a n Borough Jrofefeuaieofeieniooie onto Toesia itton, Pennsylvania, ool District of Pat- *hool year ending $43,997.88 312.25 50.00 $43,360.13 $34,774.30 6,567.17 50.00 82.50 2,175.40 720.76 I $43,360.13 . $187.13 : 40.00 760,00 218,000.00 $218,947.13 — § 22,500.00 93,500.00 $116,000.00 102,947.13 $218,947.13 [CT. .$ 83.95 22,500.00 41,463.97 125.99 7,901.00 16,960.77 52:50 12.00 3.02 82.87 $89,186.07 125.00 673.36 100.00 1,005.00 82.50 30.00 35.00 153.26 $ 2,204.12 2,512.91 1,725.08 1,821.83 891.36 36,954.68 9.00 63.65 498.00 15.15 585.80 3,857.72 528.14 1,318.28 206.00 153.16 5,563.30 772.97 128.63 1,230.14 75.85 42.45 2,250.04 873.97 163.51 368.60 1,406.08 $48,964.02 175.00 738.09 500.00 33,413.09 000.00 661.83 6,661.83 enn 989,038.94 71-1928, $147.13 202% Modern Society Slow to Forgive Criminal Can a criminal come hack to so- ciety? No. In all my experience I have never known a case of a thoroughly successful cameback, when a former criminal was allowed to take his place in society and be received into it. It is not so much the failure of Christianity as the fact that human nature and so- ciety have not reached the stage of alightenment or willingness to accept the ex-criminal. Human nature and society, constituted as they are, are such as to prevent an absolute come back, and this is more in evidence be- cause of the fact that the modern teachers of Christianity have failed in their mission of forgiveness, and also because it is invariably found that those who profess deep faith and a Christ-like spirit are the first to shun and scorn the really conscien- tious unfortunates, or innocent victims of circumstances, who are genuinely desirous of completely blotting out their hideous past by sincere service in the cause of humanity at large. But everything is not lost. Many prison workers and deep students of criminology feel that a spirit of under- standing will sconer or later overcome these obstacles in the way of the ex- criminal. —Theodore Dreiser in the Smoker's Companion. Impaired Vision No Handicap to Genius Strangely enough one of the world’s great astronomers had such poor sight that he could not more than see the stars. He was John Kepler, a Ger- man, whose fame sprang from the dis- covery of these three astronomical laws: That all the planets travel around the sun in elliptical orbits, with the sun at .one of the foci. That the radius sector joining each planet with the sun traverses equal areas of the plane of orbit in equal periods of time. That the square of the time of revo- lution of each planet around the sun is proportional to the cube of the mean distance from that luminary, To overcome the handicap of im- paired vision, he obtained the services of Tycho Brahe, who was not a great reasoner, but an admirable observer. It was upon his perfect ohservations that Kepler, a master generalizer, reached his conclusions. His three laws are included in his book, “The New Astronomy,” published in 1609 at Prague. He died 19 years later.— Kansas City Times. Talleyrand and Barr After James Buchanan gave up his post as minister to Russia in 1833 he made a brief sojourn at Paris before returning to America. In the French capital he was introduced to the fa- mous Prince Talleyrand, then in his elghty-fourth year, The aged diplo- mat, after asking a number of ques- tions about America, inquired particu- larly about the family of Alexander Hamilton. He told Buchanan that when he was French minister for for- eign affairs Aaron Burr came to Paris and sent his card to him. He re- turned the card with a message that he had the portrait of Hamilton in his parlor. It will be recalled that when Talleyrand was an exile from France he came to America where he met Hamilton. At that time he came to the conclusion that Hamilton was the greatest of all the Americans he had the pleasure of meeting. Courtship of Spiders In the behaviors of courting spiders recognition and stimulation come into play in various degrees. The males, as in most animals great and small, despite Bernard Shaw, begin the cycle of events by an active search for the females. They recognize her finally by sight or smell or by a combination of these senses. The female recognizes them apparently by sight or by some tactile message, and when recog- nition has taken place, restrains her customary swift ferocity. According to the more recent authors, the anties and ornamentation are not an appeal to the esthetic sense of the females and do not, therefore, come into the theory of sexual selection. First Electric Lights Soon after the first electric light system was built in New York city in 1882, the idea of lighting by elec- tricity became so popular that the shares of the Thomas A. Edison company, whose par value was $100. were quoted at $3,600. However, the new enterprise required a great deal of money. The cost of sinking cables underground along the streets was one of the heavy expenses. In those days many people insisted upon pole lines even though they did destroy the beauty of a street. Mr, Edison’s pet remark to them was: “Why don’t you lift water and gas pipes up on stilts too?” Albino Types An albino is defined as a person having a congenital deficiency of pig- ments of the skin, hair and eyes. Al binos occur among all races of men; in extreme cases they have skin of a milky color, extremely light hair and eyes with a deep red pupil and pink or blue iris. The lack of dark pig ment in the eves admits light in exces. | sive amount, and through other parts beside the pupil, and their vision is consequently poor, especially in strong YOU ARE INVITED TO ALTOONA BOOSTER ASSOCIATION STORES DOLLAR DAY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17TH You will be offered BIG VALUES In Seasonable and Dependable Merchandise For the Home and Personal Wear Arrange to come to This Important Event, Wednesday, August 17th! 2, ge ; 2 strates Beale Zaokeatofefastodusdeststostoete facteteateotesteeteslactaotecteante ctuoduete RR Te eh Are CAAT TV ee * CACORE A CRCOR oherfesfoctes] 3 2 Te Reeeol. FeTeceeleeds Frigidaire ——"x Reliable Electric Refrigerator Made And Guaranteed ON After ten years of manufacturing experience Fri- + gidaire is free from the difficulties of experiment and the price being lower on account of enormous production— 3 50,000 Frigidaires a month. The wisest thing to do is to BUY FRIGIDAIRE NOW. Don’t experiment with untried models. I ojeeier Faefesfeseeleafeed CAI) jrogerfedenes ¥ eedeeleeleetesles! See 22 toute steele of joeTesioelaeteeieedont . s CIR) * 0) eee tates] s! : | 3 | il | ? ... Joe Se 202. Peele 03% feodeeeeles! res 2 Loe! + + Teeleles ROAR 2eteteatect. odeedest Sd eedeeduedeees or od Jocgecgestes eeleateelaeteeleoteetesteets STI ey Pe toile teetoete eee tetocteod a ale. oatesgeefectosieetectecioetoctee ee teeterTeeteetee ee oe est. Jeeteefesieelesieefeeecte 2 te eteoteeReeteotes? Toegedeeleafosdectotest CesleaTeslesToeTa Th Seolestes! Pelee bee Rb 2 Tees ee este Bo ot. oTaeeele IIIT oe] &! Joeges ros? Joel Joel e oeToeies; ee TeeTe or foeTeeTeeTeel + ERED oofeseeTeeles] 2, £3803 *. 20a? oofeeles; CAIN) Tesgesies] > Toa, ol Wn nou — ain o 2. 5 So + *. " JoeJesdeele S ° m z m 3 > i Jasfentes RX Teoeetats regsegeeiony ode F 2 £3 "ge 2. REFRIGERATION 5 oe %s ote o?. C23 hy ELECTRIC a! -, of oe Leelee 0) ole + a rT yg 2, + . E. Kaylor, Dealer EBENSBURG, PA. sales Loa 2 Feedes] Teeseeges; Lites joefeeds be Teeteates! CAINS Coates ood os] Bell Phone 183-M. 2 2, + our. Sleegeel re pool , oti Ne testectitods Beaded soot sdudecdectecteeodesteaiatestes tities bate be Tet ides footuetefontostaetestoofuctestosgeetonfuetestsotsotustoctantociesdestoofuntistuntocitide es feegeefiegiolos bs 3 * i Bese Pee a eteeTeeeete steed SE SS GO & | 2, 2 otoote i ferteotoete obese Tee tee esti eele oe taolesforteodeedocfeed] ITE SS shesfonfacteodunoafortucdaniordontocianioofuciorfundecieodudontesdunfudeddeodesdrfecdenlendufefaededs To ; % oe 3 * J ED ARD STE EN “ oe W V : oh ° op oe 2 ¥ 3% hl AY 4 3° i FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 3 . *, } “oe of - $ Phone Office and Residence CARROLLTOWN, PENNA, & 3 oe 3 : a s * » 2, BREEDS eee ee 2. o "jet Qoaerdeoededeionoitoatestectocteitecfartoodecgesfecgocienfesfaondofonfordunferdonferdoesdestesdaeonfuforondedonfededieinonfeds BERNARD LEECH Jernard Leech, nine-year-old son ents, four brothers and three sis- re Funeral services were conducted at of Mr. and Mrs. William Leech, of 0 o'clock: Saturday morning at St. light. There might be an albino type in any Kind of an animal, South Fork, died at hig home of | iO Z ciel a complication of ailments Thursday | James’ Church, with burial in the morning. He is survived by his par- church cemetery. THE PATTON COURIER The Book of Songs Perhaps you never realized that a Bank Book is a book of songs. eve St. Clair river the St. Clair flats and the Detroit river are sailed through during the daylight hours. The round trip including a three hour stopover at Mackinae Island on both the up- bound and downbound runs requires four day te complete and is one of the most popular of the short lake tours. Passenger wishing to extend the voyage can proceed from Detroit across Lake Erie to Buffalo, which is an overnight run, with the privi- lege of stopping over at Niagara Falls as long as the tourist desires. Steam- ers Greater Detroit and Greater Buf- falo on the Lake Erie run_are the largest sidewheel vessels afloat on the inland waters of the world. The broad decks of the lake cruisers are turned into playgrounds for the tourists and there are facilities for all sorts of games in which young and old may participate even to a putting green for the wolf enthusiast. Scattered about the main deck are little tables where bridge fans may indulge in their favorite diversion, and in the ballroom dancing in the afternoon and evening help to keep rybady in good humor. The hos 5, whose duty it is to see that te everybody has a good time, arranges entertainments in the ballroom in the evening and the program generally is made up of community singing with orchestra accompaniment, solo- ists and monologists. A surprising ‘amount of talent is found among the passengers and these impromptu en- tertainment are generally one of the most pleasuing features of the voy- age. sing Grasshoppers. . vies of grasshopper known te be capable of flying great distances fis at times found far from land, The bureau of entomology recently received one of these insects which had been captured at sea, 12,000 miles from the African coast. The specimen was caught on the deck of a Norwegian vessel, and was one of a great swarm of the insects encountered in that re gion. Te Put in Her Coffee. A physician in a Southern state re- ceived the following note: “My wife has lost her recompense for me. She are giving her distributions to another man. I want you to send me some thing to put in her coffee and make her malgnify herself to me again, If you nlease.” This is a clear case of putting ap a hard job to the doctor.~New Or leans States. Every depositor who has one of those high- ly prized books in his possession can tell you that just to leaf it thru and see colum after colamn of dollars saved makes the heart sing with joy. A dollar starts a saving account and gets you one of these books of happiness. Every dollar sav- ed and entered in it will add another note to your hymn of happiness. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA 3. E. Prindible, Pres. F. E. Farabaugh, V. Pres F. L. Brown, Cashier Reuel Somerville, V. Pres Total Resources ........ $2,000,000.00 Capital Paid Up .............. $100,000.00 Surplus Earned -. $100,000.00 A ROLL OF HONOR BANK JOHANNA SHEA Miss Johanna Shea, aged about 20 years, daughter of Daniel and Mar- garet Shea, of South Fork, died at the Altoona Hospital at 4 o’clock Sat- rs urday afternoon. She had been a pa- The tourists steamers sailing on [| tient there for the past month. Miss [the Great Lakes are roomy, safe and Shea graduated from South Fork |speedy. Steamers Eastern States and High School with the class of 1925. Western States now making three In addition to her parents she is [round trips a week bétween Detroit survived by these sisters: Esther,|and Chicago by the way of Mackinac Catherine, Magdalene, Norene and |Island and St. Ignace are running on Marjorie, all at home. the fastest schedule ever maintained 3 on the long run around the lower Funeral services were conducted at |’ gh H te owe s insulg Michiga re Lake St. James’ Catholic Church, South Denin ula of Michigan over ike || Fork at 9 o'clock Tuesday: Mor 2a Michigan, according to E. H. Mec- : To 51 | Cracken, G. P. A., Detroit & Cleve- when a mass of requiem was celebra- Cracken, G ) troit Cleve ted by the Rev. Father Howard. In- terment was in the church cemetery. SAFE TOURING STEAMERS SAILING GREAT LAKES land Navigation company. In spite of the high speed main- tained the schedule is so arranged that the most picturesque sections of the route like the Straits of Mackinac JAMES WESTRICK DR. P. J. KELLY . JAMES WESTRICK T. M. SHEEHAN L. J. NOON BARTH YOUNG G. E. PRINDIBLE LULU EEL EE TT TT TT TTT GEO. E. PRINDIBLE ................ PRESIDENT LESTER LARIMER, ...V. PRES AND CASHIER MYRON S. LARIMER .... —— THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK PATTON, PA. 4 PCT. PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 3 PCT. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS DIRECTORS DR. P. J. KELLY P. CO. STRITTMATTER B. J. OVERBERGER LESTER LARIMER B. BLANKFELD UIE RR VICE PRESIDENT . VICE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT CASHIER A a has never known such Value/ Five-passenger 2-door Five-passenger 4-door Sedan, Series 115 Sedan, Series 120 $1195 $1495 Four-passenger Sport Five-passenger Town Roadster, Series 115 Brougham, Series 120 $1195 $1575 bi aa $1195 $1495 Five-Passenger Sport Five-passenger Sport Touring, Series 115 Touring, & cries 128 $1225 $1525 Four-passenger Country Four-passenger Country Club Coupe, Series 115 Club Coupe, Series 128 $1275 $1765 A\ tage this charming ANAC] r Qititeq ‘ Five-passenger 4-door Five-passenger Coupe, : 2 espec ally sul ted to a Sedan, Series 115 Series 128 is designed only for a small {: $1295 $1850 of those rare exceptions in Five-passenger class, a home that has distinc Bro alasenger 18 188, a of € Ei it has distinct good architecture, and ex- Five-passenger Town Brougham, Series 115 ys sivas cellent interi 1 ‘elen erior arrange- Four-passenger Coupe, Seven-passenger Sedan, rE oon gt Series 128 ment, yet may be built at $1465 $1995 moderate cost. The walls are of common brick laid in running bond with a flush cut mortar joint, and the . window sills of brick on edge. The roof is slate : Durability is coupled with fire safety, and its up-keep Jor PATTON AUTO CO. All prices f. 0. b Flint, Michigan, Government tax to be added. cost will always be low. This cottage will fit es- pecially well into a wooded surroundings, but that this is not at all essential to its attractiveness is: shown by t to dress it and show it at its The Common Brick Manufacturer: PATTON, PA. on brick construction sent wpon request. DAPTED from the Knglish type of cot- terior arrangement it departs from the ordi- e Ee = 1d | An English Type Cottage of Exceptional Charm orld! = + Lv) THE CREE—DESIGN A631 little home is narrow lot and imily. It is one the very small attractiveness, entrance may é \ s his illustration. Shrubbery is necessary, however, properly best. In its in- nary with very pleasing effect. snug living porch entrance is into a hall from which the stairs lead to the upper floor and From the be had directly into the kitchen. Living and dining room are made virtually one by the wide doorway connecting them. Both are exception- ally well lighted. The en- closed service porch off the kitchen is another con- venience that will always be appreciated. On the upper floor are two sleeping rooms of good size, both supplied with am- ple closets and lighted by windows on two sides. The ceilings are full height all around. The bath is at the top of the stairway and at the other end of the hall is a small room which may either be used as a sewing room, a bed room or for a children’s play room. small home it is very complete and will be equally satisfying. For such a Association, Cleveland, Ohio, can furnish complete drawings for this design. Leaflet