The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 28, 1928, Image 1

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    {IR BITE P
rrying his mother, 3 w » ;
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1 was in attendance
Foflck's orchestra NO. 30. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE,
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| Mr .and Mrs. Charles Pavlosky, and
| o'clock, the Rev. Father Thomas Wol- res — eee { Joseph Oammatdle, Soh of My. and | —
Mrs. Angelo Cammarata, of this place,
Condensed Items Gathered from |f¢ the pastor, pronounced the words| Fjagrant Violations of Fishing | Convicted Constable of Upper | Royal Canadian Orchestra Here | were united in marriage on Tuesday |JUst About One Thousand and
| unitiing in marriage Henry Ott, son of 1 i, TE . . . i. : ; i
1dohn Ott of near Patton, and Miss| Code is Uncovered By the Yoder Withdraws Motion | As Part of Very Limited | morning of this week during a nuntiall One Things to Be Seen
| Mary Elizabeth Bender, daughter of Sportsmen. for New Trial. Tour Itinerary. | Fn foes in Si Homes Catholic | » Se bmkedan
jure; Edw ard P. Bender, of Carrollton. nie (Rev. 1. J.. Dens, Fare pastor, the For Only 50 Cents.
T— OF « | Hilda Supe were id tented bre. ang |, Three residents of the Gallitzin dis-| Charles Robertson, Constable for| That musical talent is heriditary is| Were Miss Julia Paviosky, a sister of |
_ —A report comes from Ponhs reek | Maurice Strittmatter, of Carrolltown, a | -ict are in the Blair county jail for| Upper Yoder township, who was con- proved by the unusual case of three|the bride, and Frank Cammarata of | Duplicating such explosions as th
i i i he anu nephew of the bridegroom. ie y iotsuions he heh ge Gallit he A | Jcued at he June Fg ot Orjiirnal ! brothers, all marvelously talented, who | this place, a brother of the bride-| which caused the Tent Mather Mine
§ 2 oa roy | girls ¢ J redding wer nelly Of activities Lg - | Court on a charge of extortion in the [are playing in one orchestra, which | groom. Following the ceremon disaster i SE Di 12 ooe :
landed trot, that had, 5, HELL PEC Ghuandons OF MF an as: Dontly em | 10°, wRoremer, Award, ads takin of Mega fees and ors in th | comet Uo Suner Bun” atrium, on | Suapuous veda diane War Served | Mis il every Sar of ie mek op
SLICKINg Ju Miah 2% sr. of Eas arr EW TAGIL feos of | oso A La as se <oU | prosecution o. ommonwealth charges | the evening of the Fourth of July.|at the home of the bride. Mr. an s. | July 2-7 af bri > av
head ol $e niall eins Jnside lis hoy Sat Cuerall Sownsip, Helesy of Sass. Seles ot (LEVEN Of 2 Imo! manly liquor laws, Monday morning | These three musicians are Guy Tey. Cammarata will reside in Lina Mes. | ral a Coury In
h, and another trout 1r 8 es TT ids w i ; ’ 03: 8 OSL3 lor DOSSCSSIO 25 | withdrew his motion for a new trial | bardo, director of the Royal Canadian | —_— . | heading or vy. es. a
jes OF WEN NaS Ear some HS fo prout under the legal yi Luilh of sixiang submitted himself for sentence. | Orchestra, and his two brothers, Car- | DIPHTHERIA CLAIMS FOUR | one als a be
is possible to conceive that a 1) Pr A rat : x i Verv toa gy ches; James x i L S | Robertson has been in jail since he was | men and Leiber. | Re 4 | blas ? ch Nf
might swallow a nail through being gi | THS Lridesinaid wes sinilarly ghired In sentenced to 130 days for catching 13| convicted in default of $5,000 bail and | © cre Tomer. and nis Royal Can-| YEAR OLD PATTON BOY | Hash Due the actual burst of flame
tracted by its brighthess, but how 2 | the assembled Yoloth en and guests oot short” trout and Mike Cheslock also| was again remanded to jail to await|adian Orchestra is making a very lim- | ting results Er 5 Ze Sovesta-
fish would get a nail through it jaw teh {or d Et dive i Be th ic |of Tunnelhill received a sentence of | the passing of formal sentence. Rob- | ited tour this seasos Im response to | John Walter Dickson, the four and | The official erior of the mine.
with the head in its mouth is puzzling dered a wedding dinner at the home 130 days for catching 12 “short” trout. | g icials of the Buerau of Mines
fishermen. miner,
| During a nuptial high mass in St.
| Benedict's Catholic church at Carroll-
{town on Wednesday morning at nine
Tae eSeat
Various Sources for the
Busy Reader.
Coy in
No. 4.
? ride’s , ot ill ros cau i. | ertson was told by the court that he | thousands of requests received from | One-half year old son of Mr, and Mrs. | ar S Tv
of the bride's mother, They will Tatided Un .until this time the men are still | would be given fuil credit for the time |Station WTAM, ee At the John G. Dickson, of this place, died at kf teat in fo ou
—The Carrolltown Rod and Gun club | 0," orcs Buea ast MAT lin jail, but efforts are being made to he has spent in jail when sentence |conclusion of their present travels they | the parental home at 8:30 o'clock last| ple i reste in fect, all the peo-
is repairing the dam on the Josephine | ™ ToD sp, raise the amount of their fines. | was passed. will return to the Blossom Heath he | Thursday mornin, of diphtheria. The | seo this EE aynia Stiould
Mangold property ia that town, for a Fae Flagrant violation of the fishing| Alderman Eph Wirick and Constable | Cleveland, where they have been the | child had been ill since the Wednesday free. Siration, which Will be
Ho GOOD PROGRAMS {laws had been noted by the Gallitzin| Ambrose Berkebile, both of the Sev-| reigning favorites for several years. |Previous, and his sudden death came | It will : :
—Miss Marie A. Plouse of Spangler, | f | Sborismen and Suspicion fastened up-| enteenth Ward, Johnstown, were also| Guy Lombardo, eldest of the bro- | the folks who knew him. Besides his | jo yo be 50 minature affair. Work
and Etienne Duprech, member of Ba- | i : [oh af teas; one of Ye io now Vi Jail convicted on charges similar to those thers, is the violinist-director of the | Parents, the boy is survived by a young- | main EaoY. oF on a section of a
hamas legislature and newspaper pub- | AT RAN EA [the thre s kept. Friday of last week | made against Robertson and they have Royal Canadians. He is an ingenious | eF; brother, William. ; | mam ents or nain heading of a mine
Lher were married recently in New |the three men arrested were seen cat- pending motions for new trials which | originator of music fasnions and a cle- | The funeral services, which were pri- | feet, wid 11 De seven feet high, eight
EY ? | [ching grasshoppers and later their de- | likely will be argued the first week in | ver show man in presenting the novel-| vate. took place at four o'clock Inst] So, vide and 60 feet long with all the
3 ee [parture in Stade’s automobile was no-| August. It is probable that no final [ties which dance audiences like. In| Thursday afternoon, and interment | ing and accessories that go with
poi be
Dix in
3rd. |
20 oles:
ojo efee]
—The Cambria County Council of Ng Better Summer Entertain. ted. Word was telephoned special fish | disposition of any of the cases will be | recent months, he has made rapid | Was in Fairview cemetery. | an up to date coal mine. Into this each
ment Than That Offered
the "Local Patrons.
{day will be put coal dust, just as it
the American Legivn Auxiliary is in|
| ;
| accumulates in the actual workings of
sesison today in the American Legion |
|warden R. A. Miller of Wilmore and |made until that time. Wirick and Ber- | strides toward the top rank of orches-
i | Mr. Miller met the sportsmen at Gall-| kebile have been released on the post- | tra directors, which 1 occupied by such| BLANDBURG V IS :
No, x7 pr | itoi € PONE 4 . 5 3 3 BE wi ri vars © Sy B 5 | Al MN | 3 A
Es Ana esl Pa itzin and was escorted to the point ng. of hal, The Tormer xiving $1500 | famous fuses as. Whiteman, Leper | RG MAN IS iL up a Eo Seton the Somortir
—The Rt. Rev. Bishop, John J. Mc- | Good s : es in. {Some time later the three RE irked. | bond, and the latter $5,000. i | Coon and Sanders. While each of these NSTANTLY KILLED | ;o8 dust will do ae a explosion of
Cort, of Altoona, wonfirmed a 1arge| ss ot tha Gea Sneorialnment Contin- | SUNS UME SIT Ke nes fob AMG) aru, Sngieton, of Waiking, Nea’ has Lis following, new talent fired With | [19 the eas dues ood tat It 13 actusl.
a eS Der ues at the Grand theatre these days. | 16 gar, Sage ho; | Spangler, pleaded guilty in court Mon- | youthful enchusiasm _ finding new ad- | Struck by vi ew [ 1 St that causes the great
class on Sunday morning 1- | Tonight, Thursday, Fred Thompson in|no fishing tackle of any kind. How-| day morning to the theft of an auto-|"—— ~~ ~~ ~~ 777% 77% 777 y flying debris when a sta- | flame, the poisonous gases and the
edict’s church at Carrolltown sng I} «Silver Comes Through,” is the atrac-| ever this fact did not deter Warden mobile and was sentenced to pay the | Lionery engine in the ower plant of the | consequent destruction. Such explos-
the afternoon confirmed a class of | tinh with “Perils of the Jungle, No. 5” | Miller from searching him and in the | costs and to serve not less than two! » 5 ambria Works No. 2, of the Harbison- | ions have to be started by a flame,
boys and girls at Ss. Bernard's church |nq'g comedy. | folds of Stade’s shirt were found the| nor more than four years in the West- | | Walker Refractories Company got be- | Usually from a shot intended to bring
at Hastings. yond control, Joseph Mann, aged 55|down coal but which, being improperly
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—Funeral services for Mrs. Marie for tomorrow night. Stade confessed. He said the other
Shanedart, aged 40 years, of Nanty -Glo | On Saturday Reginald Denny is the |men caught the fish and passed them
who died at the county home of Suber star in his latest feature of mirth, and |to him, the angler’s retaining only the
culosis last week, were held in St. ne that you will enjoy, “On Your fish of legal size—and they had a nice
Mary's church at Nanty-Glo with in- moe Showing with it will be an Ed- |catch, teo, many of the 26 legal fish
terment in the church cemetery. 5 ucational comedy and Fox News. [running 10 inches or more in length.
—Evergree Park, the popular swim- On Monday Lionel Barrymore comes | The fishing was done on Blair creek.
ming pool located at Five Points, has |, the “Thirteenth Hour. This is both| Warden Miller took the three men |
been a popular plsce recently. It ish .jling and chilling and is a riot of | to the Gallitzin lock-up and got in
said that the water in the SWIMmINg auohg and thrills from start ot finish. | touch with Cambria County Game pro-
pool is now artificially heated. _| The picture will be for the benefit of I tector Elmer B. Thompson, who as-
—Pennsylvania was second to New | pho pation pirates’ ball team. | certained that the offenses had been
York state in the number of aliens’ ™q, Tyesda yand Wednesday of next|committed in Blair county. The pris-
naturalized during April, according 10 | week. the big feature of the week is|oners were taken to the office of Jus-
the department of labor. In New York | «pp fawk’s Nest.” Milton Sills, always (tice of the Peace Irwin in Hollidays-
This same program is on the card|25 illegal trout. |ern Penitentiary. Ralph Rainey, also of |
| Watkins, and charged with aiding Sin- |
|gleton in the same offense, pleaded
(guilty and was sentenced to pay the
| costs, make restitution and to serve
not less than three months nor more |
[than one year in the Cambria County |
| jail. |
Thomas Kneely of Allport, this coun- |
ty, pleaded guilty to fraudulently ut-
| tering a written instrument and was
| sentenced to pay the costs, make res- |
| titution and to serve not less than 3|
| months nor more than one year in the
| county jail. |
Ruth Unecapher of Johnstown, plead-
| years, of Blandburg, was instantly kill- | Or loosely tamped, results in the s
ed on Wednesday of last week. His| “blowing out,” as miners 4 hot
| skull was fractured and he also suffer- | means that the force of the shot ex-
|ed severe burns, as the result of a|blosion instead of going in and down
steam pipe bursting. Mann leaves a wi- | and rending the coal, comes backwards
dow and four children. {out of the hole and the flame reaches
The large flywheel in the engine | the outside air. Such a flame or one
room was hurled through the cement | from the ignition of a small pocket of
| floor of the plant and it landed on the | 88s may result in such a dust explo-
brick plant about thirty feet higher | sions will be shown at the exposition
{than the power plant. It is not known | every day.
what caused the machine to break. As| The demopstration heading or entry
| @ result of the accident about 275 men |is being constructed between the dance
| employed in the plant were thrown out | Pavilion and the main entrance of the
of work ,the plant being closed until |€Xposition where everybody will be ab-
| necessary repairs are made.
le to see it and where everybody will
6,324 aliens were made Anetiean Ct | 5 “patton favorite, is the star in this at- | burg, where Cheslock stood a hearing, |ed guilty to an offense against mor-
zens and in Pennsylvania 1,776 receiv-|tyaction and you will regret it if you being convicted on the testimony of |slity and was remanded for an indefi-
ed their citizenship papers. miss it.
{Stade and Fuller.
—Rev. T. W. Evans of Nanty-Glo, en | Gallitzin Sportsmen were greatly | women at Muncie, near Wilkes-Barre.
was the victim of a hold-up in Pitts- REVLOC CHILD IS [stirred up over the incident and threat-| George J. Jacobs of Somerset county
burgh recently, while he was there at- |
tending federal court as a juror. He
was returning from the home of a
friend to his hotel and while going
through a park he was suddenly seized
by two men and frisked of $25 from his
pockets, and ordered to move on.
—His skull fractured by a blunt in-
strument and his Yitosk cut, jo A body
i riorgio, 30, oO oona, | 2 > en 5
CC from a tree in|about six o'clock on Friday evening
Oakton ,a suburb, Friday evening.
is thought he was muredred.
—Mrs. Clara Stultz, of Williamsburg, (
mother of Wilmer Stultz, ocean flier, search was continued
has received the following cablegram:
“Well, mother, made it O. K. Will see
you in July, Wilmer.”
—Charles T. Morgante, seven months
old son of Mr .and Mrs. Albert Mor-
gante, died at the parental home in
Colver on Thursday last of premmon,
i is survive ; his parents and
3. He Jy avived bs is. PR | MRS. HATTIE G. PRINGLE. |
—Miss Angela Iomero, of Washing-| While visiting at the home of Har-
ton, Pa., died at the state sanatorium vey Oaks in South Fork last Thurs- |
at Cresson on Wednesday of last week. | day night, Mrs. Hattie Gittings Pring-
The remains were shipped to Washing- | le, of Pringle Hill, near Summerhill,
ton for burial. suffered a aralytic stroke which re-|
— Funeral services for Frank Burkey, | sulted in her deapth at the Oaks home |
aged 25 years, formerly of Lilly, who | the following morning. Mrs. Pringle
died on Tuesday of last week in Chi-| was the widow of D. L. Pringle, who
cago of pneumonia were held on Fri-|died on January 14, 1928. She is sur-
day in the Polish Catholic church at|vived by three children, Rowena, El-
Lilly with burial in the church ceme- | verine and Everett, all at home, and by
tery. The deceased is survived by his|two brothers, William F. Gittings of
widow and two brothers. Chicago, and Richard C. Gittings of
—Miss Hazel Luther, of Spangler, Ebensburg.
and Sylvester Schilling of Bakerton,| The funeral services took place at
were united in marriage in St. Pat-!the family home at 2 o'clock Saturday
rick’s chruch in Spangler on Tuesday | afternoon, with interment in the Uni-
of last week. ted Brethren cemetery at Pringle Hill.
—John Merciko, aged 46 years, of TS LR RR
Lilly, died of a complication of dis-| ST. BONIFACE PICNIC.
eases at the home of a sister on Thurs-| The annual St. Boniface picnic will
day last. He is survived by his widow | be held at the St. Boniface grove on
and two children. July 4th and 5th, when the usual ex-
—Ruth Decourt, the two year old cellent chicken dinner and Supper will
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph De-| be served both days. Various forms of
cort, died at Portage. She is survived | amusement will be on the grounds and |
by her parents and -several brothers | dancing will feature the afternoon and |
and sisters. |‘ evening.
—John Pikeus, aged 63 years, died ft iit
of a complication of diseases at his BISHOP-WILLS.
home in Lilly on Thursday last. He is| A very pretty wedding was solemn-
survived by his wicow and a number |jezd on Monday of this week in St.|
of children. ; zi Francis Xavier's church at Cresson, |
—Paul G. Mihlsriedle, of Millville, | when Miss Erdie E. Wills, daughter of
Allegheny county, 32 years old, Penn-| ny and Mrs. Charles Wills, became the |
sylvania railroad brakeman, was in-| pride of Oscar C. Bishop, son of Mr.
jured severely in an accident nar Lilly | and Mrs. Edward Bishop.
on Friday last and is a patient at the isseitisibiteiean Siac Eal
Cambria hospital in Johnstown. CARD OF THANKS.
—Evelyn Rutledge, aged three, dau-| ye desire to thank the many kind |
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rut-| frends who assisted during our recent |
ledge, of Expedit, was struck by am |pereqvement, the illness and death of
automobile in front of the parental oy; peloved husband and father, John
home on Friday last and sustained a|Galiardi; also for the beautiful floral |
fracture of the skull. She is in a ser-|gfferings and for the use of automo-
ious condition at the Memorial hospi- | pijes—Mrs. Theresa Calairdi and Fa- |
tal, Johnstown. ° { mily.
—Frank N. Schirf, of East Carroll | :
township, is a patient at the Mercy | BELL-MILLER.
hospital in Pittsburgh, where he is be- | Miss Olive. Miller, daughter of Mr
ing treated for stomach trouble. |and Mrs. William Miller of East Car
ev Ew re {roll township. and Norbert Bell, son of
PATTON SCOUTS TO MARCH | Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bell of Nicktown |
WITH ALTOONA BOYS SOON | were marired at St. Nicholas’ church
rn in Nicktown on Monday. They will re-
The Patton Boy Scouts are to march | side on the Bell homestead between
with the Altoona Scouts and other | Nicktown and Spangler.
Blair and Bedford County troops on | rere
Saturday, March 30th. The parade is MANY AT RETREAT.
to show the people of Altoona the The second week of the annual re-
boys who are going camping and also | treat for priests of the Diocese of Al-
to show them the type of Scouts and | toona, opened at St. Francis college at
the different work of Scouting. Loretto on Monday. Practically all the
The parade will start at 4:30 from priests of the diocese who did not at-
the Cricket Field. The music will be tend the first week are in attendance |
furnished by the newly organized Fife | now. The Rev. Father James Moakley
and Drum Corps. The Scouts will as- |of Georgetown University, Washington, |
semble at the Cricket Field at 3:45 o’- | D. C,, conducted the retreat last week,
clock. but took ill on Sunday and was remov-
back yard of the parental home at
Revloe, James Damico, 21-months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Damico, was
drowned early on Friday evening. Dis-
town was started, the parents believ-
the cesspool about six o'clock Satur-|
day morning when a neighbor man |
suggested a search be made there. {
The Damico child is survived by his
parents and three sisters.
The Boy Scouts’ benefit show which | ed to the Mercy hospital at Johns-|
was held last Friday evening at the |town, where his condition is noted as
Grand theatre was a great success, | fairly good. He is suffering an attack
and the Scouts with to thank the peo- | of influenza.
ple of Patton through the Patton Cour- rm ————————
ier for their fine aid by their attend- Miss Rosaline Smithbauer daughter
ance. The show was a very good one of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Smithbauer, and
and was enjoyed by all Vincent Farabaugh, were married in
Because of the show the Scouts did St. Michael's church at Loretto Mon-
not hold their regular meeting. day morning at a nuptial high mass.
Falling into an outside toilet in the {
covery of the child's absence was made |
It [and an immediate search of the coal |
|en severe penalties for any further vi- | pleaded guilty to larceny and receiv-
| olations, having applied to the State |ing stolen goods and was remanded to
Fish Commission for four deputy war- | the county home.
will be appointed at once, it is under- | Knee Tuesday took five Cambria coun=
nite period to the state institution for |
dens for the district. These wardens| Sheriff Carl Steuer and Warden Ed |
| stood. ty prisoners to the Western Peniten- |
tiary in Allegheny County. Included
tihgs, became the bride of Thomas | en
Donahue, of Patton. Miss Catherine Myers, daughter of
{among them was Robert Arstrong |
Fics . eS .|and Horace Harris, both colored, of |
WEDS HASTINGS MISS | Farnklin borough; sentenced to life im- |
BR | prisonment, Armstrong for murder of |
A pretty wedding was solemnized in |a policeman, and Haris for the killing |
ing the child had ssrayed away. The |St. Bernard's Catholic church at Has- | of his sweetheart.
throughout the | tings at nine o'clock last Thursday | Tr =
night but no trace of the child was| morning, when Miss Anne Fetsko, dau- | CARROLLTOWN YOUG LADY
found. The lifeless body was found in|ghter of Mrs. Julia Fetsko, of Has- |
The attendants were Miss Catherine
Nagle of Youngstown, Ohio, and James
Donahue, a brother of the groom,
| The bride was becomingly attired in
la gown of pink georgette, with hat of
corresponding shade, and wore blonde
footwear. She carried sweetheart |
roses. Miss Nagle was lovely in a|
dress of pink georgette and tan lace!
and picture hat. She wore a corsage of
pink roses.
A wedding dinner was served at the
home of the bride¢’s mother in Has- |
tings, after which the newlyweds left
by automobile on a honey-moon trip
to Ohio. They will return but will la-
ter reside in Ohio.
The annual Kibler family reunion
will be held in the grove at St. Law-
rence on Saturday, July 21, 1928. It
will be a basket picine. Those not
desiring to bring a basket may arrange
for a chicken dinner and supper ser-
ved on the grounds by the Ladies’ Aid
Society of St. Lawrence's church.
Arrangements for meals may be
made by notifying the secretary, B. J.
| Gill, 1002-21st aveneu, Altoona, on or
before July 15th, so that the Ladies’
Aid may be notified.
The program arranged follows: 10
o'clock Solemn High Mass in St. Law- |
rence’s church; 1 to 2 P. M.,, Children’s
Sports; 2 to 5, and 7 to 11 P. M,, dan-
Members and friends of the family |
| are urged to be present and help make
| the day a joyous one and one long to
| be remembered.
The annual memorial services at the
monument of “the lost children of the
| Alleghenies,” near Pavia Bedford coun-
| ty, will be held Saturday, June 30th,
| starting at 1:30 o’colck.
The Rev. Chrales Rockel, of Altoona,
nd the Rev. H. L. Jacobs of Bedford,
will be the speakers. A program of sa-
| cred music will be given. Refreshments
will be on sale by the Ladies’ Aid So-
ciety of the Reformed Church.
The weather scarred monument was
erected in the memory of Joseph and
George Cox, who perished in May of
1856, when lost in the mountains. The
services this week will be the 76th of
their kind. The monument was dedi-
cated in May, 1905.
Miss Esther Kusner, daughter of
Mrs. Rose Kusner, of Beech avenue,
graduated on June 9th, from the Ar-
nold College of Physical Education at
New Haven, Connecticut. Miss Kus-
ner graduated with honors, having the
highest average of her class, and re-
ceived a degree of Bachelor of Science
in Physical Education. Among those
attending the Commencement Week
exercises from Patton were Mrs. Rose
| Kusner and daughter, Miss Ruth Kus-
| ner,
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Myers, of Carroll-
town, became the bride of Samuel
Leonard, of Philadelphia, in St. Ben-
edict’s church at nine o'clock Thurs-
day morning last. Rev. Father Clar-
Miss Nell Myers, sister of the bride,
acted as bridesmaid, and a cousin of
the bride, Robert Eck, was the best
man. The bride is a graduate of the
Carrolltown High school, and has been
and Seton Hill Academy. She has been
a primary teacher in the Bakerton
schools for the past several years.
nell University and is now Professor
tute, Philadelphia. He was a captain
of Mounted Engineers during the late
World War. They will reside in South
Oliver F. Jennings, aged ,18, who is
charged with the murder of his fath-
er, Wallace Jennings, in South Fork,
Sunday, June 10th, was released under
$2,000 bail at a writ. of habaes corpus
proceedings before Judges Evans and
Reed at Ebensburg last Thursday.
Release of the youth under bail was
not opposed by the district attorney's
office when evidence was introduced at
the hearing that Jennings was in need
of immediate medical attention and
that arrangements had been made to
operate on him before his arrest. At-
torney Alvin Sherbine filed the peti-
tion for a writ of habeus corpus the
Friday previous.
Jennings is charged with shooting
his father, following a family quarrel.
The father died at the Memorial hos-
pital in Johnstown on Monday, June
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, for 21
years, was given the honor of break-
ing the first shovel of earth for the
ence, O. S. B., performed the ceremony. |
a student at Slippery Rock Normal |
Mr. Leonard is a graduate of Cor- |
of Civil Engineering at Drexel Insti- |
To Wilson A. Turner, Recorder of |
Jaffa Temple, Ancient Arabic Order |
mirers, and it is only a question of
time until Guy Lombardo will attaia
the national popularity his merit de-
The next of the remarkable Lombar-
des is Carmen, first saxophonist and
| vocalist, who is achieving success on
| two counts. First, as a clever saxopho-
| nist and second as a brilliant song wri-
ter. His latest composition, “Lane in
Spain,” is a real hit. Leiber, the young-
est of the brothers, is the sparkling
cornetist of the orchestra.
An original feature of the Lombardo
dance program scheduled for Sunset
on the Fourth will be the “Four Hor-
semen,” a quartette of comic singers,
and entertainers extarordinary. Inti-
mate entertainment and engaging rhy- |
| thmical music will characterize this of-
| fering. This is one of the very limited
series of engagements as the orchestra
is returning to Cleveland soon for an-
other year.
Acceptance of a Cambria County
man for membership in the Percheron
Society of America is announced in a
reectn communication from Secretary
Ellis McFarland of Chicago. W. A.
| Westrick, of Patton, is now enrolled
in the society.
All over the United States the 14,000
members of this organization are
! breeding horses with special reference
| to farm needs. The big drafters which
they register are imported or pure bred
descendants of the best imported
French stock. Two thirds of the reg- |
istered draft horses of the United Sta-
| tes are Percherons, and the breed pre-
| dominates in a similar proportion of
| the grade work animals. The Percher-
on is a heavy horse and usually black
or grey in color.
Mr. Westrick is the sixth man from
| this county to become a member of
| the Percheron Society. Among the
Percherons he owns are the mares Ma-
ple Grove Hadley 165761 and Queen
Pennsylvania is rapidly becoming an
| active state in pure bred draft horse
| breeding and the recently revived de-
{ mand for good horses has caused a vis-
ible increase in imwrest here as else-
| where.
The parish folk of St. Monica's Ca-
tholic church at Chest Springs have
been planning for weeks for the an-
| nual Fourth of July Picnic, to be held
. | be safe for, as already stated, this is
| RIC HARD GRAHAM DIES i Binsinrs Skplosion that will be
Ae cr de : | Staged, but a real one. In this demon-
AT SPANGLER HOSPITAL | stration there will be absolutely noth-
| | ing inside the entry of heading that is
| | explosive, except the coal dust, which
} mic Wa | Will be renewed each d A
arried, w e ] 5 & mer i A dey Aone eng
who had worked as a farmer | there will be sent ia a flame fron “A
nara ovasrin: diva arp LaL ih | Shot” on the ‘outside. that. will reach
| > 4 3 WAL : : 2 interior an his will result in
clock last Thursday evening at the Mi- | dust exploding, wrecking the i=
| ners’ hospital in Spangler where hel ang acusing a great burst of flame
had undergone an operation. Bu
8 peration. Death |gas and smoke from the other end of
was attributed to a complication of | i hi i
| diseases. He was admitted to the hos- Be engine High Joti be open sodas
[Dial on June ia The deceased has| “After the gases have cleared away
| surviving relatives. | spectators will be itte ;
3 rr AE | permitted to enter
|i HHeTR) services Nore Jet I oi | ihe demonstration gallery and see
cematers The SaThesit | what the dust explosion has done.
| . | Never before has the United States
{ Bureau of Mines sta »
A > ~ ¢ ged such a demon-
MRS. JOHN Mc¢CALL | stration at an exposition. These tests
IAT “ID A NI { have been carried on out in the woods
f DIES AT SPANGLER | on secipal Jescrvations in the past, but
re A so successful have they ; 5
Phi Margaret Houston McCall, aged | vividly do they show hey been ang 2
years, wife of John McCall of | tended to prove, that the officials of
Spangler, died of a complication of | the bureau decided that the Cambria
| Gisoasey at her home there late on|County Industrial €xposition is the
| wursday afternoon. Her health had | pest place to show this test in opera-
been impaired for the past year. tion, where coal miners and others in-
The funeral services were held at 2| terested in the coal industry, could see
o'clock on Monday afternoon in the|it by the tens of thousands.
| Spangler Presbyterian church and in-| Work on the construction of the
| terment was made in the North Bar- | heading, which will be above the
| nesboro cemetery. | ground, has already begun, and this
| Mrs. McCall is survived by her hus- | demonstration by the officials of the
{ band and three children, Miss Hazel | United States Bureau of Mines, will be
{ McCall, of Mountain View, N. J., and | carried out in every detail each day
| Harry and John Robert McCall, both | of the Exposition beginhing July 2nd.
| of Spangler. A number of brothers and | Each day the damage will be repaired
sisters also survive, so that those who witness this extra-
| — {ordinary test, will see it in every de-
| NORTHERN CAMBRIA KIWANIS | tail each day. This is in addition to
i= CLUB MEETS WITH HILLTOP | [he many other educational, interest-
] joe and Siusemene LapacHions that
hae abi : Jape | Will Crown every day of the expositi
ois Weeling of the 'Ebensburg all the week it runs from Bie A
8 ambria Kiwanis clubs late on ti ight of e
| was held at the Brandon hotel Mon- 9S on Lhe Mgh of July 7. These fea-
| day evening, when almost the fulj| ures include running races every af-
| membership of both organizations was | ternoon, a free vaudeville and circus
: A {show with seven head line acts log
in attendance at the gathering. Very |)" hy hous a0
favorable reports are given of the yy | show under American Kennel Club li-
oy : |cense, July 3 and 4; a championshi
gram executed at the business and so- | : ; 32 clamplonsip
51 S0- | cat show under the auspices and rules
cial session. President George Clark of | °3 PATIOS 5 Seri .
the Northern Cambria Club, presided | Ale cu ane 2Soeiaiion of fue
E] hii diner and called on the Rev. ing three days Tuiy 5. 6 end 7 4 as
| ae i OL eS oo ald contest, July 7, with teams from
come to the Ebensburg club was given | 5) ever Ponnaylvalis, striving for the
| by Attorney Reuel Somerville of Pat- | Pe DIOND > 0, State; Wonder:
per) i . s a veritable miracle
| Son And was responded to by Father jnechanism: Rhinehart's Se A
{ Judge 8. ‘Lemmon Reed of Ebens- all thrilling and yet safe for the kids
| big, Made the principal address of the | 90 ihe Midway; daring every evening
evening and took for his subject “Op-|.;. 4 A ive Thao
timism and Pessimism,” his treatment | his Marathon Band supplying the mu-
of the chosen topic dealing largely on | . :
individual respect for home, Jfommuni- lo aco ion ot ue Genteal Pan
y and elsewhere, the speaker main- | “90% 2 ClO Fs
taining that each person is directly or | lay, Privy. Julls 6. day Non Jueworss
otherwise responsible for the welfare of | and bess tht firew oP ning. day, July 3;
| his fellowmen and can and ought to | fC DIE w NOVO very ovenig 53
feel himself a factor in the betterment p= | ona b 18 ap tor the patrons.
of human society. The talk of the judge | the night of gn a nt on
was replete with noble thought ang oe SHEL of ann cay jJemars
yoleed jonny Biinciples, Soci ines Spal as Fy Ry py hI
all might apply to everyday life, be it|%> atin live -
humble or DDI Ao oy y er bouts. The industrial part of the ex-
Music on the program was rendered position is participated in by over 200
Richard Graham, aged 54 years, un-
new temple at Shrine Park in Altoona | in the grove at that place, and the ev-
last week. The honor was given him by | ent this year promises to surpass all
William G. Munn, Illustrious Poten-| former occasions.
tate. : A chicken dinner will on the card,
The spade which was used at the|and a veal supper will be served. It
ground breaking for the present|is useless to state the appetizing men-
|temple was used last week. It is ex-| ys given at Chest Springs, our readers
| pected the excavation will be complet- | know of them. Of course, the ladies
led in a few weeks and that the con- will try to make the meals this year
{tract for the building itself will be aw- | just a little bit better than before—if
larded in August. that is possible.
| ———————— | Square dancing will be card during
| FIND LIQUOR IN AN AUTO. the afternoon and in the early even-
| Caught with seven gallons of alleged | ing, followed by round dancing. A com-
liquor in their automobile at Prince petent orchestra has been engaged for
| Gallitzin Spring, near Cresson, by the | the day.
| State Highway Patrolmen, three per- Divers games and amusements will
isons are in the Blair county jail at | also be afforded, and you can't go
| Hollidaysburg, awaiting hearings on wrong by attending the Chest Springs
| charges of possessing liquor and trans- | picnic.on the Fourth of July.
(porting it. — BR
| They are Antony Machiavolo of HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL
Gallitzin; Machiavolo, same address, CHURCH,
and Pete Dampsie, Williamsburg. The| There will be a celebration of the
|alleged liquor was found in one five Holy Communion at Ten o'clock next
gallon keg, two one gallon jugs and Sunday. All Episcopalians are special-
one pint bottle, |ly urged to be present,
by a trio from the county seat. b
Next Monday at the Brandon hotel
the Northern Cambria Kiwanis club
will produce an “Independence Day
Caught beneath a fall of rock while
at work in the Piper mine at Lilly,
Hugh G. Neilson, aged 72 years, a vet-
eran miner and one of Lilly's best
known residents, was instantly killed
on Tuesday afternoon. The victim's
skull was fractured.
Funeral services will be held on Fri-
day afternoon and interment will be in
the cemetery near Geistown.
Hugh G. Neilson was born in Scot-
land and came to this country forty-
one years ago. He had worked as a
miner for the last 62 years, having
started in the mines in Scotland at the
age of ten years.
He is survived by his widow and by
| several children, |
corporations, firms, companies and pri-
vate manufacturers, representing a
combined capital of a bililon dollars
from all over the Eastern United
J. W. Syberts, aged 68 years, died at
his home at Westover on Sunday. The
, funeral services were held at 2 o'clock
on Wednesday afternoon in the West-
over Baptist church, of which the de-
ceased served as a deacon. Interment
{ was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Syberts is survived by his wi-
dow and these children: William H.
Syberts of Westover; James and Lloyd
Syberts, both of Altoona; Carey Sy-
berts, of Loretto; Glenn Syberts of
Williamsport; and Valley and Verda
Syberts, at home. Seven sisters also
A. Nugent Samwlell, Rector.
Sunday, July 1st, Holy Communion
at 8:30 A. M.