THE PATTON COURIER — OF THE FORCE 2 F.C. Aictades os BILL SAM'S DICTIONARY —————————————— y © ertern Newser Uulon ; BE — : ez Hinuey: . ™ Need a Tonic wr Hea! I 2 = MADAM- A | [EEE A BUNDLE? “Trius i3 awful t the Best Z THAT'S AN ODD STRANGE BUNDLE THATS INDEED cry babys! Yez Ohio.—“I consider Dr. = =\_ Lookin’ BunDLE! WAS BEEN LEFT canit te ema len Medical Discovery” ON acn! | can ven o it tonic a person can Po : take. My blood was ere tellem atart very bad, it was thin and in an im- poverished state, and I was weak and nervous until I took the ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ \ and it just fixed me N\ right up, built up N my blood to a good healthy state, re- stored my nerves feel like a new man.” imon, 427 Lake St. nearest druggist for 's Discovery, in tablet , or send 10c for trial to Dr. Pierce's Clinic Y., and write for free , RO-BREDTABS 10R AND RE Jur breeders are bred for high egg production. Leghorns, 1 il fi 1 Rocks, R. I. Reds, Anconas, = | i i \ lit Ih Al (id By J. L. MARTIN . &% 9 The old fiddlers’ concert at Happy By Odierno Increasing the “Overhead Hollow Friday night was a sore dis- appointment to everybody present, as the music was ruined by a couple of Minorcas, Orpingtons, Wyan« | J | {' er Ly i 100% WELL GO BUY A a ‘ For $15.40] REALLY-DEARIE ITS Hit 11 | | city fellows who were allowed to use iv aranteed. Post- £ - lo J | i: | 1 hs MH CE : Tr Ly AND HAVE You TELL wHY DIDNT Of VERY CHIC ON YOU WHAT DO OH FELIX -Look. {| Go ANEAD | N their mandolin and ukulele in the con rite today for FREE Chick Book. NAT IM NOT DENYING ME HOW HOMELY et { You Take THAT I CaN DO BETTER I Th NOT KIBDIN' wou DEAR- || TOU THINK AT THAT LITTLE BY BSH oF ‘EM cert. The fiddlers got so nervous the Y, 215 Northampton, BUFFALD, N. Y. You NEED A MAT | ROSIRe VI A . —( LAST ONE- TT THAN THAT — ANYWAY v iD ou, FELIX? VELOUR IN THERE | AO, T I music sounded like it had palsy, and SUFFER PAIN? Take rr ED LOOKED ALL WE VE ONLY BEEN TO TS A SMART NUMBER - on ImGong To IF ¥ WANT = 11k ) two or three times Bill Dooley, the ade by a woman for . eX RIGHT — SEVEN STORES ~ \ IT SETS OFF YER FIGGER BE HERE WHEN YUN best fiddler in the neighborhood, took 5c, small; $1 regular size. > Greenleaf, Evanston, Ill. TAKE THIS OTHER Swell, 100 wn + ONE STRAIGHT GET THROLGH — 5A; the shimmies, dropped his bow, and > began to pick the strings of his fiddle with his fingers. MANDOLIN: A stammering banjo. Bill Sam's Dictionary, page 602. UKULELE: A foreign mandolin with a bad brogue. Bill Sam’s Diction- ary, page 791. FOLKS WE ALL KNOW n Strength Without Sleep... recharges and revitalizes Nodd’ produces refreshing o habit forming, Box 60c. 8 E. 100 St., Cleveland, O. D NUMBER REAL TREE orth the money. Can spare dogs at reasonable price. r wants. V. M. BECKET, .LECTRIC SIGN aised letters for your win- st $25. HY-LITE SIGN Building, Philadelphia, Pa. OLY SKIN ’ mproved and usually if properly treated with riant lizards captured f Komodo, near Java, New York have died. ed two months ago of e the other recently on. These dragon-like the largest known lizard family still in- ‘th. The animals are ‘or the American Mu- History. NN N Hurts | sh Kidneys| Bs a Wt SE NNN BD RN ANN WH AY i y gi. PT vo iv) : =" | Oh, look at the Self-Made Man, all A \ {Ae 18h fh Sem Mist Amir % | Swelled Up over the Classy Job he NX thinks he has Pulled Off. But those | Who Know him well say it is Right | Noble of him to assume All of the Re« sponsibility himself, instead of frying to Blame It onto his Wife. TURN ME OVER -2emd nok 28 ue MOY. | ~{27%q 0%) ‘Pav O4%0 140 PIU R $2421] ; q \ i H iP 4 9 £3 Foi TAN AN of Water and Take Its Before Break- iccasionally A RAN dneys hurt and your don’t get scared and your stomach with a t excite the kidneys entire urinary tract. eys clean like you s clean, by flushing ild, harmless salts remove the body's 1d stimulate them to lvity. f the kidneys is to In 24 hours they 0 grains of acid and 1 readily understand 2 Mi ince of keeping the | F(Copyright, WN, UY | | (Copyright, w.N. u.) pod water—you can’t also get from any four ounces of Jad Wipe | MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By, Charks Sughroe Extry! Extry! = tablespoonful in a - ' “ ‘ ofore breakfast each ’ “THE NEWS —THAT FLOATS AROUAID TOWA IS SO MUCH EXTRY! “MRS. IMA CUKOO 1S BACK FROM EXTRA! "A TRAMP SIGH PAINTER DECORATED TH EXTRY! “MRS. ANDY SCROOCH HAS ANEW . v days and your kid- Kdlish MORE INTERESTING THAN ‘THE DEHORNED STUFF MINNEAPOLIS WITH A TRUNK OF NEW CLOTHES, WINDOW OF -TH' ‘GREASY SPOON CAFE' TODAY = HAT AND SUIT= SEEMS SHE JEST CHOOSE 0 t ane. This smous Nooz" || ™AT WE Have “© PRINT = PERISHIN' CATR! BUT THE GENERAL CONSENSUS OF THE TOOK TH' VISITING ARTIST LOUGER TO WASH | | “TH PSYCHOLOGICAL TIME “T' ASK FER EM, i £ EN Rte avid of grapes —————— | | | wiSH WE COULD GUY LOOSE SOME TIME AND| | LADIES QUUTURE euB (8 THAT WH HER A CLEA SPOT OM THE WINDOW “THAN WHILE ANDY WAS CLEANING TH' QISTERM= / Zz Fk *ombined with lithia, VIORS SIAALLEST ASTONISH “THE NATIVES! FACE AND FIGGER, SHE MIGHT AS WELL To LETTER THE SIGN." 3 SHE REMOVED —TH' LADDER AMD ANDY go 7 d for years to help TABLOID WEAKLY z g . {2 ite clogged kidneys; e the acids in the f SAVE High MONEY," z= i, HELD OUT FOR THREE WOURS Soe g : EE =" Om; ; AND FORTY- FIVE MINUTES” on lct 2...) z- ER) A) Swimm ay, 0 le Tm e no longer a source 2 ~ { P i t' morrow! us often relieving 7 - f7e bucks till ad Ye AMZ from mes aa xpensive; cannot in- ZZ orgot my pocketbook! lightful effervescent vr e——— k which everyone WHILE BUYING A and then to help TICKET FOR iS THE CHEERFUL CHERUD s clean and active. WIFE 10 GO HOME . TO VISIT MOTHER, ceep up the water JIA HOOKEMKOW I i doubt you will won- ACCIDENTALLY oy Grze m ny camp i of your kidney trou- (Pom AGoe) Fi e and dream SO MRS. JIM | STILL 1 OUR. For VT, ot d MIDST. ch lete Honored 4 0, filled TS by 4 Boe ft i I se es. LY hleider, of Dresden, x LAE on RRR t gives ™e poe to win the German ty = ‘ded for excellence ency. The golden est athletic award von only by persons of age who have ; period of years a | training and suec- n in contests. Frau mber of Dresden’s club, Dresdensia. | | And it keeps the mosquitoes RY o IMUST RUN ALONG NOW AND TAKE CSCAR HOME . THEY MUST HAVE BEEN HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES JUDG ING FROM THE NOISE THEY VE BEEN MAHING GET THIS OUT OF MY WAY BEFORE BUST ITN _ Twol BUDD IE, TAKE LITTLE 1 05CAR AND SHOW HIM YOUR PRETTY TOYS. Now RUN AND PLAY LIKE GOOD LITTLE Boys. Fever on 2 Sweet and Low Grippe ; 7 “I asked the hotel keeper if it was a lively place and he said things were ~-Be Sure et L rie always humming.” “If he referred to the mosquitoes he was quite right.”—Boston Transcript. y—the best men know. nillions now employ it. ive. Bromide-Cuinine stop in 24 hours, La Firm on That Subject > system is cleaned and ares with Hill's, “It's always springtime when i 30: are in love,” chirped the young hus- § Price30- band to his bride. : By PERCY L. CROSBY “Just the same, John, I must have UININE JUeprrians, by tho MeClurg Newspaper Oyad.cate 8 fall outfit, with portrait . - AA