A. Owens, Money back if you don’t soon feel like
ERSARY and the electors for seven. Parties that | In speaking to Forester Fronz he Patton, Pa. ) new, full of pep, sleep well, with pains
4 . qualified for a place on the ballot were | Said that only about one-third of his That the owner is Thos. A. Owens alleviated. Try Cystex today. Only 60c.
. the Republican, Democratic, Labor, |Woodlot had beén cut over to date. Patton, Pa. ' | Fogerty’s: Drug Store.
, Brohin, Smaiosn ih gE ar rg jo Je That the known bondholders, mort-
: ialist and Workers Communist. The | , g . ity rs - : 3
by Fisher American party has no presidential el- | time a total of about $400, and that his | SoS cs Bos er Seeunsy Laues avn C ANC FREE BOOK SENT
ectors and the Industrialist but two. |net income from the woodlot during the | yy2 00 amount of bonds, or other ON REQUEST
i Squares for United States Senator, |last five years was $700 a year. The securities, are None. alls cause OF cancer and what to do
] State Treasurer, Auditor General, Jud- | Work was done during the winter mon- THOS. A. OWENS, Publisher. | for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
O 1 ge of the Superior Court, Congress, the on er Naf amps to do any | gworn and subscribed before me this it today, mentioning this paper. Ad-
9 i 1 State Senate, and House, also are car- | ra 3rd day of October, 1928. | dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital,
ried. Probably the most significant fact, JAMES MELLON, Notary Public. Indianapolis, Ind. 12t-43.
Printing .of the fourteen proposed | Fronz reported, in connection with the
! amendments to the constitution is re- | woodlot operated by Yeater is the fact
; 2. When the Boxer uprising started, Hoover built 4, Civil war ended Hoover's promising explorations sponsible for the unusual size of «the | that only dead, dying and trees of poor
! , vi Mrs Hoover cared for the wounded. in China, and he sailed with his wife for home ballot. [quality have been removed. The
—_— The amendment which would permit | clean, straight and thriftily growing
: the state government to own and oper- | timber is left to stand, so that it may
AI RE es alifisd cl ist | tte . ; ate its own printing plant is No. 1 on|develop into high grade timber pro-
ERAL MOTORS i CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. An analysis from a qualified chemis THE EYES ARE AN IMPORTANT the list of amendments, while the one ducts. As a result of Yeater's opera-
{ Ebensburg, Pa., September 11, 1928. | must accompany each bid. a FACTOR: SEE TO THEM NOW
gerator made amd | SEALED ‘BIDS: —Up until 11 o'clock The County , Commissioners : reserve “Under the direction of the U. S.
A. M., Monday, October 8, 1928, sealed | the right to reject any or all bids. Public Health Service, 2,000 children |
at General Motors bids will be received at the office of the Envelopes containing bids should be were recently subjected to an eye ex- §
of every five El- County Contorller for supplying. and | plainly marked, “BIDS pon JoaL. amination. The group was not a se- |; J EDWARD STEVENS
y ? delivering bituminous coal for the HENRY lise lected one. Consequently the results i e bw
a FRIGIDAIRE, Cambria County Court House, Jail and | 3t. : ‘may be taken as an average condition
| Juvenile Home, the contract to cantin- —— more or less general throughout the } FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER
sfied users. Priced : ’ ha z Ive > TRACT Re Pe at CC TaEaTv rity aie
ue in force for a period of six months BUYS LARGE TRACT. country including Pennsylvania,” said : Phome Office and Residemce CARROLLTOWN, PENNS
from date of the contract. One of the laregst land purchases Dr. Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of i
YLOR Coal must show the following anal- | made by the department of forests and Health, this week. i !
? ysis: Not less than 68 per cent carbon; | waters during the year was the Wil-| “No less than 45 per cent or nearly . i
CBENSBURG, PA. not more than 22 per cent volatile mat- | liams Estate in Clinton county. The one-half of these children needed glas- | s—————————— —|—— “ momen
ter; not more than 1.75 per cent sul- | Department paid $55,837 for 13,929 ac- ses for school work. While 60 per cent
phur; not more than 9 per cent ash. res. of the young people were able to make
Sor Economical Transportation
na now, a 5 atEvei VY Age
, @ ® = Every age is a good age in which to save. The
A boy who starts saving will find when he becomes
4 Ea E a young man that saving has become a valued
7 > habit. As he gets older, he wil still save, and
BE i when he reaches the age for retiring from active
business he will have a splendid balance upon
e V Tr O e 4 S QS hat youngster which he can rely in time of need
1 . : st A away from home! EEET———————
Since ail | EL 2 Why not a pat on the back, a THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK
word of encouragement? ~ PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA
> Geo. E. Prindib]e, President; F. E. Farabaugh, Reuel Somer-
Did you ever consider that he ville, James Westrick, P. J. Kelly, Vice Presidents, Frank L.
Brown, Cashier; M. Don Connell, M. S. Larimer, Assistants.
is no farther away than the :
will i CAPITAL i $200,000.00
11 fh telephone on your library SURPLUS ... $200,000.00
le ? TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $3,240,000.00
a ; Let us take you to him. Neo
fuss, no bother, no delays, no
CF fr Ch ’ complications.
(7 S$ olce Within forty or fifty miles. it’s
i just like a local call
The COACH olf the Nation for just like a local call.
b « .
9 $5 85 Bett i The number is in the directory,
weeping month afte
S ping thaftermonth rolet embodies fourteen
TheTouting 3408 to even more spectacular years of continuous progress or “Information” will give it
The Coupe. .... $595 heights of popularity . . . in the building of quality DEALER IN
The 4 Door $675 making and breaking new automobiles and embodies to you.
Rn ole records of success with im- elements of beauty, perform- h WAI l PAP F ; R
SE ase) *695 pressive regularity through- ance, dependability, longlife Then—tell the operator.
{he lmperial $715 out the year— and economy never before She’ll do th L
Fey... : ORO bose 211 do the res AND PA
Treen. i; “aus $520 —the Bigger and Better combined in any low-priced
igh OM Chevrolet has been thegreat- automobile. 1021 Chestnut A
i . : " 3
De sa nls est sensation of America’s Come in! Get a demonstra. 2 «1 Lhestnu venue, ALTOONA, PA.
All prices f. o. b. Flint satest industry! : s GEORGE H. FULMER, Manager
DE ian: Flim, greatest industry. tion of this truly remarkable Fo 3 RRR
Check Chevrolet And never was a success automobile! Learn why it 3 : .
Delivered Pric y zo fV VEILS. OXDAYIaN ws Strate tie
THe th et more soundly deserved —for has become first choice of . Oye! thirty years experience in Painting, Decorating,
Bandiing sud Siuncing the Bigger and Better Chev- the nation for 1928. and Paper Hanging.
» ; Let us give you an estimate on that Paint or Paper Job.
y : Visit us at our store. We would be glad to help you
lS O oO (0) a es with your Decorating Problems.
: Re
. a =
Mh PATTON, PA. : i
« Sn 5