(Government in Running 4 Was Ost ISK: Total of $10.457.0654 Spent Last Year. Indian Princess Wears Court Costume of Yakimas w § Pt RE for 1 pip iI nt Jen Lire Fhe second largest expendity in Alnsks was made hy the Department of War the amount expended during thw last fiecul year being F2070.0N7 The ppt boar af the calile snd tele Practical Safety wines for Home tinprovement of its rivers and > herdurs atid other pavigable streams Carelessness Cause of Many pve traction o Home Accidents. peers B AUEL., President Nationa Safety Council, « nyed maritime laws Gast and geodetis survey Epent for Agriculture of Agri¢ n Alsskn, i115 net thie sYifwrrvigicer tat fur bos htires ree turai tion Yury Hien » Fire Great Mazard iH Fadward M and statesinan, with Mrs. House and Mme. Paderewski, on House nnd lgnace Paderewski bestowing on Colonel House of an honorary degree from the Posen universily | gers fo recognition of bis efforts to help Polish students Lasares « ol THE PATTON COURIER ~~ BUS LINES MUST STICK TC ROUTE Ciba UBC IX KX ERKARKRR AKA 8 IIH x JAX CT he Ki —- .d 3 4 . a ‘i hen x} YT) —¥ Ld a le er imme E Tv a EA AN A Ed mrromerr—— HRS, FULLER EET MADE STRONG KX KKK KK CR) Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound Helped where Other Medicines Failed # a ’ Old Theory Shattered aques; JAYS les Big Legal Fees oO Tor 2 with, a swailow mstant relief 2578 60’ at all druggrsts I), DOYOURFEET HURT? \ Eos EA i rn¥ ow whe Tow » pd rm § ruled tt ne Bund boy Pr arwiee a a § a. LN sewn =O mosey or hme wit iN, odvenr aval owt at F har 3 nwt aes ow Sadie VE sew Bd * [wa ow row shag DC LOCKE, Chvbcwgn 3a * HAIR BALSAM o Hmmeowar Dmmdee® Shope Face Fring Wentmren Cabor and Bemety vo Corey and Vnded nis Wee wane JW wl Uhegpatane | ees ane Was URh LaX x | HINDERCORNS roves ue cm SER a whoa mil sen he wk [weugg Black Water Baths ww EARS wu tag mE hae Sew Sew * * ® Fres: Asthaon we Per Huamdessd Addressing “ ENN ERY S166 aed DRAW OFT gh Persian Carpets PENG THENING HATH . “THEE? « AR AFI KET SFR FE FERN PHN WANTED ® ¢ X Out of It CME Real NT Donnelly’ sOr ental Pile Reraedy i shas . a Ee i 7 pt a? a. oF To averd imitations, always look for the signature of Coa dr Lickel Absciutely Harmless -N Bi oa -— ¥ anh Physicians everywhere recommend it, RE RT