The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 29, 1927, Image 1

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    women in the
‘th. Also
PT. 24
an—Oh! Mom-
t on the Ferris
the Dip! Just
n in, “JONAH
rogram we will
| boy or. girl
comedy. Ad-
, of One.
ithout a cent
on the Rivirea
» and Frills of
ntity, Bebe’s
wry her from
; the colorful
s! San Fran-
as before the
ie Phillipines
lepths of the
see in Monte
r x THE
NO. 43.
Condensed Items Catliered from |
Various Sources for the
Busy Reader.
The Broberg Garage in Hastings, |
which was destroyed by fire several
months ago, is being rebuilt.
Della, the 12 year old daughter of
Chas, Savage of Hast-
ings, left her home last i'riday a week
ago, aid no trace has been found of
Mr. and M
her since.
Definition of “road hog” is found
in the new motor code which becomes
effective Jan, 1, and is as follow:
Any person who drives a motor ve-
hicle upon a highway carelessly and
and wilfully or wantonly disregards
manner so as to endanger any per-
son or property, shall be guilty of
rights or safety of others, or in
reckless driving,
Officials of the Rockview peniten-
tiary near Bellefonte recently reveal-
ed that quick action on the part of
the guards forestalled an attempt of |
four prisoners to escape.
Proposals for a special session of
Congress have been sidetracked by |
President |
was also advised by the Republican |
no occiasion for
a session of the senate alone and |
is indicated that no call for one will
President Coolidge. the
leaders that there is
be issued.
Margaret the eight year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Zwalskey of
recently, when a dynamite cap, which
she found while playing, exploded.
ight hand
were badly mangled and her left hand |
and face were burned and disfigured
Hastings suffered painful
Several fingers of her
by the explosion. She is a patient a
the Spangler hospital.
Polo C. Azzara, Cresson contractor.
anted a patent on an im-
ilroad spike. The primary
object of the new invention is to pro-
vide with means for preventing the
accidental withdrawas or loosening of
hag been g1
proved i
spikes while in use.
A surprise party was held in honor
of the 49th birthday anniversary of
Thomas Harwood, residing near Cros
and cards featured the evening.
William Barr, inn:ate of the Blair
County Home near Hollidaysbure
the vietim being John 8.
relative strength of the two.
Joseph Paldiak, of St. Michael, un- | FIRE TOW ER WILL BE
derwent an operation at a Johnstown |
recently. A crowd of neigh-
bors assembled at the Harwood home
is held on a charge of felonius cutting
Lohman IN 1 1 ‘
; ? “| Nagle, Homer Adams, Charles Shee-
cook and a patient at the home, and | Dn
now in the Altoona hospital with a
puncture wound in the abdomen. The |
2 followed an wrgument of the |
Big Coal and Timber Deal Goes| Appli cation Blanks Soon to Be
Through At Dean. Mailed Out By State.
A deal has just ben concluded All motorists in Pennsylvania were
nereby Frank KF. McFarland and urged by the State Department of
Oliver Rothert of Altoona have be-|Highways to register any changes of
{come the owners of the Frugality Coal | @ddress with the Bereau of Motor
Co. timber and’ coal property in Fru-| Vehicles at once.
oality. _ In making the onnouncement Ben-
ihe his Jamin G. EynoneRegistrar of Motor
fstle e Pennsplvania supreme Vehicles, pointed out that the depart-
or 21 years judge of the|ment will begin the mailing of the
v courts. For a number | 1923 plates about October 17.
ars it has bee yntroller by the Eynon also called attention to the
yndholders and unger the manage- | fact that the postoffice authorities will
ment of Mr. McFarland, not remail or forwara any plates
It is quite an extensive property, |one address to anoti Eynon ex-
5 acres, a hotel, a store | plained that this rule would be in
. together with two |€ilect because license plates are sent
the’ Dean No. 8 and] as fourth class mail, which is not
No. 10 mines. forwardable.
The land is underlaid with coal and Eynon called atention of motor-
much of it is covered with timber. [ists to the fact that ir license plates
The mines are up te date, electrified |are returned to the department they
12’ tipples and all other ap-| Will not be remailed until the motor-
necessary for carrying on] ist has filled out and sent in form 1122
operations on a large scale. for change of address.
Altoona owners will form a In making this announcement Eynon
company and this will later be incor-|called atention to the fact that the
embracing 5,
oS porated. They plan to conduct the |notice of change musr show whether
Ruth Elder, Lakeland, Fla., prize operations on an extensive scale. the operator’s permit address i
winning beauty, now in New York ¥
with her airplane “American Girl,”
insists she will fly the Atfantic fo
Paris yet this year, piloted by George
- be changed as well as the regi
TO SUCCEED FATHER WELCH | Lincense plate appleations will be
placed in the mails about October 1,
The Rev. Pather John C Fynon said, and futher ann unced
3 Y pastor of St. Bartholomew’s church | that application for operators’ per-
ENTERTAIN FRIENDS at Wilmore, has been named by the its will be niiled avout January L
ov A¥s : | Pi Yow Bit Be Covi Be ast year, Eynon sa 70, re-
AT SHEEHAN HOME RL Jor. Bs 0p Jom 1 Ho a newal applications were returned for
De od oo] Tate Rev. Father better address. This resulted, it ya
Garrett B. Welch. The Rev. Father |eXplained, in an everage of two let-
: 7 : teres in each ease the application
reached the applicant involving a pos-
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Sheehan enter-
tained with a surprise party at t
home near St. Augustine re
honor of their . daughter,
observed her 14th birthday.
in V, Byrne, pastor or St. Mary’
iureh at Snowshoe, succeeds Father
Dunphy at Wilmore.
t'ather Dunphy a
tage expense of $2,000 in addition | to a severe fra
1 the Rev Fa to stenographic and stationery expens- | his body was
PTEMBER 29, 1927. (5¢)
Answers Call of Death Following
Many Years’ Illness.
(Chief Charley Challenges
Death on Tuesday of la
claimed Miss Nellie Hopl
39 years, dat of M
Farrell Hopki
Hopkins had bh
ce her fiftee
is survive
John Hop
Mayme Hopk thi
The funeral services
Thursday mou
when a hig
celebrated over the
Mary’s Catholic churc
terment was made in
Charles R. Price of Forest City,
N. C, challenges the claim of Layton
Mitchell of Pawhuska, Okla., as be-
ing the youngest Chief of Police in
the U. S. Chief Price is four months,
or from February to June, younger
than Mitchell , Both are 27 years old
p embankment
tpproximately 100 feet,
Falling down
a distance of
Edward earns, aged b6 years, a
well-known resident of ( ndra, w
fatally injured W t
I'he vietim lan on the COURT LAST MONDAY
tracks of the 1sylvania Railroad. ——r——
Ye was unconsci . ! I ve John E. Evans on
) < be roy ) y i iron } A r
2 a passerby an phys] om yensburg on Monday
2S01 V mn ti V summone a 1
he on . A icine nme 2rd heard a number of motions and pe-
) > wa Nona med mr 4 ]
uy ew, De 1 . +I titiong and conducted the rulay
Kearns died about a after
monthly session of domestic rel:
ourt. The following cases were dis-
posed of:
the accident, d being attributed
cture of the skull, and
( ' : , ; George Timko was sentenced to pay
and Anes yore Land ames Connelly of Johnstown |S: Coroner Annis wan, M the costs of prosecution and pay $10
as served. Lhe ¢ were £ ime rQ Marv’ hurch at ES EE ree own, as notified My - 3] : L . As el
alls 1. . tor of Nt, 1 ary S 1 ren at > & Ss C Re DRTINC Kear: Yad oe he | PEI month for the support of his wife,
M; i at ey Ads De Mr o ( 1 lo, were tae first priests to | KIWANIS CLUB MEETING Sonrns had heel be Albert G. Wilson was sentenced to
Sheehan rs ] ‘ 1 ] TOC QQET ga as ay and Ww
. hp Sor i ordined in Johnstown, the ordina- IS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR|"a ¥ y- 4 i pay, the costs and to pay $40 per]
X gE ey ? Re RY 1 taking place in 1909 in St. John i] Speds. | t 1s bel 2 ; y month. {
. iomas of St. Bon Yiarte hore Salieri ood ae : : seized by one of » attracks whet A ‘ : . of
and. Mrs Ric Ll Mt re Eg Ubert’s church. Before oing to One of the most enjoyable meetings pa 3d by one « : Joy cks when Foster Seese was sentenced to pas
ah er: ard Saxe, 01 4 ilmore Father Dunphy was assist- Es AT : Varibrin Kiwanis rl BIN I en. the costs and $40 per month.
, he Misse dite Marner o : that the Ncithern Cambria Kiwani sral . I . OTe
na, the Misses Rita Warner « t pastor of the Clinton street church | Gros ; ; uns uneral srvice Mr. Kearns were 0. 8. Dunmyer wa
ton; Rose Nagle, Oti.a Sm Yoh. : lub has had for some time, was that |}
eral years. Father Dunphy &
eld at 9:30 o’cl
saturday morn-
sentenced to |
: Fh } dep is : pay the costs and $20 per month.
J Sheehay ia Grace of Monday evening last, the regular ing qt rhe » Church ini "2. ? wy alt ]
Ju Sheehan, Mary Graco 2 er Mrs. Mollie Dunphy Malloy, { ~~ V™ G5 S¥& eine. transhcted— | 2. 11 hv. Agne holic bhureh inl" Go, oe M. Smith was sentenced to
Madeline Sheehan, Florence a at present are in Paris attending the | °5Ue! of business bein » transacte« : Cassandra. Interment was held in St. | pay the costs and $15 per month {
en a fern: oha 2 Q =| 2 eSenl are. oN » With the ladies invited—however, to | Byioid’s Cat} lemeterv. : lv (a a pe a
| He en and Verna eehan of St. Au } Amoricay Lerion: comveution. i Brigid’s Catholic Cemetery, at Lilly.
US er ! ;
Ol- | ee how things are done.
e; Mary Rossiter, May
1 | Al¢ «
ive Adams, of Altoona,
MOY SF TIVIIATY- FID ic The program was under the direc-
Thomas, of St. Boniface; Madge, i) EDER 3. RY INDK rs. SPY RD tion of J. Edward Stevens of Carr-
ris and Barbara Bloom of Ebensbhure. FALCHINI AND DAUGHTER olltown. Voral selections were ren
Fidilus Wharton, Howard and John msm dered hy Mi Krumbine, music su-
Nagle, Charles Baker, : Carl Nagle, Indictments charging the defend- |pervisor of the Patton schools, vio-
Herman Baker, Ch:
Sheehan and Patrick and Pollard Mui- {day against A. C. Faschini,
ligan, all of St. Augustine and Cyr- | weeks ago a retail merchant at Eb-|of
|i1 Wiharton, of Patton, j € 1sbus
Ebensburg, was the principal |i
in Square Holes.” | t
ee eee | phine Falchini, who were arrested on [being Round Pe
{ August 25 in Los Angeles, Cal., where
wles and Regis | ants with conspiracy to defeat the |lin selections by Miss Luther of Car-|ed the Pennsylvania Railroad P:
tional Bunkruptey Act were return- | rolltown, and instrumental and vo-|eer an
" . 3 y v . yo. I . 4: y , Iva Pha tr ol
han, August Bash, Francis and Palph [ed in Federal Court in Erie Wednes- | cal selections by Mrs. Wise of Phil- {son Division )
until six Jadelphia. Attorney Ivan MeKenrick, {about t hree o’clock on Sune
and his daughter Miss Jose- | speaker of the evening, his subject|a mass of f
|ty to the several charges preferred
{against them and were sentenced a=
| Mik Curley, pay the costs, Paks}
in destr | restitution and serve from five days
In ae roy-1| Veo ae : jail . harp f
en- | to three vears in jail on a charge o
Station on the Cres. |arceny. = : ;
arrolltown ads at John W. Gisewhite, reckless’ driv-
', to pay the costs, and a fine of
m™ . . 1 . |
| The following persons pleaded red
Fire of an unknown ori
y morn-
ilding was . A roy |
v of | Joe Simko, surety of the peace, to |
Carrolltown | Pav the costs and give bond in the |
sum of $500 to keep the peace.
ng. The one story frame bh
he fire
‘ire Con
RR] Tra sion ac ¥ densiown ERECTED NEAR DUNLO| they are alleged to have fled in their PATTON BOY SCOUTS ut was able | © assistan RESOLUTIONS OF RES
ih fl 2 Tof | ay ar bhe ito re —— | attempt to defraud their creditors. A ENJOY FINE MEETING J he estima > ( amage has
putauion of ais iefy Jen, the result of I. wp oy) the con truction of a cabin [number of Johnstowners were pre- oY EY hw YY [nob yet been rmined. A number) Mary’s I. C. B. U., Patton, Pa. |
having the member badly mangled in reliminary to the erection of a fire |sent when the Federal grand jury to of express packages of siderable | ®t. Mary's LC. B. U,, Patton, Pa. |
a mine accident when the leg was |Préliminary to the erection of a fir en rll tire ] 1 Whereas, it pleased God in his
caught in a chain machine.
Matthew Arbuckle, ag
and his two nephews, John and Jame
Arbuckle, all of W
verely burned Friday morning when
caught in a premature explc
powder while working in a mine.
South Fork has organized a boost-
ers’ club and will endeavor to secure
new industries for the town.
Henry L. Cannon, successful Re-
publican candidate for County Con-
troller, has recovered froin a attack
of grip that kept him within door
last week.
Samuel LaFrance Noel, aged 3 son
of Charles and Hannah Williams Noel,
died Wednesday afternoon at the par
ental home in Vintondale.
Elton Mender, aged 55, formerly of |
Gallitzin, died at the County Home |
on Friday of last week.
Collection of ballot boxes in the 10
counties which comprise the Harris- |
burg area. was started this week in
Pennsylvar i
Boys and girls of Cambria county |
who would like to enroll in the beef
calf club for 1927 and 1928 should]
ret their names in to Farm Agent
cWilliams before next Saturday, if
they desire to enroll in the Baby Beef |
Club to exhibit and sell a calf at the |
Ebensbure fair in 1¢
John S.
married, a well known resident of In-
diana, was instantly killed about one
o'clock on Tuesday morning when his |
automobile skidded and turned over
on a highway near that town.
Robert James, 8 months old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kreutzberger, of
Portage, died at the siemorial hospi-
tal, Johnstown ,on Sunday.
Governor Fisher has appointed tl
following members of the State
Board of Examiners of Public Ac-|
counts: Frank Wilbermain, Pitts-
burgh; Horace P. Griffith, Philadel-
phia, and Robert L. Wallace, of New
The Cherrytree Coal Minine Com-
pany, operating at Emeieh Run, on]
Monday morning entered 25 amicable
actions in eijectment against former
employees. One action was also en-
tered by the Sorinefield Company,
operating in Nanty-Glo.
The Rev. Father William G
who was stationed as assistant pastor!
at St. Patrick’s church in Spangler
for several months, has returned to
St. Francis College at Loretto. As]
vet no new assistant has been named
to the charge.
A demonstration and lecture is be-
ing given in Nicktown today, Thurs-
day, by Miss McKee of Penn State
College, to the women of Barr town-
ship, the talk covers school lunches,
menu preparing and canning.
Rabbi Harry Finkenstein the
B'nai Israel Jewish congregation at
Barneshoro, held special
the Jewish people of the North of the
county on Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday. The observance of the sacred
I 58 years, |
ndber, were se-
ion of |
, in the Vare election |
Curry ,aged 47 years, un- |
rvices for | Choir Practice, Wednesday, at 7:00.
| rence, Chickaree, Lower Yoder Town-
project will be completed by Octorber
tion tower of steel by the [received the case recently, including
| State Department of Forest & Waters | Ralph H. n, Secretary of the |Boy Scouts met in the Fi
was started Thursday on Ke ’s | Johnstown iation of Credit Men, | on Friday evening last. The bovs were
. three miles south-west of Dun- | who was named receiver for Falchini; much disappointed at the absence of
as started Friday T. I. Shrey,|R. R. r, frieght agent of the |Rev. Mr. Gorman® but they o« IC
Forester of the Gallitzin Di-|Baltim Ohio Railroad Company {as best they could without hint. After
trict, who has been formulating plans and Arthur S. Griffin, {the exercises in the Scout Law, Oath
for intensifying the forest fire pro- connected with Mr. Kibler's|anq Motto. the roll was lec nd
tection in his territory, which covers Mr Kilber returned to Johns-| jue. were collected.
| obser
en’s hall | U
emer nati
Cambria and Somerset counties to-|t 1 Friday morning, but Mr. Cole The Scouts of each Patrol elected
gether with parts of Diair and Clear- {man and Mr. Griffin returned later. assistant Patrol Leader, after|t
| counties.
The new tower will be the sixth
one in the district, the others bei
Tes rots which the Patrol Lea
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. Patrols. There were twenty Scouts
A. Nugent Samwell, Rector. who wanted to take their second cl:
The Killbuck Troop of the Patton | value, were
ders drilled their | preciat
infinite goodness and mercy to re- |
move from our ranks by death our |
Sister member, Mary Hoover. Where- |
ime. There wa
the si
as, the highest tribute we can
rvi rd i ter | her i to say she | a pure Chr t
Yarrollt Roa life and departed from this world like |
a Child ‘of God, Whom she so
this Society has lost a good
member and her family
] i Re solved
1e Co
in re-
loving mother.
located at Glenn Campbell, St. Law- Sunday, Oct. 2nd, Holy Commun- | tests, so Mr. Quinn gave them
ion at 9 A. M. examinations. Following this a 3
mi mimes LCL talk was given by Mr. Quinn and
First day of autumn last Friday, bovs were dismissed
ship below Johnstown and on Brus
Mountain. It is to be erected on leased
land of the Henrietta Coal Company
! 5 pect to her memory our charter be |
1 ‘dd Ww 0 3 Hy 1 1 . . . .
wie : Cage. ra in mourning for a period of
stance during 17 Tel Dn thirty day r se resolutions enter- |
ed on the minutes of our Society, |
{ , .
it “9 published in the Patton Courier, and a
(et | copy sent to the family of our de- |
xd Sister |
in Adams Township, the Wilmore Coal
Company : iven its co-
operation with the ate Department
in the project.
I McCOY, i
When complete
will be 80 feet
it possible for guardians of the for-
ests to view more than 150,000 acres
the tower, whi
I ]
t w make
1 hes
of timberlands in Cambria, Somer-
set, and Bedford counties, most of
which are on the main r of the
Alleecheny Mountains, and also 75,
000 acres of farming country west
of the Alleghenies. It will have an |
elevation of over 2,800 feet,
Near the steel tower will be the
cabin for the towerman’s home the
e of which is to be 16 by 20 feet. |
A telephone line will be ched
over a mile to the towe > COMm-
munication with forestry n
district. Workmen had to cle
ter mile of brush and timb
material can be | to the tower
site. Forester Shirey expects that the
Edward Richard McDonald, aged
66, for many years a resident of
Johnstown, where he liv at the
time of the flood of 1889, died on
Tuesday morning at |
his home inf Eb-
ensburg. He was born in East Tay-
or township in 1861, the day on
which the first shot was fired on Ft.
Sumpter, According to friends of
Mr. McDonald, he warned m per-
sons of the breaking of the South
Fork dam and many in that section
were saved by heeding his-warning.,
Mr. McDonald is survived by
widow and : ild
ber of children. |
P. T. Gorman, pastor.
Church school, Promotion day, at
Morning worship at 11:00.
Senior Epworth League at 6:30,
Evening worship at 7:30.
Prayer service, Wednesday, 7:45.
Committee. |
» B. U, Patton, Pa.
reas, it 1s pleas
infinite goodness and mercy to re- |
ed God in his
sister men » Hopkins. Where-
| as, the ite we can pay
her is to say she led a pure C tian
and departed from this world like
hild of God, Whom she so faith-
served. Resolved, that by her
| death this iety has lost a good
member a an e
) Resolved that in re-
memory our charter be |
ourning for a period of |
days. These resolutions e
1 the minutes of our Soc
| published in the Pat
| copy sent to. the f
| ceased Sister.
v a kind and
Courier, and a
Funeral services for Pauline Whit-
ore, aged 9, daughter of Mr. and
rs. Harry Whitmore of Verona, were
conducted Saturday mornin in St.
ned s C Church of Carroll-
own rial place in the church
cemets Th Whitmore child was
JOT! in Carr LOW]
We wish to thank the frie:
neighbors for the kindness and sym-
pathy own us during the death of
Mrs. Strittmatter’s mother, Mrs. Ja- |
‘ob Hoover; also for the beautiful
floral offerings and for the use of
automobiles at the funeral. Mr, and
Mrs. Isadore Strittmatter Family
ee t—————— m—— |
The state has officially announced
that the detour on Route No. 36, be-
tween Chest Springs and Ashville has
been lifted, meaning that we can now
exercises was in commemoration of |
the Jewish New Year holidays,
| travel over completely improved road
to Altoona. i
served. Resolved, that by her |
| €
move from our ranks by death our |:
1 Tan
{ Chicken and Guy Bisogni, both of F
Some of the Most Interesting of
Picture Attractions Ever
in Patton on Program.
’Em Cowboy!” and that’s
just what Tom Mix does next Thurs-
day-Friday at the @rand, in his
latest “The Broncho Twister,” its a
series of daring and amazing stunts
in a smashing Romance of western
Ranges. A picture that will make you
2rip vour seat while the ace of west-
ern stars crashes his way against ter-
rific odds for the sake of a girl and
Saturday—Douglas MacLean plays
in Hold that Lion. Doug. follows a
beautiful blonde from New York to
‘ast Africa, meets her minus his
trousers, makes love to her in a pair
stolen kilts and tnen has to go
out with her father to capture lions.
laughs for yourself! Hold
hat Date to See Hold ‘hat Lion.
The lights go out! Through a secret
Panel comes a black-masked, black
robed, hooded figure; That just one
of the many breath-taking thrills in
Easy Pickings,” First National's of-
fering at the Grand, Monday night,
th Anna Q. Nilsson in the eatured
{ Eddie Cantor also Plays Monday
ight in “Kid Bots” the first epic
comedy of America’s favorite craze,
zolf. A riot of Fun, Played before a
gallery of gorgeous girls.
Puesday-Wednesday—Dolores Co-
steeo plays in a dramatic story of the
"| Civil War, “The Hezrt of Maryland,”
most people are Familiar with this
tory of the South, wnich culminates
with the Southern girl saving her
northern lover, who is accused of be-
ing a Spy among the conferate forces.
by hanging on the alarm bell an-
nouncing his escape and preventing
it from ring. The story runs true to
the conflict, in which families were
divided in their allegiance and is
packed with thrilling and tender sit
uations. Its a real story of the Civil
George F. Wildeman, vice presi-
dent and cashier of the First Nation-
al bank of Barneswvoro, atended in
Philadelphia Wiednesday a meeting of
the committee on rates and interest
on savings deposits of the Pennsyl-
vania Bankers’ asociation, appointed
in accordance with a resolution adopt-
ed at the 1927 convention of the state
It was announced after the com-
mitte meeting that the question of
{interest rates on saving accounts was
considered only from the view-point
of the commercial banks and trust
companies the mutual savings banks
not entering into the matter.
Interest rates on savings accounts
paid by commerial banks and trust
‘ompanies in the state now range
om 2 per cent to 4 1/2 per cent, The
commitee considered plans for a re-
| duction in rates, ana for the inaug-
ration of a system which will bring
thout a uniform method of calculat-
ing interest. It was decided by the
commitee to carry the plans before
meetings of county zroups of bank-
# <0 it all the bankers in the
state may give the interest question
careful consideration before a report
is submitted by the committee to the
next state convention.
Stephen Pulasko, aged 58, was in-
stantly killed at South Fork at 8:00
¢’clock on Tuesday evening by an al-
leged speeding automobile. Clark Ly-
, 20 year old driver, is alleged to
| have given ‘himself over to the au-
thorities, as a result, but is not unde.
e badly crushed body of Pulasko
was found some distance from the
spot where he was struck. He is sur-
vived by three sons and three dau-
One of the largest stills and liquor
manufacturing plants ever unearted
{in this county was found Wednesday
afternon by the State Police under
command of Sergt. A. F. Dahlstrom
fon alane off the road between Spang.
ler and Moss Creel. The two defend-
ants arrested at the place were Louis
ensburg, who are he:d in $1,000 bail
each for a preliminary nearing, before
Justice of the Peace James T. Young
of Ebensburg.
The police founa a
gallon capacity with all modern equi-
pment, It was in a frame building
and apparently the entire building
was used for the purpose of a distil-
lery. The police found 3,000 gall
of mash and nearly 100 gallons of
moonshine whiskey. The equipment
was destrove
§ ting Ser
raid were Pri
George T. Beers of Altoona, aged
70, died Friday at home, follow-
ing a stroke of apoplexy. He was born
n Fallen Timber and had been a re
ident of Alttona tor the last ~ six
vears. He is survived by six children,
four brothers and two sisters. John
and Charles Beers or Fallen Timber
are brothers of the deceased, Funeral
services were conducted at Flinton
Saturday. Interment was in Beaver
Valley cemetery at Flinton.
still of 150-
't. Dahlstrom in the
ates Gilbert, Dopko and