The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 11, 1927, Image 8

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menor women, will
vitg the mys:
ust 13th, at 7 and 9 P. M.
ri pe fn
No experience necessary. Young
r to join experienced detectives in sol-
tery of The Man Upstairs. We challenge any-
oné to discover the guilty party in this mystery until the
last few moments of the enthralling picture which will be
shown at the Grand Theatre, Patton, next Saturday, Aug-
The first ten people answering
this advertisement will be admitted fre to test their detec-
tive powers. Bring this advertisement with you.
M. H. Gardner, Notary Public, at the (gp y
-aret McCormick was the
ls in Ebensburg recent
spent several days re-
b, who had spent quite
me for corsets, cors.
ointment. Mrs. Michael Hritz,
avenue, Patten, Pa. 3
W. Worrell, who had been [the
patient at the Windber hos
d as their guests recently Atterney {en
. T. P. Stritmatter, of Phila- ; \ ten
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ce-| g¢od wish for their r
properity in their new location.
. John Zulek of Houtzdale has Gerald Fisher v
keeper at the Stoltz Moor Company
days among Patton! succeeding Miss Sally
hrift of Wilmore.
FOR RENT—Ten room house with W/
h, hot water heat and garage, lo-
For particulars see Dr. V. A. Murray
A. Murrav is visiting am-
rtin of Fou-
has left for Detroit, Mich., where he | the ‘guests of Altoona friends on Thu.
with his mother, | pyest of friends at Clymer.
of Fourth avenue
. {rsday of last wek.
. J. Overberger were FOR SALE— House and lot on Pal
Altoona friends on Wed-| mer avenue. Also
ek Mrs. Minnie Douglass,
. i
in error last week | avenue.
iss Gladys Fuller |
of Grace Dinsmore. |
ose home is in St.
is the guest of Mis
this place
ttes, br
panty waists, ete.
ieres, AT:
ers, The Misses
"rances Doug
lay next for
here about a dau
much improved in | in t
| las family have
P. C. Strittmatter | Patton for ye
s here are
home, following a
relatives and friends in the state
of Ohio this week.
| Mrs. Danil Hritz spent several days
t s week and last as the guest of re-
a ; _llatives in New York City.
s,daughter of | Ben Christoff, who had spent some
{ time with his parents here, has gone
{to Detroit, Mich., where he has
| cured employment.
! Mrs. Matt Colar
Alex Ratowsky and son, Billy, were
Next Monday, the Fifteenth of Au-
| gust, is the Feas of the Assumption
|of the Blessed Virgin and is obser-
| ed by those of the Catholic faith as
mo. a Holyday of Obligation.
oT Ses Mrs. Minnine Douglas and daugh-
, will leave on Mon-
"ucson, Arizona, where
Douglas family
yital, re. | their future home.
‘hter of Mrs. Doug
1 the western city. The Doug-
as already re-
and their many
sorry to learn of their
departure, but extend to them every
NTED-—A man who thinks he
can sell Delco-Light Plants, Water
Beech avenue, Patton. | Systems and Frigidaire,
known Electric Refrigerator. A good
G. Corby, 604—4'%,{ opening for the right man. L. E.
3tpd. Kaylor, Frigidaire dealer, Bell phone
183-M, Ebensburg.
No matter where you roam—
whether on vacation or business
bent, subscribe to the Patton
Courier and knew all of the home
news as it happens—week after
week thronghout the year.
The Patton Courier has sub-
scribers in virtually every state
in the union—those who want to
know news from the home town
—and find it every week in
these columns.
One year—52 weeks—only $2.
and we will send it wherever
you say. Phone 98-L.
Some local folks have the idea
that it costs more to send the
Courier to relatives elsewhere
than our regular subscription
price of $2.00 per year. This is
all wrong. We send it anywhere
in the United States, or its pos-
sesions for the regular subscrip-
tion price.
It’s cheaper to <ubscribe to
the Courier for that son or dau-
ghter who is employed elsewhere
than it is for you to go to the
trouble of mailing your own copy
each week—and you eliminate
all the fus and bother.
sitors” on
Farabaugh home.
urse of instruction.
Melon avenue, is
“Dutch” Nooan,
rrolltown will
was the guest of
last week.
New Castle, Pa.,
lic eand Mrs. W.
were in this
dav of this week.
of Mr. and Mrs.
gical treatment.
The trip covered
tion from him. We are beginning to
think he is lost.
Mrs. Louis Halik and children have |
joned their husband and father, Louis
Halik, who has been
Brunswick, N. J
guson are spending their vacation S
| with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carl | cent business caller here. Emanuel, aged 46 and married, of | explosion had gained such headway
. | Borguson. Mrs. Mary Ran and daugh-
Bn Short, of Johnstown, called on
Patton friends recently.
Clare M. Betts, of Morristown, N.
J, was a recent visitor at the F. E.
Misses Mildred Moren
Lilly were Altoona visit
William D. Simpson is
Pennsylvania State College, where he
has completed a special summer co.
This property was purchased by Clem
The store buildng of Alex Ratow-
sky on Fifth avenue, recently rebrick-
ed, now presents a pleasing appear-
ance and will no doubt do justice to
the mercantile business
shy so genially conducts.
The grounds about the Patton Ser-
vice Station, of which Alex J. Lam-
ison is lesses, have been concreted, a
new oiling pit constructed, new gas
tanks installed, and
improvements noted
Brick work on the remodeling of
the new home of R. Peter Short on
pletion, and the new
be a credit to that
Joseph Trinkley sustained a broken
eg while at work in the Hoppel Lum.
ard last week
was the guest of relatives
several days recently.
fair as usual thi year, the date being
set for the latter part of September.
George Litzinger of Warren, Ohio,
James Campbell, Ar
ship youth, who recently underwent | Visiting
an operation for appendicitis / ]
Johnstown hospital, i rapidly improv- | €very little news item and your co-
I operation helps make the paper just
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coonor of a little bit better.
Sunday at the home of Chief of Po-
My. and Mrs. P. G. Gill and family
of Wilkinsburg, and Mrs. Schoff, o
Bradford, Pa., were guests on Tues-
day afternoon at the W. J. Gill home.
Wm. J. Cavanaugh and Leo Cava-
nough of Johnstown, were callers in
town on Tuesday afternon. The for-
mer is the present Democratic county
commissioner and a candidate for the
same office at the September primar-
ies. It was in the
candidacy that the
Mr. and Mrs, George E.
Chest Township, announce the birth
of a daughter at their home on Mon-
Misses Catherine Neidigh and Ren-
etta Lane, of Juniata, were the guests
>. M. Cronemiller last
Mrs. Sara Nehrig and daughter are
visiting relatives in Butler county.
Howard Riner was admitted to the
Clearfield hospital last week for sur-
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Cronemiller and
Mr. and~Mrs. Clarence Wialker were
week end visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Cronemiller.
Mrs C. P. Welty
members of the sewing
week. A dainty lunch was served at
a late hour. The following were pres-
et Mrs. Barth Young, Mrs. William
Martin, Miss Anna Moore, Mrs. Sal-
ly Woomer, Mrs. Forsberg, Mrs. C.
M. Cronemiller, Mrs.
son, Mrs. Fred Kuhnley.
Mrs. Minne Rumberger,
postoffice force, and
Martha, of this place,
Mrs. W. H. Allport, of Hastings, rs-
turned Saturday from a ten days’ va-
cation trip by automobile, to Virgina.
The trip was made in the Allport’s
car, and among the points of interest
visited were the famous
verns, the site of Camp Lee, Wash-
ington, Mt. Vernon, and many others.
Mr. and Mrs. John
family, of Magee avenue, spent the
last week end at Penn State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cairns left here
last Saturday for a trip through New
York State and Canada,
turning to their home in Detroit.
Mrs. Rachael Dinsmore
Howard, returned on Wednesday ev-
ening of last week
weeks’ Camping trip at Stone Lake
Mr. and Mrs. ack Cairns and Miss
Catherine Carins were Johnstown vi-
Thursday last.
Rene D. Beunier and Joe Novick,
left on Tuesday. afternoon for John-
sonburg, Pa., where they are the dele-
gates of the Patton Fire Company at
the Central District Convention.
the time of writing
not returned home, nor had anyone in
this section received any communica-
days in Johnstown with friends and
nell and family of Altoona, were week
end callers here.
ited her neice, Mrs. D. F. Horne, here
one day last week
Sunday in Patton with relatives.
business v . . 3 pew
Miss Catherine Riner of Patton was |—Plne seedlings.
a caller here on Saturday.
recent caller here.
s Charlotte and Evelyn Bor-|was a caller here on Monday.
X-ray pictures taken at Memorial | by field reached the house with neigh.
S. Sprout of Ashville was a re-| Hospital have revealed that Edward | bors, the fire that resulted from the
The annual St. Augustine Church |Revloe, suffered a fracture of the | that the residence was doomed.
ter, Helen and Walter Borguson and | picnic will be held here on Saturday, third lumber vertebra when he was | v—————
son, are also visiting at the Borguson | August 20th, All kinds of games and | squeezed against a mine prop by a|GALLITZIN YOUTH
home. amusements are on the card. A large | car which jumped the track Friday at | IS MISSSING
The Courier was in error in a state. | crowd is anticipated. Chicken dinner |the Monroe Company mine. He is ve-| Julius Mearnic of ‘Gallitizin, aged
ment a couple of weeks ago concern- | 2nd supper will be served. Dancing in [Ported to be paralyzed from the hip! 20, has been missing from his home
ing the name of the purchaser of the
Barton property on Beech avenue.
The Rev' D. W. Felker, of Dun-
cansville, will be the preacher at the
Methodist Episcopal church, this place
on Sunday next. This service will be
ing as has been the case since the
pastor, the Rev. T. P. Gorman, has |of Ebensburg, died at the Allegheny [shortly after 10:30 o’clock Saturday
gone abroad. The balance of the ser. |General hospital at 3 o'clock Tues- | night of severe burns over t} .
. the pastor's vacation will | day afternoon of diabetes.
vices during
be on Sunday mornings.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo V. Pfeister and |December and was the son of the |home of her parents. Mrs.
family, of Carrolltown, were among
friends in town on Monday after-|Who made his home for many years | charged from the hospital
in Blacklick township near Nanty-Glo |urday afternoon, after
The mining situation in the Central {He was born there and was gradu- [ical attention for severe
Pennylvania field remains at a stand-|ated from Indiana State Normal] hands and rieht
still. How long the strike will last |School and the Medico-Chirurgical col- | she made an attempt
lege, which is assiciated now with the | the flaming clothine of her
A number of local ladies atended Universary of Pennsylvania, Philadel Fire that followed the f:
a bridge tournament at Ebensburg on |phia. Mr. Davis taught school in Eb- totally destroved the
is a matter of conjecture.
Tuesday evening, the ladies of the |ensburg for three years before taking farmhouse with all contents,
burg, Carnegie, a native of Black-|daughter’ of Mr. and Mrs.
in the evening instead of the morn. |lick township and brother of Assistant |of Short White Town
District Attorney Clarence E. Davis County, died in the Ind
the evening, Music by Stoltz orches-|down and is in a serious condition | since Jaly 24 and efforts fo acertain
ra. Be Emanuel is the father of four | his whereabouts have been futile. Ac-
————————————————— children. - cording to companions of the young
DR. LAWRENCE J. DAVIS ——— eee | man, he boarded a freight train at
IS CALLED BY DEATH | FATALLY BURNED AS OIL EX-!the eastern approach to the Gallitzin
— PLODES IN LIGHTING RANGE tunnel and told them he was going
| for a short ride. His disappearence
ne. | Was not known to members of his
i. Indiang | Lomily until he failed to return home
Hans. Hospital| 30 the evening. :
. Fhe young man is a son of Mus.
entire] Julia Mearnie who with his brother
body sustained late Saturday more | John have been making diligent sear-
Dr. Davis was 41 years of age last ing in an explosion of kerosene at the | ch, but so far have found no clue,
x ae Blaine | though Pennsylvania railroad police
i. and other authorities have been noti-
| fied at many points along the main
"i line.
| Relative fear that” the train crew
losed the door of the box car which
1e is reported to have entered.
4 The Mearnic youth is said to have
ol on | been attired in blue trousers, did mot
yaoderd) wear a coat and his cap was of light
Dr. Lawrence J. Davis of Ebens- « Margaret Short, aged 17
ate John Davis, a prominent farmer Short, mother of the victim. w
was dl
| rye . g . rs
entail | ¢réam color. He is of slender build
Catholic Daughters of the Barnesboro, |UP the study of medicine and after ling a loss estimated at $10,000, with | 2Pout five feet, five inches in height
Ebensburg and Cresson Courts par- [completing his medical course in 1912 | partial insurance.
and weighs about 115.
. } oe ve 1 3 1 » . .
ticipating. The gathering next week [he began practice in Carnegie, where | The victim was fatally injured late
+14 g = % . as atally. injur lat TQ mp, scr OT
will be at Cresson and a week later | he had been located since that time. [Saturday morning when che no. ADMINSTRATOR’S NOTICE
Barnesboro will act as host.
Contined cool summer weather in|Ellen Somerville Davis and two sons, stove, prior to lic
Lawrence, Jr., aged 11, and Bond V.,| When the
maturity of corn to a great evtent,|azed ten. He also is survived by his | lighted match to the oil in
and the usual delicious. roastin’ ears mother Mary E. Davis, who is with [the gas from the kerosene
will be with us at a later date—at|her son, Everett C., at Nanty-Glo, and | causing the flames to :
these brothers: Merton A., Ports-|ignite her clothing
this section of the state has retarded
least we hope so.
A. P. Myers of Carrolltown, tran-
Cole and
cently at
A number of local ing folks are
time. The following
Mr. and Mrs. Larimer, Ruth Grant |<
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
A. C. Winslow ,of West Magee ave-
their guest on Sunday the Rev. Nor-|s
church last Sunday morning.
The Miss
rezza were guests at the Mangiacarne ||
home, in Altoona, recently.
Miss Theresa Douglass of Patton
is spending a few days here with rel-
James Hertzog of Dysart was a call-
er here on Saturday evening.
spent Saturday evening here with
Miss Louise Naylor of Dysart, was |F
a recent visitor here.
Mrs. J. C. McGough was a business
aller in Patton, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and
family of Scottdale, were Sunday vis-
itors in this place.
Miss Marie Cretih was a Sunday
caller in Chest Springs.
John Kessler of = Frugality, spent
Sunday here.
Mrs. B. J. Ryan has returned to
her home here after spending a few
Ronald Wyland was a recent call-
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Adams spent
ard MeNulty was a recent
tor in Patton.
Mrs. Eds
R. C. McCoy of Ebensburg was a
mm Noel of Fallen Timber was a |S
it visitor here.
[ was a recent business caller here.
Winfred Borguson has returned to |
Phildelphia after spending his vaca- | cent business callers in this place
tion with his parents
sacked business in Patton on Tuesday Disguised in legal verbiage were a Short, who v
great variety of human troubles Mon-
The annual reunion of the descend- day, both in the cases of defendants
ants of the late Henry and Elizabeth | Who wavied the finding of true bills
their friends was held re-|@ > ] : on
Svlvan Park in East Carr-|of guilty and in the trial of civil cases
oll township. More than 100 persons |at the beginning of the August term
attended. of court.
spending this week camping near|of a man and his 14-year-old bride
Lock Haven and advices form the |with whom he eloped, the larceny of
party are that they are having a good |¢
4 are in the outfit. [2 smokehouse, the beating up of a
eo Luther, Chick Welty, Agneslfather by his son when the father
lcho, Elvirna Kane, Punk Nolan,|interfered in a row between husband
Martha McCoy, Pete McCann, Grace |and wife, the theft of an automobile,
Dinsmore, Gladys Fuller, Aldien Rho-|suits for damages for injuries by au-
dy, Penny Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Ranck | tomobiles, tangled claims for rents Siebel detested Tete teetets ate tonte
and. Bill Luther. suit for damages by frozen and bur-
Derr G. Winslow, of the “Progress” |s : >
force, at Clearfield, spent Sunday at|by the tenant without notice to the
of Altoona. The Rev. Norris de-|old and that they were married in
livered the sermon at the local M. E,| Cumberland, but it also was shown he
abused her and she 1s now with her secret servie :
1 $ service melodrama with
s Lucy and osephine Ter- | mother. Lopez is 22 years old and has ama with a
He was sentenced to pay the costs and
err Ea - to serve from six months to five years
ed the South Pacific musical instru-
ment, so-called, and he is to do 30
days for it. Tony Dragovich, Andy
Kubanyi and Peter Kozlina are to
serve 30 days to four years for the ®
smokehouse robbery of bacon, spare- e a n
Miss Jane Wheatley of Pittsburg, | ribs, salami and regular sausage. They 1 S
were accused of having committed the
theft in March of this year, but the
mission in November, 1925. Matin
Cover was the prosecutor.
ed in a quarrel he was having with
his wife. He wags sentenced to serve
from 30 days to three years in jail.
mas admited they had stolen the au-
Spring alley, Franklin, for which they
: 3 3 2: ’ s.
are to serve nine months to five years py Aeseees soeisielaiorosivclaslasiasiaddacdaiondestodacts
in jail.
Somerset County,have uprooted 18,-
000 evergreen trees, plantd by the
beer, according to John W. Keller,
Mr. John McCormack of Johnstown | Harrisburg, chief of the extension bu-
: reau, Department of Forests bureau,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Noel were re-|Department of Forests and Waters.
In the Estate of Frank Pinali, late
f Kast Carroll Township, Cambria
Jounty, Pennsylvania, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters
stration ce. t. a. in the estate
f said decedet have been granted
to the undersigned. All persons in-
Dr. Davis is survivd by his widow, | quantity of kerosene
If you have a visitor or have been | mouth, Va., Montell, Pittsburg; Eve- around the stove, jdebted to said estate are requested
don’t fail to let us know |rett mentioned above Charence E.,| Her mother, in another part of the to make payment and those having or
about. We are only to glad to get|of Ebensburg. residence at the time, rushed. to {ho | demands against the same will make
kitehen and suceeded in extin. 2 hn | them known without delay to,
SOME STIFF SENTENCES ling the flames on the daughter’s | Raymond Buck, Adninistrator,
ARE GIVEN PLEADERS | clothing, hut not until Bath woneni os ; Patton, Pa
had been severly burned. W hen M Reuel Somerville,
| Attorney for Administrator,
a Patton, Pa.
as worki
ind stood before the court on pleas
There were stories of the troubles
1 ukulele valued at $7, the looting of
trates eleslesedetileetestes te tiotied eoTesfeudeeestes
Seite esteadndecdrolistectedratoctisoct
to ve eo ee ele eee oefeetesleeleet
n sub-leases and quit notices and a
sted water pipes in a house vacated
Antonio Lopez pleaded guilty to en-
x : : ; ® °®
nue. ticing and marrying a minor child
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Winslow had as {His case held over from last week, e 1 In
showed that the girl was 14 years
A mystery thriller of American border adventure. A
hero who is trapped
AY pond a hs with a 2ypsy in the smuggler’s den, Also
n jail. om
William Gibson admitted he snitch-
poreieeieeiatite ty Teele te ete ete ete teat ote eee Tne ee eo eo ua?
Seegselseieianiantactes] sesroisaienlaelenTeetesteoteatee teste teete ute ote ete ote 20 ote!
ets See ee
: I'he big murder mystery comedy! Shots in the dark!
Ghosts! Scotland Yard! International Spies! A girl's
: heart awakens to love and the plot is her’s to unravel.
John Gallo, Jr., said he assaulted Comedy and News,
iis father and broke a rib, punctur-
ng a lung, when the father interfer-
lea of guilty was for an act of com-
In addition to the above, Jack Perrin plays in a six
reel Wester feta EST room n :
‘harles Bradford and Eugene Tho- Fp ae) Si hy e, "WEST OF THE RAINBOW’S
an extra two-reel comedy. Admission at
omobile of Ralph Hochstein from matinee or night, 15¢ and 30c.
080 t oats Ror ie ee Be etoeToctsetecostorts che chuihe be btn
3 reesei rian es lelectedtesealeite ide tanto ste teatenta ates test,
Judge John E. Evans heard the case
vin Ashollle of Pierce Shomo againt Grover C. TWO SH QS FOR THE PRICE x Yi
or Ar Ae he Ellsworth MeCon- | Weil, Shomo winning a verdict on his WO SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE.
NE des Po iad suit for $800 for damages to an au-
tomobile alleged to have been caused
Mrs. V. W. Yahner of Loretto, vis-|by the careless driving of Weil on the
sy ne ' William Penn highway in Jackson
township Easter Sunday.
A colorful tale of love, plot and countr plot, set ag-
ainst the backeround of Sunny Spain. Also KENNETH
Mexican coal miners near Seanor. HARLAN in
He captured twenty-two Germans but he was no he-
Here’s a new source of home brew
tate and have carried them home for
The discovery was made by Mr. ro in his home town. The story of a mother’s boy who
} ~ springs, | Kellr while he was on an inspection ade himself : an’ . oy :
Leo McMullen, of Chest Springs, made himself a man’s man. Also a two reel ¢ ody EL
ee : tour recently through the southwest- . i two reel comedy. Ad
Ta ogee
ern part of the State that took him
mission, 10¢, 15¢ and 25¢.
fecueireleoleedselunfunfunfusfucdunfudefoes sdrefedeededondedoledesudedouleefride fiiiieelel iii to various plantations in the vicinity a RR RRA
4 < |of Seanor. He visited a planttation on ” reibss
s 4 | the property of a coal company, ex- TUESDAY AND WE
4 4 | pecting to find a fine young stand
- # lof two-foot pines. Instead he found RAMON NAVARRO AND ALICE TERRY IN
jt &|a barren hillside. ;
s pe Amazed, he called at the office of
4 [i | the coal company to find out what 9 9
. | had happened to the trees. An offi- n
3 %icial of the firm said he had seen the
’ I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS A CANDI- i [ Mexican miners, who form a large
3 # | percentage of the employees at the
'e 3 \ Trp TON N YT A mm | mine, carry huge armfulls of the yo- . . : ta
: DATE FOR COUNTY CONTROLLER SUBJECT TO ihe, Samy. ah Ani A that to : A dramatic thunderbolt launched against mankind's
. Dorr linn on sri to brow boar universal enemy, Scandal,. The story of a man, his beau-
HT DTT : 1 D AS TVD BAN w | workmen used them to brew beer. ] 4 emy, daai,. : i an, § ¢
. THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER 20TH, Those chaps will make beer out of tiful wife, his young friend! What a triangle! And what
. # | anything, and what's more, drink it,” an unlooked for climax! Ramon Navarre’s first appear-
1921, % [the official told Mr. Keller. The lat- ace since he nade “Ten-Th ar Aloo usm pen
X & | ter said he could take mo action in f : ae 3 yA
MITENCOR T TDD m , a x the destruction of the trees because
YOUR INFLUENCE AND SUPPORT WILL BE % | the ming has chanred hands since the
A + | trees were planted and the responsi-
APPRECIATED. # | bility for plantation lis only with the
4 | owner at the time of Dipnting
oo “ sa Of is laugh i ” p. . . . .
od Ral yn do 1s Jaugh 1; of," My . A three reel motion picture of Patton, Carrolltown,
Z|" The brew made trom the bine sears Sunset, Spangler, Barnesboro, and Hastings, made thir-
# lings is supposed to be similar to the teen years ago. See these towns and the people as they
8 + | spruce beer in this section a genera- were 13 years ago. Most of this picture was made in
* | tion ago. Two kinds “hard” and “soft” Patton
4 | were made—hard for he-mountaineers | . .
“|and soft for Forth of July celebra-
esdsedurtuntesfastestuntostantestontunttostesonter Sorfastosfoofortofitentocdestuategosdeofuudecosiesdesgestenguntestaniods | toms.
Condensed It
Various |
Fire recently
Joseph Coreo o
family was aro
and had a nar
out of the buil
Domineck Je
ael, suffered a
the left leg la
stone fell on hi
mine at that pl:
the Windber ho:
Farm accider
of one boy and
another when 1
fo ,of Hollida
Friday, f
red when
floor opening
Showalter, 5, o
in the same hos
leg suffered wh
knives of a mos
An attempt
sympathizers to
Boston was fru
other day, and f
ed, one of then
good” of Cresson
Valentine We:
died at his ho
last Friday nigl
T. J. Shirey
forester was in
ship last week ir
state tree sedli
vate owners. T
spected were the
F. Arble of Car
lyn Lodgee near
John Rublensk
ner, working in
hurst, Clearfield
to death on Th
week by four n
Almost 100 pe
boro Court of C
America attende
ries of bridee |
August. The fi
ensh on Tue
week at the K. «
neszhoro Court le
more than 17,00
clusion of the fi
will be held at (
A banquet will b
of the tournamer
Buildings that
000 when erected
at auction for
000. The huge
which was the
ventions went ur
Miss Nellie C:
Mr. and Mrs. Ti
Cro Roads, anc
Carrolltown, wer
Benedict's churel
Tuesday of last y
Edward H. Wi
1 Ol the S
was admitted Sa
orial hospital, Ji
ment for a fract
tained about fou
when he was st
bile, according to
Since the acciden
to use the leg, it
a patient for ove
Harrisburg hospi
26 years of age
min Williams. I
ported as favoral
A reunion of th
at Sunset Park r
ket picnic was h
composed of kin
towns from nortl
affair proved an
Mi Anna Kr
town and Willian
boro, were unite
week in St. Nich
at Nicktown.
The fourth loc
cumb to the dise
died at the Altoo
This is an almost
ord. John Dughi,
the last vietim. T
nail recently. Th
boy in the hosp
lockjav 1d his «
bers and
ensburg Salem
tended the sevent
the Salem Home
The reunion was 1
success despite tl
er and a splendic
ried out.
The first trop
scouts. is now ful
fourth patrol was
day night at the
when eight new
tenderfoat tests.
The regular me
last Friday night.
tice in drilling
code of signalling
explained in a ve
usefulness of the
Plang for a log
the Killbuck wo
and completed.
After this sho
was adjourned.