The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 13, 1927, Image 4

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Patton Courier Te pm MEET LC ics ) | | | Te
eubumen sy musa. | JON STEUBEN'S DRILL HINT, er EVE
cos. 4 wins, Baw 8 ruses: | BOOK FOUND IN OHIO| Yow: oi aver ON
Entered im the Post Office at Patton, Pn : 4 mn m™ ¥Y rr
as Second Class Mail Matter. as chan € AD il ( A, EARN KH. 1 INE od
Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in Ad- . & f& IK Oi a
vamce. Single Copies 5 Cents, Rare Volume Is Found mn
RATE OARD—Legal Notices, $1. i per Old Bureau Drawer. if you own a » 7 NT x
inch, or fraction thereof, for 3 in
Card of Thanks, 50c; Business i s 100 ¢ e \ : [
per line ; Business Cards, $10.00 per year: ‘London.—Phantom memories of the a Buic KR SHEN ., hrs
Display advertising, 30c per inch; Ful : J SA . y, i _(L
position, 25 pct. extra; Mininitm charge, | days of George Washingion ahd Re wlan Serato
$1.00, Cash must accompany all orders for establishment of this nation e " sn . i 3 ime
foreign advertising, All Advertising copy d by th lic of the early days of Tests by Buick at Gen- By FLORE! SEDER
must reach this office by noon Wednesday | vived by the re . of the Cleanliness Institute
to insure insertion. Unsigned correspon-| the United States of America found eral Motors Proving
dence will be ignored at all times. in an old bureau drawer by Mrs. Bettie &
If you keep y
> \ Wilson Neville of this city. Ground and by Buick | cleaning powder glass
rs . said to be jars you can always tell at : lance
oma Land Office The relic is an old book, sa : ; - J :
Oklah . ? . one of the only. two copies in exist- Owners in every section whether they need
Retires From Business ence, the other being guarded jealously £f th 1d ic re .
Guthrie, Okla—The latest land- | gt the United States military academy of the world —undcr To prevent sooi from accumulating
mark to disappear in the frontier in | at West Peint. . a ls on the bottoms of cooking utensils,
the West, and in Oklahoma in par- It is the first drill book of the Unit- cvery climatic condition rub with soap before setting them on
the fire. They will wash off easily.
ticular, is the United States land office | ed States army, prepared by Baron — have proved that you
at Guthrie which was closed and dis- | yon Steuben, friend and aid to Gen.
Where You Can
continued by executive order recently. | George Washington at Valley Forge, nced never change your Leather handbags can be cleaned
“Lack of business” was the reason | and it bears the publication date of a i . at home with soap and water. Make yr Personal Need ai
given for the discontinuance of the | 1794 and is entitled: oil if you own a Buick. | tepid suds with soap flakes or any t at go ies : \ hana a
office. Al records and what little busi- “Regulations for the Order and Dis- Replenish sand pure, mild soap, apply with a soft nishings for tl
ness remained will be taken to Wash- | eipline of the Troops of the United cp enishments an | brush or loth, and rub dry with a ® PLAN TO SI
ington and placed in the offices of the | States, to which is added an appendix, : oy 5 . 1. | clean cloth to restore the polish. COI arisen : : ns
Department of the Interior. containing the United States Militia Inspection of the Buick ] > ] ALT 90
The Guthrie land office sav its Arst Act, passed by congress May, 1792. A oil-filter only are re- While engmsl Javatories and: bath . 0]
business at noon of April 22, 1889, | new edition illustrated by eight copper tubs should be cleaned with soap and : The COACH SUBURBA
when the famous “run of '89” was | plates accurately engraved. By Baron quired. This is still water, rather than with rough scour- Just think what Chevrolet offers you AND SHARE
made into Oklahoma Territory. It was | Von Steuben, late major general and ing powders, 1g as the finish is today! $ x
the only building for miles. Govern- | inspector general of the army of the another Buick contri- new and smooth. This method pre y- : GOOD VAI
ment agents were on duty ready to | United States, No. 46 Newbury street, 3 serves the enamel from scratches and . : n Seasonable and
register claims and Issue deeds and { Boston, MDCCXCIV.” bution to the cconomy leaves it white and shining. A type of performance that 1S amazing— TH Merchane
: . . . i 3
titles, ; Offered $1,000 for Find. and efficiency of motor on perfect comfort at every speed—flashing rae, 1325 Offered |
From that day forward the little Mrs. Neville says Henry Ford has s Wash black rménts by immers- : d arkable hand The $ ; . es Per
office literally did a “land office” busi- | offered her $1,000 for the book, but car operation . . . an- ing in warm suds of a mild soap. Do acceleration and remarkable handling Coupe. »iv + 625 i BOOSTER ¢
ness, the city of Guthrie growing up | she intends to keep it, together with : 7 i not rub gap directly on the material. ease—all the marvelous beauty of bodies The 4Dooe Store Hours: 8:30
around the little shack. The little | other old beoks which she treasures. other indication of Plunge it.up and down until clean, bv Fish finished i i lors of ee : i ; P. M. Saturday
shack has long since gone, but the Quotations from the book which fol- Buick’s greater value. using’ two soapy baths if necessary. y Fisher—finished in smart colors o elon, 715 4 . M. Saturday u
office was housed in the federal build- | jow are particularly interesting to mil- Rinse several times in warm water, genuine lustrous Duco—a motor world- - The Imperial $ fi esis
ing at Guthrie. itary men today, especially those who then in cold. F; £ d a Landau *- 745 ii TR DC
served in the recent World war. B U | CK /r|Q28 a amous for power and economy—in tan ts fi ? AN
Early Egyptian Maps. 5 “The arms and accoutrements of Bathe your house plants occasion- short, advanced modern design in every spas ony of A ROGRA
Maps originally appeared among the the officers, noncommissicned officers $ $ ally to ‘restore their vigor and fresh . . Soh t soon fue i Naa .
e ore 1195 to #1995 3 a > > » ry 2 (Chassis Only) : RE W .
early Egyptians. They were wooden | and soldiers should be uniform Sedans $1195 to $1850 color. Place the plant in a sink. Add unit that results in the extre me of satis All prices f. o. b. Fling EN FY B ee Rs
tablets on which land and sea, roads | throughout. OUDES. « » to enough soap to a basin of lukewarm factory economical transportation. Miskin “WHEN A MAN
and rivers were fairly accurately oat- “A company is to be formed in two Sport Models $1195 to #1525 soft water to make it slightly milky. Check Chevrolet ; | WEE K OF Of
¥ned. The evidence of suca maps 18 | ranks at one pace distance, with the |, 1,5. Flim, Mich, government Because these cars are sold at amazin Deltvarey Prvm \ RONALD COL!
not only furnished in the old Egyptian | tallest men in the rear, with the tax to be added. The G. M.A. C. finan- For H Ld acing They include the 10m “BEAU GE
papyrus rolls, but some of the actnal | shortest men in the center. cing plan, the most desirable, is available. or fionest INess low prices, they embody the most out- Le TE rig
maps have been Qiscoversd, h was “A company thus drawn up Is to es standin IOOLOE. Car vilue in the world available. 2 or AR
once contended that the Greeks biti be divided into two sections cr pla- g y c & “Reoslar Admissi
the inventors of the art of cartography, | yong, the captain to take post on the today—a value that defies comparison! f
but it has been proved that the Hgypt- right, covered by a sergeant,” and so : ] taeieriasionied
tans and Babylonians antecated them on through all the minute details of
tn this respect. the army regulations. : - ri
ga iC Cm——ry Covers of Wood. Ci $ Wi
s Rookies were treated to a real, man- risto otor a es y
Would A sur Ast Might. e-haw- | Size code of drilling, some of the regu-
ould you call a donkey a ge lations being: WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE i Bost
“The position of a soldier without BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM
arms—He Is to stand straight and
Friendly Service. firm upon his legs, with the head
Our chief want in life is some one | turned to the right so far as to bring PATTON AUTO CO
who will make us do what we can. | the left eye over the waistcoat but- o
This is the service of a friend.— | tons, the heels two inches apart, the
logist ?—New Ilaven Register.
in old el
Emerson. Fri out, the belly drawn in a PATTON, PA oy on
ree rir = . a. SR ER I —.- —_ EE AM ) h holes he bo
fts about 4 i
of an inch in dit
101 D Cord ed
f1 ) do 1 tl x ] 1
A S presidil on
A York Cor § Khe ne i :
he has d 1 (ie ¥ ! i :
bootleg lubricatin Ya i Hd p
Damage to au : Pl 2 whirled utt f
ous lubri : 3 5 5 ? "
dealers costs moto < 5 1
he An i B Flies Ci e
18 evil + B Bi | |
American Fair Tra & LOT'S¢ i
° K2 Dres \ {
. & 3 nd high 1 \
Savings of Millions % J . ; RR
To Home Owners |& Z TTY I
i + ANH)
x oo Long term nol es
® " . & erms of the Farm Loan
* oo” We have 150,000.00 te
& ob chase of land ayment
T i . . = + . 1 I :r farm improvements.
NLY a few years’ ago when A little—perhaps quite a little— | & + ALOR ov
sr . og 3 Bell Phone
you lifted your receiver later your bell rang. i & Tans eee
4 0 ; : . i Ba & HTN
to make an cut-of-town « all, the “Ready with Doeville.” x © REUEI SOMM
procedure was something like 3 5 . + tle
this: And your conversation started. i 3 ATTORNEY-A
: TODAY — i 4 & ORNEY-/
“Number, please?” said the op- 5 i Office i » G
erator 2 8 P* “Number, please?” fice in the Goo
“Let me have Doeville 1234.” | 3 x
“Let me have Long Distance.” q ; : + ” b ¢
: And — practically as quickly as on X 3 |
The Long Distance operator P yasq yes & & is a prescript
we on the A a local call—you are connected. + \ 3 Is; ;
came oO 1e line. Son ; : : - . T° u . inne 7
That's thekind of sorvich we are Foon or rerroeum |+ Qur careful attention to style correct- x Colds, Grippe, FI
Rs . at’s the Kind oi service we are 3 Bilious Fever an
This is Long Distance. giving on out-of-town calls to the a production of petro d ] A : t I It ills tl *
o 01 if > Sons 3 a OlyFE s i Kills the ¢
< Ly leum is predicted as a result of | 5 NESS does not lesson the care we give to ; $
“I want to get Doeville 1234, places most frequently called. pot ry of new oil reatins e 3 ee
etc.. ete.” sands in Oklahoma. The new supply | 3 Ss) ols: - ne T
And he ates dovarod Ty his ands in Okanons. ho new sunly | ¢ yo fitting qualities of our shoes, as 3
“Thank you, the operator will new-era service is constantly be- whereas previous wells have rarely | . 3
y P y be yenetrated degper than 4,500 feet. Un- | ba f d 11 k +
call you.” ing expanded. DD De I ey ea LT our customer=iriends weil Know. 2
g P limited supply of fuel oil is assured |. & pH “Nature's re
for many years to come, and prices " . . 5 ; 5 5 S x
Eo 50 por wont tower man {+ T hey also know that quality is assured x : Bu wider Ln
last year. Home owners who have |% 3 5 rines es
adopted oil heating 1 benefit pro- | . 3 5 ess cost per acre.
TH E BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY portionately in r annual battle |% in all our shoes. & no-caustic, very
with Old Man Winter. : iam x 4 available. Most ¢
0 F PEN N bn Y LVANIA Aproginitely 308,000 bude 3 t y f + © agricultural lime
were heated yy 01 1st winter. At | ¥ + =
. : “ use.
least fifty per cent more will jgin the {% Come oO Baron S or KX : ; i
y A 2k + : Grow big cr
group this year. The consumption Of | és 3 KX TY ATATT
G. H. FULMER, Manager oil for dom 1 will reach | . . 5 4% LIME-MARL.
»Monag oF areal Shoe Setisfaction--Barnesboro, Pa. reat
S— compared with less than one and a |% ’ & i and full inform:
half billion last year.
harles- Toy
2s Las
NI, 7007 27 7 I,
(Plant: C
». Beetoetes®