his enlightened age )aby something she perfectly harmless, few drops of plain t a baby’s stomach y little ill. Fretful- 0; it seems no time 3 serene. ty of Castoria; its seems just what is all that castor oil without shock to out the evil taste. ing purely vegeta- ve it as often as colic; constipation} to aid sound, nav- ing: it is genuine ia that physicians r preparations may n all doubtful drugs, is writer's is going sides, the book on f babies that comes storia is worth its 1 Cry for rted Hoot Gibson, the western + hie horsemanship, Is know him equally ace driver. Indeed, nomenal success in t Hoot from going the auto race game. cation,” Hoot spent fortune teller who, her reading, pulled “Let me warn you; to cross your path.” k you'd better warn " asked Hoot anx- ly Got Home a homing pigeon, Maderos of Marti- osed in Nevada for ez, four years ago. passed and the bird Maderos gave the robaibly the prey of ». But the bird has red and apparently , and has refused to an who must be un- appear happy. avy Burdens Kidneys. ctra burdens on our en the kidneys slow »main in the bl nake one tired and ches, dizziness and ckache. A common or burning secretions. timulant diuretic, in+ rion of the kidneys limination of waste endorsed by users ¢ your neighbor! 'Q PILLS | 60c¢ URETIC +#% KIDNEYS . Mfg Chem. Buffalo, NY. A pleasant, effective 60c sizes. And ex- ISO’S Throat and Salve, 35¢. OMAN. BALSAM ptic omntment. 1on heals sore d eyes by pene- e tissue — 2 Pearl St., N. X. City. or a SRR TRE By F. O. Alexander THE PATTON COURIER The Unpardonable Offense FINNEY OF THE FORCE AN WHY SHLD Tum ColLLIDGE KIDS BE A-JUMPIN ON YE2Z LOIKE THAT, SARGINT! js FAITH - WEZ SHUD HUY SINT IW A RIOT CALL" WE'D HOV JUGGED THE HOL CABOODLE [S02 / AR SORE IT WAS [ME OWN FAULT (NTOIRELY Ol DID SOMEMIN VERY TERRIBLE AN' OFFINDED EM BAYOND / THEIR SILF-CONTRoOL# / ~. i Se Frappe? tl 4 \ ~ Of DIDNT TR | THINK AV \T BEI wd] SO AURUL AT THE bb wy TOME, BUT THIS MARNIN, | /EGORRY Ol PUT ON / FRESH SOCKS» / 4 vy. AN THEY HAD THE COLORS AV A ROIVAL COLLIDGE ) IN EM / — 4 BG : Ba ho ) 2% 1 Ch » = y c | 4 —_— = oT oH- 1 see |- You LIP THE COUPON —= I BLY 1 STUDY NIGHT AND DAY FOR TWO WEARS AND WE SPLIT SUCCESS FIFTY FIETY/. ISNT THAT SWELL ou-spienpip THEA You CAN USE THE COURSE, TOO T WAS REALLY GETTING 1T JUST To FILL OP A SHELF ON THAT | rr emeee——————————————— WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Mrs. Annie Kwinski of 526 1st Ave nue, Milwaukee, Wis., writes that she - | became 80 weak and run-down that she was not able to do her housework, She saw the name Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound in the paper and said to her husband, “I will try that medi- cine and see if it will help me.” She says she took six bottles and is feel- | ing much better, | _ Mrs. Mattie Adams, who lives in | Downing Street, Brewton, Ala., writes | as follows: “A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound and since taking it I feel like a different woman.” With her children grown up, the mid- dle-aged woman finds time to do the things she never had time to do before —read the new books, see the new plays, enjoy her grand-children, take an active part in church and civic affairs. Far from being pushed aside by the younger set, she finds a full, rich life of her own. That is, if her health is good. Thousands of women past fifty, say they owe their vigor and health to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, and are recommending it to their friends and neighbors. Preferred to Wait Porter (on air pullman in 1950)— Let me brush you off, sah. Passenger (with a glance below)— No you don’t, It's an eighth of a mile down if it’s an inch. i ————— That thes opium habit in Egypt 13 less than the use of alcohol was the | declaration recently of an Egyptian | medical official. WELL TO BEGIN WITH, AN ORDER OF B RK WITH PLENTY OF ot | WAGES AND THEN A BIO O% | OF BUSINESS AND FOR AVEGETARLE BUMPER CROP" A LA (O-OPERATIVE MARKETING AND FOR DESSERT ILL HAVE THRIFT ILL HAVE A a (Copyright, W.N. U.) WITH Wl \ ERR (Copyright, W.N. U.) PROSPERITY J HE SWORE OFF SMOKING, AND NOW HES TRYIN HARD TO CATCH up! — THAD ALL By Charles Sughroe © Wester Newspaper Union THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Zz {\r's QUITTING TIME, IR _—} ABOUT DRIVING OVER YO 72 FREEPORT FOR A LIL SUPPER z AND A MOVIE AFTERWARD To (Gnic elup ’ THATS SweeT| \ N\ OF YOU, RED = 2 / ¥ WOTs ‘RONG ERE? TOWA THAT YOu HAD TO WIRE YOUR. { DAD FOR MONEY YO COME HOME \ ON = DIDJA * WHY -ER- [ [is rar sos i [ RED TS ALL OVER | WIRE = YOU MIGHT KNOW THAT IN A SMALL TOWN LIKE “THIS EVERYBODN WOULD FIND Iv OuT= IF YOU WERE BROKE, YOU SHOULD, MONEM TO SEND A LETTER, WHEREAS YOU CAN SEHD I= ~N ) wr N Clancy Kids . ) Warm Bs 01 One of Those a" er L.CROSB by ths McClure Newspaper Syndicate 1a WV cee! NEVER SAW SUCH A CRACKAS HE GIVE YOU - AND TO THINK (T WAS JusT THE DAY | GO AN’ LEAVE OFF ME UNDERWEAR. Have Kidneys Examined By | Your Doctor Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if] Back Pains You or Bladder | Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, says a noted au- thority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be- come sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the | kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times | during the night. | To help neutralize these irritating acids, to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body’s urinous waste, | get four ounces of Jad Salts from any | pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days, and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and | lemon juice, combined with lithia, and | has been used for years to help flush | and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness, Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in- | jure and makes a delightful efferves- | cent lithia-water drink. | "IF MOTHERS ONLY KNEW | During these days how many children | are complaining of Headache, Fever- { ishness, Stomach Troubles and Irregu- i lar Bowels and take cold easily. If mothers only knew what Mother Gray's Sweet Powders would do for their children, no family would ever be without them for use when needed. These powders are so easy and pleas- ant to take and so effective in their action that mothers who once use them gladly tell others about them. Save yourself a night of worry, by | getting a package at your druggist today. Trial Package sent FREE. Address Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N.Y. Porters Pain Kin ALiniment For fifty years your neighbors have relied on this remedy of pure and wholesome herbs. Yet, even now, some do not know that quickly checking colds, re- lieving aches and pains, fil healing cuts and burns, are but a few of its many uses. Read the directions with every bottle. USE IT TODAY KE i ' Coughs and Colds are not only annoying, but dangerous If not attended to at once they may develop into serious ailment. 'Boschee’s Syrup | is soothing and healing in such cases and has been used for sixty-one years. 30c and 90c bottles, Buy it at your drug | store. G. G. Green, Inc, Woodbury, ¥