AL “OAK floors e not expensive emeat, yet cost no more than eringse Add permanent value “WouLp You RATHER GE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT2* CWAW, \ WOULD MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL THE PATTON COURIER By Charles Sughroe © Wester Newspaper Union Poetry of the Game A PIECE OF POETRY | ONCE READ, ITGUESS IT WAS OLD "OMAR", SAID "THE MOVING FINGER WRITES, AND HAVING WRIT, MOVES ON" AND GOES OM, NOR ALL YOUR TEARS, NOR AW YOUR PIETY, CAN CANCEL A SINGLE LINE OF IY." SOMETHING LIKE THAT AND | WAS THINKING HOW “THE BIRTH, DEATH, MARRIAGE = = DISASTER, SCANDAL, CRIME: JOY AND SORROW = TIDINGS OFFICE AND THE WAITING TYPE WHICH TRANSLATES THEM INTO THE PRINTED WORD = WHAT WILL THE TYPES SAY NEXT WEEK, NEXT MONTH, NEXT VEAR 2 OF ALL COME TO THE EDITORS - AND SO | SIT HERE BY DAY — WITH LIFTED PEN, WAITING = WAITING = WAITING . '' “THE MOVING FINGER WRITE 22% _=_ — S= z 2 SHE WENT FROM BAD TO WORSE Down to 98 Pounds — Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun ER BE o" ! - Cleveland, Ohio.—*After having my OORING BUREAU ii Rat NEWSPAPER |S LIKE THE "MOVING WHAT WOULDNT WE GIVE To oe first baby, I lost ilding CEICAGO AND larged? Copies 80c for 6, Sx10 enlargements froow es 70¢, attractively mounts nd printing—highest qual- ; 24 hour service, JN STUDIO - White Lake, N. ¥Y. has H. Martin METRIST s Examined sses Fitted Professional Bldg. ve.,, Pittsburgh, Pa. Formerly of D. T. Reed & Co. snaps cueit me Books and magazines real bargain prices; chil« ons; illus, cat. free. th Ave., New York. VIEE- PRESIDENT FINGER." IT WRITES, BUT NEITHER } NOR ANY MORTAL MAN KNOWS WHAT \TS TEXT WILL BE = MY OWN DEATH MAY BE -CHRON\CGLED IM THE NEXT PRINTING OF THESE COLUMNS = ree es iets sste——— — THE FEATHERHEADS ie FEATHERHEADS THE NAME ~CLASS oF '0b)w- WELL Now) THE CLASSES OF ‘Ib AND 19 LISTEN, CHUB ~THERES HAVE RESERVED THE MUSIC-ROOM ANGTHER. AIREDALE WN THE WE GANT TURN Felix Is Fixed U Real | weight, no matter what I did. Then a doctor told me I would be better if got worse, was al- ways sickly and went down to 98 pounds. My neigh- bor told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's : Vegetable Com- pound, as it helped her very much, so I tried it. After taking four bottles, I weigh 116 pounds. It has just done wonders for me and I can do my house- work now without one bit of trouble.” —Mgs. M. RiessiNger, 10004 Nelson Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. =e WAY TO TREAT A Besiet fg) \\“ Tg ay 7 { [) If some good fairy should appear, | and offer to grant your heart's desire, SE what would you choose? Wealth? prema ! Happiness? Health? That's the best gift. Health is riches that gold cannot buy and surely kealth is cause enough for | happiness. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound may be the good fairy who | offers you better health, AND THE BACGK-HALL = ALL THE BATH- TUBS ARE TAKEN AND THE | FROSH ARE PARKED UNDER THE; /# fi FRONT PORCH — OH I now 24 oul A seotier/ HM / HALL WITH A VEN FORA FREE FLOP »- OLD GOLD, PLATINUM, Check sent by return mail. A. BERNON Building, Cleveland, Ohlo. TTLE FOR SALE—300' 3; 200 heifer calves; large well marked heavier cat- Fairfield, lowa. . manufacturer offers op- un in business, Sales ability e to house canvassing. The . Phlla., Pa, I UST walT A NICE HOUSE You BROTHERS wi ic HAVE HERE ALONG SOE OF IE, Situ) WHAT WE PUT UP WITH «= 7 3 WHICH Room DOT GET 2 / (7 fF PH One of Our Fully Equipped poultry farms, Live year lets poultry pay way. } Corp., Ft. Pierce, Fla. neral Life Reading. Fulf your birth date and 10¢ ise. MOJAVE 4, 1 ¥Y. ATE OF YOUR BIRTII, ODIAC and its influence 3448, Station O, Phila- | with KREMOLA, the wonderful bleach cream, | Use one box and see the real skin beauty that can be yours. Price $1.26 Repaid, BOOKLE FREE. Agents wanted. Dr. C. H. Berry Co., 2076 Michigan Ave., Chicago. rket men and con- € insisting on uni- now-a-days, and nan can afford to any more. Keep ways that golden vhich brings top g Dandelion But- large creameries r years. It meets | National Feod armless, tasteless color Buttermilk. Bond Street Manner A member of the famous Philadel- phia orchestra told a story the other day about Dr. Richard Strauss. “When Strauss,” he said, “was re- hearsing the Covent Garden orchestra | in his ‘Elektra,’ he didn’t like the cold, | restrained, wunemotional manner of their playing. It was too Bond street, as it were, “At last, at a particularly savage passage in the music, Strauss rapped | sharply with his baton and said: “ ‘You are all playing too much like | English gentlemen. Don’t play like English gentlemen—play like wild | beasts.'” ‘yes to Future individual and con- world, and you will man's life that is not Avarice is the vice of declining | vears.—George Bancroft, ow.—Senecu. ir friend's faults. Be > him. The BABY ki - oughing zh the worse you feel, aimed your. throat an ve them a chance tg 2’s Syrup and 90c bottles. Buy ore. G. G. Green, Inc, (Copyright, W. N. U.) tC ely (Copyvight, W.N. U.) [. HY / / 3 DETOUR NG PARKER’S AIR BALSAM FI n’t Stay for Act 2! By F. O. Alexander sDandruff-StopsHairFalling] (© br Western Newspapec Union.) Restores Color and y to Gray and Faded Hair] . and $1.00 at Druggists. Chem. Wke, Patchogue. N. Yi MPOQ—Idesl for use in r’s Hair Balsam, Makes the cents by mail or at drug- | Works, Patchogue, N. Y. HMPusm | ~ MICHAEL PAS \ A FORGOT TRE THEAYTE TICKET WHICH A FRIEND IN THE SHOW GAVE HIM y FOR To-NOIGHT— FAITH, Ol'LL USE IT MESILFS 1/11 AN DID YE2 HEAR, MICHAEL, THAT LITTLE DICKEY FOGARTY HAD TOOK A TURN FER 2 THE WORSER ¢ AR THE PORE | PSST. ' 13 FINNEYS ou LAADY. stress to children and or. Peery's "Dead Shot" vith a single dose, &0c. ruggists. ‘ Peer: I'S BADR rmify irl Street, New York City CULTURE i! Offer $50, including the also Night Class. iture and Barbar School Tel, Grant 7771 Pittsburgh, Penna. No mother in this enlightened age would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoria wil right a baby's stomach and end alnwmst any little ill. Fretful- ness and fever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil might accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste It's delicious! Being purely vegeta- able, you can give it as often as™ there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat ural sleep. BeCEWVE ME! | a 4 (THAT'S Got 70 JER) |LAST HIM TIC WHATS ALL THE WUBBUS, WEL, HERES TEN DOLLARS. THE TY HORACE? YA WENT “1 TONIGHT ANT Just one warning: it is genuine AWAY THIS GOIN T° Go Fletcher's Castoria that physicians ob SPOILIN' THE | recommend. Other preparations may Pearl St., N, Y, City. MORNIN® "'N 8 ust as trop Tr alld Arne ¥ t, N° ys L be just as free from all doubtful drugs, ONLY (eFT ; but no child of this writer's is going Nore. . ME A FIVE | to test them! Besides, the book on Introducing foliar grec care and feeding of babies that comes & ( pe Lar sith. Fletcher's Castoria is ¢ 4 bilionsness by hia son: ¥ Horace's Father with Fletcher's Castoria is worth its ligestivo First: 5 weight in gold. wing d m. tive gystem to Lo REAIN'S [ 5s S "Say weir | =Z\ | ae | By PERCY L. CROSBY ® by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate JRGH, NO. 45.1927, j