7 7 Floors ne. Make it more sale. Permanent, sy to keep clean. D 1912 We Seli Used , Transformers, im, Gas and Oil ers, Pumps, etc. 1d Factory nt ght and Sold : Company tic 1620 Pittsburgh, Pa. IAL MASK N TONIC r new preparation sk that quickly restores youthint i noted dis tifier, Epso ris Merely send ging, etc., for full booklet “Care uf .aboratorfes, Dept go. Ill, » | Products’ Juco Cleaner ana 3 Duco against $1. “Guarantee" reservative. Re- ish, price $1.00. 0. Representa- »d. Send 60c for “Guaranteed ’ 's Bldg.. Detroit, t of all human at? It is that is anger before —DeQuincey. this country is ne, which was out 30 per cent re is extorted ng Time 5%. Ask , Price's Canning address of self and 'wo extra samples [inneapolis, Minn. sell on account of Drop me line, I McCLANAHAN, Va, Record and small ess unique, highly . Few hours week « Dept. K, Chicago. salt Water Taffy! ly one dollar 3. CUDLIPP, *d to Imiroduce UTY CULTURE. ets of a famous , Merit School of Columbia, Tenn. LD, PLATINUM, t by return mail. ppodrome Build- ore, Mill, Hotel, t, timberland, or rite J. E. Voter's ield, Maine, INGROWN TOE without pain or 50c for bottle, s, Penn, [t re. ou look very > been taken seldom looked family of the 1. ale meat raw, ed with vege- of the people, t souls.—Rous- t once’ cornsis ended. do this safely - pressing and are thin, medi- g. At all drug at a trifle, lls ads sin is gone! Tm wl : YAS A CMLIN, Ol GIVE 7 TovEz.. AN ) SINGIN' TACHER, VELL NOT GIT 1TH! MR. FINNEY, AS A NEIGHBOR AND CITIZEN, 1 DEMAND AN APOLOGY! | THE PATTON COURIER By F. O. Alexander (@ by Western Newspaper Union.) Ol, SAID NOTHIN AV THE SORT- BEGGIN MER PARDON ~~ YouR HUSBAND | THINKS HES SO SMART] HE SAID I COULDNT SING IN MY OWN Home / She Couldn't Sing, That's All! [Fomouve vlop-sceney # 443 ol MINTIONED 0 NO LOCAYSHIN,S E35, POR JIM A HUNDRED POUNDS! HIS wire DIED / inf Hvar Fineman Concord, NH . Sr es oo i By Oshorne (® by Westen Newspaper Union.) w-/ v YESSIR- ITS A | GREAT OL" woRLD! w WONDERFUL TANG IN THE NR ~~ ('s FINE TO BE ALNE #) wd J \ &- » ALP iF 1 FN A Aas nin ANE (ue 2) 1 WELL ~ RALPH FLEDGE # WHY THE SCOWL, ol Bow 2 I~ BRIGHTEN UP !.-YbURE PUTTING] LINES IN YOUR FACE — RUINS YOUR LOCKS,Y' KNOW =HEH A \ re YOU Taw To ME ABOUT LOOKS! - wiv \F IT HAD A FACE LIKE GOOD MORNING, MR, FERTHERHEAD ~ IT WELL, WELL, HOW SURE LOOKING DELIGHTFUL) THANR You ARE YOU ? YOURE 7, (Copyright, W. N. U.) ‘N ONLY YESTERDAY SHE WAS JUST AS PLEASANT AS COULD §/° BE AND NOW SHESH | AS COLD AS AN / » YANN > 1 | { { MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charles Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union a "= = r= Z ZZ 2 i rr “Zz > = = 4 Zs % AZ. BATTLING WAMPUS mad Js. THIS SUBJECT LEADS WITH HIS NOSE | WHEN BOXING, HENGE THE BENT BEAK —— "DUKE" ALLBRIGHT SEL SOME FELLERS' IDEA OF FUN (S TO FIND A PARKED CAR WITH A -\ FLAT TIRE AND -THEN HANG AROUND —O SEE FEATURING | | 'ypipr THE OWNER WILL SAY WHEN HE FOLKS y ARRIVES ON THE SCENE C2 BUCK DOBOY SEZ THE WARS BEEN OVER ALMOST BIGHT MEARS AND HE AINT MET HIS OLD LIEUTENANT MET, SO HE HAS ABOUT PECIDED 0 BREAK “TRAINING . BUCK SAYS IT WILL SEEM STRANGE To 82 A MAN WITHOUT A MISSION » GRANDPA POOFENHEIMER HAS QUIT THE "HOOK-ON" STYLE NECKTIE = NESTERDAY [35 TIE FELL INTO HIS PLATE AND GRANDPA o CUT IT UP AND “TRIED To EAT IT BEFORE HE | | NOTICED = AND GRANDPA SEZ DARN IF HE WILL WEAR GLASSES, A YOUNG PRush Lie TT id RR "7 NO / y HERB &GOOFLEFITZ SEZ HE WISHES HE WORKED IN A BANK, WHERE, NO MATTER HOW LONG FOLKS HAVE “To STAND ARDUND To GIT WAITED ON, THEY NEVER SEEM To GIT IMPATIENT = THAT, SAYS HERB, OR A DENTISTS OFFICE Svs THE CLANCY RIDS He Knows Everything From Catechism to Dogma A rs A ; he NY BY PERCY L. CROSBY © by the McClure Newnpaper Syndicate C-C-C-CAN YA-YA- 0-p-0-006G ~T7-T-7- $-$-5-SAY. C-C-C CAN -Y-Y-Y-YA-YA- YA-YA-YA. GEE. |F YA CALL THAT TALK HE CAN SING HYMNS. Sd bis QBN 4 SAU oo Ak JAARY GRAHAM ‘BONNER. — COPYRIGHT 87 WIATIRN NOWIPAPLE UNSW NIGHTINGALE’S FRIEND “I heard a story the other day,” sald Daddy, “a quite true story. “Mr. Nightingale had built too large a nest sAfter a while he thought of a vis- itor he would like to have all the time, and off be started on his trav- els. “As he went along, flying as fast as he could, he kept thinking to himself how very lonely he had been of late. “At last he reached the spot he had chosen for resting. It was in a blackbird’s bay. “There were many low bushes and shrubs and berry trees in this bay, and in the marshy water were quan- tities of pond lilies. . “Soon a very fine bird—black as black could be, and very shiny, just as if he'd polished his wings with shoe-blackening—perched on a bush beside the one where Mr. Nightingale was resting. “Did you come to hear us sing or talk or scream? asked the blackbird. “Ar. Nightingale sang a little open- ing song and then began to talk to the blackbird. “ ‘Mr. Blackbird,’ he said, ‘you're a handsome fellow, and you're very smart. “I've heard a secret about your family. Many have done what you will do. “‘You must try. That's all” And again Mr. Nightingale sang a song. “ ‘What do you mean, Mr. Nightin- “What Do You Mean, Mr. Nightin- gale?” gale? Your song is lovely, but your talk is very, very queer. “And Mr. Blackbird shook his head sadly. “ ‘Well, I mean you to come to my nest. It's too big for me. “t's fitted out perfectly—all the latest improvements—fresh water to drink supplied by my water man, Mr. Showers, and new worms each day my children bring to my nest in plen- ty of time for breakfast—and our rooms are both shady and sunny. “In fact, it's a very superior home. “But in the house nearby lives a dear old lady, and I want to give her a treat. “She has gone away on a visit and when she comes back I want you to be singing duets with me.’ “ “What? shouted the blackbird. ‘I'm to sing with you? “Most certainly. Many blackbirds have copied our voices so that you wouldn't be able to tell us apart if you couldn’t see us. “The nice old lady will hear our voices and think that there are two of me! “ ‘When she sees that one Is you, she'll think you're a very bright bird —that's what she'll think. “ ‘Besides, I want a companion and I like you.’ “¢ pever heard so many reasons in all my life,’ laughed the blackbird. “But I'll go just as soon as I get my suitcase packed. “ “There are several little delicacies from the bay I'd like to bring along. “And Mr. Blackbird stopped to put some red berries and other goodies in his straw bag. “Then off they went, and Mr. Black- bird did learn to sing just like Mr. Nightingale, and when the lady came back she was delighted, surprised and amazed.” Owen’s Clever Ruse Owen's Uncle Jim had an automo- bile which was a novelty to the little boy. He wanted to ride in it all the time, so that his mother had to warn him that he must never ask Uncle Jim to take him for a ride. One day Uncle Jim was in the garage working on the car, and Owen went out to watch him. He climbed into the back seat, and pointed te the flowers in the flower holders. “What fis these flowers, Uncle Jim?” he asked. “Roses, Owen,” Owen thought for a while and then suggested, “I thinks those roses says they want a ride, Uncle Jim.” Tooth Was Hatching Maribelle went with her father on a trip into the country. While at a farm house she was intensely Interested in the baby chicks in the incubator. A few days later she was pushing the baby carriage in front of her home when an elderly woman met her. The woman admired the baby and asked how old it was. Sald Maribelle, “I don’ know ‘zact- ly, but his first toof Is beginnin' to batch.”