The occa- sional use of a laxa- tive is ne- ARKE)| HAIR BALSAM RemovesDandruff-StopsHairFalling Restores Color and 2) Beauty to Gray and Faded Hai; 8 ) 60c. and $1.00 at Drugyrists. ¥ Ly) N g Hiscox Chem. Wks. Patchogue, N, Y.| FLORESTON SHAMPOO-—Ideal for use in connection with Parker's Hair Balsam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 50 cents by mail or at drug- wists, Hiscox Chemical Works, PatcLogue, N. HOXSIE’S CROUP REMEDY THE LIFE-SAVER OF CHILDREN No opium, no nausea. 50 cents at druggists, or WLS CO., NEWBURGH, N. Y. Beneficent Sneeze A sneeze relieved C. A. Kinney, eighty-three years old, of Seneca, Pa. from the effects of injuries he suf fered in » fall downstairs about two years ago.” He had been unable since to move his head and. neck freely, Then came the sneeze, something suapped. and is head and neck fune- tioned normally. S——————— iskimos had fireproof houses be fore civilized man thought of such a thing. The fool pelitician fights friction: the wise one “soft soaps" it. EF You Doder do ot ands IE ROY serine HARROWS Write LeRoy Plow Co, LeRoy,N.Y. FREE Six =molid Nickel Silver Teaspoons Free with each 8 ounce bottle Ethelda Vanilla, $1 prepaid. Satisfaction guar- anteed or money cheerfully refunded. Lthelda Specialty Sales (o.. Merchant- ville, N. J. (Agents wanted.) THROWING AWAY THEIR. WASHBOARDS! Women are literal! washboards on ac used in washing 2 clothes are spotlessly clean. ° fabric. Write to E nock, Pa. for FREE ed.—Adv, HOME GROWN R Mixed Red and A bu.; Freight paid or money order with request. FARMERS SE 58, Jeffersonville. Ind. GO INTO BUSINESS handle our complete line of roofing paints. Big commiss Dinwiddie , Pittsburgh, District Agents Wanted—sSell Health ana cident Insurance. Good Liberal pol Claims promptly paid. xperience unne 5 sary. Federal Casualty Co. Detroit, Mich HOMESPUN TOBACC $1. Smoking 5 Ibs. Tie. received Satisfaction Union, ch order iD ASS S FOR YOURSELF, house paint a Ss Celser, 200 Ac- guaranteed, Dept. 33, Paducah, Ky. APPLE TREES 25¢, PE PEAR, CHERRY 40 Spirea vanhouttei 10c¢, 12 $1, prep log free. MALTA NURSERY. RT. aid, Cata- Malta, O FOR SALE OR RENT—Fourtéen : all modern conveniences, ate senia, Pa. 14 miles from Pitts 200 Dinwiddie St., Pittsburgh, farm, “How to Start in the Candy Business.” In- formation frem A to Z. $15 Volume for $2 postpaid. Write Rubin Davidson, 190 Stan- ton Street, New York City, W. N. U, PITTSBURGH, NO. 8.1928. They live because Ancona; live de ALIVECAN DD LAY AY that have thrived and gained in vigor for generations. The: cause they are from selected and tested high egg power stoc| Brown and Buff Leghorns, Barred and White Rocks, R. I. Reds, Buff Orpingtons, White Wyandottes. very guaranteed. Prospector Tells of Real Cold Weather The recent news story from Alaska about the reindeer freezing in a cold snap of unusual severity has been verified by naturalists, who say that animals of the kind used by Santa Claus before the advent of the air- plune frequently froze to death when feed was scarce and they lost their protective rolls of fat, But now comes the Seattle Times with a story of another color, It concerns the late Dan Patterson, famous gold musher, who in 1900 experienced weather that might be called really chilly. Dan's supply of kerosene ran out one day and be mushed into camp for a sup- ply. On the way back to his cabin It became so cold the kerosene froze solid—so solid he put it in a gunny suck and toted it home on his back. He left the chunk outside his cabin and during the rest of the winter when Dan wanted a little ofl he just went out and chopped a chunk off the block and melted It down. Is It Your Nerves? Bradford, Pa.—“Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription is the finest ton- ic and nervine that a woman can » take. I became all rundown, just seemed I had no strength left 1 suffered from back- aches, and was so nervous that I was nothing short of a physical wreck, I took the ‘Favorite Prescription,’ and it relieved me of Z my inward weak- ness, restored my nerves, and I grew stronger and felt better than I had for months previous.”—Mrs. Freder- ick Gilbert, 12 State St. All dealers.” Large bottles, liquid $1.35; Tablets $1.35 and 65c. Write Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for free advice no matter what your ailment may be. Overcrowded Moscow I | | | ed to SUCH IS THE PATTON COURIER PRN LIFE—TJunior’s Little Surprise DO You THINK IT WILL SURPRISE 72 ME, REAWLY?Z SMAI {und save their crops, is being Artificial Heat Saves Orchards Washington.—The weather bureau's frost forecasting service in the a. citie fruit helt. which enables orchardists to light their oil heaters extend the coust “smoke” forecasting for benefit of pear hy cities With the demonstration In recent | years of the amazing accuracy of the | frost | lin the | ' More than T0000 residents of Mos- cow, Russia. live in houses unequipped | with running water and even without | sewerage, as a result of the great re- cent growth of the city population. «uSt year homes for 100.000 persons were built, but the city increased by 480.000 in that period. Bobby’s Explanation Little Sister—1 wonder why Feb- ruary has 29 days every fourth year? Little Brother—Don't you know, silly. | | i { | | | It’s so that people born on the | 29th of February can have a hirthday | once in a while, To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tab- lets, The Safe and Proven Remedy. Look for s ature of E. W. Grove on the box. 30c.—Adv. When one takes two doses of his medicine and finds himself well, prob- ably he wasn't sick. The woman who doesn’t know her own mind hasn’t mueh to worry over Today many people avoid biliousness by this sen sible treatment of the digestive system. First: Fat simpler foods, allowing digestive system to improve, Second: Stimu bi digestion and bowel taking Chamberlain's Table! & week. They arouse henjthy digestion, get quick resulta, bOc or 25¢ pocket sizes at your Dr. Peery’s Vermifuge ‘Dead Shot” kills ard expels worms in a very few hours. One dose suffices. It works quickly and surely. All Druggists. 650c. DrPeery’s e At druggists or 372 Pearl Street, New York City my ( WANTED = Women and Girls who | are lovers of color to send for FREE 4-color publication entitled "COLOR NHWS.” 8.000in Prize Contest for those who are willing tf use a little energy in tnis connection—No selling. just recommend- ‘ng. If you feel you ean recommend SUNSET DYHS and DYTINT, tue new 10¢ Tint, write and we will enter youin this Contest Address Dept. R. North American Dye Corporation | Mt. Vernon, N ¥ RO-BRI (co BST piel LTE they are bred from healthy, free range breeders lay be- White, 12¢ and up. 100% Member International Chick BUFFALO, N.Y. Postnaid, Assn. Write today for FREE Chick Book. SCHWEGLER’S HATCHERY 2i5 Northampton pet is deadly to rats and mice every time. Poisons ave too dangerous K-R-0 does not contain arseni c,phosphorus, barium carbonate or any deadly poison. Made of powdered squill as recommended by the U. S, Dept. of Agriculture in their latest bulletin on “Rat Control.” 1 Without Poison | A New Exterminator that is | o { Absolutely Safe to use Anywhere? ill not injure human beings, “Never saw anything work like it did. We ! livestock, dogs, cats, poultry, are ordering from our Wholesaler in our | next order. It is not necessary to say that | weare pushing K-R-0." Huey's Pharmacy, } Sardinia, Ohio. | 75¢ at your druggist; large size (four times | @s much) $2.00. Sent postpaid direct from ! us if dealer cannot supply you. SOLD ON | MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE, The | K-R-O Company, Springtield, Ohigs | — | | | { KILLS-RATS-ONLY | | TABLETS ‘lever | | | OilR forecasting ' service, which is maintained jointly by the. wenther bureau and the orchardists, confidence artificial heating of orchards has grown until now it is utilized on a tremendous scale. . In the citrus industries alone. which brings California $100.000.000 a vear. 2.500.000 oil hearers are used to pro tect about 50.0000 acres of orange and lemon trees Although these heaters have heen greatly improveg in the last few vears. they give off clouds of soot which, drifting into cities, cause wn guish to housewives and financial loss to merchants. Although thousands of suggestions have been mude and numerous put- ents obtained. the records in the of- fice of J. B. Kincer. chiet of the di- vision of agricultural metecrology of the weather bureau. show no factory substitute for the oil heaters. So the new sreike forecasting service has been undertaken to make the best of what appears to be a necessary evil. The frost and forecasts ure issued late in the day whenever dan- gerous remperatures are indicated and are distributed by telephone and radio in ample time te permit the or chardists to light their heaters saris shioke Jight experts are employed in this forecasting. under the direction ot IK D Young. the meteorclogist wha he gan it single handed. They base their cialenlations .on study of the regular daily weather map in conjunction with a hygrometric formula which takes into consideration local humid ity and temperature conditions in one. season. during which he is sved 96 Young within two degrees of accuracy 94 per cent of the time. Many of his warn ings predicted low temperatures in terms of fractions—27% degrees. for forecasts, has been Getting Teco Close MAW INADVERTENTLY REMINDED PAW THAT TAXES ARE ABOUT