THE PATTON COURIER FINNEY OF THE FORCE ~~ BF. Acxanaer A Criminal Judge, Mebbe = —T pom h p—" ee | —_— CHAARGED WITH ™ 77 our own Ny JT ave Te) 2} @ eo fl /STAALIN'AGOLD WATCH | || / okrencE, my Man, © | || $a A Few .. : 7 ! ~N * a GLILTY oR fh / : ! ta - 3 y 1% ! AN’ THE GOLD WATCH / Y l / G2 il 3 ! ( OFF A GENT ON A MUGG HAVE YoU ANQTHING-/ |i NOTHIN | [To A CRIMINAL LAWYER / ( NOT GOWTY «I A \ Wor, {ho 1 c J | \PVENYOO STHRAAT-CAR, Jo ofFFER 2 | om, JUDGE! To DEFEND ME ~ AN’ 0) [ MAKE NO MORE ! / Vea Honor / rt “ \ HE NEVER SHOWED / \_ OFFERS / / y = NF r— “y £m — “A or 2) V = - re = ; out Poison xterminator that fs Safe to use Anywhere! ire human beings, livestock, oultry, yet is deadly to rate ry time. EMBRYONIC SALESMEN "Old college ties, gentlemen,” orated he old grad from the platform, “old ollege ties—the lasting loyal love for ur alma mater, and her love for us Where, fedlow alumni, where, 1 ask you, can you find a greater, better, worthier, nobler, finer, stronger bond mn —a& bond which will repay you more? are too dangerous not contain arsenic, phose im carbonate or any deadly. e of powdered squill asrece y the U. S. Dept. of Agrie ir latest bulletin on **Rat od customersjust told us he dcad rats on his farm from ce package of K-R-O. Wa find ng 30 or 40 rats afteg wo ZY Osborne Down to Earth which Is highly successful i ase you. * Wolgamot's Drug od, O. Qrugaits large size (four h) $2.00, Sent postpaid 8 if dealer cannot supply “Y-a-a-a-ay!” shouted the entire 4 Por lass of '26 rising to their feet. “A xX customer!” ‘we And the old grad was utterly de- LON MONEY. BACK : zs 7 gn SIMME A . d in the rush aT FY Phe 0 ' ~ tH stroyed in the rush. LISTEN TO THIS, DEAR LATTICE WAS Dae. rsuewas bp SAY LISTEN HAND, WILLYA 2 JERR fre 8 et? | MALCOLM BANGED OPE WHERE BEHIND HI IN HIS ARMS ' THAT PIPES STOPPED z al ~ Even Up! 55k ) THE DOOR. ‘LATTICE, \P AGAIN / » § “What was your car expense last RATS-ONLY HE CRIED ~~ year?” “I"ive thousand dollars, 1 bought 1 new car for $4,000, and it cost me $LOOO to run it. What was yours?” “The same. | bought a used car for $1.00 and it cost me $4,000 to run it! id - 23 I SE ————— SAP A )’S VERY LIFE ar child grit his his nostrils? Have 1 stomach? These >ms of worms— y parasites which kly ruin a child’s CHEEK,” SUDDENLY... CouLD HEAR HES\TANT ’ FANN im. STEPS ON THE CUSHIONED SAROUK ~HE FELT A SORT: BREATH ON HIS / WOULDN'T BE LONG THERE sign of worms, give v's Vermifuge. For 75 Vermifuge has been vegetable worm med- day at your druggist’s. /ermifuge pe f — : RR Is Worms Events in the Lives of Little Men Wa [1 AE RF or m RRS, FMEA and Make BIG PROFITS vecial Prices and Terms Box 589 York, Pa. Witie—Don’t you think our new hautfeur is too tali? Hubby—Yes; but 1 don’t think he'll be long here. R MORE A DAY AND to every customer. Send cle. Complete plans Iu Yakima, Wash. | ——— Correct Although this rhyme may make you grin, It’s time, you will agree: I'here are two or three monkeys in Most every family tree, No Hope “Now,” cautioned the judge, “re- nember you are to tell the truth, the vhole truth and nothing but the ruth,” “Golly !” exclaimed the dusky de- fendant. “Mah case am los’ right low !"—American Legion Monthly, on Windows ’ art colony in Boston question of keeping dows attractive, says Ss Magazine. Instead 1 the glass constant- € #4 paint brush now panes are covered | / LUT] _ TT lesigns of wide va. Ll 1] g Eo 4 : "he plan is especial * windows that are to admit light, and zlass does not shut : E z J HE. +d I) Security po 3 flere, are Brown—What gnarantee will you designs, IT! sive for the loan?” —_— : Jones—The word of an honest man. Come? i expert can show a Brown—Go get the honest man and 4 will give you the money. r how to make hig earnings, then Why hat line himself? HER ANCIENT HISTORY ia ans oe ha bororA ||| PRISON MAKE | ne ( bo | Ll (Copyright Ww. N. oe — MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL BY Qurles Sugheoe Callers Western Newspaper Union A GREAT VARIETY OF VISITORS COMES INO AND | GET A LAUGH OUY OF THE ANGRY “THEN WE HAVE THE LADY WHO ASKS WHY HER BESIDES “H' GUY WHO ASKS FOR A COPY OF & le . SAS 2 S BARELY MENTIONED WHILE MRS. BLANKS SHE LATEST ISSUE BUY DOESAMY OFFER TO Miss Passe—"I'm a great lover of x < 5 Ss AVS | HAD HIM IN MIND WHEN PARTY VIAS y : IStorv.” Miss Yonilze. *¥ A NEWSPAPER OFFICE = ITS" FUM Pons Sto JAN SN ao. HNOCRERS SO | Gey WAS DESCRIBED FULLY, AND | POINT OUT THAT PAY FOR. IT= AND THE SOREHEAD WITH A wcient history.” Miss Young—*Yes, AND TALK TO ‘EM = THERES oH ew Iu COPY AND WHEN HE SEES WW 16 FROWN As MRS BLANK KINDLY SENT IN FULL DETAILS = "ROASTON HIS ENEMY= AND A LOY OF OTHER youre always recalling the events of oe ee Ee = DEATH Tex CHANGE” ME 16 FLABBER GASTED, AND | AND THE MERCHANT WHO BRINGS IN HIS PESTS To MAKE US APPRECIATE “THE *hildhood, 1 know. EPARTED v S=0E / ’ 5 s - = < S m———— go SERRIBLE ENOUGH WITHOUT ORT. POMES SAY, "OF COURSE, \F YOU RECOGNIZE AD GOPY AFTER THE PRES HAS STAYED S MANN ERIZIIDS WHO DROP Id ON US YOURSELF = AND MAKE OUR JOB ENVOYABLE ! Advice { | ! { k | A == = = San = ives there a man with soul so dead f= E31 With fret and scurry, ” — C= = a Who never to another said: “Don’t worry!” daches, or any of yer Aspirin can Try, Try Again Mechanic—Now your car's 0. K. vsicians prescribe MR STEWH FUSS A If you find she doesn’t run right come free use, for it “ (ABOVE) WORRYIA' ! 1zain, art. Every drug- Bey: THE NY, Owner—How many guesses do you fail to ask the WORLDS SUPPLY want? And don't take or GaSe | . HA e says Bayer, with WHALES { Tagged : : EXHAUSTED ON ot tern] h Ji ited in red: i APRIL 20uT A f “Didn't some brainless idiot pro- °o VA . p : : ms a Az pose to you before we were mar- ZX. ried?” “Yes.” \ “lI wish to goodness you'd married Sn. Dive AL ‘ im.” i The MM Ling! we “I did.” 2 Ing + Man With Sense “No man with any sense would al- ow you to carry on the way you do.” “How do you know what a man with any sense would do?” Clancy Kids : The Ding-a-Ling ‘ Candy Store Man Has Our Sympathy Fine } a O'Donpell—Stimson claims he has z J ' [ SE— y rere two receiving sets and that he can RSA lean I YAITALLDAY. MN tune in on a fight program with either 2 WHAT 00 Ye WANT? F. NOTHIN .e one, IMJusT Look InN’ O’Connell—That’'s his little joke AROUND. He has a party phone, besides his | radio set you know! Z — re ————_ ¥ | Worm Will Tarn | Dora (as young man passes) —Awful By | worm, isn't he? Doris—Yes—don't 100k around, deur Z ; 4 7 ue's sure to turn! ® dy the McClure Newspaper Syndicate Z PERCY L. CROSBY