The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 19, 1928, Image 4

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P C y breeding seasons of 1925, 1926 [creased costs makes for a sound- [real seat of our government]9000 1NsuRED 18 INDUSTRIES Frvfeesfesionianiosdonianlsiosfooisofrofrefesfredenfuniocfuecfeefeateafuciuiuind ded einieitshelnlufudiinindniod STUDENT
atton ourier and 1927 doubtless destoryed [er condition for the ensuing|ought to-be Geneva instead of ARE FITTED FOR JOBS PICK F
Published Every Chursday. many eggs and young. year.” Washington. Names of more than 9,000 permanent- \
ly ‘disbled persons, reported form all sec- Contest in C4
Part of P
0 - ——==| Grouse, Sutton said, are hold- t's a good idea still to stay |, ys TR } d
ENS, Bditor & Proprictor.| MON! DUWHOT Pena lve ha “lone?” side so far as vour | SOME HEEDS TO OBSERVE I Dsyliunts, are in the records B : kk Peauiy + 0
————————— & » va C 1 ¢ i SIL N « ao | \ » ~~ ct m 0 t ) cal 0 rehabilitation, createc
| IF YOU DESIRE HEALTH Within the Department of Labor dnd Tr uic
Entered im the Post ott eo at Patton, Fa. today because the follow ing for- Unele Samuel is concerned.
as Second Class Ma Matter, 3
dustry for the purpose of aiding persons Co-operatin
by the Alto
1 . [
og he he S re their ita !
—--| ces help them solve their vital —- Lor. Theodore B. Appel, of the Depart- | With physical disabilities to enter suit.
stdte flower
1 } ITN J ER { :
Subscription Rates $2.00 per your in Ad- problems: The power of the !REUNION OF BLUE ment of Health Gives Some Advice able employment Cc x ®
Well Worth Readine, I'he trainin of younger persons se- ui UXu the only sta
— verely handicapped pl ally, has pr ited not have an o
vance. Single Copies 5 Cents. . . 5 ; 1 tl ANI ( R \Y
ARS - - [Game Commission to close thei; ) GRA
RATE CARD—Legal Notic 50 per | of Vartof the State tod hh : ; 4 physi
inch, or fraction thereof, for wsertions | otate or part of the State to hun A plan for a joint reunion of “Everyone ‘has recently éxpericnced }Eressed, under the Minors ot a ro: HOE JiAve An) «
Card of Thanks, boc; Business Locals o. and to reoulate the dailv L 1 ord 3 Aon £ leasant sensation of giving and re- | Feu to the extent that a number are pur- contest amon
per line; Business Cards » $10.00 per year, fins Ans Tog ot } oon the sur Vivo oi the soldiers orf. ving gifts.” said Dr. Theodore B. Ap- | Suing professional courses in medicine, school studen
Display advertising 30c per inch; 1 and seasonal limits; t 1e game the Civil Ww ar at W ashington pel, Secretary of Health, today. sed | 14W, commerce and finance, © dentistry. uick er 0 will be invite
position, 35 not. eSira; Minimum of refuge m which gives gro- Y t year is proposed in a bill | upon the spirits of kindness’ the gift chemistry, pharmacy and engineering in think will be
y sanctuaries where tl War . oY TF en S¢ for ‘aly 1 raises humanity from | higher educational institutions of’ the in an essay o
use sanctuaries v.1€ He ie in the House by Re- the level of ordinary daily life Comm onwealth Among the. institutions, the reasons f
fed, and where their n: atur: ul ene- plans for sta
Cash must mpany all ord
ves | ar Howard of “While these things are as tley should ¢ ay d young persons have been - ; :
‘ollec - [2 5 : . " oe ere ren ns g v a ihe by the bureau, are: Pennsylvania scale were fo
ontrolled: the exten Yin hil) ravi Aaa be, there yet remains one step which is 1 : ) : 1 ;
; ! I'he bill proviaes for so frequently overlooked, and which “is | State lege, 1 ty of Pennsylvania i Ly week,
mmission to be in| sufficiently im; int as to justify dis- University of 1 g, ickinson Law y 23 student:
| chial junior a
has pro-
must reach this office by noon W edn
to insure insertion. Unsigned correspon-
dence will be ignored at all times.
sive winter feeding program car-
CIVIL AND MORAL LAW by the game protectors, ¢ cussion at this time, Charity Begins at Shoal, Latfayetts eso; 1 nigh Univer o
y : ET. TO "Tare 1 ‘ - » wome and so oO kindness ; g | sity, uquesne niversity, Villanova Col- le county ar
Down in Virgina there is an couts, sportmen’s clubs It is a proposal that must/|knan. a chi nig If Any Rs lege, Temple University "Phildelphia Col. 3 Petition, One
aristocratic and more or less bi- the introduct 07 {earsy 8 wide apnerl, Thin will | eeatis 3 loge of Pharmacy, State Teachers’ Col. —and you ¢an have your choice of three popular es
x . wp livino iS “lhe x tah ly 2 YM Hi Vie h y “Civing six hours op. 1 > €8e and many commercial, trade and «8 Co nia and not du
bulous old pire: living on his phesants which Ihe nearly the last oppertunity |S. are required, eating. Jouoe JOCCUDRHoRAT schools, Unde an Buick models —a Coupe, four-passenger Sport nfs snd not
ample acres W 10, thought Jo es part of the burden which for such a 1 ion. The com-]the necessary i of food thre to the young disabled per- 3 S d P h b ward their ch
hates prohibition, says he will would be borne by 2rouse alone i ions reports |!mes a day, breathing impoverished air cation enablesf them to Roadster or a big, roomy Sedan. Purchase can be thereon to Le
i i & NISS10 3 3 nsi1 1 I'ep ' ) Sag Yity He
1 neil during 1 work period and Some- o5 courses, many others of City all,
u the work period anc me-tim RE Gl hii ma de on the G. M. A.C. plan if desired. Lions Club.
wer take ¢ ‘ink merican . sid hor lavas onmo hiv .
never take a drink on American were not other large game birds are only 84,000 Surviving | ali night long, taking exercise by the
First prize
soil so long as the law obtains. present: the intellige nt control 1 Pyrola r +hapra | automobile meth and induging in an including preparation for oc-
et = : Probably there excess of stin --these are the things | €uPations as shoe repairing, automobile SEDANS $1195 to $1995 ’ COUPES $1195 to $1850 | third awards |
1 similar activities, The SPORT MODELS $1195 to $1525 will be given
antly active in endea- All prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich., government tax to be added. judges will be
But twice a year with due regul- | of predatory mammals and birds | ape fowar «i ! Battery an
arity he spends a month at a and the sportmanlike attitude of . oy 3 Fifty thousand of the | pressing 2 and charity and kind-
time in his cups up in good old the average Pennsvlvania hunter Union ot : tv rs Sve ‘Re apacita- jess for o . do not consider it necess- : ED Y Sq ig employment for The G.M ALC. finance plan, the most desirable, is available. NS the sus
Quebec, who Says, “Twill not ll a rouse | oa and 1 1s tous Sh | in By then St mate | bid rion Sb SUR a i a
Leaving prohibition out of if T see they are getting sear haps only 10.000 men from both | Pay: but one cannot be too a re required to find suitable re- Ly : CK in a state wi
consideration, statutory law may If we are to keep this splendid > : Z = personal h ath is concerned. Selfishness m ! rative em yment. as soon as pos- ge
3 11'vViving Confede rate | that indice any people while ex-
armies would be able to be pre-|in such a nothing more than
It is expect
regulate human conduct, but it came bird we must keen a suf-| gant duty--a duty owed to oneself, one’s fam- registrants with the
seldom if ever changes human finan eedino stock ane is Ness : : 4 1 tl : ition are persons per- invitation will
ar aoter. Te ak 0 ol ynmn fel nt bree ding stock, and thi This is a united nation. Could Fier hat the Clhiiet Ire er a for a
character. axes a higher law will require alert, intelligent there be a more touching way of ast. it is still time 1 Commonwealth, The the state. Fro
: a : idea of gving ide sary artificial . various distri
> mittee will mal
to do that. There are three handling of a difficult problem, dramatizing the fadine of the
arts » Mosaic law, one for o ofhnoloois tis gifts to yourself nd dy
parts to the Mosaic law, one fi the ethnologist added. old ar fooling th 1an by a re- | healthier and ha
Ei a Ss whe n i PATTON, PA. the Lions club
first prize of
that will mean longer,
life In case you
the state, one for the individual ee union of the men who opposed | eed. become a sor vhat belated Santa financially to provide | Stands hla rst
or home and one for WOr ship. GOOD PROSP EC TS : Be 5 > : 4 4 : ie 1d? Pe : ( z and make Yoursar the object of ; Jor Hhemsalyaes re Sevieriecfastastastes TE OT SS leefedasteedenteatestastestuntentuslentoctosfoelaeleelanloc osaelocfonloeaele: AS —
m eac! the 1 le Iie 4 1'€ | his generosity months € os "Ee g
They have never ben Neca, The year 1928 seems to be eucht to be at Teast one such Rr he gifts’ which vor should are in session, the bures
\ y y | gtartine off with o . ote (OUSht € at leas ne s )estow upon yourself, if you have not | financially aids a mo roximate
geable. One won't work for the Sivtingloff with good prospeets. |, oe fore We a vive rs TE] Create damnn, fd Which wilt ori | Seventr tive. disably oor Dprasimtoly Tn
other. We sometimes try to|Secretary of Commerce Hoover, he : : TS or a | trninite atten Cf Sart types. Ir ¥ &
make ourselves think it will, but whose duty it is to keep his fin-{=" =. ee an welfare : : op J EDWARD STEVENS 5
we find out better. ger on the business pluse of the TEACHING HISTORY 1 Yen of Zrash ai Say 2nd nit, POLITICAL. ANNOUNCEMENT 3 . 1% &
It might be well for the old|country, and who usually does| Ea 3 but not too much nor too] T% the Voters in the Second District: > +
planter to forsake his liquor, bat 0 d jo b of it decl wes that I'he American Historical As- little PHL Bor De ua mn In announcing my candidacy for the + FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER +
C Sai S 11( ( Jut | d 00( Oo 0-1 Cle 2S 1¢ . . little, nub i ti for > na r 3
s : te S ’ ; sociati ems yo noitota “4, «Keep the alimentary syste em tion for Representa-| ; ARROLLTOWN, PENNA %
nothing in the civil law has all signs for the coming year Socio oon be agitated | “4. Bin mentary mmem a | Assembly, 1 do so % Phone Office and Residence CARE +
made him think so. All that civil | good. Among other things Mr. { i the fear thai American his-[*%2" 00 sit ana walk erent, he iendia Spo : Hii "
» 3 ries nay Jecome atl iC “0, S 1less your physi- orme ol algns, 3 i
law can do it has done for hi | Hoover declared : ¥ I e may | Tolo > patriotic a us: unl your phy received approving my EH REE nn nnn PRE
enforced his obedience, which is| “There is an ample supply of | +‘ il not follow the truth. }cn in the use of represent my con- a = —
and tobacco.
with communica-
a good deal more than it has done | credits at low rates: the some- A reslutio mn 280, opted at a recent fn
. ba . . 2 : etine \ 23
for some. The changing of what larger stocks of goods Was WH of t xe association inf
. . i ? | . : y 1 atter de a y 3 s
changing of charcter is the fun-|which were accumlafed dur ing yasn geen , alter denouncing i | Sogn every aignt, my efforts to further |@@ .
py ss 4 % sf » action Of "WSDE 21'S £ i “10. Cultiv > a happy frame of mind. | } ; rr . 5
ction of the higher law. It is the summer are being reduced; patriotic ne in ou Malte this & eee il a of find. tne bes 07 County and State Electricit !
just as futile to try to substi- [there is no consequential specla- er cortain ss. IE CONOEMN: | £h binde of gifts indeed! For long en, wn ’
tute civil for moral law as it|tion in commodities; the crops Toate text books as pats ong NenMhy dfe takes them ont iui SEE
would be to pretend that moral [have been abundant; wages are | ¢ holds that “criticism AL — CHARTER NOTICE K ; M 1 Ci ili : G no’
law alone could met the demands |at a high level; we are recover- tory books should therefore be PLANNING NOW | FOR - In the Court of Common I of Cam- eeps odern vl 1zation omg
. : : . based not on ds )
of the civil. | ing from some partial unemploy- | 225¢d lot on grounds of patriot THE SPRING PRIMARY
> ism ‘but only “on faithfulness of
ordisl cenressions of
reneral election
nt you, I pro-
bria County, Pennsylvania, No
Term, 1928,
is’ hereby given that an appli-
Says Ernest Greenwood in
ve SE ment, especially in the automo- Lo a etilitee : Natice 1 : 1
SEEK HUNTERS’ AID bile industry. There is peace in |L2¢t as determined by specialists Beate Plectons ure a es mc rade fa fhe Juozhs oF the his new book, ‘Aladdin, U. S. A.’
teports from Michigan, Min-|most sections of the labor world | “14 thas attempt to foster na- Ton Siero Petitions 1a 30, A995, aL 10 Gcion A ME he ar ree —
nesota, Ontario, New York and | except bituminous coal: there is | 00a Arregance and boastful- Re Tid nisms] aon, Th, A, Bender, 2 i pouens fo If it were possible to visualize
New England concerning the | more peace in the international |"¢SS and indiscriminate worship Tat a Oe Ta Tred J. ees, Ree as our complex daily life to today
great scarcity of grouse cause |world than at any time Sree the of national heroes can ORY lead |For rior voto ad mo eons Russell Hipps, W. _ civs, Dr. a suddenly set down in the midst
Pennsylvania to marvel that dur- war; the foreign world is recoy- | ° promote a harmful pseudo- fifeady, Sunoush clveulation of sus? pth | Arhie er the Sais Sa Lawrences of conditions as they were a
the last ten hunting seasons for | ering its economic strength and by Rogan. ] os Me ne ih General Assembly of the Commonwealth hundred or even fifty years ago, )
grouse in this State an average |buying power; therefore, our Phe great majority OF our pens re orouusd "AR Act to pro totally ~ lacking in modern re- |
of 365,000 birds have ben taken | foreign trade is steadily increa- |PL¢ lOWever are still of the opin- presentatives. i ‘orporations, abproved Ani sources which keep things mov-
each year, George M. Sutton, |sing. ion that patriotism should at 100 qualified cleétors in a the supplements thereto, for ing, we could, perhaps, get some
State ethnologist, said recently.| After pointing out that the leas Je consider ed 1m Lhe writ. a yf ao Corporation jes of the confusion’ and even
Sportmen have wondered par- |average price of non-agricultur- ing Bf our devs books. Facts we Pennsylvania, si which would be the in
ticularly at the 1927 season’s|al goods has fallen in the past Ha: Yo ave, of course, and Ji ited Seen * patriotiam > evitable result if our _ electic
kill, which nurmibered 335,664, | twelve months while the pri ih y al cts it will make little ; oa light and power industry should
lierence, whether they are giv- te-wide offices rd We ir dur- cease to funetion.
for it was believed that our of agricultural products have |, ; inl:
TATE wera revit he | risen Mr. Hoover declares the |E€D 10 us by specialists or not.
grouse were rapidly on the de-|risen Mr. Hoover declares thelr... 2, to i ; .
£ : but the trouble with some his-
n ¢ of time that began April "
6, 1017. A.D nd led November 11, ELECTRICITY, firist a curiosity, ing an abundant supply alwaly
ready at the lowest possible cost,
ballot for Dele-
mal Conventions
rege 1S a1 adiace { “manufa ture and distribution ] 100 qualified c- | 191 D., | dates inclusive, and to then a novelty, then a luxury, has
Crease, first, because Bac ns} 1 5 Tin ne a a a In out] > {toric specialists at this time is least five counties are | maintain a cl 1d to acquire such pro- now come to play so vital a part To plan ahead, to keep eternally
regions have been so infested |have by savings and diminshed that thot : ® perty, both real and personal, as may be ! 3 Lan on the watch for better methods
with grouse diease which seems |profits accommodated themsel- | at they are not so much inter- rtures of 200 qualified electors in | nc ro mn of the wel very Irocess of manufaotung, and new economies, requires a
| EA ested 1n +1 1 | ‘ I 'Q ante } iric kyip . oa far s Pr thas selling, portation, communjca of anageme ¢ y
5 *} rr o : roe " . . SLed 1 LS unless these facts ed ri ire reguired to place a candi \ and for these E £ » Ln management not unknown to
not to have pervaded Pennsylva-} ves to this system of decreasing an be twisted oe ’s ‘mame on the ballot for Romina. Tt 20d enloy tion and our ordinary daily living, American business men. But it
nia, second, because the terrific |profits without reduction in the to din bes Shea in such 5 w 5 48 I tion for Congress, State Senator or Dis ment . of the Shab interviniion tu His ; ielont gen- reauires one condition without
v7 > iy ed { ill tiie prestioe 1€ - ct Del te Socis % re i strib on would par ich it eg pither f ti
invasion of goshawks during the |level of wages and therefore in dors of the countr of § LAS TOUR: | trict I mdred stgnatiives. in "the. district 2 In alyze the mation. CEA Te th Treo oy ur
winter of 1926-27 probably took | the national buying power,” and th Tu hin on y and promote in ~®Hich bs affics for Remi No Rleoprie tiht and power compa individual to plan, te excute _ his
1e wors 0 n 1a rotl roa cand e f ted ie nore th rrely ans ¢ 3 Sh n i
a toll 100,000 grouse in this State | adds them at ‘the ereat extent to rat] Ors B 2 i tern tonsil) or the | House or andidate | nites Dies: dio Such ming | Rarely inns and to prosper as he wins
. rating than Americanisn he lection to a State ommittee of a politi- ) eges of t ay demands success,
and, third, because the three !| which industry has accommod- | +. | : ial; iS & an ! h ] hy tl party ’ jts' supple- customers. Otherwise, the With nublic regulation of its rates
. : . - vic specialists an O 40 18 to iy Le re price of electrical service would not it srvice i i ps arning he
miserably co mp, and » |ated itself to lower prices by de- - - 3 S i I its services and its earnings, the
is 2 cold, dam; and late ! er soy de- prove I super-smartness and |GREEVY IS HELD on file in hv steadily declined Jie oiier electric light and power industry
t] v he the nocd ot = x 05 or - costs Wore going up. 1¢ modern thus far has been able to hold the
A to do-thi a the asin! way FOR MANSLAUGHTER Solicitor, electri utility is Te on plans made individual type of management
SesleriorforloslualeciesloniantosloctostntoslostonlonienlosTortslertent eegeriesiocenfonienienls JeeieeieeientesTaeivele oefesesle 8 ( his S to re-write 1e ear- nsbhur Pa Years in advance le entire stru- within it anks. The conti i @
3 : did £ ly hi stol y of Am ric i : °h | Gallitzin Man, Truck Driver, Is Given A : cure of America’s unparalleled of this ay of Ea Anh
3 we 14] america 1 such $ Aly : T 48 £ i a . electrical development has its origin itiative % re > < Sh y
oo oo as to she hat wo world Hearing in Altoona Recently, and ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i : : : g tiative wll assure the mantenance
o< 5 as to snow that w c would Released on Bail. Ln } : Pe iit dais in the stimulation given to the nomy and efficiency in public
+ 2 ( V : much better of if we 2 2 poanke Sainn, ate greater use of electricity by have i
. gWere adjunts of some European |. Addarin HC No ‘eby given that Letters
Elavistocracy rather than Amer | ER ook rnd Penn. Central Light & Power Co. T
x cans Gallitzin as held for the Blair county - n ort ho fe
Inte Ine whic nlism and anti-pa- gouNE to answer 28. Ipvoran) charg of ‘equested to make pay- WHY 2777277727 2
i th so-called ini : I r that struck and fatally a vill make
| Lh sO-called 1nt entsia. They 1 kn y ut de lay to
1a. They! sam: J. Irvin of Red Hill
oe ep Dee o > Reuel Somerville. Administrator, 2
t of vecembper 29 vv 7
slat Patton, Pa. 7 2
hours later in
can se nothing
ood in-American |B
or American instity- |
SeeTeoteeteetoctectectoatect fo B28
PR oD PRP Pp Poli
oode ole edeele tested
tions ma 1 ital. Greevy was released 4 ©
po, f ] at the next & od
. 4%] Of course f B ea x
: | terir national n gre. 7 711) NY IN x: og
3 & Lele ul ari Neg! |) Al 4 : BY
3 las stfulness | A 1¢ 1 1 supplied the tes { Parnell, Ln Ai > REE, oo The
* founders of the Renublie “ imon Tt en collaborated in the | ‘1 ee a. . & -
“ x bu es Th wot hs Dablic 4 IS pure | stor : y drove toward the| JUN[1i) (1 U] \ \| JUNG 7 oP *
C by nx. He greater danger in x R oming toward Al- NT Nd | Ne oe 5 &
: %|America is that we will lose sight | (ona. : wait E 0 : SEO. KE. PRINDIBLY. ............c.ccoos PRESIDENT + The
; %|of the fundamental | principles of ter 1 a 3 LESTER LARIMER, «.V. PRES o
3 41 the republic and forget great [tru 9 JAMES WESTRICK .............. VICE PRESIDENT 3 Th
oo | S¢ 1 wl r AS I i + EX ¥
¥ Tlto | Lo LY [they heard a REVUE] SOMMERVI LE + DR. P. J. KELLY cor VICE PRESIDENT % h
3 fl ring the into b er, said to 1 i i ; oe
< oo . 1 - MYRON B. LARIMER _ y 2 oe
i % ; I the Ame 1erican storical |™ ® BIMER CASHIER oh
Z|o0ciety is really worried Jes Yee 5 op The
+ 5 ] reall) _W ie est ATT EY-AT- J 5 J
= C NT IB TIN T ¥ real American hist tory will not ATTORNEY-AT-LAW o +
* oO R U G 0 A + be taught to Ameren children no rps 5 THE %
3 T WN'’S R T Zit oug ht turn its a tte ntion from Office in the Good Building. ‘ I The
<5 oo the Y; yg .“ Ale xande r of the State High- be oe
¥ og 0 o-] & \ Trotie | or 10 ! eq e testifiec e £ 3
oi The courageous merchant or manufacturer who builds up a big og y f : hairec and ne urotic man: i a 0 Wi a he - ote .
T business in any community contributes to that community more than & (Professors who are trying to dels ee 12 2 a the )s ] a in + Sr oo Lig
5 he ever persomally takes out. The bigger the business or the findus- o- prove th it ere is all 2 mis- ve 2 in, Lhe eciden 4 P A T T 0 N ’ P A . 5
oo trial units, the bigger the town or city, and citizens should never ko take and th: +1 . 2 ! oD DAVID 1 iL PRI NG : vr oo 5
oe fail to show dppreciation for increased values all down the line. & dio hi thi atl he only way this D PT. Pri ir a 6 ‘5 sive of oo 5 Uti
+ Back of all business activ 8 is the service rendered by banks ogo mistake can be pe 5 ifie od is tol c Ne Bo : es it r f is a preser iption f r T oe
2 and financial institutions. Thisbank has always taken a keen de- “|erawl] 1 ack : : hy y : goer 9 pi SCI 0 -" ot
oo 1. on » ys tak + awl b under the E ure yi I-known dairyman, died from 5 4 PCT. PA J
oo light in contributing in its small way to the upbuilding of Patton. *¥ . ropean id at 10 0! ct Bund y a Yd oo . ID ON SAVINGS DEPOSI 2
a It stands ready and willing at all times fo lend its facilities to any of tent afte I' first le ‘av i1 10 all of our oy 2 2 Pr Ins k an ay nig hy Colds, Gr ippe, Flu, Dengue, 34 - TS *¥
oo worthy enterprise which ultimately is for a bigger Patton. & money in tl ] y na 0 : on iS : i Bili 3 aver alar: ote \ v
x AT are ich ultimately Is fo fg he 17, 1870, a son of the late Ja ious Fever and Malaria. i 3 PCT. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 3
I Sledestatid I : plates has pro- 4. by ns widow It kills ’ I +
3 Geefesferfeefecfecfecfoccfesfertocfeeloctoclocts te feegeefactaeeelasesfocteiteslote ” gressed be vond all prece de nt i 2 y his widow; S the germs. * +
y 3 ithe l t centur Oot +
3 S y and «aus 1 verte I o&
i THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 has be ‘come a great a 5 io y 1 ! Ne a +
& 5 y ana power- and four o& +
+ 3 ful n: 11 ion of progressive and i Irwin ; ‘William LIME-MARL 5 T. M. SHEEHAN P. C. STRITTMATTER -
s x T é ] q ; : oo
% PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA % [peace loving pe ople And durine iss Joseph 1 ringle. ¢ ons A Precipitated 1 Bri 3 JAMES WESTRICK DR. P. J. KELLY 3
3 Ti a: , Z lal : : 5 rdan Pringle, Cochrans-[ / ‘ecipitated Lime. Brings og &
i G. E. Prindible, Pres. F. E. Farabaugh, V. Pres + 5 the i these se people have ounty. Mr. Pringle served quick, sure, full vesult Hieh od L. J. NooN B. J. OVERBERGER =
oo . » & | Den taugehn to ‘ashino 5 as school director of Croyte Cy 8 3 yes Ss. oe x
i F. L. Brown, Cashier teuel Somerville. V. Pres 3 Washington and | foyer hip. ANEIVSIS. aeaallos ORAL g BARTH YOUNG LESTER LARIMER 3
% % | Adams and Jefferson and Mar | aut soréhoas were wondiren’ ae |2D0LYSIS, | exec llent condition. + -
5 Total Resources $2,000,000.00 4 | shall were } Je minded patriotic |2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the re- | MOSt satisfactory agricultural 2 G. E. PRINDIBLE B. BLANKFELD 3
x Capital Paid U 100 pe I€ [sidence, in charge of the Rev. Dr. Res-|lime you can use, I ) EX 5
3 apital Fai Poi $100,000.00 men. It is doubtful whethey at [sler of the Wilmore U. B. church. Tu B in use. Low in price. o
3 To 1s er of the more , ( 1 : : : : : 3 +
& Surplus Earned reser ———ara saa $100,000.00 o- th 18 late date the countr 'y can be | terment was in the ng Hill cemetery ’¢ fore buyi ng lime, wr ite us for 3 3
I A BOLL OF HONOR BANK %| greatly improved by tryine to toe eerste prices and full inform: ition. ® AHI nnn +
& NK a : John ra, aged 53 residing near > & x
T 4 [teach ourselves th: at these men! Portage, last Thursday evening at N ATU R AL L IME MAR C 0., og
oF TI we re false alarms, that the real the Ni rey ha pital, Johnstown, hers he R OANKE, VIR GIN A. < ~ xT
: f had been admitted a day previous. He is Plant t Cl les T W, V + &
Seofasferierieiasfectactectotastecteates oJefoslentorfantantestostestaatostntostestosteostontuedesfantor efosfenesfentenfeetondestestantes oi seats of cultur e are L ondon, survived by a widow in Germany, and a ( ants a laries own, day >
AEE ann TTT Paris and Berlin and that the son, John Fidora, of Pittsburgh. on B & O RR) i