The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 31, 1928, Image 8

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vw = VIr. and Mrs. Germain Semelsberger
. ’ : CE
Nation sAffairs Though a corouner’s jury on Tuesday | and two children, Adrian and Thomas,
PATTON AND H IMMEDIA E y | -— of last week making inquiry into the | of Ha Ie 5, spent the week end here
—— vitten. f » Paper by Frank P death of Thomas Nicholson, aged five | with relative ;
SEND US ALL THE NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP FILL THis DEPARTMENT. | VWitten for er y years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nich Miss Bertha Ceathut of Aron Olijo
EVERY LITTLE ITEMS HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JU A LITTLE olson of Beaverdale, killed by an auto | is spending the week here with friends.
BETTER FOR ALL. SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM accident, returned a verdict of acci- Mr. and Mr Vincent Thomas of
dental death, recommendation was al-| Patton who had been here for a few
. i This is an era of big things. Busi- . . . lays have returned their home
rardner, Notary Public, ¢ A larg OW as ondance at : ; ; so made that the operator's license of | da ave 1 ned to their home.
M. H Gardner, Notary Public, at the A large crowd was in attendance at ness is conducted in a big and lavish 30 Saus 1a Je pe BO aense of Miss Giértrude Yeager wet the sist . yiRIA
Tozer Jewerly Co. the dance at Sunset Park last night.| ~ A s. politi thanks to our | Nicholas Klinosky, o d ale, the | 8 ge y : PATTON, PENNA.
1 C ty Clul lI on June ICE DELIVERIES--We will deliver way and 50.15 polisies, Tt i il d driver of the machine, be revoked. It |Of friends in Hastings recently.
The Community Club will on June CE “LIVE ory modern primary system. The railroad, Ai ? : Tiss Mary Kelly of Al a who had
. 1 1 ap ie 3 : yas shov I vidence produeed at vi vary kelly of Altoona who ha nnn
6th next hold a bridge and cinch par- | ice in Patton borough four days each {pq automobile, the modern long dis- as Span mre Ogg Th! wien t of relatives and friends HEE i nnn I
Ly the Comm) a i vhder their | week % usual. If you Sesire Satie call fence telephone, the telegraph and the bo bh I Beaverdale that the Nichol- | here for a few days, has returned to THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 31 AND JUNE 1st.
es, and they 4 a cordial] 13-wW Hastings, or wr ete . = radi e ¢ ‘ese civiliza=- | © ve rer Rome
, and Co! 3-W Hastings, or write radio. have made oue present civiliza son boy darted across the road in front er home
ic 0 the general publi¢c to ¢ er, Hastings, Pa. 6tpd. i Si y - fi ers us- : : vol 6 tz stin as ar
on to 1e el Publip to ab ler, Ha ings P sn dora if tion possible. Where our financiers us of the machine, Klinosky the jury de- Celestine Holtz of Hastings was a re- J 5
tend. C ill 1 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. George Boyer of Braddock, is|eaq to talk in millions they now talk in cided. is Of Very nervous mallre and) cent business caller Reto.
Last week Courier had the wrong | visiting among friends ‘here. hundreds of millions and even bill- hn Y : gar Gust Yeager has gone to Hastings
1 inch and brid arty Say 5 is renewi , is not a competent driver. Loree hi g gs
date of this cinch and bridge party, Mrs. Sarah Rounsley is renewing ac- | jon : : where he will spemtl a few days with
sth i he 6 ; 4 y is wee ie At an inquest held by Coroner Swabh{ Wiel € il spend a fe ays
we had the 16th instead of the 6th of | quaintances in town this week.
; : This is not only the era of big bus- ine » death of James Gil- | relatives and friend
June. So the correct date of this cinch Mr. ana Mrs. Earl McKillop of West- a : anAstaized Duintes at Vinco into the deat 1 of James : Kr Ee or of Patton k :
) : . : re rite iness but of standardizec SINeSS. | jen Jr, aged 11, who was killed Sun 1 Huber o atto s WITH
and bridge party is June 6 over, were Pittsburgh vistimes Sunday. Our present prosperity in part is due _ Ee 2 ooh a whe Hi Yt: oy here With ten
Mer 2 ft 1 nday on ¢ wek’s wack i v ce eague *base- iio, es , a) 8 K ago,
Elery Lynn left Monday on a wee Interest in the church leag to the standardized methods now em- |. oo 5 driven by James Covalt
iin Lock Haven, J £ hore, and ball games 5 growme, Are you seeing ployed, together with mass production of Johnstown, R. D., the jury returned Wr. nd his Dani! Bichon -have HUNDER
Williamport Z them which this makes possible. The tenden- [5 vo dict of accidental death and ex- | irom Patton where they were
1 us My Naan Ab Boe Me a on of ynane cy is toward combination, toward big- onerated Covalt. The Gillen boy ran]! ol In a Jot a few days. mn rm \ r ro
Tred aero or "this Welk ata gi Pn “hospital on Wednes- | 86¢ and better things in the business | fom pehind a parked truck directly in| ! n Ben Thomas and fam- THE MARVEL CANINE
Bt Leo y Syerunt he Presboarian at the, Spengler -hospits ~ | World. And, as pointed out above, our pont of Covalt's machine. v of Ams] oncluc=l a visit at ; ins . : hr
65:50, the Iams un the irre ern tay. \ il be held in the | Modern method of rapid communica- hi, r home here PERILS OF THE JUNGLE—NO. 1 COMEDY
church will hold a tureen supper in the] A square dance wi | lion have made this possible Tin fx an Vesley Bollinger and Andrew Lefe-
poh : YiSSinnart ary . . 3 pny y 8 . bs . FOUR ERENSBURG . ’
church, when the missionary barrel si Bawreres BA On ie eV | ies of toto. it werd aril 20 MEN USPBE. ARRESDIVEN TS! ie, Who had been here PLL
wi ie ned. All 1 rested are asked ing, / specié Pe 8 @ . A . od . aa +t a 4. 4 _ itl nd wa few davs 1ave res y . 3d
to come and bring a tureen. A small|the music and the Work Fhe individual es dana -. R..- Hod 1 ore ATURDAY, JUNE 2ND.
’ : , ip 16. Com i vt ; e given way to the standardized product, ete Pagana, of Ebensburg, was ai : WL
arge also will be made. Communicate Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nagle of Al-!5 FET x Pete Pagana, of Ebens g, was a V1 fal p Mrs. Mary Quinn 1 T r
th Mrs. Lacue for suggestions toona Soent a few days in this section | 2nd this product has made pasibie the rested recently on a charge of break-[ = TL HOOVE! oot 2 an ESTHER RALSTON IN
The banquet given by Charles M.| during the week. enjoyment by the working classes of |i; ,nq entering and the larceny of
~ : aries es f a few genera- Wik iy . eo : tin with Iriends and rela-
Schwab at Ehensburg on Monday ev-| ar. and Mrs. Gust Warner and chil- | luxuries undreamed of a few g groceries and other goods from the
i Sg 7 KS Jer made | tn Jv oe “ta , 3 F 2 66
ening for the purpose of formulating | dren of this place were recent callers tions ago. Ww hen ook Noro - he store formerly conducted by A. G Fal Iarry Warner, of Patton was a re-
lans in this section for the drive for|at St. Lawrence slowly and painstakingly at hand by | opin the night after Falchini and his or Le
plar nls L 1 at St. La . “ph . Vv were nerhans a all- . by . ern ( I e
funds for St. Francis college, was at-| FOR RENT—Four or five furnished scholars, they were perhaps Fore heau- family suddenly left Ebensburg and : :
tended by. a number of Patton men. up and down stairs rooms for house- hig) Shan a YN we ay what was claimed to have been an at VE POOR EDITOR. +9
Misses Mary Walsh ‘and Doiares Far- | keeping. All conveniences. Inquire at|Wealthy could afford them. Nc “| tempt by Falchini and his daughter ;
Tn ¥ ping. . books are produced by the million ey- WRITE foe i re ! a phunber mal a mistake,
rell of Pittsburgh, spent Sunaay at/|ini office Of Josephine to defraud creditors in a . : : .
” ' ' a to : en the humble can afford a modest H- | oo ncnirae als, oilVin rs keyed 1e ges twice for it. When a law-
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John G.| The American Legion medals award- 3 conspiracy to violate the bankruptcy
; 4 > | brary. If the radio were made only at | 1.w = Patan ie nllene ave’ ¢ yel a mistake i just what he
Palcho [| €4 in the elementary, department of}, “oF oo rtist in wooderaft and | ov: Pagina is alleged to have: con- {00 J chance to
ro £ 2 > arts TE é Protec , i : . ay ec ! Che e 1 ~ 7 |
ALL KINDS OF PLANTS FOR |the public schools, have been presented and oy Ie. arus 004c A | fessed when brought before Justice of : 2H COMEDY AND T EWS.
, che 35 , W 2 4 0 Tv y x 1 )V agar Vhen
SALE—A. J. Vahner, on the Patton-|to Thelma Williams and Albert May- fnech ANGE, b Would. be. the oy of fhe the Peace James T. Young and to have Seiad jean wi on
Hasti Road kovich. These medals are donated an-|Fich man. But since it is produced in implicated his father and two broth- |" a Hustla he Be TT
Mrs. Gi. E. Hipps, of Carrolltown, en- | nually by the local Legion Auxiliary | 12rge quantiites all of us can afford to| ons sam Pagana, sr., Sam Pagana, jjr,, : S.A ¥ IiStaxe, 16 be MONDAY, JUNE 4tl
ras ¥ eat “ : own one. The same thing is true in al. rank Pagans { i the land. When a i 4 9. Nv. 41th,
tertained the Montessori Parents Club and the American Legion. general way of motor cars and other and Frank Pagana. ake nistake nobody
last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hoppel and a a ioe Sis uw ue: V7 VTS ATES $b \ Bar y
Fees read a chapter from Dr. C. Hand- mn, George, Jr., saw the elephant at x 1 eid STUDY ADVISABILITY OF NEW
But when the P 0 L A N E G RI IN
This . abi : i Bee ke, Good Night.
ford Henderson's book, “What It Ts to | Altoona on Wednesday. This modern habit of doing things | EXECUTIVE MANSION IN CAPITAL od Night
Be Educated.” The meetings. closed for| Miss Bertha Christoff was the recent | in a big way has crept into the edu- : \T THREE ON RETURN é Jy
the summer to be continued next fall|oyest of Altoona friends. cational world, too. Our universities | The work of considering plans for as RE SE AE v e eCl e our
when school reopens October 1st. Miss Matilda Whiteford of Twin |are getting bigger and bigger each|a new State Excutive Manison will be JL BY READE CONSTABLE
Dr, J. V. Maucher, druggist, of Car-i Rocks, was the week end guest of her | year, and more and more in the news undertaken within a few weeks, Ben- : Eo : i Le Y . Ant LE
rolltown, suffered severe burns Mon- parents, Mr. and Mrs. William White- | of the world. Students are attracted to son A. Taylor, Secretary of Property hex Steuer on Tuesday of Also pictures of LOCAL ( HILDREN taken about three
day morming, when a gasoline stove in| ford of South Fifth avenue. them by the thousands. Unquestionab- | ang Supplies in the Cabinet of Gov- | &5! EX lec a raiding expedition into Nas ie \ SY ry OVI TV
the Maucher home exploded, . setting| Dorothy Yahner, daughter. of Mr. [ly these universities with their experi- | ernor Fisher, said Saturday. Yeade To lip and arrested three al- weeks ago. COMEDY AND NOVELTY.
fire to the building. Dr. Maucher suf-1and Mrs. Albert Yahner, of Brewer av- | ment stations and their contributions] The last session of the Legislature |le2ed liquor laws: on ATE TR
fered his ‘burns in extinguishing the | enue. is. the guest of friends in Traf-| to science as well as their purely edu- | yoted a $5,000 appropriation for carry- | PrOC€Sses Issued I: the oiice of D. tito . Rant aie - XY Bi es : *
flames’ id cational facilities, perform an import- | ing on the work of a commission to Weimenand ie ed on the Jenn DE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5TH AND 6TH
FOR SALE CHEAP-Kitchen range liss Marion Hamilton has left for|and function in our modern civiliza-J investieate the advisability of a new |“0onstabic Xe. FLTOXeH, 0 teade : ; : .
in good condition. Inquire at B. Blank- | her home in Conneautville after hay- | tion. Executive Mansion ana if possible ob- : Mandell, poh term of CORFE, RICHARD A. ROW LAND PRESENTS
feld residence, 601 Beech avenue ing completed her first year as head| But there is a word to be said for | tain a site. : € thre endanls arrested were:
Waiving the finding of.a true bill by | of the department of English of the] the small college, too. The standardiz-| Taylor, together with Edward Mar Dery oer % hs entthews 3h
the Grand Jury, August Laureto, of |iocal high school. ed product in the purely business world | tin, Auditor General, and Sam Lewis, | De COLL Biihe bis nd the -
Patton, appeared in court Monday andl The Edward Link family of Fifth|has added to our comfort and our |State Treasurer, comprise the cominit- : hi wh - " Ta De
ah une amount o ac.
pleaded guilty to viol the liquor |gayenue, has move to Trafford, Pa., Mr. standard of living, but it is an open | tee. Ait, ys ST;
laws. Ig Nas fined ) | costs and | Link having been employed there for | question whether a purely standardiz- — a ED ie bi he Soe orm In a drama that carries vou from the barren
sentenced to not, 1 than two days|some time. ed product .in the way of university { SOMERSET, CAMBRIA anu Sani, bt Kitt dan mtn at ack sxxy hw] . Sr alts
and not more than three years in the Miss Beatrice Palcho, of Altoona was | and college graduates would add so PROJECTS APPROVED coun jail wistes of Alaska 10 the win of the big iy,
county jail. { the week end guest of her parents, Mr. | much té6 our intellectual progress. For a AVE iD ALE MAN EXPIRES Jack London's famous story of a man with wan-
trac rod11etic P: , ar a! = "0 7 1 - » E - " i i ., 7 . . +314 344 IR il hte. . . > . .
on son Laie Brie and Mys. John G. Palcho, of West Ma Shere is a difference. The four and six The water. and power Tesourt es : Faylor, aged 71, a well derlust in his feet, adventure in his heart, ro-
) 8 § ; gee avenue. cylinder motor cars produced daily by | hoard recently apnounced approval of f Beaverdale, died of . . :
heels, $1.00; Half soles 6 Rubber | * gdward Donjell of Bakerton was the | the hundred may be pretty much alike | the application of the Rolling Rock |. oobi mri ro uh mance in his soul, who gambled and lost in ev-
Heels, 20c; Leather Heels, 15c. Call at | recent guest of Patton friends. in their respective classes, witih mo- |club for a dam across Furnace BUN cre a poe ro AL TS Aon i nay. erything but love!
Peter Dambrosio’s Shoe Shop, opposite | nys, Cecil Mitchell of North Fifth{ tors made of exactly the same mater- | on its grounds in Ligonier township, CSR Of Beaverdale z :
Spot Cash Store, 506 Magee Avenue, | avenue had the misforutne to sustain |ials, but the same is not true of our Westmoreland county. Other applica-
Patton, Pa. * 31a fracture of an arm and minor in-|boys and girls. Each of them has a| tions approved included:
jot é ® ° 9
Tho. CO Grlar Batiss ho Gosoms tab Tate : ies of 4 BAI N RACES PROVE
The Courier comes to you a bit late | juries when she fell at her home last, character and a spirit of his own. No| Somerset—Commissioners of Som- ATAL TO ho FLIERS urnin a 1 t
this week, occasioned by the fact that) prigay. two are alike. To put them all through |erset for bridge across Beaver Dam te : shit )
the force did not work yesterday, Mem- | Mrs. John H. Moren and Miss Mil- | an educational machine which would | creek near Stoyestown: Garrett Water
orial Day. a dred Moren were recent Altoona visit- | turn out a standardized product would Co. for construction of dam ac nati
LOST—Tire and rim, Ford car, be- | gpg. therefore finally end in failure so far | Piney Run, Brothersvailey townshil he oa, .
tween Patton and Carrolltown. Return| “GARAGE FOR SALE—At 63 Magee | as improving or even maintaining the | Cambria—Commissioners of Caml | Bettic Fiat Tor ho canesday Fhe and Stuart Holmes.
to Rev. P. Modestus, O. S. B., St. Bon- | avenue, : 3tpd. | standard of society is concerned. We do | bria county for construetion of a brid- | Tht. Two A YySre mn the all
Hace, Pa. : Send us every little item of news you [ not want human intellectual machines ge across Little Conemaugh river at
Several Pattonites attended the Rin- | know. We are glad to get them. but individuality developed in the Portage and for construction of a brid-
! Bros. and Barnum and Bailey | Harold Roth and T. W. Fleming, | highest plane. ge sp il West Branch west of Gar-|,,
In Altoona. yesterday, ~ members of the local high faculty have | Ang nere is where the smaller col- | mantown. nix ¢ uthwestern Pennsylva-
and Mrs. an Swisher en-| returned to their homes in Gettysburg. lege come in. Its courses may be some- —_— 1 Ym st of the “bags
a rg : he Sveng Dr. CE Overhelger of Barnesboro. | what limited, but so is its enrollment. | MATHER MINE HEAD WAS i t 1g off ss
ding anniv. Those pres- ana Pond goon San. Yids return- The heads of the departments have a TIVE OF EBENSBURG ‘ n, aide on the Good-
ont were MS. ard & 1d Fotkel oh ne oie, 2. praible ed good opportunity to become acquainted re y V. w d dead near Greens-
and son; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cochrane | ip. on coo vanore, 2 With the raw material in the student| Added interest has been shown in| bu last night, having made a
DANY. fre Rete \ oo | the past several weeks. ; body, and so be able to develop the Ebensburg in the mine disaster at] jun m the balloon, which it is be-
2 ehilgeen, Books Midret Chas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maycovich Were 'storng and remedy the weak in the in- | Mather, Greene County, that took a I htning. Warren
Novis Swi her bi feanily aa I its Ci Risin vis) Sheracis” Ihe particuss hus. toll of about 195, due to the fact the \ ) il of the bal-
| * 2SS © 8 S ; 8S $ general sunerintende » Mine si1T ure vf y
and Mr. Harry Strayer of Ebensburg, |the Ford Garage, all modern conven- many other things to think shout. Of | Ln oor rans, IS a native of Phen: :
were Monday evening callers in town. | jences, bath, hot water heat, etc. in- We Be rey CE ge burg. Mr. Evans is a son of the lat ;
Miss Dorothy MeCl 1d who last! quire of J. A. Link, blacksmith 3tpd course we are proud of our great unmi- | Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Evans and lived i Paul Evart of Army Bal-
week finished the school term here, has | Mr. and Mrs. Barth. Vouic were inl crsiues, but this should not lead us |in Ebensburg for a number of years ( I I , Va. was killed
gone to Hastings for the summer. SLY iin _ | to believe that the smaller institutions Mr. Evans went to Mather about! ] n t 1 in which he
i attendance at the-commencement ex- | of higher learning has outlived its use- eight years ago as supertendent when | 1 was struck by lightning
fullness. It is just as important as it the mine was first opened. It was |! Irv
Mr. and Mrs. Ss Tibbs and chil- | ercises and class day programs this
dren are visiting the latter's father on | week at the Lock Haven State Teach- | ever was, if not more so consired one of the most modern ; =
er mines in the State. Mr. Evans was|{ REGULAR AND IRREGLUAR
Herriman avenue, er " College. Miss Louise Young, a
| member of the graduating class, is a r te howe date
| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Young. FALCHINIS GIV HEARING not in the mine at the time of the ex- ot 1 ! » these days of
daughte . plosion. light wing, who tind the double stan-
Mrs. Kable Harvey of St. Michael, |
| 1 i - 1
| Mr. and Mrs. John Homan and dau- BEFORE REFEREE MYERS + .
i LR lard of time keeping so ¢
| ghter of Cleveland, Ohio, were recent —_— gal e kee ing so confusing that
and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of
South Fork, were recent callers in Pat-
0 rte i —— ~ , ro . they carry two atche one of them
Mrs : fh hig ry § Parents, rand A. C. Falchini a former Ebensburg BENEFIT BY SYSTEM. | 5€t to the old time and one to the new;
iv 5. Albe agie,
grocer and his daughter, sephi The total active membership of thea I ICI are never quite sure
{, Mrs. Joseph Durbin and Mrs. James Falchini, who foe Sh Tue State School Employees retirement | which hich.— Waterbury ns
| Trexler, of Altoona are visiting friends before the Federal Court in Pittsburg system now numbers 68,622. The am : :
[in St. Augustine this week. to conspiracy to violate the bankrup- |ount paid the super-anuation and dis HAT WASN'T ALL.
My and Mrs Bernard Baker of Dy- tey C. 2andolph Myers Friday for | ability -beneficiaries exceeds $1,000,000 Littl mn a bright youngster of
i — are pending ome hae Jn North questioning on behalf of R. H. Coleman | Per year. i en out on the street play-
Braddock with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Trustee in bankruptcy. The Trustee] The average annual retirement al-|i hi m his mother he
Kir and family Je and dauzhiter was represented by Attorney Charles |lowance of the 1530 members now rve- | ( A} imagine her sur-
fons Herman Nagle aa He iter of | 5 “Bvans, of Ebenshurg, and the bank- | ceiving a super-annuation allowance is |p ticed one of his eyes
leveland are visiting al Lhe nome of rupt by Attorney John F. Burton, of | $575, and the average annual allow- |} i ¢ Young man,” she
Me and Mos Boward Nape i family California. ance of the 390 members now receiv l l ¢ armed, “where
1 ana Mrs. 0 Sager ¢ ¢ . g y ame ‘ a ( ‘ 3
of Altoona were recent guests of Mr | Falchini and his daughter, who took Ee athulty revitemens allowance did you gl as COMEDY AND NEWS,
atid Mrs. Thomas Baler an active part in the management of | 1S $36 : Zu y new hoy next
their store in Ebensburg, left Ebens- | The actuary has completed the an- doo : Mm, was his frank
nual valuation and investigation of the
funds and his report states that the
system is in first class condition THOUSH RD} OWN PROBE
en balloons : . - ' . :
1 elimina- With Doris Kenyon, Arthur Stone, Lawford Davidson,
bags were known
by lightning and
rainstorm, accom-
nd frequent” light-
STUDY METHODS OF burg on- August 11 last in an attempt
RAISING BOB WHITES | to defraud a large number of eredi-
Realizing that it is becoming incres- | Ors. They made their way to Cali- ang Potton ll ib eis = ere
ingly difficult to secure game and game | fornia, where they were arrested and eri rn Arpt *PENDITURES CEEREEERERERERRERRREEEEEERERE E ER ERE 0 0
birds for stocking purposes, the State |lodged in prison. Considerable testi- DIES AT HOSPITAL. f .
Game Commission is preparing to|Mmony was taken in Ebensburg and in Daniel Kozak, the three year old son} '% 110US hy rdopled a reso
raise all species which formerly were [California in regard to the alleged |of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kozak, of | Bon direc r Longworth to
bought from commercial Sources. conspiracy entered into by the father | Spangler, died at the Spangler he i FHL Lee of tive
From data now beng collected it is | and daughter and the defendants were tal at seven o'clock on Tuesday morn-|{ ile campaign ex-
planned to extend the present ring- [recently brought back to Pittsburg to |ing. Death was caused by empyen : inte for pres
neck pheasant experiments to hbob- | answer a Federal charge. They plead- | The deceased was admitted to the ho ne donate and
ite quail. Virginia has been success- | €d guilty and will be sentenced today. | pital on May 25th. He is survived b
ful in the raising of the quail and the Falchini and his daughter were bot | his parents, two brothers and two
memnibers of the commission recently | to Ebensburg under a court order fol- ters.
spent several days on the game farms lowing the request on the part of the Funeral services will be held at 1
Those mean little head- at Boulevard, near Richmond. Inform- Trustee that he might have an op- | o'clock this Thursday afternoon in the | ; Ii t enses and the
aches disappear at once ation gathered on the trip will be used | Portunity to question them further in| St. John's Slovak Church at Barne: bo-| : owered to hold
and you are free to take when the commission begins hatching [regard to certain tranctions prior 0 | ro and interment will be in the church withe oe and er
up the day's tasks with the birds to supply Pennsylvania needs. [the time they decamped and the dis- cemetery. nu hn
vigor if you take two tea- The commission in its attempts to [Position made of maney and _ assets — . amot y he nature of
spoonfuls of Epsom Salt buy game and game birds has had to [they are supposed to have acquired. NEW BE! § TASTER. | the expendi hy 1 | tical candida-
dissolved in a glass of cold combat not only actual shortages of I RE eH Arthur E. Shannon was confirmed BY | ros and. or : tion gt . E
water each morning many species but the unwillingness of » Mrs. Jennie H. Noel. the Senate Tuesday as postmaster at| ~~ ! De 5
. other states to permit exportation, Funeral ‘services for Mrs. Jennie H.|Beaverdale, succeeding Dr. A. W. Leech | SE ROAD BONDS
2 hE ee Noel, aged 61 years, who died Sunday | who was not a candidate for reapp- | lr Rel di ot oT al .
25¢ NICKTOWN BOY SUCCUMBS, at the home of her son, Thomas F.| ointment. Mr, Shannon is a veteran of... TL phat des
Clement Kunzelman, aged 16 years, Noel at Gallitzin, of a complication of | the Spanish-American War and has | aprect ; the lane: on 4 i : Jae FHC
sca of Mr. and Mrs. John Kunzelman, | diseases, were held on Tuesday after-|peen active in Veterans’ organization ; He x tht fe > thos i
of Nicktown, died on Tuesday night at | hoon and burial was in. Union ceme- | for some time SScs. Go ora Fo Sa plang bond
FOGERTY'’S {4 the Spangler hospital. He is survived tery. : oa %, Fen oy : . ey oatlay ase
by this parents and the following bhro- | The deceased was born at Newry on POOR GARAGE SERVICE, | or to reissue $3,000,000 of cance
thers and sisters, Olin, Clair, Leo, Ma- | February 20, 1867. She leaves one son, [Joe didn’t listen, look or stop! oil oF Pods of he "oli: 1 OL Sancell
? | rie and Leona Kunzelman, all at home. | Thomas F., mentioned above; also two | They dragged his flivver to the shop. } .ooq bond RAL Higa. $0000.00
The Ferall Store Funeral services will be conducted at | brothers, A. C. Wilt, of Altoona, and E. | It only took a week or two ee ae
J |nine o'clock on Friday morning in St. |S. Wilt of Hollidaysburg, and two sis- | To make the car look good as new,
Nicholas’ Catholic church and inter- | ters, Mrs. Harry Watts of Gallitzin, ) But though they hunted high and low
Patton, Pa. . {ment will be in the church cemetery. 'and Mrs. J. P. Murphy, of Midland. "They found no extra parts for Joe.
to re-
er than
p<U,000 was Pro-
bl ©
We Can Furnish You
With All Kinds Of CUTS
One pound container
treasurer and the auditor
Subscribe to the Courier—Only $2.00
per year