The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 09, 1928, Image 8

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    _ _"..""n
& . 3 hn Prindible, who has been employ-| George Good of Philadelphia, is a vis- [and Ethel Boyer and M rs, J 1 - Ix s n i xy
: PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWS NOTES OF 2a by the” Cambria’ company. as 166 fo tor in town. hin wks [S00 wore seer, and Mrs, John Hodgen-|| Extra) sam Yammer and imo Asvvt| Gm
4 wi |
: | Fort Pierce, Fla. where he super-| The room in the Worrell building on Miss Jean Blair and Dorothy Camp-|ning they lent Mr. Bosserman the large
i | vise real estate business. 2 A | Magee avenue has been rented by the | bell of Barneshoro were Patton visitors|sum of one dollar. 1 wonder if there
} Mr. and 2 Mrs. Blair. Kelley and Son | Haluska Overland Co., and the new W hip- | Sunday, would be half a chance for me to get .
Leonard, of Altoona, were the week-end pet car will be on display there begin- Mrs, David Rishel is entertaining a|a few green-jacks for Saturday night.
Sempre pst—— guests of Patton friends and relativ ning today. | bridge club this evening. I am sure my best girl would appreci-
x SEND US ALL THE NEWS YOU KNOW AND HELP FILL THIS DEPARTMENT.| C. Law Watkins, of Cresson, was a GRAND — UPRIGHT — PIANOS — A ate a good show.
EVERY LITTLE ITEMS HELPS MAKE THIS PAPER JUST A LITTLE recent Patton visitor. leading manufacturer has in this vicinity NEED POLICE? : ‘
2 . D SALE--One Red Star 6-burner, |. rn a igh w he hey | VEE 4 L 12 Wayne Lynn and Our Hero motored “ a
BETTER FOR ALL, SEND, BRING, MAIL THEM FOR SALE--One R § an upright and a grand piano, that they i Sc 4 " ~ A
. al wickless, oven attached, Oil Stove. Excel- | will sell for & very low figure. for cash JUST ASK OPERATOR |to Ashville on Sunday afternoon. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS —
cn 4 4 ted may . vag 2 y . aw va oh : ek ares od . - 2 ide ¢ ‘ is a Ww 3 N 3 D 1 3 ,
M. H..Gardner, Notary Public, at the the fathers and mothers will meet lent condition. Reasonable price. Apply [or on easy payments, or will store with a Ee a : : ry Jd of a Jumb Teh - ons So SPACE FOR REAL BARGAINS VOL. X
Tozer Jewerly Ck the Boy Scouts. For them a spe- | at Courier o fice. : responsible party who intends to buy, avery farmer ought to know how to ” y a i en “nen See 4
4 of . 3 in 2 RY po lori tine arr m, spent | ps " 5 rashin — 30x 356 > 1 is arest State lice vg ar- me it is by the sun dial. 3 ray 5 1h a —— a ——
2 Menu for “Trip Around The Worl cial program has been arranged giving Flor ine Riner, 0 Carral nM She nl rather than reship.—P, O. Box 355 Dept. | ¢ al] his _hearest State Police headquar J the Sun dig : Sugar Best Granulated a pd. 61;
Menu for 1 X 1d \ idea of some of the work being done) Pe Weekend with her parents ‘Mr. and |p. J. Chicago, Ills. 4t, | ters, says the Department of Agricul- Morris Strittmatter and Dave Brophy
Hum loaf Yih Shean t ee ORE : > Mrs. Joseph Riner. Mr. and Mrs, P. Somich and daughters | ture. of Carrolltown High School were callers | Bread Big Loaves .10¢
‘aked beans - Esc: $2 By thelr son Mrs. James K. Boyer was a recent |were called to Johnstown last week by It is explained by the Department of | in Patton on Sunday night /
3 \ 5 . rOre OF Qt v € JO & dar J “ J. ® © w a . - . n Q
parkerhou re a - and Mrs. M. B. Cowher were callers | Johnstown visitor. the death of thelr daughter-in-law, Mrs |State Police at Harrisburg that it 18 not | what's wnoush ast of sou sald the Macaroni Loose a 1b. 9c :
Carmibal C on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. E. A." Link were the gu- | Andrew Somich of that plac necessary to bother with a telephone i iq nto : Ip 2 rp 296
i ‘ " . Cd : : a: . £ » é ace. : milkmaid as’ she passed on to the next i Best Grade 2 ib. for aul
: wand Go This Bi er vy iY n services will be held in| ests of Carrolltown friends on Sunday. Mrs. Herman Bollweg, of Parkston,|number. Sate Police calls are emergency | ow I 4 Lard, oS Le = : * yi. -
¥ take lace at he Social M. 4 | Trin E. Church on Sunday the Dr. and Mrs. V. A, Murray, of North |gouth Dakota, a native of Spangler, wio | calls and all that is nec ary is to say Vo om ; ! Cn Raisins Seedless, best Grade
& Chur h, Tuesda chruar 1928 a 19th, both at the morning and evening Fifth avenue have returned to their | jopt for the west about eighteen years |to the telephone operator: “State Police, ak ernetta Eckenrode 18 up in ;the air 2 1b. for . 20¢ C de x d
5 5:30 o'clock. services home after having been the guests of | ago, accompanied by Mesdames Laurens | Greensburg”; “State Police, Wymoing” ; | @bout something these days. We think . ° . or ondense
k the The Montessori Parents Club met at | friends of Big Run, Pa. Wyland and John Farabaugh of Spang-| “State Reading”; State Police, | it’s the Thinker. Macaroni Muiler 2 pkgs. for ..25¢ Vario:
3 | Mrs. Wesley Guyers home last week, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Lilly had as their |, r were guests at the home of Mr, and | Butler”; “State Police, Harrisburg? ; The chemistry test last Friday morn- Oats Rooled Loose, a lb. 6c ]
sson|V. A, Murray read from the book on |weekend guest their daughter, Etheline Mrs, T. M. Sheehan on Tuesday. ‘State Police, Hershey” ; whichever head |ing was pretty tough according to re- Fl 2415 11 sack 98¢
Child Training, by Angelo Patri. The |Lilley, of Altoona. The Patton Fire Company will hold a |duarters is nearest to the farmer desir- | ports from the students. our 247; 1b. sae x Nellie McC
| i a rv “hrict of " y \ 303 : : tare » y 5 +d Ne » Mec
£ cks, spen xt meeti will be in Carrol]Jtown on Emory ( hristoff of Johnstown spent round dance in the Municipal hall on | ing aid. A few (hoorary) members of our high Lettuce, extra Fancy head, Ib 15¢ township nea
parents, | Wednesday Feb. 15 at the home of Mrs. | the week-end at his home here. ; _| Saturday evening, February 18th, and th Once the State Police headquarters is|school were notified to return their re-| rv size e bunch 10e¢ ih :
of South | Thomas Owens, Sylvania Yerger, of training school of | paymer “orchestra will furnish the mu- |Secured on the phone, it is extremely im- [port cards to the office. Cele y, good Size, on Fahne fo
{ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caretti, of South|the Mercy hospital at Pittshurg, has re- |g" A square dance will also be held in |portant that full details of the trouble Yes, T have a Scotch ror you. T sim- r PAT § J ‘ell Shoes ¢ a Plackmail
n h avenue, entertained a number of| turned her duties after having been the {| the Municipal hall on the evening of|be given, as well as an exact location of ply couldn’t let athar Wook : pass i vA Ta y Wear and U. Well Shoe s and 3 biassmag ;
: e guests on the sixth birthday an-|guest of her mother, Mrs. Margot S. | Tuesday February 21st. jithe farm with reference to the distance without telling you one: A venerable Rubbers, save a dollar a pair by
versary of their son, Louis. The guest | Yerger, of Palmer avenue. | The Patton Pirates’ Basket Il team | and direction from a nearby town or oli’ Scot Nirohsscd 2 [tvs todo op bu in shoes at he Sno Cash A.
I'he Revival services i the E } included; Freddie and Walburg Wil- | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dietrick and chil- will meet the Barnesboro Big Five in |city and the name of the road on which a fow Lu To car his Stns le on ying ¢ sat t Of t . of 1
Church ims, Louis Stoltz, Helen and i | om of Akron have relma to their | tho Patton High School Gymnasium on | the farm is located. How Ba ied a ore . Frank Min
Tha" re r ia 7 a ¢ y iarrity, | home on Mellon avenue. Mr. Dietrick has |g. ay evening of this week and a good | - e——————— 5 ; : ! et or is in a se
The n 128 W - { Maykovich, Vi na and Joseph Garrity, ! | Saturday evening of this weck and a goo | to listen to,” he replied; “but those bulbs » ND aR
: o and Lorena. F an, and Louis Caretti. |been employed in Akron for the 1ast|eame can be looked forward to. ; SD aasen to, ie ha] e br 0 as - OX e hospital suff
ui nd o Te . : { The Ananias Club, are nae so gud to read hy. received last
th ‘he ladies auxiliary of the Patton Fire | several months. ; 3 Charles Anna was a business caller | y » 3 : We would all like to know who took > A T PD at Th
the 1 any had a dance, cinch party and| FOR RENT—Furnished house; SIX | in Altoona on Tuesday afternoon. | “No, Harold,” said the flapper to “Snitz” to the basketball game on Fri- PAT TON, PA. ploded when
day mor apron social in the municipal building | rooms and bath; hot water heat. Inquire | Nathilda Whitefore, of Twin Rocks, [her sheik, who had called up, “1 can't fq, night ’ Shooting i
5 hi fen ue Pifics, or 21» Tay: Nomen ave | sve nt the weelend at the nome of her ip out. with you tonight. Mother “The Mole,” a continued story in short- 7777777777772, 277% 2 iy oy
: : EE I kL — = | Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin Short have return- | Foren, rd Mes. william White- |}50ked so tired T promised to wash up | hand, has begun in the January num. “ ac He nd
Err War hia e | ford, of South Fifth Avenue. | . By Aischios o - | ber of the Gregg Writer. ‘Now watch | GS OX=Tea
TLELER EEE ER RTE ER EEE EE EE nn ILI | oq from Ebensburg, where they were the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Link, of South |the supper dishes and then do the fam il aoe rT PA pint : Carrolitown v
F—.————— a aaa a | . -~$ Spore 1 wi : . S) S ha £ s
= | guests of friends and relatives. Fifth Avenue spent Sunday afternoon |lly mending for her tonight.”—Clncin- o | ty in the Le;
. =H cBoarrics balene, of Alioons, was tu | with friends in Carrolltown. [aati Enquirer. Teacher: “Sal, how many genders are | public is cord
i 7 =| week-end guest of her parents Mr. and | Mrs. William Simpson and daughter, there?’ | in charge ass
= | Mrs. John G. Palcho. : Mary, were visitors in Altoona on Tues- oy Sal Murray: “There are two genders for their mo
=| Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Dunegan, of Eb-|gay afternoon 1 b 3 or EY & Sh tertaining fea
= | ensbur vere the recent gusts of Patton | Tim oec: a : os 3 3 masculine and feminine. The masculine |
e Es fri hg > tives : | Wout : heision of SonuStown, Spent gender is divided into two classes, tem- } Pennsylvan
TRS Pe aves, {the week at the home of his parents on iris serate and intemperate; and the femin- r i been seriousl
=| The Report of Henry L. Cannon, Con | Russ 11 Avenue Derate shoei < ! PURETEST i 5 in
| 3 ’ ssell Avenue. J Q . oy ine is also divided into two classes, e oh f able weather
=| troller of Cambria County, appears on Russell Christoff spent the week-end Notes athena] i the week frigid and the torrid.” > p | | is announced
=| page four.of this issue of the Courier. | at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Blair Kelley y Russell ristoff Fam. : . 2 ine S
=| 0 on too ow 1 o sic I S Hue ok - SAE v A OR R Famous sayings by more famous peo- | \ CHR ME teporting Ser
= Rsad it and learn of the county's bush for Altoona. ; > epi Ble: “That's a blue book,” by Proxy; | MERCURO 0 # erage and th
Do Ave.: »ases of chick Miss Flossine Bertin of Pittsburg is| Friday evening the Spangler High | -1 took all the dictation down,” by Dot | thaws of the
=| There are a number of cases of chicken- | spending a few days visiting her mother | Basket-Ball teams played in the local Kane; and “Father, I cannot tell a lie,” ght to have «
A James Quin
enpox reported at Colver. fs Patton. | gym Although the Patton High quintet | py George Washington.
F. B. Morey was a business visitor In| Miss Manan Hamilton and Miss Ver-|tried hard to avenge the defeat of the The Girls BasketsBall team now that of Johnstown
Johnstown on Tuesday. os | sus ‘Powell visited in Altoona Saturday. | former week the Spangler Boys came they have their new suits, Claim to be Ebensburg at
Persons selected as petit Jurors for | Mrs. F. R. Morey entertained the mem- | gut on the big end of a 26 - 19 score | the best looking sextette in the county. | morning. Dea
the March term of Court from this sec- |pepg of the Tuesday night Brid Club | The game was featured by long shooting | Let's g0 to Barnesboro Friday night to| losis. He was
on September
the county ce
Of 87000 n
with the Uni
| She fren Vii Jormsn A Tom her home this week. The following | by hoth teams. In the girls game Span-|see what form they display. {
Sheehan of this Dias; anc mu JV. Tela |13djes were present: Mrs. J. H. Moren, |gler also carried off the honors in a 36- |
inger, William Warner and Henry Wil- Mrs. J. Mac Denlinger, Mrs. Andrew |7 score. The starting line up for the {
liams of Chest Township and Eldon C.| Rhody, Mrs. F R. Maurer, Mrs. B. J.|girls game was:
lev Fr. Henry has been called to Cin- | begun, all the high school looks forward | dicated that they examined leaves in
interesting contests. | more than 13,000 gardens,
sion for these games Blister rust is a disease which has
Highway fron
the Post Office, on
Magee Avenue, on
al antiseptic.
cinnati owing to the death of his grand-| to a number of ve :
authorized anc
mother. The price of admiss It does not burn mor irri-
two host plants. Part of its life is spent a part of the
Will Be On Shope of White Township. Overberger, Mrs. S. L. Weakland. Misses | Patton Spangler FIGHT ON RUST | ee . ,
Automobile Drivers licenses become | yrijgrea More n, Margaret Campbell, Mar- | Noonan REF Gordon | Joss than 19.0
void the last of this month. Have YOU |garat Fogerty, Linnie Forberg and June | Lilley LF Fox| The microsopic study of more than | Grand Army
ordered yours yet? ... | Rhody, Margaret Campbell received first |Grege Cc Boyle | 35,000 gooseberry and current leaves, | Michigan w
LOTS OF FUN—Baked ham loaf With | ;1ize for highest score, Mrs. Denlinger | Nuss C Daughtery | collected by school children of fifty-three | crete roads, t
jraisin sauce and other good things 10ls.,0na ana Mildred Moren third, | cavanaugh RG Kirsh | counties mn their search for white pine | making no lin
| eat at “TRIP ‘AROUND THE WORLD," | "yo To, Shunkwiler was an Altoona | Whiteford LG Dunchak | blister rust last fall 1s now combined. | ulating penal
in the Festal Hall of the M. E. Church | yiqitor Tuesday. | Field Goals: Fox—9: Gordon—S. The rust has been found on leaves com- | The children like this new reservation w
on February 14th. | Rev. Father Henry is a Pittsburg visi- | Fouls Made: Gordon 2 Out of 4, ing from 465 gardens in thirty-seven | method of sterilizing their 4 definite che
[tor this week. | y Noonan 5 out of 7. counties extending nearly to the Ohio | wounds the lives and
Walter E. Campbell was a business | Lilley 2 out of 4. border on the west and to the Maryland | Xr Fo ; Hs Dy
h THE BANKER-FARMER { visitor to Dubois, St. Mary's and Mead- | Referee - Lacava. line on the south. | It does not sting, yet it is Het 30 iven
ur ow oom ville this week. | Kelley Herd is back in school after a The school children, in their reports | just as effective. than is reasc
| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamont of Baker-| short vacation, to the bureau of plant industry, Penn- | Puretest Mercurochrome is the slow Dok
fron visited in Patton Monday. Now that the inter-class games have | Sylvania Department of Agriculture in- | extensively used as a gener- i
Mr. and Mrs. . Grant entertained | js lower than the admission price of the
3 : hi : : ate. Sbhens og
There are several reasons for the thelr club. Thurs evening at their | former games. I don’t think any of the |On the white pine and the remainder on tate Ebensburg at
growth of the bankerfarmer MOVE home on Palmer avenue. At the con- “oame-g "s” are Sorry. currant or gooseberry plants. On the . 1
is now under
Balsinger. Mel Edwards and Tom | leaves of the latter plant, the disease
Davis of Ebensburg high school were Pat- | appears as tiny orang colored spots
a , 3 :
ton visitors on Wednesday evening. The results of this unique survey far
| y C : E : ”
. a Iona) af > 4 “Bill” Biller and Dot Yahner had a |¢Xceeded all expectations, representa-
sociation, has reported to the Agricul | from a tonsil operation at the Altoona €
hospital Monday. | very nice time Saturday afternoon, de-|tives of the bureau say." Great credit is |
tural Commission of the American Mrs: Homer Ol wry who was operated | livering light bills in a downpour of rain due the children and pupils for this gu
Mrs. Homer weary w yas eratec
| B . work The same survey if handled by
ankers Association. The cooper |, +... Wi We at Carrolitown. Er SE jSinYSY ir lanaled
| DOT | on for appendicitis at the Spangler Hos- | Proxy Link was a caller on friends [trained scouts would have cost the State |
ment in Pennsylvania, William S. Mc: | clusion of the evening Mrs. Grant ser Ned plicator
Kay, Chairman of the Agricultural | ved a delicious lunch.
Committee, Pennsylvania Bankers As | Miss Frances McCoy is convalescing
Robert Reed
ward Reed of
25 cents ed when he w
tive in the Re
Saturday a w
F 0 G E R TY? S bs between the rc
4 comotive. The
| Complete with glass ap- of the road fre
ing his forehe
ation and leadership of the county | pital yesterday is convalescing nicely. tn Carrolitown on Sunday afternoon. and Federal governments a vast sum of | B IL :
| agents in the several counties of the | Mrs. Basil Weakland and children | The chemistry notebooks were return- | money. School children not only made | . "Ro afl, i R patient af
| state; the appointment and function | have returned from a visit with Mrs ed to the students on Monday morning. possible this great financial saving to the | The 2/5 Store i he is reported
C dd 5 h | ing of county chairmen of agriculture | Weaklang sister, Mrs. Richard Hutchin- | Lambkin made her regular weekly trip Commons wali bi Ioarney a very in- | ki on hanile ro
| | son of Sunbury. { WE This time it was to see] teresting lesson about plant diseases| © 8:3 los Sa J
known, as Key Bankers, one of whom - to Altoona. us ame It wi Bee it : ; » c gs rolls: of the 'T
ome an ee t e y y Mr. and Mrs. James Boyer, Elizabeth | “Wild Geese” at the Capitol Theatre. while doing the work. | ~ Patton, Pa. of Fells of the 1
there is in each county of the state; i
and the organization of county bank-
ers associations, whereby agriculture
is given consideration by all the banks,
are responsible for this interest. The
following table shows the activities |
for the year:
the Kiwanis O
ial hospital, J
s the ros
Babe Rut
ites one and a
Struck by a
of the Penn Ce
Edna Hendersc
was instantly
EE EEE EEE EE AS = but died on t
Latest Car.
Haluska Overland Co.
Patton. Pa.
Number of
Project Counties
Sent young farmers to state col-
lege for special course ...... §
Encouraged farm shows....... 16
Held agricultural tours ....... 6
Sponsored various club activities 38
Gave illustrated lectures on poul-
try, cow testing, and improved
f. $ROAS + eves rsircesssss. 1
ny Rae livestock,
a chicks, and disease-free pota-
. o hf Td * * Wéseeeesessseritornree.s 18
“Individual Initiative Is Responsible ie is probably no class of busi:
For America’s Growth’ tui for neptainsss tees the woes.
ers in this movement,” declares Mr.
y 5 T McKay. “It builds up a substantial
SAYS ANDREW W. MELLON, community which makes for better
Emeigh Run,
on Friday. Fur
Saturday after
John, infant
Trish of Lloyd
home on Wed:
eral was held
the marriage
\ penny of McC
Huether of Ha
the Ebensburg
3st, last, by ti
} Miss Edith
and Mervill I
Friday and Saturday. Clara Bow
MONDAY. Matinee and Night
of Mr. and WN
au a.
i E united in mai
4 Secretary of the U. S. Treasury. banking institutions; it adds to the = In the: Metho
§ a : EE i material prosperity of our state, but | E | Patton by, die
¥ It 1S private initiative which 1s above all, it is the expression of al s — Le
% chiefly responsible... for.. Ameri- service which will react favorably upon | = Benedict died
E ca’s rapid growth in wealth. the character of those interested.” = Spangler on &
{ Whether we shall continue to ete se 2 iis i] le
2 grow and expand depends upon BANKERS HELP out 2 She
: whether we pursue an intelli- = Hs AD
§ gent and constructive or a hos- it Higa
¥ tile and destructive policy to- , The Oklahoma Bankers Association Mes, Mary B
i ward those forces which have for the past twelve years has financed i oo
owns ear
through its five groups ten scholar
. bred Jersey bulls whose dams had a
Penn Central Light & Power Co.| xo, ovr 0 somnas bien
and will be paid for out of service |
§ brought about our present de- ships in the A. & M. College at Still dead at her h
Z To » . : 1 oon. The lifel
{ velopment. water. The winners are chosen by a the on b)
| the Extension Department of the col. | / = turn from em
ow Fifty years azo there was no anl plan, and reap a just reward lege on the merits of the club work = Mines at Nant
% Slectric light A Dower in Sites ox Sie: Suserpriss. his invented, done by tke boys and girls over a cer | = Cig Bs
* I er seno P! Pe ‘riecte { ‘ed our elec- 2. dead. el &
niences, modern labor-saving and tric tools of home and industry. Ria period of time. The groups of = ure.
safety devices were then un- Individual initiative has furn- A350C ation finance the first year C The funeral sel
known. Labor worked from twelve ishhed the leadership, courage and of the winner's college work. = day afternoon
to sixteen hours at wages aver- skill which have given us an elec- - was in the Pine
BEE Joes Jian one gala 3 rical service able to meet the de- " The president of a national bank in = town. Mrs Bro
dhe J Pms. o e were S P mand of more than a million new ayettesville, Arkans 8 ad- = Some Lume age
in Those nse bat they hela Jar customers each year. The effi- ited with doing eens haem crey Es Soyered. Bhs.
ess. ol materia | salkistaetion Jor ciency of the companies’ manage- : = and.
the average man. ment and their ability to earn a op hus Seation than any other one man E Tet=
Large scale production at low reasonable return on an invest- work has consisted of introducing = NICH
cost and the high earning capacity ment of more than eight billions pure bred Holstein cattle into his coun- = Ti 7
of Workery, are the Jasie factors id dgliars five been Se in ot ty, helping employ a county agent, do- E ators y
in America’s present high stand- e financial suppor he public natin ’ — ’ oa ath
ard of living 3ut only through has given them, and are essential | Bois Drieas lo boss and girls in club = morning at 9:1
the elcetrification of industry for their continued growth, | ’ uting better seed. = of disen He
have these factors become so ef- There has never been any = residents of (
fective, Without electric light and granting of special Protege. 20 Here are some of the things accom. = there or ne
automatically controlled motor exploitation in the natural grow- plished in Randolph County, Ark., = Wain bh i»
Dawes and Slectrie Beat, the on th of the electric light and pow- with the help of bankers last year: ¢ = a ac Te
trie miracles o oday would % 5 " ag i ro re o . oN y . . . . ; . : — 03 ang
air - rompaniss, Jogased ih srovit- foryy-tutee purebred gilts were bought WHAT IS CHANG? Is your lot in life hard? See EVELYN BRENT ~ LARRY SEMON ~ ( GQuramount Qicture E The deceased
Yet light, heat and power are in played a vital part in the progress a reasonable price and placed with that of the Jungle native and what a struggle he must A HECTOR TURNBULL PRODUCTION OAs Jan
boys and girls, o tes: 4 : . = following childr
themselves no explanation, Back of American prosperity, individ- » On notes; three thou- put up just to live. Did you ever see a full-grown wild Ee Aspinwall : Mrs
of the electrification of American ual initiative alone has been and sand eggs from high producing hens : v aoe ‘ht alive in ¢ trap? Y vill s it i this pic- ho = Pr ii a Yor
industry is the impulse which has must always be the moving force were distributed with the idea of de- | tiger caug alive in a Tap. ou y uy Seen in IS pic N actual story of the UNDERWORLD Written espe- Wl: ans ho
made all America great. Individ- back ‘of our electrical develop- veloping flocks of at least one hun- | ture. And could you possibly magine but that ial for th Vi S and nh d or at
ual initiative left free to work ment. dred bh 5 5 : that “chane” is cially for the screen by Ben Hecht, a reporter who has and one grea
ens on every farm; four pure- | would be telling what “chang” is. . th that h filmed! : The funeral
| seen thescenes that have filmed! A tale of modern gang- Tuesday morni
Xavier's churct
was made in S
ster feuds—of No Man’s Land in a twentieth century
Admissino Matinee 10 - 15 - 35¢ Evening 15 - 35¢. metropolis! That—and much more!
Im |. ee .
Es a pata Shia