ua PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWSNOTESOF | PATTON AND THE SEND US ALI THE EVERY LITTLE ITEMS HELLS MARE BETTER FOR AuL, SEND, BRING, MALL THEM MH. ¢ dner otary Pul it Quite a \ Pozer Jewerly ‘1 : were in attendance at the Knights of Ww. L. on, popular c.obhin2 | ¢oiymbus banquet and program ih merchant of this p.ace, wno had been | (ast turday evening St p: atrick’ learfield hosp. Jranc hotel in Spang é atient Clearfield hosp.ta ay t the Brandon hotel ih 1 » on Sunday , returned to ome here on Sundé er. Thompson underwent an op last. Mr. ry tion for a double inward 2 « His many pleased to learn that he he ly recovered as to be able to retulr home, a The local fire department was cali- ed out ¢ 1 o'clock on Thursday mor ning of last week. The roof of the John U. Dinsmore residence on Pal- mer avenue, was ablaze, but was } 0 bhe- tinguished without much damage be ing done. . Members of the Concord Grange session on ex- ar town, met in regular ». Matters concern- of agriculture were the interest discussed. ! FOR SALE—Some very fine And- ersburgh and Hartz Mountain Canar- ies, and the best English Coffeys; hens for $2.00 and the singers for $5.00, and up to $20 each. Some ready to breed now; young birds; sold singly or in pairs. Sam Mullin, 822 North Fifth avenue, Patton, Pa. at. The roof of the residence building Mr. and Mrs. John Overberger, of near town, caught fire between 1 and 8 o'clock last Friday morning. The local fire department was called to the scene. Not much damage resulted. Mrs. Ralph Good was hostess last Wednesday to the Montessori Par- ents’ Club. A number of Carrolltown folks were present. After serving tea the hostess read from and finis hed Angelo Patri’s book on Child Train- ing. The next meeting will be held on March 28th at the home of Mrs. W. H. Denlinger. The subject to be read and discussed ds ‘Discipline,’ from Dr. Montessori’s book,“ The Montessori Method E. H. Miller of Carrolltown, was a i Hhe in Patton. 5 \Wirtner spent a few week as the guest of firends in Erie. F. J. Farabaugh of Altoona were , guests of relative and frienc last week. Mrs. John Feighner of Carrolltown fell from a step ladder the other day and fractured the left arm and wrist. “Mr. an Farm Agent H. C. McWilliams of Ebensburg met with the farmers of East Carroll township and elsewhere at the Concord Grange Hall, recently 1 Problems of husbandry were brought before the meeting. SANITARY CUT-RATE MARKET NO. 2. IN GEO. DLUZANSKY’S MAR- KET, MAGEE AVENUE, PATTON, Native Steer Beef, sirloin anc tenderloin steak, 1b. 29¢ Pilate Boiling Meat, 2 bs 29¢. Fancy Chuck Roast, 1b. 20c. Fresh Gorund Hamburg, 2 pounds for 39¢. Home Dressed Pork, lean pork loin roast, 3 to 4 Ib average, a Ib. 15c. Whole Pork Shoulders, Ib 13sec. Fresh meaty Spare Ribs, pounds 29¢. 5 Fresh Pork Kidneys, 2 Ibs 25¢ Fresh Liver, 2 pounds 25¢. Pure Pork Sausage, link or country style, 1b 23e. Milk Fed Veal Breast, to fill and roast, 1b 20c. Meaty Shoulder Chops, 1b 22¢ Loin and Rib Chops, 1b 32¢. Small Irish Cured Hams, 8 to 10 1b average, Ib 23c. Large Skinned Hams, 1b 19%e¢ Lean Sugar Cured Bacon Ib. 24c. 2 FISH AND OYSTERS. Fillet of Haddock, no bone, no waste, 1b 29¢. Halibut Steak, ib 32e. Fresh Bay Herring 1b 18e. Fresh Medium Shad, ib 18e. Fillet of Haddock, Smoked, 1b 25¢. Stewing Oysters, qt. 65¢. Stewing Oysters, pint 37¢c. Large Frying Oysters, pint 45¢. PRODUCE. Large size Naval Oranges, sweet and juicy, dozen 59c. Fancy Eating Apples, doz. 45¢ Apples, fine for cooking, 3 Ibs 25¢. Laroe heads of Iceberg Let- tuce, 9¢ head. Larece stalks of Florida Celery 2 tak gs for 21e. Faney Florida Grape Fruit, 4 for 25e. Ttalian Messina Lemons, doz- en 29c. Every Item A Special to Be Considered. » NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP TILL THIS DEPARTMENT the state crews to work at removing PENNA. IMMEDIATE VICINITY THIS PAPER JUST A LITTLE ber of Patton folks Ena AREEANEESEREEAARARENSRARSRRERRE Snows of the.past week again put t. and the work was all’ the harder account of the snow fences having been removed on state routes. I arroll township road authorities ha the situation well in hand, and open- .d the Carrolltown-Patton road the full distance on Tuesday afternoon by the use of four teams and a road st rrader. Br ed Haluska Overland Co., desires to announce its appointment as an of- ficial headlight adjusting station as provided by the new motor code, and will take care of all patrons at their show rooms in the Worrell building on Magee avenue. The Rev. Father Clarence O. S. B., of Carrolltown, was a visitor in town hi uska Overland Go. THE PATTON COURIER 0, 7 ANNOUNCES ITS | APPOINTMENT AS AN Official Headlight Adjusting Station on Wednesday. A marriage license has been issued at BEbensburg to Desmond Lamont and Ruth Blake, both of Patton. LLOST—Somewhere in or near the Grand theatre, wallet containing sum of money, automobile registration card, and driver's license for 1927 and 1928. Finder please return same to the Courier office and receive reward. George Mulhollen, aged 20 years of Glasgow, is being held in the county jail at Clearfield ~ without bail on charges of manslaughter and failure to stop and render assistance after an automobile accident. It is alleged that Mulhollen ran down and fatally injured Aidine Sinclair, 14 year old Blaine City girl, last Saturday night. Walter DeVore, Poor Director, of Johnstown, was the principal speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Northern Cambria Kiwanis Club held at the Brandon hotel, Spangler, last Monday. A good program was also e 1 VY 2d. “Mrs, Albert and her daughter, Mrs. Work, of Mellon avenue, attended the ‘uneral of Mrs. Flynn and her son it Mahaffey on Tuesday. Ted Charleton was a visitor in Al- toona on Saturday. Mr. Louis Stoffregan of Pittsburg was a visitor at the MrCormick home on Sunday. Mrs. George C. Hoppel, of West Magee avenue, has been called to Chi- cago on account of the death of her father, Mr. Matthew Falsey of that city. ; . A marriage license was issyed In Ebensbure yesterday to Clarence Kro- sndorfer, of Carrolltown, and Mis va Garrity, of this place. Miss Gar i : er of Mr. and Mus Lang avenue. Hamilton of the Hig! faculty, spent the week enc home at Conneautville, Pa. Versus Powell spent the weel + home at Fairhaven, Pa. an Blair of Barnesboro wa v week ic est at the Morey hom yn Palmer avenue. Mrs. Geo. Lehman and daughter isiting the former's sis eport, Conn. Miss Helen Krumbine spent the veek end at her home in Ashville. Mrs. Richard Hutchinson of Sun is visiting her parents, Mr. anc . Geo. M. Kane, of Megee avenue -. and Mrs. James Semelsberger red recently at their home ir tments. The guests wert ‘rank Young, Mr. and 1 od Morey, Mr and Mrs. Georg: Woomer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clair Sma- ie, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cali ahan. Mr. Paul Yeager of Johnstown was 1» Sunday visitor at the Walter Lit tle home. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Connell were Saturday visitors in Cresson. Annie, Marjorie and Jimmie Sims dren of Mr. and Mrs. James S Sims, had their tonsils removed at tne Spangler hospital this week. he March Junior Music Club pro oram included a study of Scotch and Irish music. A very pleasing program was presented, Mr. and Mrs. William Elms Sr., re- cently entertained an extensive guest oroup in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Anderson. Until her recent mar- riage Mrs. Anderson was Miss Emily Elms. A delightful program of music, games and dancing was provided for the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson re- ceived a number of attractive gifts. Mr. and Mrs. John W, Lilly had as their week end guest, Miss Ethelene Lilly of Altoona. Mrs. Nancy Denlinger, of Washing- ton, D. C., is a guest of her sons, W. H. and J. Mac Denlinger, this week. Mrs. Fred Maurer was a recent Eb- ensburg visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown of Bar- nesboro, were recent fu sts of Mrs. Catherine Montieth of “North Fifth avenue. ford Gill of Pittsburgh is a guest parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 7ill of Palmer avenue. oe James Mitchell of Barneshoro was a recent guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Lilley of West Ma- gee avenue. Matilda Whiteford of Twin Rocks was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Whiteford of South Fifth avenue Frank E. Farabaugh returned last week from a visit of several weeks in Tucson, Arizona. Albert Scord, of Freeport, N. Y., was a recent guest of Patton friends and relatives. Emory Christoff of Johnstown, spent the week end with relatives in Patton. Etehel Marie Boyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Boyer, has been ill at her home on South Fifth avenue. Mrs. B. R. Lloyd of Hastings was a inna, are er, at Bridg recent Patton visitor. Circles No. 1 and 2 of the Ladies’ | Aid Society of the Methodist church are arranging to hold their annual Easter Food Sale in the Good buiid- | ing: on Saturday, April Tth, the sale beginning at 20’clock. There wiil be delicacies of-all sorts for sale, inelud- | ine cakes, pies, rolls, soups, salads, ete. At the recent conference of the DM. | 1. Church held in Altoona a very large number of changes in pas stor: les were made. All of the ministers of the Patton group were sent to other fields —The Rev. Beam goes to Orbsonia, ev. Williams to High street William- sport; Rev. Andreas to Weatherly; Rev. Witchey to Frankstown; and the local pastor, the Rev. Gorman, to the coming into the group are the Rev. Scott to Barnesboro; Rev. Stevens to Hastings; Rev. MeCurdy to Cherry- tree; Rev. Newman to Bakerton and the Rev. Hinkleman to Patton. Sunday services in the Trinity M. E. Church on Sunday next will be-ir charge of the outgoing pastor, Rev. Gorman. He will preach his farewell at the evening hour. Rev. Hinkleman comes to his new field from Houtz- dale and will probably arrive about Thursday of next week. Don’t forget the Bake Sale to be held by the Ladies’ of St. George's Church on Easter Saturday in the building formerly occupied bv the Pat- son Candy Kitchen. Everything good :an be had at this sale. Mr. and Mrs. Gust ( spend a few days with friends and relat My. and Mrs family of Altoona were rece ors here. Alex Gabrielson and son, Richard, are Pending some time in Coalport Mrs. Frank Bonsel of Altoona, was the recent guest of her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Samuel Steir. Mis he recent guest of local friends. Miss Loretta Wolfe of Ebensbure pent the week end with Patton rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomas have re- ‘turned home from a visit to Nunty- rielson are Houtzdale Glo. enshurg visitor. Mrs. H. KE. Martz, a former Patton -esident, now of Parnassus, Pennsyl- rania is still confined to her room with \ nervous breakdown. Harty B. Martz, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Martz, of Parnassus, who 12s been a Marine for five years, is xpected to arrive in the United States soon. He is returning from Tiensten, China, where he has been ‘or the past year, Mrs. Elizabeth Daughterty, of Bar- veshoro gave a dinner party at the Merit Club at that place, her guest from Patton included: Mrs. Atwilda Bennett, Mrs. L.. Wesley Guyer, Mrs. Charles Snyder, Mrs. D. K. Rishel, Mrs. Clark Heist, Miss Andrey Heist and Miss Bertha Lacue. All had a very fine time. Mrs. Margaret Emanuel, who was very ill is improving slowly, slowly. Notes Gatherer ed During the week by Russell Christoff The St. Patrick's Ss Day Program ren- dered by the Senior Class last Friday afternoon was the best, without a doubt, of all the programs ever ren- dered by and former senior class en St. Patrick’s day. It was indeed very delightful all throughout, and the Seniors and Miss Crumbine should be congratulated on the manner in which they presented the entertainment. The promenade was the initial feature and was followed by a musical feature. The piano accompaniment to all mu- sical numbers were played by Miss Crumbine. Everyone liked the roll call which was read by Leets Long. Here is an outline of the events: 1. The Promenade by the Senior Class. 2. “Wearing of the Green,” Seniors. 3. “Little Annie Rooney,” by Wayne Lynn, Walt Campbell, Norman Peters and Wilfred Thomas. 4, “Henry Made A Lady Out of Lizzie,” solo by Roy Brungart. 5. “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” by the Girls Chorus. 6. “My Blue Heaven,” Petretsky. 7. “My Wild Irish Rose,” by the Boys Chorus, by the solo by Geo. AS AUTHORIZED BY THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA STATE MOTOR VEHICLE CODE. PROMPT, COURTEOUS TREATMENT. AT OUR SHOW ROOMS, IN THE WORRELL BUILD- ING, MAGEE AVENUE. West Side, Clearfield. The ministers | to eat for your Easter Sunday dinner Agnes Baker of Cresson was | Mrs. T. J. Crooks was a recent Eb- | HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 8. “Casey At the Bat,” and “A Love Scene,” recitations by Skinny Watt- ers. 9. “I'll Take You Home Again, Ka- thleen” duet by Wayne Lynn and Wil- fred Thomas. 10. “Honolulu Moon,” by the Girls’ Chorus. 11. “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi,” so- fio by Lawrence Hoover, 12, “The Big Tin Pan Parade,” by Wayne Lynn, Walt Campbell, Norman Peters and Wilfred Thomas. 13. “The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise,” by the Girls Chorus. 14. “Sweet Elaine,” solo by Walt Campbell. 15. “Rain,” a specialty number, by the Boys’ Chorus. 16. The Roll Call, by Leets Long. Quite a few persons must have known that the St. Patrick’s day pro- gram was going to be good, for look who we had as visitors at the school on Friday: Gertrude and Ethel Mc- Clelland, Hilda Anna, Rosemary Lil- ly, Gordon Durbin, Walter Bone, Geo. Shunkwiler and Serenug Lilly. 1h | Mr. Bosserman wnts to know why Pimp and Tony Agypt turned to be Irishmen last Friday. I'll bite, why? Hereafter Melly Watters will be known as “Mountain Goat.” You know, he fell for Hill. Don’t be surprised if a number of pupils come to school tcmorrow wear- ing sm oke 2d glasses. That blazer of Judd is bright enough to } look dim. will soon be back in RI school again. 3inx and Winka enjoyed school so much on Monday, they decided to en- t e college preparatery class. How t, girls? ia attended a show in Johns- n Thursday evening. Here's another case of Sherlock— Rose Piesnick and Frenchy Bailey were absent from school on Thursday fternoon. Vera Bortman was absent from the school on Monday and Tuesday on ac- count of illness, Betty Grant and Binx Fogarty have lubbed themselves the names of both “Cookines” and “Cakes” respectively. Rowdy dow, and how? Peg Gall, Dot Kane, Roy Brungart and Mike Lacava attended the game at S angler on Tuesday night. reat mys stery confronting the high school now is the dissappearance of the seven dozen pencils. Onge again we must call on Sherlock. Who was Honey Hoover’s seat mate during music period on Tuesday? Now, Grathie. And the Thinker’s brother was out of school two days this week on ac- count of illness. Vera Bortman and Lambkin spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Holl lidaysburg. Miss Crumbine was absent from the school on Monday on account of the impossible roads. Chic Crowell has become a drug store cow boy. Almost any time now you can see him in his new hang out. Clair Brungart wants to know why he can’t get a. little lovin’. Have you | tried the Gold Dust Twins, Clair? (Note—I hope he doesn’t shoot me for this.) A meeting of the girls’ track team was held on Monday afternoon in the science class room. Field practices expect to be started very soon. The boys’ team met for practice in the Gym on Tuesday. A few members of the high school went for a hike near St. Lawrence on Saturday. The party started ont at 8:30 o’clock on Saturday morning and returned from the hike about 4:30 in the afternoon. They encamped along the way and prepared lunch. The par- ty consisted of the following: Ann Gregg, Betty Greepe, Kate Lilly, Vio- la Montieth, Wilfred Thomas, Meletus Long, Mr, Fleming and Ham Yahner. The trip was enjoyed by all. Chemistry note books are due to- Morrow. I'reshman Notes. Bob Little and Frank Brown are very fond of solving problems in al- gebra dealing with square roots. And how ? Rase Zern fell asleep in class on Monday. Aha! Stealing the Seniors rights, are you? All Tail Pete Pandola—champion boxer of the Freshman class! = The other day he boxed a five round bout with Battling Kirky of Flannigan and won by the decision of the referee. Louis McConnell is confined to his home this week on account of burns he received last week when he was scalded by a pail of hot water. Alice Hickson visited friends and relatives in Charleroi over the eek IF: end. Billi Lamont is back in school again after a few weeks’ absence on account of illness. DRAWING IS HELD FOR POSITION ON THE BALLOTS Drawings were held at Harrisburg ‘on Tuesday for positions on the pri- mary ballots, the positions in Cam- bria county being as follows: State Senator—Republican: George T. Robinson, Charles Leventry, Jay R. Sheesley and Samuel A. Dickey, Delegates to Convention—For dele- gate there is no contest in either par- ty. The Democrats have no contest for alternate delegates. On the Re- publican primary ticket the drawings for alternate delegate resulted as fol- lows: Laura Wakefield, H. A. Engle- hart, Gladys E. Evans, Louis Luxen- berg Assembly, second distriet—Repub- lican: Edmund James, John R. Mus- ser, D. F. Custer, J. J. Gouchnour, Logan Stuver, Thos. C. Evans, M. H. Baumgardner, Robert B. Dinsmore and Milton Spencer. Assembly, second distriet—Demo- cratic: Edward J. McDonald, J. L. Denne, J. J. Gouchnour ‘and Joseph Washington. Labor—J. L. Denne, Joseph Washington and Edward J. McDonald. WOMAN IS KILLED AND FIVE INJURED Mrs. John Barton, 45, wife of a prominent coal operator of Hopewell, Bedford county, was instantly killed Saturday afternoon and two of her children are in critical condition in the Altoona hospital, as a result of their automobile crashing into a tele- phone pole on a sharp turn near the Sheehan farm, Cresson. Frank Bar- ton, aged 21, suffered a fracture of the skull at the base of the brain and is not expected to recover, and Miss Helen Barton, aged 16, suffered se- vere injuries of the chest and is in a serious. condition at the Altoona hospital. Another daughter, aged 10 years, suffered a fracture of the front- al bone of the head, but was report- ed to be resting fairly well at the hospital to which they were taken in the ambulance. Mr. Barton, driver of the machine and another son, aged 6, escaped with slight cuts and bruises. They also were treated at the Altoona hospital. Mr. i i had purchased a new se- dan a few weeks ago. The car was so badly damaged that it is believed it is beyond repair. The Sheehan curve of Cresson is located about two miles west of Cres- son and has been the scene of a num- ber of serious accidents. It is thot that Mr. Barton was traveling at a high rate of speed and was unable to round the curve, the crash following. Later—Frank Barton, aged 21, died at the Altoona hospital Tuesday, as the result of injuries sustained. SE ALED BIDS, The School Board of Patton borough will receive bids until April 3, 1928 for school supplies for the term of 1928-1929. Requestions for the san 1y be obtained from the Supervis » Principal, W. M. Bosserman. By order of the School Board. Jd. Fred I enhorn, Secretary Raymond Burkey, Raymond Burkey, aged 15 month son of William and Iva (Yoder) Bur. y, died of convulsions at the par- tal home in South Fork Friday. The deceased is survived by his parents and two sisters, Hazel and Virgina. Funeral services were held at 2:3C o'clock Monday afternoon in the Mt Hope Evangelical Church. The Rev W. W. Hall., of Geistown, was charge of the services. Interment was in the church cemetery. ADD TO FOR ES DOMAIN. The department of forests and wa ters of Pennsylvania has contracted for an additional 61,118 acres as part of its present land purchase program The total price was $206,726.50, The tracts are located in 25 counties and MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE if | REXALL MILK OF li Contains 44 per cent True Milk of Magnesia. Restores Natural Color by Removing Stained Film. It Polishes your teeth. Gives them new beauty. It cleans the teeth and Keeps ehem white. It corrects Acid Mouth and prevents Tooth De- cay. 39¢ Large size. FOGERTY’S Patton, Pa. U_ 7ne Rexall swe his mother, Mrs. Julia range from 46 to 16,000 acres in area Surviving Negotiations are under way for the | Eckenrode, witl om he was living acquisition of an additional 62,000 and these brothers and sisters: Jacob acres Ec nrode gud re. Agnes McCartney pm— at ¢l Eckenrode and Mrs. \ ler of Lilly, and Harry RECENT DE DEATHS E of Pittsburg. Another Pha deceased was never married. Funera services were conducted at ank, died about a year ago. lay merning at St. Folks In the Neighbori ing Com- or es De i eh Sussandra ad vildl dt 1K S , ne 2V, © - munities Who Have Cross- r Jones Patten. Buvial Was in the ed the Great Divide, hurch cemetery. Npa 2ahin: ar wap Mrs. Mary Beiswenger. A rs. Sabin a Stewart ? } | Mrs. Sabina A. Stewart, aged 86, Mrs. Mary Beiswenger, aged 81 the last urvivor of an early Cam- years, expired of ailments incident to | oo io pas no Ee oR OH des. at tuk Dorie of Sor canahicr ria county family died at noon Fri- 4 He 8 day at the home of her niece, Mrs. W. Mrs. Annie Sherry of Allegheny FE. Goor: . : ry - : ! reorge of Lilly. She was one of Township, Saturday night. She was hildr mm ay OPO ra , ] 35 nine children. The funeral services the widow of the late Richard Beis- k blace Sunde toys : 2h took place Sunday afternoon from the wenger. Surviving are the follow- | oe 1 ». with interment i ] ing children: Bernard, Munster; Jos Lilly dal ome, With Jntermient in the i. lett 1 i ST | Lillydale cemetery, eph, Allegheny Township; Mrs. Sop- ; hia Grimes, Chest Springs; Casper, | William E. Snyder. Hooversville; Mrs. Annie Sherry men- | Tuncial services fo Willis BE tioned above and Vincent, Ashville. Snvder Boat 55. wh A hn Thirty-two grandchildren and two od last Wednasdas re Bah Sear great-grandchildren also survive, Fun- on. Divar | Stodor of Min No 37 4 y | son, Edward Sny ] : eral services was conducted at 10 o’- Were hold conducted Sirs fte q clock Tuesday morning in St. Thomas’ | "=o Fo 00 Fr OF a lh Catholic Church at Ashville. Inter- | pot or g BeAp Ove! SAL ment was in the church cemetery. | or. : . : | Interment wag in the Richland cem- | etery. The funeral party left the Mrs, John Eaton hous 2 o'cl : Mrs, “ . { house at 2 o’clock. Barnesboro people were notified of | Jl se the death of Mrs. John Eaton, of William Boland. Orlando, Fla., who passed away at| William 3oland, aged 64 years, a the home a George Lg on Norch cont miner, died of a complication of . he deceased had sullered Irom | diseases at his home in Tunnelhill on uremic poisoning for some time. She |Tuesday afternoon. The funeral ser- was advanced in age and her ailment | vices will be held on Friday morning did not respond to medical treatment. |in the Catholic church there and in- The funeral services was held from | terment will be in the church ceme- the Hans Chapel at Orlando, at 3|tery. Mr. Boland is survived by sev- p. m. last Friday. eral children and two sisters. His Mrs. Eaton was a former resident | Wife preceded him to the grave. of Barnesboro, where she had rela- | tives and many friends. Philin Pierce. Funeral services for Philip Pierce, aged T2 years, who died of ¢ vlexy Henry Eckkenrode. aged % Wo Gad of Spopiex) a ; = at his home in Westover on Tuesday Henry R. Eckenrode, aged 47 years, | afternoon, will be conducted at one o’- died at his home in Washington Town- | clock on Friday afternoon in the East ship Monday morning after an illness Ridge Methodist church and interment lasting about a year. He had been | will be in the church cemetery. employed by the Shoemaker Coal Mr. Pierce is survived by his wi- Company at Cassandra for a number | dow and sev eral children. He suffered of years. |a stroke about two weeks ago. TE GRAND THEATRE TONIGHT—THURSDAY — KEN MAYNARD IN The Wagon Show Serial and Comedy. SST UA IN GU AS GW PE TON IEE TO INC I AAI IR WR LIT FRIDAY, MAR( VAUDE 4 BIG ACTS IF COMEDY ALSO A COMPLETE PICTURE PROGRAM ‘The Last Waltz’ A German made picture of a girl and of her lover, who was to die at midnight, granted a last request, he asks for The Last Waltz with the girl of his heart, as stirring drama. Also something new— A TWO REEL PARAMOUNT NOVELTY. Admission 15¢ and 35c¢. SATURDAY, MARCH 24— RICHARD DIX IN ‘SHANGHAI BOUND Comedy and News. FERRER TTT EET RL NOR EN RRR NERO EER RE ERE ER RR RE MONDAY, MARCH 26.— Benefit of American Legion Auxiliary, Walter McCoy Post, LON CHANEY IN “MOCKERY” . Also a two reel Octavus Roy Cohen Story. “HEARTS AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Admission 15¢ and 35¢. Two shows, 7 and 9. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 th and 28th MARION NIXON AND HOBART BOSWORTH IN A MYSTERY DRAMA, “THE CHINESE PARROT” A picture like “The Gorilla” and “The Cat and the Ca- nary.” Sure to be interesting and full of entertainment. Also Comedy and News Events. A FERRER EERE EO ERR ERR R= REAR ARR RRR EERE RRA E ERE EERE ERR RRR RE EERE ERNE ERROR ERE GRRR ERR RRR ERR ERE SS ms ———— \' VOL. XX) LOCAL A NEWS (‘ondensed Ite Various & Bus; Ex-Governor | Pennsylvania, d Chester on Thur was a splendid 1 and pneumonia Congressman numbered among lower house of flight over Was Charles A. Lindl Robert, the in Mrs. Earl Shaw the Memorial ho Friday, 24 hour ted to the institu The child’s cond sible to operate. The Peerless Ebensburg has 1 Harrisburg from with a capital sf organized to qua stone and build Griest, Ebensbur 'he Rev. Fatl rector of the Sac Bakerton, has r Italy, a relie of tle Flower of Jes been procured th the Rev. Father tor of Mt. Carme ro, who is in Ron has been placed church in honor A dwelling ho owned by the F and occupied by a of Basco, was de week. W. P. Covenay the Ebensburg b Highway Departr word that his sit veney, a resident was seriously inj Monday night, wh ver that was aceci Albert Kerr Lo a veteran printes one of the publis “Times” died at | on Tuesday of las ed was unmarried ing «as a compos “Gazette” plant. The weekly s accidents in the sf Thursday, disclose met death and 2 such accidents du of those killed were pedestr tor accider red on straight rc Martin MeDerm pointed Burgess ceeding Harry Car GRANGERS DIS( TA The subject of ments was ably dis of the Cross Ros: semi-annual meet] all on Thursday 1 The principal di Should Pay the ( ate Share of Per the farmers or uv was agreed that fa ed very high an ame consideration turer. J. A. Bearer dis “Is the Assessing ly Done in This C Volk discussed the Local Taxes Be Re trick read a pape “Should More of t Funds Be Returne tricts and Why ?” ST. FRANCIS CO] BIG DRI Judge John H. N a meeting of alun College, held last at the Ebensburg liminary plans wer to raise $132,000 t indebtedness of the clear the way for further expansion. for raising of fun and a committee fr named as follows: William Gibbon, Lo M. J. Bracken and of Johnstown, and ( of Patton. Another meeting alunmi of the Pitt: Wednesday of this One of the acti this section in the 1 a boxing bout to be hall, Johnstown, on MINER Is James Bracken, Marstellar, had his injured on Monday cident at No. 21 n vlvania Coal and He was caught und le is a patient at pital Cc ARD OF ! We wish throug he Courier to ex inks and appreci assisted us in our re incident to the buri mitz, Sr., and to the donors of floral car owners.—The F