THE PATTON COURIER Dr. L. R. Kolier is shown with the new daylight recorder he has devel record accurately the light intensities oped. It is so seusitive that it will to be found between starlight und direct sunlight. Trace Old Race for Masonic Symbols Briton Follows Trail for 22 Years. Amarillo, Texus.—The trail which fie has followed for 22 years in quest of proof of the existence of an np cient race tc which he believes the foundations ef the modern Free masonry may be traced has hrought Dr. John Winthrop Sargent to the United States. He is in Texas to continue his re- search, which has taken him through Mexico, Central America and most of the South American countries. Doctor Sargent is an explorer and director of the Dr. W. Il. K. Saver expedition of the British Royal society and a nephew of the lute John Singer Sargent, the painter. By tracing the culture of this race through pottery and monument de signs Doctor Sargent says he nus be- come convinced that its civilization was of even a higher order than that of the ancient Egyptians. He says he found proof that that race had a knowledge of irrigation superior to ghat of modera times. First evidence of the race in the United States was found at Three Rivers, N. M., he says. and the trail was continued to this vicinity. The two cultural motifs which he especially seeks portray a man stand ing with arms upraised, one arm al right angles with the other, aad a deer with three arrows piercing its breast. “These two motifs,’ “have a decided hearing on an ancient society which has come down to the present and which is found in the Ma. sonic lodge.” Doctor Sargent hopes (o go on to Nicaragua to continue explorations which were terminated last December ’ he declares. WOMAN GETS HONOR Miss post ever filled hy a woman in the service of the United States. SUCH 1S LIFE Frances \Villis has just been appointed United States vice consul fn Chite. It is the highest diplomatic 18, when Sandino, the rebel leader, ordered him out of the country within six hours. Flowers by Plane New York.—To be in style send flowers to seagoing friends by plane. Seven packages of roses were dropped on the steamship President Harding from the air. Two of them hit the deck; the fishes got the rest. Queen Stocks Up Berlin.—The queen of Afghanistan has hought 70 pairs of shoes and 20 dresses during her visi to Germany, DIPPING INTO SCIENCE Radium Radium, discovered only a few years ago, is the most wonder: ful and mysterious of the ele- ments. Radium alone has the power within Itself to produce heat with no help from outside and though it is so very rare, there is enough heat produced from radium in the earth to equal and offset the heat the world has been losing for many years, (©. 1928. Western Newspaper Unlon.) Baboon Blues Nairobi, British East Africa.—Na- tives have found that baboons can be kept away from settlemeats if one is captured within sight of the others, clipped. painted biue and released to rejoin his mates. COACH IN ACTION The photograph shows Head Coach “Rusty” Callow of the University of Pennsylvania on the launch. More than a dozen crews were bouated in the course of the workout, not includ- ing the three varsity outfits that have been on the water for a week. In Cal low’s coaching launch he can follow the movements of the men to good ad- vantage. Now, IF IT WiLL ONLY BEAR FRUIT i 34 <7 MISUNDERY, Oh y J STANDINGS 3B. 355) oS VE Looking to Future Crop | TAKING TO WONDERING By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Hlinois. HE king was in a sad way, so the legend ram, as kings have often been, and are still today, if reports are to be believed. There was a great oak tree that grew against the palace wall that was so big and so thick in its branches that it shut out all the sun- light from the king's palace. The king had offered many, many dollars to anyone who would cut down the huge tree and let the sur'ight into the great castle in which he lived, but no one had been able to do it, for as soon as ever one chip of the oak’s trunk flew off under the stroke of the ax two more grew in its stead. And this was not all. The king had dug a well which was to hold water for the whole year, but although all his neighbors had wells, when they came to sink a well for the king whose Crooks Laugh at Law New York.—The sardonic teader of a two-world crime band left his “eall- ing card” pinned over the heart of a too curious member of his mob and now at last the police have a clew to New York's muster criminal. The “calling: card” was a roll of a pistol bullet—the same pellet of lead that closed the prying eyes of Bill Doyle, alias Doll, ex-convict and siufe cracker. Behind him, the man who is be- lieved to be an associate of the late Gerald Chapman and Dutch Ander son. left “evidence of one of the most highly organized bands of internation- al eriminals that police have ever been confronted with. Itecently there was a shot in the ground floor of a laxurious uptown apartment house just after dark and a foment later a tenant entered in time to catch a glimpse of an expen- sively dressed man and womaia step over a body lying in the doorway and leisurely stroll out the entrance and step into a taxicab. The name on the doorplate of the apartment was Berkowitz, but the well-dressed couple had been known to the other tenants as Mr, and Mrs. “Ike” Behrman. When the police ar- rived a little later they found the apartment was empty save for a tiny white dog cowering in a corner, while an eleetrie piano was still clamorously playing “Blue Heaven.” The occupants had left behind expensive ward- robes. Several fur coats and a halt dozen beautiful afternoon and evening gowns were hanging in the woman's closet, while carefully tailored suits for all eceasions were in the man’s elaborately furnished with costly peri. od furniture. that at last -they ternational gang. grams from known criminals in Eun coded mes * * which ind WELL, POP, You TO BE DISAPPOINTED | YOU SENT HOME ARENT ZY. | READY FOR “1 SUPPER [7 SEE a5 Pel eee > RE $0) | TONIGHT = THOSE RABBITS | : A Ame GOING TO BE k 4 A ) sree EE. EI £100 bills and they were pinned with | .e as Pronunciation Brings Cycle Thief to Grief London.—A bit of snappg de- tective work has just heen ac complished by a Northampton- shire policeman, who evidently also is a student of phonetics. The “bobby.” on duty near the village of Towcester, had a hunch that a man who passed him, wheeling a bicycle, might not be the machine's legal owner, “Where do you live?” rhe po- liceman asked. “Tow-cester,” the man replied pronouncing the word as it is spelled. - “No, you don’t,” the policeman retorted, and arrested him. At the police court the next day the man pleaded guilty to the theft of the bicycle. The “bobby” ex- i plained that no resident of Tow- cester ever referred to the town's names as other than “Peaster,” and that it was the mispronunciation that confirmed his “hunch.” compartment The* apartment was Put what interested the detectives most when they arrived was the fact had been called to the headquarters of a long-sought in- More than 300 telegrams and cable rope and this country and letters from Sing Sing were found. There were ges and eable messages ated the occupants had | | | and safe robbing in London, Paris, holsters, thing except taxicabs, There was been involved in diamond smuggling Berlin and the greater cities ot the United States. There were cheap cot ton gloves such as safe blowers wear half a dozen hats and caps with labels torn out, drills and empty revolver In addition there were automobile licenses for two cars—although the Behrnmns were never seen to ise any book for a bank in Muncie, Ind., where J doesn’t get. [Father Sage Joys: val The more a man wants, the he wants, the more he Chapman and Anderson once had their headquarters. Detectives, after several days of study, have reconstructed events lead- ing up to the crime and believe that it was carried out along the follow- ing lines: Will Doyle, the man who got a bul- let through his heart, was one of a hundred or more of the master crim- inal's contact men. His job was to spot safes to be robbed, houses to be looted and to establish connections with fences who would dispose of the spoils or sell the gems which the lead er's European agents. smuggled into this country. It is believed several of the gang took part in the daylight robbery of a nearby theater the day before Doyle was shot to death, The spotter 18 be- lieved to have made a mistake and the band looted the wrong theater, get- ting away with only a few thousand dollars where they had planned to make a big haul. When Doyle got his share, which amounted to only $100, he complained to the payoff man, insisting that he should have more, and accusing the leaders of “playing crooked.” There was an angry exchange of words and Doyle threatened to get even. That evening, Doyle, still angry over the meager profits that came to him as his share, hroke the most stringent law of the gang and walked boldly { into the home of the master criminal. waving the roll of one dollar bills in his chief’s face he demanded more money and threatened to “squeal” if it were not forthcoming at once The leader settled the debt as ft usually is settled in gangland. And before leaving he pinned the payoff money to the vietim's body as a warn- ing to his other followers Detectives are confident that the many addresses and messages found in the apartment will lead to arrests in the capitals of Europe as well as in several cities in the United States, While they are following leads. the main hunt is centering on the capture of Behrman, When a key is turned in a new palace stood high above the valley, they had gone down only a few inches before they struck an impenetrable rock But the king had set his heart upon having the ouk tree cut down, and up- on having a well sunk that would fur- nish his household with abundant wa- ter, and to anyone who could accom- plish these two things he agreed to give the lovely princess for a wife and half his kingdom. It was a prize well worth working for, for the king- dom was a noble one and the princess was beautiful beyond description. It .-us Peter and Paul and Jack— three brothers—who set out in the hope of finding a way to cut down the tree and to dig the well. It was Jack whose curiosity led him to wondering concerning a sound of chopping which he heard up the hill- side as the three brothers were set- ting out toward the palace, and fol- lowing the sound he came “upon a magic ax chopping away at a great tree, and this he put into his pocket. And this same curiosity discovered to him a spade that could penetrate was told to do. The older brothers mocked him for his curiosity but with fhe ax und the spade and the little stream he was able to fell the oak and to dig the well and to fill it ro the brim. And so he won the wonder- ful princess for his bride and he came into possession of half the kingdom, while his brothers had their ears cut off and were seat to a desert island. wasn't so much out of his mind when he took to wondering.” There are a great many clever young people today—eclever as Peter and wells. or to cut down oak trees, but osity, they are not possessed with this wondering state of mind which led the trickling stream. (©. 1928. Western Newspaper Union.) FOR SLENDER GIRL and street outfits. One combines door lock the attached knob spins around without operating its latch, By Charles Sughroe - - - - Removing the Rabbit's Feathers girl. ~L BUT YOU MUSTNT BLAME MOM, POP! SHE WORKED ALL [AFTERNOON — Pre iN ( = THERE SHALL Z | “I GOT ONE OF THE RABBITS PICKED VET (= | the hardest rock, and a stream of wa- | ter which flowed uninterruptedly as it | And as the story ends, “Well, Jack | Paul and Jack—and a good many of | these clever ones are in college and | oes Cisse y yl ¢ o 3 « NAY yO U Tor | would gladly find an easy way to dig Bullet Cut Off Power iA | high-tension wires supplying electric- ity to the Maine towns eof Winthrop, teadfield, Wayne, Monmouth and FROM WORMS | Ed st Winthrop, curtailing serviee in | those towns for more than two hours. Ser 1 3e is thought that (the “bullet eame from the state rifle range, which is | not far distant from where the wire they lack interest, they have no curi- | Jack to find the ax and the spade, and | as severed. A physician who reaches out to | benefit humanity leaves a record behind him that is worth while. Such The Cream of the Tobacco © Underwood & Underwood WILLIE HOPPE Champion Billiard Player writes: “The slightest cough or throat irritation might be fatal during a close match. On this account I prefer Luckies as a steady diet. They have never irritated my throat or caused the slightest cough. I am going to stick with Luckies.” Wkln Hoppa. “It’s toasted” No Throat Irritation-No Cough. ©1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc. 2 [ER a They live be Write today for FREE Chick Book. use they are bred from healthy, free range breeders that have thrived and gained in vigor for generations. They lay be- cause they are from selected and tested high egg power stock, White, Brown and Buff Leghorns, Barred and White Rocks, R. I. Reds, Anconas, Buff Orpingtons, White Wyandottes. 12¢ and up. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Postpaid. Member International Chick J Assn, SCHWEGLER’S HATCHERY 215 Northampton BUFFALO, N.Y stra bullet snipped one of the | SAVE YOUR BABY nostrils are signs of worms. A Benefactor Expels Worms a man was Dr. R. V. Pierce, His study along medical lines, and his knowl- edge of the. remedial qual- ities of herbs RELIEVED remedy, Doctor ite Prescription. It is just the tonic re- quired if a woman is borne down by pain and sufferings at regular or ir- | regular intervals, by nervousness or dezy spells, headache or backache. I Favorite Prescription can be had in | tablet form as well as liquid at your | neighborhood store. “Since my fiance rejected me, 1 { cannot sleep at night. What shall 1 | take for it, doctor?” | “Another fiance.” Dorothy Mackaill, appearing in “Man Crazy,” wears several charming sports navy blue jersey skirt with a sweater blouse of red, white and blue striped jersey. It is extremely colorful and smart and well adapted to the slender About Pierce’s Favor- All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ Red Packages. T he Specific rT Rheumo postp'd, if not benefited, mrs — The most dangerous ill of childhood is—worms! You may not know your child has them. Disordered stomach, gritting the teeth, picking the Take no chances. Give your child Frey's Vermifuge today. It is the safe, vegetable worm medicine which has been used for 75 years. Buy Frey's Vermifuge at your druggist’s. Frey’s Vermifuge i CONSTIPATION oo « QUICKLY and plants led to the discov- rns | Carter's Little Liver Pills ery of his won- Ma Purély Vegetables Laxative derful herbal move the bowels free from pain and unpleasant after effects. They relieve the system of constipa- tion poisons which cause that dull and aching feeling. Remember they are a doctor's pre- scription and can be taken by the entire family. CARTER'S EH PILLS at night makes Sore and Inflamed Eyes -disappearby morning. At Druggists or 372 Pearl St., N. XY, City. Guaranteed to Relieve Rheumatism, Consti- Self-respect is worth all the fame | pation, Indigestion, send $1.50 for bottle L money re- In the world. funded. E.R.Hutchings Labor.,Greenville,S.C. Coliceea Talcum Is An Ideal Toilet Powder It is pure, smooth and fragrant and contains antiseptic properties io which help to allay excessive per- : spiration. It imparts a pleasing "\ fragrance and leaves the skin re- freshed and cool. Malden, « 7 BEF Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c. Soap %c. Ointment 25 and 50¢. Taleum 25c. Sold everywhere. Sample each free. Address: “Cuticura Laboratories, Dept. B4, 9 Why keep on being ‘“‘sick’’? Why drag along in misery SER t when relief is yours for the asking? Take the world- remedy for cy, OLD ME liver, blad- Taik der and uric G y = acid “ills.” {nown as 2) HAARLEM OIL the Nation- 57 3 of Holland e ” - than 200 years—all druggists in 3 sizes. Look for the name on every box and accept no substitute. In sesled boxes. . Your Kidneys— ACT! famous kidney al Remedy ULES: (Prepared by the } Prited States De The guesswor ing u rib roast degree of “do inated, accord, home economic Departmert of thermouweter, t part of the roa of the meat at is ap exact; gu time you cook the same resul same temperat renheit for a 1 Fahrenheit for degrees Fahrer roast. A three require 15 minu rure, 18 minut be medium, an the pound to t Here are the cooking a rib r two or three-ril it off with a da salt, anc then Ii the roast in an ter and wiih th up. As tie fa it will baste th fit covering in: ter so that the ter of the roas 20 to 30 minut to 525 degree APRICOT OUT IN Fruit Has ( Is Used i (Prepared by the E United States De; Dried fruits menu. Dried a cially good tHiave numerous ways, soaked overnig soft. For insta cake Is easily 1 pulp, sponge ca whipped cream. en for apricot with the family bureau of home 3, Ib. dried apric 1 cup water % cup sugar Wash the ap waters until thor a bowl with th night. In the r cots in the soaked for abot soft. Press t through a collai pulp. There sh little over. He sugar until the stirring all the ing. Whip the til very light. hot apricot pu until all of it is of the eggs, wl same way. Pl greased baking rounded by wa low temperatur to 275 degrees 60 minutes. W temperature for the pudding sho ing or when ser tard sauce ma¢ the eggs or wi cream, Or if pre cot whip uncoc hot apricot pulp raw eggy flavor whip may be sel Delectable | Be Four It seems almo of a new way | be served, but economics deser with them by pulp with gelati whipped cream will be found v family. 3% 1b. prunes 2 cups boiling w ter 2 tbs. gelatin 3% cup cold wa Select plump § souk overnight Simmer until ter ter. Remove the cut the fruit v gelatin In the c¢ bholling water an atin is dissolved. juice, salt, and p blended. Chill, until the fruit i set serve with pulp of one, oral desired.