The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 16, 1928, Image 1

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EYES ON THIS si — : .
anulated a pd. 61,
ea 1h, Disc Mrs. Alice Young Murdock Wilkie, the T Elmer Bernard F en
SS best Grade Murdock of Johnstown, and wife of Joseph Lanoy, aged 42 years of Rei ny > Ine ne r ofithe . 5 of S——
Te 20), Thomas Wilkie a former Patton young | Mines near here, died suddenly at —— sh School, died at his home 3:4% | fen 18 . .
«Ue Condensed Items G Cather ed from man. died at 3 o'clock on Saturday e\ Bar neshoro Man Sedlis Seat at! | home on Monday evening. His death oc | Almshouse Is Overcrow ded and! ©'clock on Saturday afternoon. Deatl I'w elfth Annual Gathering of
curred shortly after his return home from
a) core. fay One nine bel . Aes ele & follows | | was attributed to a diabetic ailment. He | a Ns ne y i.
er 2 pkgs. for ..25¢ Various Sources for the Suing hut Bt the Murdeck Jome Tou bit Big Convention in Kansas | work in the mines. The county coroner| Authorities Have Problem La hoon Tit for the week ther anon Hef the Cam by ounty Agri
. 3 g an extendec ess. Mrs. Kile § { . . | . ie y 5 n .e 40 y
oose, a Ib. be Busy Reader. fered from a heart affliction for the past | City m July. {wes notitiod i Before Them. The eral services were held at two | cultural Extension.
sack 98¢ - — four years, the reater part of which | ec Funeral services will be held at two | — )( on Wdnesday aft m in the |
oT or ears » great i 1 a ee |
po lolli “wv i ier i hi : 5 : t | o'clock this Thursday afternoon in the Mor « r | Hastings Methodist Episce church in | nnt of the Cam-
De ys ne 1 15¢ Nellie McCracken ed 18 Ligonier | time she was bedfast. Mrs. Wilkie was | Announcement has been made on b | ] oo pA, ye hd More indigent persons were cared for eS d ’ : ; | , SNL ofs
Fancy head, Ib . township near Greensburg, has been sen- | horn March 24, 1894. In addition to her | half of Major James #. Allport of Bar- | M thodist Iipisc opal church and inter |at the Cambria County Almshouse dun of the Rev. Mr. Andre w s. Inter { A ol, EXtension AS
ze, one bunch 10¢ tenced to one year in the Westmoreland parents and her husband, she is survived neshofo. as a « andidate for on of the ment will be in Sal y iew cemetery ing 1927 than ever before In the hi was made in ! nion cu metery % 5 2 3 by Je in Ws ; am « oust
, County jail, when she pleaded guilty to by a brother, J. Milton Murdock Johns- | two places” in the Cambria County del I'he deceased is survived by his Hdow of the institution, according to the an- 1c deceased S mother preceded him to |roo 4 a Bib ns on Pups ay of ast
UU. Well Shoes and a blackmail plot in which she endeavored | town | gation to the Republican National Con and three, ShHaE n Hel n Jose PH and nual report of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ow er ve thout ; twa y ars a 0 He is | 4 al »; h L 8 ay i er 3 hrmets
« av xy to extort five thousand dollars from J. On Christmas day, 1920, she and] vention in Kansas City in July | Arthur—all at home € also leaves |eng for many years Steward and Matron irvived by his tather and these broth-|irom all sections of the count n at-
: : : | thr ters "Ss XxX R ts ar rs. | \ S sisters ) is | tendance the same t € speci:
a dollar a pai by A. er, wealthy coal and lumber dealer | Thomas B. Wilkie were married at the| Long actively identified with Re pub- | three sisters Mrs, Al x Robert and My {at the Poor Farm. ers and sisters. Adolph, Louis and Alma | gan n Same lime a pecial
1 the Spot ( ash. of Ligonier. Franklin = Street Methodist Episcopal | lican politics in this county and frequent- Gide on Lauwe rts of Newark, N. J and The great increase in population and | ors and Ellen, wife of Jack Lundbe rR { for won en was held in
Frank Minor, abed 21, of Birmingham | church by the Rev. Dr. J. Lane Miller. |ly urged to run for office, this is Major | MIS. August ( ourtin. of Davin, His | the larger number of men walking the| all of Chicago; Mrs. Axel Peterson of 2, Ho feature of this
. a he! not mam The funeral services were conducted at | Allport’s first venture in. politi as a} He Yas ¢ enbes of fh niied Mine vays and seeking shelter over nicht | Has ngs pa H Ima Fors al home Bl address by W R Hae
4 Nis eh a x : re , , ; m . y ho : y Hits * ty | Workers of, Americs and the Improved |, \ . y Tics oA d be- jy mer Fors was a pianist in the high sch- on “Modern Equip-
AS A tox e hospital suffering from severe injuries 30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the | candid ite, though if chosen by hi party { Order of Red Men. A meat ar two, wi h the How ar : [ool and also in the M. E. Church He
by no means his first public
received last week when a shot gun ex- | Murdock residence a.d interment was in | it will [lieves according to his annual stateme
wddress, P. C, Strittmat-
ar this place, President of the
on, declared that the work of
ganization of farmers would be
justified t accomplishment
to show a tendency toward permanc y Was a member of the Hastings Band. Hel In
y ter
vould have graduated this coming June
and not to be asc |
sion in the coal fields last year has pre- |
ser a grave problem to Poor Directors rs |
{ had he lived
s of utst ind na kg L ans, Walter Devore and M ! }
ional importance in Alice Llewellyn. Its most ant activities in
ibed wholly to depres
Zi Next Monday evening, February 20th, | Pom —aenh
the Fox-Peale Post American Legion of tional and
Carrolltown will 1ge a stag Cinch par- A AITED adit on te
ty in the Legion Home and the general mi f
public is cordially invited. The committer numer
in charge assures patrons p enty of fun
"ON, PA. ploded when he was returning home from | Grandview cemetery | service .
shooting mark. Minor's left arm and side re ester | Major Allport’s service in th ; ord
were terribly shattered. i | War marks him as one of the few me
HERE IS THE SHOW County hose work
| associ
{5 o .
participat ona At the present time the Almshouse is | which msiderabl Pp ss has been
¢ heal jna in recent montl He referred to
at con-1| HELP THE NEEDY : campaign being carried on by the
5.1 association wi the aid of the state and
badly overcrowded, endanger
scope, | James C unningham of Altoona |th of the inmates and caus
eri—t—— | work n the war
for their money and many unique en-| “Beau Sabreur” Comes to the Major All 1s nel] and Russell Dandrea of |com from Re hte To movie! [other agencies for the eradication of tu-
: ) r a sentative | ace dations fi those ontinual
tertaining features will be on the card. Grand Theatre Two Days for th ve yal Patton Get 3 Years. | secking admission, the authorities have| Will Be Held in the Municip: al | reulosis among cattle. The testing for
} Pennsylvania's winter wheat crop has Next Week. | coal ati the world, then of the | En | haa to place beds on the porches, in the | Hall on Monday by Loc: | | tube rculosis, he said, has been completed
ST { been seriously damaged by the unfavor- i | most vital importance the winning or| James Cunningham of Altoona and | chapel in hallways and even on the | € 0a : Er Ive townsn bs of he; com 2
: i able weather of the last few weeks, it Ever since that great picture au the war by the Allies, and in this capac- | Russell Dandrea of Patton, convicted by | floors Legion Bodies. fds ;saown A lower: ;peres niage Of affect
| is announced by the Federal-State Crop Geste” was screened at the Grand theatre | ity ent six months in Europe. a jury last September of the robbery of At the first of this year there were | erewey : Dive he campaign will be continued
Reporting Service. The lack of snow cov- sonie few months ago. Patton thentrezoers| that time regularly com- [John Migielicz, of Patton, and recently |276 inmates in the institution of wihch [| Conditions in — and vicinity | Bl the herds in all townships have been
erage and the successive freezes and have been eagerly awaiting the announ- | er the ational Security [ denied a new trial, were sentenced bY | number 191 were s 76 females and | Well as in all the coal mining areas of [ted ond the affected cows fondemned
thaws of the last few months are thou- cement of the coming of “Beau Sa-|: and his work throughout | the court on Monday to pay the costs|nine children. In 7 294 were admit- | this section have been fraught with pov- President Stritmatter took oecasion fo
ght to have caused much damage. heour.” loraldod as Botner. Just as. 200d | rvice of the government | j make restitution and to serve|tedand nine babies were born, and in the | erty and distress for many due to the commend the members of the Board of
5 James Quinn, aged 44 years, formerly td in fact bY sofne—mush batter | y do ae {not s than three nor more than six |same year 170 were discharged, 25 left {long period in wh the breadwinners | Commissioners for the manner in which
of Johnstown died at the county home at This companion picture of the former | Ser in the cause es- | years in the county jail. | of their own accord and 54 died | have been idle. Re: the condition of | they have co-operated with the farmers
Ebensburg at 3:30 o'clock on Saturday film feature portraying the French For- | Unit fiw in be- | According to Migielicz, one of the de-| Steward Owens reports that the aver | s of tion and the | ©! all Dceasions He recommended to the
morning. Death was caused by tubercu- einn Lesion. will be ihe attracion at the. ry 1 War |fendants on May 7th last appeared { physical and mental condition of ity of relief, the members | Soittions committee: that a r+ solution
losis. He was admitted to the institution Grand theatre on Tuesday and Wednes- 1S residence and told him he id a job | those admitted last year was such that Post American Legion | Pe presented expres the atification
on September 27th last, Interment was in day of next week, and will be filled with | member Board, | for him in a garag in Altoona. for |they could not have found employment at s of the Ladies Auxiliary | 01 Lhe tarmers for help given them
; a, the county cemetery on Monday. the thrills you ail desire. [ the 1 oth- | Which Migielicz would have to post bond, | anything and for his reason does be -1 will on Monday even- | DY the commis ioners wv
a Of 87000 men still living who fought It, of course has a cast of excellent [ er 1S uirman | The prosecutor agreed to take the posi- | lieve the il strike and neral depres- | : l fetes in the Muni- I An a oon Sadan as ven 3
J with the Union army in the Civil War, st chief among them being Cary Coc f f boro, | tion and two days later one of the de-| sion in the industry responsible for the proceeds of which will be 4 ata yer non on The val
¥ = less than 40,000 are on the roster of the | per, Evelyn Brent, Noah Beery and Wi rty Loan Comm- |fendants came back and started with him | increase needy 2 38 DL _Diraying Orchary Short talks
er Grand Army of the Republic. liam Powell. Paramount takes great pride | ittee, ser 4% a member of the |!0 Altoona, meeting the other defendant| In addition to those actually housed in | : : 1% Da served; o of Ww. A Wes J vm morning Session by
HL Michigan with a vast mileage of con-|in this picture and an excellent entertain- | Cambria v Chapter of the Red |2t Ashville. Here the prosecutor claims] the institution Steward and Mrs will be inaugurated and a big dance will | he Das r Foslding near Pajton, on
: ¥ 5 fae ong 5 Cross 1 was al | he was atacked and robbed of more than | have had to provide transitory | be on the card The Progre in Potato Seed Improve-
crete roads, has gone a step further by | ment is assured. The picture is really t
making no limitation beyond that of stip- | thrill of the year. There will be tw
ulating penalties for reckless driving, a |shows each evening on Tuesday and Wec |
en like this new reservation which still gives that ate [ne sday next at 7 and 9 o'clock. A matinee | s
Edwin Jones of
» A Township for
Edwin Karlheim
Township—*“The Value
be other entertainment | Me nt in This County
Tuberculosis Testing.”
of East Ca
$1,700, ielicz said nothir
mater at that time, but investig:
self and three months later had the two | ad
about the | and meals to men traveling the re will
ted him-| ways afoot. These extra meals put anand the committee in charge has been
itional burden on the kitchen facil- I some time to make it a
tics s m . > nen / 5 defendants arrested in Altoona. | ities, and the Almshouse also fee in who attend
ini ; a definite check on those who endanger | will be held on Tuesday at 4 P. M. Ad-|own expen : : a 3 ! ul | of Cow ting SS t fork.” a
sterilizing their the lives i ie » . i! w or Srdnse isso prices for the matinee b T, Harve Connors of Amsbry, charged |the summer months county prisoners sucecee of the venture, | 1 Cow ting Association Work.” and
es § roper 0 rs. Mich- SS 2es ) ma €¢ . , | > Yn vor 7 re WwW S co
brof phen 1c with aggravated sault and battery on | who work on the farm and provides the | entirely th the people |C- T. Settlemyer of Wilmore who spoke
igan’s new law states that a car shall |10c and 30c, and for the evening
through | ©n an extension service as an aid to the
the Patton community
his wife and sixteen months old child,
i i 5 ) C roughout i rear » the “hil- |
t sting, yet it is hot be driven at a speed more nor less I5c and 200. yrand Hoot Gibsor pleaded guilty on Monday and was sen- [arene Hira ih he tie yer 0 ly | your attendance and you berality at the | vegetable The annual report of
tive. hen Fenananle ee i opignt 2 he ran Fire dori Re tenced to pay the costs and to serve nine Besides the insane who were taken ca fit event will the bodies be | County F ; nt ‘H. C McWilliams
lercurochrome is fast guy. TT mae 2 last chapter of the old and the first of months in the county jail ; of at the Almshouse the Directors attain the des £ YO cn ot he marning Se Som. ih
i) Tony Pekaski of Kelso pleaded guilty | the Poor provide for the care of 16 at home—and Officers for the ensuing year in the af-
ch og all, charity begins
al will be shown. On Friday and | All, charity begin
of this week a picture simil
ised as a gener- The survey of the Benjamin Franklin | new s
Highway from Indiana east has been | Satur
d as follows: President
of Wilmore; Vice Pres-
to find | ternon were elect
take much of a survey
I to violation of the liquor laws and was| sane from the ¢ unty in state institutions =
ork on. C. T. Setlemye
. : a v "i ttre ob | ordered to pay the costs, further sc ntence | and also provide for the manitenance of
iad authorized and w y > ing of “The Underworld,” ¢Chicago After |! : : loa J ; : A ident—R ther of Johns :
t; burn mar irrie a er f tw ae i o Midnight 4 i the atraction. On Monday | bei suspended, 3 Cambria County Children at the Staté | > your plans to attend the ben- | ldent—R. M. Lusher of Johnstown R. D.;
ar 2 Tou! . en pa om f I netic f ature tor the P o of A one { John Carlson, Francis Richards ang | School at Polk. efit party. You'll have a good time, and] Secretary—G. H. Dumm of Cambria
Sa g ac an early date. aL part £8 henelit teal wp John Phillips all of Portag pleaded Outside the Almshouse and scatered | you'll have a . Hapny conscience township 1S A. Farabaugh
with glass ap- of the road from Indiana west to Shelocta | of the best aviation pictures ever- ction ; Executive Commit-
is now under contract. Lone Eagle” will be the attraction
Robert Reed, son of Mr .and Mrs. Ed- ——
of Bradley
enterir a sto | over all sectior
guilty to breaking an
jon | in Portage and were sentenced to
directors in 1927
of the county th be. .
ave relief to a tota tee—A. B. Kirsch of Nicktown; Edward
2744 people of whom 388 were w 2 of 1 TU S AT CHURCH ‘estrick of Patton R. D.; and Peter
| : Berkey of South Fork R. D.
| with 1,158 children. Temporary ‘kness
4 ward Reed of Bakerton was badly injur- haq failed ys or Ser i " £1 A e 4 ani iil ay le on th
cents ed when he was running a mine locomo- { culti S, was apy d by President Wil- | months nor more than £0. yearns i x The feature of the aft.err session
S adn a . : Se 3 a refer matter and accom- | county jail. | was the cause for the need of help in ¢ ! 3 ) ALLernoon, sesso
women and. 111 chil. ¢ & address by Prof. F. P. Weaver
Q n , te College who has made a com-
tive in the Reed Coal Company Mine ‘ 9
the Reed Coal Company he on ctory ttlement Norbert Bradley of Cresson pleaded |c 28 men,
s of
resident of { 8uilty to the larceny of 11 chickens and | dren; disability ccounted for 5 m
Saturday a week ago. He was caught IN ASE. a ¥. Saisia
] 4 rs Qo 4 Wee: > > ine £ . 4 jor port 1a een a i 7 , se at + s § x rg
"RTY S | boruesn Ing Toor of the wine and te lov ambria County for nearly 35 years and | Was ordered to pay the costs, make res-|78 women and 297 children: 57 women | ; : dy of axes AD Lennsyly a-
: i i Ne oh ouch his interests take hi to many |[titution and ‘further sentence was sus-|with a total of 201 children gave as iJ. H. Rupert of of E mlenton, I da, assessments and of what percén-
ing his forehead and nose. Mr. Reed = 4 PER | : v r a . 5 . t tot tage of earning power, particularly that
BH I’ A : 3 7 : C > ti n Y « 1S he I 1 1y en solic- | pended. Bradley already ha served 56 | cause of their distress the fact that the I to Speak Beo 1 n Ne t 8-1 >: ie carly ?
£2 b a patient at the Spangler hospital where | Workman Asks Compensation : ey Bien ards ors hoe Tho! hap they ) SI Jeginning Nex of the farmers, goes towards the pay-
4: Store i ne LS ohonied 2 he Fong along wel, for: Injury in Clearfield t to85. anit rusts is: zon Peter Cummings of Morrellville, plead- | old age was given 53 men women Sunday Evening. ment. of: taxes if. Weaver illustrated
1 lat DR 51 spn > ov one Be 18 Township lal man r of the Rich Hill Coal C ed guilty to driving an automobile while ! with 22 children dependent u them — address with references to a number
As) lost Cele IEILY aguec 0 16 membersaip | v of H i sident of F intoxicated and was sentenced to pay the | mental disability was the conditio it “The Signs of compiled by him
mn, Pa. oo rolls of the Tiny Tim Club, the organi» Hi I ) ; B k ; P osts and to serv thirty days in the | the ca of ive women en n € the titl iven a series of people of Pennsylvania pay in lo-
zation which helps support the work in When Refer ank A. Hess of Du-} National B 0 ro res- | COS : 0 © Serve ri a) ail Bhs 2 wu hi : it ride, : S of six hundred and ei-
T Ciwanis Or io Ward z Bais conti hres mn of | ident of the Barr ) I 1 and | county jail | 29 children, while the deat f one ectu n next Sunday evening t undreg €
the Riwaniy Ce Ward 9% Memors oa gontnued a Yore as oe Hon fan A : H 1 ; ee SEL a f par nts was the ease with four men. and | at 7 in the Church of God Chap even millions af dollars of which
g ospital, Johnstown. is name now 1e Compensation cou i ohnste 1 : \ 7 - ¢ mal on fo . el Pattor yy : rt, of Emlento share of the far is thirty 1-
HE graces the roster along with Gene Tum] Tharsdas last one of the interdsti i Slcntols: of Tas COUNTY BANKERS HOLD [five women, with 27 dependent children. | cl Patton, | J. H pert, of Emlenton i Soe Timer is NnyislE
ney, Bt ul i gl ! fore h involved the Clear®iel t compa hrot ut United 2G] ARETIN Only two men and two wonien with 11 | Pa. TI peaker is well known and will rof eaver sai n ambria
ney, Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig—favor- hefore him vo ye i . tat A REG LAR MEETING | .i1qren dependent upon them, ¢ e a r m 1 interest to all. All| County, accordir to the s fig-
ites one and all with the younger gener-| ship Road Supervisors who were 1 : . . 1 t |
the cause for their need the in
ar free and everybody is welcome. [Ures, 8.01 per cent of the total taxes for
ation, sented by the e Workmen’s Insur a | A meet 3 .0f the Cambria County | fina employment 1izgested that bring their | county, road, school and eit} paid by
ctive Asse was held | Ti cost of maintenance at the alms nad follow 1€ | agricultural property ; » for the
last 'W S( evening | poy per capita per day was 42 ] g 11 interesting | Stat The paid by the
; ded over by D. 8S. M. Mq From all sources of revenue Stew tive all those wh is county represent 1 per
when he, was in d n ‘ rer wa rc \ ue of t
was instantly killed late on Thursday. | the supervisor ord. You will be surpris sed | eir product
She was rushed to the Bedford hospital | August 19th last, the records indicat nd wa 1 good example of
ust Company. [ Owens turned over to the county tre:
= > 1 ? “wp 2 om mer
— Struck by a trailer attached to a truck | ance fund. The petitioner in the ca is | BOY SCOUTS “PARENTS NIGHT | Bankers
= of the Penn Central Light and Power Co.| C. Bartie Thomas of Patton R. D. No WAS TREMENDOUS SUCCESS|, 5
— Edna Henderson, aged 8, of near Bedford |2, who was a laborer in the employ o - - {and was
t 70 members of ciation were | yrer ij 1927 : um of $3.492.31 we the Gentiles ful- | er indicated strongly that
LLTITETITLET EEE but died on the way. | sing his petition on greion | batton ean do, Th | br t, represen rent BE el he sum of : fill Ap lof Gos cvel if tin tax burden is not evenly distributed
Lorraine Gaboski, two months old son | that he was hurt al 0) : 1 ith ay 1 ited 1 i | tions the county ; MUSIC CLUB ENTER- | and he Midnight Cry” is an n [in that a number of faults are to be
| o Ny em i) it So - ro the ys - a Te ld ted x 1 1 h | Irving L. Camp, of Johnstown presi-| PARENTS AND FRIENDS |i ‘who have oil in t lamps | tour oF with the present manner of as-
- LINE 1 tun, died at the parenta ome | has requested compe 10 ( ) ( t nd dent of he Lions International, was the 3 | ¢ Q 1 ari show he | Se ent e SCUSS¢ ¢ rODOSEe ye
E wg , ie Sil OR ad ry to October To | smiont I PT Gann ler 2 i 1 1 » ® { { lumber We will show with- | Sessment. He discussed the proposed plan
= on (oy cuncra) services wers held on Jabilty: i Yisabil from the latter! H. W, Men Mr. Thos principal speaker and spoke of the coal On Saturday evening last the Juvenil v of a doubt by the Word | t has been before the Legislature for
= Saturday afternoon in Barnesboro, : | and for partial ¢ is a ity from the I hi Flom ] Thos, [problems in Pennsylvania. Mr Camp sta | Music Club ontertained the parents aud spivitaal. social comin 1 making of assessments by a county
= 1 Jom, Jogant on Zz 2 ang Mrs. fsa. date 10 Detelie 2 tH svisors. Laren Dal as Y Ft p [ted that there was no branch of industry | friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. | llectual signs what “The | board, to the objections
— ‘rish of «loydell, died at the parental | wo 0 16 supe SOrs AaAWrenes ) . uo more fundamentally connected with the 1 0 re S uri t | made em | farmers ¢ th-
= home on Wednesday of last week. Fun-| Creighton and \ M. Sheehan, both of Aid 5 . Croop 3 v Haainont ' } : oal bus : B - Good. 5 ; ra really i Durin these na 5 m by i Arm rs ind oth
— NT Oy 5 Rar we . Pat were among I Fred Blankenhorn: | ranking business than the coal busine I'he president, Alan Somerville [ Ie the Millenium will be clearly the centralization of fur-
- ero] was hold in Beaverdale on Sater whom. resid ; Ps o on [ i I ly : F. 1 Br a oD r o ; | He related the history of coal expansion announced the program which cons plained to any y 13 t er 2 suggested a comprom-
= day. a the Witnosse Si 19 testi A ! 4 Oo ay . > Frown. an dur the war and recited statistics to| ohjefly of historic American songs t to with this scheme that the school di-
= Announcement was made last week of | and ( hark Soman op ba Ke ts rive B t a 24 Barl Stoltz | Show that the output in Pennsylvania has | abeth Somerville and Xathryn Cowher | ture to say you Low ctors of each township be given author-
— the mariage of Miss Elicabsth Hon era two. hier Jerson oo N 3 x 2 ; 3 Freen, Ia i g been on the decline rather than on an up-|pjayed a piano duet and Alan Somerville | when ou leave [ity to make assessments, suggesting that
— \ penny of McGees Mills anc arry 1 their version o 1e case e question o 5 . rOOP [ ward trend Rohan my "OhGoTt: closas th the AEA eae la board of this uld b ore lia-
= Huether of Hastings at the parsonage of | whether Thomas’ report of the accide e of Allegiance in TROOP | Re en ig : ® piano solo, Phe concert closed awith th et 7a of is sma would he mors dia
-— uether o astings at the parsonage of | whethe as : o I . % | I'he output in West Virginia, the speak- singing of the Star Spangled Banner.| JAMES BITER, NDE RTAKER AT ble to make just assessments than one
-— > Ebensburg Christian church on Dec. | was properly made out was intro Lp ass \ : Huis Smale | 4. € was re 0 e creas § . |
— fhe 1 th h v 0. Db Young : and th iin Ss questioned on Amon 3h present were Mr. and Mrs. | 2 3 Inred a 0 any hth vi ? It OW this the young people them- | LORETTO, DIES IN A HOSPITAI jiman
—- oSt, 18 , 3 e hev, . 0 8 i ¢ thesses ig x ty glands: Fe VAR 4, . | due to the prevailing freight rates. S¢ 6S Serve PF ious refreshments eee cee
= } Miss Edith Allport Lewis of Hastings | score. Referee Hess resery § decision, IN lions Mr ang Mis Alex Ry is not fair or equitable to the state of Je: offic : he GA o wp b | 1 1 ted 10. I I t FARMERS WILL SIGN up
— : ri 3 f Baresbor re | ) g that the case towsky ; Mrs. Rachel Dinsmore; Mr. and], is : 35 i % : b ¥ ? ne ntl {> JYed “Oret pm w TRIT
= and Mervil I loom ot Broshore ji [ne hat he en 2 I M 20 2 A ] | Pennsylvania and it 3s High dims hush SS are as follows [to ar of Cambria County's oldest | FOR CATTLE T. B. TESTS
= mitec marriage ol January «oth = oy e y as = | men came to a conclusion that something | Alan Somerville Jr., President Naon ] 1 i | —
— i is Aniscon: S red lant It QD i} ’ . Ale 8 ‘ € € t y ni | ikers and embalmers, died at the .
- I he Seidl: Enis) church in | COMMISSIONE RS RAI | bh 1 Bl in M ! i be done to correct the situation - he | Somerville—secretary ; George Good— | ) cy hospital in Johnstown about six | At a meet } olds Shin n
- atton by the Rev. P. T. Gorman. \ mn 3 Brown, 1 MA speaker told of the agressiveness of West | uroer dist Ar 0s Freed LTS ; Wednesday of last weel d by 40
- : oki 5 3 { Te A Yost ( 8 wsurer. Leona Rishel Mary Me- | o'clock la Friday evening. Death was | Ry,
-— | Mrs. Olive Elsie Macalvaney, aged 42 TAX RATE 1 TO 9 MILLS Mr. and Mi Stoltz; Mr 20 Virginia and the lethargy of Pennsylva- { sann Kathryn Cowher zabeth Som lue t blood p i ind gangrene | 1Armers and others intere in dairy
Lo i ava volta oF Te of S Som 1 Mi Glady Greene; Mrs ; ; t adie J diy r le be Rl Bang ling. ar Fort. t zanis
= years, wife of James Macalvaney of St 3 Kh : jomenvi ie; : ed) 7 = [nia in regards to the adjustment of un-| cpville; Eleanore Good: George I which dev from an abrasion on the | Ing an effort was made to organiz
i Benedict died at the Miners’ hospital at Cambria County' rate fived | John Cornelius and son William Mr just freight rates William Youngquist Philip n 1 fall 1 | township to sien up owners of
- Spangler on Saturday morning. The de-| Wednesday at 9 mills for Alwilda Bennett; Mr. D. H. Baker; Mi In conclusion Mr. Camp declared that Richard Green Melvin Gardner Alan | pn H ; lid 1 . ur oe [tle for the tuberculos
— 3 : 3 > | R é ireene ; Melvi iardner ; Alar wonth 20 did no egard the t 1
- ceased is survived by her husband and | cents on each $100 of l | and ey Blankfeld; Mrs. Rose the time has come when all must work | glankfeld Richard Murray iury r S and oa log : ee Nn | of Ashville was
- several ¢ ren. an increase of 3 mills, or cents on | Kus and Mrs. D. K. Rishel; Mr. iner and: foree esires. of 0 fons ’ x $ a HE is ous and he leg became in- oy i
= several children Y ; din z unis Coministioners Johnie eo Fut], Gant to eth and forget desir f alhing The club me every Saturday even-|focted. He was taken to the hospital on | ¢hairman to take char
-— ————— eac $ ) ty ) 3810 « | 1a | S wut rant, ted ro i endeavor obt: + y HY t A r "hi The ownshi vas
= HUSBAND F WIFE DEAD ON D. Walker and William ‘J. Cavanaugh | cher in’the Patton High School The 2h ad a e mins i A 2 an | ing at seven o’clock for the study and y 30th and amputation of the I | Che t 3 n : D ye
E HIS RETURN HOME SATURDTY | voted in favor of the resolution. Com- | . ittendad in a body accom- | gooey en ) ) al m-| enjoyment of music | resorted to on Wednesday of last |!Ficts and individual
— » DN A ] 5 SAT p otec 1 p: 0 0 Lie esS0 t o { « Chute I « DOL acco ( st of X¢ Q Z £ survive ———al . . OV the . ory
= : 0 missioner Homer C. George opposed it. pani Miss Miriam Lilly and Mrs, [© aes po BEY hn Ny ender oa = ek in an eff to save his life Jgaver th qntos
s | Shor is luation for assessmeng| Cj fhe ‘Diag Diamond quogier Tenders it MINER IS BADLY The body was taken to Loretto and |Planks prepared and
— Mrs. Mary Brown, aged 48 years, wife I'he county. valuation : a od lal everal vocal selections and after the a ¢ | John Gissler aged 21 ye . "of n- ral serv . on Tuesday | Pureau of animal indus Harris
= of J. M. Brown residing in Cambria | purposes is about one hundred anc | Te — EE — dress of Mr. Camp the regular busine | mons. near rnesboro: emploved by is Catholi hur- | Purg with instructions to hav
: % : t eacl of | N mm : {i snes ro, 3 1 atholic chur- |
- township near Ebensburg, was found | enty million dollars, so a a B m FINORTHERN C AMBRI A session of ssociation was held | Coal Company, was i f requiem wag | filled out and returned to tl
= dead at her home late Saturday after-|tax represents one hundred and seventy | - , r T < T yg — rrr le te Saturday afternoor v il da Ln | within a on a return
— noon. The lifeless body was found lying | four thousand each year less some pro- | KIW ANIANS HEAR JUDGE! SURPRIS BIRTHDAY PARTY IS | : v sds 2 rock 4 : 4 : " Ir Bey Paths Jan 5 blanks ind ; t 90 1 :
- on the floor by Mr. Brown upon his re- | bable reductions by revisions and delin HELD FOR PATTON LADY |, ..o . le on : nt was in th l owners des I made, a
= turn from employment at the Heisley | quencies to be collected in succeedin 1 With Judge Samuel Lemmon Reed of omnia was taken to re Vived 1 at t rangement nad
= Mines at Nanty-Glo. A physician was | years. The millage t will bring in rev Ebensburg as prinapal speaker at the Mrs. Martha Spangle of 609 Magee av angler. whore 1 5 ur Vives by his widow, | Portase v3 : ?
ro summoned and pronounced the victim |enues of about $1,566,000. The revenues |pegular weekly luncheon of the Northern enue, was the guest of honor on Mon : r Son of Julius (Hal) Buse, and. thre: {90 per cent
= dead. Death was attributed to heart fail- | at the former rate of six is would | Cambria Kiwanis Club held at the Bran- day evening at a sw prise birthday party | —— a — | | the tests n
a ure. yield approximately $1,014,000. The I-fdon hotel, Spangler wn Monday evening. luca’ at her home by nelghbors and) TONY KOHUT LEON Sb. on as 1 I n be p
= The funeral services were held on Tues- | creased revenue by county taxes the re- | the ession was ne of the best of the friends. The evening was spent in music | Bore Ferns : 4 onrs. ated a | J. NELSON SIPE. id
- day afternoon at Nanty-Glo and burial | fore is approximately § 4 There | nter. Judge Reed took as his s and games, at the conclusion of which a | r i Fi J : oel cl \ : sd yon | — — SA
= was in the Pineland cemetery at Strongs- | will be a slight shrink: of course by 't “Crime and Criminals.” lunch was served. Many beautiful and | ; a ; a. i: e ome in Nantale Ho | J. Nelson Sip id died at | BALLOTS ARE AWARDED
— town. Mrs. Brown had been badly burned | reason of taxes which cannot be collect-| Prank Brown of this place was the practical gifts wers received by Mrs. | They , 8 ev 2 ’ he Fr 5 A 1s hor in Ebensburg on Tuesday night | ow
= some time ago but had practically re-|ed. Taxes on an average home valued at {chairman the program. Miss Clotilda |gnangle, it being her 78th birthday on | M2 J en n Sa S 0 ca a pass £ | of last week aft r an illn of two years| contract tod
se > ‘ ) + i Yl + : ’ 3 e er i aw ot t e dec St ( \ . :
—- covered. She is suevived by her hus-| $5,000 which were $30 at the six mill | Love of ( litown, pleased with vocal February 14th. Those present were: Miss Y R & I ! 2 1 3S Lav ition of diseases Mr. py A
-— : AK : : ig } » the ohut ome 0 dn es 5 a
-— band rate. will be $45 at the nine mills rate, | sel three new members were | Wilkin Mrs. Sara Whitehead; Mrs. Me- | 1 <ohu 10M n n 1 a ident of Ebenshurz
— . + : “ ¥ 1 «+ +t 1 1 1 | ~ a . week mm p 4
— ce Commissioner Cavanaugh stated last| formally d int t club, they |Quillan: Mrs Walter Little; Mrs. La-|, . J % ears. The funeral services 1
-— J . : nod Si. ’ £08 : a =} [he ers rices y be € £ 0 a ’ "
= NICHOLAS WYLAND, night that most of the increase. in reven- ns of t place, Vier oo: "ans © P. Welty: Mrs. Tu ( o| Th gune: 1 will be h i Lt 3 W y 0 o'clock on Friday after- A ;
— ers ue is to be used to bring Cambria Coun- 1 McCombie | gmale; Mrs Geo. Kane; Mrs. Win re on. : yrday Al ne. top. | DOOD at his late residence in charge
= Nicholas Wyland, aged 73 years, died |ty’s administration .of running exper | Mrs Lilly; Miss Anna McQuillan; Mrs ory # Sg 1 a : a1 > rio ns 'NTer- | the Rev. Baumgartel of the Presbyterian r
— at his home at Cresson on Saturday|and for improvements to a pay- indards will be the talk |nary Montieth: Mrs. St. Clair Montieth {me wi e made @ Lhe church cem. urch and interment was in Lloyd
= morning at 9:15 o'clock of a complication | go basis within three or four | a n next Monday night. A. O.]|(o)jva Montieth and Robert Little 4 on 10 doseased 3 a 1 by} La, | COME y { :
= of diseases. He was one of the best known | possible with gradual reduction of the | Somerville .. Thompson and Barney | Sree rien —- | Mar ye K ht 1 Ey ‘hildrer Ni Mr. Sipe is survived by his widow, |}, for 175
= residents of Cresson and had reside®| rate as this ccomplished, probably a Blankfeld v e in charge | TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL bem ory 5 ut and three children—also Anna Mar lailey) Sipe, and these chil ie
- { 5 : ’ - rs 3 1
- there for the past 15 years, prior to |mill"a year. TI the aim, he said ! — ee — [ CHURCH. two rol ers ae dren S hur Dillinger of ilkin Tarte
J o = which he had lived in Ebensburg for 20 | A slighter increase mi have served | HOLY Eu Pr ISC or AL CHURCH | ppjip T. Gorman, pastor VISITED CONGRESSMAN LEECH burg ; 8. Cress F. Hollinger of rk; lq
“tes ov —- years. He formerly was proprietor of the | a temporary purpose but the C ymmission-; A. Nugen umwell, Rector | Sunda school at 10:00 | > ’ Mrs. Ralph Kauffman of Johnstown ; m TW 1
JESSE L LASAY = Exchange Hotel at Ebensburg. | ers stated that two of them agreed it was | Sunday, February 19th, Morni Pray-| Morni hip at 11:00. Communion | Maj. Gen. Charies 1 Menoher of | § of and Charles S ( 1 h 1
unt Qicture — The deceased is survived by his wid- | not possible under the estimate of ey-|er and sermon at 8:30 A. M rvice n of children and adults | Johnstown, who commanded the 42nd or iladel : :
= ow—Mrs. Jane Hott Wyland and the |penditures for 1928 to remain within the | Choir Epworth ague at 6: | Rainbow Division in ¢he World War in — ‘ af
= following children—Mrs. J. E. Hogue of | former six mill rate. In the first place| Chure 9:45 A. M Evening worship wt Continuing | I'rance, called recently on Representative PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JOHN URBANIC
= Aspinwall; Mrs. P. A. Melhorn and B.|the amount of money required for the —— prm— rte » communion J. Russell Leech in Washington. | r Minister , >
=> F. Wyland both of on; and A. P.) payment of interest and the retirement HURT IN AT 10 | WRI { Prayer service Wednesday at 7 ( MY PAB DIG Te it 10:30 |e ' T iy
tten espe- = Wyland, at home. grandchildren | of bonds which must be definitely fixed Lo m— aa ———— | MRS. CARRIE HOFFMAN it 11:45 1 : Courity HH
5 who has — and one great grand, child also survive. |each year and paid when due now repre- | y is Green of Carrolltown sustain- | oY STER SU Pp r E R. | Mrs. Carrie Hoffman aged 44, of Scalp it 7:30 . : a
yf — : , ¢ : | 3 iy ythe ini a ix Sis : 0 3 al ur Ie wa (
S = The funeral services were, held om | sents about four and one-half mills or|ed a sprained back and « th r injuries The Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity - | Level, died of pneumonia at her home on on. Wednesday. Wash d
ern gang- = Tuesday morning at nine o'clock in St. | more than two-thirds of the six mill rate | when an automobile in which he was {copal church will serve an Oyster Sup-| Sunday evening. a union patriotic ser : Aen LL, =
century = Xavier's church at Cresson and burial | and still practically one-half the nine riding overturned on a road gear Carr- | hor on St. Patrick's Day March 17th, in | | in the Baptist Church Whetl rroundhe roa
- was made in St. Benedict's cemetery at| mill rate. Running expenses, road work, | olltown on Monday morning Several oth- | the Firemen’s hall. Tickets will be on | And down and write us out { This will take the place of the regular ponsib Y w ire having a
= { Carrolltown. county institutions ete. will take the rest. ler occupants of the car escaped injury. Iga). apout March 1st. that subscription check right now? "mid-week service, varied selection of weather : Rr
= ?
A y
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